• HongKong Air Mail Post tracking. Tracks and delivery times from China and Hong Kong

    In this article we will discuss the method of delivering goods from Aliexpress - Hongkong Post Air Mail.

    After registration, you can select a suitable product and, if you are offered a delivery method Hongkong Post Air Mail, then you can safely agree, since keeping track of the parcel will not be difficult at all and this method delivery has certain advantages.

    What are the advantages of Hongkong Post Air Mail?

    Hongkong Post Air Mail

    Speaking about the advantages of this delivery method, it is better to compare it with its main competitor China Post. Mainly when shopping on Aliexpress Both methods are used, but Hongkong Post Air Mail is positioned mainly as paid delivery, which indicates more quality service. But there are also plenty of sellers who offer a free option, so you can find one if you want.

    The main advantage Hongkong Post Air Mail is the speed of operation. This is due to the fact that Hong Kong Post has its own sorting workshops and efficient delivery.

    Many sellers like it Hongkong Post, because this service’s branches are less busy, and this is especially true during the holidays. At this time, workshops in all countries are busy, especially Chinese units, since most of the parcels come from there.

    How to track Hongkong Post Air Mail?

    From the name of the service it becomes clear that this shipment is Western, and accordingly, it has a tracking number. Parcels are delivered by plane. In this case, small packages weighing no more than two kilograms are accepted for shipment. In addition to weight, there are restrictions on dimensions.

    After making a purchase on Aliexpress You will be provided with a tracking number and you will be able to monitor the movement of the goods.

    For customized ones postal items Hongkong Post Air Mail There are tracking numbers next type: RX287156947HK.

    To track your parcel you can go to the website Hongkong Post and on home page enter track for tracking. Next you need to enter the code from the picture and select the tracking button. However, it is worth saying here that this is only possible until the moment you leave the country, that is, when the product appears in your country and how it moves around it, you will not be able to see.

    To monitor the movement of goods around the country, use the official website postal service your country - Ukrposhta , Post office , Kazpost and so on.

    Tracking on the Russian Post website

    In addition, tracking is also possible through your personal account on Aliexpress. To do this you need to go to "My orders" and click next to the desired item. On new page You will be shown information about the movement of the parcel.

    How long does Hongkong Post Air Mail take?

    Usually simple goods reach the recipient from 30 to 60 days. This time may extend. It often happens that people receive goods after 90 days.

    If the shipment is western, then delivery will take 20-45 days. In this case, there is no reason to worry, since the parcel is registered and you can always find out where it is.

    Hongkong Post Air Mail - delivery reviews

    In general, it’s hard to say anything bad about the postal service, since orders arrive mostly on time and are not lost. Although sometimes, when the post office is heavily loaded, an unpleasant situation may arise and the parcel will be delayed, but this happens mainly during the holidays and in the end, buyers receive the desired goods.

    You can find out about other delivery methods by clicking on the corresponding name.

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    Hongkong Post or in other words the national post of Hong Kong as an organization was founded in 1841 and until 1860 was under the jurisdiction of the Royal Mail of Great Britain ( Royal Mail). Over the years, the history of the postal service underwent another important restructuring and, after the annexation of Hong Kong to the PRC, it became the largest postal service in its own right.

    IN present moment Hongkong Post is managed by, but is an independent organization with its own sorting facilities and well-established logistics.

    If you need to track Hongkong SpeedPost shipment, please note that it will not be possible to track it through the same form, it is available for tracking, and the track code looks like EE274154983HK.

    In fact, Hongkong Post Air Mail tracking is not as informative as, for example, most often, after sending the order, you will only see one status:

    • HK, Handed over to carrier / Left for destination

    Even without strong knowledge of English, you can understand that this status talks about exporting a parcel from Hong Kong. As a rule, your parcel will receive this status within 1-2 weeks from the moment the goods are actually sent, so be sure not to lose sight of this moment, and in case of delays or lack of information about the movement, .

    After export, the status of the track code will temporarily stop updating, this happens with all parcels from China without exception, in the case of Hongkong Post Air Mail new statuses may not be available for 30 days, after which information about importation into the destination country will appear.

    Unlike many other methods of delivering parcels from China, Hongkong Post Air Mail tracking after export does not end, as happens with the same, but goes right up to the moment of delivery.

    The most ordinary parcels, as a rule, are delivered within 30-60 days, the time can be longer, it is not uncommon for people to receive their parcels after 90 days. From our experience of orders for Aliexpress, we can say this: if the package has not arrived within 60 days from the date of actual dispatch, then the chances of receiving it later are almost zero, so keep an eye on it, and 2-3 days before its completion.

    Registered items are usually delivered in 20-45 days. IN in this case There is no need to worry, since the parcel is registered, and you can always find out about its current location, since you can check Hongkong Post Air Mail tracking at any time.

    Once your package has departed Hong Kong and arrived at your local sorting point country of destination, you should track it on the website of the postal service of your country; for Russia, this should be done on the official website of the Russian Post.

    There is no need to panic as many do when they see that their track code is not updated for 1-2 weeks, as noted earlier - it is in export and all this time the status of the track code will not be updated until the parcel is not imported into the destination country.

    If we talk about real delivery times, and not the formal ones that we are promised, then usually delivery of a parcel via Hongkong Post Air Mail takes approximately 30 days. As a rule, expensive parcels arrive faster, and this applies not only to the Hong Kong postal service, but also to other carriers.

    In general, reviews of Hongkong Post Air Mail are positive, because it is not for nothing that it has been used for so many years to send goods from AliExpress, while many other once popular methods have fallen out of sight.

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    The Hong Kong Post Department is not an independent organization, but a structural division of the Chinese postal operator China Post. This hierarchy was formed in 1997, when the former British colony of Hong Kong became part of the People's Republic of China, while maintaining autonomy in legislation and monetary matters, as well as its own representation in international organizations.

    Rules dictated by Hongkong Post

    Since China Post is part of the Universal Postal Union, its Hongkong Post department, in turn, is subject to the uniform requirements of the UPU. There is a list of restrictive and prohibitive rules that must be followed when using the services of Hongkong Post. In particular, international mail accepted for dispatch by Hongkong Post has restrictions on weight and dimensions, as well as content.

    Weight restrictions. The weight of a small package should not exceed 2 kg, the weight of a parcel should not exceed 10 kg.

    Dimensions restrictions. For small packages: the minimum size of the item is 90x140 mm, maximum size– no more than 900 mm in the sum of length, width and height, no more than 600 mm in each dimension. For parcels: no more than 1500 mm in length, no more than 3000 mm in the sum of length and girth.

    Content restrictions. A list of limited or completely prohibited items for shipment is published on the official website of Hongkong Post. You should familiarize yourself with it immediately before sending the shipment, because the list may change.

    Shipment tracking

    Hongkong Post is an independent division of China Post. This carrier is very popular among sellers on AliExpress because it works much faster than the main Chinese carrier China Post. Sometimes it acts as the main free option delivery, and in some cases it is offered as an alternative method for an additional fee.

    Depending on the type of cargo, all shipments are divided into 3 categories, each of which is sent by a separate division of Hongkong Post:

    • Hongkong Post Air Mail accepts small packages weighing up to 2 kg.
    • Hongkong Post Air Parcel is responsible for parcels weighing up to 10 kg.
    • If you need to send a parcel with a larger weight (up to 31 kg), then you should choose the Hongkong SpeedPost method.

    In addition to weight criteria, there are also size restrictions for international postal items (IPO). So, for a small package it is necessary that its two dimensions (two sides) exceed 9 and 14 cm, but none of the sides should exceed 60 cm. In this case, the total value of all three dimensions (H+W+D) should not be more than 90 cm.

    For parcels, a limit of 1.5 m is established for any of the dimensions, as well as the total value of all dimensions is 3 m.

    When registering an IPO with Hongkong Post Air Mail or Parcel, the sender can, at his discretion, register it (in this case, tracking of the parcel along the entire route will be available) or refuse registration in order to save on delivery.

    In the Hongkong Post service, all registered MPOs receive a special 13-digit track number, by inserting which into a special field on the website or (if the recipient is from the Russian Federation), as well as in the tracking form on, you can obtain information about the current status of the expected parcel.

    The track numbers of registered items issued by Hong Kong Post have the following structure:

    • R*987654321HK - tracking number template for a small package weighing up to 2 kg.
    • C*987654321HK - tracking number template for parcels weighing from 2 to 10 kg.
    • E*987654321HK - tracking number template EMS parcels Hongkong SpeedPost departures.

    The "*" symbol replaces English letter(A-Z), which is part of the unique IPO number, is a letter of the Latin alphabet that ensures the uniqueness of the number, taking into account the next 9 digits. A pair of final letters "HK" - international code country, in our case Hong Kong.

    Parcel tracking statuses

    All MPOs made through Hongkong Post receive the following statuses during the delivery process:

    • The item (С*xxxxxxxxxHK) was posted on 05-02-2016 and beign processed for delivery to the addressee [The parcel with the specified number arrived at post office 02/05/2016 and is being prepared for further delivery to the addressee].
    • Destination - “recipient country”. The item (С*xxxxxxxxxHK) left Hongkong for its destination on 09-02-2016 [Destination - “recipient country”. The parcel left Hong Kong for its destination on 02/09/2016].

    Subsequent statuses are not displayed on the Hongkong Post website, but you can find them on the website of the “recipient country” or by using the form.

    AliExpress states that orders sent by Hongkong Post Air Mail or Parcel services take from 15 to 50 days to arrive. During major holidays and other significant events, during which transport companies are overloaded, delivery times may increase.

    Features of SpeedPost shipments

    SpeedPost was established in 1973 and is part of the parent company Hongkong Post. His responsibilities include international courier delivery. SpeedPost has almost 2,000 points in Eurasia and more than two hundred delivery points located throughout the rest of the world. The company's services are used by many small and medium-sized businesses and individuals. Trust is earned through years of reliable work and high quality services provided.

    Particularly popular with this company is express delivery to large countries and cities, which is carried out by a team of professional couriers. The SpeedPost network is constantly growing, covering an ever larger territory. To make work more efficient, the company cooperates with official postal companies nine countries: Correos Post, La Poste, United States Postal Service, Australia Post, British Royal Mail, Korea Post, Singapore Post, China Post and Japan Post.

    Hong Kong Post's Speed ​​Post division is part of international network EMS, which deals with express shipments.

    SpeedPost services for orders from AliExpress are offered by sellers exclusively as a paid basic or alternative way delivery. This is due to the very high cost of such shipments. In order not to be unfounded, we will give several examples of the cost of shipments to the Russian Federation:

    • A shipment weighing 1 kg will cost the customer $287
    • A parcel weighing 10 kg will cost $1,200 for a multipack and $1,430 for standard packaging.
    • A parcel with a maximum weight of 30 kg will cost $3216/$3630 per multipack/standard.

    As you can see, this delivery is not affordable for everyone. But the company can justify such a high cost with very fast delivery. Such items are guaranteed to be delivered within 1 to 5 days. At the same time, all parcels receive an international track number, which, of course, is tracked without any problems.