• Affiliate program without platforms is legal. Affiliate programs lawyer. Webmasters of all countries, unite

    On Monday, Lydia stopped accepting legal applications. In this post we will discuss what is happening and how to live further.

    A short summary of the post for anyone who doesn't want to get into it. Lydia has died, this affiliate program no longer accepts legal applications. Now we ourselves use the new affiliate program and recommend it to you.

    For everyone else - a detailed account of events.

    Chronology of events

    It all started a month ago - in June, webmasters receiving payments to their current accounts began to delay payments and were offered to enter into an agreement for a legal entity. Like, there’s no money on the old one, but we’ll pay for the new one.

    Many are still waiting for payment; some are stuck with significant sums (more than 500 thousand rubles).

    We asked support several questions (they were asked by different people, we followed the entire movement online), and received answers:

    • there will be payments, there must be;
    • the traffic really needs to be redirected; temporarily Lydia will not be able to buy out legal leads.

    It became unbearably interesting - what is really going on there?

    This is what my colleagues got to the bottom of.

    I will not show some proofs, please understand. In general, the story turns out to be very similar to the truth, but, as you yourself understand, I didn’t hold a candle =)

    There is someone Stanislav Gerasimov, it was with his email that the WebMoney newsletter was sent.

    This Stanislav was in charge of relationships with lawyers in Lydia - all the sales of leads were on him. And, apparently, he is the owner of the LexProfit affiliate program.

    We asked LexProfit if this was true, this is what they answered (it wasn’t me who asked, there is no screenshot):


    Stanislav Gerasimov is directly related to LexProfit.

    Best regards, LexProfit team

    It seems that this has become a stumbling block. Stanislav was charged for his second partnership; he decided not to continue relations with his old partners.

    In Lydia they did not expect such a turn and sent out a newsletter about the suspension of receiving legal traffic. How they will get out of the situation (and whether they will get out) is still unclear.

    At this moment we began to fuss and look for new partners.

    On Wednesday, LexProfit began opening at Lydia's domain address! Direct indication of affiliation. Well, then the newsletter arrived:

    Okay, let Lydia, LexProfit and partners deal with the delayed payments further - we need to decide where to transfer the traffic.

    How to live further?

    I will tell you in detail about the process of selecting new partners so that you 100% understand our motivation.

    First, we figured out what we want from an affiliate program that buys our leads?

    • Honesty. No comments here; any stain on one’s reputation is a significant minus.
    • Transparency. We need to understand what happens to our leads, how the buyout price is formed, and so on. If we 100% understand the mechanism of formation and conversion, we will be able to influence this process: give partners more good, expensive leads and earn more.
    • Market price for good bids. If we provide good traffic, pay normally. If it’s bad, show us how it’s found out and evaluated, we’ll fix it!
    • Willingness to cooperate. It is important that the partner is ready to move towards the webmaster, to help the webmaster solve problems - and not treat us as a cash cow that gives leads. In Lydia, for example, they never gave me the statistics that I had been asking for since 2016. Even more than that, statistics for past periods have been turned off, now you can’t find out how much you earned some time ago.

    I think you can come up with many more wishes, but these four points are the main ones.

    Then we remembered what alternatives there are on the market? The list turned out to be short:

    • Litero.
    • LexProfit.
    • Lawyer.
    • SovInformBuro.

    Litero we tested two years ago (). At that moment I was promised full chocolate, but in the end it turned out completely different.

    Why the lion's share of calls were lost (they were not even displayed in the report) was never found out, I don’t want to return to this. Losses during that two-week test amounted to about 50 thousand rubles.

    And judging by the latest tests of colleagues, the price for some leads there is not at all serious: there are purchased applications for 5 rubles. It doesn't suit us, so we move on.

    LexProfit. Everything would be fine, but this is the brainchild of the same Stanislav - for now let’s be careful. We will test if there are failures with other partners.

    Lawyer. If you look from the outside, this is an uber-partnership with robot lawyers, multimillion-dollar investments and everything else. But my colleagues dissuaded me from the test: very cheap leads, everything works through one place, many things are done by hand - from the webmaster’s side, this does not at all look like a super-tech startup.

    In terms of money, they easily give +30% to the cost of leads (which in itself is very alarming - the rest are underpaid by this 30%?). With this additive, the exhaust is comparable to Lydia, without the additive - the bottom. The icing on the cake is that 30% is credited once a week, manually, after a request to technical support. Thank you, let's move on.

    Remains unknown to me until Monday SovInformBuro .

    At the same time, I studied a test from Toxic (this is one that boosted a marathon website to 270k in revenue in 9 months):

    I wrote to Toksik and several other colleagues, the data was confirmed - the amounts are either comparable to Lydia or higher. Toxic continues to pour on NIB even now.

    Great, moving on - how are things going with transparency and everything else? And is it possible to build with NIB? really long term relationship? I couldn’t find anything dubious about the affiliate program and decided to find out more on my own. On the advice of my colleagues, I simply wrote to them directly - and was very surprised when their owner and manager responded to me about half an hour later.

    The impression from the acquaintance was very positive, a dialogue developed (and after a couple of hours, the owner of the NIB set up a Telegram specifically for dialogue with me - a very good sign).

    Advantages of NIB:

    • fixed expensive price per lead in each region: in Moscow applications are redeemed for 230 rubles, in St. Petersburg for 170;
    • complete 100% transparency: all leads are visible with transcripts and comments from moderators;
    • there is a clear indicator of traffic quality— the number of people who actually reached a lawyer. If your lead leads to a visit to the office, they will pay an additional 20% to the amount accrued for the lead;
    • They immediately give you direct phone numbers(I’ll make a reservation right away that there is currently a slight shortage of numbering capacity - most likely you will need to wait a little).

    Disadvantages of NIB:

    • few regions; Update: a week after the publication of the post, on July 19, NIB already purchased 10 regions and they promise to add two more in the coming days. The guys move really quickly, no questions asked!
    • not the highest conversion of an online consultant For us, this is not a minus - we hardly use the hyper-intrusive online consultant from Lydia, our main conversions are calls). I think for everyone else the problem will also be solved;
    • crooked interfaces;
    • if the traffic is bad - none of the accepted leads ever reach the lawyers' office - you will be disconnected from the affiliate program. In my opinion, this is more than fair - why pay for bad traffic?

    During the dialogue, it turned out that the NIB does not have refrigeration programs. Bingo, I decided! I’ll ask you to make a referral program for us - if they don’t send it right away, there’s a chance that the affiliate program is really ready to move towards webmasters.

    And you won't believe it The guys made the beta version of the refrigeration program in two and a half days - and that’s why this post appeared.

    In other words, NIB now has a few more damn important advantages in my eyes:

    • Adequate owner, ready for dialogue. In this case, we can serve as a kind of filter - aggregate and convey to the owner the opinions and problems of webmasters, help set priorities in development.
    • A clear position - “said and done”. He promised an affiliate program by Thursday morning - receive it and sign for it.

    According to the owner, additional regions will be connected if there is enough traffic. They plan to work in this direction, but this is not the most important priority. I understand Owner SIB well. The regional market is generally quite unique; it’s quite difficult to sell any leads there - they don’t yet know how to work in the regions and don’t want to.

    It’s okay, we’ll divide the traffic by geo (RealBig, available to everyone, can do this easily and simply) - and we’ll hang all unsuitable regions with contextual advertising, and we’ll convert only those who are bought into leads. One less minus.

    On Tuesday we ran a test on a couple of sites, and at the moment the output is comparable to Lydia. We begin to drag 100% of our traffic into the NIB.

    We have made our choice, now it's up to you.

    Update June 13

    The owner of the NIB shared his immediate plans. They look like this:

    • Widget analysis to increase conversion. They will think that they could quickly tweak it to improve conversion.
    • Expanding the customer base in the regions.
    • Display the widget only in redeemable regions.
    • Improving statistics on telephone numbers.

    Dear webmasters, if you have ideas, questions or requests for improvements, please write them right here in the comments. The owner is aware of this post and promises to monitor and respond to comments.

    I am publishing a continuation of the topic on, because. I managed to work with another interesting system - Pravoved.ru. I noticed it quite a long time ago, but still couldn’t find the time to test it in practice. Here, first of all, I liked the main website of the service, where users are attracted for consultations. It looks professional and quite large-scale. Among other things, it was interesting to compare the project with the one I talked about earlier.

    I picked out a couple of main points for the article:

    Pravoved.ru - legal services service

    It is a platform where any user can receive competent assistance from specialists registered there. For a person, the main advantages of cooperation are, of course, convenience and efficiency, because all actions take place online. In addition, the cost of the work is quite reasonable, there is even the opportunity to ask a free question.

    The principle of this online legal services service is extremely simple - you go to Pravoved.ru and choose one of the options for receiving advice:

    • Filling out the text form.
    • Order a call back.
    • Drawing up a document (claim, agreement, claim, complaint, etc.).
    • Search the database of lawyers (almost 18,000 people from more than 500 cities!).
    • Search for free answers.

    In this case, you need to write the essence of the problem and provide contact information. Let's say you want to ask a text question, in this case go to the corresponding menu item:

    In addition to describing the situation, you can also select the category of law for which you need a specialist. The site presents all areas: civil, corporate, family law, real estate and inheritance disputes, insurance, etc. By the way, Leadia simply does not accept some of them.

    At the very bottom of the page, several consultation cost options will be indicated. The standard tariff will allow you to immediately publish a question and receive a basic answer (there are no such guarantees in the free tariff). Although the VIP option looks the most attractive, where the problem is analyzed in as much detail as possible, several people answer, plus additional clarifications are allowed. The legal services service Pravoved.ru is completely confident in its experts and promises money back within 30 days. According to statistics, 95% of users were satisfied with the answer they received, which is pretty cool.

    If you want to find a lawyer yourself, you can search for them in the database. In this case, it is allowed to indicate specialization and city. Study descriptions, reviews, length of service and other characteristics of employees, or leave a request for a free selection.

    The profile provides all the information about a person’s professional activity: education, work experience, rating, reviews and latest answers. This should be enough to make a decision.

    Total. Main advantages of Pravoved.ru:

    • The largest portal in the niche, uniting 18 thousand specialists. More than 95% of positive reviews, about 1,500 requests daily, average response speed is up to 15 minutes.
    • For users, such an online legal services service is convenient, fast and inexpensive. There is a mobile application.
    • There are several types of work - text request, call, document preparation. If you want, choose a personal performer from the database, guided by ratings and reviews.
    • Possibility of free and paid questions: moneyback is available for the latter, an archive of free ones is stored on the site.
    • This affiliate program for lawyers is a good option to earn extra money while doing what you love.
    • It gives webmasters a chance to make money by attracting clients.

    In short, it’s not for nothing that the project received a quality award in 2016. Everything is very beautiful and professionally done.

    Features of the legal affiliate program

    Change background:

    PRVD_chatWindow ( left: 20px !important; )

    Remove form from mobile devices:

    @media screen and (max-width: 480px) (.PRVD_chatWindow (display: none;))

    @media screen and (max-width: 480px) ( .PRVD_chatWindow ( display: none; ) )

    3. Statistics are tracked in the Summary section. Let's choose text requests, for example. Here, in addition to data on the number of received, approved and paid leads, the requests themselves will be indicated.

    This will allow you to understand why conversion does not occur: users leave incorrect data, ask off-topic questions, etc. In any case, you can make sure that the affiliate program for lawyers Pravoved.ru is not deceiving you.

    4. If your application is successful, you will receive an appropriate reward - about 15% (see screenshot of the calculator above). According to the developers of the system, the income is on average 10% higher than that of Leadia: Moscow - 220 rubles, St. Petersburg - 165 rubles, regions - from 66 rubles, reference information - 27 rubles. Withdrawal is available from 1.5k rubles.


    In principle, both projects (Pravoved and Lydia) have their own features, which work better in some places and worse in others. Initially, it seemed to me that this affiliate program with a legal website looked much more impressive and would produce significantly more profit. After the start, expectations decreased a little, but overall, the result was completely satisfactory.

    If we take the advantages of the Lawyer, then: 1) the rates for applications are higher; 2) the geography is much wider - 500 cities of the Russian Federation; 3) several different types of services. I like the ability to process documents, which will be an excellent option for monetizing certain types of online directories. In Lydia, some topics are pessimistic, although theoretically there is traffic from other CIS regions (temporarily closed).

    Among the weaknesses, I would name the form widget and restrictions on the traffic it can attract - without a website you won’t be able to make money. While the second system has sources for landing pages, a more functional consultant, traffic from the context, doorways, social networks and even PopUp, a generous referral.

    In general, as I said above, the legal affiliate program Pravoved.ru did not disappoint me at all, it is an excellent tool! I advise you to try both solutions and determine the optimal one specifically for your situation/traffic. I look forward to additions on the topic in the comments.

    Is it possible to “marry” Soviet symbols and the landing page of a legal affiliate - look in this analysis.

    Initial information from the subscriber

    The opinion of knowledgeable people is interesting) We have only one offer - lawyers and we do not yet work with arbitrators and referral links. We need the owners of websites and forums on yurt topics. We plan to search for them through Adwords and Direct by targeting the names of existing similar affiliate programs specifically in yurt topics.

    Plus targeted requests from the “legal affiliate” and “CPA for lawyers” series. Accordingly, all this is divided into Search/YAN, Search/KMS campaigns.

    I don’t see any point in using broad queries from the “Beneficial Affiliate Program” and “New Affiliate Program” series. The audience you need to attract is too specific.

    We welcome any constructive criticism)

    Yagla audit

    Let's start with the first screen:

    First of all, let's remember - why are we making a website and what should it be like to work effectively?

    The goal is to attract visitors and earn money with their help. In this case, we invite everyone who has a website or a forum dedicated to legal topics to join the affiliate program. Using a landing page (one-page).

    The first landing screen answers questions from the audience:

    1) What do they offer me?

    2) How does it work? (How will I get the result?)

    3) Why do I need this? (What benefits will I get from this product?)

    4) Why should I contact you?

    Subsequent landing screens process possible user objections and strengthen loyalty through trust triggers (reviews, guarantees, etc.)

    The task of the landing page is to collect the maximum number of leads, that is, contacts of users interested in purchasing the product.

    The following elements must be present on the first landing screen:

    1) Company logo.

    2) Descriptor - description of the type of activity of the company.

    3) Contacts - those that suggest the desired target action of the visitor. If we want people to call, this is the telephone.

    All this information is at the top of the page - the header.

    The contact block should be bright, the phone numbers should be written in a large, clear font, and the call order button (target action) should be a contrasting and unique color that is not used anywhere else on the page.

    Important point: The biggest mistake is to make a button and contact block “in the company’s corporate style,” “matching the color of the logo,” and so on, since the button in this case blends into the background and users simply don’t notice it.

    Well, now let's move directly to the affiliate page.

    1) The header contains a logo with the word “Sovinformburo”, which does not evoke even the slightest association with what the company does.

    2) There is also no descriptor that could lift the veil of secrecy.

    3) The contact phone number is lost against the red background of the page.

    4) The most important element is the title. It is the one that attracts attention in the first 5 seconds, gives an understanding of the essence of the offer to the audience, reveals the unique properties of the product and the benefits of purchasing it. The headline affects conversion 100% of the time.

    What do we see?

    There is simply no headline (!) And that means there is no value proposition.

    5) The text of the slogans is absolutely incomprehensible in its content. I understand that they rely on a creative approach. However, 90% simply will not rack their brains in doubt whether they ended up on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or somewhere else) And the creative approach will remain unappreciated.

    The value proposition should be as clear, simple, and accessible as possible.

    Let's remember the key questions:

    • What do they offer me?
    • How does this work?
    • What will I get?
    • For what and in what time frame?

    ………What do you have?

    6) Caption for the lead form and target action button:

    The signature to the lead form motivates the user to leave their contacts in order to begin interacting with the company. And in order for him to leave these contacts, you need to give him something very important, valuable, interesting - “just like that,” in exchange for a phone number.

    Target action button - the more attractive the call to perform this action, the higher the likelihood that the user will click on the button.

    Your “modest button” shyly hides in the right corner, blending into the background. The inscription on it does not motivate in any way. Simply because the Soviet style gives an association not with the type of your activity, but with the Communist Party (whose ranks you have no desire to join).

    Audience segmentation

    So, you have identified the main audience segment - owners of websites and forums on legal topics.

    Now the question is: what do you offer them?

    It took the two of us (!) an hour and a half to get to the truth and understand who your target audience is and what you offer them. And we are not completely sure that we understood everything correctly) Because there is no clear and simple explanation on the site.

    Our hypothesis:

    There is, say, the owner of a website on legal topics. Using his platform, he attracts warm visitors, and if they convert into a lead, he receives a reward from you.

    A CRM system is needed so that your partners can track what is happening with traffic, how many applications they received and how much they earned.

    And if we understood everything correctly, the main audience segment can be divided into:

    • Experienced webmasters - who have worked with affiliate programs more than once and are accustomed to monetizing traffic;
    • Newbies who don’t really understand anything about legal issues and have worked as partners only with Yandex & Google.

    Does this person understand what you wrote on the first red screen? Can he understand that you are offering him additional income?

    The most important question for a beginner is HOW does this all happen? He should be introduced to the process and told how simple, proven, effective it is, and shown how much he has not yet used the internal potential of his site.

    A question for a more experienced guy - what makes you better than others? And we received the answer to this question….. from the comments to the analysis in VK))) But not from your website…. It turns out that you offer golden conditions! The cost of a lead is at a fixed price, without reduction, depending on the time frame.

    And also - a clear explanation for the rejection of the application. That is, firstly, there is no “mistrust” (what if I’m just being taken advantage of?), moreover, there is an opportunity to influence the quality of applications and get more money in the end...

    But, I repeat, we learned all this from comments in the community. There is not a word about this on the website!

    If you are looking for a profitable affiliate program for lawyers, we write about the high cost of a lead.

    If they are looking for an affiliate program with a minimum payment threshold, then we are talking about this in the title (well, which is not there).

    If we remember about our newcomer, he just needs to earn money. And so that everything is laid out on the shelves. Motivation - a clear interface, training materials and a bunch of examples.

    To carry out hyper-segmentation of traffic according to request needs, you need to look at the requests themselves - send them, we will advise.

    The general principle, I think, is clear. We respond to the needs of each audience segment in such a way as to emphasize competitive advantages specifically for it.

    We are waiting for your requests and high conversions!

    Yagla expert on traffic hypersegmentation Roman Suvorov

    The legal services affiliate program provides for the installation of an online consultant widget on the website. Professional lawyers answer user questions. Purchased orders submitted through such a widget on your website are paid for.

    The topic of making money on legal sites has been a little heated up thanks to Smart, etc., creating entire networks of such sites. But nevertheless, it is a sin not to use the lawyer-consultant widget as additional income to contextual advertising. The size of payments depends on the geographical location of the region; the most profitable regions are Moscow (100 rubles) and St. Petersburg (75 rubles).

    How much exactly do I earn from a legal affiliate program - see the statistics section of this article.


      Registration for a webmaster consists of 2 stages:
    • registration in the system itself;
    • and registration in the affiliate program.

    You can register in the Pravoved system as a client, lawyer or law firm. We fill out the form - a link is sent to your email to confirm registration - go to the website (then in your personal account you can change the default password).

    To make money on his website, a webmaster also needs to register as a partner, after which he will have access to advertising materials. After filling out and registering the form, there was a pause, as it turned out, not only for me.

    Registration on Pravoved.ru took 3 days, I don’t know why there are such difficulties, but activation of a partner account requires additional approval...

    The online consultant widget looks standard:

    There are no widget settings in the form of a constructor, but you can change the block color and location directly in the code.

    How Pravoved.ru works, watch the video:

    By the way, they are also located in St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg, st. Tsvetochnaya, 16, letter P, office. 21.

    Statistics 1

    1. The affiliate program was tested from 05/18/2017 to 05/27/2017 by installing an online consultant on the website. Unfortunately, in your personal account pravoved.ru there is no data on the number of widget impressions, so I take the data from Yandex Metrics:

    During this time, the site had 1,535 visitors and earned 54 rubles:

    The total CPM was 35.18 rubles.

    Statistics 2

    2. The affiliate program was tested again from 11/13/2017 to 11/30/2017 with a widget on the online consultant’s website.

    During this time, the site had 34,858 visitors (according to Yandex Metrics) and earned 1,430 rubles:

    The total CPM was 41.02 rubles.

    Statistics 3

    3. Tested from 05/26/2018 to 07/16/2018. This time, “Lawyer,” in addition to the online consultant widget, also provided a direct telephone number to Moscow and St. Petersburg, which I installed in the site header and in the block after the article.

    During this time, the site had 94,623 visitors (according to Yandex Metrics) and 1,524 rubles were earned on the online consultant widget:

    and 296 rubles by phone numbers:

    In total, during this period, 1,820 rubles were earned and the CPM was 19.23 rubles.

    At the end of June, I received a message from them that they were stopping payments to WM, which was extremely inconvenient for me. What remains are Yad payment cards and a bank card (with a minimum payment of 1,500 rubles).


    You can’t customize anything with Lawyer, and they can roll back the payment even after payment, making the balance negative.

    Interesting review - the author tried to work with this affiliate program twice, but somehow it didn’t work out.

    I recently discovered another affiliate program on a legal topic: .

    Basically the same online consultant, there is a client retention function.

    Statistics 1

      The LexProfit online consultant widget was tested from March 30 to April 9 - not much, but you can make a preliminary estimate:
    • widget impressions 7347;
    • total applications 14;
    • sold orders 1;
    • earnings 156.00 rub.

    In your personal account you can view statistics in the form of a table or chart:

    CPM (cost per thousand impressions) - 21.23 rubles.

    If we translate into the number of visitors (5689 according to Yandex Metrics for this period), and not widget impressions, the CPM figure will be slightly different - 27.42 rubles.

    Statistics 2

      I decided to test the LexProfit online consultant widget again for a longer period:
    • testing date from August 1 to September 2, 2017;
    • widget impressions 32107;
    • total applications 52;
    • 14 applications sold;
    • conversion 27%;
    • earnings 1783.50 rub.

    The total CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is 55.54 rubles.
    CPM per thousand visitors - 43.85 rubles.

    Lawyer ru honest review about the legal affiliate program. Owners of Internet resources with legal topics, sooner or later, think about making money on their Internet resource. The most popular income on the site is an affiliate program for selling leads. I, as the owner of the legal website RAA Law, have been cooperating with affiliate programs for selling traffic for a long time. During all this time I have worked and am working with two popular partners, which I will tell you about in the process.

    At the end of May 2018, the manager of the partner relations department, Semyon Dzekunov, contacted me by mail with an offer to replace the promotional materials existing on the site with their promotional materials for a certain amount of money, having first asked about current earnings. In response, I sent a report for the last three months, in which there were many holidays, and therefore few applications and visitors.

    Greetings Artem!☺
    I suggest the following:

    We work on the site:

    Special conditions: we fix the weekly amount at RUB 5,000. +20% to your wallet. (i.e. if you get less than 5 thousand rubles a week with us, then we add).
    If earnings are higher, we will still add 25% to your wallet.

    Set up phone numbers (St. Petersburg and Moscow without extension + Federal with extension).

    Test period: 05.28.18 – 06.03.18

    We discuss preliminary results on 06/01/18 (Friday) in order not to interrupt cooperation for the future period.

    Are we launching?

    After my consent, the manager of the partner relations department, Semyon Dzekunov, asked me to indicate the email address to which he would create an account with a personal account.

    Artem, your account has been activated.
    You should receive an email confirming your registration.
    You can monitor the statistics by going to: Affiliate program - Summary - Text requests
    Materials can be taken: Affiliate program - Materials - Service order forms
    Please write when you supply the materials, I will check if they work correctly.
    I am also making a request to create numbers, I will send them to you within an hour.

    After installing all the promotional materials and checking them with Semyon Dzekunov, I periodically looked into my personal account on the website pravoved.ru
    The personal account does not contain any necessary information for the webmaster. There is no data on the number of unique items, how many applications there were, how many were sold, how many were rejected (for what reason). The same is true for telephone numbers.

    Friday passed (06/01/2018), Semyon was in no hurry to discuss the results. There was no letter from him. In my personal account, I saw only one sold application for 27 rubles, in a few days. Which scared me very much. It turns out their promotional materials do not work or work but incorrectly. After all, this did not happen in other affiliate programs. Semyon still did not answer the letters.

    06/03/2018, in the evening, I decide to remove all the promotional materials of the website pravovedru and put promotional materials of another affiliate program, with which I have been working for about a year, where the payment for an application from Moscow and the Moscow region is 330-350 rubles.

    06/04/2018, in the morning, I send a letter to Semyon:

    Hello, Semyon.

    I removed all the pravoved.ru promotional materials installed on my website. I don’t like the information that I see in the personal account of the pravoved.ru partner.
    I feel like I'm being fooled. Look at the attachment, there is a real figure for a day off, on a working day the amount is much higher. Transfer the promised amount under our agreement, minus two days, to Yandex wallet.

    A representative of the website Lawyer ru responded immediately. And he began to bombard him with questions: when I removed the promotional materials, why, how to calculate the payment now???

    Monday, June 4, 2018, 14:05 +0500 from Semyon Dzekunov :

    We agreed with you:
    5,000 weekly earnings + 20% = 6,000 rub.
    6,000/ 7 days = 857 rub.

    857 x 4 = 3,428 rub.


    Then the excuses begin, just to avoid paying the partner who has been draining traffic to their site for several days. And here is a link to another legal affiliate program that I have been working with for several years, where payments are made every week, which is very convenient. From this legal affiliate, on its website, I left only regional telephone numbers for free legal advice.

    Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 13:19 +0500 from Semyon Dzekunov :

    Greetings Artem!
    The situation is as follows: you and I had an agreement that we would conduct the test from Tue 29.05 to Sun 03.06 and discussed working conditions.
    You violated the terms and simply removed all our materials. In addition, it is quite strange that all our promotional materials were installed (form, widget, phone numbers), but for the entire period there were only 4 applications. And the screenshot that you sent says that the traffic only came on the 3rd of Sunday, when you had just removed all the materials.

    The screen that was sent in the letter showed the result of earnings on a day off, on which promotional materials that I had previously used were posted. From the last lines of the letter it is immediately clear that even the employees of the website Lawyer ru cannot track the number of real visitors to the site. This fact confirms what was said earlier that there is no necessary information in your personal account. The next day, I already understood that the website pravoveder ru is a scammer who deceives partners, does not pay money for affiliate programs and works with fraudulent schemes, luring them with the promise of large payments in any case. What, today, when writing this article, I was convinced by personally typing the key query in the search: - ““. It was enough to read several articles on different sites and it immediately became clear that the site pravoved.ru is a scammer who deceives and hides information.

    Good morning, Semyon.
    I did not violate the terms, I terminated our agreement due to the lack of information in your affiliate program. This is my right!
    The fact that your promotional materials (form, widget, phone numbers) do not work does not concern me. I was required to post it on my resource, which is what I did.
    The screenshot I sent shows that in other affiliate programs everything works and they provide full information to their partners. From your words, it turns out that the site was not working all these days until Sunday, which is refuted by the liveinternet and Yandex Metrica traffic statistics. All information can be viewed in the public domain on third-party resources. You can also look at the cache of pages on third-party resources by day.
    If I understand correctly, then your excuses are a direct reluctance to pay for the days on which your promotional materials (form, widget, phone numbers) were posted on my resource.
    I will be happy to write an article about cooperation with your resource and will definitely attach all the correspondence with screenshots so that other webmasters will be aware when they are faced with the choice of which affiliate program to choose.

    In response I received two letters at once:

    June 6, 2018, 11:05 user Semyon Dzekunov wrote:

    Good afternoon Artem!
    No, this is not unwillingness to leave you without payment. You just need to figure out why this happened. I am discussing this issue with colleagues, I will write to you today during the day.
    It is in our interests to resolve all issues honestly, we do not deceive anyone. I'm constantly in touch.

    Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 13:55 +0500 from Semyon Dzekunov :

    Greetings Artem!
    Perhaps we did not fully understand each other. In any case, we are for openness and transparency.
    We will replenish you as we calculated in the letter earlier:
    After replenishing your wallet, you can order a payment via your personal account.
    Due to the holidays, replenishment will be on Wednesday 13.06.
    If this is a mistake on our part, then I apologize Artem. Situations are different.

    Then it becomes more and more interesting. The word partner has already been added to my name, which was not seen before in correspondence. Which leads me to just one thought: that the website lawyer ru will cheat me out of my payment... All webmasters who independently created and developed their Internet project know about various kinds of indicators that affect the popularity and traffic of the site.

    June 19, 2018, 1:56 pm user Semyon Dzekunov wrote:

    Good afternoon, partner Artem!
    Unfortunately, I was on sick leave and did not control your payment.
    There will be a replenishment of your wallet.
    Here are the statistics from your personal account: http://prntscr.com/jwmqtq
    On the 29th we installed promotional materials in the middle of the day
    30 all day
    31 all day
    01 noon
    The total is 3 days. We agreed on the amount:
    6,000/ 7 days = 857 rub.

    857 x 3 days = 2,571 rub.

    2,571 rub. - 27 rubles (which you earned) = 2,544 rubles.

    In the previous letter, payments were not calculated entirely correctly. The money will be transferred today during the day.
    I apologize for the situation that happened.

    In the screenshot you can see incoming letters from the manager of the partner department, Semyon Dzekunov.

    If you understand, the day is over, and then several more days have passed, and still no payment. In my personal account, which I filled out during registration, several changes were made: My last name is now “Partner,” my first name is “Artem,” and my patronymic is “https://site/.” I wrote a couple of letters to the manager of the partner department, Semyon Dzekunov, with a question about payment, but did not even receive an answer.

    My opinion is that the website pravoveder ru is a scammer, since it hides the necessary information in the personal account from partners to track information about the work of promotional materials. He delays payments on affiliate programs, which gives him an interest-free loan at the expense of his partners, deliberately underestimates the amount of payment, and then completely stops responding to letters and abandons him with the payment.

    Offers for site monetization are received regularly, but not all are suitable. I always try to check a site offering a different kind of service or a mutually beneficial offer. In this case, I bought into the fact that the lawyer is not a newbie and has already earned trust, but as it turns out, not everything looks as described in the proposal for cooperation. Even then, you should have read honest reviews on the Internet about the legal partnership pravoved.ru

    You have read Pravoved ru an honest review about the legal affiliate program. What experience do you have working with this affiliate program?