• Jumper on the hard drive. Installing a Hard Drive

    These are the operating modes of IDE devices.

    Up to two devices can work on one IDE cable:

    Master(MA) - main, or first, and
    Slave(SL) - additional, or second.

    Some IDE cables are marked: Master/Slave.
    The master is the far end of the loop, the slave is the one in the middle.
    If there is only one device on the cable, it can usually operate in Master mode, but some have a separate Single mode for this.

    As a rule, a device is not allowed to operate in Slave mode in the absence of a Master device, however, many new devices can operate in this mode.
    This requires support from the BIOS or driver: many drivers, upon detecting the absence of a Master device, stop further polling of this controller.

    Conner Present(CP) - a mode available on some models to support Conner hard drives in Slave mode; introduced due to incompatibilities in interface exchange diagrams.

    Cable Select(CS, CSel) - selection by cable connector - a mode in which the device itself is set to Master/Slave mode depending on the type of connector on the interface cable.
    To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

    Both devices must be set to Cable Select mode;
    - contact 28 on the controller side must be either grounded or maintained at a low level;
    - on one of the cable connectors, pin 28 must be removed, or the cable wire suitable for it must be disconnected.

    Thus, on one of the devices, pin 28 is grounded (this hard drive is configured in Master mode), and on the other it is free (Slave).

    This means that in order for the Cable Select mode to start working, you first need a special cable.
    It is symmetrical, i.e. If you fold it in half, there will be a connector exactly in the middle.
    It is this connector that is included in the mat. board, and both remaining extreme connectors - into IDE devices.

    On both IDE devices, the jumpers are switched to Cable Select mode.
    Then the controller itself chooses who is the leader and who is the slave in this pair.

    This mode only works correctly if there are two devices on the cable and is not widely used.
    On regular cable this mode does not work.

    Complete with mat. The boards come with Master-Slave cables, and it is better to set the device dependencies using jumpers.

    All of the listed modes are set by jumpers (jumpers) on the device board.
    The jumper positions are usually described on the case or in the instructions.

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    Jumpers on hard drives(jumpers) show the computer which of the two devices on the “channel” (controller) is the main one – the master (“Master”). And, which is the second one - the slave, obeys (“Slave”). Or rather, with their help the purpose of the disks is established: the one on which the operating system is located is “Master”, and additional disk- “Slave”.

    That is, for the system to boot and function correctly, the disks must first be configured. This can be done using a jumper. If you want to install the operating system on new disk- move the jumper to the “Master” position. Then, on the existing “old” disk, the jumper should be in the “Slave” position. If, however, installed disk acts as the main one - on the new hard drive the jumper should be in the “Slave” option.

    Thanks to the jumper, the system “realizes” which drive the request is coming from.
    Such jumpers are needed mainly in relation to hard drives that support IDE mode.

    Physically, a jumper is a small slider made of metal and covered with plastic. In the picture above, the jumper is shown in the red rectangle.

    It connects two metal contacts.

    Allows the passage of electricity between them.

    The necessary information about the contacts is usually presented directly on the surface of the hard drive. The picture above shows the sticker on the disc. There are painted on it possible actions with a jumper - “Options jumper block”.

    According to the text, if a pair of drives is present, position No. 1 (Master of Single drive) is a jumper on the leftmost contacts - the master device.

    In the next position “Drive is Slave” – the disk with two devices connected is the slave.
    Position No. 3 - “Master connection mode with a device without identification”, everything is clear.
    Position No. 4 – the operation of the device is determined by a special cable.
    In the fifth case, the existing system recognizes only the volume of a given disk.
    In practice, the first couple of options are interesting.

    Jumpers, or places where to install them, have and SATA drives. But, there is no need to define “Master” (“Slave”). Enough HDD with motherboard and connect the power supply with cables. The need for a jumper may occur extremely rarely.

    For SATA-II, the jumper is located in the closed state; in this position, the operating speed of the device is reduced to SATA150. Instead of possible SATA300. Used when there is a need for backward compatibility with some SATA controllers (for example, those built into VIA chipsets). Such a limitation does not really have any effect on the operation of the device. The user does not notice them.

    Now you know why jumpers are needed on a hard drive.

    In this note I will write how to reset (clear) the BIOS. The article is intended for beginners.

    So, for some reason we need to reset (clear) the BIOS. Or, as they sometimes say, make “clear cmos”.

    To facilitate this action, some high- and mid-price motherboards have buttons that allow you to clear CMOS data almost instantly.

    They are usually marked with "clr_cmos" (clear_cmos).

    They can be located either on the front of the board itself:

    So, behind the motherboard can be located:

    And sometimes without any inscription at all:

    [Instructions on how to use this " quick button reset" clear BIOS, will be at the end of the note].

    But on ordinary motherboards (which constitute ~99% of the total number) there are no such “conveniences”. But there is no reason to be upset - absolutely every motherboard has a three-pin connector. This connector is precisely intended for cleaning the BIOS (CMOS).

    They might look like this:

    As you may have noticed in all three photos, a two-pin jumper (or jumper) is installed on the three-pin connector. The jumper can only close two contacts of the three. For all motherboards (and hard drives, by the way), these jumpers are absolutely standard - identical, that is.

    This is what the jumper looks like:

    They can be found either on the motherboard itself - in the box or on the motherboard itself, where it is already installed on a three-pin connector in position 1-2 (as you may have noticed in the three photos above). Like in the photo below:

    Or find a jumper on hard drives where it is already installed in some position.

    But - on modern motherboards, manufacturers usually do not install any jumpers. Then you need to look for them in the store where you bought the motherboard - ask for one thing - and they will give it to you for free.

    In this specific case we will look at the MSI P67A-C43 motherboard.

    It looks like this:

    On modern boards, the three-pin connector for clearing the CMOS is marked "JBAT1" (presumably Jumper Battery 1). Looking for her:

    We found her. What needs to be done?

    The instructions are as follows:

    1. Turn off your computer in advance.

    2. Move the button on the power supply (PSU) to position “0”.

    3. Pull out the 3-pin power cord plug from the “back” of the power supply.

    4. Then wait about 15 seconds and then take the jumper and jumper pins 2-3. Photo below:

    If the jumper is already in position 1-2, then the jumper should be moved from position 1-2 to position 2-3. Photo below:

    5. Wait for 5 seconds. Then return the jumper back to starting position 1-2. Even if there was no jumper, still let it remain in position 1-2.

    This is normal as position 1-2 for the jumper is the standard/nominal operating position.

    Under no circumstances leave the jumper in position 2-3! This is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the performance of the motherboard!

    6. After you have installed the jumper in position 1-2, you can turn on the computer. The BIOS is, as they say, “virginly clean”.

    P.S. Now let's talk about how to reset the BIOS using the "quick button".

    We do the same steps as above, but instead of “dancing with jumpers” we simply press the button.

    Let's talk today about jumpers on your hard drive. More precisely, we will talk about what these jumpers affect.

    It's no secret that hard drives have a small jumper, which is located near the connection cable. What does this jumper affect and what is the correct position to install it in? One has only to make a reservation at the beginning that the article will not be complete on this topic. There are several varieties hard drives, With in different ways connections and different form factors, in which the jumpers are different and are completely absent. Today we will talk about old hard drives and IDE connection options.

    A jumper on the hard drive is needed to organize the correct launch of several hard drives. Imagine a situation where you have two hard drives installed in your system. It is necessary to determine which of them is the primary one, from which the operating system starts, and which is the secondary one, loaded as additional disk space.

    There are two main modes for setting the jumper. The first one is called Master and the second one is called Slave. There are also slightly different ones from these two, but we will not clutter up the article, we will pay attention only to the very basics of this issue.

    In Master mode, you need to place a jumper on the main hard drive from which the operating system will be loaded. In Slave mode, install a secondary hard drive. The system reads this information at startup and sends a signal further, so that in the end you have the required hard drive loaded as the main and second hard disk as a secondary one.

    Which mode corresponds to which you need to look at the sticker, which is located near the jumper. Typically the manufacturer specifies the required jumper positions.

    The jumper itself is a small chip, by installing which you properly close the contacts of your hard drive. The startup sequence of your hard drives will depend on how you close these contacts.

    Do not forget that the startup sequence of your devices, be it hard drives or a drive, must also be configured in the BIOS of your motherboard. The setup option is more concerned with the constant use of two or more hard drives. If you need to install a second hard drive one-time in order to copy information, you just need to play with the jumpers.

    When the computer boots, press the Delete or F2 key and go to the BIOS section called Boot. There, place all devices in the sequence you need.

    For example, the first is the hard drive on which the operating system is installed, the second is the secondary hard drive, and the third is the drive.

    1st Boot Device- first boot device[xxx Drive] - the device specified in this line will be the first from which the BIOS will try to load the operating system.

    2nd Boot Device - second boot device [xxx Drive] - the device specified in this line will be the second from which the BIOS will try to load the operating system.

    3rd Boot Device - third boot device [xxx Drive].

    If you are installing a new operating system Windows systems, then you need to set the drive first in order for the Windows installer to load.

    Thus, today we learned something about jumpers and the boot sequence of devices. If the article was useful to you, then come again. After all, our database of articles is updated every day!

    Before rearranging any items on it jumpers, shut down the operating system, turn off the power to the computer, remove hard drive cable and power cable, having previously memorized their positions, and then remove the drive itself (without this you will not see the sticker located on it).

    Check out the images on the sticker. In case you have a hard drive with IDE interface, on this sticker there are usually three layouts of jumpers: for the “Master”, “Slave” and “Cable select” modes. Sometimes there is a fourth picture showing jumpers in order to artificially reduce the storage capacity to 32 gigabytes (this is sometimes necessary for working with older motherboards). In the operating room Linux system using this mode is usually not necessary even when using such boards, since this OS runs with hard drives directly.

    Sami jumpers locate on the same side wall as the connectors. You can determine where the top of the field for installing jumpers is based on the landmarks, which are usually also shown in the figure. Such a reference could be, for example, a missing pin.

    Sami jumpers move using miniature pliers. Sometimes one drive configuration option requires fewer jumpers than another. Therefore, if you have any extra jumpers, save them, as you may need to return everything back later.

    In very rare cases, the sticker with the illustration on the drive is missing. If you find yourself in such a situation, report the drive model to where specialists communicate repair of hard disks. Ask them for a diagram of the location of the jumpers on the drive of this model.

    When two devices are located on one loop (no matter hard disks or optical drives), you should either select the “Master” mode on one of them, and “Slave” on the other, or select the “Cable select” mode on both.

    For drives with SATA interface There are no "Master" and "Slave" modes. Their jumpers are intended for other purposes. Most common jumpers to reduce the data exchange rate from 3 to 1.5 gigabits per second. They are designed to make the hard drive compatible with older motherboards. Sometimes there are jumpers that control the energy saving mode. Their purpose is almost always indicated on the drive sticker.

    After changing the jumper positions, place the drive in place with the board facing down, secure it, then connect the cables in the same way as they were connected previously. Turn on the computer and make sure that all drives are functional.


    • jumper purpose

    When hard drives use an 80-conductor cable (IDE cable), you can connect two devices on one cable, "linked" using jumpers. A typical jumper is a jumper that determines the advantage of one hard drive when installing a second and additional ones. The idea is to short-circuit two contacts on system board.


    The main one will be called “master” - the main system is loaded from it, and the secondary one will be called “slave”. This is indicated by the inscriptions on the jumper and on the board. Nearby is usually placed, on which the different positions of the jumpers are indicated. This diagram is not for every model and different manufacturers it is different. Information on connection can also be found on the manufacturer’s website depending on the computer model.

    You don’t have to strictly assign a master/slave to the device, but set it to Cable Select. When the computer is running, the disks themselves will be distributed, which of them is dominant and which is secondary. This happens by connecting the device to one or another connector on the cable.

    When connecting the second hard drive, load one of the cables with two hard drives, defining the “Master” and “Slave” on motherboard.

    Connect the CD-ROM with a second cable to the second channel on the motherboard and set it to “Master”. If the system has one hard drive and a CD-ROM, then it would be correct to determine their location on different cables so as not to load the controller.

    Video on the topic

    Return damaged hard drive disk You can visit the store within 14 days after purchase after a quality examination and a written application. Bring the hard volume back to life, i.e. try to recover lost data from it, in some cases you can do it at home using special programs.


    As soon as there is a loss of information stored on disk That is, you should immediately turn off the computer, open its case and remove the hard drive. These actions are necessary because data that could be recovered will most likely be overwritten when the system starts. Therefore, do not try to work on a computer with lost information.

    Try connecting the hard drive with data to another computer in Slave mode. Use the specialized PC Inspector application File Recovery, available for free download on the Internet. The program will search deleted files and display the report on , Select the required ones and save them.

    If volumes are not displayed in the application " Windows Explorer» It is recommended to use the MBRTool program. The program is free and distributed freely. The cause of the problem may be damage to the master boot table (MBR), or more precisely its sector tables. MBRTool will analyze existing file structures and repair damaged tables.

    Check disk and on damaged sectors. Please note that service center technicians do not recommend using the built-in ScanDisk or F Disk utilities. Preference is given software manufacturer of hard disk and recovery - using the specialized dd_rescue utility. It is believed that this Linux program can bring back to life the maximum number of bad sectors Winchester.

    The appearance of a characteristic odor may indicate that the controller. In this case, you can try to replace the board with the same one from a spare one. disk A. A screwdriver is sufficient for this operation. For more serious mechanical damage, it is recommended to contact service center.

    Video on the topic


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    Hard disk, or hard drive, is the main device for storing information in system unit. The performance of the computer and the safety of data largely depend on its characteristics.