• The first portable phone. Who invented the telephone

    In our century, when science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, many of us cannot imagine life without mobile phones. Of course, telephones have become such a convenient thing that to abandon them would mean entering the “Prehistoric” era. Now the phone can not only transmit sound over a distance. It most likely looks like a device with more capabilities than what is called a telephone.

    And therefore mobile phone so popular among the masses. Each buyer can choose a mobile phone from a wide range model range. The operator's coverage allows communication to be used almost throughout the entire planet.

    Idea creating wireless mobile devices began to worry scientists as soon as the usual landline phone. Back in 1947, Bell Laboratories, which belonged to AT&T, proposed create a mobile phone. Even then, there were first attempts: a hybrid of a radio transmitter and a telephone was created. The car housed a radio station that transmitted a signal to the telephone exchange. And in order to connect to a radiotelephone, you had to call the telephone exchange and tell the number of the telephone set installed in the car. To transmit sound, a button was used, which was held down during the conversation. And to hear the answer, she was released. The possibilities for this type of communication were very limited. This type of connection was hampered by various obstacles, which greatly deteriorated the quality of transmitted speech.

    For the sake of such pleasure, a device weighing 12 kilograms was placed in the trunk of a car. The control panel and handset were located in the cabin. And the antenna was mounted in the roof. This device has helped users significantly cellular communication, freeing their hands from such weight.

    April 3, 1973 head of department mobile communications made the first call in the history of Mankind. While walking along the streets of Manhattan, Martin Cooper decided to call the AT&T Bell Labs office on his mobile phone. He stood near the first cellular antenna, which was installed on one of the nearby skyscrapers. Who do you think Cooper called? He called his competitor named Joel Angel. Passers-by were very surprised, since at that time no one had seen anything like this. The advent of commercial mobile communications was 10 years away.

    And so March 6, 1983 was first commercial released cell phone . The result of 15 years of development Motorola became a mobile device called DynaTAC 8000X. For implementation this phone About $100 million was spent. The weight of the phone was 794 grams, dimensions - 33 * 4.4 * 8.9 cm. The battery charge lasted for an hour of calls, and in standby mode for 8 hours. The display was LED. Although the first model of the phone was priced at $3,995, its popularity grew rapidly and thousands of Americans stood in line to purchase the DynaTAC 8000X.

    No consumer technology has been around for such a long period of time (37 years). From the beginning of the creation of the first cellular technology before permission for its commercial use.

    Motorola began massively produce mobile devices and for many years remained a trendsetter in the field of wireless cellular communications. Popularity new technology was gaining momentum. Companies could not provide mobile communications to everyone. The reason for the slow adoption of new subscribers was insufficient capacity ATS, insufficient number of transmitters and small frequency range.

    Bell System, which created her first phone model half a year later than the manufacturer Motorola, had 545 customers in New York in 1978, and another 3.7 thousand future subscribers stood in line for telephones. The waiting period for such luxury could last 5-10 years. The big picture in the USA - 20 thousand customers purchasing Bell System phones.

    Every year we are provided with more and more new phone models. And their capabilities are becoming more complex and functional. And who knows what awaits us next year. What else will mobile device manufacturers please us with? In our pursuit of new models of mobile phones, we forget their original purpose - voice communication between subscribers. But everything in the World is changing and technologies unfamiliar to us are turning into our assistants. And yet, you must admit, they make our lives more interesting!

    1875 telephone from Boston

    We have all long been accustomed to the fact that we can communicate with each other while on the long distances, in different cities, countries and even in different parts planets. A means of communication such as the telephone helps us with this. And how difficult it is to imagine that once upon a time people did not have such an opportunity at all. After all, the first telephone was invented only 135 years ago.

    The very first telephone in the world was invented in 1875 in Boston. Two scientists, Alexander Bell and Thomas Waston, decided to use a pair of membranes that controlled electromagnets, which later became the basis for the entire telephone design.

    The device of the first phone

    Since ancient times, humanity has dreamed of learning how to transmit information over long distances. The idea of ​​creating a telephone was in the air. Then, drums, messengers, as well as various conventional signs, such as the smoke of a fire, the color of a sail, and so on, acted through communication.

    A chain of Gallic screamers notified their city about the advance of Caesar's army, while the speed of information transmission reached only 100 km/h. And the medieval buildings of Pskov hid within their walls narrow passages, with the help of which messages were once transmitted and received.

    In France in 1789, mechanic Claude Chappe proposed to erect towers around the country and install devices made of slats on them that would be visible from a great distance, and at night light lights on these slats. The telegraph operator had to change the slats, focusing on the previous tower, and the next one therefore copied it. Thus, a message was transmitted along the chain.

    It was the American Page who first thought of using electricity to transmit sound. Graham Bell from America and his assistant Tom Watson, and Philip Reis from Friedrichsdorf subsequently took part in improving this technology.

    In 1876, on February 15, Graham Bell patented his invention in the United States - the telephone. And in the same year, on March 10, the first voice message was transmitted with its help.

    Elena Polenova, Samogo.Net

    Few people know that the first mobile phone appeared in the Soviet Union. Its creator was the Soviet radio engineer and popularizer of radio technology Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich. The prototype of the portable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1, created by him, was tested on April 9, 1957.

    The world's first mobile phone and its inventor Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich

    It is officially believed that world's first mobile phone was manufactured in the USA. Legend has it that on April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, director of Motorola's mobile communications department, while walking around Manhattan, made a demonstrative call on his cell phone, which supposedly surprised passersby who saw it.
    The company Travel Electronics first released a cell phone for sale in 1979. It weighed 907 grams and cost $3,895 at the time, which was approximately the price of an average car. Thus, the first cell phone was more expensive than the then Toyota Corola, which was sold in the USA for $3,698. The subscription fee was 50 dollars a month, and one minute of conversation cost users from 24 to 40 cents, that is, equal to the cost of a whole gallon of gasoline (3.78541178 liters).

    However, few people know that long before Motorola’s prototype, a mobile phone appeared in our Soviet Union. Its creator was the Soviet radio engineer and popularizer of radio technology Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich. The prototype of the portable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1, created by him, was tested on April 9, 1957. The mobile phone had a range of 20-30 km, but weighed about three kilograms.

    Such weight characteristics did not allow it to be used as a wearable nickname, and then in 1958 Kupriyanovich improved his LK and reduced its weight six times to 500 grams! New device It was also much smaller in size - like two packs of cigarettes. Foreign mobile phones would only reach this weight and size in the early 80s. Kupriyanovich’s mobile phone, like modern ones, communicated with the GTS via base station(APR). It not only received and transmitted mobile phone signals to the wired network, but also transmitted signals from wired network to mobile phones. Thus, from the LC it was possible to call any landline telephone, and it was also possible to call the LC from a regular city number or from a street payphone...

    Mobile phone LK-3, 1961

    In 1961, Leonid Ivanovich again improved his invention, which he called a radiophone. As a result, Kupriyanovich’s Mobile Phone shrank so much that it fit in the palm of your hand and weighed only 70 grams! It was the size of a modern mobile phone, but without a screen and not with buttons, but with a small rotary dialer.

    The very first national system of national telephone communication became Soviet system"Altai", put into trial operation in 1963. Altai system initially operated at a frequency of 150 MHz, but by 1970 the Altai system operated in 114 cities of the USSR and the 330 MHz range was allocated for it. In Voronezh, this system operated until the end of 2011 and was closed for economic reasons. Until now, the Altai system has been operating in Novosibirsk.

    Altai system.

    Also on topic...

    Telephone communication has become such a common way of communication today that it is difficult to imagine that people once could do without devices that transmitted sounds over any distance. The modern subscriber rarely thinks about the question - Who invented the telephone? But the history of this device goes back to the distant past.

    The official inventor of the telephone, capable of more or less clearly transmitting the sounds of human speech, is considered to be an American of Scottish origin, Alexander Graham Bell. The creation of the first telephone in the world was recorded in 1876, it was then that a patent application was filed for an invention that made a real revolution in scientific world. Despite the fact that the principle of operation of the telephone was described twenty years before this event in the dissertation of Charles Boursel, only Bell was able to implement, and most importantly, patent in time, the bold idea of ​​sound transmission using electricity.

    Today, an idea of ​​what the first telephone was like can only be obtained in a museum or from old photographs. The simplest mechanism was radically different from modern devices in the form to which we are accustomed. All manipulations with the device were carried out through a single tube, which served simultaneously as a transmitter and receiver. The sound quality was terrifying - through numerous noises and interference, the voice of the interlocutor was distinguished with great difficulty. However, both the creator of the phone and his admirers were not at all embarrassed by such inconveniences. The main thing is that the device worked and made it possible to significantly simplify the solution of many problems.

    The period when the first telephone was created was deservedly considered the era of the telegraph. This means of telecommunication was considered the most popular and in demand. It seemed that no newfangled devices could displace the telegraph. In addition, the very first telephone transmitted sound over a distance of only a few hundred meters. Further improvements to which the first telephone model underwent significantly improved its quality characteristics.

    Thanks to the talented developments of Thomas Edison, the device was eventually equipped with a microphone containing carbon powder. This invention had a significant impact on the development of telephone communications and in subsequent years began to be used everywhere.

    Russian scientists also contributed to improving the phone. First domestic phone, the design of which used two tubes, was produced in St. Petersburg at the Siemens and Halske plant in 1877. The following 1878, the year of the creation of the telephone using permanent magnets and capacitors, became the prerequisite for a real telephone boom. The construction of numerous telephone exchanges made it possible to fulfill the aspirations of many enthusiasts - to seamlessly transmit sounds over long distances. And today, in almost everyone’s home you can find the good old telephone set- a dream turned into reality.

    The world's first mobile phone

    It is officially believed that world's first mobile phone was manufactured in the USA. Legend has it that on April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, director of Motorola's mobile communications department, while walking around Manhattan, made a demonstrative call on his cell phone, which supposedly surprised passersby who saw it.
    The company Travel Electronics first released a cell phone for sale in 1979. It weighed 907 grams and cost $3,895 at the time, which was approximately the price of an average car. Thus, the first cell phone was more expensive than the then Toyota Corola, which was sold in the USA for $3,698. The subscription fee was 50 dollars a month, and one minute of conversation cost users from 24 to 40 cents, that is, equal to the cost of a whole gallon of gasoline (3.78541178 liters).
    However, few people know that long before Motorola’s prototype, a mobile phone appeared in our Soviet Union. Its creator was the Soviet radio engineer and popularizer of radio technology Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich.

    The prototype of the portable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1, created by him, was tested on April 9, 1957. The mobile phone had a range of 20-30 km, but weighed about three kilograms.

    A year later, Kupriyanovich improved his LC and reduced its weight six times to 500 grams! The new device was also much smaller in size - like two packs of cigarettes. Foreign mobile phones would only reach this weight and size in the early 80s. Kupriyanovich's mobile phone, like modern ones, communicated with the GTS through a base station (ATR). It not only received and transmitted mobile phone signals to the wired network, but also transmitted signals from the wired network to mobile phones. Thus, from the LC it was possible to call any landline telephone, and it was also possible to call the LC from a regular city number or from a street machine.

    In 1961, Leonid Ivanovich again improved his invention, which he called a radiophone. As a result Kupriyanovich's mobile phone shrunk so much that it fit in the palm of your hand and weighed only 70 grams! It was the size of a modern mobile phone, but without a screen and not with buttons, but with a small rotary dialer.

    Such weight characteristics did not allow it to be used as a wearable nickname, and then in 1958 Kupriyanovich created improved models of the device, which was the size of a cigarette box "Kazbek" and together with the power source weighed half a kilogram. A pocket phone allows you not only to call any subscriber, but also to receive calls like from a landline phone. and from street machines.

    The first nationwide national telephone communication system was the Soviet Altai system, which was put into trial operation in 1963. Altai system initially operated at a frequency of 150 MHz, but by 1970 the Altai system operated in 114 cities of the USSR and the 330 MHz range was allocated for it. In Voronezh, this system operated until the end of 2011 and was closed for economic reasons. Until now, the Altai system has been operating in Novosibirsk.

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