• The home button is difficult to press. How to bring a jammed Home button back to life in two minutes. Why you shouldn't change the Home button yourself

    On the list of common iPhone problems, the Power or Home buttons not working are high on the list. Many users encounter this. In most cases, the device must be sent in for repair, but sometimes the problem can be solved on your own. It is important to know why the button does not work on the iPhone and what to do in such situations.

    The Power key malfunctions for many reasons:

    • Damage to the phone - falling, contamination, water ingress, other types of mechanical impact.
    • Problems with the cable.
    • Recession after strong pressure.
    • Errors in the operating system.

    It is possible to use the phone with the Power key inactive, despite the great inconvenience. There are several simple ways to turn on or turn off your iPhone in such conditions:

    1. You can turn on the phone by connecting the gadget with a USB cable to a power outlet or PC;
    2. You can turn off the device using the Assistive Touch function, through the “Device” menu, select “Screen lock”, where the “Shutdown” function is located.

    In the new version of iOS, the shutdown function has been added to the settings menu. All these are temporary measures; correct operation of the device is impossible without functioning Power and Home keys.

    In most cases, a malfunction requires contacting a service center, but sometimes you can try to fix the bug yourself. The method of repairing a broken module depends on the nature of the damage or the nature of the software error.

    Mechanical damage

    One of the most common reasons why the lock does not work is mechanical. Strong pressure, falling, contamination - all this can cause failure. In addition, there is always the possibility of a banal jam. For Apple smartphones, especially older versions, a problem with the functionality of the keys may be due to the frame falling off.

    It is easy to notice - this is indicated by the gap between the case and the back cover. Parts of the device tend to simply wear out over time, especially those that are loaded. Therefore, the best decision is to contact a service center. The cable or pad will probably need to be replaced.

    System problems

    Failures in the phone software can also cause incorrect operation. If the key “sticks” and responds slowly to pressing, this is most likely the case. The defect may appear constantly or from time to time, disappearing without outside intervention.

    Sometimes problems with the OS can be resolved with a simple reboot. The system is probably overloaded with temporary files and open applications, a reboot resets them, freeing up memory space.

    Water ingress

    For the device to stop working correctly, it is not necessary to drop the gadget into a filled bathtub. It can easily fail after a walk in the rain or after using the gadget with wet hands. This is due to the oxidation process that occurs in the contacts after even a small portion of liquid enters. In this case, the surest option is to contact a service center, however, there is a simple method that you can try at home.

    Cleaning the contact pad and lubricating the mechanism

    If the problems are caused by contamination of the cable or oxidation of the contacts, there is an option to clean it. This is done either with alcohol or with the anti-corrosion agent WD-40.

    First, you need to turn off the device. Then you need to take a cotton pad and soak it with the solution. The cotton pad should be pressed to the problem area and pressed several times so that the substance penetrates deeper, to the contacts. After the alcohol or lubricant has dried, you can check the result.

    Home button repair methods

    If Home works intermittently, slows down and does not always respond to user actions, it most often requires repairs at a service center. Let’s assume that there is no time for this; we need to bring the device back to life now. There are several simple and effective ways you can try:

    • Calibration
    • Correction of the position of the standard connector.
    • Cleaning the contact pad and lubricating it if there is mechanical contamination.

    It's not as difficult as it looks. The Internet is full of “instructions for dummies”; the main thing is to follow them and perform manipulations with caution so as not to aggravate the situation. At the bottom of the article there is a video with instructions, be sure to read it.

    Home Button Calibration

    Calibrating Home on iPhone is an effective method of “treatment” if the cause of the malfunction is software glitches. It is done through a simple algorithm:

    • You need to activate any application on the gadget.
    • Then you need to hold down Power until the shutdown window appears.
    • Next, release Power and press the Home key, after which the shutdown window should disappear.

    With a high probability, the device will return to its previous operating mode. Apple devices are prone to small system bugs that are fairly easy to fix.

    Correcting the position of the standard connector

    In case of breakdown, another simple method can help. Sometimes, in order to return the key to functionality, it is enough to simply adjust the position of the connector.

    This is done simply. You need to connect the phone to the “native” USB cable and lightly press on the bottom of the plug. It is important to do this carefully, as too much pressure can cause the port to break. After this, you can check whether “Home” is working in the iPhone.

    If this doesn't help, you can try another method.

    Duplicating the Home button at the software level

    If the above methods do not help, the breakdown can only be fixed at a service center; only replacing the entire module will help. Until this point, duplicating the key at the software level will help make the user’s life much easier.

    To do this, go to “Settings”, select the “General” menu and then “Universal Access”. After this, the Assistive Touch function is needed. After this, a small menu will appear on the touch screen, which will temporarily replace the “Home” function and more.

    Old versions of iOS may experience errors after repair. Users all over the world were faced with a situation where, after replacing the Home key tied to Touch ID, the phone locked. This error has been fixed in the new version of the OS. Accordingly, a simple firmware update will help in this case.


    Problems with the Home and Power keys are very common and can significantly complicate the user’s life. If turning on or off your smartphone is problematic, this is a reason to contact a service center. As a rule, repairing such defects is not very expensive. You can try to “cure” the bug yourself, but only a specialist can accurately say why the iPhone does not respond to buttons and offer effective troubleshooting methods.


    What to do if the Home button on iPhone, iPad does not work? Home button repair

    Apple engineers make equipment only from expensive and high-quality materials. However, this does not guarantee the longevity of the phone. The external elements of the case of a smartphone or tablet tend to wear out quickly. According to statistics, most often iPhone and iPad users encounter problems with the Home key. Let's take a closer look at why the Home button doesn't work in many iPhones over time and how to solve this problem.

    Causes of malfunction

    Before taking specific actions, you need to understand the possible reasons for the failure of the Home button. All reasons can be divided into two categories:

    • breakdowns at the software level;
    • hardware failures and mechanical damage.

    In the event of a software malfunction, as a rule, users can fix the problem themselves. If Home does not work due to hardware damage, it is better to contact specialists to replace the unusable button mechanism. Quite often, a key stops working due to dirty contacts.

    Method 1: Button calibration

    The first thing to do with a poorly working button is to re-calibrate it. This method is simple and very fast, however, it is not universal. Follow the instructions:

    • press and hold the device's on/off key until the swipe panel appears on the screen;

    • Now hold down the Home button until the home screen appears. The system will automatically detect and eliminate all errors in the operation of the element. The home screen appears indicating that the calibration procedure is complete.

    Method 2: Adjusting the connector position

    This method is suitable if the iPhone Home button has stopped working completely. Most likely, the connector has changed position slightly and is preventing the key mechanism from working.

    To fix the problem yourself, connect the USB cable to your phone. Now you should very carefully press on the 30-pin connector so that it pushes the Home key up. At the same time, you need to keep the Home button pressed all the time. If the connector is successfully moved, the button will begin to respond to pressing.

    Method 3: Twist and Spin

    This method is not included in the list of official methods for adjusting the operation of the Home key, however, one very interesting and simple method is described on American forums for iPhone and iPad users.

    Place the phone on a flat surface with the back cover facing down. Press and hold “Home” and at the same time rotate the smartphone around its axis. Continue this action for 5-15 seconds. This way you can correct the position of the inside of the key.

    Method 4: Cleaning parts

    Often a button on an iPhone does not work because its surface is contaminated with dust, dirt or other particles. To clean the element, use a regular ear swab dipped in alcohol.

    Important! Using too much liquid may cause hardware failure and void the manufacturer's warranty.

    Method 5: Add a Home button to your phone screen

    If none of the above methods work for you, contact a specialist to replace the key. While it is not possible to work with Home, an alternative button can be added to the screen of your smartphone or tablet:

    Go to the device’s main settings window;

    Click on “universal access”;

    Select the "AssistiveTouch" function and activate it.

    Now you can use the lock key in any program.

    iPhones purchased more than 200 days ago begin to jam at some point Home button. Not all devices, of course, but mine was unlucky. Either the fat on the contacts prevented the conduction of current, or the former moisture inside the case was to blame for the lack of signs of life, but the most important button of the phone stopped responding to pressing.

    She can be brought back to life. Liquid will help us with this WD-40, sold at any hardware store.

    WD-40 is an American company and brand name of a famous aerosol drug developed by Norman Larsen in 1953 for the Rocket Chemical Company, San Diego, California. The drug was originally developed for industrial users as water-repellent agent that prevents corrosion. It was later found that it also has many possibilities for domestic use.

    The exact formula of the product is still a trade secret and is carefully guarded. The product is not patented to avoid disclosing the manufacturing technology.
    – Wikipedia

    So, we take the iPhone, spray a stream of WD-40 on the Home button, press it several times through a napkin, then spray it and press it again. After two minutes the button comes to life. Specially filmed video Below, the advice itself was found on a life hacker.

    What to remember:
    1. Do not let WD-40 come into contact with the mucous membrane;

    2. Make sure that you understand the risks, because there are different opinions on the Internet about how WD-40 acts on electronics. Some say it's no big deal. Opponents urge in every possible way against spraying liquid onto any circuits, because the “vedeshka” attracts moisture from the atmosphere and contributes to even greater oxidation contacts.

    3. Wipe the phone well with a damp cloth to remove any oily WD-40 residue.

    I had no other choice, because it was already evening, it was a long way to go to the service center, and I needed a work phone now. Time will tell who is right. In two weeks I will report how my phone works.

    Thanks for the tip, ToyoDjUa.

    1. Launch any native application on the iPhone: notepad, weather, safari.
    2. Press the Power button until a red stripe appears on top Slide to Power Off.
    3. Release Power, press and hold Home until the bar disappears and the application closes.

    Update 03/19/2012 The button works.

    Update 05/09/2012 The button works.

    Update 07/05/2012 The button works.

    website For iPhones purchased more than 200 days ago, the Home button starts to jam at some point. Not all devices, of course, but mine was unlucky. Either the fat on the contacts prevented the conduction of current, or the former moisture inside the case was to blame for the lack of signs of life, but the most important button of the phone stopped responding to pressing. It can be returned...

    At any moment, the Home button starts to act up and jam, and slow down terribly, annoying the owner of the gadget. Most often, this problem occurs due to a software failure, in which case the problem can be solved quite simply. But it happens that time is to blame. Everything gets old, as they say, when the mechanism wears out, more effort will have to be made to restore the operation of the button.

    Whatever the reason, do not rush to contact service centers, we want to offer you 4 ways to solve the problem when Home button not working on iPhone.

    Method 1:
    This method refers to the first option for the cause of the failure. If the button becomes less responsive, try simply calibrating it.
    To do this, you need to open any application, for example, weather and hold down the power button of your device, do this until the “shutdown” bar appears. Then press the Home button until the previously appeared “shutdown” bar disappears. After the manipulations, everything should work as before.

    Method 2:
    If on your iPad and iPhone Home button doesn't work, maybe a little trick will save you! Take a 30-pin cord. First of all, insert the plug into the iPhone connector, then you need to put your finger under the plug and press it from bottom to top. If you are sure that you did everything correctly, try to check the operation of the device by first removing the cord.

    P.S. Don’t get too carried away... it may turn out that in addition to the Home button, the dock connector will also stop working.

    Method 3:
    When the cause is wear and tear of the mechanism, WD-40 aerosol can help you. It is used in aviation and the aerospace industry. This spray is well known to car enthusiasts; it can also be used in the household, spraying squeaky doors, locks, etc.
    But now we are talking about a completely different area of ​​application of WD-40. To “reanimate” the Home button on your iPhone and iPad, you need to spray the button with an aerosol and make 10 quick clicks. It should help, let's check.

    Method 4:
    Have you tried all the above methods and they didn't help? This is bad, most likely you will have to turn to specialists! In the meantime, the built-in iOS feature will help you - software duplication of functions.
    Do the following: Settings - General - Accessibility and turn on Assistive Touch by clicking the switch at the top of the screen! Then click the circle that appears on the screen and in the window that appears, click “Home”. After closing the settings, you can call this button at any time to return to the main screen!
    This way, you can continue working with your Apple gadget before contacting specialists.

    The iPhone Home button has many functions - unlocking the screen, launching the multitasking menu, returning to the Home screen, calling Siri, etc. This frequent use can affect the responsiveness of the button. Although the key is designed to last for a long period of use, it may become less responsive over time. Surprisingly, in most cases, problems with the button are related to the software and not to the hardware itself.

    If the button "Home" is not as responsive as before, then here are some tips that can help fix the problem.

    iPhone Home Button Stuck - Disable Shortcut Settings

    It's no secret that the iPhone has a special section for people with disabilities. The functionality can be accessed by triple-clicking the Home button. This allows you to create a shortcut (for example, activate or ) without having to go to each time "Settings". Although this method saves a little time, the button "Home" may become less responsive. If you triple-click the Home button, iPhone will wait a while after the first press to determine if you're about to do the next one. This results in a significant delay when pressing the button.

    To disable the feature, open "Settings" -> "Basic" -> "Universal Access" -> "Keyboard shortcut" and uncheck all the boxes.

    The Home button on the iPhone is not working well - check the responsiveness of the Home button

    You can adjust the speed required to double or triple press the button "Home". By default, your smartphone is set to the maximum button response speed. It is possible that someone could accidentally change this value. To check your click speed, open "Settings", go to section "Basic" -> "Universal Access" -> "Home". Then make sure your keystroke speed is set to "Default".

    Calibrate the Home Button on iPhone

    There is one interesting trick available in iOS with which you can calibrate a button "Home". It is not entirely clear why and how this works; most likely, this clears memory and closes applications that affect the operation of the processor. Here's how to calibrate the button "Home":

    Open the program "Weather", "Stock" or any other pre-installed application.

    1) Press and hold the Power button until the slider appears "Turn off".

    2) Now press and hold the button "Home" for 8 seconds until the slider disappears.

    This action should close the current application and restart it, after which the button "Home" should become more responsive.

    Reboot your iPhone

    A very simple method, but it may well help fix the delay problem. To restart your iPhone, hold the Power button until you see the slider "Turn off". Turn off your iPhone. Press the Power button again to turn on the device.