• Why doesn't it work when I turn on the computer? What to do if the computer does not turn on? Step-by-step diagnostic instructions

    Greetings everyone. Typically, if you have problems starting the operating system or the lights turn off during operation, a list of possible startups appears when you next boot the system.

    In order not to mislead you and teach you some nuances, I will share some very useful tips. So, if the system did not boot but provided a boot choice, then I recommend selecting the following option - Last Known Good Configuration or loading the last good configuration.

    This start option cancels any changes made to the registry key CurrentControlSet which directly caused the problem.

    This registry key determines the values ​​of hardware parameters and all drivers installed on the system. Function loading last known known configuration will replace the contents of the above registry key with the data stored in the backup copy that was used during the last successful startup of Windows.

    Reboot the computer. After the sound signal, press the F8 key and hold it until the operating system start selection menu appears. From the list of launch options that appears, select and activate it by pressing the key "Enter".

    Remember, you are given one single attempt to restore the system's last known known configuration.

    In general, if you were unable to restore the system after starting the OS from the mode, then this means only one thing - the backup copy is damaged. In this case, this recovery method will not help us.

    1 Recovery Console

    This method involves using the utility "recovery console". The more complex the problem of loading the operating system, the more serious the approach to solving it should be. The boot CD with the installation system usually contains a very useful utility - "Recovery Console"

    To autorun a boot CD with Windows OS, place it in the DVD-CD drive and restart the computer. As soon as the computer reboots and the drive begins to read data from the disk, you will see the Setup and Installation Wizard dialog box.

    This will happen if you set boot priority in the BIOS settings "Boot first device" put up "DVD/CD-ROM". I wrote about this in more detail in the article -. Once the download begins, follow all instructions that appear on the screen.

    The program will provide you with a selection of basic files to run the installation program. The installation wizard greets you with the phrase "Welcome To Setup". Now all you have to do is press the key "R" which facilitates the opening of the recovery console.

    Now the Recovery Console dialog box has opened in front of you. Here we will see a folder with files and also a request to select the operating system with which you plan to start working.

    Next, you have to press the key with the number corresponding to the operating system number, then the program will ask for the administrator password, if any. Well, now you have full access to the command line.

    I wrote more about how to work with the recovery console in the article -

    3 Fixing damage to the Boot.ini boot file

    At the initial stage of Windows OS startup, the Ntldr program accesses the boot file Boot.ini. As a result, the program determines the location of system files and available options to continue booting.

    This is precisely why, in case of damage to the boot file Boot.ini, the operating system cannot continue or even start booting correctly.

    In the event that Windows OS does not boot and the reason for this is a damaged file Boot.ini then the recovery console toolkit will help you - Bootcfg.

    To run Bootcfg You will, of course, need to start the system from a Windows XP boot disk. To run the command Bootcfg, you need to enter into the command line of the management console: Bootcfg /parameter

    Where /parameter- this is one of the functions that I will tell you about now.

    Add– scans the hard drive for all installed operating systems. In addition, it adds the identifiers of new operating systems to the boot file Boot.ini.

    Scan- scans the hard drive for all installed operating systems.

    List– displays a list of records in the file Boot.ini.

    Default– displays the identifier of the operating system that is being run during startup

    Rebuild– completely restores the Boot.ini boot file. The user is given the opportunity to control every step.

    Redirect– in administration mode, this function allows you to redirect download operations to another specially designated port. It has several subparameters, or rather two: | ./Disableredirect – Disables redirection.

    It is worth noting that in Windows Xp and Windows 7 boot.ini is formed differently. I wrote several articles on the topic of boot.ini for XP and 7:

    4 Repairing a defective Master Boot Record

    The master boot record uses the first sector of the hard drive and carries out the boot procedure for Windows XP. The entry contains a table of all available hard drive partitions and a small program "primary loader" The primary bootloader, in turn, is responsible for placing the active or boot sectors in the partition table.

    Once placed in the table, the boot sector begins to start the operating system. If suddenly the boot record is damaged, the active sector will not be able to start the system.

    In order to fix this problem, the recovery console provides the Fixmbr program. Boot from the installation disk and activate the recovery console.

    In order to run the Fixmbr command, you need to enter the following into the command line of the management console: Fixmbr

    Where - the compound name of the disk for which there is a need to create a new master boot record. The qualified name for the main boot drive C:\ will look like this: \Device\HardDisk0

    5 Restoring a damaged HDD boot sector

    The boot sector is a small section of the hard drive dedicated to storing data in the operating system, having an NTFS or FAT32 file system, and it is also a fairly small program that helps in the process of loading the operating system.

    If the system refuses to start precisely because the boot sector is inoperative, the recovery console tool can help you FixBoot. To do this, you need to load the installation disk and go to the recovery console menu.

    In general, I have already indicated above how to do this. In order to run this program, you will need to enter the following in the command line of the management console: Fixboot:

    Where- the drive letter that requires creating a new boot partition.

    6 Quick reinstallation of Windows

    In the event that the system cannot be started and you do not have a backup copy, you can perform a Quick Reinstallation of Windows.

    This procedure involves reinstalling the operating system in the same directory (similar to updating an old version of the system to a newer one) and can fix almost any Windows boot problem.

    Place the boot disk into the DVD/CD drive, then restart the computer. Once the disk is recognized and reading begins, you can begin the installation procedure. During installation, a license agreement will appear.

    In order to agree to the terms of the agreement, press the F8 key. Next, the program will scan all installed versions of Windows. As soon as at least one of the versions is found, the installation screen will appear.

    In order to start restoring the version of the system you need, you need to click "R", and to start the installation "Esc". The system recovery procedures will start. The installation wizard will now begin checking the disks for functionality, and then begin a quick reinstallation.

    Remember, after reinstalling or recovering a damaged installation, all updates will have to be reinstalled again.

    7 How to cancel automatic reboot

    As a rule, if an error occurs during stable operation of the system, the operating system automatically reboots.

    When an error occurs directly at system startup, a cycle of endless reboots occurs. In this case, you need to disable the function of automatically rebooting the system upon failure.

    At the beginning of the operating system startup or after POST, press the F8 key, which will open a menu in front of you "Advanced options".

    Next you need to select the item "Disable automatic reboot on system failure" and activate it by pressing the key "Enter". Now, when Windows XP starts up, it will display an error message, the essence of which will tell us about the malfunction.

    Restoring the Windows operating system from a backup copy.
    If none of the system recovery methods helped you, then there is a chance to restore the operating system using a backup copy (if you have one).

    The recovery algorithm completely depends on the program you are using to perform the backup, which provides you with all the necessary instructions.


    There can be many recovery methods and reasons why Windows does not boot. The main thing is that the system is mostly recoverable and you don’t have to perform. That's all. I wish you success in dealing with the problem.

    Laptop system failure? Computer won't boot? What should you do if your computer beeps when you turn it on? We will look at the answers to these questions in our article.

    Let’s immediately try to sort everything out and understand whether the personal computer (hereinafter referred to as PC) and/or monitor does not turn on? Is there a beep when you turn it on or not? There are situations when the PC is absolutely working, i.e. The computer turns on, but there is no picture on the monitor.

    There are not many problems with the monitor, so we suggest starting with them.

    What to do if the monitor does not turn on?

    Pay attention to the monitor's power button. If it does not light up, there is a problem with the screen power supply. However, you should remember that not all monitors have a backlit power button; for example, the Samsung SyncMaster SA10 does not have it.

    Here is an algorithm of actions for diagnosing a malfunction:

    • Press the power button on the monitor; it may be turned off.
    • Make sure the outlet to which the monitor is connected is working properly. This can be done with an indicator screwdriver, a multimeter, or using any portable electrical device, for example, a charger for a mobile phone, tablet, radio, lamp, etc. Try turning on the monitor from a different outlet.
    • Check the power cable, there may be a problem with static charge at the ends of the cable or with the cable itself. Pull out the cable and insert it back. Try a different cable.
    • The problem is in the power supply unit (hereinafter referred to as PSU) of the monitor. Repair (resoldering of capacitors) or replacement of the power supply is required.
    • The problem is with the power button. The button needs to be replaced.
    • Swollen capacitors on the monitor board. Resoldering of capacitors is necessary.

    If the monitor's power button blinks, but there is no image, there is a problem with the VGA (DVI) signal cable or the PC video card.

    • Check the monitor signal cable (VGA or DVI), the cable may not fit tightly into the socket. Tighten the cable fixing screws. Try this cable on another screen or install another tested cable on the existing one. Some screens have both VGA and DVI inputs; if one does not work, you need to try another, of course, if you have the appropriate connector on your PC video card.
    • The problem is with the video card. If the system unit has 2 or more video cards, try moving the VGA or DVI cable to another video card. Move the video card to another slot. Replace the video card with a proven one. Test your graphics card on another PC.

    At this point, 90% of all monitor malfunctions are exhausted, and we move on to PC malfunctions.

    Computer won't turn on or won't boot?

    Before we begin describing PC malfunctions, we should understand the terminology, since seemingly identical words used to describe a malfunction have different meanings. So, the machine does not turn on when, after pressing the computer's power button:

    • indicator lights do not light up;
    • You can’t hear the noise of operating cooling coolers (fans);
    • There is no single sound signal from the built-in speaker, which usually accompanies normal PC startup. Please note that a series of several beeps of varying duration (short/long), on the contrary, indicate a computer malfunction.

    The PC does not boot when, after pressing the computer's power button:

    • indicator lights are constantly on or flashing;
    • the noise of operating cooling coolers (fans) is heard;
    • there is a single sound signal from the built-in speaker after the PC starts; The operating system (hereinafter referred to as OS) of the computer does not load, black screen, blue screen of death (BSoD).

    What to do if the computer beeps?

    When you turn on the PC, if the result is positive for errors, the built-in speaker emits one short beep. If there is a series of beeps when loading (the computer beeps), then the PC has problems. The correspondence of the number of signals, their duration, system errors are different and differ depending on the BIOS manufacturers. When you turn on your PC, pay attention to the BIOS developer (information is indicated on the monitor during boot, and can also be found in the instructions for the motherboard). The most popular BIOS manufacturers are: Asus, Award, AMI, AST, Phoenix, Compaq, DELL.

    Interesting! Tables for decoding sound signals can be found in the corresponding section of Wikipedia.

    If the computer does not turn on, you need to follow a number of recommendations below:

    • Make sure that the system unit's power supply is turned on. On the back of the system unit there is a power supply button.
    • Make sure that the outlet to which the PC is connected is working properly (see the solution to a similar problem for a monitor).
    • Make sure the PC power cable is in good condition; there may be a problem with static charge at the ends of the cable or with the cable itself. Pull out the cable and insert it back. Try a different cable (for example, from a monitor).
    • Make sure there is no large amount of dust on the computer boards. Try cleaning your computer using a brush and a vacuum cleaner.
    • Make sure the computer's power supply is working properly. Measure the voltage at the output of the power supply with a multimeter. Between the black and yellow wires the voltage should be 12V, between the black and red - 5V. Try another power supply of similar power.
    • Make sure the PC power button is working properly. If necessary, replace the button.
    • Make sure there are no swollen capacitors on the computer motherboard. If there are any, it is necessary to resolder the capacitors.
    • BIOS battery problem. Pull out the battery and check the voltage at its contacts, it should be 3V. Deviations to the smaller side lead to unstable PC operation. Try inserting another battery.
    • Make sure the hard drive is working properly. Check if all connectors (power/SATA/IDE) are installed properly. When using a PC, incl. and when loading it, if you put your hand on the hard drive, you can feel a slight vibration, if this does not happen, there is a high probability of problems with the hard drive connection cables or its malfunction.
    • Make sure that the RAM (hereinafter referred to as RAM) is in good working order. Try inserting the RAM module into a different slot on the motherboard. If there are several modules, you need to remove them, after which you need to try to insert them into the slots one by one and after each attempt try to turn on the PC. Try replacing the RAM module with a tested, working module.

    What to do if the computer does not boot?

    As a rule, the computer does not boot due to failures in the operating system or problems with the hard drive. To troubleshoot you need to:

    • Make sure the hard drive is working properly. Check the hard drive for bad sectors.
    • Make sure there is no BSoD message on the screen. BSoD or blue screen of death (from English Blue Screen of Death) is the name of a critical error in Microsoft Windows operating systems. If you encounter this kind of error, you need to write down the error code and use the search to find the cause of its occurrence.
    • If everything is fine with the hard drive and there are no BSoD errors on the monitor, then there is a very high probability that there is a problem with the operating system and it will need to be reinstalled.

    Good day everyone. Today the topic of our computer conversation is devoted to the case when you turn on your computer, but it does not turn on. The moment, you see, is not a pleasant one. Moreover, yesterday you worked quietly, turned it off, and today nothing turns on.

    There can be many reasons for this. Some of them can be eliminated on their own, others only with the help of a specialist. But before we run to the workshop, let's look at these reasons. Maybe you can fix something yourself.

    What could be causing your computer to not turn on? First, let's define how it doesn't turn on: it doesn't turn on at all, it turns on but doesn't load, or it turns on but the monitor is blank.

    These cases can be divided into two problems: problems with hardware and problems with the system. If the coolers are working, the computer beeps, the monitor starts running the BIOS and that’s it, then the problem is in the system itself. It’s a little simpler here, we reinstall and move on. Otherwise, you have a hardware problem.

    Here are the top most common reasons for this:

    • Power problem
    • Power supply burnt out
    • Monitor is faulty
    • The battery on the motherboard is dead
    • System unit contamination
    • Problems with connecting components or cables
    • Power button malfunction
    • Motherboard failure

    If your computer does not turn on, the first thing you need to do is check whether voltage is supplied to the computer. Here, first of all, we check the power supply itself. It has an on/off button. Maybe it was turned off.

    In addition, the power supply can be checked by replacing it with a working one. We disconnect all the cables from the motherboard and in their place we connect another power supply, a working one. If everything works with it, then the problem is in your power supply. If you do not have another power supply, then using any conductive material: a paper clip, etc. You will need to close the green and black contacts on the unit being tested. If the fan starts working, then the unit is ok.

    Checking network cables

    Next, we check the network cables. Perhaps one of them is poorly inserted, or it simply needs to be replaced. If your computer operates via a UPS, then you need to check that too. If the computer is connected through a surge protector, then the problem may be there. We also check its performance.

    Checking the power buttons

    We check the power buttons on the processor. Sometimes they get stuck. If everything is fine, then we look for the power connectors on the motherboard (the instructions for it have all the descriptions with pictures). We take out the plug and close the contacts with tweezers.

    The computer will either turn on, then the problem is the button, or not.

    Resetting BIOS settings

    If your computer does not turn on, then try resetting the BIOS settings. This is done using a special jumper located next to the battery. Remove the battery for a couple of minutes. After this, the settings will be reset to factory settings. You can even replace the battery itself.

    Also, do not forget to clean the board and all its components from dust. After that, turn on the computer again. If it doesn’t help, move on to checking all components

    Checking computer components

    First, we remove everything that is installed on it from the motherboard: processor, RAM modules, hard drive. We leave only the power supply, the motherboard itself, and the power/reset button wires connected to it. After that, turn on the computer. What should it be? If the power supply fan does not spin or it starts but turns off after a few seconds, then the motherboard is faulty. We replace it. If the fan rotates normally, then the problem is not with the motherboard.

    The next steps are as follows: we insert each component one by one and turn on the computer. If the computer works after the inserted component, then this element is working. If it does not turn on, then it will be necessary to replace the faulty part. Memory modules must be tested through all slots for which they are intended. It may turn out that the problem is a malfunction of one of the slots.

    The last thing we check is the hard drive. If the computer turns on but does not start, then see if the processor sees it. If it sees it, the problem is in the operating system; if not, it’s in the hard drive itself. It needs to be diagnosed. In addition, when you turn on the computer, listen carefully to see if the hard drive makes sounds and what kind of sounds they make. If it hums normally, then the disk is intact, but if it is silent or sounds differently, then most likely it is broken.

    So, let's summarize what you need to do to check your computer:

    • find out that the power supply is turned on
    • check the serviceability of the outlet to which the PC is connected
    • Check if the PC power cable is working properly
    • clean your computer
    • check the health of the power supply
    • check the functionality of the PC power button
    • find out the presence or absence of swollen capacitors on the motherboard
    • Check the BIOS battery, replace if necessary
    • check the health of the hard drive (you can put your hand on it and if it vibrates, then everything is fine with it)
    • check memory modules through all slots for their connection

    If none of the above helped, then you need to take the “sick” to a service workshop.

    There is probably no need to explain that situations when the computer does not boot occur quite often. There may be a myriad of reasons that led to this. Now we will try to figure out why such situations arise and how to deal with them. Let's look at desktop computers rather than laptops, although in some cases the methods for solving the problem may be very similar.

    Causes of download problems

    First of all, in the question of why the computer does not boot, you need to understand that among the main reasons there are two main ones: physical damage to the components of the computer system and a malfunction of the software (in this case, Windows).

    Both can cause serious problems. Let's look at the most common causes of failures and figure out how to eliminate the consequences.

    Consequences of physical impact

    As for damage to physical components, first you should pay attention to the initial stage of booting the PC. Probably everyone knows that when turned on, the system unit makes a characteristic sound (a single squeak). This indicates that all hardware components are in order. True, this is not always the case. The fact is that a hard drive failure is detected only after startup (the system does not see it).

    Sometimes the system speaker may emit short and long squeaks. This is already worse. This can only mean one thing - some component is not working, has failed, or is simply incorrectly connected to the motherboard. The signals may vary for different BIOS versions. But all of them may indicate malfunctions in the operation of RAM, video card, central processor, etc. In some cases, there may be no signal at all.

    In this case, it is recommended to remove the system unit panel and check whether all components are connected to the motherboard. It may well be that the device does not work not because of failure, but because the corresponding cable is damaged. Naturally, it is not possible to determine such a malfunction yourself, so you will have to turn to specialists.

    There are often cases when the computer does not boot even when turned on. There may also be enough reasons for this. It is very likely that there is simply no power supply. It is worth checking the outlet or uninterruptible power supply. Sometimes, when a large number of electrical appliances are plugged into an extension cord, protection and much more may be triggered. You can check the battery that is installed on the motherboard. It is very possible that after replacing it, turning on and booting the computer will go as usual. Often no one pays attention to this, nevertheless the fact remains a fact.

    In general, you should immediately check all cables, sockets, extension cords, etc. Maybe this is really the reason. That’s why it turns out that nothing starts, nothing loads, the computer is black and shows no signs of life.

    Crash systems

    Of course, you can replace the hardware, but with the operating system itself the situation is much worse, because no one obviously wants to reinstall the system, format the hard drive or partitions, which will entail data loss.

    There are just a lot of reasons why Windows might crash: a sudden power outage, incorrect shutdown or shutdown, a software failure, the presence of viruses, damage to the hard drive, etc. The list is endless.

    As for physical damage to the hard drive, the severity of the problem can only be determined after full testing of the surface and contacts. If it burns out, you know, you’ll have to shell out money for a new one, there’s nothing you can do about it. If the damage is minor, you can try to restore the damaged sectors. This will be discussed a little later.

    Basic methods to correct the situation

    As is already clear, in terms of hardware failure, when the computer does not boot, the black screen hangs constantly, the system unit does not make a sound, the solution would be a complete test of all components. It is very possible that reconnecting or replacing some of them will clarify the problem.

    It is worth noting that in some cases, when the system does not detect the hard drive, the most trivial situation may occur. In the BIOS, the boot priority can be set to, say, CD/DVD/ROM first, the second device is a USB drive, etc. It is clear that when media of this type is inserted, the system will display a message stating that this is not a system drive.

    It also happens that the computer does not boot from the Windows installation disk. Here you will have to check the disk itself. It is very possible that there are some scratches or other damage on it. By the way, perhaps the drive itself is damaged and simply does not work.

    Now a few words about how to correct the situation when the computer does not boot, Windows 7 does not start, and in general it seems that nothing can be done.

    Let us say right away: do not despair and panic. Bill Gates is not a stupid person at all. When creating his system, he left loopholes to restore the functionality of the operating systems, and today there are quite a lot of methods that allow you to quickly and effectively apply measures that can, so to speak, breathe new life into the system. Below we will describe the most common problems and methods for eliminating them specifically from the point of view of the Windows software shell.

    Loading Last Known Good Configuration and Restoring the System

    As a rule, even after very serious errors in the operation of Windows 7, as they say, it simply does not give up. On reboot (if everything is fine with boot records), testing occurs, and then in most cases a message is displayed about possible boot options, including loading the last known known configuration.

    This happens because the system, as it were, remembers its last working state and offers to go to it, bypassing all the changes made before. In 90% of cases this helps. However, it also happens that the computer does not boot even if Windows self-healing, and the user eventually receives a message that such a configuration could not be loaded.

    The same applies to using system restore, which may be offered when Windows starts. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. In principle, both services are very similar. In this state of affairs, more effective measures will have to be taken.

    Safe Mode

    Many users, faced with a problem, for example, when the computer does not boot after updating Windows 7, clearly underestimate the benefits of safe mode, but it allows you to gain access to a fully functional system and fix many software errors.

    To load safe mode after the system starts, you need to press and hold the F8 key. When the system boots, we can take care of our problem. In this case, you can check all the hardware components for functionality and the presence of the appropriate drivers, run a disk check for errors, and finally begin restoring the system.

    System Restore

    First of all, using the control panel, you need to go to the “Backup and Restore” section. It can also be accessed from the main Start menu under All Programs/Maintenance. Here you need to select a checkpoint (the last one created or one of those present in the list) and start the process itself. This, of course, can take quite a lot of time, but if you don’t want to reinstall, you’ll have to be patient.

    Now let's say that after the updates the computer does not boot. In the same control panel, if you go to Windows Update, you can view the update log, in which, in fact, you will need to delete everything that was installed before the system crash, no matter whether these updates were installed automatically or in manual mode.

    In many cases, this approach allows you to revive Windows without resorting to more serious methods, which not every user will be able to handle.

    Using the Recovery Console

    If the above method does not produce results, you will have to use other methods. One of the most effective and radical methods when the computer does not boot is to use the recovery console, which is available either on the Windows 7 installation or emergency recovery disk.

    To use such disks, of course, you should make the appropriate boot priority settings in the BIOS, indicating the CD/DVD-ROM first in the list.

    The boot menu will show a "Welcome To Setup" screen, after which you will need to press the "R" key to go directly to the console (command line). It is worth considering that if more than one operating system is installed on the computer, folders with files will first be shown, and then a request will follow which system the user wants to work with. Now you just need to enter the number corresponding to the number of the selected system. Next, you may be asked to enter the administrator password, provided that you have one. Now about the teams. What and how to enter and what to use, we will now figure it out.

    Recovering the Boot.ini file

    As a rule, one of the reasons for a system crash is damage to the Boot.ini boot file, which is responsible for loading the system. To restore it, almost all systems use a tool called Bootcfg. Bootcfg/Rebuild is entered on the command line (not counting other tools for scanning its entries, redirecting actions, adding identifiers, etc.). It seems that, apart from the main recovery command, the average user does not need anything else.

    Recovering the Master Boot Record

    The master boot record contains tables of all logical partitions of the hard drive. The so-called primary loader places the active and boot sectors in the tables, after which, in fact, the system starts. If the boot record is damaged, the active sector simply will not be able to start the system.

    To restore in this case, use the Fixmbr command, after which you enter the qualified name of the disk or partition. In the case of drive C, the command will look like Fixmbr\Device\HardDisc0.

    Recovering the boot sector of the hard drive

    The boot sector is a small partition on the hard drive for storing data in FAT32 or NTFS file systems for booting. If it is damaged, use the Fixboot\c: recovery command (provided that the “OS” was installed on drive C).

    Quick system reinstallation

    Again, consider a situation where after updating Windows 7 the computer does not boot, and the system simply does not want to start. As a last resort, you can use the so-called quick reinstallation of the system in the same folder where the previous OS was installed. In some cases, this may correct errors.

    After the system starts from the disk, the license agreement window will appear. You can agree to the terms by pressing the F8 key, after which you will be asked to select an installation method. Key "R" - restore the existing version, Esc - cancel the restoration and go to a new installation. In most cases, recovery proceeds without problems.

    Virus check

    Now a few words about another unpleasant situation, when the system does not start and the computer does not boot. A black screen may be the result of spontaneous viruses that either prevent the system from booting or change boot records.

    In this case, it is recommended to use utilities such as Kaspersky Rescue Disc or Dr. Web Rescue Disc. As is already clear, such programs start directly from the optical disk, but, what is most interesting, they are loaded even before the Windows OS starts. They have a graphical interface, so working with them is not difficult. It should be noted that in 99.99% of cases, such applications remove even those viruses that are simply impossible to remove using standard scanners installed on the system. After all, they can “hang” even in RAM. At the end of the check, the computer terminal is rebooted, and, hurray, the system works again as if nothing had happened.


    So we looked at the question of what to do if the computer does not boot. It seems that some solutions to this problem will be useful to many users. Of course, it’s quite difficult to say right away, right away, why a computer or operating system won’t boot. But if you conduct a comprehensive test and find out the cause of the problem, then you can choose the most appropriate method to correct the situation.

    What to do if WINDOWS won't boot

    A short guide on what to do if your computer won’t turn on or boot.

    1. Problem: when you press the power button, nothing happens, the computer does not make any sounds, there is no image on the monitor.
    Recommendations: Check whether the computer is connected to an outlet, whether there is electricity in this outlet, check that the switch located on the back of the system unit on the power supply is turned on, check that the power cable for the computer is working properly (for example, connect a monitor using it). If everything has been checked and everything is in order and the computer does not start, the computer hardware is most likely faulty. Most often, the power supply fails (usually not the entire unit fails, but only the fuse, which is quite easy to change) or the motherboard, in which case we recommend contacting a service center.

    2. Problem: when you press the power button, the computer makes normal sounds, there is no image on the monitor.
    Recommendations: Perhaps the computer does not turn on due to incorrect BIOS settings (for example, the processor bus frequency is specified to be higher than necessary for normal operation of the computer). In this case, try booting with the Insert key held down (it’s different on different motherboards, the instructions describe which key resets the settings), if that doesn’t help, try resetting the BIOS settings in another way: remove the cover from the system unit, find the Clear CMOS jumper on the board (the instructions for the motherboard say where it is located) and move the jumper to adjacent contacts for a few seconds, or find the battery and remove it for a few minutes.

    3. Problem: The computer turns on and then turns off immediately.
    Remove the cover from the system unit, make sure that the cooler (fan) on the processor rotates normally and fits tightly to it.

    4. Problem: the computer turns on, but stops on the first page, there is some inscription written at the bottom.
    Recommendations: Check that the keyboard is connected correctly and whether it works, and whether any keys are pressed. Try resetting the BIOS settings as indicated in step 2. Check that the hard drives and drives are connected correctly and are working properly. Check that the BIOS settings are correct.

    5. Problem: the computer starts, but instead of loading the operating system, some message appears.
    Recommendations: Check if there is a floppy disk in the drive, if there is a disk in the drive, check the boot order specified in the BIOS. If you receive a message that any system files are missing, you will need to reinstall or restore the operating system.

    6. Problem: Windows* starts to load and the computer freezes.
    Recommendations: while the computer is booting, press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select SAFE MODE. If the system boots in safe mode, then most likely the problem is that the system is infected with viruses or is exposed to malware. In safe mode, check your computer for viruses (not all antiviruses work in this mode, try using the free utilities AVZ or DRWEB CureIT, do not forget about updating the anti-virus databases) and disable all programs from startup, to do this, click Start-Run-type msconfig and in the startup item, uncheck all the boxes.

    *) For Windows XP system

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