• Why doesn't the original cable charge the iPhone? What to do if your iPhone won't charge

    One of the most common problems that iPhone owners encounter is charging problems. If the iPhone does not charge at all or the process is too slow, the reason may be either problems with the software or a malfunction of the phone or charger.

    Some defects can be removed yourself; to fix others, it is better to contact a service center or workshop where specialists with a sufficient level of experience work and have the necessary spare parts for different generations of iPhone and equipment.

    Most often, problems with charging the device are caused by the following phenomena:

    Replacing the socket

    If the Lightning port where you plug in the charging cable is faulty due to debris getting inside, you need to carefully clean it.

    A thin and long object made of plastic or wood is suitable for this; Never use metal devices such as paper clips, as they can damage the contacts with static electricity.

    After mechanical cleaning, you need to blow out the connector and check whether the cord can be detected. Often, after the procedure is completed, the iPhone charges normally.

    If cleaning the socket does not help, the reason may be its mechanical damage: the case near the port will heat up, and when connected, the LED indicating the charging process may blink and turn off.

    In case of burnout or mechanical damage to the contacts, the help of a technician is usually required, since the problem becomes the failure of the lower loop. This part cannot be repaired and must be replaced with a new one.

    When making repairs, it is important that only the original is used for replacement, since cheaper Chinese analogues are rarely of decent quality, and when installing them, the repair will have to be done again after 2-3 months of operation.

    Replacing the battery

    All iPhone models have a lithium-ion battery, the service life of which varies from 6-8 months to a year depending on operating conditions. After 400-800 full charge cycles, it drains much faster and takes longer to charge. In addition, battery damage can be caused by the following factors:

    • Mechanical phenomena (fall, directed impact).
    • Using low-quality adapters instead of the original charger.
    • Liquid ingress, oxidation of battery contacts.
    • Short circuit.

    In any of these cases, it is better to replace the element: a new battery will hold a charge better and eliminate the hassle of long-term connection to an outlet. A replacement is most often ordered from a service center, since the iPhone’s design is monolithic, and you cannot simply remove the battery, as on most smartphones. To replace it, use a set in the form of a Phillips screwdriver and a special Pentalobe and a plastic spatula. Basic actions:

    • The screws at the bottom of the device are unscrewed with a Pentalobe screwdriver.
    • Using a spatula, the screen of the gadget is raised.
    • The battery cable is held on by three screws; you need to unscrew them and disconnect the cable.
    • The battery is removed and replaced with a new part, assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

    Software glitch

    Often the cause of problems with charging a device is a failure in iOS: this may be a freeze of the operating system itself, which causes a delay in the response of the controller responsible for supplying current to the battery. To resolve the problem, you must perform the following steps:

    • Press the Lock and Home buttons at the same time, hold them in this state for 15-25 seconds, without releasing: a white background with the Apple logo will appear on the display, then it will cease to be visible, and the keys can be released.
    • Turn on your smartphone and connect the charging cable.

    This procedure is known as a “hard reboot” and helps if the cause is an OS failure. As a rule, after this the power problem disappears.

    Problematic firmware

    Some users are faced with the fact that after they decided to change the firmware or install an update, the iPhone stopped “seeing” the cord. The problem may be a failure of the update process, installation of an application that is not certified, or launching a virus. You can solve the problem in the following ways:

    • Roll back to the previous firmware version. This option is suitable for users who save a backup copy before updating: this will allow you to return the previous settings using iTunes. To do this, you need to go into the program and click on the restore button.
    • Restore original settings. The method is used in other cases, however, this deletes all multimedia files and settings, so before using it you need to take care of resetting the data to the computer.

    If after these steps there is still no reaction, most likely the reason is mechanical damage to the elements of the device.

    Water ingress

    If moisture gets inside the iPhone, it not only leads to damage to the processor chips, but also to power problems. As a rule, in this case, the smartphone screen turns white or has stripes, the apple-shaped indicator blinks and turns off, and the iPhone cannot be charged.

    The situation is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to disassemble the equipment on your own, and water can damage the most important contacts, and a short circuit will disable it completely. In some cases, if little water gets inside, only a few parts have to be replaced, including the battery itself; in others, important processor components burn out.

    If water gets in, you should take the device to a service center as soon as possible, after wiping the outside of the case and screen to remove moisture.

    It is not recommended to try to turn on the iPhone after “drowning”: this will increase the risk of a short circuit and significantly complicate repairs. In no case should you use “folk” methods such as soaking the device in rice, which will absorb water: the main damage is caused by microcrystals of salt dissolved in the liquid, which, after drying, remain on the surface and can penetrate deeper.

    During the service, the smartphone is disassembled, each part is dried using special equipment, treated with cleaning compounds, after which the repairman inspects the elements. If there is damage, the failed parts are replaced.


    iPhone power failures can be associated with various phenomena, which the service uses diagnostics to determine. If you don't know what to do if your iPhone won't charge, don't try to use DIY methods, disassemble the device yourself, or change parts. Without the necessary knowledge and experience, you can damage the equipment more, which will affect the complexity and cost of repairs. In case of serious problems such as a broken port or freezing, it is better to contact the service immediately.


    Modern man has become so familiar with gadgets used for work and entertainment purposes that failure of the charger can cause great distress, disrupt business plans and deprive him of his favorite activities. It is worth understanding the reasons for this phenomenon and finding a way out of the situation in order to return the device to normal operation.

    iPhone software crash

    A fairly common situation is when the phone charges slowly due to incorrect firmware operation. Inside the device there is a controller on a board in the form of a microcircuit. Charging the battery depends on it. It is controlled using software. When charging a smartphone via USB, you send the charge not directly to the battery, but to a board with a controller regulated by a program. The current source is indicated and a charging command is sent.

    If the software is frozen, the command is missing, which is why the iPhone remains uncharged. To solve this problem, perform a radical system reboot. It happens when the phone is turned off. Press Power and Home at the same time, leave the smartphone for half a minute, and then turn it on.

    The Lightning port on your iPhone is dirty

    Another reason why the phone does not charge well from the mains electricity or computer is that the port is dirty. The overwhelming number of users carry gadgets in their pockets, where debris (dust, lint, hair, etc.) accumulates. Once debris gets into the connector, the smartphone often does not show charging. Most users don't even think about this simple fact. As a result, the plug cannot be installed properly.

    Cleaning should be done with a wooden toothpick. Carefully process the hole from the original cable on both sides. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you may harm your contacts. There is a high probability that you will find entire deposits of “felt”. Blow into the connector and connect power from an external source. If the phone is very discharged, you should keep it turned off for 15 minutes, and then use it as usual.

    Computer USB port does not work

    Charging may take a long time due to the connector not meeting the requirements of the device. Every computer has multiple ports, so it's worth testing each one in turn to see exactly whether the problem is with your phone or your computer. The reason may be the following:

    • most sockets supply 5 V and 0.5 A current;
    • standard chargers give 1 A;
    • iPad requires 2A to charge.

    As a result, the phone does not receive the required charge. If this is the reason, use regular 220 V charging.

    iPhone won't charge due to cable/charger

    Real Apple chargers cost quite a bit, which is why they are often preferred to cheap fakes, which are abundant on AliExpress and similar trading platforms. This is the case when the stingy pays twice. Such a purchase will fail faster and may damage the phone itself. Cheaper doesn't always mean better.

    If the problem is with the charger, purchase an original Apple product. If even this does not help, check the Lightning cable. It is desirable that it also be branded. Wires made by Apple do not last forever, let alone cheap and low-quality analogues. Use the cord carefully as it is highly fragile. Frequent kinks damage the plastic coating and the conductors. Due to damage, the device may not charge fully.

    Many people have encountered a message about the lack of certification of a certain accessory, which is why its effectiveness is not guaranteed. iOS versions starting from 7 have ways to recognize foreign, non-genuine USB wires. The Lightning cable plug is equipped with a special chip that identifies the origin of the cord. The Chinese are also not lagging behind, inventing new ways to counterfeit a chip.

    You can always choose a cable and charger to suit every taste and color in one of.

    iPhone parts are broken

    If none of the above reasons apply to your case, the problem is in the phone itself. The battery or charge controller may have failed. Only a service center employee can get to the bottom of the truth. He will repair the U2 chip (the chip in the smartphone board) or install a new one.

    After repair, you need to check the functionality of the device. If they install a cheap Chinese part, it may turn out to be defective and will not accept a charge. So connect your phone to the network right on the spot and make sure that the meter has added at least a few percent.

    The smartphone only charges when turned off

    This problem is often caused by damaged or thinning contacts inside the wire. The incoming energy is not enough to maintain normal operation of the device. The problem may also be in the phone itself: the cable is faulty or there are problems with synchronization.

    You can charge your smartphone through a computer, but this will take much longer. In some cases, the indicator may “deceive” you by showing that energy is being supplied, but in fact the charge level will remain the same. Pay attention to running applications. It is likely that they are consuming energy faster than it is being supplied. As a last resort, you need to change the battery.

    The Technari service center will help you solve problems with the battery, a non-working charging port, or other problems that cause your iPhone to not charge. You get free diagnostics, a 6-month warranty on repairs and spare parts, and pay only for the results. .

    Don’t rush to get too upset, this problem is solved in 95% of cases, I’ve encountered it myself. In this article I will tell you what actions can and should be taken to understand the cause of this malfunction and how to deal with it. There can actually be many reasons why the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus does not charge, because it is a complex device. Let's see what options we have:

    • Software failure;
    • Malfunction of the cable or charger (plug, or charger - charger);
    • The charging connector is broken;
    • iPhone motherboard is faulty.

    We will start with harmless problems that can be easily solved at home without a visit to a service center.

    iPhone 6 and 6 Plus do not charge well due to a firmware glitch.

    In fact, this happens very rarely, but what the hell, as they say. Try rebooting your phone. To restart your iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, you need to hold down the Power button and the Home button until the phone turns off and the boot apple appears. This may take up to 25 seconds. If it helps, great! And if charging still does not proceed, move on to the next point.

    iPhone 6 and 6 Plus won't charge or won't turn on due to cable or charger.

    iPhone 6 and 6 Plus may not charge due to a faulty cable or charger. I think this doesn’t surprise you :) Therefore, if rebooting doesn’t help, then try some magic with the cable or charger.

    First, make sure the outlet is working properly. If you are using an extension cord or pilot, check that the power button is in the “ON” position. Sometimes the iPhone does not charge from the charger for this very reason.
    When Apple switched to new Lightning cables, the whole world was indignant, but accepted the new connector. However, not everyone knows that this cable has literally become smart! It has a built-in chip that is responsible for recognizing the originality of the cable when connected to the phone. Cheap cables use non-original chips, which can cause an error when recognizing the cable and, if they fail, they can, at best, stop charging the phone, and at worst, damage the power controller of the iPhone 6.

    Therefore, if the iPhone does not charge from the cable, try using another one; perhaps the phone simply does not see the charging. A faulty Lightning usually displays a message something like this: “this accessory or cable is not certified”. The charger plug itself is not as smart as the cable, but it can also fail.

    It’s also worth knowing that iPhone 6 and 6 Plus may not charge from a computer either. This is due to the fact that for correct charging the current must be 1 Ampere, but not all computers can output that much to the USB port; most often it will be 0.5. For the same reason, if you charge your iPhone using a cheap Chinese plug that gives out 0.5 Ampere, then most likely the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus will not charge, and sometimes even slowly discharge.
    It is better to use original accessories, it is not cheap, but it is safe.

    Charging connector for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

    Quite often the charging connector fails. It accounts for about 70% of calls to the service. A typical symptom of a faulty connector is that the power connection indication constantly “jumps”, that is, the cable seems to be connected and immediately disconnected, or the charge only occurs in a certain position of the plug.

    The cause of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus connector failure is usually either moisture or broken connector contacts. In the first case iPhone won't charge due to the fact that the contacts are oxidized, and in the second due to a sunken or broken contact. The replacement procedure is standard; the connector is replaced as an assembly with the lower cable. It also contains a microphone, speaker contacts, an audio jack and a GSM antenna; this part is not dismountable. iPhone repair takes about 20 minutes including testing.

    iPhone 6 and 6 Plus stopped charging due to battery.

    This also happens often. In this case, the standard symptom is the lightning indicator next to the battery, but the battery is not charging. Another sign of a faulty battery is the eternal boot apple. The apple lights up on the phone, stays on for a while and goes out, then after a couple of seconds it lights up again. A common cause of malfunction is simple - battery wear. In this case, there is no need to worry; everyone faces this sooner or later.

    If the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus does not charge after replacing the battery, then try to claim warranty; most likely the battery is defective. You can find out more about this problem in the article replacing the battery. By the way, when I said that I also encountered a charging problem, in my case it was the battery that was to blame. Which is generally not surprising, he lived for almost 3 years.

    iPhone 6 and 6 Plus discharge and charge quickly or slowly and get very hot.

    Now we come to the most serious possible problem - a faulty motherboard. Due to falls or the use of a non-original cable or charging, the charging controller (U2 Tristar) or the main power controller may fail. The symptoms are as follows:

    • iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are completely discharged and will not charge;
    • In standby mode, the phone discharges quickly;
    • iPhone 6 and 6 Plus only charge when turned off;
    • iPhone charges very slowly;
    • The phone gets very hot when charging.

    Despite the fact that this breakdown is quite serious, we can fix it without any problems. Repairs can take from several hours to several days, depending on the complexity of the situation. You can read more about such repairs in the article Replacing the power controller for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.


    So we hope we figured out why the iPhone won’t charge and what to do in this case. If this article helped you, I’m glad, my task is completed. If you have any questions or require repairs, call, write or come, we will definitely help you!

    Some owners of equipment from the well-known Apple brand are faced with the fact that the iPhone does not see the charger or charges every once in a while. This product is quite reliable, but there are times when for various reasons it fails. It is worth knowing that if the gadget has stopped charging, various factors may contribute to this. In this article, we will analyze the possible causes of the gadget malfunction and ways to solve the problem.

    Why does the gadget stop taking charge?

    The reason why your iPhone won't charge may lie in the phone itself or in its charger. To find out, connect the gadget to a similar, working charger. If after connecting the charger it does not work, this means that the problem is still in the phone. The iPhone connector can become damaged as a result of:

    • mechanical impact (cable rupture or damage, shock, device falling)
    • contact with liquid
    • dust, lint, or debris getting into the charging connector

    Software glitches may also be among the reasons why the iPhone stopped charging. As a result of failures, errors occur and the phone controller does not receive commands to charge.

    The port may fail due to careless handling, sudden movements when connecting and disconnecting the charging cord to the network. As a result of a fall or impact, the following may become unusable:

    • power controller
    • cable connecting the connector to the board
    • charging connector

    It will not be possible to perform a high-quality replacement of the cable and microcircuit on your own.

    If water gets inside the device, it can lead to corrosion of internal parts, including the charging port. There is a chance to avoid damage if immediately after contact with the liquid you turn off your iPhone and do not use it for several days.

    If the phone is often placed on dusty surfaces or in clothing pockets, then lint, dust, debris and other small particles get into the charging connector. This results in insufficient contact between the port and the cable, resulting in the iPhone not becoming infected.

    The reason why your iPhone won't charge could be a faulty battery. Since the battery is designed to last a certain number of charge cycles, it may have reached the end of its life and it's time to buy a new battery.

    In addition, the use of uncertified chargers may damage the chip that controls battery charge, sleep button and USB functions. In rare cases, using an inappropriate cable may cause the gadget to catch fire. Cheap chargers do not stabilize the voltage in the network, which prematurely damages the battery.

    Symptoms of faults

    There are several clear signs that indicate a faulty iPhone charging circuit. These include the following:

    • The phone is connected to the network, but the charge indicator is not lit (flashing) or shows incorrect data
    • The device turns off before the battery is fully charged
    • The device stopped seeing charging
    • iPhone only works when plugged in
    • Battery indicator constantly flashes
    • iPhone charges if you move the cord in the connector

    You should immediately pay attention to these signs, as they indicate that your iPhone's charging has stopped working. It should be repaired immediately.

    What to do if the device cannot be charged?

    To repair Apple equipment, in particular the iPhone, you need special knowledge and experience. But before turning to specialists, try to perform a few basic steps yourself. They can be useful when the iPhone does not see charging.

    First of all, check the iPhone port for dirt, debris, and foreign objects. Unnoticeable lint and dust in the connector can cause the device not to charge at all or to receive a charge only once. To fix this problem, take an ordinary toothpick and carefully clean the connector through which the iPhone is charged.

    If your iPhone doesn't charge after updating or suddenly stops charging, try uninstalling or disabling the latest installed software, then restart your iPhone.

    If your iPhone's charging doesn't work well or the gadget stops working altogether, reboot it. To do this:

    • Press the Home and Power buttons simultaneously
    • hold both buttons for 15 seconds
    • wait until the gadget turns off and on

    After restarting, the network connection sound should appear. If your iPhone has stopped charging and you can’t get it to work this way, you need to try other methods.

    If after some time after connecting the phone to the network, the charger stops charging, move the cord in the gadget connector. If the phone starts charging, then the connector needs to be replaced. It is better to contact specialists with this problem.

    It is not uncommon for an iPhone charger (cable) to become unusable. To check this, try charging a new Apple gadget with it. If charging does not occur, the cable is damaged internally or externally. In this case, it is advisable to replace it with a new, high-quality one.

    It may take up to 12 hours to charge the battery with a non-original charger, and it may seem that charging has stopped working. Therefore, it is better to use the original device.

    “This cable or accessory is not certified...” is a message that you may not have encountered personally, but you have definitely heard about it. We all know how short-lived original lighting from Apple is and how expensive they are. Buying a cable not from the manufacturer is fraught with unpleasant consequences. They usually find out about them when it is too late. What to do if you find yourself in a similar situation? How to charge your pet? And why might such an alert occur if everything was fine up to this point?

    Why do users buy replicas?

    The purpose of buying a copy cable is clear - the desire to save money. The Chinese-made analogue is cheaper than Apple products. At the same time, a scary message with the text “This cable or accessory is not certified” sometimes does not appear immediately. Someone may have a question: how exactly does the phone recognize that the connected cord is not “native”?

    The bottom line is that a special component is installed in this original lighting - a microcontroller. One of its functions is to ensure that the charging and data transfer process can occur no matter which side you insert the cable into. Chinese replicas most likely do not have this microcontroller. Alternatively, it is damaged or simply does not meet the phone's requirements. Because of this, problems subsequently arise.

    What problems might arise from using such a cable?

    As you can see, Apple strictly monitors the use of products not made by itself. Special devices do not allow charging; a message appears on the screen stating that this cable or accessory is not certified, so the reliability of its operation is not guaranteed.

    Of course, one of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the monopoly on production. But the representatives themselves name another, no less significant one: a fake cable is almost guaranteed to cause serious harm to your iPhone. Firstly, if you use a Chinese replica, the Apple phone may simply stop charging and connecting to the computer. As a rule, at the most inopportune moment. Secondly, the original lighting is designed specifically for iPhone. Using a fake may damage the Apple phone due to technical inconsistencies. Then your losses will be much more serious than the cost of buying a new cable.

    A simple method that can make a non-original cable work

    Let's say a phone, on the screen of which a message appears that this cable or accessory is not certified, does not charge. What should you do if you can’t find a replacement cable right now, but you definitely need to charge your phone? No one gives a 100% guarantee, but sometimes this method helps:

    1. First, try inserting the cable the other way.
    2. If all else fails and the same message appears on the screen, close it.
    3. Unlock your phone and the alert will pop up again. Close it again.
    4. Unplug the wire and then immediately plug it back in.
    5. In some cases, after this, charging begins to occur as usual.

    How to charge a device with a copy by turning off the phone?

    Another simple option on how you can try to make a non-original cable work:

    • Connect the wire to the device. A warning will appear on the screen. But you shouldn't pay attention and take out the cable.
    • Turn off your phone. At the same time, make sure that lighting remains connected.
    • If this method is suitable for your phone, the charging process will begin. A disconnected device cannot check the cable and “notice” that it is a copy.

    This cable or accessory is not certified: how to bypass it via jailbreak?

    This cable or accessory is not certified... This problem can also be solved through jailbreak. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. Jailbreak your phone.
    2. Launch Cydia and go to the Sources tab.
    3. Here you should find the item Support Unsupported Accessories 8. It is this modification that is responsible for activating support for non-original devices.
    4. This tweak is absolutely free. Feel free to click “Install”.
    5. After rebooting the device, the changes made should take effect.

    Now when you connect the charger, the process should occur without problems. The message may still appear. However, this will not affect the result.

    What to do if a problem with a lace appears out of nowhere?

    A gadget that displays the notification “This cable or accessory is not certified” is not charging? What to do if yesterday you attached the same cord, and everything was fine? And are you sure of the noble origin of your cable? There may be several reasons:

    • Over time, any equipment deteriorates. The charger connector may have become oxidized or dirty. Carry out a visual inspection. Dirt can be removed with any stick, but use sharp iron objects! This will only make the problem worse.
    • Assess the condition of the wire itself. A message that a given cable or accessory is not certified may appear even from the original model if it is damaged. The weakest points are the articulation points. Minor damage can be repaired. But if the shell is seriously damaged, there is only one way - to the store.

    Now, if the message “This cable or accessory is not certified” appears on the screen, you already know what to do. But it’s still better not to skimp. Therefore, advises you to buy original lighting. Otherwise, the consequences may be more serious than just a dead phone. Then the iPhone will have to be taken to a service center, which will entail even greater expenses than purchasing the original cable. It’s better to allocate a certain amount and buy the necessary lace than to pay twice later. By the way, the new cable can be further strengthened. Then it will last much longer.