• Why doesn't the phone open the camera? What to do if the main or secondary camera does not work on your phone

    Sometimes abnormal situations can occur on devices running Android - for example, the camera refuses to work: it displays a black screen instead of a picture or even the error “Could not connect to the camera”, takes pictures and videos, but cannot save, etc. We will tell you how to deal with this problem.

    Various types of errors or problems with the photo module can arise for two main reasons: software or hardware. It’s not easy to fix the latter on your own, but even a novice user can solve problems with the software. It is also possible that the camera remains conditionally working, but cannot save the shooting results, or they turn out to be of very poor quality. Let's start with such situations.

    Method 1: Checking the Camera Lens

    Recently, many manufacturers have also covered the lens of the image module with film. It is sometimes difficult for a person, even with very acute vision, to notice its presence. Take a closer look, you can even carefully pick it up with your fingernail. When you feel the film, feel free to rip it off: its protection is useless, and it spoils the quality of shooting.

    Also, the protective glass of the lens can become dirty or dusty during operation of the device. Alcohol wipes for caring for LCD monitors will help you wipe it clean.

    Method 2: Checking the SD card

    If the camera works, takes both photos and videos, but nothing can be saved, most likely there is a problem with the memory card. It may simply be overfilled or gradually fail. You can try a full memory card or simply transfer some of the files to your computer or cloud storage (or many others). If you are experiencing obvious problems, then it would be worth trying such a card.

    No matter how trivial it may sound, a significant number of random errors that arise during the operation of the OS can be corrected by a simple reboot. The fact is that there may be incorrect data in the RAM, which is why an unpleasant failure occurs. The built-in RAM manager in Android and most third-party options do not have the functionality to completely clear all RAM - this can only be done by rebooting the device either through the shutdown menu (if it has such an item) or with a key combination "Lower sound" And "Nutrition".

    Method 4: Clear data and cache of the Camera system application

    As you probably already know, Android often puts a spoke in its own wheels in the form of conflicts between different components - unfortunately, such is the nature of this OS, errors happen from time to time. In this case, something went wrong with the files that belong to the camera: the wrong variable was written in the configuration file or the signature did not match. To get rid of the discrepancy, it is worth cleaning such files.

    Method 5: Install or remove a third-party camera app

    Sometimes a situation occurs when the built-in software for the camera turns out to be inoperative - due to interference in system files by the user or an incorrectly installed update. Plus, this can also be found on some third-party firmware (you can check it in the list of bugs). The situation can be improved by installing a third-party camera - for example, . Also, no one forbids you to put any other of the . If the problem also occurs with a custom camera, it’s below you.

    If you are using a third-party version of the camera, and you need to use the stock one, but for some reason it does not work, then you should probably try to remove a non-native application: the cause of the malfunction may be a conflict in the system, which you will eliminate, removing one of the irritants.

    Warning for users with root access: Do not delete the built-in camera application under any circumstances!

    Method 6: Reset the device to factory settings

    Sometimes a software problem may lie deeper, and it cannot be fixed by rebooting and/or clearing data. In this case, we use heavy artillery - we do a hard reset of the device. Don't forget to back up important information from your internal storage.

    Method 7: Reflashing the device

    When the camera app continues to show an error or black screen even after a factory reset, it looks like it's time. The cause of problems with the camera in such cases lies in an irreversible change in system files, which a reset cannot fix. It is also possible that you installed third-party firmware, which causes the camera to not work. As a rule, these are the so-called nightly versions. We recommend that you flash using stock software to eliminate the influence of third-party factors.

    Method 8: Visiting a service center

    The worst case scenario is a physical malfunction - both the camera module itself and its cable, and the motherboard of your device. If none of the methods described above helped, most likely you have a hardware problem.

    There are 3 main causes of failure: mechanical damage, contact with water and manufacturing defects of one of the specified components. The latter case will allow you to get out almost without losses, but if the phone or tablet has been dropped, or, even worse, has been in water, then repairs can cost a lot of money. If it is more than 50% of the cost of the device, you should think about buying a new one.

    The reasons for the camera not working as described above are common to all Android devices.

    These days, a large number of users of all kinds of electronic gadgets prefer the Android operating platform.

    The choice of this software is based on taking into account some important criteria, but in most cases the key role is played by the ability to get a practical video camera or photo camera at a relatively low cost.

    But, in practice, situations often arise when the device one fine day does not work as it should, in other words, a certain failure occurs in the source code of the platform.

    Probable Causes

    As a rule, camera doesn't work when several underlying causes occur, for example:

      The process of updating the current gadget firmware. It is known that updating the system is an automatic function and does not depend on the will of the user, but it can easily become a catalyst for emergency situations in the correct operation of the camera. To solve the problem, you should roll back the system version after the next Android update;

      Camera onAndroid may fail due to mechanical shock. For example, if the gadget is overturned, the module responsible for the camera settings may fail;

      Dust accumulation on the sensor. A number of portable devices have remote modules, therefore, their surface is easily contaminated;

      The module cache is clogged.

    Setting up the camera correctly Android

    Setting up the camera can be done in one of three known ways:

      Manually reset the mobile gadget system to factory settings. In order to do this, you should perform the following operations - open the gadget settings menu, go to the tab "backup" and check the configuration box "reset to factory settings";

      Downloading the antivirus and subsequent "cleaning" systems. Today, many anti-virus programs have been developed and effectively implemented, which can be freely viewed and downloaded on Google Play;

      Clear module cache. To do this, you should go to settings, select menu "applications", count "camera" and click on the line below "clear cache";

      Gently wipe the camera's protective lens with an alcohol-soaked cloth;

      Download an alternative application. There are countless of them on the Internet, both paid and completely free. After you install such an application, its icon will become available on the desktop.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the camera on Android tends to work incorrectly, and working with it has its own characteristics.

    It is imperative to take into account a number of requirements for proper operation, and you will not have problems with the operation of the camera module and OS!

    Many users of smartphones running on the Android operating system are often disappointed in the quality of photographs taken with the camera of their device, because in online reviews and other owners of similar devices the photos turned out much better. What could be the reasons for this problem and how to improve the camera on Android?

    Some of the possible reasons:

    1. Camera defect;
    2. Errors in the operation of the Camera program;
    3. Incorrect camera settings.

    Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    1 Camera defect. Multi-colored stripes in the photo, spots, severe blurriness - this is most likely a defect in the camera itself. This happens. And if your smartphone is still under warranty, you should take it to the store for exchange or return it to a service center.

    2 Errors in the operation of the Camera program. Firmware manufacturers sometimes make mistakes by releasing unfinished software for sale. Typical symptoms of such “hackwork” are: inverted colors in the photo, an inverted image, or the camera simply refuses to start.

    What to do in this case? Fortunately, there are many programs that are analogous to a standard camera, and if you wish, you can install any of them, or even all at once, on your smartphone.

    Applications - replacement for the standard “Camera”

    HD Camera

    An excellent application, with a huge number of manual settings, thanks to which you can adjust the image size (number of megapixels) and the quality of photo compression, as well as white balance and select different shooting scenes. As a bonus, there is a tilt position for the smartphone, which will allow you to take photos without blocking the horizon and the QR code scanner.

    Download the HD Camera app on your smartphone: link

    DSLR Camera

    An excellent application with many settings that will make you feel like a real photographer. Among the useful functions, it is worth noting the choice of ISO, a visual histogram, a grid for convenient framing, tracking focus, white balance and much more.

    Download the DSLR Camera app on your smartphone: link

    3 Incorrect camera settings. It would seem a trifle, but many do not know that despite the stated presence in the cell of five, eight, thirteen, etc. megapixels, this parameter can be set arbitrarily. And when purchasing a device, it is not always set to maximum. Therefore, first of all, you should go into the settings of your camera and see what mode is set.

    The higher the resolution of the photo, the greater the likelihood that the photo will look better on a computer or TV screen. Also try adjusting the white balance (WB), it may be that it gives unrealistic colors.

    It is very important to set up the camera on your smartphone and enjoy high-quality photos. And by the way, an important detail is the ability to turn off the sound when shooting. This greatly simplifies life in rooms where silence is required (for example: library, lecture room, etc.). To learn how to mute your camera, check out this article:

    Have a nice photo!

    The built-in webcam on a laptop usually does not require additional configuration. But sometimes users are faced with the fact that the camera, which only yesterday allowed active communication on Skype, does not turn on today. What could be the cause of the problem and how can I fix it myself?

    Turn on the camera

    First, try restarting your laptop - this is a standard recommendation when any problem occurs. If this does not help, then make sure that the required module is enabled at all. Perhaps your laptop camera is not working because you accidentally turned it off. Older models have separate physical buttons on the body that allow you to control the webcam.

    If there are no such buttons, examine the laptop keyboard. On ASUS and Acer devices, the “V” key in combination with Fn is responsible for turning on the camera.

    If you have a Lenovo laptop, pay attention to the ESC key. You see a camera on it - press Esc in combination with Fn to launch the module.

    The keys on different laptop models may differ, so it is better to take the instruction manual and carefully read the section that talks about how the webcam works.

    Working with the camera app

    Some laptops have special camera control applications that allow you to set shooting parameters and other settings. Lenovo laptops have the EasyCapture program, HP has the HP Camera application, ASUS has Life Frame Utility, etc. Such programs may also have an option to turn the camera on/off.

    If the camera does not work in a particular program, then you should check the settings of this application. Let's see how to check your webcam on Skype:

    If the camera does not work, then you should see whether the module is enabled in the device manager and whether the necessary software is installed on the system.

    Checking drivers

    When upgrading a "seven" or "eight" to Windows 10, hardware drivers are installed automatically. However, often the system installs the wrong drivers, which leads to the webcam not turning on. You can fix the problem through the device manager by installing the appropriate software.

    If it says "Enable" instead of "Disable", press the button to launch the camera. On Windows 7 and other OS versions, the operation is performed similarly.

    If you see an exclamation mark near the camera in Device Manager, then to fix the problem you need to reinstall the drivers. It is recommended to download suitable software from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. Let's look at the order using an HP laptop as an example:

    If there is no camera software for Windows 10, then download drivers for Windows 8 or 7. Run the downloaded file to install the drivers, and then restart your laptop.

    Hardware faults

    Unfortunately, the camera may not work not only due to a software glitch. Sometimes the cause of the problem is a physical problem: for example, damage to the cable or the camera module itself.

    Troubleshooting this kind of problem on your own is difficult. If there is a problem with the cable, you will have to disassemble the laptop, which requires some skill. Therefore, if software error correction methods do not help and the webcam does not work, contact a service center.

    If the camera does not turn on on Android, then the causes of the problem may lie in software errors or problems at the hardware level. The user can cope with errors in the operation of the system on his own, but replacing a failed component will require the intervention of a specialist.

    This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    Possible reasons why the camera does not turn on

    If you did not drop or hit your Android device, but at some point you discovered that the camera does not work, then most likely the reason for this is. It could be:

    • Incorrect camera setting.
    • Application conflict.
    • Lack of memory.
    • Cache overflow.
    • Virus infection.
    • Incorrect firmware.

    If everything is fine with the system, pay attention to the physical condition of the module. The camera may not turn on due to mechanical damage after an impact or fall, or contamination of the lens.

    What to do

    If the camera suddenly stops turning on, reboot your device. Restarting the system will help eliminate non-critical failures and return the application for taking photos and videos to a working state.


    If the camera turns on but does not save photos, check its settings. Please note which save path is specified. It often happens that in the settings a memory card is selected that is currently removed from the device. Try resetting your camera settings to default (not all versions of Android have this option).


    Pay attention to the state of the memory: if there is no space, then there is nowhere for photos and videos to be saved. The problem may not be with the camera itself, but with the application that powers it. To fix errors, clear the default program cache:

    1. Open settings.
    2. Go to the "Applications" section.
    3. Select the default Camera app.
    4. Clear data and cache.

    If the standard application does not work, download another program from the Play Market with camera functions. However, keep in mind that the presence of such an application may be the reason why the camera will not turn on. Try different applications and configurations to see if they affect the functionality of the module.

    Another reason could be. To rule out this option, install several antivirus utilities and scan your system. It will be useful to test the camera in Android safe mode. If it starts there, but not in normal mode, clean the system from viruses and suspicious applications.

    Can be used. All data will be deleted from the memory, but you will know for sure that there are no conflicting or malicious applications on the phone.


    If problems with the camera’s operation arose after updating the system or flashing the device, then the logical solution would be to roll back to the previous state. You will have to re-flash the device using a verified official build.