• Why the phone slows down android what to do. Android is slow: what to do? Troubleshooting Tips

    Operating system devices Android more and more. Every day new devices appear on the market: tablets, phones, etc. But whatever one may say - Android This is an operating system, which means it is familiar with all the standard and not so common problems. Today we will look at 3 main reasons Why is Android slow? and find options for solving them.

    1. Lack of RAM

    Android RAM problems As a rule, they occur when running several resource-intensive heavy programs or modern games. For example, you launched several programs, worked with them, went to the main screen and tried to play a game. Of course your Android will start to slow down and lags. And, although during numerous discussions on blogs and forums, we came to the conclusion that constant cleaning of RAM is not necessary, in order to free up RAM to the maximum, you need to end all background and unused programs.
    In this case, optimization programs will come to your aid. For example, the program Game Booster , which will help stop unnecessary background services and applications to free up maximum free RAM for the game. After installation and launch Game Booster , you have to press the button «+» and add a game that you will launch in priority mode. After this, Game Booster will free up RAM and launch the game.
    There are times when I seem to have closed applications, but still Android- the tablet or phone is slow. You can find out which program is loading your system using the utility Wakelock Detector . All you need to do is run the program and leave it for a couple of hours. During this time, the program will collect statistics on the battery and processor usage of your tablet or smartphone.
    Opening Wakelock Detector , You will see statistics of all running applications. The largest resource consumers of the device will be displayed at the top of the list.
    By the way, WakelockDetector It may also come in handy if your battery runs out very quickly or your phone often “wakes up” on its own or cannot go into sleep mode.

    2. Running background programs.

    Applications running in the background may not take up all the RAM, but can still cause problems. Android brakes. And if some applications call brakes and lags in Android You can disable them using settings or special commands, but some of them you can’t get rid of so easily. This is where a program can come to the rescue Greenify , which can send applications to sleep. The operation of the program is simple - just run it on the page App Analyzer select in sections "Running in background" And "May slow down the device when..." programs that we will send to Sleep, then press the button Accept. Attention! The program requires Root rights to work.

    3. Lack of free space.

    Some time later, after purchasing a tablet or smartphone on it free memory is starting to run out on storage drives. Moreover, after more than 80% of the memory is occupied. Some devices begin to react to this with lags and terrible brakes. If this is the reason, it’s time to figure it out and remove the unnecessary stuff. Moreover, even when you simply delete a file from the drive, it actually remains in its place, you just change the flag that tells the system Android that you can write something in this place and it is free. To permanently remove all this, you can use programs LagFix or Forever Gone . These applications will help clear your tablet or smartphone of debris, completely clearing free space.

    Every smartphone owner has more than once encountered a situation when his device suddenly starts working slowly or freezes completely.

    Sometimes this goes away quickly without additional intervention, but more often the phone has to be rebooted. Today we will look at the 10 main reasons why a smartphone freezes.

    Main memory full

    When using the device intensively, including downloading applications, saving movies and photos, installing software and operating system updates, the main memory quickly fills up. At some point, its resource runs out, about which the smartphone warns the owner. Ignoring this situation makes it impossible for the phone to operate normally. For example, a new version of Android will not be able to install, it will be impossible to save the necessary files from the Internet, take a photo or shoot a video.

    Hardware errors

    Any smartphone is a complex device consisting of many electronic components: controllers, processor, motherboard, memory module, display and many more resistors, capacitors and sensors. Each of these elements has its own resource, and failure of any of them will lead to improper operation of the device and, possibly, its freezing.

    If there were no external influences on the device before, and the latest updates were successful, the device should be sent for diagnostics to a service center.

    Increased or decreased ambient temperature

    The optimal operating temperature range for a smartphone is considered to be from 0 to 30 ºС. But in our latitudes it is difficult to maintain such a regime, so we often use the phone in severe frost or leave it under the scorching rays of the sun. Both situations have a detrimental effect not only on the condition of the battery, but also on the operation of the device.

    A very hot smartphone, just like a frozen one, does not respond correctly to touching the display, and applications sometimes freeze. Obviously, it is necessary to provide the phone with an optimal temperature mode, but the main thing is to do this gradually. It is strictly not recommended to put it in the refrigerator when it is hot, or on a radiator when it is cold. The result will be the formation of condensation inside the case, and, as a result, failure of the electronic components.

    Malicious software

    Not all installed applications are completely safe. If this is a free program from Google Play, then at least a large amount of contextual advertising awaits us. APK installation files from other sources may pose a hidden threat to the device. And even if at first glance the program is harmless, this does not mean there is no danger, especially if it is distributed free of charge.

    Viruses and Trojans can be embedded anywhere. When installing an application, they begin to constantly eat up traffic, sending our data to the developer, and also cause freezes in the operation of the smartphone until it loses its functionality. We recommend that you install antivirus programs on Android, which are available in large numbers on Google Play

    Trying to get root rights

    Some smartphone users want to customize Android to suit their individual needs. To do this, the device's factory firmware is changed to . It allows you to remove a number of system programs, increase the performance of the operating system, speed up the processor, and make many more settings that are essentially unnecessary for the average user.

    The worst result may be getting a “brick” - this is what programmers call a smartphone that stops turning on after such actions. Often such attempts, due to incorrectly selected or incorrectly installed firmware, end with the smartphone constantly freezing. To avoid such situations and in the absence of relevant experience, we recommend suppressing the spirit of experimentation within yourself and using a smartphone on a stable factory version of Android.

    Memory card

    The smartphone may slow down due to an incorrectly selected memory card or its malfunction. Such storage media are divided into classes according to their own. There are situations when a budget smartphone freezes due to a high-speed memory card that is not suitable for it. And vice versa - modern models cannot correctly read and play older drives.

    Have you noticed that a fresh Android, right out of the box or after flashing it, just flies? But some time passes, and no trace remains of the former speed. The system interface becomes thoughtful, the launch of programs slows down, and even things that should not slow down in principle manage to slow down.

    Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out.

    Operating system and application updates

    Each device goes on sale with the then current version of the operating system, which most fully matches the characteristics of this gadget. If the manufacturer released a system update for your smartphone or tablet after some time, then you will undoubtedly acquire new functions, but it is not a fact that the device will work as fast.

    The same goes for some applications. Developers are constantly focusing on new devices and optimizing their programs for their capabilities. Therefore, some programs run slower after updates than before.

    How to fix this?

    You must make your own choice between functionality and speed. If you do not have a very powerful device, then it makes sense to abandon new versions of the OS and applications. Sometimes switching to alternative, “lightweight” firmware can give good results.

    Background processes

    Have you installed three dozen programs after purchasing your device and are not going to stop? Do you think that if an application is not active, then it does not consume system resources?

    This is not entirely true. Many installed programs are automatically loaded when the system starts, consuming processor resources and occupying the memory of your device. Separately, we need to remember the various live wallpapers and desktop widgets, most of which do absolutely nothing useful.

    How to fix this?

    Disable live wallpapers, desktop widgets and other bells and whistles that you don’t really need. Look at the list of background applications and stop those that you don't need. Remove programs you don't use. For those users who feel empowered to dive even deeper into the secrets of Android background processes, we recommend the Autostarts program.

    Lack of free space

    The built-in storage devices of your gadget are designed in such a way that, when almost completely full, their performance can slow down significantly. This is due to the methods used to record information to the internal flash memory of the device. Therefore, for the device to operate quickly, it is very important that at least a quarter of the internal memory remains free.

    Even the most advanced smartphone, be it an iPhone or a powerful Android device, eventually begins to work not as fast as at the beginning. The reason for this is both updates to operating systems, which are becoming increasingly saturated with “gluttonous” capabilities, and various “garbage” and unnecessary functions that reduce the performance of the device.

    If you have an iPhone

    With the release of each new version of iOS, Apple smartphones released a couple of years ago begin to slow down more and more. You can, of course, refuse updates, but without this, the operation of some services will be impossible - for example, the Siri voice assistant.

    Therefore, it is better to install the latest version of iOS and do a little optimization.

    1. Free up memory space. In the "Settings - General - Statistics - Storage" section you will see a list of all installed applications, sorted by the amount of space they occupy. If there are a couple of gigabytes of free space, then there is no point in cleaning it. If there is not much space left, then delete programs that you have not used for a long time. Go to the photo gallery and delete unsuccessful pictures that you still don’t view - leave only the most necessary ones. The same goes for videos, which take up a lot of space.

    2. Give up "pretty things." Go to the section "Settings - General - Universal Access - Reduce Motion" and activate this item. The animation will become simpler, some effects will disappear, but you will get rid of unpleasant image jerks when working on an old iPhone.

    3. Turn off Spotlight search. This can be done in the "Settings - General - Spotlight Search" section. If desired, you can uncheck only selected checkboxes. By the way, in the adjacent sections you can disable Handoff (a function that allows you to start working on one device and continue on another), as well as Siri, if you do not use them.

    4. Try rebooting. You can “clear your iPhone’s brain” by holding down the lock key and the round home button at the same time. As soon as the logo in the form of a bitten apple appears on the screen, you can let go.

    If you have an Android smartphone

    1. Free up memory. Delete old photos and videos, go to the "Storage" menu in the settings section and delete downloads and cache data. One boy cleared about a gigabyte of space in his smartphone’s memory in this way. By the way, you can also download a cleaner called AppMgr III.

    2. Install a simple visual shell, which will work even on not the most powerful smartphone. For example, "Yandex.Shell" or "Google Start", which can be downloaded from the official Google Play store. Nova Launcher is also famous for its fast work.

    3. Stop unnecessary applications. In the "Applications" menu of the settings section there is a tab called "Running". There you can find not only Google services or regular programs, but also, for example, games. Some Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja. Click on them, go to the menu that opens and click "Stop".

    4. Remove widgets. Widgets installed on the desktop - for example, weather - are quite voracious consumers. Therefore, if the issue of comfort at work arises, then it is better to refuse them. As well as from “live wallpapers”, by the way. And to make the icons scroll even faster, instead of a beautiful picture, you can set a one-color picture. Preferably not very bright to reduce eye strain.

    Causes of “brakes” and ways to eliminate them

    It is hardly surprising that the new technology works and looks better than the old one. And in this case it doesn’t matter whether it’s a car or a watch. Phones and tablets are no exception. However, there is still some significant difference - these electronic devices do not have moving parts, and if handled with care, physical wear and tear is minimal. But another type of wear is important here - software.

    This phenomenon can be tracked very simply. For example, if you buy a smartphone in an online store - brand new, in the original packaging, then at first it will work very quickly. The user will be able to enjoy instant opening of applications, the absence of “micro-freezes” when flipping through desktops, in short, ideal system responsiveness. The manufacturer took care of this, adjusting the capabilities of the hardware to the needs of the software.

    However, after a few months, this picture becomes less rosy, especially for budget models that do not have a large “margin of safety”. Lags appear, you have to wait several seconds for programs to launch, and the device may even freeze periodically.

    A logical question arises: why did the smartphone start to slow down? After all, his hardware is in perfect order! In this article we will try to understand the main causes of such problems and advise what to do to resolve them.

    Other Fly smartphones
    On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

    Why does my smartphone slow down?

    First of all, we need to make an important note. Everyone knows that software requirements for hardware are increasing every year. This is especially true for resource-intensive applications - games, graphics packages, multimedia software, and so on. This is due both to general evolutionary progress and to the desire of manufacturers to force users to update their devices:

    • personal computers;
    • laptops;
    • consoles;
    • tablets;
    • smartphones.

    Thus, on a 5-year-old phone you won’t even be able to run some modern programs, and the new toy will be ungodly slow. This is the so-called “moral obsolescence”, and the only solution to such “brakes” is to replace the gadget. At the same time, even if you buy one of the best cheap smartphones of 2017, it will work much faster than a “top” five-year-old device. After all, he will receive at least a 4-core processor, at least 1 gigabyte of RAM and the latest version of the operating system.

    However, the obsolescence factor does not give us an answer to why a smartphone begins to slow down just a few months after purchase. Moreover, in the same applications that used to “fly”. We'll have to delve a little deeper into the features of the operating system and other programs. For example, let’s find out why a smartphone on Android, the most popular OS in the world, slows down? For iOS or Windows Mobile the picture will be approximately the same.

    Low memory

    Android is a multitasking system that supports the simultaneous operation of dozens of programs. Each weather widget, launcher, live wallpaper or reminder you install is a separate background process that requires RAM resources. When you close a browser with a bunch of tabs, it also remains in memory. As a result, there comes a time when the memory runs out, and to perform any new operation, even opening a menu, the system needs to unload some process, which takes time.

    There are two ways to solve the problem of regular memory shortage. The most effective way is to manually remove all unnecessary programs and widgets from your phone using the “Applications” menu in the settings. The second way to speed up work, simpler and more radical, is to limit the number of background processes in the “for developers” section of the settings. Let's say until four.

    Lack of space

    If more than 80% of the internal storage capacity is occupied, this results in a significant decrease in device performance. Due to the peculiarities of flash memory resource distribution, the operating system has to constantly rewrite occupied areas, spending time on this. You can solve the problem by moving applications from your phone to the SD card.

    Finally, if all else fails, you can try to return the smartphone to its original state by “Hard Reset” - resetting to factory settings in the “Backup and Reset” menu.

    If you are interested, you can read the article where we discussed