• Yandex support service mailing address. How to write to Yandex.Webmaster support service: sharing secrets. Contact MSN Support

    The Yandex search engine has a special service for website owners - Yandex.Webmaster. In this service, in addition to useful tools, you can contact technical support and find out the causes of various problems. For example, why the site suddenly lost its position. In this article we will tell you how you can write to Yandex.Webmaster technical support and how to do it correctly.

    How to write in support of Yandex.Webmaster?

    To write to support, follow our instructions. Be sure to read the information to the end.

    1. Add the site to Yandex.Webmaster

    To contact us about problems on any site, you need to add this site to the Yandex.Webmaster service using the link: http://webmaster.yandex.ru. To add a site, you will need to place a special verification file on your hosting or add a special tag to the page code.

    2. Open the support page and select the topic of the request

    After confirming the rights to the site in Yandex.Webmaster, you need to go to the page https://feedback2.yandex.ru/webmaster/ and select the most suitable topic for your problem from the list that opens:

    3. Find the request form

    Once you select a topic, you will receive instructions on how to solve the problem. If these instructions do not help you, check the appropriate box and a form for sending a request to Yandex.Webmaster support service will open in front of you.

    An example of such a form is below:

    Please note that not all sections have a form for submitting a request. If there is no option to open the form in the most appropriate section, look for it in another section that suits your problem. As a last resort, you can send a question from any section, even the wrong one. This should be done as a last resort. In practice, such requests are also answered.

    4. Fill out and submit the form

    Describe your problem in the form and submit it. As a rule, the answer comes within 1-2 days. There is no point in duplicating the request, since the answer will come in any case. If there is no response for a long time, it is likely that the problem required additional work on the part of Yandex employees.

    Who is Platon Shchukin?

    Platon Shchukin is the pseudonym of all employees working in the Yandex.Webmaster support service. Don't be surprised when you receive a response to your request. It will be signed with this name.

    Is it possible to call Yandex.Webmaster?

    No, that's impossible. There are no phone numbers for technical support staff on the site. You can only write through the form.

    Secrets of Yandex.Webmaster: how to get a detailed answer from Yandex employees?

    1. According to our observations, the Webmaster's technical support stores the history of all requests for a specific site. The support agent can view your message history.
    2. Do not try to deceive Yandex employees. They understand perfectly well whether you are telling the truth or lying. If you made mistakes, admit it - this will speed up the solution to the problem.
    3. A number of filters in Yandex are removed automatically. In this case, support will report this. However, it would be a good idea to remind you about the problem after some time. In practice, this approach allows you to quickly solve problems, including those with automatically removed filters.
    4. If Yandex.Webmaster technical support has pointed out shortcomings on the site, correct them before contacting technical support again.
    5. It’s rare, but it happens that site problems are related to the peculiarities of Yandex algorithms. In this case, as a rule, the Webmaster's technical support admits that there are problems with the algorithm, but notes that eliminating them may take some time.
    6. We don’t remember any cases where there was no response to a request in Yandex.Webmaster. Therefore, if there is no response for a long time, you should not duplicate the request. Most likely, you will receive an answer later, and the delay in response is due to the fact that the question requires a lot of elaboration.

    Feedback is an important criterion for responsibility on the part of any self-respecting resource. Thanks to it, users can seek help if any problems arise (for example, with account recovery or deletion). Yandex mail is no exception - you can always write or even call the support service. How to do this?

    How to write to support?

    Traditionally, the most convenient way to communicate with the administrators of an Internet resource is e-mail, which is especially true in the case of Yandex, which itself provides an e-mail service.

    At the same time, the support service urges you not to rush to contact the operator, but to look for the answer to your question on the feedback page - http://feedback2.yandex.ru/default/. Indeed, solutions to most possible problems in the operation of Yandex services are offered here.

    Each of these sections includes a number of subsections that describe as accurately as possible the reason for contacting technical support. Sometimes the subparagraph contains information that allows you to quickly fix problems yourself, as in the example below.

    If there is no ready-made solution, the user will sooner or later end up on the feedback form page. The exact configuration depends on the subpartition in which it is located.

    If you decide to write to the operator, remember that it is necessary to describe the malfunction as accurately as possible so that the employee does not have additional questions and he immediately understands the situation.

    To do this, try to provide the following information:

    • name and version of the browser used;
    • address of the page where the error was found;
    • describe in detail what actions you are taking and what, in your opinion, is not working;
    • If possible, attach a screenshot of the error message to your message.

    In some cases, other information directly related to the description of the details of the situation will be required. After filling out the form, be patient and wait for a response. If the support team is busy, this may take a long time.

    How to call Yandex by phone?

    All problems with mail are solved not only through the site itself. Yandex support service provides free consultations by phone. A special hotline has been opened for clients from Russian regions at 8 800 333-96-39. The company's managers provide qualified assistance in a short time every day from 5:00 to 24:00 Moscow time.

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    One of the largest sites on the Runet simply could not leave its users alone with all sorts of problems and failures that, one way or another, arise in the operation of any system. That is why technical support is available around the clock on the Yandex.ru website. To contact us, you just need to log in and wait for a response in the form of a message.

    It is worth noting that an electronic appeal is equivalent to a written one. Consequently, your application will be processed without fail in accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for citizens’ appeals”.

    Therefore, to solve any difficulties, despite the special telephone number provided, it is better to immediately write to the support service by e-mail.

    To get an answer to the question posed in the title of the article, just type in the Yandex or Google search bar the request: “Yandex mail help,” and then click on the first link provided.

    However, this is not enough, because there are nuances that I want to talk about.

    Why do you need help from Yandex?

    I remember the saying that one answer to the question “why?” solves a thousand questions “why?”. Therefore, I will give an example when professional help from Yandex technical support may be needed.

    My reader Nadezhda, my namesake, made a mistake by one letter in her name when registering. Numerous attempts by Nadezhda to change her name through Yandex Passport did not yield results. More precisely, the name in the Passport was correct, but for some reason letters from her mail were sent with an error in the sender’s name.

    She tried almost all options to correct the name, and finally wrote to Yandex technical support. In the end, everything was limited to filling out the forms she received. The name was corrected thanks to Yandex support without any explanation from them.

    An important reason why it makes sense to look at Yandex Help is that there you can find an answer to your question.
    There is a FAQ - these are answers to frequently asked questions, which address many of the problems that users have.

    I myself also contacted Yandex technical support several times on issues related to

    • (closed),
    • Yandex.Postcards.

    Where does Yandex mail help?

    Usually on such large sites as Yandex, help is located at the bottom of the site, that is, in the basement and is called “Help” or “Support Service”, or “Feedback”:

    Rice. 1 Help and Yandex support service in the Yandex mail basement

    Two points to note:

    1) Let's go to your account(your email) on Yandex. This is necessary so that the Yandex technical support employee who reads your letter understands that you are the owner of your mail. I haven’t checked, but I think that Yandex mail does not always provide help to anonymous people.

    2) Before writing a message for help, you should read answers to “Frequently asked questions”(number 1 in Fig. 1). This often helps to get answers to your questions quickly and thoroughly.

    There are many different services on Yandex, so I am giving a specific link to Yandex mail help, which you should click on if you are in your mail:

    1) Go to your mail on Yandex.

    2) We go downstairs to the basement of our mail and there we click on the “Support Service” link (number 2 in Fig. 1).

    3) All that remains is to find the section on your problem (Fig. 2). By clicking on the link with the corresponding section, you can read the answer to your problem, or fill out a form to send to Yandex.

    Rice. 2 Select the section for your problem in Yandex Support Service

    4) Let's look at a specific example. To do this, select the “Personal information, interface and other settings” section (number 1 in Fig. 2). Click on this link.

    Rice. 3 We are looking for a subsection in the section on our problem in Yandex Support Service

    6) Write a message to Yandex Support Service (Fig. 4)

    Rice. 4 Fill out the form to send to Yandex Support Service

    Pay attention to the Yandex prompt “Describe the situation in as much detail as possible: list your actions step by step and their results.” The fact is that many users write only about their result, for example, “I can’t change my name in mail,” but do not consider it necessary to describe their actions that led them to this result. There may be a million actions that led to this (or similar) result and no support will undertake to consider these million actions and analyze them at the same time.

    To send a message, fill out the form as shown in Fig. 4:

    1) Enter your name (number 1 in Fig. 4). It is more pleasant for the support service to address you by name.

    2) Enter your e-mail to which you want to receive a response, and you must enter this e-mail without error (number 2 in Fig. 4).

    3) We write a message where we describe our actions step by step (yes, lazy, but it is NECESSARY) and the result obtained (number 3 in Fig. 4).

    4) If necessary, attach a screenshot to your message. To do this, click on the “Select file” button (number 4 in Fig. 4) and look for the required screenshot on your computer’s hard drive. You can send 2 screenshots of no more than 10 megabytes.

    5) Just in case, check what is written, then click on the “Submit” button.

    On holidays and weekends, Yandex Help may not work, so it is better to contact on weekdays to get an answer faster.

    While waiting for a response from Yandex, do not forget to check your Spam folder. Yes, yes, I myself was surprised how Yandex could send its letters straight to Spam, but sometimes this still happens.

    Similar to the algorithm described above, you can get help from the Support Service for all Yandex services: Yandex.Postcards, Yandex.Money, Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Pictures, etc.

    Of course, you can get professional help from Mail.ru in the same way. To do this, just click on the inconspicuous link “Feedback” on the main page of Mail.Ru at the bottom, in the basement.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that before writing anything to any Support Service, it would be wise to first look for the answer among the frequently asked questions (what is called FAQ on many services). Typically, such answers are always available on the Support Service page (or on the Feedback page, or on the Help page).

    P.S. Yandex provides many services to users who have their own account (i.e. Yandex mail):

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    Today I would like to clarify such a question as Yandex Taxi technical support, how it is carried out, and the like. This is one of the most frequently asked requests about the service, because the company’s coverage is increasing every day, and accordingly the number of controversial situations, both between the driver and the passenger, and individual claims from the carrier and the client, is also growing. Therefore, the company decided not only to expand the capabilities of the help desk itself, but also to increase the number of operators. If previously, service contacts were available only for three large cities, now it is allowed to contact the same telephone numbers in other cities where taxis operate. More details about this will be provided below in the relevant sections. Technical support will be responsible for issues such as incorrect cost calculations, rating resets, problems related to abandoned items, and the like.

    Technical support from the company is provided in several main ways. It is worth saying that the list of possible communication routes from the domestic aggregator exceeds the offers of its foreign analogues, such as Gets and Uber. So, the valid communication channels are:

    • Through the application.
    • Via the website.
    • Via mail.

    As a rule, finding Yandex Taxi contacts is not difficult; all data is published in the appropriate section on the official website. There is also a special column for describing the problem, consisting of several sections. On the official website, go to the tab – “Support Service”, then in the left column there will be a column – Write to support.” After you click on the “Write” tab, a menu will appear with frequently interesting topics, for example, problems with payment, forgotten things, missing statistics, and the like. Click on the request you are interested in and go to the request form section, where you need to leave basic information, and this is:

    • email;
    • VU series;
    • city;
    • name of the partner (taxi company) through which you work;
    • select a topic and fill in the message description column.

    Such simple actions will help you find solutions to your problem. Please note that processing may take some time. Often, a response is received within an hour.

    An example of a form for a driver to contact Yandex Taxi technical support

    In addition, in the section for sending a question, there is a special column for attaching screenshots, photographs, videos that somehow answer the request. For example, this could be evidence of inappropriate behavior, incorrect calculation of the cost of the trip, and the like. By the way, if you have any questions, if the driver behaved rudely or even showed aggression towards you, we also recommend contacting the police. It is advisable to support your claims with evidence, for example, video or witness testimony. Well, and at the same time, of course, send a complaint to us, the response and decision are often sent from Yandex to your email and in the application, so you will be notified on time.

    Yandex Taxi technical support phone number

    The online 24/7 customer support service is provided only in three major cities, namely Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Their contacts are as follows: 8 499 705 8888, 8 812 389 3333 and 8 343 226 0966, telephone numbers are indicated according to the list of cities. Yandex Taxi technical support for drivers and clients can be provided via the listed telephone numbers from other cities. Any dissatisfied client, driver, even from another city can call the indicated numbers. But, often, it is much easier to resolve a dispute; it is enough to contact the taxi park through which the car operates. As a rule, telephone numbers will be indicated in the order or in the driver’s card, where communication data is published.

    If these are questions related to incorrect cost calculations and related topics, then the taxi company itself has the right to send its request to Yandex technical support. For other problems, such as personal belongings left in the car, rudeness, traffic violations, you can report to the taxi line or Yandex technical support, through the website or application.

    Contact technical support via the app

    For support, contact, open the application. In the corresponding section, there is a tab to leave a review. This is the so-called complaint. There you need to indicate the whole essence of the problems, state the reasons, what your dissatisfaction is, and the like. In the same form, leave information about the driver, car number, etc. It is also advisable to leave your details for feedback. For example, if your complaint concerned an unreasonable increase in mileage, the driver was driving along a long route, the company will return the money, if, of course, this information is confirmed. The answer via the application, as a rule, also comes quite quickly, within 10-15 minutes, depending on the nature of the problem.

    Help desk Yandex Taxi

    The help desk works, as we have already found out, in several formats, that is, it is technical support via telephone, contact through the website and application. Yandex Taxi helpline by phone, as a rule, resolves controversial situations faster, but do not forget that the line may be busy. In this case, the solution is an electronic appeal. As a rule, the response time does not exceed one hour.

    Operating mode

    Yandex support service works around the clock. The only time there may be delays in response is on weekends and holidays due to the reduced number of operators on these days. But, don’t worry, even if your request is not answered at the right time, all submissions are processed without fail.

    A very important criterion for the responsibility and integrity of any Internet resource is feedback. With this function, any client can count on timely assistance if any problems arise. For example, in cases where you need to register or delete an account. Fortunately, Yandex mail has feedback and you can get answers to your questions in any convenient way - write or call Yandex support service. How can this be done?

    How to contact support?

    The most popular way to contact them is to write an email there. Moreover, Yandex itself offers to use the email service.

    But Yandex recommends not immediately contacting the operator by phone, but finding the answer to your question here https://yandex.ru/support/common/troubleshooting/main.html. Here is a fairly large list of problems that arise in the Yandex service. Each list includes additional lists that clarify the reason for contacting technical support. In most cases, issues can be resolved with the information provided. Just follow the instructions.

    In cases where the problem cannot be solved using the described method, the user ends up back on the feedback page. When the user decides to contact the operator directly, the difficulty encountered must be described clearly and understandably.

    In order to establish mutual understanding with the operator, the following information must be provided:

    1. Which browser does the user use to access the Internet? You also need to specify the version.
    2. Indicate the address of the page on which the problem was identified.
    3. Indicate as clearly as possible all actions taken to resolve the problem.
    4. If possible, upload a screenshot of the page where you encountered difficulties.
    5. In special situations, you will have to fill out a form, then be patient and wait for a specialist’s response. If the service is very busy, the wait may take quite a long time.

    How to contact Yandex by phone?

    You can get the help you need not only on the website, but also by phone. The support service provides free calls for consultation with specialists. For citizens of all regions of the Russian Federation there is a single hotline number: 8 800 333-96-39. Call center employees are always ready to provide professional assistance in real time from 05.00 to 24.00 Moscow time.

    Yandex is one of the largest resources, so its developers took a responsible approach to the interests of their clients and provided them with round-the-clock technical assistance located on the Yandex.ru website. In order to contact support, you need to register in the system and wait for a response message.

    It is important to know that user requests in electronic form are equivalent in importance to written requests. This means that the client’s application will definitely be considered, taking into account Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for citizens’ appeals”.

    Therefore, if any questions arise, experts advise not to waste time and write a request by e-mail. But in any case, users can use the phone number provided on the site for technical consultation.