• Search for people on VKontakte without registration. How to find mutual friends in VKontakte

    And this article, dear visitors, will be devoted to such a function of the site as search VKontakte. I must admit that this is a very useful and frequently used function of this social network. For this reason, you need to know how to use search in contact - this will simplify many aspects of using the network and at the same time help you save time.

    How to use VKontakte search? – You will receive an answer to this topic, and after reading, you will be able to do everything yourself. And you will be able to independently and effectively search on this network for everything you need. What is the first thing people look for in a contact? - Of course, they are looking for people , music, videos, friends, and more.

    Having mastered the search in VKontakte, you will be ahead of the competition!

    Searching for people on VKontakte - how to search?

    As soon as a person registers on the VKontakte website, he immediately begins to look for his acquaintances and friends. But for this you need to know and be able to use such a VKontakte function as search.

    The search menu is located at home page in contact, it shows your friends who are currently online, and when you click on show, a rectangular window will pop up on your page with your friends who are on the site.

    It is worth noting that the search menu on the contact network will be located on any page, no matter which button you press, you will have the opportunity to search everywhere.

    So on this network, see the picture, there were random users, I painted over the names so that, at my suggestion, no guests would come to them.

    What do you use most often? – Yandex search, Google, or maybe VKontakte search?

    By entering “My Settings” and clicking on the “People” button, you will see a menu of settings for searching by people. This menu can be customized, here's how it's done:

    1. First, we select as we search, by popularity or by registration date.
    2. We indicate the country.
    3. Indicate the city in which we will search. You must be sure that the person indicated this exact city; if not, then do not fill out this field.
    4. School.
    5. University.
    6. The age of the person you are looking for can be approximate.
    7. Indicate his gender.
    8. You can indicate your marital status, but I think it is not necessary.
    9. Indicate in the search with a photo or those that are currently on the site. I think it's better to indicate with a photo. And I don’t understand such users who, instead of their photo in contact, put something incomprehensible.
    10. From other functions search VKontakte, in my opinion, the year of birth is also relevant, of course, if you know it. And even that is not so important if you indicated the approximate age.

    This is the menu, filling out which will simplify your search for people on VKontakte.

    A search engine is convenient and profitable. Convenient for users, but beneficial for creators :)))

    But look at the photos of random people that he gave out search for contact , according to some completed data, which are marked with arrows:

    I think that after reading this, you will be able to search for people on VKontakte without any problems.

    How to search on VKontakte for groups that are interesting to you?

    We go into the same “omnipotent” My settings, and click on the Communities button, after which we indicate the type of community. Select a country, if this is important to you, and enter the name of, say, a group on a topic that interests you. That is, on the topic whose group name you are looking for in contact.

    Types of communities that you can specify when search for VKontakte groups:

    1. Any
    2. Group
    3. Page
    4. Meeting

    I think that after reading, finding the group you need in contact will not be any problem.

    How to search for music on VKontakte?

    Search music VKontakte– it’s not a difficult matter. The main thing for you is to know the artist or work you want to find.

    And you choose as you wish, by compositions or by performers. Fortunately, there is a huge selection of music in VKontakte.

    Likewise, you can search and video VKontakte , of whom there are more than enough.

    Here is a list of categories by which you can search VKontakte:

    1. Of course, the ability to search for people.
    2. Search for groups, communities, meetings, pages.
    3. According to the news.
    4. Ability to find Video and Audio recordings.
    5. For gamers there is a search for games.
    6. Search through your messages (dialogues).
    7. Search by answers and comments.
    8. Search the Internet for documents, including those sent by you, if you had any.

    I hope that after reading, you will not find it difficult to use VKontakte search. And you can do it without special problems find the ones you need search for people on VKontakte .

    The ability to use VKontakte search gives you the opportunity for 100% growth!


    If you are just learning the science of using the social network VKontakte, then the first thing you will probably do is look for friends and acquaintances there, and maybe other people whose pages you want to see or send them a friend request.

    Here you can find any person if you know his first name, last name and some other details about him that he could indicate in his profile, provided that he is registered on the site. The more information he has on his page that you know, the easier it will be for you to find him. However, there are also users who try to remain incognito, using fictitious names or surnames, as well as posting photographs of other people or even avatars/pictures on their profiles instead of photos. Which, by the way, is prohibited, but rarely punishable.

    In VKontakte, search for a person by last name and first name

    So, find the main menu at the very top of the page, and click the very first “people” tab, which is to the left of the search bar.

    • You should enter the last name and first name of the person you are looking for, preferably without errors, case does not matter. It is better not to enter a middle name yet.
    • The search system will give you a certain number of results - “935 people found.”
    • To weed out unnecessary users, select a Region, for example, Russia - “845 people found.”
    • The choice of city significantly influences, for example, Moscow - “150 people found.”
    • As soon as the city of residence is selected, the choice of school and university is immediately displayed. Leave these fields blank for now.
    • Age limits will immediately narrow the search for a person on VKontakte, say, from 40 to 50 (20 people found). It should be remembered that not all visitors indicate their age. Well, if they use this network for dating, then it may be indicated incorrectly.
    • Marital status is also not worth choosing; it is rarely demonstrated by anyone.

    The search may become more difficult if the person's last name and first name are common. If you don't find it right away, try different options settings. The main thing here is patience and the desire to achieve results.

    If the search, in your opinion, was successful, do not rush to write a joyful message with personal details to this person, because you may be mistaken, even if you supposedly recognized him from the photo. First, carefully study the page you found; perhaps some details will indicate that this is not the one you were looking for.

    Of course, you can also write, but more carefully. Use neutral information in your message, for example, ask if he once lived on a certain street without specifying the house number. Vigilance never hurts; this is the Internet, after all, where the most unexpected dangers can await.

    Contact consistently ranks third in terms of traffic after Yandex and Mail.ru. The daily audience of the popular social network “VKontakte” is almost a million people, and the total number of users amounts to several tens of millions of people. On the contact itself, in the “about the site” section, even more impressive data is given, but they are greatly exaggerated. Be that as it may, contact has become a favorite place of communication for young people who use it to communicate with their friends, classmates, and acquaintances. One of the problems that users face is how to find people in contact.

    How to find a person in a contact by id. In the process of searching the right person in contact there are often cases where you know the last name and first name, but you can’t find his page through the built-in search system, even with clarification of age, city of residence, school and other additional data. This can happen for various reasons. The person could have indicated modified data, used abbreviations, there are so many people with the same last name and first name that it is almost impossible to find the one you need, or the person is not registered on VKontakte at all. In this case, searching for a person in a contact by their id, or identification number, can help you. You can find out the desired id by asking it directly from the person, or from mutual acquaintances and friends. After this, the task of how to find a person in a contact by id is greatly simplified.

    1. Open your contact page in your favorite browser. If you look in address bar browser, you will notice that it looks like http://vk.com/id00000000. Instead of zeros there will be a combination of different numbers - this is identification number in contact, but only your page.
    2. If you managed to find out the id of the person you are interested in, whom you cannot find in any other way, then all you need to do is erase the combination of numbers on your page in the address bar of your browser, enter the id of the person you are looking for there and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

    As a result, you will be shown a page that you could not find. So that you don’t have to look for it next time, you can bookmark the page or add the user as a friend. If he accepts your offer, he will appear in your friends list.

    If you can’t find out the id, you can try searching for a link to the profile of the person you’re interested in through the pages of mutual friends. To do this, visit their pages, follow the friends link and try to find the desired user there.

    Communication with colleagues, friends and family is a very important part of any person’s life. Losing contact with old friends is always upsetting. But instead of being discouraged, you can try to find a person through the popular social network VKontakte. There are more than 60 million people registered on this network and there is a good chance that the person you are looking for has personal account on this site.

    When registering on the VKontakte social network, each user fills out a form with their personal data. In the application form, he usually indicates the school, university and place of work. Most fields of the questionnaire are optional. In addition to personal data, a person can post his photo to his account. Unfortunately, not everyone fills out the form in detail. Such people are more difficult to find and only a photo with a familiar face can help.

    How to find a person on the VKontakte social network?

    How to find a classmate or fellow student on VKontakte

    To search for a classmate, first click on the “People” button in top panel pages. In the search bar that appears, write the first and last name of the person you are looking for. You should not ignore the fact that many people register their name in all sorts of variations: Maksimka, Maksik, Maksimych, Max. This greatly affects search results. Therefore, it would be wiser to first write the last name without the first name. Next, on the right panel you need to find the “School” and “University” buttons. By clicking on any of these buttons, we see the appearance of scroll bars “Any country”, “Year of issue”. When you select a country, a menu appears for selecting a region, city, district, and then educational institutions located in it. In the school or university menu you need to select your class, faculty or department. At the end, select the year of manufacture. After that, we examine the results of your search. There is a high probability that you will see your wanted friend in the search results.

    If you could not find your friend in the results obtained, then the search should be made less detailed. Then you can view all the graduates of your school with your friend's last name.

    By removing the last name from the search bar, but leaving the school, class and year of graduation in the right menu, you will be able to see your classmates who indicated in the questionnaire the class in which they studied. If you are looking for a classmate, then think about whether she got married, because... Many girls do not leave their maiden name on their account.

    How to find a friend on VKontakte by address

    If you have information about where your friend lives, use the “Places” button in the right panel. In this submenu you need to select the country, city, street, house and apartment number. The problem is that less than 30% of users indicate addresses in their profiles. Remembering the exact year of birth of a friend, you can try to find him by indicating his date of birth and the city in which he lives.

    How to find a colleague on VKontakte

    In order to find an army comrade, you need to go to the “Military Service” submenu. There you will also have to indicate the country, military unit and years of your service.

    How to find a person on VKontakte at their place of work

    To search for a colleague or former employee of your company, go to the “Work” submenu and in the appropriate fields indicate the name of the organization and the position of the person you are looking for.

    How else to find a person on VKontakte

    Perhaps you still haven’t found the person at his place of education, work, military service or residence. Then there is the last option! You need to remember the people with whom the wanted person can communicate on a social network. Look through these people's pages for lists with friends. It is likely that you will recognize the friend you have been looking for for so long by his photo or name.

    If you are lucky and after a long search you find your friend, then be sure to add him as a friend using the “Add as a friend” option and write him a short message.

    Appreciate communication and never lose your true friends!

    We find mutual acquaintances and records from five years ago.

    VKontakte has more than 350 million registered users. Many people there have profiles filled with a lot of interesting and not so interesting information. Many life hacks have been found/invented for searching the service. The article talks about five of them.

    1. How to find a page by email address or phone number?

    This can be done with the number mobile phone, but for this you need to know the person’s last name. You can find out by sending a letter to his email (if he is not encrypted and has entered his data correctly).

    2. How to find out a user’s hidden date of birth?

    It happens that some people hide their dates of birth from guests/friends of the page (many ladies 25+ hide only the year), but they are still on the pages (during registration they indicated all their data and then hid it). In such cases, you can find out the year, month and day of birth of a person using a search.

    We go to the search, indicate the first name, last name, city, university, etc., that is, all the data known to us, so that the person appears in the search results and there are a minimum of unnecessary people there. In the “Additional” section, indicate your expected year of birth. If it is entered incorrectly, the person will disappear from the search results, and when you guess correctly, he will appear. Tested many times.

    Similarly, you can select the month and day of birth, as well as political views, school, marital status and other information.

    3. How can I see old posts on the wall?

    Here's a small life hack that will help you learn more about the past of a new acquaintance. To read a person’s statuses posted five years ago, you don’t have to tire yourself of scrolling through your feed. Everything is much simpler.

    We go to the person’s page and at the beginning of the wall (microblog) click on the link “To Vasya’s posts”, then click on the link “Go to search” and indicate the right number in the calendar that appears when you click on “Entries until a specific date.” This way you can find everything that was not deleted.

    Many people registered there back in 2007-2009 and have changed a lot since then. Today the girl posts “the commandments of Vedic femininity” or “the rules of the Orthodox bride,” and seven years ago she posted the statuses “who stole my thong on the registration yesterday, please return it. You can anonymously."

    This works for communities too.

    4. How to find a chain of mutual acquaintances?

    We test the theory of “six handshakes” (which, with the development of the Internet, becomes the theory of “four handshakes”). Open the application NOT random connections and indicate the id of the desired person. Until recently, you had to wait about five minutes for the chain to be built, but now it happens in a matter of seconds.

    If you need to get to know someone living in your city/town with a population of several tens of thousands of people, then you most likely have a mutual friend who can introduce you. The application will help you find this person.

    Many people instinctively trust friends of friends and try to please them at least a little (make a small discount, for example). The Soviet law “I am from Tamara” and the subconscious hatred of strangers, at least a little, influence everyone’s behavior.

    5. How can I view the statistics of visits to my page?

    Do you wonder how often people view and like your profile? It's very easy to find out. This is the case when they say: don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

    If you have less than 100 subscribers, then we delete a certain number of friends so that there are at least 101 subscribers. After this, at the very bottom of the page you will see a link to a page with statistics (in new version design just above), where views and likes of your page are visible by day and month. It’s better to do this late at night in order to have time to send new invitations with explanations to remote people. However, for some this will just be a reason to finally clear their feed.

    If you do not need to constantly display a link to statistics, then you can view it by simply pasting it into the address bar of your browser http://vk.com/stats?mid=+ your page id.

    Information about people can be collected not only on VK, but also in thousands of other places. I have already written something on this topic.