• Pokemon go GPS Signal not found and other errors. Solving the “GPS Signal not Found” error in Pokemon GO on Android

    The emergence of a new application is rarely without problems. Quite often, developers first launch a beta version of the software and invite users to take part in testing it, which helps to identify and remove bugs before the official release. But in the case of Pokémon GO, things are a little different. As soon as the game became available for iOS and Android, there was a rush of demand for it. Literally in the very first hours the application began to break records for the number of downloads from Apple Store And Google Play and continues to do so to this day, firmly remaining at the peak of popularity of both platforms.

    It is not surprising that with millions of downloads, users faced with various problems There were also quite a few “not yet tested” programs. And one of the quite common errors is “GPS signal not found" (failed to detect location) in Pokémon GO. And since the very essence of the game implies the mandatory determination of geolocation, then gaining access to Smartphone GPS very important. Let's see what can be done if such a problem arises.

    To date, several solutions have been found to get rid of the “GPS signal not found” error:

    1. Check if it is enabled GPS tracker apparatus;
    2. Changing the location for more reliable satellite reception of the GPS signal;
    3. Disable the Mock Location feature.

    Method 1: Turn on GPS

    Many Android smartphones come with activated mode energy savings already out of the box. GPS function In this case, it may be initially disabled to reduce power consumption and conserve battery power. The user's task when detecting the "GPS signal not found" problem in Pokémon GO is to enable this function and configure it correctly. To do this you need to do the following:
    1. Go to the device settings using the corresponding icon, or through “quick settings”;
    2. Scroll down the menu to the “Personal Data” item, go into it and find the “Location” line;

    3. Make sure that the function is enabled, or enable it by moving the “slider” to the right position;

    4. Select the location method (mode) - in the menu the item is designated as “Location mode”;

    5. Activate all the proposed methods - GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile networks(alternatively, the menu may have a “High precision” item, when selected, all sources are connected simultaneously).

    As a result of these actions, the Pokémon GO application will be able to determine your geolocation as accurately as possible, using data from GPS satellites, from mobile networks and local Wi-Fi. If only one service is involved - Wi-Fi or mobile networks, then it is unlikely that the program will be able to reliably show the geographical location of your character relative to Pokemon.

    Method 2: creating conditions for more reliable GPS signal reception

    Let's say you turned on the GPS tracker and configured the device in accordance with the recommendations given above. But what should you do if the “GPS signal not found” error is still displayed on the screen of your smartphone, and you still cannot fully play Pokémon GO? It is worth remembering that there are zones confident reception, which are not located throughout the entire area of ​​our rather large country. Quite often, the signal passage is hindered by thick building walls and other obstacles that stand in the way of line of sight. You'll have to help capricious satellites catch the GPS signal from your Android smartphone. To do this, you need to become visible, that is, go out of the building onto the street and stand there for some time (in most cases, a minute is enough). Unlucky again? Let's move on to the third method.

    Method 3: Disable false geolocation

    If you have never visited the developer section, you are unlikely to know that there is a function there that allows you to deliberately hide (distort) the user’s geolocation. It is the activation of this function that can cause the “GPS signal not found” error to occur in Pokémon GO. To disable it, follow the chain:

    Nothing helps? All that remains is to go through all the steps again and check the settings of your Android smartphone:

    Is it possible to play Pokémon GO on a phone that doesn't have any GPS module? Probably possible - after all, the player’s geolocation can also be determined using a Wi-Fi signal. Only for a more or less decent organization of the gameplay, you will have to constantly be in areas during the game where good Wi-Fi coverage. Find bars, cafes, restaurants and other places with a reliable connection and fast internet and play Pokémon GO. Good luck!

    Just the other day it was recorded that officially Pokemon Go game on Android has been downloaded by 1 billion people all over the world. And it hasn't even been a month since the release. However, already in the first weeks, players were faced with the problem of a lack of GPS signal, which made the game useless in terms of finding those same Pokemon in augmented reality. It is possible to solve the problem, but for each you will have to choose the appropriate option.

    Ways to solve the “GPS Signal not Found” error in Pokemon GO for Android:

    • Most often, a simple reinstallation of the game solves the problem; your account will still not go anywhere.

    • One more the right way there will be a transition to airplane mode and back, as well as a change of wireless Wi-Fi modules to 3G/LTE and vice versa (but no EDGE!!).

    • The coverage areas of even the top provider do not always work correctly, so you need to wait a little or repeat the previous point.

    • You should make sure that the signal arrives without obstacles or interference, you are not in a passage or entrance, there are no thick walls near you, etc.

    • Before starting the game you should run google maps and mark your geoposition so that the satellite will catch your location, which will be saved directly in Pokemon Go.

    • Go to the menu, find the firmware version and tap on it 7 times, then accept developer rights, go to the menu again and uncheck the box next to “Fictitious location”.

    • Check the game update version - it should be the latest.

    • Clear the GPS module cache using the GPS Test tool. To do this, go to “Clear AGPS” and click “Update AGPS”.

    • Another program that can help is “GPS Locker”. In it you just need to activate the “automatically block when GPS is turned on” option.

    • You can also try to restart the device itself and check the energy saving activity - turn it off if necessary.

    • Once again go to the device menu, namely - to Personal settings. Here, find the “Location” item and activate the highest accuracy.
    One of the presented methods fix the “GPS Signal not Found” error in Pokemon GO on Android it will surely work. It is very important that you try everything gradually and do not jump to premature conclusions. If you have other suggestions on this matter, write them in the comments!

    Don't let some GPS errors or gps signal not found deprive you of the fun of playing Pokémon Go and finding a few rare Pokémon. In this article we will tell you what to do if such an error occurs.

    The Pokémon Go game conquered half the world in a few days and became the most famous Android game in the countries where its launch was official. But, unfortunately, not even the greatest game has ever been without bugs. This annoying misunderstanding is the GPS signal not found error.

    What to do when the game shows the GPS signal not found error?

    For those who use Android, there are several ways to solve this annoying problem.

    The first thing to do is check if GPS is active. Literally translated this error means no GPS signal was found. Many phones cannot independently enable this function when entering the game. The player could also turn this feature off completely accidentally or forget about it.

    If the function is active and other applications are running in normal mode, then you can try other solutions.

    For Android 4.4 users. or 5 may try the following:

    • Activate the GPS function;
    • Switch it to a mode that quite accurately determines the location.

    Now you can check if the problem is resolved. If this doesn't help, then:

    • You should open the “Software Information” menu, then “Build Number”. Now you need to click on this line several times until the following message appears on the screen: “Congratulations, you are now a developer”;
    • Now you need to go to the “For Developers” section and uncheck the “Fictitious locations” checkbox.

    Check for error again. But, if the problem persists, then there is only one option left - use for location determination Wi-Fi function. This should definitely help.

    Except listed options Android 6.0 owners can try the following:

    Download from the Google Play GPS Status & Toolbox application. You should first make sure that your phone is loaded with the most newest version Google Maps. Next you need to run installed application and cards. They must work in background.. Now you just need to wait until the location is determined and you can turn on the Pokemon Go game. The error should disappear after this. This method Although a little strange, it works successfully.

    Video clip: “Solving the problem of Gps signal not found in Pokemon Go”

    Don't let GPS errors and gps signal not found in particular deprive you of the pleasure of going in search of rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go! Below I will tell you what to do if you experience similar error.

    Pokémon Go took over half the world in a matter of days and in just a week became the greatest game on Android (at least in those countries where it was officially launched). However, no great game is without annoying bugs. This is the error " GPS signal not found“and in the continuation of the post I will write a solution to this problem.

    What should I do if pokemon go says “Gps signal not found”? Here are some options for Android users.

    Check if GPS is turned on. Seriously. The error literally translates as “GPS signal not found.” Some phones turn off GPS and cannot turn it on at will later. You could also accidentally turn off GPS yourself and forget about it.

    If GPS is still turned on and works correctly in other applications, proceed to the following solutions to the problem.

    For Android 4.4 KitKat or Android 5 Lollipop users, you can try the following steps:

    1. Turn on GPS.
    2. Switch GPS to high accuracy detection mode.

    After that, check if the problem is resolved. If the GPS error persists, try the following steps:

    3. Open the menu item Software Information - Build Number. Click on the line with the build number several times until the notification “Congratulations, you are now a developer” appears.
    4. After that, go to the “For Developers” menu and uncheck the “Fictitious Locations” option.

    Check again for the error. If you see “gps signal not found” again, the last option is to use only Wi-Fi to determine the location. This should work.

    If they don’t help, there is the next way. Download from Google Play app GPS Status & Toolbox. After downloading the application, you need to make sure that you have installed latest version Google Maps. Launch GPS Status & Toolbox, Google map. Both programs should be running in the background. Wait for the location to be determined and run Pokemon Go. The GPS error should go away. This option is filled with magic, but still works.

    Did the described methods help you solve the “Gps signal not found” problem? Write about your experience, we welcome any comments!

    Hello ladies and gentlemen. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to talk about one of the hottest new products this summer - the Pokemon Go game. A simple plot, along with simple gameplay and a stunning idea, provided the application with millions of downloads even before its official release around the world and, as a result, the game aroused the expected interest.

    But being quite new mobile game, it still contains large number bugs and errors, which include loss GPS signal. Today we will tell you how to fix the GPS signal not found error in Pokemon Go.

    What does it mean and how does it harm the game?

    Pokemon GO requires not only a constant connection to the Internet, but also to GPS. All gameplay built on study real map city, so without receiving a stable signal the application will not work. This means that if the application or device cannot receive a signal or does not see the satellite, then the map is also not displayed, and you cannot play without it.


    GPS signal not found or failed to detect location error can occur on Android and iOS devices in the following cases:

    1. If the system malfunctions (disconnection or failure of internal settings).
    2. When direct synchronization with the satellite is lost.
    3. Internal application failures.
    4. And in the absence of a reliable connection to Niantic (developer) servers.


    It is impossible to determine what exactly is the reason for the loss of connection with GPS, but there are several possible ways solutions to such a problem.

    1. If the error begins to appear after entering the room (or after a long stay inside it), you need to go outside and stand there for several minutes. The failure could consist of loss of synchronization, and being on free space will restore it.

    2. If this does not help, you need to check the functionality of the device. GPS may not work, so you need to turn it off, then turn it on again and set it to high accuracy mode in the device settings.

    3. Also make sure your Internet connection is turned on, even if the network is unavailable.

    4. Is the problem with the signal still not resolved? Go to the device settings again and open the “Software Information” item. Through this menu you need to switch to developer mode, for which there is a “Build number” button, which you need to click on at least twice (in different models device differently). After a successful transition, you will receive a corresponding notification, and having entered the developer mode, uncheck the box about fictitious location. Attention! In this case, a fake GPS error may appear when logging into Pokemon Go.

    What to do if nothing helps?

    Check the operation of the device (its physical condition) and ensure that it is functioning properly. To do this, open any map displaying the location of the smartphone, if right place is displayed – the problem is not with the phone.

    The problem may be in the application itself. If you downloaded the game from third-party servers, for example, APK file on Android, the game may not find a signal. It is worth completely uninstalling Pokemon Go and installing the game from another source.

    If you have already installed the official version in the USA or New Zealand, then a similar communication error may occur due to communication with the servers of the developer company. Here you do not need to take any action - the company itself will restore the game within 2-3 hours.

    Many people are looking for how to trick the system and launch Pokemon before the official release, but, in our opinion, you need to wait a little and then enjoy full game without errors like “no signal” or “signal not found”. The main audience in Russia will form a few months after the launch, so during this time you will have time to properly upgrade your Pokemon and be among the leaders.

    That's all for us, we hope that our tips will help you fix the connection error. Stay in touch, leave your questions in the comments and share the article with your friends. Bye everyone and see you soon.