• Correct installation of Windows 7. Tools and what you need to install a toilet, stages of work. Methods for installing a sink on a cabinet

    In this article you will learn how to install Windows 7 on your laptop or desktop computer from a disk. .
    You are offered quite detailed and step-by-step instructions, accompanied by screenshots that clearly show all the main stages of installing this popular operating system.
    If you think that the Windows 7 installation process is too complicated, incomprehensible and only a specialist can do, then you can make many happy, but disappoint others, because this common misconception is not true. Now you can see this for yourself.

    All that is required to start installing the operating system is a laptop or computer; the disk itself or flash drive with Windows 7 (); step-by-step description that you are about to read; ability to write and read. Of course, patience and attentiveness will not hurt! Before you begin the process, you should select the bit depth and version of the system.
    Almost all problems that arise during the installation of the operating system (90%) are related to the disk. There is no need to use assemblies of unknown origin. You install any third-party fixes, fixes, or homemade OS builds only at your own risk and peril. But irreversible consequences may occur.
    Remember, if you did not buy a box with a disk in a store, then you should only use official Microsoft MSDN images.

    Before installing Windows 7

    Be sure to consider two main points that need to be done before you begin installing the OS.
    1. Determine in advance which partition of the disk you plan to place the system on. It is necessary to prepare the place. Usually, most often this partition is the C:\ drive.
      Don't forget that the desktop is entirely located on C:\. Before any work, take care to save all important data and files. To do this, copy them from C:\ to another disk or external storage device, for example, a flash drive.
      Any program that was installed in this section will also be deleted. But this is not a reason to transfer all programs to another drive. Don't clog the registry! It is much easier and better to move the necessary programs to a new system. Why be lazy, because reinstalling Windows OS does not happen every day.
    2. Drivers for your device (computer, laptop). You also need to think about them in advance. In most cases, they are included in the kit, but if they are difficult to find or an update is required, then you should download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer.

    If you forget about the drivers, then even after successfully installing a new system, you may find yourself without the Internet. It is not at all necessary that the distribution kit available in Windows will include a set of drivers for the network card.

    Windows installation process

    Insert the Windows OS disc into your computer's drive and restart it. . To do this, during the reboot, you should wait until the screen turns off and at the initial signs of the system starting, press and hold the key Delete. Different versions may have different combinations or separate keys.

    Here are the most common: F10, F3 + F2, F1, F2, Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + S.

    After you start turning on your computer, you will usually see the text “ Press DEL to enter setup" The message means that to enter the BIOS, just press Delete on the keyboard. If everything is done correctly, a software shell will appear, similar to the old DOS.

    Here, too, there are differences in the interface, which are determined by the specific version and manufacturer. However, the principle is the same. Find at the top of the menu Boot, select this item and find " Boot Device Priority" In this section, you should determine the priority for booting a laptop or computer from the disk that contains the operating system, and not from the hard drive, as happens in standard situations. You need to put the CD/DVD drive first on the list. This is a temporary solution, then everything needs to be returned back.

    The menu looks something like this: This screenshot clearly shows the priority of the hard drive, which needs to be changed to a CD/DVD drive. Look, in the lower right corner you can see the navigation and movement keys that are used in the bios. That's it, the CD/DVD drive is in first place, press enter and agree to save using the F10 key with the Save and Exit function.

    There is another way to set boot priority, without using BIOS settings. Hotkeys will help here. You also need to restart the computer, and while turning it on, press and hold one of these keys: F10, F11, F12, F8 or F9.

    They are responsible for the appearance of the boot menu. As you understand, you should press only one of the keys. Which one depends on the existing system. Typically, this is the F8 function button. .

    Continue: select the CD/DVD drive and press Enter. A window will appear with the text “ Press any key to boot from CD or DVD».

    To start the installation, press any key, for example the spacebar. Then a window with the text “” will appear.

    At this stage, the files are extracted. After finishing, the message “ Starting Windows" and the operating system installation window. The installation has started.

    Select the required language, click on the item " Install».

    Click on the appropriate edition of the system - the one for which there is a key or the ability to activate. In the case of a laptop, it is located on a piece of paper with a key placed on the bottom of the device. You will have to enter the serial number itself later, at the very end of the installation.

    Let's briefly look at the choice between 32 (x86) or 64-bit versions of Windows. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM (also known as random access memory, RAM or Memory) and the processor supports the 64-bit version, then you need to install it. Otherwise, the correct solution is 32-bit, also known as x86.

    Find out and agree to the license terms.

    This requires a choice of method: we need " Full installation».

    Determine the partition where you plan to install Windows.

    If the system reserves this partition (it is indicated in megabytes, not gigabytes) as in the screenshot, you should choose Disk 0 Partition 2.

    In order not to experience difficulties with choosing a specific partition, it is better to see how much space the C drive occupies before starting all actions.

    If there is only one partition on the hard drive that exceeds 250 GB, then it would be logical to make a couple of local disks. The first partition is intended for Windows and is allocated 50-100 GB. The remaining space is reserved for storing files or personal information.

    The created partitions must have the name Disk 0 Partition 1 – X, but not “ Unallocated disk space" The operating system simply will not notice sections with similar names.

    If necessary, create a partition and click " Apply»

    Possible difficulties at this stage: Windows 7 requires a driver to continue installation, or the system does not notice the hard drive for the further process.

    In such situations, the easiest way is to return to the BIOS and change the SATA controller mode yourself from AHCI to IDE. The second option is to install drivers for the hard drive controller (if available).

    If you have two or more partitions on your hard drive, you can skip the above step altogether. So, the “System” section is selected and formatting should be enabled.

    The installer will warn you that all your data will be deleted. This is what you need, agree and wait. The entire process is usually done in a few seconds. After formatting, the free space increases. Click " Next».

    The installation starts, you can relax)

    We are waiting... Approximately 15-25 minutes. Once the installation process is complete, you will be prompted to enter your computer name and username. Enter the requested data.

    If you want, you can make a hint and password.

    The operating system will then prompt you to enter your serial number. We write if there is one. It is found in the box of a purchased Windows 7 distribution or on the bottom of a laptop. If it is not there, skip the step and uncheck the “Automatically activate when connected to the Internet” checkbox.

    Don't forget to specify your security settings.

    Write your own time zone.

    When connecting a laptop or computer to the Internet, if Windows had network card drivers, the OS will prompt you to indicate the network type.

    Here is the Windows 7 you just installed.

    At the end, be sure to reset the boot from the HDD (hard drive) in the BIOS.

    The instructions turned out to be extensive and thorough, but this should not be intimidating. It’s just that the article takes into account many points that are not always needed. First of all, the text is aimed at beginners who are trying to install the system themselves for the first time, so the slightest nuances are touched upon. However, if your device does not have a disk drive, then it is possible to install Windows from a flash drive. Other operating systems are installed in the same way, for example Windows 8 and Windows 10. Good luck with the installation!

    Have you decided to upgrade to Windows 10 or install this operating system from scratch? In this case, this issue should be considered in more detail. If we talk about the popularity of this OS, then it is only a matter of time for its gradual dominance over other versions. Manufacturers of programs and games will play a significant role in this. In essence, Windows 10 is an extremely successful combination of “seven” and “eight” with the addition of additional functionality.

    Is my computer suitable for Windows 10?

    Not everyone has devices that can use this software. If you cannot say with certainty that you meet all the requirements, you should use the special Get Windows 10 tool. You can download it or it will automatically appear in the update window. The main condition for operation is an Internet connection.

    A detailed analysis of the current device parameters will be carried out. Based on the information received, a message appears about the possibility of using Windows 10. An additional point is to check compatibility with installed software and peripheral devices.

    What do you need to install Windows 10?

    You need to have a disk or flash drive on which the operating system image will be written. This option is used when performing a “clean installation”. Another option is to use Windows Update. If you are a user of version 7 or 8, you have probably already received a message about the possibility of free installation. Each of these options should be considered in more detail.

    Before updating or loading from a disk/flash drive, the device is restarted. When the process is completed, the implementation of activities can begin.

    Preparing to install Windows 10

    You should take care of important data first. There is always a possibility that the process will not go as planned and files will be damaged/lost. The best option is to copy to external media. If you use two disks, then you need to save information on the one that is not the system one.

    How to create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 10?

    A “clean” installation has some advantages, which include creating a “fresh” OS that is not burdened by the problems of its predecessor. Similar actions will be required in the situation when the “ten” begins to be used as a second system. A prerequisite is the presence of an ISO image. It is best to download it from the official Microsoft website.

    You can use various utilities to create a bootable USB flash drive. Of particular note is the Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool. It is considered the simplest and most convenient among those available at the moment. You can download it directly from the Microsoft website.

    1. The utility starts and a welcome window appears where you need to specify the media type. It is possible to create a bootable Windows 10 disk or flash drive. We will consider it in the context of the second option, but there is no significant difference.

    2. When setting settings, you must follow the rule that the bit depth of the current OS matches the bit capacity of the media (32 or 64 bits).

    3. The utility itself will download the version of the system that the user needs.

    If you already have the installation image, then you just need to transfer it to a flash drive. The flash drive must be formatted first, otherwise failures will occur. This process is performed through the drive settings or using specialized software (UltraISO and a number of other applications).

    Installing Windows 10

    It doesn't matter whether the installation is from external media or an update. The process is the same. It will be discussed step by step below. It all starts with a window where you need to set key settings.

    The next step is a single button on the screen - “Install”. Additionally, there is a “System Restore” item. It will not be considered within the scope of this article. This button is used when returning to a specific OS state after a serious failure occurs.

    In some cases, you will be offered a choice between the "Professional" and "Home" versions. This moment is set at the stage of creating the image. You must enter a license key to activate Windows 10. There are several options here:

    • If you purchased the Windows 10 operating system, you must enter the key from the cover letter or box.
    • When performing a free update (if it has already been done previously), one of the two buttons “Skip” or “I don’t have a key” is pressed.
    • You have the right to a free upgrade to "ten", but use the "clean" installation method. In such a situation, the process should be canceled. A prerequisite is to perform the update using the methods recommended by the developer. Starting November 12, you can enter the key for your version of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1. In this case, the distribution must be downloaded after the specified date from the official Microsoft website.
    • You do not meet the previously mentioned points and there is no key - you need to skip this step. This will install the operating system, but will not activate it.

    The license agreement will be displayed on the screen. You must check the box indicating acceptance of the terms.

    Now comes the most crucial moment. The user is given a choice of further actions:

    1. Update. It is envisaged that there will be an operating system on the device, which will be placed in a separate Windows.old folder. At the same time, various parameters, settings and documents of the previous OS will be saved.
    2. Selective. A “clean” installation of Windows 10 is taking place. Documents and user settings will not be saved or this will happen partially. It is possible to split the disk into several partitions with the subsequent ability to perform cleaning. This approach should be considered in more detail.

    The user must select which partition should be used to carry out the installation. It is worth understanding that a slightly larger number of options will be offered than are available in the explorer. An example of this is shown in the screenshot below.

    1. When Windows is preinstalled by the device manufacturer, disk 0 will contain more than just system partitions. A large number of them are expected, with a volume ranging from 100 to 450 MB. Separately, it is necessary to say about the partition with a size of 10-20 GB. It looks attractive to install, but is highly discouraged. The system recovery image is located here. It is used to return the device to its factory state.
    2. In the case of a clean installation of Windows 10, you need to place it in a partition that corresponds to drive C. You need to format it, for which you use the corresponding button. When the section is selected, you can continue with the installation activities.
    3. You can skip the previous paragraph and set the task to install the partition that already contains the OS. This involves carrying out an update procedure. The result will be the transfer of the old system to the Windows.old folder created for it.
    4. If there is no important information on disk 0, you can do the simplest thing - delete all partitions one by one. After this, a new structure is created using available tools.
    5. You can select a drive other than the current system drive as the installation location. In this case, the device will have two OS. During the boot process, a message will appear asking you to select which one should be used.

    When the appropriate method is selected, you need to click next and continue. The process of copying the operating system files to the device will occur. It will continue for a while and once completed will trigger a reboot. In some situations, after completing this process, a message will appear asking you to “press any key.” You should not do this, since the system must boot.

    A reboot starts a new sequence of actions and during its implementation nothing will be required from you. The “Preparation” as well as the “Component Configuration” stages must be completed.

    IMPORTANT: installation does not always go smoothly. The device may display a black screen for a while, freeze, or reboot. This is a normal situation and you should not worry.

    When this step completes, a message appears indicating that you are connected to wireless networks (when possible). A window then appears asking you to enter your product key. Here you should proceed similarly to the previous time. If you downloaded and installed a version dated November 12, 2015 or older, then re-entry is not provided.

    Now we begin to configure various system parameters. If you do not want to use this feature, it is recommended to select “Use standard settings”. Otherwise, click “Customize Settings”. This will allow you to manually set certain settings. To simplify the task, it is recommended to use special descriptions. When in doubt about an item, it is best to disable it. Further settings will still allow activation.

    You can create your own Microsoft account or a local account for your specific device. The first option is only available when there is an Internet connection. If it is not there, then access is provided exclusively to creating a local record.

    The last stage involves the need to install and subsequently configure various applications. For approximately 30-40 minutes the following message will appear on the screen: “This won’t take long.” During this time, you should not perform any actions on the device or reboot it. On low-power computers this event will take longer, which should be taken into account.

    When this stage is completed, the transition to the desktop of the Windows 10 operating system occurs. Now you can start working with it.

    What to do after installation

    When the system is loaded (a “clean” installation was used), a number of additional measures are required. The most important point is downloading the necessary drivers. Windows 10 has a self-service search and installation feature. Despite the availability of such an opportunity, it is recommended to perform the task manually - it will not take much time.

    • For laptops, you need to visit the manufacturer’s official website and find a list of drivers for your device.
    • For personal computers, you should check the motherboard model and download the necessary drivers for it.
    • It is necessary to clarify which video card is used on a particular device. Depending on the manufacturer, you will be redirected to the NVIDIA or AMD website (in rare cases, Intel). There you need to find, download and install the latest drivers for your video card.

    Before you start installing all the necessary programs, it is recommended to make a full image so that you can further restore the OS from it. It is necessary in case of critical failures. It will be possible to restore to the original settings. This is a faster and more convenient alternative to re-installation.

    Many novice users of personal computers or laptops sooner or later are faced with the need to install or reinstall an operating system. And not every newbie knows how to install Windows 7 system. Someone acts at random and installs a system without the slightest idea; as they say, he learns from his mistakes, losing a lot of time. Some people pay a lot of money to hire specialists to install and configure Windows. I strongly recommend that you once and for all master all the intricacies of installing the system yourself, which will allow you to save a lot of time and money in the future.

    Immediately before installing the Windows 7 operating system, as well as any other versions of Windows, you should perform the following preparatory operations:

    • create or purchase a boot disk or flash drive with Windows 7, from which the installation will be carried out;
    • read the instructions for setting boot priority in the BIOS and installing Windows 7;
    • save all the necessary data from “Local Disk C” to some other one, for example, “D” or “E”.

    If the above is completed, you can proceed with the installation itself. I draw your attention to the fact that I myself installing Windows 7 on a computer from a flash drive no different from installing from disk. So, as soon as the computer starts booting from a bootable flash drive or disk, the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” will appear on a black background in white letters. You need to immediately press any key on the keyboard for the installation to begin. This must be done immediately after this message appears. Otherwise, after a few seconds it will disappear and you will need to reboot.

    The installation begins by downloading the necessary files, as shown in the image below.

    Once the download is complete, the message “Starting Windows” will appear.

    After this, the start window for configuring the installation parameters of the Windows 7 operating system will appear. Here you can select the system installation language, time format and keyboard layout. You can leave everything as shown in the picture.

    Then a window will appear in which you need to click on the “Install” button.

    A window will appear with the message “Starting installation”.

    The system will prompt you to familiarize yourself with the terms of the license agreement. If you agree, check the “I accept the license terms” checkbox, and then click the “Next” button to continue installing Windows 7.

    The next step is to select the installation type. The system will prompt you to restore your existing operating system and install a new one. We need the second option - “Full installation”. We choose it.

    Now you will need to select the partition (local disk) on which Windows 7 will be installed. As a rule, this is “Local disk (C:)”. However, it needs to be formatted, that is, cleared of existing unnecessary information. To do this, click the “Disk Setup” button.

    Now left-click once on “Local Disk (C:)” so that it becomes active (selected), and then on the “Format” button below. Please note that out of almost 70 Gigabytes on this disk, only 24 Gigabytes are free. That is, 46 Gigabytes are occupied by various files of the old operating system.

    A message will appear warning you that formatting will delete all files stored on this local drive. We agree by clicking the “OK” button.

    Formatting will complete in just a few seconds. You can find out that formatting is complete by the updated readings of free space on the “Local disk (C:)”. As a rule, the free disk space after formatting should be 0.1 Gigabytes less than the total disk space. In my case, out of 69.9 Gigabytes, 69.8 are free after formatting. It turns out that 100 Megabytes are somehow reserved by the system. So, make sure that “Local Disk (C:)” is selected and click the “Next” button.

    If you installed a new hard drive (hard drive), it will not be marked, as shown in the picture. Click the Disk Setup button.

    Select the unallocated space and click the Create button.

    A small field will appear in which you need to specify the size of the new local disk. For the Windows 7 operating system, I recommend choosing about 60-70 Gigabytes. But since the size is in megabytes, 70 must be multiplied by 1024, because one gigabyte contains 1024 megabytes. I got 71680 Megabytes. Enter this value on the keyboard in the “Size” field and click the “Apply” button.

    You can use the remaining unallocated space to create other local disks, the size of which you can choose as you like. So, highlight the created 70 GB local disk and click “Next” to continue installing Windows 7.

    A window will appear that displays the Windows 7 installation operations currently in progress. Unpacking the files takes from 3 to 20 minutes, depending on the storage media from which the Windows 7 operating system is installed. As I already said, installation from solid-state drives it will be times faster.

    A message will then appear stating that you will need to restart your computer to continue with the installation. You can wait 10 seconds, and the system will do it itself, or you can save precious seconds and click on the “Restart now” button.

    The computer will begin to reboot. And here I recommend that you immediately go into the BIOS to configure the computer to boot from your hard drive (hard drive), and not from a flash drive or DVD. This can be done according to the principle described in the articles “How to configure the BIOS to boot a computer from a disk” and “How to configure the BIOS to configure a computer to boot from a flash drive.” Only in this case, instead of a DVD drive or flash drive, you will need to choose a HDD. Once you have set the BIOS to boot the computer from the hard drive, press the “F10” key and agree to save the changes by pressing “Enter”. The computer will start rebooting from the hard drive - it will continue installation of the Windows 7 operating system from the "Starting Windows" message.

    The message “Setup is updating the registry settings” appears next.

    And behind it - “The installer is starting services.”

    The installation of Windows 7 is nearing completion, as evidenced by the information in the following picture.

    The system will need another reboot. The next time you start your computer, you will see the message “The installer is testing video performance.”

    This will be followed by the initial setup of the Windows 7 operating system, which requires your participation. You must enter a user name, for example, your own, and the computer name. To change the language from Russian to English, you can press the “Shift” and “Alt” key combination on the keyboard (that is, pressing these two keys simultaneously) or with the mouse on the panel at the top. If you have entered the required information, click the “Next” button.

    The system will prompt you to set a password for your account, without which no one will be able to boot your computer. You can create it right away, or you can do it later, after installing the Windows 7 operating system. I usually do not create passwords, since I am the only user of the computer. To continue setting up, click “Next”.

    This time you need to enter your Windows license key. If you bought a disc, the key will be indicated on the package. If you downloaded Windows 7 from the Internet, do not enter anything; I suggest you activate the system after installation. Also uncheck the box “Automatically activate Windows when you connect to the Internet” and click “Next”.

    In the next window, if you have a licensed system with a key, select the first item “Use recommended settings.” If you purchased Windows 7 for free, for example, downloaded it from the Internet, that is, although your version is original, it is still pirated, hacked, select the last option “Delay decision”. Most people, including me, have just such a system. Click the "Next" button.

    Now configure the date, time and time zone, then click Next.

    If your computer has a network card or Wi-Fi, the installation system will prompt you to select the network to which your computer will be connected. I usually select "Home Network".

    The computer will begin to connect to the network.

    After this, the message “Preparing the desktop” will appear.

    And finally, the Windows 7 operating system you installed will boot for the first time.

    Congratulations, the installation is completed successfully. The next step is to activate the system, which you can learn about in the article “How to activate Windows 7.”

    The best way to get rid of viruses and constant crashes in the operating system is to install a new OS. Most often, installation occurs by creating a bootable USB flash drive or using a disk with a new system, but there are several quick methods that will help you install a new copy of Windows without using third-party digital media.

    The following OS replacement options are suitable for personal computer users who:

    1. The drive is broken, damaged or missing.
    2. No DVD.
    3. It is not possible to use Flash media.
    4. There is no external HDD drive.

    Installing Windows via Hard Drive and computer command line

    Hard drive is a hard drive (HDD) of a personal computer or laptop, which is designed to store user files and programs. Using the hard drive, you can install a new operating system.

    Installation of the new OS occurs through the command line when the computer is turned on. This OS replacement option will allow you to clear all old disk partitions and create new ones. In order to begin the process of replacing the operating system, you need to download an iso image of the desired version of Windows. This can be done on the official Microsoft website or through a torrent client. The image will be downloaded to your computer in archive format; you need to unpack it to drive C. Then follow these instructions:

    1. While starting the computer, hold down the F8, Space or ESC button (depending on your computer model). After a few seconds, a custom menu of additional OS boot options should appear on the screen.
    2. The next step is to select “Troubleshooting”. The selection is made by pressing the Enter key.

    1. Next, a system recovery options window will appear. In it you need to select input via the keyboard.
    2. Select a computer user from the list and enter a password, if one was set when logging in.
    3. From the proposed installation options, you need to select “Command Line”.
    4. After opening the command line window, you should type several commands. Input is via the keyboard. You can print a new command by pressing Enter. Navigate to the drive where the system installation file is located using the following command: “X:windowssystem32C:” (without parentheses). Press Enter (If the installation file is not on drive C, replace the letter in the command with the desired one).
    5. Enter the following command: ">setup.exe" (without parentheses).
    6. In a few seconds, the installation of the new OS will begin, which is no different from installing using a disk or flash drive.

    This method is suitable for operating systems Windows 7, Win 8/8.1, Windows 10.

    Note: Please note that the installed and downloaded OS must have the same bit depth (32 or 64 bits).

    Using the installation image of the system and the virtual drive

    The easiest way to install Windows is to download a system image from the Internet. The process of downloading the image archive is exactly the same as in the previous section of the article, however, you do not need to unpack it. The disk image allows you to install any program, game, utility or operating system without using a disk drive.

    Users of OS Windows XP/7 must install additional software to work with images. In newer versions of Windows, you can work with images without using additional software (such files are recognized as archives; in order to install the image, you need to open it with an archiver and run the installation file).

    Some tips for downloading an OS image:

    1. Do not download files from suspicious sites and resources.
    2. Refrain from choosing various modified OS builds. They almost always contain a lot of viruses and spyware that can steal your personal information, passwords or credit card numbers.
    3. Choose only trusted resources (Microsoft websites or specialized utilities for installing a new OS).

    In the imaging utility, create a virtual disk with the new OS (read more about the most popular and reliable programs for creating virtual disk drives in the next section of this article). To create a new disk, select the desired ISO image in the program. Next, the program will provide all the necessary instructions. The disc creation process will take less than a minute. Next, double-click on the created disk, thus launching the OS installation window.

    Programs for quickly creating a virtual drive

    If you are using OS Windows XP/7, then you should select a program to work with virtual optical drives. The list below shows the most popular programs and their features:

    1. Daemon Tools. One of the very first and most popular programs on the market of similar software. The program is shareware - Lite and Premium versions are available to users. Working with existing virtual disks is organized in a very convenient way; the user can quickly create and delete disks. In the free version of the software, it is possible to create only 4 images at a time. The program supports iso, img, dmg, vdf, mds, mdf formats.
    2. The program is distinguished by its ability to create a large number of virtual disks simultaneously. There is also the ability to record to a removable CD. With this program, users will be able to store all their disks virtually in case the physical disk gets damaged. It is also possible to download images from the Internet and mount them for further installation using this program.
    3. Software that works exclusively with ISO images. Images are mounted quickly and execution time is kept to a minimum. It is possible to convert images of other formats directly to ISO.
    4. The utility is free and available for download. The function of creating disk images yourself is available.
    5. Virtual CloneDrive. A program with a minimum of settings, high speed of execution and disk reading. The OS recognizes the created disk as a physical CD/DVD-ROM.

    Free OS updates

    Microsoft regularly provides users of licensed versions of the OS with the opportunity to upgrade to newer versions of the software for free. Windows 7 Home Edition users can upgrade to the Professional or Premium version through the official Microsoft.com website or through the Update Center, which is located in the control panel of each computer. Installing new software is as easy as pressing a few buttons. Basically, installing a new system takes from half an hour to 120 minutes, depending on the speed of the computer or laptop's central processor.

    It is possible to replace Windows 7 with Windows 88.1 for free. Follow the instructions to find out about the possibility of updating the OS:

    1. Download the Update Assistant from Microsoft here
    2. Run it and wait for the installation to complete. This will take a few minutes.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to find out which new OS version your system is compatible with. Next, the program will offer to download new software and install it.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that installing an entrance door includes several stages: dismantling the old door, preparing the opening, actually installing a new door and finishing the opening. At each stage we will stop and study it in more detail.

    Removing the old door. If we are talking about renovating an apartment or cottage, then, as a rule, it is necessary to dismantle wooden or metal entrance doors, which can be fixed in the opening either with the possibility of dismantling without compromising the integrity of the frame (anchors, screws, etc.), or without ( studs, welding, etc.). Consequently, the master must be prepared for any outcome of events and have with him the appropriate tool, which will be discussed. To unscrew screws you will need a screwdriver, to remove anchors you will need a set of ratchet wrenches with suitable heads, to pull out nails you will need a nail puller, a hammer and a set of chisels. If the door is installed in such a way that it will not be possible to remove it without cutting the frame, we will need, at a minimum, an angle grinder (aka grinder), a reciprocating saw, and a hammer drill. For clarity, I will give an example. Let's say you are dismantling an old wooden door installed in Soviet times in a brick opening on permanent hinges with a wooden frame with a threshold. The technology for installing such doors was as follows: wooden inserts were embedded in the brickwork, to which the frame was attached with long nails, while the gaps were sealed with tow and various debris, and then the whole thing was covered with a decent layer of cement plaster. Therefore, in order to remove the canvas, we will need to unscrew the hinges (use a screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers), and to remove the box, we will have to: knock down the plaster (use a hammer drill), cut the box (use a reciprocating saw) and pull it out along with the nails (use a hammer, nail puller and chisels). As you can see, in just one example it turned out that a lot of tools are required. But this is just the beginning. Next you should prepare the opening.

    Preparing the opening. It is logical to assume that the dimensions of the doorway and the dimensions of the door block must match, otherwise installation will be impossible - either the block simply will not physically fit, or it will fall through the opening. Modern standard door leaf sizes do not always allow you to select a door to fit the existing opening in older apartments. Therefore, openings often have to be expanded in height and width. There is, of course, a more painless option - to order a door according to your dimensions, but this is quite expensive, and custom-made doors are delivered within a period of at least 3 weeks. If you are installing entrance doors professionally, then you have to deal with the expansion of openings in brick, wood, plaster, monolithic, aerated concrete structures, etc., so you have for work, at a minimum, a hammer drill, an angle grinder, a circular saw, a reciprocating saw , vacuum cleaner. I’m not talking about expensive wall-cutting machines here - they are used by specialized companies, which you can contact if necessary. How much should the opening be widened? Ideally, the opening should be wider and higher than the door block exactly as much as necessary to form a high-quality foam seam (see the manufacturer’s recommendations).

    But, among other things, there is GOST 31173-2003 “Steel door blocks”, which states: “Door blocks should be installed level and plumb. The deviation from the vertical and horizontal profiles of the frames of mounted products should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m length, but not more than 3 mm to the height of the product. Moreover, if the opposite profiles are deviated in different directions (“twisting” of the frame), their total deviation from the normal should not exceed 3 mm. The door block is installed in the prepared doorway symmetrically relative to the central vertical. opening. Deviation from symmetry should not exceed 3 mm towards the slope of the opening intended for fastening the box profile with hinges. Deviation from symmetry to the other side of the opening is not recommended." That is, roughly speaking, the wall must be flat and vertical, which in practice is very, very rare. Therefore, in order for the door installation to meet the above requirements, it is necessary to prepare the wall (partially remove material somewhere, plaster somewhere, etc.), and this is often impossible - then the owners would have to leave the apartment for a couple of days without an entrance door, put a policeman with a pistol in the doorway to keep thieves out and drive away the curious, and this, you see, is already inconvenient and quite expensive.

    The non-compliance of doorways with established standards results in the following: if you install the frame so that the platbands fit snugly against the wall, then it will not be installed level, and, consequently, the door leaf will spontaneously roll to open or close - depending on the angle of deviation of the wall from the vertical. Also in this case, it may turn out that the frame will be twisted with a screw by several millimeters, which will not allow the door to fit tightly to the frame. However, if you place the box strictly vertically in all planes, large gaps will certainly appear between the platbands and the wall (from practice - up to 3 cm). What to do and which installation method to choose? In an amicable way, if time and money allow (the work of craftsmen in preparing an opening is not a free pleasure), you can try to remove part of the wall material and recess the box somewhat, then somewhere the platbands will be flush, and somewhere they will move a little towards the opening . Or leave everything as is, install the door level and then plaster the gaps between the wall and the platbands. In any case, it won’t turn out very nicely, and in the end it’s not the installer’s fault - the unscrupulous builders did their best and did everything possible to nullify all the work of the master.

    Door installation. After the opening is prepared, we proceed to install the door block. The first thing to do is unpack the door and make sure it is not damaged. After a visual inspection, we immediately install the handle so that the door can be opened, since at the manufacturer it should have at least been slammed and locked with one lock. Here, as always, there are some nuances - manufacturers often “forget” to drill the necessary mounting holes, or complete doors with different leaf thicknesses with the same screws and self-tapping screws. As a result, you either have to drill holes (we will need a drill) or replace the included fasteners with your own - you need to constantly carry a large set of different small things with you in order to be prepared for surprises. After checking that the door opens and closes, we install the box in the opening and fix it.

    For fixation we use wedges and an assistant. Wedges will help spread the box at the desired angles, and a partner will protect it from moving while drilling holes and securing anchors. To fix the box, we use universal facade dowels with screws (anchors) S-UF 10*115 or 10*135 - they are very convenient, as they have a hexagonal head with a groove, which makes it possible to screw them through installation holes in boxes of different diameters. After installing the anchors, we check how tightly the canvas adheres to the box and check that there are no distortions.

    Another very reliable method of fastening is welding. Holes are drilled in the opening into which reinforcement bars are driven, and the door frame is welded to them. After installation, we also carefully check the geometry.

    Please note that according to the same GOST 31173-2003, manufacturers have tolerances for the curvature of the door leaf, tolerances for sagging of the leaf, sag in corner welded joints, etc., so be prepared for the fact that the plane of the leaf, the width of the gaps, etc. . may not be ideal. And the master installer is not to blame for this either. In addition, often the manufacturer does not bother to perfectly adjust the holes in the box for the entry of the crossbars, but simply indicates in the passport that these holes are adjusted manually. And you shouldn’t have any panic about this - if you see that the master takes the cutters and starts boring holes, you don’t need to growl at him like a tiger and try to take the tool away - he just does his job and tries to open/close locks in the most comfortable way and remove the load from the bolts when rubbing them.

    After the door frame is securely fixed in the opening, we cover it with masking tape and foam the gaps. For this work, you must use only professional polyurethane foam with a low expansion coefficient. To adjust the pressure, a special gun is used. After the foam has polymerized, its excess is cut off with a knife and the tape is removed.

    Finishing the opening. After the new door block is installed, ugly bent mounting ears with anchors, traces of dismantling, potholes in the plaster, broken bricks and other “joys” that you want to hide remain visible. What can be done? There are several options. The most common is to install extensions with platbands in the color of the box. For this work we will need a miter saw (cutting the trim at 45 degrees) and a circular saw (cutting the trim to length). If the opening allows, the extensions can be placed on mounting foam or liquid nails, then you will not have to make mounting holes in them. If the opening needs to be pre-prepared, we will need a mixer or a hammer drill with an attachment and a set of spatulas for plastering work.

    Let's summarize. The front door is not only a decorative element in the interior, but also, first of all, a certain guarantor of the safety of your property. Therefore, the service life of the door as a whole and of individual elements in particular will depend on how high-quality the door you have chosen and how competently it has been installed. And if you decide to practice and do all the work yourself, it is possible that, in addition to skillful hands and a partner, you will need:

  • set of chisels
  • set of cutters
  • set of small fasteners
  • consumables (drills, picks, cutting wheels, tape, anchors, nails, etc.)
  • But, nevertheless, I think that to install the front door it is better to contact.

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