• An example of creating an html page in notepad. An example of creating an html page in a notepad Description of html tags from the example

    In the text of the first lesson, I already wrote that a user on the Internet is offered a lot of different information for consumption, and there are also various Internet services, with the help of which you can participate in various creative processes and even create a personal page on the Internet.
    Attention! Yandex service in August 2014 closed the Ya.ru service described in this lesson, see information about transferring the data you created here:
    The text about creating a personal page on Yandex has been removed from this lesson.

    Let's take a closer look at some of the opportunities offered to us, for example, by the Yandex service.

    To do this, type in the address bar of your computer (first open a new tab) the Yandex website address you already know: yandex.ru The Yandex main page will open.

    At the very top of the page are the latest world news. News headlines are underlined, which means they are active links. That is, by clicking on any title, you will be taken to a page with a more detailed description of the announced event or incident. As a rule, on an open page there are many active links to other stories, as well as small photographs. By clicking on the photos, you can view them in enlarged form. Experiment, click on photos and active links. In order to find out whether it is possible to enlarge the photo again, hover over it with the cursor; if it accepts the image of a hand, then it is possible.

    After a series of clicks and opening different pages, narrow rectangular boxes will appear at the top tabs with the title of the pages. You can close tabs with a cross in their right corner.

    Active links can be made in different ways: when you click on a link, a new page opens in new tab(then a narrow rectangle of this tab appears at the top) or a new page opens instead of the one you were viewing. If the page did not open in a new tab, then return to previous page You can use the left arrow in the green circle in the upper left corner of the screen.

    After reading the news, return to the main Yandex page. By the way, you can return to the Yandex main page by clicking on the Yandex website logo. This rule applies to almost all sites that you will visit in the future.

    For example, on the site " St. Petersburg pensioner"you can always return to the main page by clicking on the logo, which in this case is located along the top edge and consists of three lines, including site name, photo feed and online magazine category.

    Topics and sections of the Yandex website are written above the yellow search bar. Click on the word "More", the drop-down menu shows a more detailed list of sections. Each section title is also an active link that you can click on and view the pages that open.

    Aspects of using the Internet as an intermediary between you and employers are discussed in detail, as well as all the main stages of employment, the most important articles of labor legislation. Much attention is paid to the issues of preparing for an interview, the intricacies of business communication, methods of testing applicants for vacant positions are described, and information is provided on grant funds that finance the continuation of scientific research and training.

    * * *

    The given introductory fragment of the book How to make a career using the Internet (V. G. Solomenchuk, 2002) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

    How to create a personal page

    Yandex family

    Today, the Yandex search engine is not just a search engine, but a whole family of convenient and free services for users. If you look at the first page of Yandex (http://www.yandex.ru), you will find, in addition to the traditional catalogue, links to free email, Yandex services and much, much more.

    Almost everything that Yandex offers visitors can be used, one way or another, to find a job, seduce an employer, create your image, increase your chances of career growth... Many Yandex services will be mentioned below.

    You may ask why so much needs to be said about Yandex - after all, there are other servers that provide a similar service. This can be answered quite simply - the Yandex team managed to create the most successful and balanced project on the RuNet. In addition, they managed to avoid advertising excesses, which, for example, abound in the Atrus project and many other smaller ones.

    In addition, all Yandex services are integrated with the most powerful search engine in Russia. You can even say that in Runet Yandex plays the role of the AltaVista search engine, without which the English-language Internet is unthinkable. Therefore, information from your personal page very quickly begins to appear in the list of search results for keywords, and its web address in the search engine database. That is, we can say that your information ends up at a crowded crossroads of the Internet, where it has the maximum opportunity to catch the eye of someone who really needs you!


    Please note that the Yandex search engine uses several name options: Yandex, Yandex, Yandex.

    As an introduction, we will mention the possibilities that you can use when searching for information on the Internet, so that in the future you will know what may be useful for advertising your own website:

    For those who are looking for: Search by region, Family Yandex, Quick search, Ascetic search.

    The Yandex thematic catalog is very convenient, which has the following main sections:

    Culture and art

    Society and politics

    Entertainment and relaxation

    Home and family

    Science and education

    Economic structures

    Computers and communications

    Production and supplies

    Business organization

    Products and services


    An analysis of the state of the Runet can be found in the sections:

    Everything about Runet: Fairy tales, Query statistics (NINI), Query statistics (politics), Numbers, Live broadcast.

    The following options are offered to website owners:

    Add a site, Search forms, Yandex.Site FREE, Citation index.

    A number of Yandex projects are grouped into YANDEX SERVICES

    Mail: free, convenient and secure.

    News: latest news from leading agencies.

    People: unlimited space for your website.

    Products: the best offers in online stores.

    Postcards: a holiday that is always with you.

    Photos: your films in electronic form.

    Dz online: a magazine for real computer geeks.

    Subscription: information on the topic delivered to your home.

    Guru: an intelligent product selection system.

    You won’t believe it, but all Yandex services can be successfully used to increase the popularity of your website or your name. It all depends on your imagination and ability to use the services offered by Yandex.

    For those who apply for command (managerial) positions or have career plans, for example, as an analyst, it will be of interest YANDEX NEWS, Dollar exchange rate (CB), RTS Index.

    For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, a weather forecast is useful, which will come in handy before going to an interview. For example, you might remember to take an umbrella with you so you don't look like a wet chicken.

    Of course, besides Yandex, there are other, no less popular places in Russia and other countries. For example, there are a lot of interesting sites on the Chat.RU server, but search robots do not perform a total search on it. And if you yourself do not take action to popularize your site, then it will remain unknown. Other Russian public servers are in even greater oblivion - after all, most users are often not even aware of their existence.

    Public servers outside of Russia can also be used to host a personal resume page. But the effect of this will not be too great, and not because of any technical reasons, but imposed stereotypes of thinking will operate. For example, for many Russian employers, English-language servers are something foreign and, most likely, something erotic.

    If your goal is to work, for example, in the USA, then this is justified to some extent. Only you have to take into account that there are tens of millions of similar pages on the most popular servers. Therefore, you can believe that your page will simply get lost in the wilds of a wide variety of sites. So it’s better to use Russian servers, which are not so overloaded, and the employer will have a clearer idea of ​​your origin.

    Yandex – Narod.Ru

    Let's get to know by the people at http://narod.yandex.ru or http://www.narod.ru (Fig. 3.2).

    Rice. 3.2. Server Narod.Ru

    The first thing that catches your eye is the slogan: “Build your website in 60 seconds!” In principle this is possible, but it usually takes a little more time.

    In general, before you start any construction, you need to get acquainted with what is available on the server. For your first acquaintance, you are offered the following links.

    First time with people? – Why is this necessary, What do they give here, Trial tour, Sample pages.

    Meet the people - Catalog, Chats, Forums, Best sites, Family filter.

    Communities of the people - What are communities, Sightseeing tour, Registration.

    Don't be lazy, get to know by the people after all, you will also join this community. Moreover, you are offered an acquaintance with the creativity of not only People, but only with a number of sites selected either based on popularity or using a random number generator.

    After an initial inspection of the field of your future battle, take a look at the thematic catalog People:

    Cars and motorcycles (2227)

    Business and finance (7117)

    Home and family (2398)

    Health (1433)

    Dating (11513)

    Computers, Internet and technology (6564)

    Beauty and fashion (351)

    Culture, religion, philosophy (2142)

    Literature and art (4594)

    Music and cinema (6584)

    Science and Education (2085)

    Politics and law (1165)

    Work and career (2696)

    Free time, entertainment and games (9778)

    Sports (2626)

    Equipment and production (1040)

    Tourism (2771)

    The number of sites in this category at the beginning of 2001 is indicated in brackets.

    Since we went to People for a very specific purpose - to create a page with a resume, then you need to carefully review the contents of the section Work and career. Perhaps, if you are lucky, you will even find what you have been looking for. Please note that you need to look through all subsections, and not limit yourself to, for example, subsection Vacancies. You can even search for keywords using a search engine People – Search on Narod.RU. The point of this recommendation is that users do not always correctly register their sites in the directory People.

    I can also recommend reading the latest issue People's newspaper(http://gazeta.narod.ru/) to get acquainted with news of people's life, reviews, competitions and polls. The section devoted to the review of “people's sites” is useful and interesting. In addition, it is possible to obtain important information by reading advertisements and letters from readers.

    Site construction

    The Narod.Ru server offers quite a large space for your website (there are certain restrictions). True, you are unlikely to need more than 200 KB for your personal resume page. You may even need less space, especially if you use ready-made designs offered on the server. But it’s always nice to know that you have “almost” unlimited possibilities.

    In addition to disk space on the server, a community member people Counters are available for use to count the number of visitors. By having counters on every page of your site, you can obtain statistical information that will be useful when making decisions about adjusting site content.

    If you are not afraid of criticism, then use a guest book page in which your guests will write down their complaints and suggestions. True, you will need to monitor its content daily in order to prevent hooliganism on the part of the unconscious part of visitors.

    For those who have unlimited access to the Internet, we can recommend creating a personal forum and chat for your friends. Just don’t forget to visit it yourself, otherwise it will wither and “die.”

    Since the volume of the book is limited, we will focus on creating a personal page based on ready-made templates. Note that there is no need to shy away from the proposed solutions - they are all professionally made and leave a lot of room for creativity. Moreover, from a practical point of view, it will save your precious time. Note that using the template Make your own You can create a fairly original page design.


    The registration process is very simple, with the only exception being that it is difficult to choose a name for the page. The difficulty here is that at the beginning of 2001, more than 200 thousand sites were registered. This means that choosing a short and sonorous name will no longer be possible. Of course, you can try, but note that in most dictionaries the number of words is two to three times less.

    But still, for the first step that needs to be taken, you can select any word to initialize the registration process on the server. To do this, enter your favorite word or phrase in the input field (only Latin characters, numbers and a number of characters) and click on the button Borrow.

    After this, you will be taken to the registration page (Fig. 3.3), where you will need to enter your personal data. Please note that to be able to register with the server, your browser must be allowed to run JavaScript and accept cookies.

    Rice. 3.3. Registration page

    Before filling out all the fields of the registration form, you need to check: is it possible to use the word you entered (login) on the server (not all characters are allowed in the name), whether the selected address is free. Note that many sonorous names are reserved for public needs.

    To check your option, click on the hyperlink Check. Most likely, if you selected a short and sonorous word, you will receive an error message:

    The login you entered is already taken!

    The use of this login is prohibited!

    Don't worry and choose some other combination of words and numbers or a very long name. If your name is approved, the response will be as follows:

    This name can be used.

    In the fields Password And Repeat password enter a chain of characters, which must be at least 4 (the optimal password is 8-10 characters). For your password, always use the Latin alphabet, numbers and printable characters. Using the Cyrillic alphabet will almost certainly lead to loss of access to your page (due to technical problems with transcoding on your computer and server).

    It is not advisable to use any common words or names for the password, for example pass, login, name, sex, etc. To simplify remembering the password, you can use Russian words typed on the English keyboard layout. But, note, there is no need to use Russian names in Latin, for example, Dima (Lbvf), Ivan (Bdfy), and especially your own. It is better to come up with a combination of short words with numbers. You will find more information about passwords and online security in the next chapter.

    The most essential step when filling out the registration form is to provide your personal data:



    Date of birth;

    Country of Residence;

    City (village);

    E-Mail address* (will be used to forward your password if you forget it).

    Fields marked with asterisks are required, while the rest can be left blank if desired.

    When providing personal information, the following points must be taken into account. Although you are required to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, no one is required to provide your real mailing address or last name. In most cases, when creating, for example, an entertainment website, it is better to indicate a pseudonym rather than your last name. Specify your postal address only to the city of residence, and it is not advisable to indicate your apartment number, and especially your home telephone number.


    The Narod.Ru server does not yet require complete personal information, but everything may change. Perhaps you will use another public server to host a site, where they will even seriously ask you for your passport number.

    Please note that if your goal is to create a personal page with a resume, then when registering you must provide true personal information. But still, even in this case, when specifying a postal address, it is recommended to limit yourself to the name of your city and microdistrict.

    An electronic mail address (E-mail) is also included in the required information. If you don’t have one, then enter the address of a not yet created mailbox on the Yandex server - [email protected]. You can act this way because when you register in any Yandex service, you automatically reserve the same name (login) for all others. But you can return to the Yandex main page and register a mailbox with a different name, or, if you wish, get a mailbox on the Mail.RU or Rambler server, as well as on many other servers.

    After filling out all fields of the registration form, double-check that all the information you provided is correct. If everything is correct, click on the button Register.


    Successful registration on the server will allow you to enter your personal workshop, where you can use one or another tool to create and maintain a website.

    In fact, all offered services are divided into two main groups: Website creation And Editing and management. We are currently interested in creating a personal page with a resume, so look at what capabilities you have (each item is a separate web page):

    Home page

    About me

    Photo album

    For fans and admirers



    Announcement or invitation


    Business page

    Price list




    Personal chat

    Personal forum


    Additional graphics

    Functional clipart

    New Year clipart

    Logos and banners Narod.ru


    Search forms

    Indexing in search engines

    Depending on the scope of your professional activity, not only the points will be useful to you Home page And Resume, but also other possibilities. For example, hobbies are usually not written on resumes, but pages Photo album or Favorite links They can unobtrusively tell you about your hobbies. That is, everything depends only on your imagination and what you are ready to tell about yourself.

    It often happens that a person deals with very boring problems at work, but outside the threshold of an institution or factory he can be engaged in the construction of hang gliders, dance sports, radio sports... In some cases, it is the non-work area of ​​interest that is the decisive argument in favor of a particular candidate for a prestigious vacancy.

    Home page

    Any website starts with a main page named index.htm or index.html. This web page is always searched by browsers by default unless a specific file name is specified. There can be as many web pages as you like: one, two, three, ten, a hundred... In principle, you can limit yourself to one page with the text of your resume, but it is better, especially since Yandex will help you with this, to make several pages: the main page is yours. a business card”, a page with a resume and, say, a page with photographs of your pet – a cat or dog.

    To start building the site on the page Workshop – Project: your_name.narod.ru click on the hyperlink Website creation/Home page(Fig. 3.4).

    Rice. 3.4. Workshop of the People

    On the next page Workshop/Selecting a template option for “Site Home Page” – Project: your_name.narod.ru(Fig. 3.5) select one of the templates that best meets your requirements (note that the names of the templates are not very good):









    Make your own

    Rice. 3.5. Templates for the main page of the site

    Let's choose, for example, the template Simple, which is quite suitable for our purposes - to introduce yourself to the employer (Fig. 3.6). It is quite often used for websites with resumes, since the visitor does not have to spend a long time looking for navigation elements - buttons with the names of other sections of the site. But you can choose any other template to your taste. Note that in the future you can replace the template, since adjusting the design of pages created with their help is very simple and does not require a complete rework of what you created.

    Rice. 3.6. Sample Simple for home page

    The first step in the process of creating a page is to choose the background color, i.e. the main color (paper color) of the page on which you will write. To do this, move your mouse pointer over the rectangle with the color palette. Left-clicking on the color you want will be your choice (the square on the right will take on that color).

    The most significant point from the point of view of achieving your goal is What is the site about? Here you need to seriously think about how to write. A stupid or uncultured name will only attract strawberry lovers. An illiterate proposal will not create a very good opinion of you. Therefore, if you do not find an interesting or original name, limit yourself to either - Personal website of Ivan Ivanovich, or something neutral: Resume, Looking for a job etc.

    The title of your page will be in the form of a header. The color, size and style of the letters can be selected in the fields below. It is not recommended to choose a font size that is too large or small. The text should be readable against the background you choose. If you don't have a favorite color combination, then take a look at Chapter 19, "Psychological Tests" (read the "Web Design" section first, and then look at the tests themselves).

    There is text under the heading that should explain to the guest where he ended up. You can include, for example, a small piece of your resume (just not your personal details). A few phrases about the reasons for creating the site are quite good. Actually, there are countless options, so it all depends on your personality and your ability to concisely convey the essence of what you want to say.

    Font parameters are set in the same way as for the title. But the pin size should be 3–4 times smaller. Firstly, this is a fairly large text that will be inconvenient to read one word per line, and secondly, you highlight a minor part of the information on your page. Perhaps the visitor will read the title and then pay attention to the hyperlinks that lead to your other pages. Very busy people, including employers, usually have no time to thoroughly study everything that is located on the personal page of a possible candidate for a vacant position. Often, just looking at the title and following one hyperlink is enough to decide: not needed... Now, if you manage to interest your guest in something, then perhaps he will even want to read what you wrote, or, in our case, he will instruct the HR department to find out more about you. So everything you post on the site can play a positive or negative role.

    The next step is to create links to other web pages. These could be your pages on People, that you have not yet created, but are planning to do so. Maybe you have a website on other servers that can recommend you in the right way. Sometimes you can link to the websites of your recommenders or the company where you work or have worked. True, you need to weigh all the factors very carefully so as not to get into trouble. The only thing to note is that you should not make links from your first page to well-known servers, and especially to directories and search engines. If you still want to create your own directory of links, then place it on one of the internal pages of your site, making an unambiguous link to it. Useful to use the service Bookmarks(see Figure 3.10) on your web page My favorite links (links.html).

    When specifying a link to internal pages of your site, the address field does not indicate the full URL of the desired page, but only the file name with the extension (if you do not create directories). A drop-down menu that contains the names of standard symbols can help you. to the people or your existing pages.

    It is possible to create an almost unlimited number of links, although the default template offers fields for five. But you should always be moderate, especially when using a template. Two or three links in the title are enough to keep your home page simple and informative for employers. It is better to make additional links in the text or at the end of the page.

    The next important stage is the choice Link color, Visited link color And Active link color. Try to choose colors that will not be lost on the background color. You can even choose one color for all links, since the goal of your site is to attract the buyer of your workforce, and not easy navigation around the site or the Internet!

    Checkbox Show "Home Page" title can be installed, because in our case this is not a disadvantage to the design. Moreover, you can change the page design at any time using the editing functions.

    To confirm that the web form is completed, click the button Ready.

    If desired, it is always possible to go back at all stages of working with the template by using the button Change design. This is one of the nice features of the templates offered on the server People.


    Once you've created your home page, you should begin building your resume web page. Of course, you can do it the other way around, but the “face” of your site will set a certain style for all other pages. First of all, this concerns the color scheme and text style. It happens that, having developed the main page, the webmaster redoes the entire project. And since most Russians are faced with the problem of paying for the Internet, the construction plan proposed in the books is the most reasonable. Just note that it is assumed that you have prepared texts and files for placement on web pages, which will not be difficult for you to do after reading this chapter to the end (you will learn about how to write a resume in Chapter 10).

    Selecting a resume template occurs on the page Workshop / Selecting the “Resume” template option, which is best accessed from the main page Workshop, using the link Resume in section About me. You are offered the following template options:







    Bright like you

    For example, let's choose a template Classical(Fig. 3.7), but if you don’t like it, then check the box next to another template. Just don’t make the most common mistake – selecting a template based on its name. Take a closer look at the icons with images of the proposed templates. Maybe you will recognize a design you previously liked that you came across when you were looking through pages with other people's resumes. If you still hesitate and cannot make your choice, then remember that the template design is always easy to change. Problems can only arise when you have edited your web page in an HTML editor and uploaded it to the server.

    Rice. 3.7. Sample Classical for resume

    One way or another, you must make your choice. To report this to the server, click on the button Further.

    The next step, note that it is the most important, is to fill out the web form with your personal information. Any mistake in the data you enter can lead to negative results - your resume will work against you. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to prepare the text for all fields in the MS Word word processor in advance. The fields are listed below Personal data, which you must fill out, as well as comments.



    Year of birth – enter four digits, not two.

    Marital status – keep it brief, but don’t make the reader puzzle over tricky one- or two-letter abbreviations.

    Address – it is not advisable to indicate the house and apartment number, since your page is accessible to everyone.

    Telephone – Indicate your telephone number only if there is no other way to contact you.

    E-mail – it is best to indicate the address of your mailbox on the provider’s server, and not on a public server.

    Your photo - you need to specify the full path to the file on your hard drive, but it’s more convenient to do this by clicking on the button Review.

    The goal is to be very clear about what kind of job you want to find, because the employer does not have time to find out what you want.

    Work experience - indicate only what can confirm your claims to occupy the job for which you are applying.

    Education – information in this field should confirm your qualifications.

    Additional information - here indicate the information about you that is most interesting to the employer, for example, whether you have a driver's license.

    Sample Classical does not provide additional options for designing your resume, so you can click on the button Ready, so that your resume page is transferred to the server.

    Other templates offer additional tools for decorating your resume, such as choosing the color and font style and whether or not to show a standard title. Therefore, review the web form carefully to ensure that you do not miss any essential details as corrections always take a long time.


    Don't forget to delete your resume when you get a permanent job. Otherwise, your new boss may think that you are not going to work for him for long, and this could have a detrimental effect on your career.

    Photo album

    The previous sections covered creating the required pages needed for your goal of finding a job. But, as you will learn in further chapters, you need to create a certain image for yourself, which will help you during an interview, and will also testify in your favor when selecting a resume. A page that talks about your interesting hobby is best suited for this. For example, doing radio sports dramatically increases your chances of being hired as a radio engineer or ship radio operator. Motorsports enthusiasts will be happy to be hired by companies that sell cars. But, for example, they might think of a collector of beer labels that he likes to drink, although it also happens that he does not take alcohol into his mouth.

    On the other hand, in the cases listed above, you can get the exact opposite result - they can hire a beer label lover, but the athlete will be immediately rejected. Please note that you need to talk about your hobby in your resume very carefully and carefully. In addition, creating a good page with a story about your aquarium fish, for example, requires excellent web design skills.

    The easiest way to solve the problem of additional story about yourself is to use a template Photo album. Surely you have enough good photos that can be scanned and posted on the website. In addition, scanning photographs is no longer an exotic matter. Even more, you can use another Yandex service (Fig. 3.8).

    Rice. 3.8. Yandex service Photos: your films in electronic form


    For now, the Yandex Photos: Your Films service in electronic form is available only to guests and residents of Moscow.

    To create a photo album on the main page Workshop let's find the link Photo album and click on it with the mouse. On a new page Workshop / Selecting the “Photo Album” template option You can choose the following templates:

    Green, one per page, with flipping

    Blue, one per page, with flipping

    Green, with preview

    Blue, with preview

    Three in a row

    One original size each

    Before you choose a template, you need to prepare photo files that will be hosted on the server. This procedure should be given as much attention as possible, since you will have to solve two difficult problems: choosing photographs that are truly useful for your characteristics and preparing graphic files.

    The first problem can be solved quite simply: look through your photo albums and select the photos you need. Be sure to consult with relatives or friends - an outside perspective will allow you to remove clearly unnecessary photographs from the selection. It is possible that, for example, your wife (you should always ask permission from the person who is photographed) does not want to be viewed on the Internet. It is also not recommended to post photographs of yourself as a child, much less as an infant - the employer is not interested in what kind of child prodigy you were as a child! It is best when the photographs are no older than 2-3 years. After all, your luck may turn away from you when the personnel department asks why you posted very, very old photographs, or, God forbid, a photograph of your friend or film actor, impersonating them. Note that this practice is very common on the Internet, but is absolutely not suitable for a resume site.

    Photos posted on web pages are stored on the server in the form of graphic files. Unfortunately, the files that you receive after scanning are most often not suitable for the Internet in two respects - format and size.

    First, the image files must be in the JPG (JPEG) format, which is good for fine art photography, although the image quality is poorer than other popular formats. Secondly, it is better to optimize the image for a resolution of 800x640, which will reduce the file size, and it will be easier for the browser to work with it (there may simply not be enough RAM to decrypt the graphic file). Thirdly, when creating a file, use maximum information compression, which again reduces its size (though at the expense of quality). If you do everything right, the size of your graphic files will range from 15 to 35 KB. Note that the less the better.

    Of course, if you want to show off a great photo, but the graphic file size is more than 100 KB, then you need to make a separate page for it. It is best to link to this page in the form of an icon and indicate next to it the size of the graphic file. Only in this case can you count on a positive effect from posting such a photo on your website.


    All recommendations are given not for a professional webmaster who can use his proven methods, but for a user who has very limited technical capabilities for processing a scanned image.

    To continue the story, we will assume that a certain set of graphic files is already on your hard drive. If so, then we can begin construction. Photo album. To do this, select one of the templates and click on the button Further.


    The template type does not affect the loading time of the finished page from the server Photo album.

    On the page Workshop / Photo Album Editing(photoalbum.html) you first need to indicate which photos will be in the photo album. Note that the authors of the template managed to find a fairly successful solution to the problem of introducing miscellaneous drawings and photographs into a web page, but, as one would expect, it imposes certain restrictions that must be taken into account (perhaps other templates will be developed).

    When using the proposed templates, you must remember that in order for the browser to display the page created using these templates, it is necessary to download from the server all the graphic files that you specified when creating it. Until the files are downloaded, only a not very beautiful splash screen with your text information will be shown on the monitor. But once the download is complete, the photos are instantly flipped through. This feature of the proposed templates leads to the following recommendation: the total volume of all graphic files for one page of a photo album should not exceed 100–150 KB. Otherwise, your guest will likely not have the patience to wait for the download to finish. Therefore, you can make an approximate calculation of the maximum number of photographs that can be used for a photo album - this is 5–7 pieces. Note that webmasters rarely offer series of more than 10 photos. If you want to post more photos, then take several Photo albums, by providing separate links to them. Group all the photos by theme, assuming that each one you create Photo album(one web page created using a template) is one sheet of your large Photo album.

    As you can see, the preparatory work when creating Photo album take quite a long time. But build Photo album using a template is extremely simple and fast. For each graphic file it is necessary in the section New photo(Fig. 3.9) indicate in the field Upload full path to this file on your hard drive. But, of course, it is better to use the button for this Review. If you have already uploaded graphic files to the server before, then their full list is in the drop-down menu Already on the site.

    Rice. 3.9. Sample Photo album

    Don't forget to provide each photo with a short caption that is informative and memorable. True, in no case should vulgarity and rudeness be allowed. After all, your goal is to attract the attention of the employer, and not to create fame for yourself as a great photographer.

    Repeat the above steps for each photo.

    When all files have finished downloading, do not rush to click on the button Ready, because you still have opportunities to decorate your Photo album. True, they relate more to technical issues, i.e. you will not be able to use them to add originality to your Photo album, although you can try.

    First, pay attention to the checkbox Show the title “My Photo Album”, which is at the bottom of the template. It is installed by default, but leaving it or not is up to you, since this page title is quite neutral.

    More problems arise with fields Heading And Text. Use them only if you want to indicate links to some Internet resources on the page under the photos. But, please note, in this case the page will be overloaded with unnecessary information. Most likely, it would be most suitable to post links to other Photo albums, but it is still better to place links to them on the main page of the site (remember what goal you are pursuing). It is recommended to use only the field Heading, say, for a motto or the title of a series of photographs.

    When you decide that you have completed all the work with the template, click on the button Ready.

    On the next page Selecting a category which will be sent to you from the server, if everything is done correctly, pay attention to the phrase:

    Please do not submit a page to the directory if it is under development or does not yet have interesting content.

    If Home page And Resume could be immediately registered in the catalog People, since I hope you have edited their content many times in advance, then Photo album You must first look through it yourself and correct any possible errors. It is likely that some photograph may not be suitable for this type Photo album. Therefore, without unchecking Do not submit my site to the directory, click on the button Further.


    It is often a good idea to show a future employer your erudition and range of interests. Of course, this is not so easy to do if you use traditional methods of presenting information. In addition, creating such a rich website requires good knowledge of web programming. But, fortunately, Internet technologies provide you with the opportunity to link to other people's resources on the World Wide Web to demonstrate your interests and knowledge of the virtual space. This is a fairly common practice among Internet users. And the pinnacle of commercial success in the use of hyperlinks is considered to be the Yahoo!

    You, too, can create your own small and wonderful catalog, which, if you approach the selection of links carefully, will have the most favorable impact on the employer’s opinion of you. Moreover, technically this is not very difficult to do, and the server people will provide you with a whole set of templates to create a personal catalog Favorite links.

    End of introductory fragment.

    Ten years ago, not everyone knew about the Internet, and only serious companies owned their websites.

    Today, no one can be amazed by their own niche on the World Wide Web. Modern technologies allow everyone to create a personal website for free.

    Own resource: why is it

    Users create pages for various purposes. For some, this is a chance to demonstrate their professionalism. For example, doctors can give free consultations online and attract real clients.

    Financial reward is a pleasant addition to a personal project. Possible options for earning money:

    • Sell ​​advertising space;
    • Having chosen a partner, receive commissions for assistance in selling a certain product;
    • Place advertising blocks for search engines. Money comes from clicks on links;
    • Provide links to another site for a fee;
    • Post custom articles.

    There are users who create a personal website “for the soul”. They do not expect financial gain and are not looking for new clients. For such people, a page is a diary, a means of communication with like-minded people.

    How to quickly get your niche online

    An online website builder is a way to create a personal website for free in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to register and select the template you like. By posting information (texts, photos), the user receives his resource.

    Now a few words about the tags that we used to make this page.

    Description of html tags from the example

    1. - these tags must be present on every web page. They tell browsers and search engines that this is an HTML page.

    Any html page has the following structure:

    ... Heading tags ... ... Page body ...

    2. - between these tags lies all the visible content of the page.

    4. - between these tags the page title is written, which is displayed at the very top of the browser. By the way, when you search for something in search engines, the first thing that is displayed is the name of the page. Tag often abbreviated to "title". I advise you to read the article: how to create a tag </p> <p>Now let's move on to the tags that are in the body of the html page (inside <body>And</body> ).</p> <p>5. <center></center>- these tags center everything inside them. In this case, the center will be the center of the screen. It is recommended that you stop using these tags in the future.</p> <p>6. <h1></h1>is one of the class of header tags <h1>..<h6>, usually containing the page title. For example, this page has the title tag “Example of creating an html page”.</p> Note <p>These tags have a lot of weight in website ranking, so they need to be used carefully and wisely.</p> <p>When composing html code, you need to adhere to a simple rule: the title tag must come first <h1>, and then they can move on <h2> , <h3>etc. The main thing is that it doesn’t happen at first <h2>, Then <h1>, Then <h3>etc. There must be a strict hierarchy. Headings <h2> , <h3>etc. maybe a lot.</p> <p>7. <br/>is a single tag that does not require a closing tag. It moves to the next line. In my example, I wrote two single tags in a row to jump to the next line twice.</p> <p>8. <span><img src='https://i2.wp.com/URL_ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ' loading=lazy loading=lazy> </span> is a single tag that displays an image.</p> <ul><li>src is a required parameter that specifies the image address (instead of URL_IMAGE you must enter the address where your image is stored). <br><u>Note</u>: <ul><li>If the image is in the same folder as your html page, then it is enough to write the name of the image, otherwise you need to enter either an absolute or relative URL;</li> <li>Don't forget to specify the image extension. For example, .jpg, .gif, .jpeg.</li> </ul></li> <li>alt or title - you can write a description of your image in these parameters. When you hover your mouse over the image, this description will appear. These parameters are important for website promotion, especially in image search. If the image failed to load, this text will be displayed, which is also a plus.</li> </ul><p>9. <font></font>- these tags are created to change the font, background, size, etc. In short, everything related to text formatting can be configured in one tag. This tag has quite a few attributes, which I will discuss in a separate lesson.</p> <p>Note: - similar tag.</p> <p>There is also a CSS font property where you can set all these options.</p> <p>10. - highlight in bold. Everything that comes between <b>And</b> will be highlighted in bold. For example, if you write it at the very beginning of the content and close it at the very end, then all the text on the page will be highlighted in bold. This is a fairly common tag, the analogue of which is <strong></strong> .</p> <p>Search engines pay attention to this tag in terms of increasing the influence of keywords. But you need to be careful, because highlighting keywords in bold each time will be perceived as spam.</p> <p>Personal page - your personal page, company/organization/research page, which contains all your profiles. Convenient for centralized collection of information.</p> <p>You can create a personal page through the footer of the site http://anketolog.ru/, section Personal Pages: http://anketolog.ru/personalpage.html, by clicking the button.</p> <p>Or through your Personal Account - Personal Pages block - <b>Create a personal page</b>.</p> <p>There are 3 personal pages available on the Free tariff, 5 on the Basic tariff, and an endless number of personal pages on the Pro tariff.</p> <h3>Setting up page content</h3> <p>Attention! Required fields are marked with an asterisk.</p> <p>In the field <i>Name</i> enter the name of your company/organization/research, if this is your page, then personal data or the information that you consider necessary.</p> <p>Click the link <i>Attach profiles</i>, from the list in the window that appears, select your profiles that you want to attach to your personal page. The number of attached profiles is not limited. You can delete or move profiles by clicking on the corresponding “Cross” (to delete) and “Arrow” (to move) icons.</p> <p>In the field <i>Description</i> Enter the necessary information that you want to convey to respondents.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/help.anketolog.ru/img/help/attachments/2359331/2687078.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Customizing the appearance</span></h3> <p>You can change the standard appearance of your personal page by adding a logo, a background image for the page header, and a background color.</p> <ul><li>Logo <br></li> </ul><p>Please note the following conditions when adding a logo. You can use images in .jpg, .jpeg, .png formats. The size of the pictures will be adjusted automatically. Recommended size is 205*165 pixels.</p> <p>To attach/remove a logo, click the button <b>Attach/Delete</b> underneath it.</p> <ul><li><span>Background image in header</span></li> </ul><p>Please note the following conditions when adding a background image. You can use pictures of the format <span>.jpg, .jpeg, .png. Recommended size is 1140*360 pixels.</p> <ul><li><span>Background color</span></li> </ul><p>The background color can be selected from the palette of presented colors (click on the square in the Background Color line). You can also enter the html color code in the field provided.</p> <ul><li><span>Questionnaire logo</span></li> </ul><p>To remove our logo, check the appropriate box.</p> <p><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/help.anketolog.ru/img/help/attachments/2359331/2687079.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br></p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> <div class="tags"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//yandex.st/share/share.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <div class="yashare-auto-init" data-yashareL10n="ru" data-yashareQuickServices="vkontakte,facebook,twitter,odnoklassniki,moimir,gplus" data-yashareTheme="counter" ></div> <div id="venus-269"></div> </div> <div class="seealso"> <span class="title">Read more:</span> <ul> <li> <div> <a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/mozilla-thunderbird-skachat-besplatno-russkaya-versiya-ustanovka-i-nastroika-pochtovogo.html' title='Installing and configuring the Mozilla Thunderbird email client'> <noindex><img width="640" height="426" src="/uploads/c93f8dd10a215b1bf860747e9d5f063b.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Installing and configuring the Mozilla Thunderbird email client" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></noindex> </a> </div> <span class='date'><noindex>2024-08-03 01:08:19</noindex></span> <div><a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/mozilla-thunderbird-skachat-besplatno-russkaya-versiya-ustanovka-i-nastroika-pochtovogo.html' title='Installing and configuring the Mozilla Thunderbird email client'>Installing and configuring the Mozilla Thunderbird email client</a></div> </li> <li> <div> <a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/vodopad-khon-samyi-shirokii-vodopad-v-mire-chto-privezti-iz-etoi.html' title='What to bring from this country'> <noindex><img width="640" height="426" src="/uploads/e35795e6fdaecbece41e56f636245cbe.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="What to bring from this country" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></noindex> </a> </div> <span class='date'><noindex>2024-08-01 01:08:07</noindex></span> <div><a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/vodopad-khon-samyi-shirokii-vodopad-v-mire-chto-privezti-iz-etoi.html' title='What to bring from this country'>What to bring from this country</a></div> </li> <li> <div> <a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/virtualnaya-mashina-android-dlya-windows-7-luchshie-emulyatory-androida-na-pk.html' title='The best Android emulators on PC'> <noindex><img width="640" height="426" src="/uploads/e7ab8a02c72dfcb5310df3a4d1346afc.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The best Android emulators on PC" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></noindex> </a> </div> <span class='date'><noindex>2024-07-31 01:07:19</noindex></span> <div><a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/virtualnaya-mashina-android-dlya-windows-7-luchshie-emulyatory-androida-na-pk.html' title='The best Android emulators on PC'>The best Android emulators on PC</a></div> </li> <li> <div> <a href='https://periscopes.ru/en/skolko-stoit-alcatel-one-touch-pop-c5-alcatel-onetouch-pop-c5---tehnicheskie-harakteristiki.html' title='Alcatel OneTouch Pop C5 - 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