• Processors. Overclocking AMD processor AMD athlon ii processors bios

    Overclocking various computer hardware components (also called overclocking) is both a hobby and a professional necessity for a wide range of IT specialists. Each chip is accelerated according to special algorithms. The processor, as the main chip of the PC, too.

    On the one hand, overclocking a processor is not difficult. As a rule, the matter is limited to making literally a few changes to a certain kind of settings. However, determining what kind of numbers and indicators should be present in them sometimes requires almost engineering, professional knowledge. It’s not for nothing that overclocking is the prerogative of not only amateurs, but also experienced IT specialists.

    There is a version among IT experts that the most overclockable chips are produced by the Canadian company AMD. Therefore, chips of this brand are especially popular among overclockers. Of course, this point of view has ardent opponents who believe that the eternal competitor of the Canadians - Intel (by the way, is still confidently winning in terms of global sales volumes) - is capable of producing chips that are compatible with overclocking procedures no worse. However, according to many experts, AMD chips have the ability to overclock by at least 20%, or even more. Perhaps, they admit, chips from Intel are capable of showing better results, but guaranteed acceleration from AMD, regardless of the specific brand of chip, will most likely look preferable.

    How to overclock an AMD processor and achieve optimal performance? What nuances of microcircuit acceleration should be taken into account? What programs should I use?

    Why overclock your processor?

    As we have already said, overclocking is a way to artificially increase the performance of the processor (and after it, the entire computer as a whole). This operation is carried out, as a rule, by making appropriate changes to the operating settings of the main PC chip. Somewhat less often, overclocking is carried out using hardware methods (this is understandable - there is a possibility of damaging the processor). Changing software settings is one way or another associated with an increase in the clock frequency of the chip. If in the factory state the processor operates at, say, 1.8 GHz, then by overclocking this figure can be increased to 2-2.5 GHz. At the same time, the computer is highly likely to continue to work stably. Moreover, it is quite possible that it will load games and applications that the processor in the factory state would not support. Thus, overclocking is also a way to increase the functionality of a PC.

    The fastest AMD processors

    The best AMD processor for overclocking - what is it? Experts recommend paying attention to the following microcircuit models. Among the inexpensive chips is the Athlon 64 3500 processor. Despite the fact that it is single-core and far from the most modern, its architecture, as experts admit, is well compatible with overclocking. If you take more expensive chips, you can pay attention to the Athlon 64 X2 chip. However, according to many experts, the AMD FX processor in a wide range of modifications has the greatest overclocking ability. Of course, each model has different acceleration compatibility. It often happens that microcircuits of the same series, but with different indices, show completely different results during performance testing in an overclocked state. There are even cases when chips of the same brands, the capabilities of which are studied in parallel on separate computers, behave very differently.

    Many IT specialists try to compare the performance of AMD processors based on overclocking. But regardless of the results obtained (which, as we said above, may differ even for chips of the same brand on different PCs), experts note a pattern: as the technology of microcircuits increases, the Canadian manufacturing company, as a rule, expands the capabilities for overclocking its chips .

    Preparing for overclocking

    Before you start overclocking your processor, you should do some preparatory work. Conventionally, it can be divided into two stages - hardware and software. Within the first one, the most important task is to acquire a high-quality cooling system. The fact is that overclocking a processor is almost always accompanied by an increase in the operating temperature of the microcircuit (this can result in instability of its functioning and even failure). There is a high probability that the standard cooler will not be able to cool the chip effectively enough. Therefore, if we decide to do overclocking, we buy a good fan for the processor.

    Regarding the software stage of the preparatory work, it should be said that it is important to acquire the appropriate software. We will need a good program to overclock the processor. In principle, you can get by with a standard tool in the form of a BIOS interface (especially since a significant part of our work will be carried out in it). But experienced specialists still recommend using third-party software. What is the best program for overclocking an AMD processor? According to many experts, this is AMD OverDrive. Its main advantage is its versatility. It is equally well suited for overclocking most processor models from the Canadian brand.

    We will also need a program for measuring processor temperature in real time via Windows. A utility like SpeedFan is quite suitable. It, like AMD OverDrive, can be easily downloaded using simple queries in search engines.

    The most important parameter is frequency

    As we said above, the performance of a processor is determined mainly by its frequency. But this is far from the only parameter of this kind. There are also other important frequencies:

    North Bridge;

    HyperTransport channel (used in most modern AMD processors).

    The basic rule regarding the frequency ratio: the value for the northbridge should be identical to that set for HyperTransport (or a little more). With memory, everything is somewhat more complicated (but we will not overclock it in this case, so we do not take into account the nuances associated with RAM now).

    As such, the frequency for each of the specified components is calculated using a simple formula. The multiplier set for a specific microcircuit is taken, and then the product of it and the so-called base frequency is calculated. The user can change both parameters in the BIOS settings.

    Having completed a short theoretical excursion, we move on to practice.

    Working with the OverDrive program

    As we said above, AMD OverDrive, according to many experts, is the best program for overclocking a processor under the Canadian brand. At least, as experts note, it is ideal for the typically overclocked AMD 700 series of chips. There are no problems with how to overclock the AMD Athlon processor in most modifications, experts believe.

    Having opened the utility, you immediately need to switch it to the operating mode, which is called Advanced. Then select the Clock/Voltage option. Check the box next to Select All Cores. After this, we can begin to increase the processor frequency through a multiplier. The characteristics of AMD processors, as a rule, allow you to immediately set the figure to 16 (with a default base frequency of 200 MHz). If the computer works stably and the chip temperature does not exceed 75 degrees (measured using the SpeedFan program or its equivalent), then you can try increasing the multiplier to 17 or more units.

    Is it worth increasing the voltage?

    Some overclockers talk about the usefulness of changing not only the chip frequency, but also the voltage. The AMD processor overclocking utility that we use allows you to do this. Experts recommend: it is better to increase tension in extremely small portions. You need to add literally 0.05 volts at a time, and then measure the stability of the system and the temperature of the chip. If all parameters are normal, then add the same amount.

    Working with BIOS

    The AMD processor overclocking program, the capabilities of which we studied above, is not the only tool for accelerating the operation of the chip. The BIOS interface provides no less opportunities, as many experts admit. As you know, it is in every computer. There is no need to install anything additional in terms of software. How to overclock an AMD processor via BIOS?

    First of all, we go into the software interface of this system (usually this is done by pressing the DEL key at the very beginning of the computer boot). The names of menu items are very different, depending on the specific motherboard model. Therefore, it is quite possible that some values ​​in the instructions below will not coincide in location with the actual ones. In this case, the user should look at the factory manual for the motherboard - it is usually included when the computer was shipped.

    Options related to overclocking the processor are usually located in the Advanced section of the main menu. The item that contains frequency settings in many cases sounds like JumperFree Configuration. In order to set the required values ​​manually, you should set the AI ​​Overclocking line to the Manual parameter. After this, the user will have the opportunity to change the frequency and multiplier settings.

    The rules for setting values ​​for each of the parameters are the same as in the AMD OverDrive program. You should not get too carried away with large numbers for multipliers and a sharp increase in voltage. You also need to keep in mind that if we increase the performance of AMD processors through the BIOS, then to activate the configured settings we need to reboot each time (after saving the values ​​- as a rule, to do this you need to return to the main menu and press the F10 key). This, as many users rightly believe, is less convenient than through the OverDrive program.

    At the same time, according to some experts, the BIOS interface allows in some cases (it all depends on the specific motherboard model) to work with advanced settings for the processor frequency and multipliers. In particular, through the BIOS you can disable energy saving modes, which can limit the intensity of the cooler speed, which should be at the maximum during overclocking.

    How to reach maximum frequency?

    One of the key points of overclocking is finding the limit values ​​for the chip frequency. How to overclock an AMD processor to the maximum? The main thing here, experts say, is to identify the limit values ​​for all components of the formula that we described above. That is, the overclocker will have to experiment not only with the multiplier, but also with the base frequency. Experts recommend identifying its limiting value very gradually. At the same time, it is not recommended to increase the multiplier (as well as the voltage). The criterion for achieving the maximum value of the base frequency is the overall stability of the system while, of course, maintaining the processor temperature within normal limits.

    Frequencies of other components

    As we said above, in addition to the chip frequency, there are other parameters that are important from the point of view of the overall speed of the computer. What are the patterns here? How to overclock an AMD processor and simultaneously other hardware components - such as memory, northbridge and HyperTransport channel?

    Experts note that it is RAM that lends itself best to increasing the frequency. In particular, modules whose standard value is 800 MHz can be overclocked to 1000 MHz and higher. In turn, the frequency of the northbridge is effectively increased by increasing its voltage. At the same time, by the way, the performance of some controllers may also increase. The frequency of HyperTransport, as we said above, is better not to make it too high. Let it be equal to the values ​​​​set for the north bridge. Experts note that it does not need to be changed - the fact that the HyperTransport frequency is lower than that of the northbridge, as a rule, does not affect the overall performance of a computer running on an AMD processor.

    Overclocking the FX processor

    As we said above, the AMD FX chip, according to many experts, is one of the best for overclocking. What are the features of its acceleration? How to properly overclock AMD FX processors?

    At the very beginning we talked about the stages preceding acceleration. This rule is also relevant for working with FX. As for the hardware stage, in addition to installing a powerful cooler, it is necessary to carry out one more procedure, highly recommended by many experts - replacing the factory thermal paste with fresh one. To do this, we have to remove the cover of the system unit case and remove the processor from the motherboard connector. This must be done extremely carefully - the surface of the chip is very sensitive to external influences. Thermal paste should be applied in a thin, even layer.

    The software stage of preparation for overclocking FX will include slightly different procedures compared to those that we described at the beginning of the article. We will not use AMD OverDrive in this example. However, we will need another useful utility - CPU-z - it is designed to track processor frequency values ​​​​in real time. You can download it on a large number of portals. The request is simple: “download CPU-z”.

    So, we go into the BIOS again. Many motherboard models on which the FX processor is installed have a modern UEFI interface. Therefore, this small instruction is designed to work in it. After entering the UEFI BIOS, the user should select the Extreme Tweaker item. In the window that opens, you need to find the line CPU Ratio. The default value should be replaced with the number 24.

    Just below is the line NB Voltage. There we need to activate the Manual option, which will allow us to set the voltage manually: set the number to 1.5 volts. The next setting we are interested in is Power Control. It is slightly higher than NB Voltage. Having selected it, set the Load Line Calibration value to Ultra High.

    We return to the main UEFI menu. Find the CPU Configuration item and select the Cool and Quiet line. Set the value to Disabled. Save the changes in the BIOS settings by pressing the F10 key. Let's reboot.

    We wait for Windows to load and launch CPU-z. We study the program logs. If the frequency we set (it should be approximately 115-120% of the factory one) is maintained at stable values, then the overclocking was successful.

    Having looked at the previous characteristics of AMD Athlon processors, I discovered the single-frequency brother of the twin Athlon II X2 250. It is the Athlon X2 6000+ processor, which was produced using 90 nm technology and was based on a dual-core Windsor crystal. The area of ​​this crystal was 230 mm2 (1.97 times larger than Regor), the number of transistors was ~ 227 million (7 million less), and the TDP approached 125W (1.92 times higher). In my case, it turned out to be impossible to compare them with each other. The basis of the system, the Gigabyte MA770T-UD3P motherboard, can only work with Socket AM3 processors, while the Athlon X2 6000+ has an AM2 design:(

    To briefly describe these two CPUs, AMD has released a copy of its two-year-old processor, which differs from its predecessor only in support for DDR3 memory, lower cost and less fiery temperament. In all other respects, this is the same well-known K8 architecture to all of us, which has changed little by changing the name to K10.5, but with support for some newfangled bells and whistles. Therefore, in terms of productivity, there was no strong breakthrough. At the same frequencies, due to some architectural improvements, a processor based on the Regor core turns out to be faster than Windsor by 0.5-3%, to which, depending on the type of DDR2/DDR3 memory used, another couple of percent can be added if high-frequency DDR3 is used -1600+.

    But the most important “advantage” of the new 45 nm Athlon II processors should have been their overclocking potential. If you take a short excursion into history, the following picture will emerge. The Athlon X2 CPU based on a 90 nm Windsor chip using air cooling was able to work stably at frequencies of 3.3-3.4 GHz, while the most productive model of the X2 6400+ processor operated at a frequency of 3.2 GHz. This was a clear indication that Windsor's full frequency potential had been exhausted. The 65 nm process technology that replaced 90 nm also led to a core update. A dual-core representative of the K8 architecture - Brisbane (65 nm, two cores, L1/L2 - 128/512KB) entered the ring. But he also could not conquer higher frequencies than Windsor. The 65 nm Athlon X2 6000+ Brisbane operated at a frequency of 3.1 GHz, that is, even lower than the 90 nm Athlon X2 6400+ Windsor, whose operating frequency was 3.2 GHz. The four-core Phenom X4 processors released a year later, which were based on the Agena crystal, also produced according to 65 nm process standards, were subject to even lower frequencies. The most productive processor in this line, the Phenom X4 9950BE, operated at a frequency of 2.6 GHz and had an overclocking ceiling of 3.0-3.3 GHz when using an extraordinary air cooler.

    With the release of its new Phenom II X4/X3/X2 processors, based on 45 nm Deneb/Heka/Callisto crystals, AMD managed to significantly increase their frequency potential relative to their predecessors on 65 nm cores. In addition, these products have acquired very solid overclocking potential. Only a few manage to reach the 4 GHz threshold, but results at 3.7-3.9 GHz in air are quite common. You can expect a similar result from the new 45 nm Athlon II X2.

    Initially, the overclocking potential of the Athlon II X2 250 processor was tested on the Gigabyte MA770T-UD3P motherboard with BIOS version F2 dated June 24, 2009 installed.

    With a supply voltage of 1.525V, the processor was able to operate stably at a clock frequency of 3705 MHz (FSB247 x 15x).

    After conducting tests on the motherboard with BIOS F2 version, the recently released BIOS F3 version dated August 6, 2009 was tested.

    Alas, there was no “miraculous” improvement in overclocking potential. The processor was only able to conquer the previous milestone of 3705 MHz.


    At this point in time, there are three models in the AMD Athlon II X2 processor lineup - X2 240 2.8 GHz, X2 245 2.9 GHz and X2 250 3.0 GHz. The cost of these CPUs is 50, 55 and 60 euros respectively. Having looked at the characteristics of the processors, a reasonable question arises - Why did it have to be so small? The difference between the youngest and oldest Athlon II X2 models is only 200 MHz! In this regard, another question comes up - is it worth paying an extra 10 euros for the older model X2 250, or saving and taking the younger X2 240? My advice - It’s not worth overpaying for the X2 250! The youngest of the X2 240 processors has a 14x multiplier, while the older one has a 15x multiplier. This minor gap can be compensated for by overclocking with a slightly higher clock generator frequency.

    But we should not forget about intra-family competition. The price niches of 75 and 85 euros are occupied by the Phenom II X2 545 3.0 GHz and X2 550BE 3.1 GHz processors. If you successfully unlock the disabled cores in them, they become an unsurpassed choice in their price niche. Well, if they fail with their rather high price, they look extremely mediocre compared to the AMD Athlon II X2. At the same clock frequency, the Phenom II X2, mainly due to the presence of a 6MB L3, outperforms the Athlon II X2 by up to 5%. The cost of the youngest Phenom 545 is 25 euros higher than that of the younger model Athlon 240. In percentage terms, this means that for 8-10% of the advantages of the 545, taking into account the higher frequency, you will have to overpay as much as 50% of the cost of the X2 240!

    Based on the results of my short testing, the Athlon II X2 250 processor made a very favorable impression on me. However, this same expression can be applied to all Athlon II X2 processors. While being moderately priced, these AMD processors deliver quite interesting performance for their price range. The overclocking potential of 45 nm Athlon II X2 processors, as mentioned earlier, does not differ from their two-three-quad-core Phenom II counterparts and in most cases is 3.7-3.9 GHz.

    In general, AMD has created worthy competitors to the Intel Pentium processors of the E5x00 and E6x00 series, which can compete with them, both in nominal at equal frequencies and in overclocking. But no more.

    The Athlon II X2 250 processor for testing was provided by the company


    It must be remembered that the process of overclocking a processor is quite dangerous and, without due care and attention, can lead to unstable operation, failures, and even system failure. If you are new to the topic of overclocking (from the English overclocking - overclocking), you need to understand the instructions for your processor and other equipment, it is also advisable to find jumpers / jumpers / BIOS menu items responsible for the frequency of the FSB, memory bus, multiplier, divider for PCI and AGP.

    The “stuffing” of the AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor is a crystal that combines two cores, each of which has its own L2 cache. For AMD Athlon processors, this is relevant based on an increase in the multiplication factor.

    To test the processor after overclocking, you will need S&M program or similar. It can be easily found on the Internet. Download the program and install it.

    The overclocking process begins in the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, press the DEL key during the initial boot stage of the system. Open the Power Bios Setup tab, select Memory Frequency and set the value to DDR400 (200Mhz). Reducing the memory frequency will allow you to reduce the level of CPU overclocking limitation. Next, save the changes using the Save changes and exit option and restart the computer.

    After rebooting, go into the BIOS again. Open the Advanced Chipset Features tab and select DRAM Configuration. In the window that opens, in each item, instead of Auto, set the values ​​that are to the right of the slash (/) sign. This will push the limit of stable operation for your memory even further.

    Go back to the Advanced Chipset Features menu and find the HyperTransport Frequency item. This parameter may also be called HT Frequency or LDT Frequency. Select it and reduce the frequency to 400 or 600 MHz (x2 or x3). Next, go to the Power Bios Setup menu, select Memory Frequency and set the value to DDR200 (100Mhz). Save changes and exit again. After restarting - back to BIOS.

    The most interesting part begins - directly overclocking the processor. Open the Power Bios Setup menu, select CPU Frequency. Next, you need to select an item, which, depending on the BIOS version, may be called CPU Host Frequency, CPU/Clock Speed ​​or External Clock. Increase the value from 200 to 250 MHz - this will directly overclock the processor. Save the settings again and boot into the operating system. Launch the S&M program and click the “Start” button in the main menu. If, as a result of the test, the system shows high stability, increase the CPU Host Frequency value by a few more points and run again. Repeat the steps until you find the optimal balance between overclocking the system and its stability. You have achieved your goal - your processor is overclocked.

    Please note

    Do not forget to monitor the processor temperature; it is very undesirable to exceed 60°.


    • how to overclock amd athlon 64 x2 processor
    • The situation with older Socket 939 Athlon 64 FX/Athlon 64 X2

    We are often dissatisfied with the capabilities of our computer. One of the main parts of a computer is the processor. Of course, by overclocking it, we increase the power of the PC. There are a lot of companies producing processors. Overclocking methods may vary depending on the manufacturer.

    You will need

    • Computer, Internet access, a simple pencil, lacquer, glue.


    If you have an Athlon model released before 2004, then you can improve its qualities in a very simple way. We take a regular one with a 0.3 or 0.5 mm lead. We are looking for a number of golden dots marked L1. It may seem that they are connected, but in fact, this thread is cut. Now we finish drawing the line in the place where there is none. The result should be a continuous line of gold thread with graphite in the middle. Connect all the contacts in this way. Do not press too hard on the pencil, you may damage it.

    If your processor is later than 2004, then you need to overclock it a little differently. Take glue and carefully fill the holes between the L1 pins. Under no circumstances apply glue to the contacts themselves, this will ruin your processor. Let the glue dry. Remove any remaining glue that did not get into the holes. Take the conductive capon varnish and draw a line between the L1 contacts in the same way as you did with a pencil. Do this for each pair of contacts.

    Download a program that will increase the frequency at which the processor. To do this, find out the name of the motherboard, go to sites that provide free utilities and select the appropriate program. Also download updated ones for your motherboard. This can be done from the official website. Disable the frequency adjustment function, if available. Launch the program. Increase the multiplier and processor frequency. Do not set the maximum settings, this may cause the processor to burn out.

    Go to the BIOS and find the option that controls the processor frequency. It may be located in different sections and even have different names, so be sure to find a site on the Internet with a description of the BIOS specifically for your motherboard. Use the arrow to move to the indicator and press Enter. Set the desired frequency, save changes and restart your computer.

    Video on the topic

    Please note

    The overclocking process can cause the processor to burn out, so be extremely careful when working.

    Useful advice

    After overclocking a processor, its temperature usually increases, so it is recommended to install a powerful cooler for cooling.


    • Article about Athlon processors

    Overclocking components (overclocking) allows you to get much more performance from your computer than it was originally. This procedure is not recommended for inexperienced users to avoid damaging computer parts.

    Before we start talking about how to overclock an AMD processor, it wouldn’t hurt to say a few words in support of overclocking. The relevance of this issue lies in the fact that an increasing part of non-advanced users are interested in this issue quite actively.

    As is known, its functional elements also depend on the parameters of its constituent elements, as well as on their coordinated teamwork. Sometimes it is not enough to buy all the components and combine them; sometimes you need to configure certain parameters, which will allow the entire system to work smoothly. In addition, it is worth separately noting that even an optimally configured computer cannot satisfy the increasing needs of users for a long enough time, so sometimes there is a need for a new setup or the purchase of additional components. Some users do something radical by buying a new computer. However, all this entails significant costs, which is not always convenient.

    There is also such a method as overclocking, the essence of which is to configure the operation of computer components and elements to operate in forced mode. This usually makes it possible to increase the speed of each element and significantly improve the performance of the entire system. A side effect in the form of a reduction in the period of trouble-free operation is quite acceptable.

    How to overclock Duron and Athlon?

    Both processors are based on the Thunderbird core and come in a PGA package. Due to their architecture, both processors require a special motherboard with chipsets that support them. Duron can also be overclocked, which is explained by the fact that they have a sufficient resource reserve, allowing for increased performance by using an increase in the processor bus frequency. Usually it can be increased by about 10-15%. However, the maximum frequency depends not only on the processor itself and the bus, but also on the motherboard. It should be noted that these processors have a fixed frequency multiplier that links the internal frequency with the external one. Speeding up the processor's operation becomes possible only by increasing the bus frequency. If we talk about how to overclock an AMD processor, it is worth noting that for processors the maximum permissible increase in voltage is no more than 5-10% relative to the standard level set by the manufacturer. The value of the frequency multiplier, which connects the external to the internal, as well as the supply voltage, is set by the corresponding contacts. Some motherboard models allow you to use these pins to change the values ​​of processor frequency multipliers.

    How to overclock an AMD processor?

    For overclocking, you can use the special AMD OverDriver utility, designed for motherboards based on the AMD 700 chipset. After you install the utility and open it, a tab containing general system information will appear. In the Diagram tab you can see information about the chipset. In the Preference and Settings tab, you must switch the utility to Advanced Mode. This is the only way you can start overclocking. You need to check the box Select All Cores, located in Clock/Voltage. Now it’s worth increasing the CPU multiplier in small portions.

    It is important to note that in addition to this utility, there are a huge number of programs offering similar services. And with the help of this you can overclock others. It is worth understanding that a computer is a complex mechanism that must be handled with the utmost care, therefore, if you are afraid for the consequences of your actions, then it is better not to do anything at all.

    Modern programs and games require high technical characteristics from computers. Users of desktop computers can upgrade various components, but owners of laptops are deprived of this opportunity. In the article we wrote about overclocking a CPU from Intel, and now we’ll talk about how to overclock an AMD processor.

    The AMD OverDrive program was created specifically by AMD so that users of branded products can use official software for high-quality overclocking. Using this program, you can overclock the processor on a laptop or a regular desktop computer.

    Make sure your processor is supported by the program. It should be one of the following: Hudson-D3, 770, 780/785/890 G, 790/990 X, 790/890 GX, 790/890/990 FX.

    Set up the BIOS. Disable it (set the value to " Disable") the following parameters:

    C1E (may be called Enhanced Halt State);
    Spread Spectrum;
    Smart CPU Fan Control.


    The installation process itself is as simple as possible and boils down to confirming the installer’s actions. After downloading and running the installation file, you will see the following warning:

    Please read them carefully. In short, it says that incorrect actions can lead to damage to the motherboard, processor, as well as system instability (loss of data, incorrect display of images), decreased system performance, reduced service life of the processor, system components and/or system in general, as well as to its general collapse. AMD also states that you do all actions at your own risk, and by using the program you agree to the User License Agreement and the company is not responsible for your actions and their possible consequences. Therefore, make sure that all important information has a copy, and also strictly follow all overclocking rules.

    After reading this warning, click on " OK" and start the installation.

    CPU overclocking

    The installed and running program will greet you with the following window.

    All system information about the processor, memory and other important data is located here. On the left is a menu through which you can get to other sections. We are interested in the Clock/Voltage tab. Switch to it - further actions will take place in the “ Clock».

    In normal mode, you have to overclock the processor by moving the available slider to the right.

    If you have Turbo Core technology enabled, then first you need to click on the green button “ Turbo Core Control" A window will open where you first need to check the box next to “ Enable Turbo Core" and then start accelerating.

    The general rules of overclocking and the principle itself are almost no different from overclocking a video card. Here are some tips:

    1. Be sure to move the slider a little at a time, and save the changes after each change;

    2. Test system stability;
    3. Monitor CPU temperature rise via Status Monitor > CPU Monitor;
    4. Do not try to overclock the processor so that the slider ends up in the right corner - in some cases this may not be necessary and may even harm the computer. Sometimes a slight increase in frequency may be sufficient.

    After overclocking

    Via AMD OverDrive ( Performance Control > Stability Test- to assess stability or Performance Control > Benchmark- to evaluate real performance);
    After playing resource-intensive games for 10-15 minutes;
    Using additional software.

    If artifacts and various failures appear, you need to reduce the multiplier and return to testing again.
    The program does not require placing itself in startup, so the PC will always boot with the specified parameters. Be careful!

    The program additionally allows you to disperse other weak links. Therefore, if you have a strong overclocked processor and other weak components, then the full potential of the CPU may not be revealed. Therefore, you can try careful overclocking, for example, memory.