• Promoting modx. SEO optimization MODx - all technical aspects. Installing the Translit package

    We offer professional support for sites using CMS MODX and search engine promotion of websites and online stores on MODX. If your online store or website is developed on an administration system MODX Evolution or MODX Revolution and you need search engine promotion for your website, then you have come to the right place. We have been developing, modifying and promoting websites and online stores on MODX for many years. We have accumulated extensive experience in optimization and SEO promotion of online stores and websites on MODX.

    MODX is a very flexible system, convenient for SEO promotion

    We chose MODX, as it is reliable, flexible, convenient and provides ample opportunities for optimization and promotion of the CMS. We know all the capabilities and advantages of this system. We have experience and a large number of our own developments.

    Single performer - SEO optimizer and web programmer

    We carry out all code and content optimization work ourselves. You don’t have to look for a separate contractor to perform work on optimization or SEO modification of the site code. We take over the website for full maintenance and work with it, helping in the improvement and development of your website or online store.

    Our prices are at the freelance level

    The cost of a month of work on the project will be at the same level as the cost of working as a freelancer. Unlike a freelancer, you will receive a reliable partner, work under a contract, accounting reports, and ample payment options. A team of specialists will work on your project.

    Hello dear visitors of the DP Blog!

    Today I will share some basic tricks for MODX SEO. Before creating a new website on MODX Revo, I recommend making small modifications so that the person who will be involved in SEO optimization does not have to return to them in the future. From the article you will learn about the following:

    1. robots txt what is it? And how to apply in modx

    robots.txt for modx

    Robots.txt is a simple text file. The file regulates site indexing parameters for search engine robots. Often used to prohibit duplicates and internal pages that should not be included in searches

    Let's edit Robots.txt through the MODX Revo admin panel in the following way:

    • longtitle
    • description
    • introtext
    • link_attributes
    • menutitle

    Let's return to the robots page and see that there is now nothing superfluous there:

    The initial setup of Robots.txt is ready! In the future, to set it up on a working website, you need to use Yandex, Google Webmaster, page scanners, or SEO services that allow you to search for duplicates and incorrect pages en masse, for example: Netpeak Spider applications, SEO Screaming Frog or the Serpstat service. Any other application or service with this function is also suitable. It is important to prohibit the indexing of low-quality pages as early as possible; everything is done simply according to the example given in the article. If it’s difficult for you and you want to do it, write a comment and I’ll tell you how to set up Robots in your project, on any website, regardless of the CMS.

    Modx meta tags

    Modx already has enormous potential for the CEO, but as often happens, the content is filled by a content manager, an office employee who has a liberal arts education and generally does not know where to go and how to properly work with a site on Modx. I try to intuitively refine the standard Modx interface. Let's set up clear meta tags for Modx Revo.

    Title [[*longtitle:empty=`[[*pagetitle]]`]] description [[*description:notempty=``]] keywords [[*introtext:notempty=``]]

    Installing SEO Pro and SEO Tab

    select applications → installer → download add-on → enter SEO in search and downloadSEO Pro and SEO Tab→ and install

    Go to System Settings → search for the “seopro” key and change:

    seopro.allowbranding → No

    (The latest version does not have 1.2. It will remove the link to the module developer’s website from the code)

    seopro.fields → pagetitle:70,longtitle:70,description:155,introtext:255,alias:2023,menutitle:2023

    seopro.usesitename → No

    (We disable automatic substitution of the site name in the Title, thereby taking into account the number of characters more accurately)

    Configuring the Sitemap XML File

    You must manually create the resource in MODX

    1. Template: (empty). Check the box next to hide from menu.
    2. Go to the Settings tab and set content type: XML.
    3. Caching and Text Editor remove the checkboxes.
    4. In the “Content” field, add the sniped for calling the SEOTab plugin:

    By default, the sniped makes a call with the following parameters:

    [[!StercSeoSiteMap? &contexts=`web` &allowSymlinks=`0` &outerTpl=`sitemap/outertpl` &rowTpl=`sitemap/rowtpl`]]

    Snippet StercSeoSiteMap can be configured using properties from the table; for a simple site, the default call is enough and there is no need to configure anything additional.

    SiteMap.XmL property table:


    Default value


    One or more contexts, separated by commas.

    Set this to 1 if you want to include symbolic links in your Sitemap.


    It is possible to change the rowTpl chunk wrapper (see below).

    Chunk for displaying the resource in the site map.

    Specify the type of sitemap; you can separately create a Sitemap for the site and a Sitemap for images. Possible values: index/images.


    Site index map chunk wrapper


    Used to change the rowTpl which is repeated for each Sitemap.


    Use a chunky Sitemap wrapper for images.


    A chunk that is repeated for each resource is included in the Sitemap for images and can contain multiple images.


    Change imageTpl which is repeated for each included image resource

    Provide a comma-separated list of template IDs to create a template for the site. To exclude templates from the Sitemap file, place a minus before the id "-". Example: &templates=-1,2,3

    Search engine optimization MODX has its own characteristics and nuances, since it is not just a regular CMS, but a CMF - an environment for website development. In short, you have the foundation for the house, and you do the rest yourself. And most importantly, nothing superfluous, exactly what is needed for this project.

    The peculiarity and advantage of MODX over other systems is that you can 100% control the output of any information, and the output you get is pure HTML without impurities. We will only look at MODX search engine optimization and how to implement it according to the points that are already known from the article.

    1. Formation of a unique title for each page of the site (title)
    MODX allows you to create unique headers for each page of the site, but for this you need to insert this design into the site template [[*longtitle:default=`[[*pagetitle]]`]]. If the title is not filled in, then the title of the site page itself will be displayed by default.

    Rice. 1. Extended header in MODX Revo

    2. Formation of meta description
    To use a meta description, you need to include this design in the site template.

    Rice. 2. Description of the site page

    3. Human Readable URLs (HURL) in MODX
    MODX Revo supports CNC and many URL settings, about 20 of them. After enabling CNC, rename the ht.access file to .htaccess. In the system settings, the “Friendly URLs” section contains the necessary settings.

    Container suffix;
    - maximum length of an alias;
    - transliteration of pseudonyms;

    - characters cut from aliases;
    - word separator in nicknames;
    - use friendly URLs;
    - check for duplicate URLs;
    - use nested URLs.
    4. Duplicate pages, or the possibility of eliminating them
    If you have configured the URL correctly and worked in the .htaccess file (see what is needed), then I can congratulate you - you will not have duplicates. But to protect yourself, you need to use the Canonical add-on, which will indicate the canonical version of the page to search engines. The instructions for using it are simple: download the Canonical add-on, install it in the section of the website template put the construction []
    . And the following line of code appears in the site template

    By the way, the .htaccess file contains all the necessary settings for setting up the main domain of your site, uncomment it and you can use it.
    Important: the standard 301 redirect setup does not work in MODX; if you need to make a redirect, then use this design

    RewriteRule ^o-studii.html o-studii

    5. Support nofollow and noindex
    By default, MODX does not have the option to use these tags. But if there is a need to close a page from indexing, then you can go in two ways.

    1) Download the SEO Tab app.
    2) Use Additional Fields (TV). You need to create an SEO category, then an additional field, let's call it noindex (when creating a TV field, specify the text input parameters, as well as for which template to use) and then simply display this parameter in the site template, design.

    6. Breadcrumbs
    To create breadcrumbs, we use the Breadcrumbs add-on, its advantage is that it integrates microformats, and now the site navigation will be visible in the search

    Rice. 3. Breadcrumbs in MODX Revo

    7. Sitemap in MODX Revo
    A sitemap in MODX is done in two steps.
    1) Download the GoogleSiteMap add-on.

    2) Create a page at the root, set the content type to XML, then turn off the editor for this page. And we put the design on the page itself


    Verification: type site/sitemap.xml in the address bar

    8. Page 404
    MODX Revo allows you to create your own unique 404 page. This is done very simply: any page with the name 404 is created. Then you need to go to System Settings, Website section, find the item “404 Error Page” and enter the id of the created page. That's all, the 404 page is ready, now you can create a unique template for it.

    Rice. 4. Setting up 404 pages for MODX Revo

    9. robots.txt for MODX
    A robots file for MODX is created in the same way as creating a sitemap (see point 7). Create a page, select the content type txt, turn off the editor.

    Check: site/robots.txt

    10. Speed ​​up the site using MODX Revo
    Website speed significantly affects visitor loyalty and, accordingly, conversion. The MODX developers took care of the ability to speed up the site through the system itself, without additional extensions.

    The “Caching” section allows you to configure your site very flexibly and reduce the load on the server.

    What to pay attention to:
    - enable database caching;
    - cache javascript files;
    - enable script caching.

    The “Control Panel” section, using the settings, allows you to increase the server throughput through compression.

    For example, these are the following functions:
    - use compressed CSS;
    - enable zlib compression for JS/CSS files;
    - use compressed javascript libraries.

    In terms of search engine optimization capabilities, MODX can be given a solid five. Its capabilities and flexibility are impressive, but learning to work with it requires a little effort and patience. Believe me, it's worth it.


    Although I said obvious things, for some reason in most cases this is not done even though it is important for promotion. Now let's continue to consider the obvious things.

    Let's start tightening the nuts
    As a rule, all sites in the basement have inscriptions like “all rights reserved”, “copyright blah blah blah”, “copying is prohibited”, etc. nonsense that doesn’t give us any benefit at all. What are we doing? We write
    Copying information from the page "[*pagetitle*]" is prohibited 2012

    pagetitle vs menutitle
    But pagetitle can be called news, which will not help us in promotion, and by calling “tourism news” we will ruin the menu compiled using Wayfinder. What to do?
    For these purposes, there is a field: “menu item”. We write “news” in it, and write “tourism news” in the title. As they say, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

    Website with or without WWW?
    It is necessary to merge addresses with www and without www.
    a) to avoid duplicates
    b) for gluing the weight of pages
    From where to where to set the redirect is up to you. I prefer sites without www. This is all done with a 301 redirect in .htaccess. We won't stop for long. you can honor and .

    XML site map
    For XML, we display all pages of our site. You can do this using a snippet of this or ditto. I use this snippet.
    For all these solutions it is necessary to set blank template, content type text/xml And Uncheck "Use HTML editor". I have a habit of giving this page alias sitemap.xml

    HTML site map
    In the HTML sitemap, you should display all pages only when you want to add the site to SAP (to make all pages 3 nesting levels). But we are making a website for people, so there is no need to display all pages in the map. I came to this conclusion after experimenting for a long time. For a site map of this type, a wayfinder with a call is usually used [] . As a rule, this is enough, but there are different sites and different document trees, so sometimes you have to write your own snippets for the html sitemap for a specific project.

    RSS feed
    This important element is very often forgotten. It helps speed up the indexing of new pages a little. To create an RSS feed we use Ditto. Be sure to install content type application/rss+xml And blank template And uncheck “Use HTML editor”.

    404 error (page not found)
    You can create your own original page, or you can make the page a link to an html sitemap. The main thing is then don’t forget to go to tools->configuration and on the “site” tab indicate the ID of your page in the field 404 error page. In addition, I recommend installing the Error 404 Logger module in order to promptly correct the paths to non-existent pages.

    Turn on the CNC
    In order to later be able to easily track in the same metric which section is the most popular, I recommend using nested CNCs. To do this, go to tools->configuration and configure
    use friendly URLs: yes
    Use nested URLs: yes
    The remaining parameters are at your discretion. The only thing I would like to draw your attention to is the prefix and suffix. Be sure to make these fields empty to avoid duplicates. Or you can use SEO Strict URLs.

    sand robots.txt
    Feel free to write detailed instructions in robots.txt and for Yandex separately (he loves it). During compilation, the Yandex service will be useful. Well, below are general recommendations:
    1) Delete the first pages of ditto pagination, namely those that have the start=0 parameter. Those. ditto can be called with the id parameter, then start can also have a prefix. In this case we write Disallow: /*?*start=0$
    2) Add to disallow everything that relates to service pages and should not be included in the search results: a feedback page, a page with partners usually contains a bunch of links and poets are also in disallow, etc.
    3) If phpthumb or something similar is installed that puts images in the /assets/cache/ folder, then write Allow: /assets/cache/phpthumbof/
    4) Set the path to our XML sitemap Sitemap: example.com/sitemap.xml
    5) Register the main host of the site (where to redirect with www or without www) Host: example.com
    6) We wrote all these rules in a block User-agent: * Now copy them and paste them just below the block User-agent: Yandex
    7) We close access to unnecessary robots
    8) We check through the Yandex service whether we have compiled the rules in the file correctly
    Working example file

    P.S. There is also a module for automatically linking pages using keywords, but I don’t like it and prefer to link pages together manually.

    ModX optimization is something that SEO specialists often struggle with. This engine is used by an impressive part of commercial platforms, such as online stores. What is the reason for his popularity in this area? And how does website optimization on Modx go in general? What are the features and pitfalls?

    Features of website promotion with ModX

    The first thing you need to remember when doing SEO optimization for ModX is that in order for the site to be ranked successfully, you need to follow the recommendations put forward by search engines. For example, you can install Webmaster, distributed by Yandex. It will directly tell you what steps need to be taken and what errors were found during the last scan. Successfully completing these steps will help promote your site to the top of the search engine.

    In order to see your resource in the search top, you need to pay attention to whether analytical systems are integrated into the “body” of the information platform, so to speak. This will help optimize ModX relatively quickly. You also need to work with the engine itself.

    • In order to help the search robot quickly scan the site and get all the necessary information, you need to create a file called sitemap. It contains data on how the materials on the site are organized, how long the videos are, if any, and how often new content appears. The faster the search robot scans the resource, the higher the site’s position will be. You can create a detailed map of the information platform using a plugin distributed by the search engines themselves. For example, GoogleSiteMap;
    • Install a plugin on ModX SEO that allows you to collect statistical data. It will help you manage content more effectively and work with the site structure. Any change made to the design and advertising campaign will be immediately noticeable - the number of people visiting will change, the viewing depth of an individual will increase or decrease;
    • It is necessary that each page of the site uses a CNC (Human Understandable Url). The shorter and clearer the page URL is, the higher its traffic will be. The fact is that search robots pay more attention to those sites where the URL displays what is written on the site’s pages.

    But it’s worth paying attention to what plugins will be used by the site and its admin panel. It is best to install software only from trusted developers, especially when it comes to paid software.


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    Details of website promotion on ModX

    Having started promoting a website on ModX, an SEO specialist should make it as easy as possible to promote the resource. First, optimize the URL used. If an online store uses categories, then to make it easier to find a product, you should enable the nested URL function.

    The next point that is mandatory for optimizing a site on ModX by an SEO specialist is the formation of a snippet by a search robot. In order to make his task easier and increase the indexing of the page, it is necessary to create unique headings, descriptions for products/categories, and keywords. Correct selection on all three points can have a positive impact on the site’s position in the search engine and on its CTR rating.

    How to work with the robots file

    A resource created using the ModX engine has a file called robots.txt. Its contents can be confusing to many users if you do not know what it is intended for. The purpose of the robots.txt file is to exclude certain pages from indexing. It gives the creator the opportunity to inform the search robot that the materials of one or another part of the site do not need to be scanned and should not be taken into account when evaluating the entire site as a whole.

    Content for the site on ModX

    Optimizing a website on ModX by a SEO specialist is impossible without the very thing for which countless pages, platforms and resources are created - without content. It is by this that search robots evaluate a page, and without unique, live content, even an online store will not be of interest.

    Firstly, text material. News, some interesting facts, advice - all this should be as unique as possible. This is the only way to earn, so to speak, the trust of search robots.

    Secondly, images, videos. Even their uniqueness affects the height of the resource’s position. Of course, this parameter does not affect the evaluation of search robots as much as “unique” text materials, but the effect is noticeable.


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    The main thing to be guided by when promoting a site on ModX, as, in principle, on any other engine is no theft of materials. Any text or photo with critically low uniqueness will greatly damage the reputation of the resource in the “eyes” of search robots. In this case, with the frequent appearance of such materials, the information platform will never get out of the Internet “sandbox” and will receive extremely low indexing.

    It is also necessary not to forget that each material posted on a website page must contain keywords and expressions. Here you need to make sure that there is no spam, and that all the “keys” look natural. And, of course, before arranging them in the text, you need to create the SEO core of the site, where all the suitable keywords will be entered. This is usually done by a semantic specialist. For a fee, he will do everything on his own - he will look at which queries are most suitable for the site, select the ones he needs, and delete the unnecessary ones. But if it is not possible to hire an SEO specialist, then you can do this selection on your own. Or use applications that make it easier to select “keys”. True, the final selection still has to be made by the site owner himself.