• Program for removing duplicates. How to Easily Find Duplicate Files in Windows and Remove Them

    Not all duplicate files found in CCleaner can be deleted. Please remember this and use this tool wisely and with caution.

    The program searches for duplicates using the following criteria: name, size, date and content. By default, name, size and date are marked. Find all identical files using these parameters on your computer.

    A few seconds after pressing the " Find» the results will appear. Look at them carefully.

    If you see duplicate library (.dll) files, the files in Program folder Files, files with extensions unknown to you, then do not touch them!

    If you don’t know what these files are, why they are needed and where they came from, then it is better not to touch them (so as not to disrupt the functionality of the programs installed on the computer).

    Look only for files that are familiar to you, those that got onto your computer thanks to your participation. For example, a film, photo, song, essay, etc. Do you see that you have the same abstract on your desktop, in “My Documents”, and in some other folder? This means you can delete all its copies except one (unless, of course, you deliberately created them as part of backup on different disks).

    If the file whose duplicates you are going to delete is important, open the folder containing it and check manually whether these are really 2 copies of the same file, and whether the program made a mistake (which is extremely rare, but in the case of important documents it is better to be safe). To open this folder, right-click on the desired found file and select “ Open folder».

    Once you are sure that the copies can be deleted (or if you did not do this, but are just sure of it), check them and click the delete button.

    You can do the same with your other found files. Favorite song copied 5 times and stored in different folders? Each copy weighs 10 megabytes, for a total of 50! Fuck them! Leave one in the folder with the rest of your music, and you can delete the rest, freeing up precious space for other files.

    Remember one thing: Finding and removing duplicates in CCleaner is not complete automatic tool. The search takes place in automatic mode, and you make the decision to delete “manually”. Therefore, be careful in this matter.

    Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about duplicate files, as well as methods to deal with them.

    Based on the name itself, you probably already guessed what these files are. Duplicate files like this are very polluting hard drive, so you need to get rid of them periodically.

    Duplicates appear on the computer arbitrarily and due to user inattention. Although we are all human and we tend to accumulate all sorts of things. No matter how large the amount of memory your hard drive has, after removing duplicates it will become much freer than it was before this process.

    Unfortunately, deleting duplicate files cannot be done without third party programs. Windows Developers For some reason we missed this moment, but people found a way out. There are a lot of free programs on the Internet for getting rid of duplicate files. Below I will list three of the best ones and also give you the opportunity to download them.


    A very simple and convenient utility for cleaning your computer from duplicate files. After launching CloneSpy searches for checksums files, while ignoring the date and time of their creation, size, etc. This method of searching for duplicate files allows you to make a more accurate and detailed search.

    But CloneSpy also has a disadvantage, because in the search results, in addition to copies, it can display files with the same name.

    Download CloneSpy utility for free

    Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

    More powerful program search for duplicate files. Performs detailed analysis hard drive for availability identical files, at the end of which you will receive a list with all duplicates found.

    I noticed that Auslogics Duplicate File Finder specializes well in finding duplicate multimedia files, which are gigabytes of identical music tracks, films, pictures, etc.

    Download Auslogics program for free Duplicate File Finder


    Also very good program to find and remove duplicate files. I really liked the function of setting the percentage of acceptable matches, which you can set manually before starting analysis of hard disk.

    One of the most quick ways clogged hard drive - storing duplicate files. Surely many people do not even suspect their existence... they can have different origins: random copies, many identical downloads, and so on. One thing is for sure - they can really cause you some problems.

    Many duplicates are created due to the need to keep the file “safe”... for example, before editing a document, I could make a copy just in case, and then forget... or I already have such a document, and I downloaded it again from the mail. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of such doubles and it turns out that you score free space useless information.

    With these tools, you can identify and remove duplicate files in minutes and free up a lot of valuable hard drive space. I will only consider free utilities, so you have nothing to lose!

    Find duplicate files. Review of the best tools

    This utility is probably my favorite tool for finding and removing duplicates, because it has a lot of great features: It is cross-platform, completely free, and also has an advanced tagging and selection algorithm.

    What are not obvious duplicates? Several identical files may have different names. For example, you may have two files on your computer: example-file.avi And example file(1).avi— the utility understands this perfectly and can also mark them as a duplicate.

    By the way, the utility also has other editions: Music Edition and Picture Edition, optimized for searching for duplicates of graphic and audio files - even if they are recorded in different formats. This is very important, because it is audio and graphic files most often become duplicates.

    Duplicate Files Finder is an application that searches for duplicate files (which have the same content, but not necessarily the same name) and allows the user to delete unnecessary files.

    Duplicate Files Finder can only find exact duplicates. The principle of its operation is to sort through all the files on the computer by size and compare them by content. On the one hand, this is logical, but it is completely sad for video and graphics. (after all, depending on the compression algorithm, they may have different size) , but for everything else the program is just excellent.

    Thanks to this comparison algorithm, Duplicate Files Finder is much faster than its competitors.

    AllDup is powerful tools to find duplicates created by one person, Michael Thummerer. The utility has a number of settings for searching for duplicates from: file name, extension and data type, date of creation and modification, and many other parameters.

    AllDup has a lot useful functions and greater flexibility in terms of searching for duplicates, but you have to pay for the functionality. The interface here is not at all friendly and this can drive an unsure user into a dead end. However, if you can figure out the program, then this application will be good tool to find duplicate files.

    Duplicate Cleaner requires fine manual tuning before you can use the functionality of this program one hundred percent.

    At manual setting you can choose in which folder you want to find duplicates, and not scan the entire computer as some other programs offer us. As a result, you can delete these duplicates, move them all to a separate folder, or instead create shortcuts to a single required file. Overall the impressions are positive - so I recommend it.

    If you Windows user, and want to get rid of endless copies of images, then SimilarImages will come in handy more than ever. Images, in my opinion, are the most common source of duplicate content on a computer. For example, I know that I have a bunch of duplicate photos in different folders... and given the number of them, I have no desire to deal with them manually.

    The program has flexible settings and can detect inaccurate duplicates - this is especially important due to the presence of artifacts that appear during the image compression process.

    The great thing about SimilarImages is that it shows you two images when it finds duplicates, and you can decide whether to keep them or delete the duplicate.


    Everything is as in real life Just as unnecessary junk creates a terrible mess in your home, duplicate files can accumulate on your hard drive. Such files are very difficult to delete because you forgot about it, and regular programs to clean the system they will not be found - since they are located on the hard drive for completely legal reasons.

    Use the programs I have listed for you to find duplicate files to free up space on your hard drive. If you know about other utilities, share with us in the comments.

    Helper utility CCleaner- that's enough popular app, which helps clean the device from various unnecessary files. It can be downloaded completely free of charge from the official resource. Using this program is very easy and even an inexperienced user can do it.

    A separate advantage I would like to highlight is that starting from the fourth version, this program can search for duplicate files. The function is very useful, since removing duplicate information can help clean up system disk and speed up the operation of the device as a whole. Therefore, pay attention to which version of the program is downloaded to your PC; if it is older, then simply update it to the latest one.

    Is it possible to delete duplicate files in CCleaner, and how to do it

    • Download and install the application. It is best to download from official resource, since this is the most reliable way Avoid getting viruses and suspicious software on your PC.
    • We launch the program and go to the menu "Service".
    • Select a line "Search for Duplicates".
    • In the main window you can set various search criteria. This is done by checking the boxes next to the section items Match, Skip, and Inclusions/Exclusions.
    • Button "Add" will help you search in a specific directory (folder) on the disk. After clicking it, a window will open where you can select a folder using the button "Review". In the same window you can specify a specific type of extension for files.
    • On the tab "Exceptions" You can specify those folders that in no case should be touched when searching for duplicates.
    • After the parameters have been viewed and set, click on the button "Find".
    • After automatic search you can see the results in the main window.
    • In the report you can read the file names and addresses where they are located on the device.
    • The report can be saved to text format to any convenient folder. This can be done by pressing a button “Save report...”
    • The files are arranged in pairs (original and duplicate). Select those that need to be deleted. To highlight, place a checkmark next to the name. If you are not sure that the file does not carry any important information and it can be removed, it is better not to touch it. In this case, you need to save the report and view suspicious files separately.
    • Then, click on the button “Delete selected.”

    After automatic deletion you will be able to verify that duplicate files really no longer exist and there is more disk space.

    Hello, dear ones. Remember, in my green website-building childhood (a whole year ago) I already recommended and described to you search and delete program identical photos ? So, that was great program, but paid (though the solution to this problem can be found quite easily on the Internet). And here I also described the program in order to find and delete duplicate files . Damn, it's paid too! 😯

    Today I will correct myself - I will describe to you a free and quick program to search and delete various copies of files on your computer, of which you have a lot. They sit quietly in the corners and giggle at you, increasing the size of the disk, slowing down the system (after all, scanning files is vital for its normal operation and goes almost constantly), simply littering the computer with unnecessary load, complicating defragmentation process

    Duplicate files needs to be deleted and we will do this now. Naturally, I will describe everything step by step and in pictures, with all the nuances. And of course, I will give you two versions of the program - the regular one from the official website and the portable one.

    Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is a free program for finding and removing duplicate files

    Don’t even doubt it – there are duplicate files on your favorite computer. The nature of their appearance has not yet been studied by scientists. Over time, they grow like mushrooms, appearing out of nowhere... Of course, this is a joke - we create duplicates ourselves, without even noticing it. Let's get rid of them already. To begin with, of course you need to download the program.

    As promised, here are two versions for you - everyone has the right to choose the one they need, but I highly recommend choosing the portable one. The fact is that in the standard version they will push (or try) an additional toolbar into all browsers - do you need it? For example, no matter how hard I tried, I still caught him and barely got rid of him. (How? And like this.)

    Download Auslogics Duplicate File Finder: 7 MB

    Download Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Portable: 6 MB

    This is how I installed regular version programs...

    Installing Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

    Yes, installation takes place on English, but remember that you and I are not afraid of difficulties and will overcome everything...

    And here is the price of free - be sure to uncheck the boxes and who knows, maybe you will be lucky and the toolbar will not be installed.

    Create an icon on your desktop?

    Click “Finish” and the program for searching and removing duplicate files will start. Then everything is very easy and simple. As you can see, the program is entirely in Russian.

    We select the disk on which we will search for duplicate files or even a separate folder...

    We choose what exactly we will search for, or rather what types of files will be searched from...

    If you are not very versed in the system, I do not recommend choosing the first, top item. The fact is that the system itself uses many identical files and places them where it is more convenient and faster for it to get to them - such duplicate files are not only not recommended to be deleted, but categorically bad!!!

    To be on the safe side, create a restore point...

    Here are my duplicate files. That's not all - I already found and deleted more than 300 MB during my first acquaintance with the program (I didn't just take screenshots).

    Now we need to clarify for the program how to remove duplicates...