• Checking the system configuration. Windows system configuration. Virus check

    System Configuration is an application included in the Windows operating system and is designed to configure the system startup. Also, entering the system configuration is used to troubleshoot problems that cause the system to start incorrectly.

    How to call up the system configuration

    There are several ways to start the system configuration.

    Via run msconfig

    You can open the system configuration using the msconfig command, and to do this, launch the Run application by simultaneously pressing the WIN + R keys on the keyboard.

    You can use the msconfig command in Windows 10 to enter the system configuration

    A window called Run will open in which the msconfig command is entered, and to run msconfig you need to click OK.

    Via Control Panel

    You can enter the system configuration through the Control Panel. We launch the Control Panel and in it open the System and Security category and in it we find and click on the Administration item.

    Through Administration you can go to the Windows 7 system configuration

    A window called Administration will open.

    Windows 10 system configuration is launched through the Control Panel

    In this window, find the System Configuration item and open it. Place the cursor over this item and right-click, and then select Open in the context menu that opens.

    Windows System Configuration

    The system configuration consists of 5 tabs called General, Download, Services, Startup, Service.


    The first System Configuration tab displays system startup options. To know which launch to choose in the system configuration, let’s consider them in more detail. In the system configuration, there are generally three launch options.

    Windows 7 System Configuration

    Normal launch

    If you select normal startup in the system configuration, then all programs that are on autostart and all Windows applications will start along with the computer. After installing the system, it is best to switch from this mode to Selective Startup mode so that only the programs, applications and Windows services you select will start with the system.

    Diagnostic run

    This startup will only launch essential Windows applications and services. This method is not recommended for inexperienced users, since not everyone knows how to start the necessary services when necessary. By starting the computer in this mode, services and applications that you will need to return to normal or custom mode may be disabled, and you will need to start them to correct the system configuration.

    Selective launch

    This startup will only launch essential applications and services, as well as the applications, services, and programs you select.


    This tab in the System Configuration Boot displays all installed systems on your computer, and the current one and the default boot one are marked.

    Where to find the system configuration

    On this tab you can set the Safe Mode option so that after rebooting the computer will start in safe mode. Safe mode can be launched in four options.


    In this mode, the system will launch only the necessary system services, without access to the Internet.

    Another shell

    In this mode, the command line will open and the necessary system services will start, without access to the Internet.

    Active Directory Service Restore

    In this mode, the system will start only the necessary system services and the Active Directory service.


    In this mode, the system will launch only the necessary system services and provide access to the Internet.

    Also on this tab, by checking the box next to the desired item, you can disable or enable:

    • Without GUI - disabling the Windows welcome screen. It is recommended to disable this item in the system configuration.
    • Boot log - will save all information about system boot to the file %SystemRoot%Ntbtlog.txt.
    • Basic video - the system will boot with minimal VGA parameters instead of video adapter drivers
    • Information about the OS - when the system starts, all the names of the drivers that are launched will be displayed on the screen.

    You can also open an additional window on this tab by clicking on the Additional options button.

    In the system configuration, the number of processors in msconfig gives

    In the window that opens called Advanced Boot Options, you can set some options.

    • Number of processors - indicates how many processors should be used when the system starts.
    • Maximum memory—specifies the maximum amount of physical memory that should be used the next time the system starts. Since the system itself uses the maximum memory by default, it is not recommended to set the maximum memory. msconfig is reset and sets it to no more than 4 GB.
    • PCI blocking - prohibits the redistribution of I/O resources and IRQs on the local PCI bus, and are stored in the BIOS.
    • Debugging - Enables global kernel mode port debugging options.


    This tab displays all Windows services and their status, whether they are running or not.

    Where is the Windows 7 system configuration

    It is not possible to disable services in the system configuration, since without some Microsoft services the system simply cannot work. In order to know for sure which services can be disabled in the system configuration, you need to check the box next to Do not display Microsoft services and then the services that can definitely be disabled will be displayed.


    This tab displayed all programs that automatically launched along with the system.

    How to enter Windows 10 system configuration

    Starting with the Windows 8 operating system, for convenience, startup was moved from the system configuration to the Task Manager.


    This tab displays a list of applications that start when the system starts.

    How to open Windows 10 system configuration

    Each application has a brief description of what it is needed for, and you can also see where this application is located. Having selected the required application, you can launch it by clicking on the Run button and it will open.

    Are you planning to purchase a new computer or laptop (pay attention to the performance index, it will be discussed below);
    - upgrade your computer, replace outdated or broken components;
    - install or update drivers;
    - want to understand the reasons why your computer freezes;
    - buy a new game and doubt whether it will work on your computer;
    - you want to brag to your friends about your new acquisition or just your knowledge in this area.

    All characteristics can be found using additional programs or using Windows tools. It is necessary to take into account that when using additional programs, you need to find them, download them, and possibly install them, while many programs are paid, so I recommend learning how to use standard Windows tools; with their help you can get all the basic characteristics of a computer/laptop.

    Find out the characteristics of your computer/laptop using Windows tools.

    Let's start with the simplest and most understandable, right-click on the shortcut Computer if there is no shortcut on the desktop Computer, press "Start" find in the menu Computer, right-click and select "Properties".

    In the window that opens, pay attention to the field System, it indicates which processor is installed, RAM, system type. If these numbers don't mean anything to you, click on the line Windows Experience Index.

    If you are an experienced Windows user and would like to get more detailed information about the hardware of your computer, to do this you need to go to the Task Manager, to do this, click "Start - Control Panel - Device Manager."

    If this information is not enough for you, you can use "System Information", for this, go along the way "Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Information" or click "Start" and in the search bar enter "Intelligence" and select "System Information".

    Here you can find out a lot of information, such as the motherboard model, processor type, BIOS version, amount of RAM and much more related not only to hardware but also to software.

    Find out the characteristics of your computer/laptop using third-party programs.

    You can also use shareware programs from third-party manufacturers, for example ASTRA32.

    To do this, download the latest version of the program ASTRA32, in this example I used the version without the installer. After the file has been downloaded, unzip the archive, open the folder, run the astra32.exe file as Administrator.

    The ASTRA32 program window will open, containing all the characteristics of your computer or laptop.

    In this article, I described various ways to find out the characteristics of the hardware of a computer/laptop, ranging from simple to the most informative methods.

    Greetings my dear readers.

    In my post today, I will tell you about how to find out what hardware is on your computer. Basically, this information is needed in order to be aware of which drivers to install on a computer or laptop, and to know detailed information about what components it consists of.

    So, in order to find out detailed information about the hardware of your computer, there are several ways.

    Method number time

    The first is to find out the configuration without using additional software. I would even call this method “collective farm” :-), because it will not always work.

    I'm talking about the fact that you can stop polling devices at the right time (if you're lucky).

    While the BIOS is running, you can press keys on the keyboard.

    As soon as the survey of devices has begun, pressing the “Pause Break” key will stop the survey. So to speak, there will be a pause and the survey results will be displayed on the screen until this button is pressed.

    The “TAB” key, in turn, starts the continuation of work on polling the computer’s BIOS devices.

    So, the method is as follows: as soon as you press the Power button on the system unit case and the BIOS work begins, you quickly start pressing the “Pause Break” button (thereby stopping the process), then you press “TAB” without ceasing to press this button , but less often.

    In this way, you can start a survey for a few seconds and immediately stop it (using “TAB”). I warned you that the method is collective farm :).

    With some training, you can achieve such a result that you can stop the polling process just before the operating system boots. This will also be useful if you have not yet installed the OS.

    It looks something like this:

    Yes, of course, not all the information is here, but the most basic ones like the processor, mat. board, amount of memory, hard drives available.

    I think this method is sometimes useful.

    Method number two

    Here I will start from the fact that you have the OS.

    1. In the Start menu, find Control Panel (For Windows).
    2. Next, go to the “System” section. You can also do it simpler: press the Pause Break button + the Windows key (hold for a few seconds). Now you see some information about your computer (processor, RAM, system type, etc.).

    If you want more detailed information, in the same window, go to the “Device Manager” tab.

    And here is detailed information about both the parameters of your computer and the software.

    But only those devices for which drivers are installed (that is, initialized devices) will be displayed here.

    Click on the different tabs to display a more complete list.

    I think any user has encountered this window more than once.

    Method number three

    This method is using application software.

    The most popular program in this topic is AIDA 64, you can download mulberry.

    We can talk for a long time about this useful program, but for now we are only interested in the computer configuration.

    In the left column you can find all our hardware installed in the case, maybe there will even be ones you didn’t know about :-).

    Here you can even conduct tests and display reports (for example, for printing on paper).

    We’ll look at a full analysis of this useful software some other time.

    After downloading and installation, the program window looks something like this:

    As you can see, you can find out information about the system in sufficient detail by going through different tabs (CPU, Mainboard, Memory).

    You can also find out the details of the processor, for example cache or technical process. CPU-Z displays detailed information about the video card and its specifics. Overall a great product, I recommend it to everyone. On this I think I can end my post today.

    Subscribe to updates and see you again.

    When turning to the forum for help in solving a tricky problem with the operating system or devices, it is better to immediately provide the computer configuration. It can give responders a clue to the problem, and you will quickly receive a substantive answer instead of asking for the configuration. And such a request will inevitably follow, unless you have turned to the community of telepaths who can determine your configuration with the effort of thought.

    It's good if you know your configuration by heart. What if not? Then collecting information about the computer configuration requires a couple of minutes and a minimum of effort. Below I will tell you how to do this using Windows OS or third-party programs that can create a report that can be published on the forum.

    System information (msinfo32)

    As trivial as it may sound, information about your computer’s hardware configuration can be collected without installing third-party programs. Windows OS includes the System Information utility, which has the ability to export collected data to a text file. You can run the program from the Start menu - Programs - Accessories - System Tools or from the Start window - Run (or the Search field in Vista) by entering msinfo32 and clicking OK.

    Enlarge picture

    After a few seconds, the program will collect information about the system and its hardware configuration. To export a report, select Export from the File menu, and then specify the file name and folder to save. The report is ready! Because it contains a variety of information, the file is relatively large in size. For publication on the forum, it is better to archive it.

    On Windows XP and Vista, the same result can be achieved from the command line by running the command

    Msinfo32 /report "\config.txt"

    The report file will be created in the folder whose path you specify in the above command.

    Third Party Programs

    There are a great many free programs for determining hardware configuration, and it is simply impossible to describe them all. I tested several, paying attention to the following points. The program should be free, small in size and have a clear Russian interface, be able to save the report as a text file or web page, and, if possible, not require installation.

    In the end, I settled on two, which won me over with the simplicity of the interface and the minimum of body movements required to create a report.


    Winaudit (I used the Unicode version) is less than 1 MB in size and does not require installation. Once launched, it displays a window that clearly tells you where to click to create a report, which is generated in a few seconds.

    Enlarge picture

    Along with the hardware configuration, the program collects various information about the operating system and installed applications. You can exclude irrelevant information from the report by clicking the Options button and checking the boxes as shown in the figure below.

    After this, you need to click the Audit button on the toolbar again to create a report. To save the report, click the Save button, and the program will offer a choice of a dozen different formats. It is better to save the report as a web page (HTML) or text file. When saved as a web page, the program creates three HTML files that can be zipped and attached to a forum post.

    System Information for Windows (SIW)

    The SIW program is about 2.2 MB in size, does not require installation (although only the English version is offered without an installer), has a well-thought-out interface, and the clarity of the information it displays deserves a very high rating. In the multilingual version, the Russian interface language can be set in the Tools -> Options window if necessary. We are, however, interested in creating a report, this option is in the File menu, as shown in the figure below.

    Enlarge picture

    Enlarge picture

    Other programs

    If you are not satisfied with the programs described above for determining the computer configuration, you can use others, a small list of which I provide below. All of them meet most of the requirements that I wrote about above.


    How to find out the components of your computer: determine the device configuration

    Greetings my dear readers.

    In my post today, I will tell you how to find out the components of your computer. Basically, this information is needed in order to be aware of what software is installed on a computer or laptop, and to know detailed information about what components it consists of.

    So, in order to find out detailed information about the hardware of your computer, there are several ways.

    First way

    The first is to find out the configuration without using additional software. I would even call this method “collective farm” :-), because it will not always work. I'm talking about the fact that you can stop the BIOS from polling devices at the right time (if you're lucky).

    While the BIOS is running, you can press keys on the keyboard.

    As soon as the survey of devices has begun, pressing the “Pause Break” key will stop the survey. So to speak, there will be a pause and the survey results will be displayed on the screen until this button is pressed.

    The “TAB” key, in turn, starts the continuation of work on polling the computer’s BIOS devices.

    So, the method is as follows: as soon as you press the Power button on the system unit case and BIOSa starts working, you quickly start pressing the “Pause Break” button (thereby stopping the process), then you press “TAB” without ceasing to press this button , but less often.

    In this way, you can start a survey for a few seconds and immediately stop it (using “TAB”).

    I warned you that the method is collective farm :).

    With some training, you can achieve such a result that you can stop the polling process just before the operating system boots. This will also be useful if you have not yet installed the OS.

    It looks something like this:

    Yes, of course, not all the information is here, but the most basic ones like the processor, mat. board, memory, hard drives available. I think this method is sometimes useful.

    Second way

    Here I will start from the fact that you have the OS.

    1. In the Start menu, find Control Panel (For Windows).
    2. Next, go to the “System” section. You can also do it simpler: press the Pause Break button + the Windows key. Now you see some information about your computer (processor, RAM, system type, etc.).

    If you want more detailed information, in the same window, go to the “Device Manager” tab.

    And here is detailed information about both the parameters of your computer and the software.

    But only those devices for which drivers are installed (that is, initialized devices) will be displayed here.

    Click on the different tabs to display a more complete list.

    Third way

    This method is using application software.

    The most popular program in this topic is EVEREST Ultimate Edition, you can download it here.

    We can talk for a long time about this useful program, but for now we are only interested in the computer configuration.

    In the left column you can find all our hardware installed in the case, maybe there will even be ones you didn’t know about :-).

    Here you can even conduct tests and display reports (for example, for printing on paper).

    We’ll look at a full analysis of this useful software some other time.

    After downloading and installation, the program window looks something like this:

    As you can see, you can find out information about the system in sufficient detail by going through different tabs (CPU, Mainboard, Memory).

    You can also find out the details of the processor, for example cache or technical process. CPU-Z displays detailed information about the video card and its specifics.

    Overall a great product, I recommend it to everyone.

    On this I think I can end my post today.

    Subscribe to updates and see you again.


    How can I find out my computer's configuration?

    Not every user knows the configuration of their computer. But this is very useful information. Without knowing the technical characteristics of your system unit, you will not be able to navigate well when installing programs or games. And in general, you can pump up too much, but it will be glitchy or not work correctly on your computer.
    In this article, we will look at the main ways to obtain information about your computer's configuration.

    Operating system tools

    Operating system tools mean opening a window that displays basic information about your computer. This can be done by right-clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut, and then selecting “Properties” from the context menu that appears.

    In this window you can find out what processor and RAM are installed on your PC, as well as the version of the operating system. This data will definitely not be enough. The CPU-Z program already provides more information about the computer configuration. It is very convenient and easy to use, but most importantly, it supports the Russian language. Therefore, you will definitely not have any problems using it.

    Using this program, you can find out the detailed characteristics of your processor, RAM, video card, etc. In my opinion, CPU-Z is the best assistant for those who want to know the configuration of their computer. Probably one of the most popular programs among computer users. Gives a complete report about your hardware. In addition to viewing your configuration, you can also customize your computer's hardware and software with EVEREST Ultimate Edition.
    But this program has one big "BUT". It is paid, and the trial period is only 30 days. Although during this time you can learn from memory what configuration your computer has.

    One of the most useful features in the EVEREST Ultimate Edition program is that you can use it to view the temperature of the processor, video card and RAM. You can read more about this here.

    To tell the truth, I would not recommend you any online service for checking the technical characteristics of a computer, because some of them require the installation of plugins, while others provide completely inaccurate information. It’s better to download one of the above programs - they are reliable and tested by time and experience.


    Computer configuration: how and where to view PC characteristics?

    To upgrade an old personal computer hardware to a new one, you need to know the current characteristics of all its components. This can be done in different ways, but different options for how to find out the computer configuration require different approaches, and they also display information about the PC configuration that is different in content. Let's go through the various methods for determining computer characteristics.

    Method 1. Through the System window

    The first and easiest way to find out the PC configuration does not require much time, however, it displays very little information about the characteristics of the PC hardware.

    To use it, follow this link and, depending on the version of Windows you are using, follow the steps described in one of the first three paragraphs of that article, after which compressed information about the PC system will be displayed on your monitor screen:

    • name and bitness of the operating system;
    • name and frequency of the central processor;
    • amount of installed RAM.

    Unfortunately, that's all you can count on using this method.

    Method 2. Through Device Manager (for Windows 7)

    In any version of Windows OS, it is possible to see which physical devices are currently connected to the PC. There you can also find out some characteristics about each of the components. You can do this using Device Manager. We will describe the algorithm of actions using Windows 7 as an example.

    To go to Device Manager, just right-click on the Computer icon and select Device Manager.

    If there is no such icon on the Desktop, then you should go to the Start menu, where you need to do the same actions, only with the Computer field.

    Once you enter the Manager, you will see a list of connected components to the PC (their name and installed driver version for each element).

    However, there are other methods that allow you to see much more information about your PC.

    Method 3. Sisoftware Sandra utility

    This application is an intuitive and well-developed utility for system diagnostics. It can provide almost all the information you need about your computer's configuration.

    Download the Lite version of Sisoftware Sandra from this link, run the installer and install the program. Once the application is successfully installed, launch it and go to the Devices tab.

    In this section, select the hardware component you are interested in, and the system will give you the most detailed information about it.

    Method 4. ASTRA32 utility

    The ASTRA32 program is a tool that allows you to both view information about various computer components and analyze devices for which drivers have not been installed. In addition, using ASTRA32 you can check your hard drive for functionality.

    Method 5. Everest utility

    Everest is one of the most popular operating system diagnostic programs today. This program displays the most detailed information about PC software and its components among all existing similar applications.

    Bottom line

    The first two methods described by us are nothing more than “dummy”, since they are suitable only for some situations. If you need to conduct a serious analysis of your computer configuration, use one of the above-mentioned utilities. Which one exactly is not important for our present purposes. However, if we talk about additional features, then, of course, all three applications can offer a different range of functions to the user.

    Of course, these three programs are not everything, and there are many more similar products. And if you know any other decent program for determining the computer configuration, then write about it below in the comments so that users know about other interesting projects of this kind.

    Good day, friends. Recently one of my friends asked me the question: “ .

    Of course, I prompted and explained everything to him. Without thinking twice, I decided to write a short article on how to do this, using several programs and methods.

    Also for video lovers, I filmed and posted at the end of the article a short video lesson on how to find out the characteristics of a computer. In the last issue of the blog, we looked at the problem.

    View specifications

    Probably every person who has a computer should understand a little about what he has to work on or simply use it as needed.

    I will give examples that can be used in two operating systems: Windows XP and Windows 7.

    We look when you turn on the computer.

    The very first and most basic information of your computer, of course, can be viewed when you boot it using DOS or in the BIOS.

    Quickly view the information we are interested in

    Turn on our computer, go to Menu >>> Start.

    Right-click on My Computer.

    In the window that appears, go to the very bottom and go to Properties.

    You should go to System Properties, General tab (for Windows XP). System and Security > System (for windows 7). Here is a short list of the characteristics of our computer.

    Counters and productivity tools.

    Display and print detailed information about your computer and system performance.

    Characteristics of productivity tools.

    Command line and dxdiag program

    Go to Menu >>> Start >>> Run... or press the key combination Win + R.

    The Run Program (Run) window should appear.

    Enter the command and click OK.

    The DirectX Diagnostic Tool appears.

    Various tabs will appear at the top: System, Display (Screen), and so on. We go into each one in turn and find out the information we need.

    Everest or Aida

    The characteristics shown with these programs are the most extensive and include almost all the information about your computer.

    Let’s say if you don’t have any driver downloaded, you can see what kind of device it is, what driver is needed, what manufacturer it is and where all this can be found and downloaded. When I worked in a service center, I often used the Everest program for its clear interface and the ability to find the necessary computer characteristics in the shortest possible time.

    Windows Tools and the msinfo32 Command

    Easy to log in, clear and accessible interface and button navigation. Press the keyboard shortcut again and enter the command .

    Anyone, even an inexperienced computer user, can understand the msinfo32 command.

    Everything is very accessible and simple. If you don't know about Windows updates, then this information should be useful to you.

    How to find out your computer's specifications | website

    A few words from the author

    Today we looked at several different ways to find out the characteristics of a computer. Everyone will choose a more convenient and practical viewing method for themselves. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them below in the comments to this article.

    Thank you for reading me on