• Five ways to determine a page's relevance to search queries. What is Search Relevance, Search Engine Index and Ranking

    Good day, dear readers! Do you think it’s unrealistic to get to the top of search results and increase traffic by at least 30%? Then you need to learn what relevance is and learn how to use it. You will learn further about how to do this and distinguish irrelevant content from relevant content.

    Relevance(English relevant - relevant, suitable in meaning) - this is the correspondence of the page content to the search query. This means that it affects the site’s position in search results.

    The meaning of the word in general terms is the coincidence of results and expectations.

    Relevance Theory: “Useful content satisfies information needs.”

    Example. I enter into the search “How to glue wallpaper yourself.” After a second, a list of links opens that should answer the request. The relevant material is considered to be a master class in wallpapering, and the irrelevant material is the choice of wall covering and handyman services.

    If you search on the Internet for “Napoleon cake,” the correct answer will be a culinary page with recipes, but the biography of the French commander will be inappropriate.

    Irrelevant traffic is visitors who do not take targeted actions. They came to the site by accident.

    How does a search engine check relevance?

    Previously, the search engine checked the quality of the page based on the text - calculated. The method was not protected from cheating. Cunning SEOs spammed the right words, as a result, the search results became clogged, and users remained dissatisfied.

    I divide the technology for determining relevance into two stages.

    First stage. Search engine employees - assessors - check pages manually according to the manual. They include good sites in the indexing list of search robots. Their algorithms differ for different categories of sites. For example, if an online store has a “Delivery” and “Payment” section, they give it a plus sign.

    What assessment can assessors give to the site:

    • meets all criteria
    • relevant page with technical flaws,
    • the material partially matches the request,
    • irrelevant content or spam.

    Second stage. Machine learning is the creation of algorithms based on examples.

    Let's say 1 million people sent a list of their favorite movies to the system. These are examples. Artificial intelligence finds what unites them. Finds out that people love movies with familiar actors. As a result, if you like “Terminator” with Arnold Schwarzenegger, you will be offered to watch “The Running Man” with the same actor.

    The algorithms are loaded into computers that do the indexing.

    For automatic verification, Yandex uses machine learning technology – Matrixnet. You can add new algorithms and complex indexing formulas to it without reducing search speed.

    Simplified formula: Relevant = PageRank or TCI * (text relevance + link ranking level).

    We list the internal indicators that affect relevance:

    1. Key frequency. A word density of more than 4% is considered overspam.
    2. Availability of synonyms.
    3. Title tag. Should look natural and contain the main key.
    4. Heading and subheadings. Keys, errors and readability are important.
    5. Entry of keys. They should not be entered crookedly, keep them readable. For example, bad: “sew a light knitted skirt.” Good: “how to sew a light knitted skirt.”
    6. img tag attributes. Do not repeat, natural word form.
    7. Internal and thematic links.
    8. Availability.
    9. Usability. Pages load quickly and the site is easy to navigate.
    10. URL structure.
    11. Date the page was last modified.
    12. Robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.
    13. Structure of the article. The reader immediately finds the information he needs.

    49% of visitors close a website if it doesn't load in 5 seconds. And behavioral factors have a great impact on the quality of promotion.

    The level of relevance also depends on external factors:

    • external linking,
    • rating of donor sites,
    • authority of the reference mass - PageRank or TCI,
    • number of visitors,
    • traffic sources,
    • duration of page viewing (at least 40 seconds),
    • bounce rate,
    • conversions,
    • regionality,
    • page scrolling.

    The length of the article is a conditional factor. If you managed to answer a user's question using only 400 characters, why bother?


    Relevance stages:

    • formal – verification was carried out using machine algorithms;
    • content - assessors read, review the content and decide whether it meets the user's needs;
    • Pertinent – ​​content completely solves the problem and answers the user’s question.

    The last level is the ultimate dream of a webmaster and SEO specialist.

    What happens to irrelevant material?

    When suitable content appears on request, the search engine gets rid of the garbage. A site with irrelevant material is first demoted in search results, and if black and gray optimization methods are discovered, it is no longer indexed. In simple terms, your page is removed from search.

    3 Best Tools for Relevance Analysis

    You don’t need to guess with a daisy to know how a search engine will evaluate your material. Popular online services check text or pages for relevance in 10 seconds. Detailed statistics show the strengths and weaknesses of your content.

    I'm used to using Istio and Megaindex. They have never let me down.


    Istio shows relevance for individual words for free and without registration. In addition, you will recognize nausea, wateriness, spelling errors, and length of text.

    Do you want to check the material before publication? Copy the text and paste it into the work area. And click on the “Text Analysis” button.

    Download the article directly from the website page by clicking “Advanced form”.

    Paste the URL and select “Add all text”.

    Want to know how relevant your content is? Click “Isolate Keys” to see the results.

    By default, we see the relevance percentage without stop words. I advise you to look at the results taking them into account. They should not overlap the keys.

    These are the analysis results shown by the service. What happened to you? Write in the comments.

    MegaIndex is 12 tools that deeply analyze a website, making it better. To start enjoying the benefits of the service, you need to register. There is no authorization through social networks; you will have to register the old fashioned way via e-mail.

    Go to the main page, click “Registration” in the upper right corner.

    Enter the query you are promoting and the page address. Click “Check” and wait for the results.

    We were 25% short. What we missed can be seen by clicking on any of the criteria in the right list or at the bottom of the page.

    We see that our content meets most of the requirements.

    Now try to find out the relevance of the pages on your site. Share your results in the comments.


    PR-CY is inferior to MegaIndex. There is no detailed analysis of errors. A beginner will not understand what to fix. But relevance is assessed by three parts of the text separately: title, heading, subheadings.

    No registration required. Just select the “Content Analysis” section, enter keywords and a link.

    Why do irrelevant pages appear in search results?

    The effectiveness of black hat and gray hat SEO techniques decreases with each search algorithm update. But as long as they produce results, they continue to be used. Sometimes, when you search through a bunch of links in the hope of finding the information you need, you come across doorways that redirect to an unknown destination.

    When I was looking for reviews about a maternity hospital in my area, I often came across suspicious websites. The description and title contained the necessary information, but after the transition, pages with promotions and online casinos opened. So you can catch the virus.

    The problem of lack of information

    There are still low-frequency queries without relevant content on the network. The search engine strives to answer any question. Showing: “Nothing was found for your request” is a shame for him. The lack of quality content will force you to produce information that is at least 1% consistent with the request.

    Try entering any nonsense into the search bar. A list of links will open to you. True, you will not always find what you asked for.

    Cheating visitors

    Search algorithms are still far from perfect, so black hat optimization still works in some niches. Bad SEO specialists: spam, buy links, create pages for automatic redirection. Such methods are more often used in entertainment, where there is no strict control.

    How to increase relevance: improving content and website

    Let’s be honest, everyone wants to rank at the top of search results, and relevance is the main way to get there.

    How to increase relevance?

    1. Compose the title correctly. The first part contains the main key. Keep the word form natural. For example, “Treatment of dermatitis in cats” is better written as “Treatment of dermatitis in cats: 10 proven methods.”
    2. Structure the article. Break the material into subheadings

      . The higher the subheading level, the more impact it has on relevance.
    3. Maintain uniqueness. At least 95% on Etxt Antiplagiarism, Advego, or Text.ru.
    4. Don’t get carried away with the keys, dilute the text according to its meaning. The normal level of academic nausea is 7.5% for text and 2.5% for words.
    5. Write the main key in the URL in Latin letters. For example, “How to come up with a title” at http://...kak-pridumat-zagolovok/.
    6. Add synonyms and thematic words. displaces SEO. Are you writing an article about losing weight using folk remedies? Don’t forget the words that give direction to the text: weight loss, extra pounds, traditional medicine, at home - they will come in very handy.
    7. Don't put everything in bold. The search robot will think that you are spamming.
    8. Insert 3–4 links to other articles on the site that are similar in meaning.
    9. Follow the design. An article with images, tables, and lists is easier to read than an impenetrable wall of words. This will have a positive impact on behavioral factors.
    10. Add keys to the image attribute .
    11. In the keywords meta tag, indicate 3–5 key phrases that you are using to promote.
    12. Evenly distribute additional keys throughout the text, incline and dilute them. No more than 5 key phrases per 1,000 characters.
    13. Avoid grammatical and semantic errors.
    14. Make sure that the first paragraph contains the main key.

    Technical points worth working on:

    1. Selecting donors for external linking with a high rating.
    2. Quality, loading speed of hosting.
    3. The presence of mirrors on the site if the server is overloaded.

    Without meeting these criteria, the content will not become popular.


    Relevance is a copywriter’s talent for revealing the meaning of a search query in an article. A visitor visits the site and realizes: “This is it!” Learn to express your thoughts concisely and readers will follow you, and so will your customers. Our programs will help speed up learning and improve its quality. Sign up before the price goes up.

    Are you good at writing relevant articles? I look forward to your answers in the comments.

    Add your price to the database


    Relevance- (from English relevant - relevant) - in a general sense, this is the compliance of the document with the user’s expectations. Thus, search relevance is the degree to which a user is satisfied with the search results shown in response to his query. Ideally, the search results page should fully satisfy the user’s information needs in terms of its completeness and accuracy.

    The concept of site relevance has a synonym: relevance. In fact, this term means the same thing, but in a slightly narrower sense. What we mean here is how well the requested information matches the result obtained. Further in the text you will come across the words relevance and relevancy. Think of them as identical to each other.

    According to the definition, when a Yandex or Google visitor types his question, the search engine tries to evaluate various documents from its index and select the most suitable ones for the answer. Thus, the system calculates a measure of correspondence - the degree of match between the document and the search query. Accordingly, if they coincide, then the value of the measure is the largest (maximum), and if not, it is equal to zero.

    The effectiveness of any search engine is judged by the degree of relevance of documents in search results. If a user receives an answer to his request that is absolutely inappropriate for him, then there is a high probability that he will no longer use such a resource. Therefore, the selection of the most relevant documents for its search results is the main task of the search engine. This affects both the popularity of the search engine and its profits.

    How relevant a document is on the Internet is determined by a special search algorithm. Yandex has one, Google has another, but the general scheme of its work is the same. Also, other search engines have their own definition of relevance, but it has common roots.

    For example, the Yandex search engine employs a group of specially trained people—assessors—who visit hundreds of sites every day for specific search queries. They evaluate usability, content, page relevance, and other characteristics. After this, all data is entered into the Matrixnet self-learning algorithm. And based on this data, it automatically determines the relevance and usefulness for other similar sites. You can deceive a robot, but it’s unlikely to deceive a human (in particular, a PS employee)…

    Internal Relevance Criteria

    The most significant internal criterion of relevance is keywords, namely their frequency in the text. Search engines are able to calculate this parameter and, if a phrase is repeated frequently, consider it a key phrase. If, during a user request, the phrases found on the page correspond to its form and are key, that is, frequently used, the site will be considered relevant.

    Keywords also have a big impact on their location. First of all, this is their presence in various headings. If a user's query matches the title of a document, the search engine is more likely to rank that page more than others. Additional factors influencing the weight of keywords also include:

    • Close to the top of the page. The closer to the top of the page a keyword is, the more significant it is.
    • The presence of keywords in some places on the page. For example, in headings, meta tags, text design tags.
    • The proximity of keywords to each other. It matters when any phrase, especially a stable phrase, acts as a search query.
    • Availability of keyword synonyms. Search engines often pay attention to the presence of other forms of keywords in texts, indicating that the documents actually deal with a given topic.

    Key Search Relevance Types You Should Know About

    Formal- is the basis of search engine ranking principles. Through special algorithms, it compares the type of search queries and documents through the index of a special search engine. The person does not take part in this process. A fully automated and robotic system provides a ready-made solution.

    Pertinence- a unique state when the information needs of Internet users are fully satisfied. Every search engine strives to get closer to this state.

    External Relevance Criteria

    The basis of external relevance criteria is the principle of citation or reference popularity. This factor implies that the relevance of a site can be determined by its popularity on the Internet, that is, the number of other resources linking to the page in question. The higher their number, the greater the authoritative weight of the site, and, therefore, the information presented on it is of higher quality.

    Each of the search engines uses its own algorithm for determining the level of citations, but they all have a similar mechanism of action and are essentially a modification of the world’s first algorithm that takes into account the number of external links, PageRank, developed by American students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who founded the Google search engine.

    In the Yandex system, an analogue of PageRank is the VIC - a weighted citation index, which was introduced in the spring of 2001. As stated by company representatives, VIC is calculated according to the same scheme as PageRank and is assigned to each page individually. Until 2002 The VIC could be viewed using Yandex Bar, but after optimizers tried to artificially increase the readings, its value was hidden. Now webmasters only have access to information about the TIC, which is used to sort resources in the Yandex catalog.

    Since autumn 2002 The Rambler system also began to use the popularity coefficient, which took into account not only the number of links, but also data on page traffic received from the Top100 counter.

    However, the very first system to apply such an algorithm is Aport, which has been using the Page Authority Index (PAI) since 1999. Unlike PageRank, CI takes into account only one most significant link from all pages of linking sites.

    The best resources for checking relevancy

    Fortunately, today there are many resources on the Internet that make it easy to check the level of relevance directly online. We list the three most popular of them:

    • Majento;
    • Megaindex;
    • PR-CY.ru.

    To get the necessary information on each of the listed sites, simply enter the address of the verification page and a keyword.

    There are no fundamental differences between the listed services. Regarding the relevancy check, everything happens approximately the same. The differences are noticeable only in general functionality, but this is no longer relevant to the topic of the article.

    What to do to increase relevance?

    Follow these seven tips and your articles will get as close as possible to the TOP of search results, and perhaps even be included in it:

    Place the main keyword query in the Title tag in a direct form without changes.

    The key query can also be inserted into the description tag. It is he who “sells” your article and is displayed in searches along with the title. Here keys are allowed in both direct and diluted occurrences.

    The same query needs to be inserted into the main header, but the exact occurrence is not necessary and even undesirable. Better diluted.

    It is also advisable to include the main request in the first paragraph. And as close as possible to the beginning. But this does not mean that the first sentence should begin with the main request. This is definitely not worth doing.

    Work with content. If it doesn't meet the meaning of the main search query, relevance can be forgotten. An illogically optimized article will only harm the site. The visitor will not receive the necessary information and will very quickly go to another resource.

    Search engines love variety in articles. Therefore, lists, videos, pictures, tables, diagrams, graphs, as well as links to similar materials are welcome.

    The last point is the most difficult to implement, but one of the most effective in terms of increasing relevance. If other sites of similar topics link to a page, this will significantly increase its position in search results.

    Use this list as a checklist when optimizing any page and relevant content will quickly bring it to the top positions in search results. Additionally, I recommend looking at the SEO optimization checklist.

    Why does search sometimes return irrelevant pages?

    Black and gray SEO promotion is slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. Despite this fact, promotion services are still in great demand online. A little more time will pass and the opportunities to artificially increase the relevance of site pages will disappear. There is very little meaning left in them even now.

    One of the main issues of relevance today lies in the imperfection of search robots and algorithms. Some factors of aggressive promotion are still getting away with by SEOs who behave unprofessionally. Unfortunately, sites with a minimum of quality content and a large number of “correct” links today are still in the TOP of most popular destinations. This trend is especially noticeable in the entertainment sector, which is not subject to strict control by search engines.

    Minimal competition

    In other words, out of 30 very bad resources, they select 10 that are not so terrible and send them to the TOP. Search robots believe that it is better to find at least some page on a topic than to tell the visitor that the result is unknown. As a result, in topics with low competition, the first search results are occupied even by those sites where there are only a few words from the desired queries.

    If a specialist undertakes to promote a website in a topic with low competition, the chances of bringing the resource to the TOP will be very, very high. More details about the competitiveness of requests.

    Relevant conclusion

    Always disclose in the text the topic of the main key query for which you are optimizing the article. Make content, headings, sub-paragraphs and short paragraphs. Even a reader who has visited the site for the first time can easily understand the simple and understandable structure. Even if the visitor’s stay on the resource is only 2-3 minutes, this becomes a plus for the site. In a few minutes, it is quite possible to provide the visitor with the necessary minimum of information that interests him.

    In the process of searching for certain information, the user enters a key phrase in the search bar of the browser, which most accurately reflects the essence of the request. In turn, the software, called a web browser, opens a list that it believes is most relevant to your search queries.

    Special algorithms help search engines form an idea of ​​the quality of content on a particular page; they are a kind of filtering tool that allows them to distinguish between the usefulness and uselessness of information. When a user enters a certain phrase into the search bar, the Yandex or Google system evaluates the documents from its index and gives preference to those that best match the query.

    The better the selection, the more the browser earns, the profit of which is interdependent with the number of users. Consequently, search engines themselves are interested in providing correct and useful information.

    Determining Relevance

    The term relevance itself comes from the English. “Relevant” means pertinent, relevant. In simple words, relevance– this is the correspondence of the text to the expectations placed on it. And if so, a relevant page can be considered the one in which the topic of interest to the user is revealed in the most detailed and accessible way.

    Relevance - in simple words about painful issues

    Considering the term relevance as an example, let's take a look at the Google search engine, where we will enter the phrase “how to lose weight quickly” in the search bar. After a moment, a list will open in front of us, which, according to the browser, best matches the request. A relevant page will be if in the document selected from the list, we find instructions on how to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

    Now let’s check the relevance of Yandex by entering “how to make your hair thick and long” in the search box. Material that contains information about hairdresser services or sells hair care products will be considered irrelevant.

    How search engines determine the relevance of a page

    At the beginning of search engine optimization, this indicator was determined by calculating the density of key phrases on the page. It was then that the TOP most often contained unreadable documents oversaturated with keywords. Today this technique is also practiced, but it is ineffective and can lead to sanctions from search engines.

    Now relevance is determined through complex algorithms implemented by Google, Yandex and other search engines (SE). Despite this, the old-fashioned method of optimizing SEO texts is still practiced and in some cases is effective.

    Google copes especially well with the task of displaying relevant pages, determining this characteristic by the behavior and degree of activity of users. According to representatives of the bourgeois system, it is very good if a person visits the site and stays on it for at least 40 seconds. Accordingly, if the document is a dummy document, a minimum of attention will be spent on it and the page will be irrelevant.

    Basic Page Rating Options

    Any system works according to its own algorithm, based on a unique formula. Despite this, the principles are similar. To determine whether a document is relevant, the following analysis is carried out:

    Frequency of use of key phrases. The closer the key phrase is to the ideal established by the system, the theoretically higher the relevance of the page.

    Finding keys relative to text. The system searches from the beginning of the material, so the sooner the specified query is encountered, the better.

    Location of keywords in headings and subheadings. The presence of the right words in the title has a positive effect on the level of evaluation of the text.

    Presence of synonyms. Today this is perhaps the most important factor determining the relevance of information. Based on the above, SEO specialists came up with LSI copywriting, based on the use of synonyms. This technique of writing texts eliminates the possibility of spam, but preserves their essence.

    What is relevance analysis based on?

    Given the above, the duration of the visit is not the only criterion applicable to recognize relevance. At the moment, there are plenty of both paid and free services that allow you to check relevancy. Their operating principle is to analyze the information provided upon request regarding:

    Number of visitors. By analyzing how many users visited a document over a certain period of time, the program determines the relevance of the page. If the number of visits decreases, the page is of low quality.

    Volume of characters and keywords. An overabundance of key phrases is unacceptable. Otherwise, the text will be difficult to read, and the page will have a large number of failures. Ideally, for SEO text per 1000 zbp, it is recommended to use 3-4 keys, i.e. 3-7% of the total volume of written characters.

    The title matches the content of the article. The program analyzes each word in the text and determines how much it reflects the essence of the title.

    How to check page relevance

    To check the text, just use the online service http://istio.com. Add your work to the appropriate field marked in the screenshot, and then click the “Text Analysis” button.

    In a moment, a results table will open in front of you, in which you can see the relevance of the word.

    You can also check the content by following the link http://pr-cy.ru/analysis_content.

    The principle of operation of the service is similar to the above.

    Bottom line

    So, relevance, what is it in simple words? Putting all of the above into a single sentence, we can say that relevance is a key term in SEO optimization that denotes the success of a website. After all, it is relevance that influences traffic, on which the profit of a web project depends.

    Thank you for your attention and see you soon on the pages of Stimylrosta.

    Found a grammatical error in the text? Please report this to the administrator: select the text and press the hotkey combination Ctrl+Enter

    Relevance is the degree to which information is provided according to the user's request. Most often, this word can be found in the work of many people involved in filling out Web sites, creating content, and laying out html pages.

    People in the SMM and SMO (content managers) professions actively use this term to create content that will meet the expectations of the user who is looking for it.

    Content in search engines is displayed according to the degree of its relevance (i.e., compliance with the request) depending on the number of keywords, “wateriness”, “spammy” and “uniqueness”.

    Uniqueness shows how original the existing content is - for example, text copied from Wikipedia and pasted into an article will have reduced uniqueness since it coincides with information already available on the Internet.

    Origin of the word relevance

    The word relevant (from the English relevare - to understand, to facilitate) comes to us from the scientific field of computer science. The concept of relevance is very important for computer science, since it can relate not only to the field of text analysis and processing, but also when performing practical programming tasks - analyzing large amounts of data.

    Relevance (in information technology) is divided into two types: content relevance and formal relevance. Content relevance shows the compliance of the document with the requested data, obtained informally, and formal relevance is based on comparing the user's request to the available information according to a certain algorithm.

    These are the algorithms used by search engine robots - Google, Yandex, Rambler. An interesting fact is that each language needs its own unique algorithm that will search for the text the user needs.

    Use of the word relevance

    The word relevance, as described above, is used in semantics, programming, Web layout, Web design, SMM and SMO, as well as copywriting. Copywriting is a field of work that deals with writing articles to order. Quite often there are articles that will be intended for SEO optimization; this particular type of article should be as relevant as possible.

    The word relevance is also found in specialized technical literature - instructions, manuals and other sources of information. In everyday speech, you can also use the word relevance, for example, in situations when a person answers a question in a detached, incorrect way - an irrelevant answer to the question.

    Also, relevance can be said to be a measurable value - how relevant is this article or information?

    Relevance in SEO

    Relevance in SEO is the key to ensuring that your website, blog or community will be found and read by people. The easiest way for a person to find information is to enter a query into a search engine - Google, Yahoo, Rambler or Yandex.

    Programs - robots that work in these search engines search for content on request, using special algorithms. Keyword search is one of the simplest and most common.

    For a deeper and more accurate, and therefore relevant search in SEO, search programs examine the text stored on the site. The percentage of its “Spaminess” is studied - the frequency of repetition of certain words, “water” - words that do not carry an important semantic load, uniqueness, academic nausea and many other factors that allow the search engine to find relevant content.

    Relevance and keywords

    In this part of the article, we will give an example of the successful use of keywords so that the reader can best understand how they are used and what we are talking about. Keywords are combinations of words that allow you to capture the most important essence of the text or content.

    For example, the keywords in the relevant text will be the following phrases:

    • “buy goods”;
    • “buy goods in Moscow”;
    • “Buy goods in Moscow inexpensively with home delivery”;
    • “Inexpensive private lawyer services”;
    • "How to perform a certain action"
    • “do-it-yourself TV repair at home.”

    So we see that keywords and relevance play a huge role in modern life. If relevance did not exist, then there would be no well-functioning Internet.

    Try to open the Chinese search engine Badoo and enter a query in Russian - and you will receive completely crazy, completely unexpected, irrelevant content. And although relevance originally came to us from computer science, we still use it in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

    This doesn't make it any easier. This is because thousands of new sites appear on the web every day. And the amount of garbage that is regularly posted online can no longer be counted.


    Relevance is a term that refers to the degree to which a search result matches a user's expectations. In other words, if the user found what he was looking for, the material found is called relevant. If not, it is called irrelevant.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Any modern search engine has its own algorithms for assessing relevance, and not the entire site as a whole is analyzed, but each material that was posted on its expanses. As a result, adapting to the requirements of, for example, a search engine, no one can guarantee the same degree of compliance with Google results. Today, before increasing relevance, you have to spend a lot of time analyzing existing content. Only after this can you begin practical actions.

    How is relevance determined?

    The degree of relevance of certain information and the proposed query is determined using innovative search algorithms. They include the ratio of all keywords to the total volume of the article published on the page. When creating a page, each search engine determines its optimal entry percentage. How to increase relevance in such a way as to rise in search results? Many people prefer to stick to a five percent ratio of keys to total text volume. But it also happens that content authors face difficulties. The main problem of any webmaster is that any deviation from this ratio can lead to the page being “ignored”. In addition, a strong exaggeration of the percentage of occurrences will lead to the search engine completely blocking the results, defining the content as unwanted for viewing (spam).

    Initially, the relevance of information was determined by a number of internal criteria, for example, the frequency of keys in headings, the density of key phrases in the text, meta tags, text design elements, and so on. Since sites soon appeared that are used to redirect to a promoted resource, there was a need to modernize search parameters to match relevance.

    Increased relevance

    Increasing relevance is not very difficult. But it takes a lot of time, and you must always be prepared for this. There are a number of recommendations to increase the relevance of a page or site as a whole.

    How to increase relevance?

    Search query and relevance

    In order for users to be directed to a site from a search engine, its mere presence in the search results will not be enough. You need to strive as hard as possible to get to the very top of the search results.

    The criteria that influence the position of a site’s link on search engine results pages are conventionally divided into two large categories:

    • text;
    • non-textual.

    Already by the name it is clear that text criteria are the characteristics of the text component of the site. At the same time, non-textual criteria are necessary in order to evaluate page connections. Text information published on the pages does not play any role. Text criteria by which the relevance of words is checked are taken into account at the stage of creating both articles and the site as a whole. Non-text materials are available for processing after the website has been posted on the Internet and submitted for indexing.

    Indexing search engines

    When working with indexing search engines, it is important to remember that the search in the system begins only after search queries have been entered and confirmed. This could be a word, a group of words, a phrase, a phrase, and so on.

    Very often there is a gap when entering phrases. The search engine is in no way responsible for what the user thinks at the moment of entering text. The user, in turn, does not see any difference between the concepts of “incorrect” and “correct” queries.

    As a result, before creating a specific website, it is necessary to first become familiar with the form in which users most often request information that interests them on the Internet. On the RuNet there is only one source that allows you to get reliable search queries - “Yandex.Direct”.

    Checking page relevance

    Of course, you can determine the approximate degree of relevance of pages on your own, simply by reading the material. But what to do if the site has not one page of text, but thousands or even more - tens of thousands? Self-checking will take too much time and effort. To make work easier, special online services have been created that allow you to check relevance within a few seconds. Not every site owner prefers to turn to them for help, since sometimes it is clear that the written posts have a high degree of compliance with search queries. However, it is better to once again dispel all doubts and breathe a sigh of relief.

    The simplest method for obtaining an accurate degree of relevance is pr-cy - a specialized Russian tool designed for highly accurate content analysis. The information provided on this tool indicates everything necessary: ​​the number of keys, relevance, density of occurrences, and so on. The service is convenient, but not as convenient as its competitor - MegaIndex. It is intended for website promotion, but its functionality includes a large number of free tools that will be useful to the optimizer. Information is analyzed in two simultaneously - Yandex and Google. However, this service guarantees an accurate relevancy check with minimal error.


    Relevance is what any optimizer and website owner needs to focus on. By providing users with content that meets their expectations, you will ensure that the popularity of the project will steadily grow. Then you can not only promote your website well and efficiently, but also make decent money from it. You just need to start working, and in the future both experience and self-confidence will come. Good luck in your endeavors.