• Early development. Early development type of child development

    You can develop your child’s intellectual potential from a very early age:

    • educational cards will introduce you to surrounding objects (vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.);
    • dynamic cubes will teach you to read, and magnetic numbers will teach you how to count and understand mathematical signs.

    Kits and books for early development

    There are a lot of games aimed at developing children's intelligence and creative inclinations. All of them are interesting and bring a lot of benefits, because the child not only plays - he communicates with his parents, learns to express thoughts.

    Intellectual games teach you to concentrate, develop attention, memory and strong-willed qualities. Subsequently, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will be useful in preparing for school classes and in the lower grades.

    Creativity kits occupy a special niche. For example, the “Giraffe and Spots” set from the “My First Masterpieces” series from the Umnitsa company offers 30 lessons during which the child will draw with paints and pencils and sculpt from plasticine. The set includes art sheets for mom.

    Our range includes games for visually impaired children that can not only provide new knowledge, for example, in mathematics, but also help them master the Braille system.

    A child can easily start reading, counting, and learning foreign languages ​​practically from the cradle, as long as his parents have a desire to study with him. By purchasing games for early development, we lay the foundation for a future harmonious and successful personality, because the main thing at this age is to teach learning, to instill a desire to learn new things, be it unfamiliar words, incomprehensible objects, or finding a way out of a confusing labyrinth.

    The problem of intensification of development causes a lot of controversy among teachers, pediatricians and psychologists. Some experts are convinced: the sooner classes begin with a child, the sooner he will acquire skills and opportunities useful for later life.

    Other experts are sure that early education is just a tool for satisfying mom or dad’s ambitions and pumping out money. Some doctors even believe that some methods are harmful to children's health.

    What early development methods are popular today? Below is information about the advantages and disadvantages of such programs. All this will allow parents to make their own judgment about each of them.

    3 types of child development

    The term “early development” refers to a wide variety of phenomena. For some, early education is synonymous with premature and inadequate interference in the natural course of development of a little person.

    According to experts, early development is the use of active educational methods in the age period from 0 months to 2 - 3 years.

    However, such upbringing often conflicts with traditional educational systems, in which a child’s education begins at 6 or 7 years old.

    Psychological literature traditionally divides the early mental development of a child into three types according to the degree of adequacy to the age characteristics of the child:

    • premature. Let's take a simple example: a newborn cannot be taught to sit, stand, or even walk. In general, with premature development, the child is not able to perceive information due to psychological and physical “imperfection”;
    • later. It is no secret that in childhood there are so-called sensitive periods of development, when the child best perceives certain information: visual, speech, etc. In case of delayed development, the process of mastering skills and knowledge becomes less productive. For example, it is too late to teach a child to skate at age 12 if you want to raise a great skater;
    • timely. This is a traditional option for children’s development, in which the information provided corresponds as closely as possible to their age and psychological characteristics.

    The last option seems to many to be the most adequate and correct. However, in real life, all three types of child development occur.

    In this case, we are more interested in early learning. Does it always correspond to premature education? No. If you correctly assess your own and your children’s capabilities, as well as follow the methodology and common sense, you can more likely talk about advanced development.

    Early childhood development involves creating conditions that facilitate the most effective learning of skills and knowledge in infancy.

    Conditions mean:

    • organizing a developmental environment - filling corners with various objects and play aids that expand motor activity, develop children’s sensory skills, vision and hearing, etc.;
    • introducing the child to musical, artistic and literary works;
    • intensification of communication with the child both from the mother and from other household members. This means stimulating children's speech, adults pronouncing their actions;
    • acquisition or production of special teaching materials and manuals (this is especially true for Montessori and Doman methods).

    Early education is not just preparation for kindergarten or school education, but the creation of conditions for harmonious and comprehensive development, memory training, attentiveness, imagination, logical thinking, processes of analysis and synthesis of information.

    Below are time-tested and modern methods of early child development, which are most often used by parents at home or by specialists in educational centers.

    Let us make one important reservation - an ideal developmental program that takes into account all aspects of a child’s personality simply does not exist. Each child is a bright individual, so what suits one may not be necessary for another.

    That is why, when choosing the optimal method of early education, parents should know about the strengths and weaknesses of the preferred system, about its advantages and disadvantages. This will help pay attention to the “sinking” directions.

    The most popular methods of early development of children from 0 to 3 years old

    If you decide to purposefully and regularly work with your baby using a certain developmental method, you need to understand that the preparatory work and the actual classes will take you a huge amount of time, and the result can only be assessed after a couple of years.

    We should not forget about the natural needs of the baby. For example, at 6 months of age, it is much more important for a child to learn to sit or crawl than to learn letters and words or swim. Common sense will only enhance the effectiveness of the techniques used.

    The main principle of this worldwide popular educational system is to help the child demonstrate independence skills when learning in specially created conditions.

    The educational program, developed by the author at the beginning of the 20th century, takes as a basis an individual approach to the child’s personality from the moment of his birth. This is necessary to reveal the inclinations and intellectual potential of each child.

    The method includes 3 main parts: the child, the teacher and the organized environment. The central area is occupied by the baby, around whom a special environment is created that allows for independent study.

    The teacher only helps children without interfering particularly with the natural course of development.

    The main tenet of the program is monitoring the child and refusing to interfere in his affairs, except in situations where the child himself asks for support or help.

    • sensory;
    • mathematical;
    • speech;
    • practical life;
    • space

    The designated area is filled with various teaching materials (Montessori avoided the word “toys”) that correspond to the child’s age: books, sorters, pyramids, containers, brushes and dustpans, etc.

    In the classic version, the method involves starting classes at 3 years old, but some exercises will interest children older than one year of age.

    Montessori groups are always of different ages: in some classes there are children from 1 to 6 years old, in others there are children from 7 to 12 years old. This division has certain advantages, since older children take care of the kids, and they, in turn, learn from their older friends.

    Pros and cons

    This technique has both positive and negative aspects, which should be discussed in more detail.


    • stimulation of mental processes with the help of special didactic materials, taking into account sensitive periods of child development;
    • a huge selection of manuals and educational materials;
    • improving self-care skills;
    • formation of self-discipline.


    • many classes still require the participation of a teacher or parent, since they will need to explain to the child the rules of interaction with a specific aid;
    • very expensive Montessori materials (though you can make them yourself);
    • To strictly follow all the precepts of Montessori, the child must be taken to a special center. Moreover, it is important to make sure that teachers really work entirely according to this methodology, and do not use individual elements;
    • Most of the exercises are aimed at intelligence, sensory skills, and logical thinking. However, the creative, emotional and play areas develop to a lesser extent;
    • The traditional method rejects role-playing games and reading fairy tales, considering these teaching techniques to be unimportant.

    In general, the Italian doctor’s method is popular among Russian and foreign parents. However, in the author’s version, the system is used extremely rarely; rather, mothers and fathers take some of the most successful moments from it, diluting them with activities and exercises from other educational programs.

    This educational and educational program puts forward the following postulate - the maximum development of the capabilities of each child and his self-confidence.

    Unlike many other developmental systems, this technique refuses to provide the child with any types of intellectual tasks if he is not yet 7 years old.

    So, children only start learning to read in the third grade. Before entering school, children are given toys made from natural materials (straw, pine cones, etc.).

    Waldorf school teachers place another emphasis on the comfort of the educational process. There are no grades in the lessons, there are no competitive “notes”, classes are filled with a small number of students - no more than 20 children.

    The priority in the program is the artistic and theatrical activities of children and the improvement of imagination. For the same purpose, the methodology prohibits children from using modern gadgets such as mobile phones, computers and TVs.

    Teaching principles are built taking into account the age factor:

    • a child under 7 years old learns through imitation of adults;
    • children aged 7 - 14 years old connect the emotional component to the process of acquiring knowledge;
    • From the age of 14, logic and intelligence are activated.


    • focuses on imagination and creativity;
    • comfort of the educational process;
    • development of an independent personality.


    • too late development of intellectual functions;
    • lack of preparatory classes for schooling;
    • poor adaptation to modern realities (a telephone is a necessary thing for a child today).

    This technique is unique, so many parents are wary of it. On the Internet you can find a variety of comments about the Waldorf school: both positive and negative. Is it worth doing this program? It's up to the parents to decide.

    The American scientist Doman, studying the characteristics of the psyche and learning of children with brain damage, established the following pattern - developmental activities are effective only during the period of greatest activity of the cerebral cortex, that is, under the age of 7 years.

    More detailed information about what classes the author offers and what the basic principles of this educational program are can be found by reading an article by a child psychologist.

    The main task of parents is to maximize the enormous potential of a newborn child.

    Glen Doman's method consists of of four main components:

    • physical development;
    • check;
    • reading;
    • encyclopedic knowledge.

    The American doctor was convinced that the nervous system of a child under one year old is so unique and perfect that even at that age the baby is able to memorize and systematize various facts and information.

    Surely many mothers are familiar with the term “Doman cards”. This teaching material consists of cardboard cards of a certain size, on which there are words, dots, mathematical operations, photographs of plants, birds, animals, famous people, etc.

    The amount of information is amazing. For better systematization and ease of use, cards should be divided into groups. Throughout the day, the parent displays these cards for a few seconds, regularly introducing more and more new images into circulation.


    • intensification of child development;
    • active involvement of parents in activities with children;
    • expanding children's opportunities by providing the child with a large flow of information;
    • development of children's attention.


    • you will simply need a huge amount of didactic material;
    • little attention is paid to fine motor skills, sensory development and object-related activities;
    • Doman cards do not develop a child’s logical thinking, ability to analyze and systematize facts;
    • the methodology does not pay due attention to creativity and play activities;
    • It is possible to overload the child's nervous system due to too much information, as a result of which the child develops tics, enuresis and other problems.

    The Doman system is a typical example of intellectual techniques. The child is not taught, but rather trained with the help of cards. At least that’s what many mothers and neurologists think. However, other parents praise this training program for the opportunity to develop from the cradle.

    St. Petersburg teacher Nikolai Zaitsev several decades ago developed a unique developmental system that includes a set of manuals for teaching a child literacy, mathematical skills and English.

    The Zaitsev program is based on the leading activity of a child of early and preschool age - play. And this allows you to develop both the physical and emotional sides of the child’s personality.

    Information is presented in a system, but at the same time in a playful form, which is why the child is happy to join in the lesson. Moreover, it is not so important whether it takes place alone with a parent (teacher) or with a group of children.

    A relaxed atmosphere is an important condition of Zaitsev’s training system. During the lesson, children are allowed to make noise, laugh, clap their hands and stomp their feet, change playing material, moving from cubes to tablets or a board.

    However, such liberation does not mean that classes are entertainment. It is in the process of such play that children not only gain knowledge, but also make an independent choice of their preferred activity.


    • wide age range - from 1 year to 7 years;
    • can be practiced both at home and in kindergarten;
    • crash course in learning to read through games;
    • development of competent writing skills.


    • when teaching at home, the parent will have to first learn this technique himself, since it differs from traditional teaching methods;
    • experts point out that a child who has learned to read using Zaitsev’s method “swallows” endings and gets confused when dividing a word into syllables, since he previously divided it into words;
    • first grade is an important milestone in the life of every child; it is at this moment that children who studied using this method begin to have difficulties, since there is a discrepancy in the color designation of vowels and consonants.

    According to many parents, Zaitsev's cubes are the best reading aids of their kind. A child can learn to read as early as 3 years old, and this skill remains with him for the rest of his life. In addition, mothers also include game techniques that make the activity fun and spontaneous.

    The Belgian actress Cecile Lupan was forced to develop her own method by dissatisfaction with Glen Doman's system, which was taken as a basis.

    This training program can hardly be called scientific; the developed method is rather a set of activities that take into account the child’s individuality, interests and inclinations of each child.

    The author of the technique in his books advises communicating with the baby literally from the first seconds of his life, and there is no need to worry that he will not understand something. Lupan is convinced that the sooner a child learns something, the sooner he will understand certain patterns and connections.

    In the first months, the child only gets used to the parent’s speech, and then seemingly meaningless sounds begin to be filled with meaning. As soon as he begins to pronounce the first words, he should move on to reading (usually at one year of age).

    The main idea proposed by Cecile Lupan is the following: a child does not need attention-care, he needs attention-interest, which only a loving parent can provide.


    • opportunity to engage from 3 months of age to 7 years;
    • much attention is paid to early physical development;
    • The technique is suitable for home practice;
    • exercises affect the intellectual and emotional sphere, sensory;
    • very close communication between mother and child;
    • Stimulation of the baby's cognitive interest.


    • requires complete dedication from the parent;
    • a lot of teaching materials that mom will need to make;
    • a kind of training.

    Since the author is not an educator, her approach cannot be said to be completely scientific. However, mothers can take some things into account, for example, creating homemade books about their child, into which they can write author’s fairy tales and insert his photographs.

    The name of the authors made a splash back in the days of the Soviet Union. The married couple began to raise children according to their own program, which could amaze an unprepared person with unusual techniques and educational methods.

    The Nikitins did not recommend limiting the child’s experimental nature with devices, so they had a negative attitude towards any strollers (including strollers) and playpens, calling them prisons.

    The spouses also followed the principle of children's independence in choosing activities for the child. They refused special training and activities. The kids could do what was closest to them, without restrictions. Parents only helped to deal with difficulties.

    The Nikitin system includes hardening and physical education techniques. To do this, it is necessary to create a special environment in the house, including sports equipment and exercise equipment. These devices should not stand out; they are as natural as, for example, furniture.

    The authors are convinced that a child should not be “overorganized” or abandoned. Moms and dads should not be indifferent to children's development and pastime; however, when participating in children's games, they should not take the position of a supervisor and controller.

    The main principle of the system is the Montessori version of sensitive periods - the fading of the child’s ability to develop effectively as he grows up. Simply put, if certain abilities are not developed in time, they will not reach the optimal level.


    • used from birth to school age;
    • children's independence;
    • The child’s intelligence develops well;
    • improving logical thinking and imagination;
    • game as a teaching technique;
    • special attention is paid to physical development;
    • the invention of special didactic toys - for example, Nikitin cubes, unicube.


    • restlessness of the child due to the fact that he chooses his own activities;
    • this lifestyle is more suitable for rural areas;
    • hardening is considered a rather extreme type of education;
    • Due to advanced development, children may not be interested in studying at school.

    This system has both ardent supporters and no less categorical opponents. However, some points have not lost their relevance today, while other techniques are questionable.

    This program, called the “method of intellectual development of a child,” was developed by P. V. Tyulenev, a teacher and sociologist. By studying MIRR, you can teach your child literacy, mathematics, and develop musical and sports abilities.

    The author of the system is convinced that a child needs to be developed from the first days of life. The most important thing at this moment is to provide him with a variety of tactile stimuli so that the cerebral cortex can actively form.

    The choice of activities depends depending on the child's age:

    • in the first two months, the baby is shown triangles, squares and other geometric figures depicted on a piece of paper;
    • from 2 to 4 months, children are shown drawings of animals, plants, letters, numbers;
    • at 4 months of age they play “Toyball”, when the baby throws cubes and other game accessories from the crib;
    • From 5 months, musical instruments are placed near the baby. The baby, touching them, tries to make sounds and develop musical inclinations;
    • from the age of six months they master letters by looking at a special magnetic alphabet. At 8 months the child is asked to bring a letter, at 10 months - to show the letter, and then - to name the letter or a whole word;
    • from the age of one and a half years, they play chess with the baby;
    • from the age of 2, the child not only puts words together from letters, but tries to type them on a computer keyboard;
    • From the age of three, children try to keep a diary on a laptop or computer.


    • diversified development of the baby;
    • exercises will not require much time from adults;
    • exercises are suitable for every child;
    • good preparation for schooling;
    • revealing all the inclinations of the baby.


    • It’s not easy to find benefits;
    • it is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of exercises;
    • too strict restrictions from the author;
    • The age characteristics of the baby are not always taken into account;
    • restriction of the child’s cognitive freedom;
    • the prevalence of the intellectual component over all others.

    An ambiguous technique that many specialists do not like. However, you can also find interesting points in it that can be implemented in practice. It is only important to monitor the child’s reaction to the innovations being introduced.

    Other proprietary developmental techniques

    In addition to those described above, there are other developmental or educational systems. Their use allows the child to better master the preschool or school curriculum, develop certain abilities, or simply grow into a well-rounded personality.

    Some of the most popular include the following teaching methods:

    1. “After three it’s too late.” A Japanese entrepreneur and simply caring father wrote this literary work in which he described the importance of the early development of a child in the first years of life.
    2. Dynamic gymnastics. M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, having brought together ancient Russian gymnastic exercises, offer parents effective methods for developing the physical sphere, as well as for correcting increased or decreased muscle tone, clubfoot, torticollis, etc.
    3. Gmoshinskaya's technique. The best way to instill artistic skills in a child is to draw from infancy. Even before the age of 1 year, a child can create “canvases” using his palms, fingers, and soft felt-tip pens.
    4. Musical program by Vinogradov. The creator of the method is convinced that even a one-year-old child can already understand the most complex classical works. There is no need to explain the meaning of music to the baby in detail; let him decide on his own emotions and impressions.
    5. Music by the Zheleznovs. This is another musical technique for young children. The discs contain lullabies, nursery rhymes, music for finger and outdoor games, performances, massage, fairy tales, learning the alphabet, teaching counting and reading, etc.

    Of course, this list is not entirely complete. However, the presented methods are enough to understand how diverse and interesting they are. When developing them, the authors took into account their own experience or took their pedagogical heritage as a basis.

    It is interesting that these systems can be combined with each other using the most successful individual elements. Experiments are welcome.

    Pros and cons of early development

    Moms and dads are convinced that they themselves decide how to raise a child. However, this opinion is not entirely correct, since the process of education is increasingly influenced by social initiatives and various stereotypes.

    One of the most controversial issues is the early development of children under 1 year of age. Typically, specialists and mothers take two extreme positions: some advocate the use of developmental techniques, others are extremely negative towards any intervention. Let's consider their arguments.

    Arguments for

    1. The modern world places higher demands on people. In order for a child to have time to master the necessary and important skills, his abilities have to be developed from infancy.
    2. Children who study in accordance with such methods usually have a higher level of development compared to their peers. Children master all kinds of skills earlier: reading, writing, counting.
    3. Complex educational systems, covering the development of several aspects of personality at once, help to identify a child’s inclinations and aptitudes for certain activities. This allows you to enroll your child in specific courses in the future.
    4. If a child studies in a development center in the company of peers, this allows him to socialize earlier and get used to life in a children's group.

    Arguments against

    1. A healthy and normally developing child is able to learn basic skills on his own when the time comes. This is why you should not “mock” the child’s psyche.
    2. Intensive classes can harm a child if a parent or teacher does not take into account the age characteristics of the child’s body, its temperament and adaptive capabilities.
    3. Many popular methods place the main emphasis on intelligence and “physics,” but emotional and social development are undeservedly forgotten. This can disrupt adaptation in children's society.
    4. It is extremely difficult to work with your baby every day, fulfilling all the requirements and conditions of the method. If you follow all the rules, then mom has no time left for anything else. If you perform tasks from time to time, all knowledge will evaporate very quickly,” and the effectiveness will be very low.
    5. Many experts pay attention to the untimely acquisition of certain skills. For example, a six-month-old baby needs to learn to sit down or crawl, since this is his most important “task,” but reading or counting is completely unnecessary at this age. Most likely, before school he will have completely forgotten all his skills and will be on par with his peers.
    6. Excessive demands on a child and the desire to raise a genius can negatively affect the child’s entire future life. Children whose parents feed them unnecessary information often grow up to be neurasthenics and perfectionists. Therefore, problems with socialization cannot be ruled out.

    Thus, each side has compelling arguments, which is why parents will have to choose for themselves whether to use methods or follow the natural course of child development.

    In the first 12 months, the child's development proceeds at an accelerated pace. At this time, the baby has time to explore the world, gain a good vocabulary, and build initial and elementary logical chains.

    Many experts are convinced that if you don’t work with your baby in the first year or two, then the child will not be able to compensate for the lost knowledge and skills.

    However, excessive fanaticism and adherence to literally all the dogmas of developmental methods can, on the contrary, not bring benefit, but harm child development.

    If you decide to use the child development methods mentioned above, you must follow certain rules. They will help avoid negative consequences and make learning more natural:

    • Observe your baby's reaction carefully. If he doesn’t like the activity, he expresses protest in the form of tears or throwing away the offered toys, you need to stop and occupy him with something else;
    • The baby should not be taken away from the activity he is currently passionate about for the sake of development. If your baby prefers to play with blocks rather than look at pictures, wait until he finishes the game;
    • all exercises and tasks included in the educational system you choose must be understandable and credible. You should also rehearse all activities before approaching your child with them;
    • The child’s education should be comprehensive. In no case should you develop only the physical or cognitive sphere. It is necessary to pay attention to all aspects of the child’s personality, including emotional and social;
    • there is no need to turn the process of acquiring knowledge and skills into an automatic action. It is important to stimulate the child’s interest in the process itself, to develop curiosity, inquisitiveness and observation.

    Having considered all the main nuances of each method, you can make a preliminary selection of the most preferable training system. However, you should focus not on the opinions of other parents, but primarily on the characteristics of the child. After all, its development is a responsible matter!

    Now I am working on a new article for the magazine “Lisa. My child" about the difficulties of the first year of motherhood. As a mother who has had the good fortune to go through this experience twice, I believe that this is a very important topic that needs to be talked about as much as possible. Actually, this is what is happening now. Almost every other day on the Internet I come across articles and reposts of publications of young mothers who share their revelations about life with a baby.

    I’m not a supporter of extremes, so I don’t like overly sweet posts in which mothers try to convince readers that they manage to do everything with a child in their arms or, on the contrary, they don’t have time to do anything, even wash themselves, but this “is still so healthy, and in general, my husband anyone loves." I also don’t like depressive-aggressive posts in which the appearance of a child in a family is presented as a heavy cross, an unbearable burden that is now so sad and difficult to bear until adulthood (by the way, I have the feeling that there are more of these kinds of sentiments around, maybe because few people think of writing about calm, even happiness on the Internet).

    I asked my followers on social networks to talk about the difficulties they faced in the first year of motherhood. Of course, my subscribers are passionate mothers - they are special mothers, however, the answers were very different. Thanks for them to everyone who wrote on social networks, and especially to those who wrote in private messages and sincerely spoke about their particularly painful experience.


    Any loving mother can become confused and panic, because it is important not to miss the “wake-up call” and consult a doctor in time if the baby is lagging behind in development in any area. Both options: complete carelessness and increased anxiety are not suitable for us. It is best if the mother has complete information on norms of child development up to one year by month and evaluate his abilities independently, and if the situation is ambiguous, consult with a pediatrician and specialists.


    You have a baby. How great is this! And now you want to give him the whole world. Now the baby has already grown a little and is even trying to hold some of the first objects in his hands, but now he is already turning over on his tummy himself and pulling into his mouth everything that comes into his hands. And we really want to give him some special first toys so that they are the very best. a bunch of teethers, rattles, some musical toys. But wait, will he play with them?

    I recently gave birth to my third daughter, and she is already four months old. It's just time for the first toys. From the first two children, the youngest inherited many different purchased toys. But what is she playing with now and what is she gnawing on with special delight? In this article I will share this with you.


    On January 24, my baby daughter turned six months old. What is not a reason to please your child with a new DIY educational toy? Moreover, for me the process of making such toys is the best relaxation and hobby at the same time.

    When Egorka was still a baby, I made a similar one for him DIY tug toy from a cardboard box - she simply inserted ribbons into it, and he pulled them from different sides. For Vasilisa, I wanted to make a stronger and more durable option and add additional properties to the toy - this is how wooden rodent beads, various ribbons, beads inside the toy and a knitted base appeared to enrich sensory impressions, make the toy more attractive, and simply for recycling leftover yarn.


    Walking along the shelves with the so-called educational toys for children, I came to the conclusion that my 5-month-old daughter does not need such a gift from Santa Claus for the New Year. On the one hand, all these toys seem to me to be somehow the same type, on the other hand, many of these toys remained from Yegor (after all, in his first months of life, I was not yet an enthusiastic mother and bought everything I could “get my hands on”), besides But Vasilisa, of course, still doesn’t care about gifts, or about Santa Claus, or about the New Year. However, a couple of days before the New Year, the “super-mom” inside me still woke up, and I decided to make a gift for Vasilisa myself - make a tumbler toy with your own hands. I spent the whole evening drawing sketches of the future toy - first I had the idea to make it in the form of a snowman, then in the form of the head of Santa Claus, and finally (probably inspired by what we had recently), I settled on what I would do tumbler tree.


    Have you ever thought that rhythm is not just something from the world of music and dance? Rhythm is our very life. We sleep and are awake, again we sleep and are awake. A normal heart rate and rhythmic breathing (try to hold it for at least a long time) give us the opportunity to enjoy this life and what surrounds us. But what surrounds us is also rhythmic. Morning, day, evening and night, the change of seasons, ebb and flow - this is the rhythm of the planet on which we live. Developing a baby's sense of rhythm, we give him the opportunity to feel more harmonious in this world.


    This publication is simply a hymn to those people who thought of printing a design on felt. How much time they saved for handicraft mothers who love to pamper their babies handmade toys. To be honest, the word “handicraftswoman” doesn’t fit in with my image, although I have a passion for inventing and making things for my son, and now for my daughter. I already used felt with a pattern when I made fishing game for Egorka (I talked about her), and recently I came across felt with a black and white pattern online! Of course, I ordered it immediately. Then I looked at the use cases that were offered on the site - among them was a mini-book and a mobile phone. And since it had been on my handicraft wish list for a long time, I immediately started implementing this idea.

    As you understand, to make such a mobile it is not at all necessary to buy felt with a pattern, or even sew at all. You can quickly make a mobile out of cardboard or paper by printing out patterns of cubes from the Internet and coloring them as you wish.


    Surely many of you have heard that from the very first months of life you can and should stimulate the baby’s movements - put him on his stomach more often, hang interesting toys in the crib or playpen that the baby will definitely want to reach, teach the baby to grab a rattle from different positions and etc. Enterprising parents have come up with another interesting toy for the baby - a rattle in the form of a bracelet, which is attached directly to the baby’s arm or leg.

    Greetings to the course participants “I see. I hear you. I feel it. Sensory development of a child up to one year old. Today is the fifth final day of our course. I really hope that over the past few days you have understood a little better the issues of sensory development of a child under one year old, have taken a closer look at your baby and have already learned to choose the right time for play and the appropriate activity option depending on the baby’s mood and the situation.

    Today we will consolidate this “by-product” of daily games and discuss the issues of organizing activities with a baby in his first year of life.

    At the end of this publication you will find homework (obligatory, of course) and the conditions for the final drawing.


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    Don't know what to do with your baby? Go to Tweedy and choose exciting games for him. Here children can enjoy entertainment on various topics. The site invites adventure lovers to go on a journey with their favorite cartoon characters. Girls can dress up princesses, change their style and hairstyles. Read comics and funny stories online. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the road and don’t have a computer with you - this portal will be able to entertain your child thanks to its mobile version.


    If your child is of the age of why, pay attention to this site. Here you will find answers to almost all the questions your child asks. You don’t have to select understandable words and rearrange sentences according to their meaning so that your baby understands you. The children's encyclopedia works online, the facts are presented in simple, accessible language. Tell us why the grass is green and how the car drives. Every day a new piece of explanatory information is posted on the portal.


    Welcome to the online magazine about technology and science, in which educational information can be found not only for parents, but also for children. Read about advances in medicine, spaceships and new inventions. In the “Thirst for Creativity” section you will be told about design, art objects and architecture. Watch presentations with new products from both the domestic and foreign automotive industry. To stay up to date with news, you can register on the site and receive newsletter material.


    Everything for a child’s leisure can be found on this site. Here children can enjoy cartoons, stories, fairy tales and exciting games. Listen and download children's songs, learn the words to them. In the “Coloring” section, children can draw animals and plants. The site offers young defenders to protect the royal fortress from enemy attacks. To help parents, a “Learning to Speak” section has been created, which contains exercises for speech development and breathing training.


    A collection of assignments for students in grades 1-4 is posted on this website. Here you will find assignments for all subjects taught in primary school. You can get acquainted with the exercises and try to solve them in the demo version, but to study the full course, you need to place an order and pay for the services of the portal. Test your child's knowledge of mathematics, literature and Russian. Choose books for extracurricular reading. Want to distract your baby a little? Download cartoons and TV series on the portal.


    The site invites everyone to visit an exhibition of homemade fairy tales called “Once upon a time.” They were invented and designed by users of the Internet resource. Wander through the sections of the portal and choose the stories you like. Color your favorite characters and solve puzzles. Here you can order books on raising and teaching children. The publications contain complete lesson scenarios that will help parents organize the lesson. On the forum, mothers can get free advice from an experienced teacher.


    The site will become a good assistant in raising children. Here, parents will find many informative articles about the care and feeding of babies, as well as their education. Learn to convey knowledge to your child correctly. The portal will tell you how to instill a love of literature and not extinguish the desire to learn. Read about the development of your baby's speech, develop diction and train his breathing. In the “Appliques, Crafts” section, mommies will find ideas for handicrafts. Introduce children to professions, names of animals and plants.



    Here kids will find something to read. Choose works by Russian and foreign writers. Learn folk tales and funny poems. In the “Watch” section, young athletes can watch video lessons on physical education. For those who cannot live a day without a song - music in the “Listen” section, enjoy hits from cartoons and movies. The Workshop, which contains examples of unusual ideas for creativity, will help children develop their talents and learn how to make crafts.


    On this site, children will find a lot of interesting and educational information. Read jokes and funny stories. Develop your speech and train your diction with tongue twisters. Learn poems for events. In the “The Art of Communication” section, kids will be told how to win over their interlocutor and will be taught guest etiquette. See ideas for an unforgettable birthday and pay attention to tips on choosing gifts. Participate in competitions and quizzes - valuable prizes await the winners of the best answers.


    The daily Scrabble course invites everyone to join the training sessions. Here, every day there are new tasks, selected according to the age of the children with varying difficulty. Learn to count and read, distinguish colors and recognize objects by their shape. The site promises that the classes will not be boring; they are designed in the form of puzzles, riddles, rebuses and cryptograms. In the “Game Library” section, children will be able to play online and participate in competitions and quizzes, as well as perform magic tricks and make crafts.


    The site is full of children's entertainment and tips for parents. Here you can learn poems and lyrics with your child, play online and read the news. In the “Education” section, children will be able to get acquainted with the works of great writers and composers. The portal invites mothers to take cooking lessons, where recipes for healthy dishes are collected. Do you want to give your child an unforgettable holiday? See event ideas and download scripts. Give your little one a real carnival with games and competitions.


    The online magazine invites children from 6 to 14 years old to visit. Here kids will be told about new books and exhibitions. On the pages of an illustrated story with the dog Yanka, children will learn how to distinguish a chamomile from other flowers in a clearing, and also where birds with blue paws are found. In the IgroDom section, kids will find many exciting games for themselves. Solve crosswords and riddles directly on the site. Watch master classes that will show you ideas for crafts made from milk cartons.


    You can watch cartoons, documentaries and fairy tales on this site. Here are educational games, coloring books, puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. In the “Cinema” section for kids there are videos with lessons on the alphabet, mathematics and literature. Learn letters and memorize new words with famous characters. Get to know the environment and learn the names of animals. The section “Popular on the site” outlines options for weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a fork and various ideas for homemade cards.


    When you visit the site, you definitely won’t say that you wasted your time. Here parents and children will find something to entertain themselves with. The “Games” section contains a large number of educational tasks. Puzzles, riddles, arcade games and jigsaw puzzles await kids. Learn poems for holidays and matinees. To take a break from tasks or to lift your spirits, you can turn on songs and listen to your favorite hits from films and fairy tales. The portal advises parents to pay attention to articles about raising and educating their child.


    Interesting facts about animals and plants can be found on this portal. Here the children will be told about the environment and what they need to do to avoid polluting it. The “Reader” section contains a collection of children’s literature about the fun travels of the main character of the site, Klepa. Find out how she decided to fly in a hot air balloon and what dishes she likes to cook in her kitchen. The “Smile” section will give the little ones a good mood. Send children's drawings and the best ones will be published on the site.


    Introduce your child to safety rules in a playful way. On this site, Spasik will tell children how to behave on vacation, while in the water and on the street. Download teaching aids that tell you what you shouldn’t do alone at home, take tests and answer quiz questions. In the gallery you will find thematic drawings. Watch educational cartoons and video lessons. The portal also contains all emergency phone numbers and addresses of rescue services.


    If your child is interested in everything around him, then invite him to visit the “Children's Page”, where photographs of plants, stories about the universe and stories about the stars await him. Here the child will read about the planets, where their names came from and why life exists only on Earth. The “Animals” section contains information about forest inhabitants. See pictures of waterfowl and seabed inhabitants. Read epics about Dobrynya and Koshchei, and also about how Vasilisa became the Wise.
