• Difference between ddr2 and ddr3. SIMM, DIMM, DDR and others - how to distinguish RAM modules by appearance? Types and amount of memory

    DDR2 and DDR3 belong to different generations of RAM, but what is the fundamental difference between them? There is ongoing debate among computer enthusiasts about whether it makes sense to pay more for DDR3 or whether it is better to be content with DDR2, since, according to some, there is really no fundamental difference in speed.


    At one time, the appearance of RAM type DDR2 caused a real sensation among computer lovers. Compared to DDR, the new type of RAM worked much faster. Like the first generation of DDR, DDR2 transmits data on both slices. The only difference is that DDR2 has a much faster bus, data transfer to which can be carried out simultaneously from four places. Thus, DDR2 speed was at least twice the speed of previous generation RAM. DDR2 also has modest power consumption and very fast cooling. However, all these indicators seemed incredible only until the next generation of RAM appeared on the market.

    It seemed that nothing significantly more modern and efficient than DDR2 would be invented for a very long time. But soon a new generation of RAM was introduced - DDR3. By reducing the cell supply voltage, the creators of the new type of RAM managed to reduce its power consumption by as much as 15 percent, which, given the impressive performance of DDR2, could be called a real breakthrough. Moreover, there are modifications of DDR3, marked with the letter L, which are even more energy efficient. The bandwidth of DDR3 significantly exceeds that of previous memory models and is up to 21,300 MB/s. However, today the first samples of DDR4 memory are ready, which will also significantly surpass the previous generation in all important characteristics.


    It is not difficult to guess that DDR2 and DDR3 cannot be compatible and interchangeable. In addition, the two generations of RAM differ significantly in terms of operating speed and frequency indicators - the maximum frequency of DDR2 is 800 MHz, and the maximum frequency of DDR3 is 1600 MHz. Under no circumstances should you try to install DDR2 and DDR3 memory on the same motherboard, since they are categorically incompatible. Today there are hybrid motherboards on sale with connectors for both types of RAM, but they can only be used separately from each other. Well, don’t forget that DDR3 uses electricity much more economically and cools faster, which is important when the computer is under intense load.

    Conclusions website

    1. DDR2 and DDR3 have different slots and are incompatible with each other.
    2. DDR3 has a higher clock frequency - 1600 MHz versus 800 MHz.
    3. DDR3 has lower power consumption and higher bandwidth.
    4. In general, the operating speed of DDR3 is 15-20 percent higher than that of DDR2.

    RAM is a special chip used to store data of all kinds. There are many varieties of these devices, they are produced by a variety of companies. The best manufacturers are most often of Japanese origin.

    What is it and what is it for?

    RAM (so-called RAM memory) is a type of volatile chip used to store all kinds of information. Most often it contains:

    • machine code of programs currently running (or in standby mode);
    • input and output data.

    Data exchange between the central processor and RAM is carried out in two ways:

    • using ultra-fast register ALU;
    • through a special cache (if included in the design);
    • directly (directly via the data bus).

    The devices in question are circuits built on semiconductors. All information stored in all kinds of electronic components remains accessible only in the presence of electric current. As soon as the voltage is completely turned off, or a short-term power failure occurs, then everything contained inside the RAM is erased or destroyed. An alternative is ROM type devices.

    Types and amount of memory

    Today the board can have a capacity of several tens of gigabytes. Modern technical means allow you to use it as quickly as possible. Most operating systems are equipped with the ability to interact with such devices. There is a proportional relationship between the amount of RAM and the cost. The larger its size, the more expensive it is. And vice versa.

    Also, the devices in question may have different frequencies. This parameter determines how quickly the interaction between RAM and other PC devices (CPU, data bus and video card) occurs. The higher the operating speed, the more operations the PC will perform per unit of time.

    The value of this characteristic also directly affects the cost of the device in question. The current fastest modification can “remember” 128 GB. It is produced by a company called Hynix and has the following performance characteristics:

    Then the RAM appearance could be completely unpredictable. More often these were magnetic drums or shafts.

    With the release of the second generation of computers, it was necessary to think about efficient RAM. It was then that magnetic cores with memory appeared. The third generation made a leap forward and began to use microcircuits that contained computer electronic components. Then types of RAM began to appear. The dynamic one was maintained due to the charge of the capacitor, and the static one was maintained using triggers.

    Current state of affairs

    Meanwhile, Nvidia, in order not to force gamers to wait for the release of a Game Ready driver optimized specifically for the new shooter from MachineGames, has released a small “patch” in the form of GeForce 388.10 Hotfix.
    The key task of the new release was to ensure stable operation of Wolfenstein: The New Colossus on Kepler generation video cards.
    The release of a full Game Ready driver is scheduled for next week.

    New malware for stealing money from ATMs

    Kaspersky Lab has discovered a new malware that allows attackers to steal money from ATMs.

    The malware is reported to be called Cutlet Maker.
    To carry out an attack on an ATM, a criminal needs to gain access to its USB port.
    After this, you need to consistently use a number of software tools.

    Cutlet Maker includes a special Stimulator module, which displays the number and denomination of banknotes in ATM cassettes.
    This allows the attacker to initially select the cell containing the largest amount of money, rather than act “blindly”, sorting through the cassettes one after another.
    Thus, the time to carry out an attack is reduced, and therefore the chances of catching criminals at the scene of a robbery are reduced.

    The situation is made worse by the fact that the Cutlet Maker malware is offered to anyone on the underground Internet market.
    The malware costs $5,000, and the kit includes step-by-step instructions.
    Thus, even the most inexperienced attacker can commit a crime.

    It is not yet clear who exactly is behind the development of Cutlet Maker.
    But analysis shows that the creators of the malware do not speak English as their native language.

    Apple may block smartphones with non-original displays

    With the release of iOS 11.0.3, Apple has the ability to block smartphones and tablets with a non-original display installed.

    Consequently, now the Apple manufacturer can remotely control devices and track which components are used in them.

    Apple commented on the update:

    “We have resolved the issue of touch input not working on iPhone 6S, due to which the screens of some devices did not respond to touches due to counterfeit components.
    Replacing faulty displays with non-original ones may cause deterioration in image quality and operational problems.
    Apple Certified repairs are performed by experts using original parts."

    Previously, owners of the iPhone 6S received complaints about the defective display.
    Some users did not have their gadgets repaired at certified service centers.
    At some point, their touch input stopped working.
    Apple then released an update that remotely fixed the problem.
    The manufacturer also strongly recommended that the iPhone be repaired only at authorized service centers.

    Thus, at some point, millions of iPhones, iPads and other Apple products may stop working if they have been repaired by third-party technicians.

    Chrome for Windows now has an antivirus

    Google has released a new version of the Chrome desktop browser for Windows.
    The update brings built-in capabilities to combat malicious code.

    So, now Chrome detects whether the browser settings have been changed without the user’s knowledge and, if changed, offers to return the settings to their previous form.

    The browser also has a kind of built-in antivirus.
    It will offer to remove any suspicious or malicious program from your PC, including unnoticed installation.
    To detect malware, the ESET engine is used.

    To answer this question, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the specific characteristics of each model. This will help you find out how significant the difference is between DDR2 and DDR3 and is it worth changing the memory installed in your PC to a newer one?

    DDR2 Specifications

    1. Memory capacity: up to 16-32 GB.
    2. Maximum frequency: 800 MHz.
    3. Power consumption: 1.8 V.
    4. Bandwidth: up to 2 Gb/s.
    5. Volume of a single stick: up to 8 GB.

    DDR3 Specifications

    1. Memory capacity: up to 64 GB and above.
    2. Maximum frequency: 1600 MHz.
    3. Power consumption: 1.2-1.5 V.
    4. Bandwidth: up to 3 Gb/s.
    5. Volume of a single stick: up to 32 GB.

    System upgrade

    If you are thinking about upgrading your computer, then pay attention to the following points:
    1. These two types of memory are not compatible;
    2. On motherboards with slots for both types of memory, you cannot use DDR2 and DDR3 at the same time - you must select one type;
    3. Newer motherboards may only contain DDR3 connectors.

    Will the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 affect system performance? If the rest of the hardware remains the same, then the limitations of its maximum characteristics will not allow you to fully experience the increase in performance of the new type of memory. If you are ready to switch to a new platform, upgrade your motherboard and processor, then the issue of choosing a memory type is decided in favor of DDR3.

    You can order a computer with the required configuration in the MOYO online store. Here you can buy modern computer equipment, peripherals and accessories at the most affordable prices.

    Even if you are new to using a computer, you have still heard such concepts as “RAM”, “RAM”, “DDR”, etc. In this article we will talk about two types of RAM: DDR-2 and DDR-3, we will find out which type is better, and whether it is worth replacing your old RAM with a new one.

    Types of RAM

    The following types of RAM are currently used in the world: DDR, DDR-2 and DDR-3.

    1. DDR- this is the “grandmother” of the RAM world, the era of this memory has long passed, you almost never see it on sale. Now all modern processors and motherboards are produced without DDR support; the main users of this type of memory are people and organizations that do not require powerful computers (for example, to create a home server). By today's standards, the first DDR is already very slow, in addition, its power consumption is noticeably higher than that of newer types of RAM.
    2. DDR-2- This is a newer type of memory, but its time has also passed. "DDR-2" is faster than its predecessor and provides an acceptable data transfer speed. These days, this type of RAM is also slowly disappearing from store shelves. Many people still use DDR-2, but are gradually starting to switch to a more advanced type of RAM - DDR-3.
    3. DDR-3- this is the most “running” memory these days; it has the highest data transfer speed compared to other types. All modern hardware comes with full support for DDR-3, this type is constantly being improved, and therefore models with higher speeds appear on the market.

    Which RAM is better

    The most important values ​​in RAM performance have several parameters: memory speed and its timings. If we talk about DDR-3, then now there are such frequencies - 1333 MHz, 1600 MHz, 2400 MHz, 2800 MHz. The most inexpensive and accessible models are those with frequencies of 1333 MHz and 1600 MHz.

    The fact is that higher speeds may not be supported by some and therefore their purchase is not advisable. For everyday PC use (games, movies, surfing the Internet), RAM with a frequency of 1333 MHz is quite enough; higher speeds are intended for enthusiasts who are willing to spend considerable amounts of money to increase .

    It is worth saying that the second DDR is significantly inferior in speed to DDR-3; the fastest DDR-2 memory are models with a frequency of 1066 MHz, while the third starts at 1333 MHz.

    Also another important characteristic of RAM is its timings. We won’t dwell on the essence of this concept, but let’s just say that when choosing a new RAM, pay attention not only to its speed, but also to numbers like “9-9-9-27”, “7-7-7-21 "etc. The main thing to know is that the smaller these numbers, the more productive the RAM.

    To summarize our article, we can state that in our time the best option would be to buy DDR-3 or DDR-4 memory if you are not limited in finances. This is a modern type of RAM, it is widely used among manufacturers, the speed of this RAM is much higher, as a result of which the overall performance of the PC will be higher.

    What to choose - DDR-2 or DDR-3?

    If you are currently using a computer with a 2, but want to upgrade, then don’t hesitate to buy a PC with support for a 3 or 4. You will save yourself from many problems in the future (for example, when replacing a processor, since all modern processors support at least a third). DDR-3 is better than DDR-2, it is a more progressive type of memory these days.

    Is there any use for DDR3-1333?

    There is a special type of article, after reading which some readers write to us by email or at the conference: “Well, why was it necessary to publish this material if the conclusions are completely obvious?” They simply manage to forget that the idea of ​​the obviousness of the conclusions did not come to them as a revelation from above, but gradually formed as they read this very article. :)

    This material, of course, belongs precisely to the category described above: the comments on the test results are sometimes so brief that it is tempting to skip them altogether. However, we still believe that there was a point in conducting the tests themselves: yes, we were once again convinced that the old rule is still in effect to this day, but if the old rules are not tested in practice from time to time, there is a chance someday make a big mistake...

    So, we will compare the performance of two processors in combination with different memory: the currently standard DDR2-800 and the more modern and high-frequency DDR3-1333. The Core 2 Extreme QX9650 processor with a 1333 MHz FSB will be compared on the same board supporting both memory types (Foxconn X38A), and the Core 2 Extreme QX9770 processor with a 1600 MHz FSB will be compared on two different boards. However, these are boards from the same manufacturer, the same series, and practically do not differ from each other, with the exception of the supported memory types (DDR2 and DDR3). Hardware and software

    Test bench configuration

    Components common to all tests performed:

    • Memory type DDR2-800: Corsair CM2X1024-6400C4, 2 × 1 GB, 4-4-4-12.
    • Memory type DDR3-1333: Corsair CM3X1024-1333C9DHX, 2 × 1 GB, 9-9-9-24.
    • Board for QX9770+DDR2-800: Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6, Intel X48 Express chipset.
    • Board for QX9770+DDR3-1333: Gigabyte GA-X48T-DQ6, Intel X48 Express chipset.
    • Board for QX9650: Foxconn X38A, Intel X38 Express chipset.
    • Video card: Reference NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX, 768 MB DDR3, PCI-E x16.
    • Cooler for LGA775 processors: Thermaltake TMG i1.
    • Hard drive: Samsung HD401LJ (SATA-II).
    • Power supply: Cooler Master RS-A00-EMBA.

    Tested processors:

    CPUCore 2 eXtreme QX9650Core 2 eXtreme QX9770
    Production technology45 nm45 nm
    Core frequency, GHz3.0 3.2
    Number of cores4 4
    L2 cache, MB12 12
    Bus frequency, MHz1333 (QP)1600 (QP)
    Multiplication factor9 8
    Typical Heat Dissipation130 W130 W
    AMD64/EM64T+ +
    Virtualization Technology+ +


    1. Windows XP Professional x64 edition SP1
    2. 3ds max 9 x64 edition
    3. Maya 8.5 x64 edition
    4. Lightwave 3D 9 x64 edition
    5. MATLAB R2006a ( x64 edition
    6. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0
    7. SolidWorks 2005
    8. Photoshop CS2 (9.0)
    9. Visual Studio 2005 Professional
    10. Apache HTTP Server 2.2.4
    11. CPU RightMark 2005 Lite (1.3) x64 edition
    12. WinRAR 3.62
    13. 7-Zip 4.42 x64 edition
    14. FineReader 8.0 Professional
    15. LAME 3.97
    16. Monkey Audio 4.01
    17. OGG Encoder 2.83
    18. Windows Media Encoder 9 x64 edition
    19. Canopus ProCoder 2.01.30
    20. DivX 6.4
    21. Windows Media Video VCM 9
    22. x264 v.604
    23. XviD 1.1.2
    24. F.E.A.R. 1.08
    25. Half-Life 2 1.0
    26. Quake 4 1.3
    27. Call of Duty 2 1.2
    28. Serious Sam 2 2.07
    29. Supreme Commander 1.0.3220

    Necessary introduction to diagrams

    The form of presentation of results in the testing methodology we use has two features: firstly, all types of data are reduced to one - integer relative scores (the performance of the processor in question relative to the Intel Core 2 Duo E4300, if the speed of the latter is taken as 100 points), and, secondly, secondly, detailed results are presented in the form of a table in Microsoft Excel format, while the article itself contains only summary diagrams for benchmark classes. However, we will occasionally draw your attention to detailed results if they merit it. In addition, the table for this article is somewhat different from the generally accepted one: it shows the magnitude of the increase from the transition to faster memory for each test separately. We hope this information will be useful to particularly inquisitive minds for whom very brief general conclusions are not enough. :)

    3D modeling packages

    For QX9650, the transition to DDR3-1333 gave about a 2% increase in performance, for QX9770, despite the faster bus, it was only 1.5%.

    Most likely, it was due to the fact that in the case of a combination of 1333 MHz FSB (real frequency - 333 MHz) and DDR3-1333 (real frequency - 667 MHz), the memory actually operates at a frequency of 667 MHz (a “beautiful” FSB:DRAM 1:2 divider is used ). But in the case of the 1600 MHz FSB of the QX9770 (real frequency - 400 MHz) and the same DDR3-1333, the FSB:DRAM divider is 2:3, and the real memory frequency is only 600 MHz (it turns out de facto DDR3-1200) .

    In turn, the QX9650+DDR2-800 combination uses a not very “pretty” FSB:DRAM 5:6 divider, and the QX9770+DDR2-800 combination works generally synchronously - 1:1. Thus, on the 1333 MHz bus DDR3-1333 gets some additional bonus, and on the 1600 MHz bus - DDR2-800.

    CAD/CAE packages

    Here, on the contrary, we are seeing a case where, with a generally slower 1333 MHz bus, a large memory bandwidth is simply not needed.

    Digital photo processing

    The detailed results are indicative: the most noticeable effect is obtained by switching to fast memory when performing the Sharp (sharpening) and Resize (image resize) operations. Why in the latter case is completely obvious to everyone who imagines an algorithm for converting a picture to a higher or lower resolution.


    More than a cool reaction. Apparently, because compilers prefer to use memory with even higher speed and lower latency: cache. :)

    Web server

    Not the worst of the results obtained (about 3% increase on the QX9650 and about 2% on the QX9770), but overall not very impressive.


    CPU RightMark is traditionally indifferent to the speed of the memory subsystem...

    Data Packing

    Not a bad result against the general background. Oddly enough, WinRAR turned out to be more sensitive to fast memory (see detailed results).

    Optical recognition

    There is practically no effect.

    Audio Encoding

    Old test, old software... and almost no effect from new technologies. :)

    Video encoding

    It would seem that when encoding video there should be at least some effect; after all, quite large amounts of data are processed. But no. It remains to be assumed that codec programmers do not rely on the speed of RAM, and process data in “pieces” that fit entirely into the cache.


    This is probably the main disappointment: practically no effect in games! Meanwhile, gamers are traditional fans of all kinds of new products.

    Total points


    Once again, a miracle did not happen: in general, for one of the fastest processors on a 1333 MHz bus, the transition to higher-frequency memory gave an average performance increase of about 1%, while the only processor for the time being on a 1600 MHz bus - 2%. As always, faster memory was on the horizon long before it was really needed. However, let’s not be like illiterate users who in such cases love to shout that they have been “deceived.” Nobody is deceiving anyone, here they are, the results - look at your health, draw conclusions. And, of course, sooner or later processors will appear that will be able to fully utilize the speed capabilities of DDR3-1333; it would be naive to doubt this. It will just happen later.