• Recovery mode android commands there is nothing to do. What to do if the tablet does not turn on

    What if the tablet does not turn on?

    It happens that while playing games or working on the tablet, it stops working and does not turn on. The main reasons can be roughly divided into two categories: problems with the device’s hardware - these are malfunctions of the battery, connecting cables, boards, or some problems with the software - incompatibility of programs, the operating system crashed or was installed incorrectly after the update process.

    Let's take a closer look at individual cases of tablet malfunctions.

    Absolutely no signs of life
    1. The simplest and most common reason is a completely discharged tablet battery. To check this version, turn it on and wait at least 10-15 minutes. Only after this the tablet will be able to accumulate the minimum amount of energy to turn on. Press and hold the power button on the device and wait for the screen to light up. If the screen turns on, check that the charger is working properly - take another one and follow the steps described above. The tablet turned on, but the charging process does not proceed, you need to find out why won't my tablet charge? .

    2. If a child was playing with the tablet, he may have damaged it by hitting it on the floor or corner of furniture. Most likely, part of the display has been damaged, in which case it can be replaced. The tablet itself is in working condition. Screen damage is usually visible to the naked eye.

    3. If the device has no mechanical damage, a rare case is that the video adapter has failed.

    If you find such signs and there is a valid warranty on the device, run to the salon and wait for repairs; it is simply unreasonable to do repairs yourself.

    The patient is neither alive nor dead

    When the tablet turns on, but not completely, but freezes during the boot process (only the splash screen is on the screen), we are dealing with a software glitch.

    The reasons may be the following:

    1. Some programs or games are not installed correctly.
    2. You have forcibly terminated system processes, possibly through third-party software or task manager.


    You can try to save the tablet by resetting the system to factory settings. It is best to find information about this on the Internet, because each device model has its own nuances. Or use the hard reset program. Using these instructions, you can reduce the procedure to the following:

    1. Turn off the device.

    2. Remove the SIM card and memory card.

    3. Press the volume up key (on some models - down) and the button to turn on the tablet. Hold for about 10-12 seconds

    4. If the tablet vibrates and a menu appears on the screen, you are on the right track. Select Settings, then Format Systems.

    5. Reset the system - Reset Android.

    6. The tablet will reboot with factory settings.

    7. Try this scheme several times, it should work.

    If unsuccessful, read the information on the topic “ How to unlock your tablet". Additionally, an excellent option for device resuscitation is flashing the tablet. In case of unsuccessful device firmware, good practical advice is given here.

    Exclamation mark on a lying android

    If an image of a lying green Android appears on the device screen, and there is an image of a red exclamation mark on it, you are in stock Recovery mode. There's nothing scary about it. Need to install the modified recovery ClockWorkMod Recovery. You got into it because you made a mistake when entering the combination to reset the settings, because each tablet model has its own combination. Press the power button and hold for a while until the device turns off, you can simply wait 3-5 minutes until the device finishes working on its own. As a last resort, you can do the flashing again.

    What is Fastboot

    The user can enter the mode Fastboot mode, in this case the android is also on the screen, but there is no exclamation mark. You need to use the volume buttons to get to the menu item Restart bootloader, use the power button to make a choice, sometimes this helps to revive the tablet.

    Remember that each device model has its own “chips”. Some tablets easily reset their settings after pressing the home button while the Android is lying down, others only respond to simultaneously pressing the plus and minus buttons in the volume control for a long time.

    Mobile devices have already become quite an integral part of our lives. Now a person cannot imagine existence without a smartphone or tablet. Devices based on the Android operating system are extremely popular. This OS was developed by Google, and now its market share is incredibly high. Apple's iOS and Windows Phone have a negligible presence in mobile markets compared to Android. However, like all technology, devices on this platform tend to glitch. Various system failures are a hallmark of any operating system. No matter how advanced it may be. Very often devices have to be reflashed. But not everyone knows that it is possible to do without such radical measures. After all, any Android gadget has Android System Recovery 3e. How to use it and what is it even? This is what we will talk about.

    What kind of animal is this?

    What does Android System Recovery 3e mean? This is a kind of BIOS of a mobile device. Any operating system has its own BIOS - a basic input/output system that can work even if the main OS is damaged. Sometimes the BIOS is not similar to the standard one (as, for example, in Android devices). It is used to restore the functionality of a smartphone or tablet, apply critical updates or reset to factory settings. The Android System Recovery 3e menu has many items that correspond to one or another action. But the trouble is that the names are written in English. Therefore, many people do not even know how to use recovery correctly.

    That is why this article was written. Android System Recovery, the instructions for which are absolutely necessary, is a powerful tool for setting up and resuscitating a smartphone. You need to know everything about how to use this recovery in order not to waste money on specialists. Doing everything yourself is much easier and cheaper. We will analyze each item in the recovery menu and tell you everything we can about it. So let's begin.

    How to enter recovery?

    This depends on the specific device model. In some devices you need to hold down the power button and the "Volume +" key. But sometimes there are smartphones for which this is not enough. Older models with a mechanical Home button require pressing this button as well. Some devices require you to simultaneously press the power and volume buttons. There are also those who must hold down the power key and both volume buttons. This applies only to original devices from well-known manufacturers.

    But there are also frankly “Chinese” gadgets with an incomprehensible operating system and “crooked” translation. Standard methods of logging into recovery may not work in these cases. There are several options here. First: study the smartphone documentation (if available) and find the key combination you are looking for. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Most of these devices either have no documents at all, or the documents do not contain Russian at all. The second option: find the desired combination by pressing all the buttons one by one. Now let's move on to the Android System Recovery 3e menu items.

    Reboot system now

    This menu item performs a complete reboot of the device. After selecting this option, the smartphone will load the standard Android operating system without any changes. Typically, this item is used after completing all manipulations in recovery. Or if you loaded into this mode by accident. Although it is unknown how this can be done accidentally. Be that as it may, Android System Recovery 3e, the instruction manual for which is simply vital for the user, has such a clause. And we have to take this into account.

    The menu item should be used last. That is, when all operations are completed, all components are updated, factory settings are reset and firmware is installed. This is the essence of a reboot: to allow the device to apply all the changes made. True, after some of them the smartphone may not boot at all. But that's a completely different story.

    Apply Update from External Storage

    This menu item allows you to apply the update that is located on the memory card. By the way, new firmware is also installed through this point if the main OS does not boot. There are several sub-items in this Android System Recovery 3e menu. How to flash a new OS? To do this, you need to go to this menu and select the Choose ZIP from SD Card item if the firmware is in ZIP format. If this is just an update file, then you should select Apply Update From SD Card. This is how any device is flashed using recovery. Simply copy the firmware file to the root of the memory card, go into recovery and select the desired item.

    This paragraph has other subparagraphs that apply in non-standard situations. It is possible to check the MDSUM of the firmware file. This option checks the file for integrity and if something is wrong, it immediately issues a warning. You can also check the firmware file for compatibility with the device. These are the informational options of Android System Recovery 3e. Instructions as such are not required for them. If there are errors, then you do not need to install this firmware. That's the whole story.

    Wipe Data. Factory Reset

    This is a very important point. This option can restore the functionality of the device without any firmware. This tool resets the gadget's operating system to factory settings. Naturally, everything that was on the smartphone will be deleted: applications, photos, music. In general, everything that was in the internal memory of the phone. Android System Recovery 3e, the operating instructions for which are discussed here, was created precisely in order to revive the device without serious intervention in the firmware. And this option allows you to perform this operation.

    This function is also used before installing any firmware. It is necessary to reset the phone to factory settings before flashing the firmware. Otherwise, the new operating system will be unstable. But that's not the worst. If you do not return to the factory settings, the firmware may not be installed at all, and then the user will receive a completely “dead” smartphone. There are no instructions in Russian, but the one that is there clearly states that it is necessary to use the Wipe Data & Factory Reset item before each firmware update of the device.

    Wipe Cache Partition

    Another useful command in Android System Recovery 3e. The recovery instructions say that you need to use this option in tandem with Wipe Data. If the previous item clears the internal memory of the device, then this one clears its cache. Namely, this is where the working application files are stored. Of course, if this is not done before installing the firmware, then nothing bad will happen. It’s just that in the future, when installing new programs, the device’s cache will grow to incredible sizes. As a result, the smartphone will work very slowly. But this is not so scary, since there are many programs for clearing the Android OS cache. And they work great.

    It is also recommended to select this function after a factory reset has been done. This will help the smartphone become even “cleaner,” which will have a positive effect on the performance of the operating system. The instructions in Russian for Android System Recovery 3e recommend performing this procedure after the reset. Before rebooting the device. Then everything will be as it should be.

    Wipe Battery Stats

    This feature helps you refresh your device's battery. After clicking on this item, the battery cache begins to be cleared, into which the current state of the battery, its nominal capacity and other necessary parameters are recorded. By resetting the battery usage statistics, you can slightly extend its life. And the new firmware will work more adequately with the battery. For some reason, many Android “gurus” are dismissive of this option. But in fact it is very useful. However, it is not recommended to use it too often. Only before flashing the device.

    Mounts. Storage

    Here are the controls for the internal and external memory of the smartphone. This item allows you to clear a memory card or built-in memory, format it, or attach it as a drive directly from recovery. This section can be used if you forgot to transfer the firmware file to the memory card, and there is no desire to reboot your smartphone into the operating system. In order to mount the device's memory card as a drive, you need to select Mount USB Storage. As soon as the connection is established, the computer itself will install the necessary drivers for operation.

    Once the connection is established, you can do whatever you want with the memory card: format, clear, copy the necessary files, and so on. In order to unmount the flash drive, you should select the Umount USB Storage item on the smartphone screen in recovery. After this, you can move on to other recovery points and carry out further resuscitation of the device on your own.

    Recovery errors

    Sometimes there is such a common error in Android System Recovery 3e as canceling the installation of the firmware or package. It can occur for several reasons: the firmware file is damaged, incorrect information in the binary file, or the firmware simply does not suit this device. But there is another option: before flashing the firmware, the device was not reset to factory settings. It’s good that they can be easily fixed in the same recovery. There are several ways to do this.

    So, if the error occurs due to a broken firmware file, then you should download it, connect the smartphone to the computer, go to the Mount & Storage menu item and select Mount USB Storage. After this, you can copy the firmware again to the root of the memory card. If you forgot to “wipe”, then there is nothing easier than moving a few levels higher and selecting the appropriate menu item. But the Android System Recovery 3e error “No command” is very rare. It only appears when the user tries to install an update via ADB. Usually this method doesn't work. As a result, this error appears. So there is no point in using this method. Nothing will work anyway.


    So, let's summarize. We tried to describe the capabilities of Android System Recovery 3e. The instructions that resulted from this attempt will help novice users of the Android operating system learn how to restore the functionality of their smartphone with their own hands. Which will ultimately lead to broadening your horizons and saving a lot of money.

    It happens that when you turn on your smartphone or tablet, a sad picture appears: a green Android with an exclamation mark that appears directly from its “stomach”.

    What's the problem?

    If this happens, then it is definitely a software problem. A common failure of the operating system. Of course, in most cases, it was you who had a hand in this.
    But this is a fairly popular and widespread problem, don’t worry, now we’ll try to solve everything on our own without any workshops or certified service centers.

    How to fix

    In fact, there are two very simple ways to solve this problem.
    The first method is that you need to go into Recovery (a special mode for entering the bootloader, analogous to the BIOS). To do this, you need to turn off the device, and then hold down the Vol (-) and Power keys. In some cases, the combination may be different, for example, Vol(+)+Power, Vol(-)+Home+Power, Vol(+)+Home+Power and so on.

    As soon as you enter Recovery mode, you need to select the Wipe data/factory reset option, but what you need is a factory reset, that is, a reset to factory settings. If you do wipe data specifically, then everything will be deleted.

    The second method is to reflash your smartphone or tablet. It is more complicated, since here you will have to look for both the firmware and the flashing utility, unless, of course, you flash it via Recovery. You can even use the stock (standard) Recovery for flashing the firmware if you have the official firmware for the SDCard.

    Nothing works out

    If you cannot cope with the problem of the exclamation mark being displayed when turned on, then you can seek free help on the RuleSmart forum, in the Android first aid section. They will help you there, specialists respond daily to everyone, but describe the problem in detail, and also in a respectful tone; we hope there is no need to explain here?

    If you have ever tried to flash an Android tablet yourself, you have probably come across the concept of “Recovery”. Today we will talk in detail about what this thing is, why it is needed at all, and of course, how to enter it.

    What is Recovery

    Recovery mode is a special boot mode for Android devices that allows you to completely reset the operating system settings, reflash the device, make a backup copy of the entire system or its individual partitions (as well as restore these partitions later) and some other things. At the same time, for this mode to work, the functionality of the operating system itself is completely optional. This is why the recovery menu is often accessed when the device no longer works in normal mode. And this is precisely why this mode is called “recovery” (from English “recovery”).

    How to log into Recovery

    To boot recovery, the device's hardware buttons are usually used. The most common combinations are:

    However, some manufacturers may come up with “something like that,” so you have to search and experiment.

    If everything is done correctly, a lying robot will appear on the device screen, on top of which there will be a menu with commands.

    Another way to download recovery is through special applications that can be used to reboot your smartphone or tablet into recovery mode directly from the operating system itself (for example, Reboot menu). However, it is worth keeping in mind that these applications require .

    Navigation in recovery mode is done mainly using the volume buttons, and selection is done using the power button. There are also devices in which only the volume down button is used for navigation, and the volume up button is used to confirm the choice.

    To all of the above, it is necessary to add one important detail. The functionality of the recovery mode itself is by no means universal, and can differ quite significantly depending on the device. Particularly distinguished in this sense are “noname” tablets from China and some B-brands, whose recovery does not have any list of commands at all.

    Hi all! This means that the message now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload usually appears when the tablet or smartphone on Android cannot turn on. At the same time, the Android robot is also drawn on the screen and its top cover is open, there is also a red triangle and an exclamation mark and at the top it says No Command. In short, in one word guys, this is a real hit

    Yes, this is not an easy task, this is the first time I have seen such an error. But okay, what do the experts advise? It is advised to do a hard reset, this is a hardware reset with all data in memory. But how to perform this reset? Here's how, you need to turn off the device, then hold down the volume up button + power button and wait until the message appears. Then select Recovery, use the volume up button to navigate, and to select it, use the volume down button. In the menu itself, select Wipe Data and confirm Yes delete all data. After the reset, select Reboot.

    Well, here is the error itself (yours may be slightly different):

    Also, experts on the Internet advise to reflash the phone to the factory firmware

    But let's try to translate this error into Russian now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload. So, I went to Google Translator and inserted the name of the error there:

    And here's the translation into Russian guys:

    And it seems like I know what it is. For some reason, the smartphone booted into a mode where it accepts some commands and is now ready to accept a command from ADB sideload. But what is ADB sideload? So I became interested! ADB sideload is a command that is used either to flash Android firmware or to restore it if it does not load

    How does ADB sideload work? Look, the update comes in the form of a ZIP archive, which is located in the folder with the ADB utility, and the smartphone or tablet must be switched to recovery or bootloader mode. Then the ADB utility is launched and the following command is written:

    adb sideload update.zip

    That's where update.zip is, then this is the name of the update, the end of zip is the file extension, well, that is, the archive. After entering this command, the zip archive is uploaded to Android and flashed.

    What is needed for ADB Sideload? Here's what:

    1. you need a computer with Windows, it’s better if it’s modern; they say that there may be troubles in Windows 8;
    2. then you need to download the driver for Android and install it, so that the computer can see the device;
    3. then you need to download the ADB RUN program;
    4. It’s better that the phone is fully charged, but if it’s less than half, I wouldn’t bother flashing it;
    5. to connect the phone to the computer you must only have an original MicroUSB cable; check that there is no damage to it;
    6. on Android you need to enable USB Debugging, this is in the settings;
    7. and of course you need to have the update in ZIP format;

    The USB Debugging option is needed to enable debugging mode when connected to a computer, here is this option on the tablet:

    Well, here it is on the phone:

    You may ask me, where are the links? Why don't I provide links? But I don’t give them out on purpose, so as not to cause trouble! Just a joke, of course, I’m just not very special in all these matters, I can give you some advice, but if you decide to reflash Android, then you need to go to specialized sites, I advise you to look at this site androidp1.ru, this is not an advertisement, it’s just really useful in this matter

    So guys, I’m not sure about this yet, but it seems that the solution to the now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload error is only possible in one way, this is flashing. As I already wrote, I won’t write how to do this, but I found excellent material, so to speak, instructions on how to use the ADB Sideload firmware mode, here is the link:

    And one more thing, if you are not particularly versed in Android, then maybe it makes sense to take it under warranty? The point is that if you don't know what to do, you can make things even worse, you know? You can stupidly ruin the device!

    Here's what else I found, one person writes, that resetting the data doesn't help, you need to do something else. But what? But what, you need to find a secret button, people write that you need to open the SD card door, then you need to shine a light there, and there will be an incomprehensible hole there, as I understand it there is a button there, you need to press it. To press, use something thin, like a needle, but you need to do it very carefully. Then you don’t need to touch Android, everything will be done in about a minute, after which the device can be turned on and everything will be in place, well, all the programs.

    It’s not entirely clear, I agree. In short, it's like a reset of something. You need to find a hidden button on the device, you can’t just press it, this is done to prevent accidental clicks. The button is a hole, as the person wrote, it may be where the SD card is inserted. There is a button in the hole inside, you can press it with a sharp object, I don’t remember where it was, I think I had a similar button in the modem, I pressed it with a needle. In general, everything here needs to be done carefully. And one more thing, don’t confuse the hole with the microphone, otherwise you’ll ruin the microphone and it won’t work! URRRA I found a picture, for example, where this button could be:

    That is, it can be not only where the SD card is, but also in another place! However, I repeat that there are many models of a smartphone or tablet and it can be anywhere, you need to search by your model, because the main thing is not to poke where the microphone is!!! Oops, but here’s an example of a button that’s just hidden near the memory card connector:

    IN SHORT GUYS THIS RESET IS A HARD RESET!!! And I understood one thing, a hard reset helps a lot of people to remove the error now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload

    Here's another example of a hard reset button for you guys:

    So, let's draw some conclusions. What should you do if you get this error now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload? Personally, my conclusions are as follows. The FIRST thing is to do a hard reset, if you don’t know how or can’t find the button, then look on the Internet. You definitely need to do this, because it can help! Now SECOND. If resetting does not help, then you need to flash the device; how to do this, I have already given a link to the instructions above.

    That's all, I hope I was able to help you in some way and that I didn't write for nothing. I wish you luck in fixing this error, bye
