• Robokassa doesn't work. Payment methods through the robokassa service. Manual payment initialization form

    Hi all! Three years ago, when I had my own small online store of unusual gifts, there were no such marketplaces and promotion as there are now, and I had to invent all my “bicycles” myself. But, on the other hand, there were no online cash registers and strict control by the state. It was possible to trade anything through a public account on VK in any format: with a check, without a check, for cash and by bank transfer - whatever your heart desires. Then the ring of “state control” began to shrink. First they took on big business, then banks. Then all alcohol dealers, including tents near the house, were “planted” on the Unified State Automated Information System. Then they “counted” the truckers, stripping them twice or three times with the Plato accounting system.
    A year ago, the hands of the state got to such small fry as small and micro businesses. Many thought that it wouldn’t come to this, but it did. “Toughness” has begun - I mean a change in the rules of trade under law 54-FZ. Some shouted that these online cash registers were expensive and would kill trade. Others, on the contrary, assured that managing the process would become easier and more transparent. Still others (especially geeks, fans of Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, and technology apologists) predicted that new services would inevitably appear that would change business processes, and that’s good.

    A year has passed: trade, of course, has not gone away, but new components have indeed appeared in business processes. And when recently friends invited me to join their business, I, thinking about whether it was worth getting involved in a startup project for the production of funny T-shirts with prints, decided to study in detail the issues of cash discipline. Find out how you can now manage finances, how much it can cost, and what new services small and even micro businesses can use so as not to be left in the red.

    Why does a goat need musical instruments or why is “digitization of sales” needed?

    It is no secret that business - especially small ones - in Russia for many years worked in the “gray” and even “black” field. In rural stores and wholesale warehouses, sales are still often carried out “from a notebook”, without the use of computer accounting. Selling sweets, homemade soap and other micro-businesses (and mine too) never printed any receipts and had a very vague idea of ​​the concept of “Internet acquiring”. With the introduction of new trade rules under 54-FZ, everyone needed accounting. According to the popularly nicknamed “Law on Online Cash Registers”, all organizations and companies engaged in trade, even small firms or simply groups of individuals (with very rare exceptions), are required to install and use online cash registers, which are sent in real time to Federal Tax Service data on each trade transaction performed.

    The purpose of the law at the state level is good: to “whiten” business and make tax accounting transparent. And also - due to the smooth operation of the online system, minimize the “contacts” of the entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service: reduce the number of sudden and frequent tax audits, etc. It should be noted that, thanks to discussion in the business community, the adopted version of 54-FZ includes relaxations and exceptions for a number of businesses or areas with “problematic Internet”. But the fines provided for by law are frightening - small businesses that do not have a single “free” penny are especially worried. Sanctions for non-use or incorrect use of new cash register equipment (CCT), as well as for failure to issue a cash receipt to the buyer, have been tightened.

    The measures seem draconian: for example, for non-use of cash registers, an individual entrepreneur will be fined 10,000 rubles, an LLC - 30,000 rubles, for a check not sent at the buyer's request - a fine of 10,000 rubles, which could not even be imagined before. This is at a time when some aspiring startup entrepreneur or homemade cookie baker’s entire monthly income can amount to just several times more than these 10,000 rubles. In addition, the law provides for the possibility of suspending activities: for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs - for a period of up to 90 days. And here there is no need to explain what the loss of revenue means for a small store at the height of the season. And we have to repeat: if the state has already pushed big business and retail to the wall, then it will definitely not stand on ceremony with the “little ones.”

    Some, fearing innovations, immediately announced the cessation of their activities. And someone began to look for options to reduce the cost of these innovations. Because, objectively speaking, any merchant cannot circumvent not only the law, but also the general change in consumer behavior. People are really used to buying goods by bank transfer: Russian statistics show a steady increase in the number of bank cards issued and purchases made with their help. It is convenient to buy on the Internet, as well as pay with a card for the services of hairdressers and taxi drivers. We usually pay by card for movie tickets and order pizza and pay online. Therefore, even a tiny “enterprise” consisting of one girl pastry chef cannot do without an electronic payment system. After all, you can’t argue against demand.

    From theory to practice: what to do to digitize

    Large businesses have long been integrated into the technological electronic system and are provided with “safety cushions” in the form of a large staff of analysts, programmers and technicians who can calculate, evaluate or “tweak” already working processes. But small and micro businesses have to start “digitization” from scratch. As an example, I looked at three micro-businesses that could be hit hardest by changes:
    1. “A seamstress with a twist,” this is an old friend of mine. Her business is her hands, her imagination and one sewing machine. She sews costumes for gymnasts and gymnasts: the price of one costume for a 10-year-old figure skater or a swimsuit for the Miss Olympia City N-2018 competition can reach up to 70,000 rubles. Since the price tag of a seamstress is more humane than that of a store, and the work is of very high quality, orders come to her literally from everywhere. Its turnover is about 200 thousand rubles. per month. But this is just a girl who does not have an individual entrepreneur or even a legal entity.
    2. “Reseller” is a typical store of two geeks, with a business card website made independently, public pages on social networks and one pick-up point in the city. This is roughly what I did before, and I “passed on” the business to my brother; he (both the business and his brother) is still working. Resale of popular Chinese gadgets and components for them, rare 17x17 Rubik's cubes and other interesting nonsense. This is already an individual entrepreneur with a monthly turnover of about 300 thousand rubles.
    3. “Stingy T-shirt” is a small business, maybe not even an individual entrepreneur, but an entire LLC of 3-5 people. This is exactly the business of my friends, in which they offer me to participate. The guys print T-shirts with funny or original prints, have a couple of “islands” in large shopping centers in the city, and they have some kind of trade accounting. The monthly turnover consistently exceeds 500 thousand rubles, but they count every penny and want to grow.
    Since I myself became interested in the question, and at the same time my seamstress friend and businessman brother asked me, as a more experienced comrade, what they should do in the current circumstances, I decided to study the topic seriously. At the moment of studying the issue, I see only two “living” options to continue my small business and be in the “law”:

    FIRST - contact the bank.

    All decent banks - from Alfa and Sberbank to Tinkoff and Tochka - offer ready-made solutions for choosing online cash registers and terminals, as well as Internet acquiring services. You can choose the online cash register itself, and choose the service format, and thus, for moderate (or not so much) money, integrate into the modern trading model.

    SECOND - choose a payment aggregator that will connect all incoming payments from the client with the necessary banking and payment systems.

    It will help organize trade so that you can trade with a cash register, and even without a cash register, but within the framework of the law. In other words, the aggregator will take on the “fiscalization red tape” and ensure the legalization of e-commerce business.

    Both options have pros and cons. Therefore, a business that has never dealt with Internet acquiring and online cash registers before will have to figure it out in order to choose the appropriate option. I examined both of these options in every detail, analyzed each in great detail, and this is the bottom line I came up with.

    Plus and minus - what's the result? Banks.

    It would seem that everything is simple: we go to Sberbank or Tinkoff, beloved by technocrats, buy a cash register and its maintenance from them and then sew suits with rhinestones or print T-shirts. And in the popular Tochka bank, you can open an individual entrepreneur, as they promise, in two clicks (and it’s true, Tochka does not deceive).

    In fact, communication with the bank will in any case turn into bureaucratic red tape. A seamstress, for example, will need a legal entity to interact with a bank... The “reseller” will have to provide complete information about himself (an impressive package of documents) and apply for a credit card - even very large banks are not shy about imposing “additional information”. services" for small business representatives. My brother, the “heir to the business,” had to come personally to the bank four times (!) to: provide the necessary documents, issue a credit card (a mandatory condition, although he doesn’t need it at all), then carry out several monetary transactions using it (also mandatory ). When to trade if all you do is run from bank to bank?

    And Stingy T-shirt LLC with its network of stores will have to provide the bank with not only detailed data about the network for justification, but also undergo multi-level checks in different banking divisions to connect each new type of payment. And if it so happens that the LLC’s current account is in one bank, and acquiring is provided by another bank, then everything will have to change: without a current account “at home,” the bank will not sign an acquiring agreement.
    Well, you say, there is an indestructible Sberbank, which in any case will never “burn out” and is technologically fully developed. But it’s enough to enter the phrase “Sberbank monitoring” in a search engine to once and for all discourage yourself from going there. People endlessly complain that, according to the results of this damn financial monitoring, Sber blocks funds in accounts. Constantly demands to “confirm the relationship”, prove the sources of receipt or reasons for the movement of money, forces you to close accounts, etc. For small businesses, which already have every penny in their account, the account is blocked on the eve of a trade transaction (this is the most common cry of pain on the Internet) may mean immediate closure of the business. Do I need it? No. What about you?

    Again - to check the banking organization with which Qiwi works. Go, go. Find out, sign up, wait. And you have to be present everywhere in person - these are the rules. In the meantime, my seamstress friend goes to banks and tax offices, costumes for figure skaters will not sew themselves. And the turnover will not increase.

    All this is because the tasks of a business and a bank are different. In any case, it is important for the bank to sell you its services, cards, insurance and to insure itself three times before the regulator. And a business consisting of 1-3 people has to master specialties that are not limited to it: accounting, tax law, financial management and legal subtleties. All this takes both time (to study) and money (if you have to hire an accountant for servicing at the bank).

    And the task of a small entrepreneur is to make sales legal, and so that the “organs” are not touched. For everything to work, but you don’t have to understand all the troubles and intricacies of fiscalization - you just want to sell your product and make money from it. You don't need deposit insurance or a loan secured by your home or kidneys.

    Therefore, micro-businesses, like our “Seamstress” and “Reseller”, will most likely begin to look for someone who will help them solve their problems without difficulty. To enter the legal field without huge expenses, and then see whether things will work out or not. After all, the 54-FZ promised by the implementers, useful for BigData analysis, is still far away and completely incomprehensible, and the loss of revenue and fines are already right here, on the nose.

    Payment aggregator: what is it, why is it needed and how to choose?

    A payment aggregator is an online system that takes care of your worries about collecting and correctly distributing all payments received to you across accounts and payment services.

    A good aggregator works with cash on delivery, payment systems/services, and virtual currencies. Easily and quickly streamline mutual settlements, legalize the circulation of money in accordance with the requirements of the law - all these are the tasks of the aggregator. Of course, they charge their own commission for the service; in different services the figure ranges from 3 to 5%. But if you compare the costs of working with a bank (this includes installation and maintenance of cash registers, according to the law) and the commission of a payment aggregator, which allows you to work even without a cash register, then the benefits are obvious. It’s cheaper, faster and easier to interact with the aggregator and pay for a full-fledged sufficient service than to “get in” for about 50 thousand rubles one-time. for installing the cash register, and then pay for its maintenance and, of course, pay the bank its commission.

    There are now a lot of aggregators and payment acceptance services on the Russian market. First of all, I consider the “big three leaders” - the most famous, authoritative, popular and in demand:

    • YANDEX.KASSA - works with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, MIR bank cards, electronic money and banking, supports interaction with Apple Pay and Android Pay. Claims 20 payment methods for the end user. Commission - 3.5%, withdrawals twice a day.
    • RBK Money - works with bank cards and transfers, DeltaPay and Euroset payment terminals, Alfa-Click Internet banking and electronic money, supports interaction with Apple Pay and the Contact money transfer system. Claims 11 payment methods for the end user. Commission - 3.9%, withdrawal of funds - the next day.
    • ROBOKASSA - works with Visa, MasterCard bank cards, electronic money and online banking accounts, interacts with instant payment terminals, mobile operators and communication stores, Apple Pay and Android Pay. Claims 26 payment methods for the end user. Our partners include the aforementioned Tochka bank, i.e. through Robokassa with Tochka you can open an individual entrepreneur if necessary. Without departing, so to speak, from “Robokassa”. Commission - 3.9%, withdrawal of funds - the next day.

    Let's put it this way: does a seamstress girl need to withdraw money from Yandex.Checkout twice a day? Yes, this is important: a microbusiness literally counts every penny. The option “quickly receive money from yesterday’s client to pay for material for today’s customer” is the key to constant productivity. But no less important is the client paying for the order in a conveniently located Beeline salon or through an instant payment terminal, like at Robokassa. Because both the Seamstress and the Reseller want their diverse customers to be able to pay for their orders in any convenient place. Each businessman determines his own priorities, but RBK Money is unlikely to suit all three of our businesses, because, unfortunately, it does not work with individuals.

    The micro-business of a seamstress may be confused by the commission of Robokassa, it is higher than that of Yandex.Kassa - however, it is useful to know that Robokassa has a rate of 2.3% to 3.9%. As the store's turnover increases, the service commission decreases. And this is important for our third business - “Study T-shirt”, which already has a network of stores and is counting on further growth. As the business grows, it switches to a different service tariff, reducing its commission. For example, when the turnover (the sum of all payments received through the service) reaches 500 thousand rubles. per month, the “Real” tariff is used with a commission for payment by card of 2.9%, and with a turnover of more than 10 million rubles. per month - “VIP” tariff with a commission of 2.3%.

    “Seamstress” and “Reseller” should also pay attention to the number of payment methods. RBK Money has only 11 of them, which significantly reduces its attractiveness (and then only when working with legal entities), in contrast to Yandex.Kassa (20) and Robokassa (the clear leader in this parameter - 26 methods) .

    At the same time, cooperation with the aggregator will allow microbusinesses to save on input from 35 to 70 thousand rubles. This is exactly the cost of a new cash register, which should be provided to trade organizations. And one more thing: the costs will not end with one CCP installation - you will also have to pay from 5-7 thousand rubles for its implementation, design and maintenance. per year. And for micro-businesses, the opportunity to save on equipment and trade without breaking the law is vital. With a good aggregator, you can trade without even buying or using a cash register. That. even if you pay 3.9% of turnover, then your costs will definitely be less than the investment in interaction with the bank and less than the investment in installing and maintaining a cash register. Just the ability to work without a cash register saves a business from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. per year.

    Finally, both Yandex.Kassa and RBK MONEY interact with only one settlement bank each, while Robokassa interacts with three. Why is this important for business? When the bank of “your” aggregator begins to have some problems, you, as an entrepreneur, risk losing your working capital, which is stored and serviced in the bank. No one is 146% insured against risks, disasters and other force majeure, but still, it is safer to choose someone who can switch business services from one bank to another in case of problems. We need a stable service that will not allow money to be “frozen”, because in small businesses there is already little of it.

    Well, since RBK MONEY has a much smaller “window of opportunity”, both in terms of the form of an entrepreneur (only a legal entity) and in the number of payment options (half as many as others), I didn’t consider it further.

    For geeks and not only: how to connect and support the system

    For all three of the described entrepreneurs, who most likely have only now come to their senses and want to integrate into the legal trading system as quickly as possible, the speed and ease of connecting services is important. And you need to pay attention to this when studying the conditions for depositing and withdrawing money offered by the aggregator. As a rule, payment acceptance begins after online registration, but withdrawal of money is possible only after receiving the original documents with “bruises” and signatures. With modern aggregators, registration is carried out online, and connection to the payment system is done quite quickly: with Yandex.Kassa within two days (the same terms for Tinkoff and Tochka), with Robokassa - within 24 hours (by the way, not waiting for receipt of documents with stamps).

    Even taking into account the nuances of each aggregator, the procedure for concluding an agreement is much simpler than in banking. The package of required documents is much thinner, and the connection speed is higher. Plus, each aggregator has its own useful features. At Robokassa, this is a simple registration of individual entrepreneurs in the process of work. Thanks to the aggregator’s partnership with Tochka Bank, our “Shveya” can register an individual entrepreneur in two clicks and receive all the necessary services online. And Yandex.Checkout, as part of the Russian telecommunications giant, facilitates the integration of an online store with Yandex sales control and analysis services, such as Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Market.

    And as a potential small business participant, I think I won’t lie if I say: programmers decide everything. A business of two or even ten people does not want to fuss with connection features or hire a “team of hackers” to configure and debug. There is neither money for this nor labor. Therefore, you need to choose an aggregator that will either do everything for you, or its connection will be so simple that you can do everything in two or three clicks without special knowledge. Both Yandex.Kassa and Robokassa have no problems with this. And the latter is implemented in 48 different website engines (CMS).

    Of course, problems are possible even with the current level of technology development. We remember how in December 2017 there was a total failure in the operation of online cash registers, due to which both large and small businesses lost the ability to trade and report normally for several hours. Nobody wants to solve problems with services and “catch bugs” while being distracted from trading. Therefore, when choosing any form or type of integration into the “financial system in accordance with 54-FZ”, you need to pay attention to the work of support. In many payment processing services, it is not possible to reach support right away. Opinions about Yandex.Checkout support are quite varied, but there are often complaints about low response speed, lack of competence and desire to understand the intricacies. Robokassa also has dissatisfied users, but in general it has a clear interface, initially tailored for an entrepreneur who is far from IT (and therefore unadvanced). This understanding can be very useful to a novice businessman who does not have a friend like me who “cuts.” Your risks and labor costs must be planned and calculated in advance, so as not to be distracted from the actual production and trade.

    The apogee of apotheosis: new opportunities and are they needed?

    Yes, the concepts of scrum, agile and holacracy are still unclear to the average person and even a large businessman, and their applicability in business is questionable. But, even without understanding the meaning of the word “iteration,” a business strives to develop iteratively. That is: launch some business solutions or improvements with minimal investments of money and resources. Then, test their effectiveness and take further steps based on the findings. If introducing a solution with a minimum investment made work easier, gave impetus to development and increased momentum, this is the right decision. This iterative development rule is fully suitable for the choice of a payment system (and integration into the legal field of trade in accordance with 54-FZ). An ideal payment aggregator will “turn on” any business online with a minimum of time and money and will allow you to further implement new opportunities. And in the case of Robokassa, having entered online trading within 24 hours with a minimum of red tape and costs, a seamstress who did not have an individual entrepreneur and her own website will be a legal entrepreneur with her own online store in six months. And you will receive another “bonus” - the “Robomarket” solution, which allows you to create your own store with a domain name, as an example - strazi.robo.market, where “strazi” is the name of your store. And it will be possible to trade on an online platform without having your own website. But Yandex.payment does not provide a trading platform, but only “links” its payment services to an existing site.

    It turns out that if you need to quickly and inexpensively integrate into new financial realities (and for micro-businesses “quickly and inexpensively” is vitally important), then it is better to use an aggregator rather than a bank. For those who trust the “market giants” and need frequent withdrawals of money, Yandex.Cash is suitable. And for those who need stability, simplicity and a maximum choice of payment methods, plus additional services such as registration of individual entrepreneurs in two clicks and a marketplace for trading, Robokassa is suitable. The main thing is to calculate your time, money and priorities.

    This is briefly all that I gleaned from the analysis of payment systems, banks and aggregators. Another reason why I wrote this material: I admit that I missed something or that some changes have occurred recently. Therefore, I want to ask people from micro and small businesses and IT: what priorities are more important to you? And by what criteria would you choose this or that bank or aggregator? What did I miss or didn't take into account? Write in the comments and let’s discuss, since this topic is extremely relevant and delay in it can literally kill any start-up business.

    Robokassa is a popular payment aggregator in Russia that works with individuals and legal entities on the basis of an offer agreement. Accepts any electronic money, bank cards. Allows customers to pay using mobile commerce services, online banking, payment terminals, and an iPhone application. The service was created back in 2003 and since then has helped tens of thousands of companies accept payments. What is so special about Robokassa, what are its advantages, what do users say about the aggregator? Let's figure it out further.

    There is no monthly fee, connection is free. The service takes its commission only from payments from your clients. The percentage depends on the store’s turnover, type of activity and the currency in which payment is made. The commission amount is from 2.3% to 9% (may vary).

    Accepting payments through terminals and cash desks. Customers can pay for goods and services in Elexnet, Qiwi terminals, as well as in Svyaznoy and Euroset cellular communication stores by depositing cash.

    Payments via Internet banking, Internet acquiring using bank cards. The service allows you to pay with cards issued in the CIS countries, the Baltic countries, the European Union and other countries. Also in Robokass you can pay in the Internet bank AlfaClick, Russian Standard, VTB, Promsvyazbank.

    Mobile commerce. Payers will be able to buy goods using their account from mobile operators Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele2.

    Safety. The Robokassa service received an SSL certificate confirming the company’s documents. All operations are carried out through a secure HTTPS connection, which transfers customer data through an encrypted connection that is not accessible to hackers. In addition, additional measures are being taken: daily fraud monitoring of all payments passing through the service.

    Robo.Market - sales without a website. Robokassa has its own platform that allows sellers to find buyers. The robot market is visited by more than 60 thousand customers per day. If you don't have a website, you can upload products to this online store for free (automatically or manually). The offer is available to legal entities and individuals. The store accepts payments only through Robokassa.

    You can work without violating the legislation of the Russian Federation. With the entry into force of Law 54-FZ, data on each payment accepted in an online store or service must be submitted to the tax office, and cash register equipment must be used. Robokassa offers 5 solutions that help businesses comply with laws without unnecessary red tape. You can read more about them.

    Withdrawal to cards of any banks, electronic wallets, current account. For individuals, the first 2 withdrawal methods are allowed. For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, payments are possible only to a current account.

    Modules for CMS. A simple payment script integrates with HOST CMS, DIAFAN CMS, OpenCart, Tilda Publishing, Gollos, PHPShop CMS, WordPress, Drupal, 1C-Bitrix and other content management systems.

    Who is Robokassa suitable for?

    The service will help you accept payments to both small and large businesses, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. In addition, Robokassa is available to individuals. Please note that the service can only be used by citizens of the Russian Federation to accept payments.

    How to register and add a store

    1. Go to the website https://www.robokassa.ru/ru/ and click “Connect store”.
    2. Select who you want to register as: a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual.
    3. Fill out the required form fields. Click “Register”.
    4. A message from Robokassa with account information and a password for authorization will be sent to your email. Click “Continue” and enter the data that was sent by e-mail to enter your account. You will need a client ID, login and password.
    5. To start accepting payments on the site, you need to go through identification, which will be offered in your personal account after authorization. To do this you need to enter data. They will be different for individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. For example, for the last two types of accounts you need to upload scans of constituent and other documents and send them for moderation. Identification will be completed when the information provided is checked by Robokassa employees.
    6. Then you will need to set up the store. Go to “My Stores” and click “Add New”. Here you need to fill in information about your online store or company website, decide on withdrawal methods and details, and add it to one of the sections of the Robokassa catalog. Click “Create”.
    7. Now you need to complete the technical settings: define methods for sending data to URLs, set up SMS notifications, specify the hash calculation algorithm, etc.
    8. When everything is ready, click “Save” and submit a request to activate the store.


    The service does not require a subscription fee. Business owners and individuals only pay interest on payments. The amount of the commission varies and depends on factors such as:

    • store turnover;
    • type of activity;
    • The currency in which the buyer makes payment.

    Also, special conditions are established for non-profit charitable and religious organizations. Read more about the conditions and tariff schedule.

    It is difficult to argue with the fact that payments today have become faster, simpler and much more comfortable than before. You can transfer money to someone at a distance instantly, without paying huge commissions.

    This state of affairs is facilitated by the development of several dozen payment systems offering their services. One of these is Robokassa, a service with which you can pay for most services remotely. As evidenced by a review of the Robokassa payment system from an average client, with this service you can top up currencies or an account in an electronic store very simply, in just a couple of clicks. The cost of operating the service (in other words, commission) is minimal.

    What is Robokassa?

    Formally, this is a platform that contains various payment options for certain services. The company's creators simply have agreements with other popular projects that accept funds from users. In order not to cooperate directly with any service, Robokassa offers its clients to pay through it, quickly and easily.

    Indeed, today there is not only the popular Internet platform Robokassa, through which a huge flow of users passes, but also a network of real terminals located on the streets. Why, say, go to a company office to make a payment or to a bank and wait in line there, if you can just use the website or terminal and your money will be delivered instantly?

    How to pay via Robokassa?

    Making a payment through the system is very simple, as reviews report. Robokassa is constantly improving its functioning mechanism, making it very easy to pay for the services you use on the Internet or in real life.

    In the terminals, the Robokassa system is presented in the form of a grid, which consists of shortcuts to sites and services available for payment. Between themselves, they are visually divided into certain categories (banks, online games, ticket sales, and so on). After a person selects one of the specified services by clicking on its icon, he sees a window asking him to enter data. Most often, these are fields that need to be filled in to identify the user, roughly speaking, to find out who exactly he is paying for. Of course, you must know these numbers (your account or order number).

    Afterwards, payment is made directly through Robokassa (reviews from system users confirm this). The client is transferred to a special form with the requirement to clarify the amount for which the payment will be made, or simply start depositing funds (if we are talking about a terminal on the street). This way the device itself will be able to determine how much money the client wants to deposit.

    After these procedures, you just need to wait a little - and your funds will be successfully credited to the service you specified.

    How to accept payments?

    Of course, not only the clients who buy services, but also the companies that sell them feel comfortable working with the system. After all, Robokassa allows you to quickly and conveniently receive the money that is deposited by your buyer, without bothering yourself with various technical nuances of accepting payments and the features of its implementation.

    Of course, working with the platform cannot be free - the service will charge a commission in a certain amount of the total amount of payments. But, as reviews indicate, Robokassa is an effective tool for running an online business. And if we take into account the number of companies, including large ones, that have already joined this platform, we can confidently talk about comfortable work with the system.

    Conditions for using the system

    Of course, before work begins, before payment is accepted through Robokassa, customer reviews and information on the official website will tell you about a number of conditions imposed by this service.

    For example, he fundamentally makes payments exclusively in rubles (for online stores from the Russian Federation). Whereas when working with other services (including from or others), Robokassa makes an exception.

    In addition to this nuance, you should also take into account a number of technical points that are very important for all stores and sites that accept payments. According to reviews, “Robokassa” is connected using a code and a script, which will be placed on the server of a store or website with services. This means that you need to properly install such a mechanism, configure it and check it to be sure that payments are successful and the client can transfer their money to you. If you do not understand this yourself, we recommend turning to professionals.

    Possibilities of the Robokassa system for buyers

    As already noted, the main feature of the system is the available payment methods for most services operating on the domestic market. This means that if you use the services of a particular company, you do not need to stress and go to the bank to make a payment, and even more so, personally visit this company in order to transfer funds to them. It’s enough just to go to the terminal on the street (there are quite a lot of them in all the cities of our country - more than 100 thousand) and deposit funds. And you can be sure that they have already reached the seller’s wallet.

    The same applies to online payments. On the Robokassa website, customer reviews confirm this, you can choose one of many, which makes it possible to pay regardless of what currency you have. A striking example of extremely convenient payments is the company’s cooperation with the largest Chinese store Aliexpress, where tens of thousands of users from our country make purchases every day at the best prices. Without the help of Robokassa, this would have been difficult to achieve.

    Available payment methods

    In order to create maximum comfort for its clients, Robokassa offers many payment methods to choose from. Namely: using a mobile operator account, any of the available online currencies, in Internet banking, through a plastic card. To be more precise, in total, as reviews of the “Robokassa Payment System” note, there are more than 40 such payment methods. Most importantly, they are constantly being added. Using each of these methods, you can pay your seller without the hassle of conversion.

    Problems and errors

    Of course, the Robokassa service cannot be called ideal, even despite its many advantages and the comfort it gives its clients. Due to some unknown circumstances or due to an error by personnel or the seller, payment may be received with a delay or not be credited at all. It is also possible that some third-party error may occur on the server, from which no one is immune.

    In such cases, there is no need to worry about the client’s money being lost or sent to another account. Based on such facts, a complaint is created, and Robokassa considers it as soon as possible. After which the problem is resolved, and the money is credited to the desired account or returned to the sender. Thanks to the fact that every transaction is easily tracked online today, it is almost impossible to lose money.

    Prospects for convenient payment

    To learn about all the conveniences of the system, we recommend reading the reviews. “Robokassa,” as many users (both clients and sellers) believe, maintains a fairly high level of service, which completely suits them. Most clients also emphasize that they did not expect such speed and ease of making payments remotely, which they were pleasantly surprised by.

    However, since technology does not stand still, we should expect further development in the field of remote payments. Perhaps the company will introduce some kind of innovative “contactless” or “one-click” payment mechanism, thanks to which it will be possible to pay off debts faster and easier than now. In the meantime, we can leave reviews about the Robokassa service in order to convey our opinion to the developers and at the same time assure other people that the system is absolutely safe, simple and should be used!

    The client should be able to choose a convenient method of payment for goods or services. The transactions themselves must be carried out at lightning speed, safely for the participants in the transaction and without hidden fees. The tasks listed above are solved by special aggregators. They combine the most popular, reliable and easy-to-use payment services. Robokassa is one of the first representatives of such services. The payment system aggregator interacts with organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals.

    Who is Robokassa created for?

    The Robokassa service allows buyers and suppliers of goods and services to accept and make payments in the most comfortable way for them. An aggregator is an intermediary between an online store or company, a client and a payment system.

    Each transaction involves the withdrawal of a commission according to the aggregator’s tariffs. Clients of the robo-cashier remain loyal to it not only due to the variety of available payment methods, but also due to the ability to transfer finances in a currency convenient for them. Robokassa accepts funds from:

    • bank cards (Visa, MasterCard and MIR);
    • electronic wallets (Yandex Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, Elexnet);
    • most payment terminals (Svyaznoy, Euroset, Qiwi, Eleksnet);
    • mobile applications (for now only iPhone owners can use);
    • mobile phone accounts (Tele2, MTS, Megafon and Beeline);
    • and in many other ways.

    People first started talking about this payment platform in 2003. Since then, millions of users have become Robokassa clients. The service is attractive due to its ease of use and speed of transactions, the absence of unexpected commissions and subscription fees.

    The services of Robokassa are becoming more and more popular every year thanks to its:

    • reliability;
    • security (any fact of payment is subject to automatic verification);
    • interface convenience;
    • ease of integration with online stores (the site owner does not need to know a programming language, since the company has created a huge number of widgets that are easily integrated into any “engine”);
    • the ability to check documentation and connection after registration and execution of the relevant papers;
    • options for paying for services offline;
    • flexible tariff policy without hidden fees.

    Each user, before connecting to the system, can test it. During the period of connection to Robokassa, the client is entitled to a preferential payment. All you need to do is set up a plugin for your business and be able to accept payments in more than 40 ways.

    Healthy! The service offers 5 tariffs depending on sales turnover and other conditions. For example, a beginner can connect for free and without a subscription fee if he chooses the “Starter” tariff. In this case, the commission will be 3.7% for payments with bank cards and a little more for other types of payments.

    The provider does not set a subscription fee for using the service and does not determine the minimum volume of transactions that the participant is required to perform. Any store at the launch stage can join the project and begin active work.

    Features of work

    The platform uses a secure connection to accept incoming payments. The high degree of technology security is evidenced by a certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS level standard in the bank card industry. Specialized servers are allocated for storing confidential information. A number of additional servers are involved in the automatic backup procedure. The security system is highly resistant to communication interruptions and hacking attempts due to the use of a 128-bit information encryption system. The possibility of gaining unauthorized access to the data bank is excluded, since it does not have a direct connection to the Internet.

    Healthy! Before starting to work with the service, it is recommended to use a test environment. It will not allow you to make a payment, but will help show an imitation of the transaction and identify possible site errors that may occur while using the plugin.

    All transactions performed during the day are subject to fraud monitoring in order to identify fraudulent cases. This means that when connecting a commercial project to Robokassa, you can refuse to obtain a personal SSL security certificate.

    The platform is built on special modules - algorithms and instructions for interacting with accounts of services and payment systems in automatic mode. They are responsible for debiting funds when purchasing services and goods. Robokassa offers website owners to integrate the script (examples can be found on the official website) of the platform into their resource for the convenience of users.

    Customer capabilities

    All users, including individuals, can use the following functionality of Robokassa:

    • personal account for servicing one or more Internet projects;
    • personalized settings for gaining access to your personal account;
    • branded payment page design;
    • choosing the optimal payment method;
    • the ability to manually issue invoices (not only in rubles, but also euros, US dollars and other currencies);
    • informing customers via SMS;
    • mobile version of the payment page;
    • reporting;

    Separately, it is worth noting that in July 2016, a new version of Federal Law No. 54 appeared, concerning the use of cash register equipment when paying with payment cards. Robokassa offers business owners several official options for removing obligations to use cash register systems. In this case, the optimal solution would be to use the Robo.market service.

    Healthy! The Robokassa service can also be used by owners of Internet resources of the 18+ category (sex stores,Vape-shops and other things).

    In addition to the options listed, organizations can use automatic payments and a searchable platform for paying for goods and services via the Internet - Robomarket.


    To connect to Robokassa, you must have a civil passport and an additional document for personal identification. You can use a Qiwi wallet instead. The registration procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. Individuals can decide for themselves whether they will pay a commission for clients or shift this responsibility to buyers.

    Organizations enter into an agreement with the aggregator upon provision of original versions and digital scans of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, notarized powers of attorney for authorized representatives of the company, and a completed client application form.

    Connecting to Robokassa begins with registering an account in the system and setting up comfortable operating parameters.

    It is important that the website of a potential Robokassa client meets several important indicators:

    • Did not conflict with the legislation of the Russian Federation or ethical standards.
    • It was a public page with content, familiarization with which should not require mandatory registration by entering a login, password and other data.
    • It was multi-page. However, if we are talking about an individual or individual entrepreneur, then a “one-pager” may also be allowed to work if the product or service is unique.
    • Have information (preferably at the bottom of the pages) about the full name of the organization, TIN, address and contact information.

    If the site is aimed at selling certain products, then each of them must be accompanied by a description, technical or operational characteristics. It is necessary to indicate the price of goods and services, the possibility of delivery and other necessary information.


    "Robokassa" is an aggregator that unites all popular payment systems. For private clients, the amount of system remuneration is determined by the chosen payment method for goods. For transfers from bank cards, the commission is set at 2.3% or higher, depending on the chosen payment system. For instant payment systems, such as Qiwi and Eleksnet, the commission starts from 3.5%. When depositing funds in cash through instant payment terminals and in mobile phone stores, the commission will reach 3.9% or higher. When making transactions through Internet banking, the user will have to pay 3.5% commission. Robokassa offers to pay for services from a mobile operator account, but with a commission of 5%.

    The amount of commission for organizations is determined by the range of their goods or services, the amount of monthly turnover and the currency in which payments are made.

    Withdrawal of finances

    Robokassa acts as an intermediary and therefore does not store funds belonging to clients. Withdrawal of finances is available in automatic and manual modes. In the personal account, the user sets the priority method of receiving funds. Individuals have access only to electronic wallets, and organizations only have access to current bank accounts. The amount is withdrawn to your account within 1-2 business days.


    "Robokassa" is a convenient business tool that facilitates interaction between buyer and seller. Its use will definitely benefit the Internet project and help increase profits.