• Robots that do homework. The ATLAS robot has learned to perform some types of everyday housework. Alexander Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago

    The most amazing robots on the planet gathered this week in the center of the capital at the International Forum "Mobile Robots 2010", organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As part of the forum at the Sports Palace, robot sumo wrestlers will compete, smart machines that avoid obstacles, harvesters and garbage collectors will demonstrate their abilities...

    Several centuries have passed since the time of the first robot inventor, Leonardo da Vinci, and today automated machines can not only move their arms and turn their heads, but also express feelings and, most amazingly, make decisions. Many of them are so successful in their work that they can easily replace a person.


    In September 2010, the first robot, named Robonaut II, will begin its duties aboard the Discovery shuttle. The uniqueness of this device is that, being dexterous and agile, it can easily lift loads weighing over 9 kg. Unlike a person, he does not need a spacesuit, which means Robonaut can do much of what people do, but in a vacuum and without special protection, reports gzt.ru.


    One of the most popular areas in robotics is the creation of household assistants. In general, a robot is a machine with anthropomorphic behavior. This word first appeared in the play “R.U.R” by the Czech writer Karel Capek; the term itself comes from the Czech robota - forced labor. It turns out that serving people is their main task. So the Korean Mahru-Z can clean up the house, load the washing machine, heat food in the microwave and bring it to the owner, writes zhelezyaka.com.

    Chess player

    Last year, Russian scientists developed a robot chess player. Using a three-fingered mechanical probe, he independently moves pieces on an electric chessboard. Developer Konstantin Kosteniuk said that the robot has already beaten several famous grandmasters, but, in his opinion, it needs improvement; for example, it should also speak and wash dishes. For now, the device can only play simultaneously with three opponents and endlessly with itself.

    Robot suitcase

    Russian inventors say that a robotic suitcase will go on sale next year. The device itself will follow the owner, or rather, the owner of the beacon card. It overcomes obstacles and takes into account the features of the landscape, for example, it knows how to stop in front of stairs and slows down on an inclined plane. The battery charge lasts for 2 hours, it is made of shock-resistant and waterproof material, writes robotronic.ru.


    Before deciding to become parents, Japanese inventors advise having a child simulator robot. It's called Yotaro and is capable of delivering all the difficulties that await young parents. He can express emotions, in particular, he can cry with water.


    Of course, the mechanisms are primarily designed to make life easier for people. Scientists are constantly creating medical microrobots that can penetrate the human body, mechanized arms, etc. And American scientists, for example, have developed a prototype of a wheelchair that can move independently. Laser detectors evaluate landscape features and plot a route. In Japan, mechanized nurses and brothers are already working in hospitals, and in the future they will also be able to carry patients in their arms. A device weighing up to 180 kg with “arms” covered with soft material will pick up the patient and, guided by data received from sensors, transfer the patient from place to place. The robot responds to voice and recognizes faces.


    Robots can also be a simulator. For example, dental. Externally, the Hanako model looks like a person, while novice doctors are “fixing” her “teeth”, she can feign pain, roll her eyes and drool. In addition, Hanako says "I'm hurt" and a few other standard phrases.

    Marine orderlies

    Small autonomous robots AUE (autonomous underwater explorers) come to the aid of ecologists and oceanographers. They can work in “flocks” (5-6 football-sized vehicles and 20 smaller devices), patrolling the depths of the sea and collecting data on water conditions, currents, pressure, pollution levels, etc.

    Fashion model

    The robot model was developed by Japanese specialists. The mechanical girl, whose body contains 30 motors, can gracefully move along the catwalk, take various poses and express various emotions. Model HRP-4C is 158 cm tall and weighs 43 kg, writes pinktentacle.com.


    According to futuristic films, in the future robots will work on an equal basis with people in all fields of activity. Thus, a robot teacher was successfully tested in a Japanese school several years ago. He speaks different languages, can arrange a roll call, give tasks and express emotions.


    Scientists teach robots to recognize odors. For example, the sensor of the Ubiko model recognizes the smell of smoke and ash, then the device sends a signal to the security console, which is already taking measures to eliminate the fire. Another device uses an infrared spectrometer to determine the chemical composition of the product, its freshness and composition.

    Kitchen Helper

    The first robot chef was designed in 2006 in China. The AIC-AI model prepared a variety of dishes, of course, Chinese cuisine. She can fry, steam, boil, boil, bake, etc. And Robo Waiter 1 worked in a Hong Kong restaurant. The robot shuttled between tables, took orders and, of course, brought additional income to the establishment.


    As robotics develops, models become more and more emotional. Humanoid robots are becoming more and more human-like. They can not only perform certain functions, but also express admiration, surprise, sadness, antipathy, joy, etc. By using a camera to detect changes in a human face, the robot reacts to them accordingly. In the future it is planned to use him as a nurse.

    The smallest

    The smallest robot was assembled in Japan in 1992. The length of the mechanism was only 1 cm. And the smallest humanoid robot is the BeRobot model with a height of just over 15 cm. It can walk, dance, do push-ups and knows simple techniques of oriental tai chi wrestling. The mechanism can be controlled by voice or remote control.


    A Japanese robot fish can monitor sea creatures unnoticed by them. Hidden under the silicone shell, which replicates the appearance of a red snapper, is a system of ballasts similar to those used in submarines for surfacing and diving. The device is activated by movements of the tail section.


    And cockroach robots can destroy populations of harmful insects. Scientists in France, Belgium and Switzerland have created a model that looks like a cockroach, moves on wheels, and is equipped with cameras and infrared sensors. In the future, inventors intend to create more serious models, for example, for managing a sheep herd.


    The French company Robosoft recently introduced a device called Kompai, designed to help the elderly and people with disabilities. Kompai not only talks and understands speech, but also performs many different tasks around the house. In addition, using the camera built into the robot, you can establish contact with friends and acquaintances on the Internet.


    Creativity has also ceased to be the prerogative of man. Modern robots can play musical instruments and paint pictures. According to the Daily Mail, the Model WF-4RIV, invented by specialists from Wassed University, plays the flute masterfully, while it “listens” to the audience and orchestra musicians. The Haile robot, like a live drummer, adapts to the sound of the melody and improvises itself. And a four-fingered hand created in Harbin plays an electronic organ.


    Swiss Salvador DaBot with a mustache and a beret is a robot that draws portraits. First, he takes a photo of the face, and then uses a special algorithm to create a drawing. At the same time, he can “communicate.”

    Beer lover

    Austrian inventors created an alcoholic robot in 2004, writes membrana.ru. Bar Bot sits in a bar, looking for a "victim". Catching a curious glance, he begins to ask for a coin, and having collected the required amount, he begins to spin around his axis, saying: “One beer, please.” The bartender puts a can of beer in his "hand". “Thank you very much,” Bar Bot thanks, and slowly pours the drink into his “mouth” that resembles a shell. Then he throws the can on the floor, and the process begins again.

    The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    Which brought the IHMC team's ATLAS robot second place in the finals of the DARPA Robotics Challenge, team members make their brainchild constantly work hard. Thanks to this, this robot has now learned to do primitive housework quite well; it can clean, sweep and wash floors, dust, etc. However, according to John Carff, the operator of this robot, their goal is not “to create a cleaning robot that many people dream of,” but the robot must constantly solve sufficiently complex problems in order to ensure that constant changes to its programs and hardware upgrades function as expected.

    “We were getting pretty tired of the repetitive tasks the robot had to do during the DRC finals,” says John Carff, “so we came up with some fun ideas and had our ATLAS do them.”

    Since the DRC competition, the ATLAS robot control interface has undergone dramatic changes. In addition to correcting some errors, the module for selecting actions and movements of the robot has undergone a radical modernization. Unfortunately, the current ATLAS robot still does not have full autonomy; it can independently perform only those actions whose correctness has been tested and confirmed by a human operator.

    “Most of the robot’s actions that can be seen in the video are controlled by me. But I don’t just sit and move the joystick or other controls. I “tell” the robot using the user interface what actions it needs to perform and what result it needs to get. - says John Karff, - “The robot calculates all the options for performing actions and allows me to view the most optimal ones using the preview function in a virtual environment. If I agree with one of the plans, I give the robot a command to carry out this plan. In the future, we plan to give The robot will have more autonomy, but a human will always need to control its actions."

    "It takes a lot of patience and out-of-the-box thinking to be a robot operator. When an operator is faced with a completely new task or situation, he must come up with several ways to solve it and choose the one that works best not for a person, but for a robot “- says John Karff, “Many of the actions that the ATLAS robot is capable of doing are performed in a completely different way than a living person would do.”

    It should be noted that the ATLAS robot copes with the tasks of cleaning the premises quite adequately. However, there are still many unsolved problems in the field of improving the performance of control algorithms, and after each software upgrade, a check of the functionality of the robot control system is required. And such a check can only be carried out by performing actions of varying degrees of complexity by the robot. The Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) already has a number of new and interesting ideas for their robot, and when these ideas are implemented, we will introduce our readers to new interesting videos.


    The dream of every modern woman is someone or something that can provide real help with daily housework. Just recently, a robot doing homework seemed like something incredible, similar to characters from children's fairy tales or fantasy stories that we read as children. However, progress really does not stand still. And the famous phrase “What has progress come to” is becoming especially relevant in our time. Today, few people can be surprised by anything when it comes to electronic and digital innovations.

    Korean scientists spent a lot of time before presenting their new creation to the public. Specialists from one of the research centers of the Institute of Science and Technology demonstrated the interactive home robot "CIROS", which has a number of functions necessary for performing routine household work. This know-how was presented at the Robot World 2012 exhibition, held early this fall in the capital of the Republic of Korea.

    It is worth noting that “CIROS” is the third modification of the machine. Its active development began back in 2005, when scientists decided to create something like an electronic assistant for everyday life. And now, almost 7 years later, specialists announced the successful completion of this project and positive results.

    According to the creators, the robot is designed to perform simple household chores. It easily copes with cutting vegetables and fruits, loading dirty clothes or dishes into a washing machine. Without much difficulty, the “metal assistant” brings several items to the owner, and is also able to perform some housework related to cleaning, washing and other household work.

    It is very convenient for housewives that "CIROS" can interact with many kitchen electrical appliances, such as: microwave oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, sink, electric or gas stove, coffee maker and toaster. Actions are carried out thanks to laser motion and target indicators, as well as a convenient touch screen, the robot is able to easily bypass any obstacles, such as chairs, tables, that may be encountered on the way to the intended goal.

    The robot's head is equipped with stereoscopic cameras and a three-dimensional sensor. Its structure is similar to the Microsoft Kinect, a device used to recognize surrounding objects. It is worth noting that the machine is very convenient in that it is able to recognize voice commands. Having heard a loud request from a person, the robot immediately begins to carry out the command given by the owner. Command recognition is an undoubted success and a high achievement of scientists in the development of such machines. Progress, indeed, does not stand still.

    The following is known about the robot: “CIROS” reaches 160 cm in height, its weight is about 150 kilograms, the electronic “assistant” moves in any direction, and a pair of wheels is used when walking. Both of his hands are similar to human limbs, and are capable of holding a large number of things without damaging, scratching or dropping them.

    So far, this creation of Korean specialists remains at the level of a successful experiment. However, it is planned to expand the production of such machines. So, it is likely that this miracle assistant will soon go on wide sale, and every modern woman will be able to purchase such an electronic assistant, which can be entrusted with the most difficult and not always pleasant housework. This will help save valuable time for 21st century residents.

    Getmanskaya Anna, 8th grade.

    Woe-to-be dreamer

    More and more machines are coming to the aid of people. And some people are beginning to think that they will completely free us from work. This is exactly what my friend Foma dreams about. He really wants the robot to do everything for him.

    One day Foma was doing his homework. And at that time all the guys gathered in the yard to play football. But Roma had not yet completed a single lesson, and then he thought: “If only I had a robot, I wouldn’t have to do my homework myself, help my mother around the house and my father in the yard and garden.”

    Suddenly a strange sound was heard behind him, Foma looked around, and there was a robot! - Hello, what's your name, robot? – Foma asked uncertainly. “Hello, I’m robot DR-1,” the machine answered.

    What can you do? - All the work around the house, in the yard and garden, that’s why they called me DR - home robot. – Can you prepare your homework? - asked Foma. - Certainly! Just enter a task or question. - How to enter? – You must learn this by studying the instructions. “Here you go!” - thought Foma. It turns out that even with a robot you can’t do without training.

    Ogorodnikova Daria, 8th grade


    More and more machines are coming to the aid of people. And some people are beginning to think that they will completely free us from work. This is exactly what my friend Foma dreams about. He really wants the robot to do everything for him! One day, my friend Foma dreamed of a robot, that he would do his homework. Thomas imagined himself in a time when he would have a robot.

    And so, Foma sees him coming to school with a perfectly completed task and being asked a rule during a Russian language lesson. He, of course, cannot tell the rule, because it was the robot who taught the rule, not Thomas. And then my friend realized that there was no way to do without teaching. Even with a robot.

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