• The Beeline router does not distribute wifi. Problems with Wi-Fi router. Router doesn't work

    So, you have configured your wireless router, but for some reason something is not working. I will try to consider the most common problems with Wi-Fi routers and ways to solve them. Most of the problems described can equally occur in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 and the solutions will be similar.

    From my work experience, as well as from the comments on this site, I can identify the following typical problems that users encounter when, it would seem, they have configured everything exactly and according to all sorts of instructions.

    • The router status indicates that the WAN connection is down
    • Laptop, tablet, smartphone does not see Wi-Fi, but sees neighbors’ access points
    • Constant disconnections
    • Local city resources of the provider, torrent, DC++ hub and others are not available

    If I remember other typical things like the above, I’ll add to the list, but for now let’s get started.

    • (provided that the router is configured correctly)
    • What to do if when connecting it says:
    • What to do if .

    Wi-Fi connection disappears and low download speed through the router (through a wire everything is fine)

    In this case, changing the wireless network channel can help you. We are not talking about those situations that also occur when the router simply freezes, but only about those when the wireless connection itself disappears on individual devices or in specific places, and it is also impossible to achieve normal Wi-Fi connection speed. You can read more about how to select a free Wi-Fi channel.

    WAN is broken or the Internet is only on the computer

    The main reason why this problem occurs with a WiFi router is the connected WAN connection on the computer. The point of setting up and operating a wireless router is that it will establish a connection to the Internet on its own, and then “distribute” access to other devices. Thus, if the router is already configured, but the Beeline, Rostelecom, etc. connection available on the computer is in the “connected” state, then the Internet will only work on the computer, and the router will take virtually no part in this. In addition, the router will not be able to connect the WAN, since it is already connected on your computer, and most providers only allow one connection from one user at a time. I don’t know how clearly I was able to explain the logic, but even if it’s not clear, just take it for granted: for everything to work, a separate provider connection on your computer must be disabled. Only a local network connection should be connected, or, in the case of a laptop, etc., a wireless network connection.

    It is impossible to access the address to configure the router

    If you encounter the fact that when you type the address to access the settings of your router, the corresponding page does not open, do the following.

    1) Make sure that in the local network connection settings (your direct connection to the router) it is set to: obtain an IP address automatically, obtain DNS addresses automatically.

    UPD: Check whether you enter this address exactly into the address bar - some users, when trying to configure the router, enter it into the search bar, resulting in something like “The page cannot be displayed.”

    2) If the previous point did not help, use the run command (Win+R keys, in Windows 8 you can simply start typing the word “Run” on the start screen), enter cmd, press Enter. And in command line mode, enter ipconfig. Pay attention to the “Default Gateway” value of the connection used for configuration - it is at this address that you should go to the router administration page. If this address differs from the standard one, then perhaps the router was previously configured to work on a specific network with certain requirements. You can reset it to factory settings. If there is no address at all at this point, then, again, try resetting the router. If that doesn’t work, you can also try disconnecting the provider’s cable from the router, leaving only the cable that connects it to the PC - this may solve the problem: make the necessary settings without this cable, and after everything is configured, reconnect the provider’s cable. Pay attention to the firmware version and, if relevant, update it. If this does not help, make sure that the “correct” drivers are installed for the computer’s network card. Ideally, download them from the manufacturer's website.

    Settings are not saved

    If for some reason the settings are not saved after entering them and clicking “save”, and also if you cannot restore the settings previously saved in a separate file, try performing the operation in another browser. In general, in case of any strange behavior of the router admin panel, you should try this option.

    Laptop (tablet, other device) does not see WiFi

    In this case, a variety of options are possible and they are all approximately equally common. Let's go in order.

    If your laptop does not see the access point, then first of all, check whether the wireless module is turned on. To do this, look at the “Network and Sharing Center” - “Adapter Settings” in Windows 7 and Windows 8, or in Network Connections on Windows XP. Make sure your wireless connection is turned on. If disabled (displayed in gray), then enable. The problem may have already been resolved. If it doesn’t turn on, see if your laptop has a hardware switch for Wi-Fi (my Sony Vaio, for example, has it).

    Let's move on. If the wireless connection is turned on, but is constantly in the “No connection” status, make sure that the required drivers are installed on your Wi-Fi adapter. This is especially true for laptops. Many users, having installed a program to automatically update drivers or have a driver installed automatically by the Windows operating system, believe that this is the right driver. As a result, they often encounter problems. The required driver is the one that is located on the website of your laptop manufacturer and is intended specifically for your model. Laptop computers often use specific hardware, and using drivers (not just for network equipment) recommended by the manufacturer can avoid many problems.

    If the previous option did not help you, we try to go to the “admin panel” of the router and slightly change the wireless network settings. First: change b/g/n to b/g. Did it work? This means that the wireless module of your device does not support the 802.11n standard. It's okay, in most cases, this will not affect the speed of network access. If it doesn’t work, try manually specifying the wireless network channel there (usually “automatic”).

    And one more unlikely, but possible option, which I had to deal with three times, and twice for the iPad tablet. The device also refused to see the access point, and this was solved by setting the United States region in the router instead of Russia.

    Other problems

    If the connection constantly breaks during operation, make sure that you have the latest firmware installed; if this is not the case, update it. Read the forums: perhaps other clients of your provider with the same router that you have already encountered such a problem and have solutions to this matter.

    For some Internet providers, access to local resources, such as torrent trackers, game servers and others, requires setting up static routes in the router. If this is the case, then you will most likely find information on how to register them in the router on the forum of the company that provides you with Internet access.

    Recently, wireless technologies have almost completely replaced wired ones from our daily lives. And now almost every home, institution, and office has a WiFi router that allows several computers or mobile devices to access the Internet at once.

    WiFi technologies certainly have their advantages, but they also give rise to certain inconveniences. If you suddenly Internet disappeared with an active wireless connection, or to router access point If you can't connect at all, then you've come to the right place. In this article we will talk about the most likely causes of problems and give tips on how to resolve them.

    Problem 1: WiFi is connected, but there is no Internet

    Since access to the Internet is provided through a network cable connected to the router (router) by the Internet provider (WAN port), and only then “distributed” via a LAN or WiFi connection, the first thing you must do is: eliminate the problem on the provider side.

    It's very easy to check this by looking at WAN indicator in the router. As a rule, this is a globe icon or the inscription “WAN”.

    If WAN indicator is off, it means the cable is damaged or there is no connection with the provider. In this case you should contact the provider's technical support.

    If indicator flashes, - there is a connection, but there is no Internet connection. This may be the result router failure. It will be required reboot. To do this simply turn it off with the button and turn it on after a minute. Wait until the router is completely configured (the gear icon stops blinking) and reconnect to WiFi on your computer. If the problem persists, contact your provider's technical support. As a rule, such problems are resolved by employees within 3 minutes.

    Problem 2: The Internet periodically disappears

    It happens that the Internet disappears and then appears again. There are several possible reasons.

    1. Poor Internet connection. The best way to check the quality of your Internet connection is to use one of the tips from.

    2. Router problems. Reboot it as described in the section above.

    3. Poor WiFi signal. If the WiFi indicator on your computer or other device shows a weak signal, check how far the router is from the computer. The more walls there are in the way, the worse the signal. However, there may be another reason - poor contact with the antenna or its incorrect location. Make sure that the antenna is securely screwed to the router body and is not damaged.

    4. Laptop WiFi adapter problems. A yellow exclamation mark may appear next to the WiFi icon in the system track. Try turning the adapter off and on. To do this, the laptop has a special function key - an antenna icon or an airplane (turns on airplane mode). Another method is performed from a Windows system: click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and in the side menu that opens (Windows 8), move the Wi-Fi mode parameter slider first to the position Off, then On. Next, reconnect to the access point. If it doesn't help, restart your computer.

    Problem 3: Unable to connect to access point

    A very common problem is when you cannot connect to a WiFi hotspot. There are several possible options here, so the procedure is as follows:

    1. First of all, you need to make sure that your adapter is turned on and not in airplane mode. To do this in Windows 8, just click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and check the item in the sidebar that opens Airplane mode(should be Off.) And WiFi(should be On.). You can see the screenshot above.
    2. Next, check if the adapter finds the desired access point. If it doesn’t find it, make sure your router is plugged in and working. Doesn't help? Let's move on to the next step.
    3. Restart the adapter using the method described in paragraph 4 of the previous section. If it doesn't help, reboot your computer.
    4. In case the adapter finds other WiFi networks, But does not see your access point, - there may be a problem with encryption. Try and configure WiFi security settings so that you do not need to enter a password - item “Wireless mode” -> Wireless protection -> Disable protection. That is, there should be no encryption on the network. After this, most likely, your access point will appear in the list of networks. If you really need a WiFi password, try changing the encryption type to WEP.
    5. If the computer does not find any WiFi network and rebooting does not help, the reason may be a failure of the adapter itself.

    Bottom line

    We hope that this article included all possible options for WiFi problems and that one of our tips helped you. If we missed something or you have any clarification, please leave comments. And, of course, like the post and share it on social media. networks!)

    Hello friends! If you don’t know what to do if the router doesn’t provide wifi, or if the Internet through wi-fi often breaks, then you’ve come to the right place. It is difficult to unequivocally answer why this happens because there are many reasons and it is not possible to give a specific “recipe” for all malfunctions.

    Let’s try to take a closer look at the main reasons.

    • There is Internet, but the device connected via wi-fi does not open sites
    • Wi-Fi network drops frequently
    • Connection problems
    • Internet via wi-fi does not work

    Let's start with the basics, a wi-fi network operates on a specific channel. When we set the settings in the router, we set this parameter to “Auto”. This value sets the automatic search and the device selects the appropriate channel to use. This is where problems sometimes lie, so let’s try changing the parameters.

    Where can I change the channel settings?

    To change the settings, you need to go to the settings of your router, you can read how to do this. Now I will show you using my Asus router as an example. Everyone has different routers, but the principle, the names of the menus where changes need to be made, are more or less the same.

    Let's go to "Wireless Network" in English, it will be "Wireless". We need "Channel" or "Channel". We point at it and there will be a drop-down menu, you will most likely have “Auto” set. Now try changing channels from this list one by one, save the changes, reboot the router and test for functionality.

    Often they create configuration problems with DNS servers. These settings are specified manually or set automatically. Sometimes the settings go wrong or the servers are unstable. Try setting the settings as in the image.

    Hello readers of the blog of the ComService company (Naberezhnye Chelny), Wi-Fi Internet will not surprise anyone now, it is in almost every office, store, cafe and is actively appearing in homes. A large selection of routers and their low price only contribute to such an active installation of wireless access points. Almost everyone can afford to buy a router and install it at home, because it is very convenient and not expensive.

    And if routers have become very popular, then the question of setting up, connecting, breaking, etc. of these same routers has become relevant. If I have already written many articles on connection, settings and various errors, which you can read in the category “Internet, Wi-Fi, local networks“, then today I want to talk about the most popular failures of Wi-Fi routers and give some tips that will help you fix the device, or simply determine the cause.

    There are a lot of comments left on this site about various problems with routers. And very often the cause of an error is not the settings (as many people think), but rather technical problems in the router itself (in the hardware).

    Today I want to talk about problems that appear unexpectedly. How is this? Well, the router worked great, distributed Wi-Fi, made everyone happy :), and then it stopped working. It doesn’t matter how it stopped working completely, or simply not how it should work. The main thing is that it used to work well and stopped working on its own (you did not change any settings).

    It’s just that the problems that appear during the first setup of the router most likely arise due to incorrect settings.

    The router does not respond to connection to the power grid

    I'm sorry, but your router is most likely completely dead. Every router (well, almost every one) has operation indicators.

    And if these indenters do not light up when you connect the device to a socket, then this is very bad.

    What can be done?

    Well, first check if there is a power off button on the router. There is such a button on the TP-LINK TL-MR3220:

    If the button is on, then you need to check the power supply, it may be the problem. Typically, power supplies burn out more often than the routers themselves. Perhaps your neighbors have the same router, run and ask for a couple of minutes.

    If the device still does not work, return it under warranty. And if there is no warranty, then it is better to throw it away and buy a new one than to send it for paid repairs. Although, you can take it to a workshop, it may not cost very much.

    Why does this happen?

    For many reasons. There may be a manufacturing defect, but most likely the router burned out due to unstable voltage in the network, a thunderstorm, or moisture. If possible, connect the router through a voltage stabilizer. Well, or just turn it off when you see that there is going to be a thunderstorm.

    This was the most severe case, now let's look at milder breakdowns.

    The router has stopped working and does not provide internet access

    If a problem suddenly arises with Wi-Fi, for example, all devices stop connecting to the router, there is a connection, but the Internet does not work, etc. then do not rush to throw your router out the window :).

    First you need to find out that the problem is really with the router, and not with the device you are trying to connect. How? Just try connecting another device (laptop, tablet, phone). If only one device does not connect, then the problem is most likely in it. Well, you understand what I mean.

    The problem is in the router, what needs to be checked and how to solve the problem?

    Don’t rush to immediately go into the router settings and change something there right away. Otherwise you set it up in such a way that it definitely won’t work. Believe me, I’m not just writing this :). Reboot your router. Restart your computer (phone, tablet). Call your provider and ask if there are any problems on their end. Explain your problem to them. Perhaps the Internet is not working due to problems with the provider’s equipment. Check whether you have paid for the Internet and whether it is active (you can also ask your provider for this). Check all connections. Internet cable that connects to the router. It is advisable to check this cable outside the apartment (house). Perhaps your cable was simply cut. On purpose or by accident - this happens. Look at the router case, maybe there are some interesting buttons that someone accidentally switched. For example, there may be a button to disable the Wi-Fi module. If you press it, devices will not see your wireless connection. Go to the router settings and see if the settings have been lost. This may happen and the Internet will not work. Especially, check the WAN tab, where the settings from the provider are. If they fail, set them up again. Here is an article for you as an example. Try changing the channel in the router settings. Here is a detailed article. How might this affect strange Wi-Fi problems? Perhaps your neighbors have installed a router and more than one, I will introduce neighbors above, below, on the sides. And it’s just that all the channels (or the one you are on) are busy. That's when problems begin that are even difficult to explain.

    Have you tried everything and nothing helps?

    Then, I advise you to send the router for repair, again under warranty. And if there is no guarantee, then pay for repairs, or buy a new one. Before this, you can ask a friend who understands this matter (if you have one) to look at the router, settings and connections.

    Real case. My TP-LINK TL-MR3220 router worked great for several months. Then, suddenly it stopped detecting the 3G modem connection. I connected different modems, power is supplied to the modem, but it does not appear in the control panel. I tried everything, even the special firmware that TP-LINK support sent me - it didn’t help. You can read more in the article.

    What I mean is that if a technical problem occurs in the router (something burns out), this does not mean that it simply will not turn on. It may work, but it won't work as intended. And it can take a very long and painful time to configure, flash, check, etc.

    Don't suffer. You paid money for this device. Call support from the router manufacturer and explain the problem to them. I'm sure no one will give you better advice than them.

    If support cannot help over the phone, they will advise you to apply for warranty coverage (if there is one). And then it’s up to you to decide whether to go for repairs or buy a new device.