• Circuit of a high-quality UMZCH using field-effect transistors. Wideband UMZ with low distortion. Switching power supply

    A long time ago, two years ago, I purchased an old Soviet speaker 35GD-1. Despite its initial poor condition, I restored it, painted it a beautiful blue and even made a box for it out of plywood. A large box with two bass reflexes greatly improved its acoustic qualities. The only thing left is a good amplifier that will drive this speaker. I decided to do something different from what most people do - buy a ready-made class D amplifier from China and install it. I decided to make an amplifier myself, but not some generally accepted one on the TDA7294 chip, and not on a chip at all, and not even the legendary Lanzar, but a very rare amplifier on field-effect transistors. And there is very little information on the Internet about field amplifiers, so I became interested in what it is and how it sounds.


    This amplifier has 4 pairs of output transistors. 1 pair – 100 Watt of output power, 2 pairs – 200 Watt, 3 – 300 Watt and 4, respectively, 400 Watt. I don’t need all 400 watts yet, but I decided to install all 4 pairs in order to distribute the heating and reduce the power dissipated by each transistor.

    The diagram looks like this:

    The diagram shows exactly the values ​​of the components that I have installed, the diagram has been tested and works properly. I am attaching the printed circuit board. Lay6 format board.

    Attention! All power paths must be tinned with a thick layer of solder, since a very large current will flow through them. We solder carefully, without snot, and wash off the flux. Power transistors must be installed on the heat sink. The advantage of this design is that the transistors do not need to be isolated from the radiator, but can be molded together. Agree, this saves a lot on mica heat-conducting spacers, because it would take 8 of them for 8 transistors (surprisingly, but true)! The heatsink is the common drain of all 8 transistors and the audio output of the amplifier, so when installing it in the case, do not forget to somehow isolate it from the case. Despite the fact that there is no need to install mica gaskets between the transistor flanges and the radiator, this place must be coated with thermal paste.

    Attention! It’s better to check everything right away before installing the transistors on the radiator. If you screw the transistors to the heatsink, and there are any snot or unsoldered contacts on the board, it will be unpleasant to unscrew the transistors again and get smeared with thermal paste. So check everything at once.

    Bipolar transistors: T1 – BD139, T2 – BD140. It also needs to be screwed to the radiator. They don't get very hot, but they still get hot. They also may not be isolated from heat sinks.

    So, let's proceed directly to the assembly. The parts are located on the board as follows:

    Now I am attaching photos of the different stages of assembling the amplifier. First, we cut out a piece of PCB according to the size of the board.

    Then we put the image of the board on the PCB and drill holes for the radio components. Sand and degrease. We take a permanent marker, stock up on a fair amount of patience and draw paths (I don’t know how to do LUT, so I’m struggling).

    We arm ourselves with a soldering iron, take flux, solder and tin.

    We wash off the remaining flux, take a multimeter and check for short circuits between tracks where there should not be one. If everything is normal, we proceed to installing the parts.
    Possible replacements.
    First of all I will attach a list of parts:
    C1 = 1u
    C2, C3 = 820p
    C4, C5 = 470u
    C6, C7 = 1u
    C8, C9 = 1000u
    C10, C11 = 220n

    D1, D2 = 15V
    D3, D4 = 1N4148

    OP1 = KR54UD1A

    R1, R32 = 47k
    R2 = 1k
    R3 = 2k
    R4 = 2k
    R5 = 5k
    R6, R7 = 33
    R8, R9 = 820
    R10-R17 = 39
    R18, R19 = 220
    R20, R21 = 22k
    R22, R23 = 2.7k
    R24-R31 = 0.22

    T1 = BD139
    T2 = BD140
    T3 = IRFP9240
    T4 = IRFP240
    T5 = IRFP9240
    T6 = IRFP240
    T7 = IRFP9240
    T8 = IRFP240
    T9 = IRFP9240
    T10 = IRFP240

    The first thing you can do is replace the operational amplifier with any other one, even imported, with a similar pin arrangement. Capacitor C3 is needed to suppress the self-excitation of the amplifier. You can put more, which is what I did later. Any 15 V zener diodes with a power of 1 W or more. Resistors R22, R23 can be installed based on the calculation R=(Upit.-15)/Ist., where Upit. – supply voltage, Ist. – stabilization current of the zener diode. Resistors R2, R32 are responsible for the gain. With these ratings, it is somewhere around 30 - 33. Capacitors C8, C9 - filter capacitances - can be set from 560 to 2200 µF with a voltage not lower than Upit. * 1.2 so as not to operate them at their maximum capabilities. Transistors T1, T2 - any complementary pair of medium power, with a current of 1 A, for example our KT814-815, KT816-817 or imported BD136-135, BD138-137, 2SC4793-2SA1837. Source resistors R24-R31 can be set to 2 W, although it is undesirable, with a resistance from 0.1 to 0.33 ohms. It is not advisable to change power switches, although IRF640-IRF9640 or IRF630-IRF9630 are also possible; it is possible to use transistors with similar passing currents, gate capacitances and, of course, the same pin arrangement, although if you solder on wires, this does not matter. There seems to be nothing more to change here.

    First launch and setup.

    The first start-up of the amplifier is carried out through a safety lamp into a 220 V network break. Be sure to short-circuit the input to ground and do not connect the load. At the moment of switching on, the lamp should flash and go out, and go out completely: the spiral should not glow at all. Turn it on, hold it for 20 seconds, then turn it off. We check to see if anything is heating up (although if the lamp is not on, it is unlikely that anything is heating up). If nothing really heats up, turn it on again and measure the constant voltage at the output: it should be in the range of 50 - 70 mV. For example, I have 61.5 mV. If everything is within normal limits, connect the load, apply a signal to the input and listen to music. There should be no interference, extraneous hums, etc. If none of this is present, proceed to setup.

    Setting up this whole thing is extremely simple. It is only necessary to set the quiescent current of the output transistors by rotating the trimmer resistor slider. It should be approximately 60 - 70 mA for each transistor. This is done in the same way as on Lanzar. The quiescent current is calculated using the formula I = Up./R, where Up. is the voltage drop across one of the resistors R24 - R31, and R is the resistance of this resistor. From this formula we derive the voltage drop across the resistor required to set such a quiescent current. Upd. = I*R. For example, in my case it = 0.07*0.22 = somewhere around 15 mV. The quiescent current is set on a “warm” amplifier, that is, the radiator must be warm, the amplifier must play for several minutes. The amplifier has warmed up, turn off the load, short-circuit the input to common, take a multimeter and carry out the previously described operation.

    Characteristics and features:

    Supply voltage – 30-80 V
    Operating temperature – up to 100-120 degrees.
    Load resistance – 2-8 Ohm
    Amplifier power – 400 W/4 Ohm
    SOI – 0.02-0.04% at a power of 350-380 W
    Gain factor – 30-33
    Reproducible frequency range – 5-100000 Hz

    The last point is worth dwelling on in more detail. Using this amplifier with noisy tone blocks such as the TDA1524 may result in seemingly unreasonable power consumption by the amplifier. In fact, this amplifier reproduces interference frequencies that are inaudible to our ears. It may seem that this is self-excitation, but most likely it is just interference. Here it is worth distinguishing between interference that is not audible to the ear and real self-excitation. I encountered this problem myself. Initially, the TL071 opamp was used as a preamplifier. This is a very good high-frequency imported op-amp with a low-noise output using field-effect transistors. It can operate at frequencies up to 4 MHz - this is sufficient for reproducing interference frequencies and for self-excitation. What to do? One good person, many thanks to him, advised me to replace the opamp with another one, less sensitive and reproducing a smaller frequency range, which simply cannot operate at the self-excitation frequency. So I bought our domestic KR544UD1A, installed it and... nothing has changed. All this gave me the idea that the variable resistors of the tone unit were making noise. The resistor motors rustle a little, which causes interference. I removed the tone block and the noise disappeared. So it's not self-stimulation. With this amplifier you need to install a low-noise passive tone block and a transistor preamplifier in order to avoid the above.

    To date, many versions of UMZCH with output stages based on field-effect transistors have been developed. The attractiveness of these transistors as powerful amplifying devices has been repeatedly noted by various authors. At audio frequencies, field-effect transistors (FETs) act as current amplifiers, so the load on the pre-stages is negligible and the insulated gate FET output stage can be directly connected to the pre-amplifier stage operating in class A linear mode.
    When using powerful PTs, the nature of nonlinear distortions changes (fewer higher harmonics than when using bipolar transistors), dynamic distortions are reduced, and the level of intermodulation distortions is significantly lower. However, due to a lower transconductance than that of bipolar transistors, the nonlinear distortion of the source follower turns out to be large, since the transconductance depends on the level of the input signal.
    The output stage on powerful PTs, where they can withstand a short circuit in the load circuit, has the property of thermal stabilization. Some disadvantage of such a cascade is the lower utilization of the supply voltage, and therefore it is necessary to use a more efficient heat sink.
    The main advantages of powerful PTs include the low order of nonlinearity of their pass-through characteristics, which brings the sound features of PT amplifiers and tube amplifiers closer together, as well as a high power gain for signals in the audio frequency range.
    Among the latest publications in the journal about UMZCH with powerful PTs, articles can be noted. The undoubted advantage of the amplifier is the low level of distortion, and the disadvantage is low power (15 W). The amplifier has more power, sufficient for residential use, and an acceptable level of distortion, but appears to be relatively complex to manufacture and configure. Hereinafter we are talking about UMZCHs intended for use with household speakers with a power of up to 100 W.
    UMZCH parameters, focused on compliance with international IEC recommendations, determine the minimum requirements for hi-fi equipment. They are quite justified both from the psychophysiological side of human perception of distortion, and from the actually achievable distortion of audio signals in acoustic systems (AS), on which the UMZCH actually works.
    In accordance with the requirements of IEC 581-7 for hi-fi speakers, the total harmonic distortion factor should not exceed 2% in the frequency range 250 ... 1000 Hz and 1% in the range above 2 kHz at a sound pressure level of 90 dB at a distance of 1 m. The characteristic sensitivity of household speakers is 86 dB/W/m, this corresponds to an UMZCH output power of only 2.5 W. Taking into account the peak factor of music programs, taken equal to three (as for Gaussian noise), the output power of the UMZCH should be about 20 W. In a stereophonic system, the sound pressure at the low frequencies approximately doubles, which allows the listener to move away from the speaker by 2 m. At a distance of 3 m, the power of a stereo amplifier of 2x45 W is quite sufficient.
    It has been repeatedly noted that distortions in UMZCHs on field-effect transistors are caused mainly by the second and third harmonics (as in working speakers). If we assume that the causes of nonlinear distortions in the speakers and the UMZCH are independent, then the resulting harmonic coefficient for sound pressure is determined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the harmonic coefficients of the UMZCH and the speaker. In this case, if the total harmonic distortion coefficient in the UMZCH is three times lower than the distortion in the speakers (i.e., does not exceed 0.3%), then it can be neglected.
    The range of effectively reproduced frequencies of the UMZCH should be no longer audible to humans - 20...20,000 Hz. As for the rate of rise of the output voltage of the UMZCH, in accordance with the results obtained in the author’s work, a speed of 7 V/μs is sufficient for a power of 50 W when operating at a load of 4 Ohms and 10 V/μs when operating at a load of 8 Ohms.
    The basis for the proposed UMZCH was an amplifier in which a high-speed op-amp with tracking power was used to “drive” the output stage in the form of composite repeaters on bipolar transistors. Tracking power was also used for the output stage bias circuit.

    The following changes have been made to the amplifier: the output stage based on complementary pairs of bipolar transistors has been replaced by a cascade with a quasi-complementary structure using inexpensive IRFZ44 insulated gate PTs and the depth of the total SOS is limited to 18 dB. The circuit diagram of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 1.

    The KR544UD2A op-amp with high input impedance and increased speed was used as a pre-amplifier. It contains an input differential stage on a PT with a p-n junction and an output push-pull voltage follower. Internal frequency equalization elements provide stability in various feedback modes, including voltage follower.
    The input signal comes through the low-pass filter RnC 1 with a cutoff frequency of about 70 kHz (here the internal resistance of the signal source = 22 kOhm). which is used to limit the spectrum of the signal entering the power amplifier input. Circuit R1C1 ensures the stability of the UMZCH when the value of RM changes from zero to infinity. To the non-inverting input of op-amp DA1, the signal passes through a high-pass filter built on elements C2, R2 with a cutoff frequency of 0.7 Hz, which serves to separate the signal from the constant component. Local OOS for the operational amplifier is made on elements R5, R3, SZ and provides a gain of 43 dB.
    The voltage stabilizer for the bipolar supply of op-amp DA1 is made on elements R4, C4, VDI and R6, Sat. VD2 respectively. The stabilization voltage is chosen to be 16 V. Resistor R8 together with resistors R4, R6 form a divider of the output voltage of the UMZCH to supply “tracking” power to the op-amp, the swing of which should not exceed the limit values ​​of the common-mode input voltage of the op-amp, i.e. +/-10 V "Tracking" power allows you to significantly increase the range of the op-amp's output signal.
    As is known, for the operation of a field-effect transistor with an insulated gate, in contrast to a bipolar one, a bias of about 4 V is required. For this, in the circuit shown in Fig. 1, for transistor VT3, a signal level shift circuit is used on elements R10, R11 and УУЗ.У04 to 4.5 V. The signal from the output of the op-amp through the circuit VD3VD4C8 and resistor R15 is supplied to the gate of transistor VT3, the constant voltage on which relative to the common wire is +4, 5 V.
    The electronic analogue of the zener diode on elements VT1, VD5, VD6, Rl2o6ecne4H shifts the voltage by -1.5 V relative to the op-amp output to ensure the required operating mode of transistor VT2. The signal from the output of the op-amp through circuit VT1C9 also goes to the base of transistor VT2, which is connected according to a common emitter circuit, which inverts the signal.
    On R17 elements. VD7, C12, R18 an adjustable level shift circuit is assembled, which allows you to set the required bias for transistor VT4 and thereby set the quiescent current of the final stage. The capacitor SY provides “tracking power” to the level shift circuit by supplying the UMZCH output voltage to the connection point of resistors R10, R11 to stabilize the current in this circuit. The connection of transistors VT2 and VT4 forms a virtual field-effect transistor with a p-type channel. i.e., a quasi-complementary pair is formed with the output transistor VT3 (with an n-type channel).
    Circuit C11R16 increases the stability of the amplifier in the ultrasonic frequency range. Ceramic capacitors C13. C14. installed in close proximity to the output transistors serve the same purpose. Protection of the UMZCH from overloads during short circuits in the load is provided by fuses FU1-FU3. since IRFZ44 field-effect transistors have a maximum drain current of 42 A and can withstand overloads until the fuses blow.
    To reduce the DC voltage at the output of the UMZCH, as well as to reduce nonlinear distortions, a general OOS has been introduced on elements R7, C7. R3, NW. The AC OOS depth is limited to 18.8 dB, which stabilizes the harmonic distortion coefficient in the audio frequency range. For direct current, the op-amp, together with the output transistors, operates in the voltage follower mode, providing a constant component of the UMZCH output voltage of no more than a few millivolts.

    The figure shows the circuit of a 50 W amplifier with MOSFET output transistors.
    The first stage of the amplifier is a differential amplifier using transistors VT1 VT2.
    The second amplifier stage consists of transistors VT3 VT4. The final stage of the amplifier consists of MOSFETs IRF530 and IRF9530. The amplifier output is connected through coil L1 to an 8 Ohm load.
    The chain consisting of R15 and C5 is designed to reduce noise levels. Capacitors C6 and C7 are power filters. Resistance R6 is designed to regulate the quiescent current.

    Use bipolar power supply +/-35V
    L1 consists of 12 turns of insulated copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm.
    C6 and C7 should be rated at 50V, the remaining electrolytic capacitors at 16V.
    A heatsink for the MOSFETs is required. Dimensions 20x10x10 cm made of aluminum.
    Source - http://www.circuitstoday.com/mosfet-amplifier-circuits

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      UMZCH with complementary field-effect transistors

      We present to readers a version of a hundred-watt UMZCH with field-effect transistors. In this design, the housings of power transistors can be mounted on a common heat sink without insulating spacers, and this significantly improves heat transfer. As a second option for the power supply, a powerful pulse converter is proposed, which should have a fairly low level of self-interference.

      The use of field-effect transistors (FETs) in UMZCHs has until recently been hampered by the meager range of complementary transistors, as well as their low operating voltage. The quality of sound reproduction through UMZCH on PT is often rated at the level of tube amplifiers and even higher due to the fact that, compared to amplifiers based on bipolar transistors, they create less nonlinear and intermodulation distortion, and also have a smoother increase in distortion during overloads. They are superior to tube amplifiers both in load damping and in the width of the operating audio frequency band. The cutoff frequency of such amplifiers without negative feedback is significantly higher than that of UMZCHs based on bipolar transistors, which has a beneficial effect on all types of distortion.

      Nonlinear distortions in the UMZCH are mainly introduced by the output stage, and to reduce them, general OOS is usually used. Distortion in the input differential stage, used as a summator of signals from the source and the general OOS circuit, may be small, but it is impossible to reduce them using the general OOS

      The overload capacity of the differential cascade using field-effect transistors is approximately 100...200 times higher than with bipolar transistors.

      The use of field-effect transistors in the output stage of the UMZCH makes it possible to abandon traditional two- and three-stage Darlington repeaters with their inherent disadvantages.

      Good results are obtained by using field-effect transistors with a metal-dielectric-semiconductor (MDS) structure in the output stage. Due to the fact that the current in the output circuit is controlled by the input voltage (similar to electric vacuum devices), at high currents the performance of the cascade on field-effect MOS transistors in the switching mode is quite high (τ = 50 ns). Such cascades have good transfer properties at high frequencies and have a temperature self-stabilization effect.

      The advantages of field-effect transistors include:

      • low control power in static and dynamic modes;
      • absence of thermal breakdown and low susceptibility to secondary breakdown;
      • thermal stabilization of the drain current, providing the possibility of parallel connection of transistors;
      • the transfer characteristic is close to linear or quadratic;
      • high performance in switching mode, thereby reducing dynamic losses;
      • absence of the phenomenon of accumulation of excess carriers in the structure;
      • low noise level,
      • small dimensions and weight, long service life.

      But besides the advantages, these devices also have disadvantages:

      • failure due to electrical overvoltage;
      • Thermal distortion may occur at low frequencies (below 100 Hz). At these frequencies, the signal changes so slowly that in one half-cycle the temperature of the crystal has time to change and, consequently, the threshold voltage and transconductance of the transistors change.

      The last noted disadvantage limits the output power, especially at low supply voltages; The way out is to parallel switch on transistors and introduce OOS.

      It should be noted that recently foreign companies (for example, Exicon, etc.) have developed many field-effect transistors suitable for audio equipment: EC-10N20, 2SK133-2SK135, 2SK175, 2SK176 with a n-type channel; EC-10P20, 2SJ48-2SJ50, 2SJ55, 2SJ56 with a p-type channel. Such transistors are distinguished by a weak dependence of the transconductance (forward transfer admittance) on the drain current and smoothed output I-V characteristics

      The parameters of some field-effect transistors, including those produced by the Minsk Production Association "Integral", are given in Table. 1.

      Most transistor transformerless UMZCHs are made using a half-bridge circuit. In this case, the load is connected to the diagonal of the bridge formed by two power supplies and two output transistors of the amplifier (Fig. 1).

      When there were no complementary transistors, the output stage of the UMZCH was performed mainly on transistors of the same structure with a load and a power source connected to a common wire (Fig. 1, a). Two possible options for controlling the output transistors are presented in Fig. 2.

      In the first of them (Fig. 2, a) the control of the lower arm of the output stage is in more favorable conditions. Since the change in supply voltage is small, the Miller effect (dynamic input capacitance) and the Earley effect (dependence of the collector current on the emitter-collector voltage) practically do not appear. The control circuit of the upper arm is connected here in series with the load itself, therefore, without taking additional measures (for example, cascode switching on of devices), these effects manifest themselves to a significant extent. A number of successful UMZCHs have been developed based on this principle.

      According to the second option (Fig. 2.6 - MIS transistors are more consistent with this structure), a number of UMZCHs were also developed, for example. However, even in such cascades it is difficult to ensure symmetry of control of the output transistors, even with the use of current generators. Another example of balancing by input resistance is the implementation of amplifier arms in a quasi-complementary circuit or the use of complementary transistors (see Fig. 1, b) c.

      The desire to balance the arms of the output stage of amplifiers made on transistors of the same conductivity led to the development of amplifiers with an ungrounded load according to the circuit in Fig. 1,g. However, even here it is not possible to achieve complete symmetry of the previous cascades. The negative feedback circuits from each arm of the output stage are unequal; The OOS circuits of these stages control the voltage on the load in relation to the output voltage of the opposite side. In addition, such a circuit solution requires isolated power supplies. Due to these shortcomings, it has not found widespread use.

      With the advent of complementary bipolar and field-effect transistors, the output stages of the UMZCH are mainly built according to the circuits in Fig. 1, b, c. However, even in these options, it is necessary to use high-voltage devices to drive the output stage. Transistors of the pre-output stage operate with a high voltage gain, and therefore are subject to the Miller and Earley effects and, without general feedback, introduce significant distortion, which requires high dynamic characteristics from them. Powering the preliminary stages with increased voltage also reduces the efficiency of the amplifier.

      If in Fig. 1, b, c move the connection point with the common wire to the opposite arm of the bridge diagonal, we get the options in Fig. 1,d and 1,f, respectively. In the cascade structure according to the diagram in Fig. 1,e automatically solves the problem of isolating the output transistors from the housing. Amplifiers made according to such circuits are free from a number of the listed disadvantages.

      Amplifier circuit design features

      We offer radio amateurs an inverting UMZCH (Fig. 3), corresponding to the block diagram of the output stage in Fig. 1,e.

      (click to enlarge)

      The input differential stage is made using field-effect transistors (VT1, VT2 and DA1) in a symmetrical circuit. Their advantages in a differential cascade are well known: high linearity and overload capacity, low noise. The use of field-effect transistors significantly simplified this cascade, since there was no need for current generators. To increase the gain with the feedback loop open, the signal is removed from both arms of the differential stage, and an emitter follower on transistors VT3, VT4 is installed in front of the subsequent voltage amplifier.

      The second stage is made using transistors VT5-VT10 using a combined cascode circuit with tracking power. This power supply of the OE cascade neutralizes the input dynamic capacitance in the transistor and the dependence of the collector current on the emitter-collector voltage. The output stage of this stage uses high-frequency BSIT transistors, which, compared to bipolar transistors (KP959 versus KT940), have twice the cutoff frequency and four times the drain (collector) capacitance.

      The use of an output stage powered by separate isolated sources made it possible to dispense with a low-voltage supply (9 V) for the preamplifier.

      The output stage is made of powerful MOS transistors, and their drain terminals (and the heat-dissipating flanges of the housings) are connected to a common wire, which simplifies the design and assembly of the amplifier.

      Powerful MOS transistors, unlike bipolar ones, have a smaller spread of parameters, which makes their parallel connection easier. The main spread of currents between devices arises due to the inequality of threshold voltages and the spread of input capacitances. The introduction of additional resistors with a resistance of 50-200 Ohms in the gate circuit ensures almost complete equalization of the on and off delays and eliminates the spread of currents during switching.

      All amplifier stages are covered by local and general OOS.

      Main technical characteristics

      • With open feedback (R6 replaced by 22 MOhm, C4 excluded)
      • Cutoff frequency, kHz......300
      • Voltage gain, dB......43
      • Harmonic coefficient in AB mode, %, no more......2

      With OOS enabled

      • Output power, W at 4 Ohm load......100
      • at a load of 8 Ohms......60
      • Reproducible frequency range, Hz......4...300000
      • Harmonic coefficient, %, no more......0.2
      • Rated input voltage, V......2
      • Quiescent current of the output stage, A......0.15
      • Input resistance, kOhm.....24

      Due to the fact that the cutoff frequency of the open-loop amplifier is relatively high, the feedback depth and harmonic distortion are virtually constant across the entire frequency range.

      From below, the operating frequency band of the UMZCH is limited by the capacitance of capacitor C1, from above - by C4 (with a capacitance of 1.5 pF, the cutoff frequency is 450 kHz).

      Construction and details

      The amplifier is made on a board made of double-sided foil fiberglass (Fig. 4).

      The board on the side where the elements are installed is filled as much as possible with foil connected to a common wire. Transistors VT8, VT9 are equipped with small plate heat sinks in the form of a “flag”. Pistons are installed in the holes for the drain terminals of powerful field-effect transistors; The drain terminals of transistors VT11, VT14 are connected to the common wire on the foil side (marked with crosses in the figure).

      Pistons are installed in holes 5-7 of the board for connecting the leads of the network transformer and the holes for jumpers. Resistors R19, R20, R22, R23 are made of manganin wire with a diameter of 0.5 and a length of 150 mm. To suppress inductance, the wire is folded in half and, folded (bifilar), wound on a mandrel with a diameter of 4 mm.

      Inductor L1 is wound with PEV-2 wire 0.8 turn to turn over the entire surface of a 2 W resistor (MLT or similar).

      Capacitors C1, C5, C10, C11 - K73-17, with C10 and C11 soldered from the printed circuit side to the terminals of capacitors C8 and C9. Capacitors C2, C3 - oxide K50-35; capacitor C4 - K10-62 or KD-2; C12 - K10-17 or K73-17.

      Field-effect transistors with an n-type channel (VT1, VT2) must be selected with approximately the same initial drain current as the transistors in the DA1 assembly. In terms of cutoff voltage, they should not differ by more than 20%. Microassembly DA1 K504NTZB can be replaced with K504NT4B. It is possible to use a selected pair of KP10ZL transistors (also with indices G, M, D); KP307V - KP307B (also A, E), KP302A or transistor assembly KPS315A, KPS315B (in this case the board will have to be redesigned).

      In positions VT8, VT9, you can also use complementary transistors of the KT851, KT850 series, as well as KT814G, KT815G (with a cutoff frequency of 40 MHz) from the Minsk Association "Integral".

      In addition to those indicated in the table, you can use, for example, the following pairs of MIS transistors: IRF530 and IRF9530; 2SK216 and 2SJ79; 2SK133-2SK135 and 2SJ48-2SJ50; 2SK175-2SK176 and 2SJ55-2SJ56.

      For the stereo version, power is supplied to each amplifier from a separate transformer, preferably with a ring or rod (PL) magnetic circuit, with a power of 180...200 W. A layer of shielding winding with PEV-2 0.5 wire is placed between the primary and secondary windings; one of its terminals is connected to the common wire. The leads of the secondary windings are connected to the amplifier board with a shielded wire, and the screen is connected to the common wire of the board. On one of the network transformers the windings for the rectifiers of the preamplifiers are placed. Voltage stabilizers are made on IL7809AC (+9 V), IL7909AC (-9 V) microcircuits - not shown in the diagram. To supply 2x9 V power to the board, the ONP-KG-26-3 (XS1) connector is used.

      When setting up, the optimal current of the differential stage is set by adjusting resistor R3 to minimize distortion at maximum power (approximately in the middle of the working section). Resistors R4, R5 are designed for a current of about 2...3 mA in each arm with an initial drain current of about 4...6 mA. With a lower initial drain current, the resistance of these resistors must be proportionally increased.

      The quiescent current of the output transistors in the range of 120... 150 mA is set by trimming resistor R3, and, if necessary, by selecting resistors R13, R14.

      Switching power supply

      For those radio amateurs who have difficulty purchasing and winding large network transformers, a switching power supply is offered for the output stages of the UMZCH. In this case, the pre-amplifier can be powered from a low-power stabilized power supply.

      A pulse power supply (its circuit is shown in Fig. 5) is an unregulated self-oscillating half-bridge inverter. The use of proportional-current control of the inverter transistors in combination with a saturable switching transformer allows the active transistor to be automatically removed from saturation at the time of switching. This reduces the charge dissipation time in the base and eliminates through current, and also reduces power losses in control circuits, increasing the reliability and efficiency of the inverter.

      UPS Specifications

      • Output power, W, no more......360
      • Output voltage......2x40
      • Efficiency, %, not less......95
      • Conversion frequency, kHz......25

      An interference suppression filter L1C1C2 is installed at the input of the mains rectifier. Resistor R1 limits the surge current charging capacitor C3. There is a jumper X1 in series with the resistor on the board, instead of which you can turn on a choke to improve filtering and increase the “hardness” of the output load characteristic.

      The inverter has two positive feedback circuits: the first - for voltage (using windings II in transformer T1 and III - in T2); the second - by current (with a current transformer: turn 2-3 and windings 1-2, 4-5 of transformer T2).

      The triggering device is made on a unijunction transistor VT3. After the converter starts, it is turned off due to the presence of the VD15 diode, since the time constant of the R6C8 circuit is significantly longer than the conversion period.

      The peculiarity of the inverter is that when low-voltage rectifiers operate on large filter capacitances, it needs a smooth start. The smooth start of the unit is facilitated by chokes L2 and L3 and, to some extent, by resistor R1.

      The power supply is made on a printed circuit board made of one-sided foil fiberglass 2 mm thick. The board drawing is shown in Fig. 6.

      (click to enlarge)

      Winding data of transformers and information about magnetic cores are given in table. 2. All windings are made with PEV-2 wire.

      Before winding transformers, the sharp edges of the rings must be dulled with sandpaper or a block and wrapped with varnished cloth (for T1 - rings folded together in three layers). If this pre-treatment is not done, then it is possible that the varnished fabric will be pressed through and the turns of the wire will be shorted to the magnetic circuit. As a result, the no-load current will increase sharply and the transformer will heat up. Between windings 1-2, 5-6-7 and 8-9-10, shielding windings are wound with PEV-2 0.31 wire in one layer turn to turn, one end of which (E1, E2) is connected to the common wire of the UMZCH.

      Winding 2-3 of the T2 transformer is a coil of wire with a diameter of 1 mm on top of winding 6-7, soldered at the ends into a printed circuit board.

      Chokes L2 and L3 are made on BZO armored magnetic cores made of 2000NM ferrite. The windings of the chokes are wound into two wires until the frame is filled with PEV-2 0.8 wire. Considering that the chokes operate with direct current bias, it is necessary to insert gaskets made of non-magnetic material 0.3 mm thick between the cups.

      Choke L1 is type D13-20, it can also be made on an armored magnetic core B30 similar to chokes L2, L3, but without a gasket, by winding the windings in two MGTF-0.14 wires until the frame is filled.

      Transistors VT1 and VT2 are mounted on heat sinks made of ribbed aluminum profile with dimensions 55x50x15 mm through insulating gaskets. Instead of those indicated in the diagram, you can use KT8126A transistors from Minsk Integral Production Association, as well as MJE13007. Between the power supply outputs +40 V, -40 V and “their” midpoint (ST1 and ST2), additional oxide capacitors K50-6 (not shown in the diagram) with a capacity of 2000 μF at 50 V are connected. These four capacitors are installed on a textolite plate with dimensions 140x100 mm, fixed with screws on the heat sinks of powerful transistors.

      Capacitors C1, C2 - K73-17 for voltage 630 V, C3 - oxide K50-35B for 350 V, C4, C7 - K73-17 for 250 V, C5, C6 - K73-17 for 400 V, C8 - K10-17 .

      The pulse power supply is connected to the PA board in close proximity to the terminals of capacitors C6-C11. In this case, the diode bridge VD5-VD8 is not mounted on the PA board.

      To delay the connection of speaker systems to the UMZCH for the duration of the attenuation of transient processes that occur during power-on, and to turn off the speakers when a direct voltage of any polarity appears at the output of the amplifier, you can use a simple or more complex protective device.


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      2. Akulinichev I. Low-frequency amplifier with common-mode mode stabilizer. - Radio, 1980, No. Z.s.47.
      3. Garevskikh I. Broadband power amplifier. - Radio, 1979, No. 6. p. 43.
      4. Kolosov V. Modern amateur tape recorder. - M.: Energy, 1974.
      5. Borisov S. MOS transistors in low-frequency amplifiers. - Radio. 1983, No. 11, p. 36-39.
      6. Dorofeev M. Mode B in AF power amplifiers. - Radio, 1991, No. 3, p. 53.
      7. Syritso A. Powerful bass amplifier. - Radio, 1978. No. 8, p. 45-47.
      8. Syritso A. Power amplifier based on integrated op-amps. - Radio, 1984, No. 8, p. 35-37.
      9. Yakimenko N. Field-effect transistors in the bridge UMZCH. - Radio. 1986, no. 9, p. 38, 39.
      10. Vinogradov V. AC protection device. - Radio, 1987, No. 8. p. 30.