• Changing your Skype account. How to change your Skype login

    Skype, if the old one no longer suits you and you want another, more sonorous and beautiful? Many people don’t even know how this is possible. And this is easily explained: having registered once, you will either have no time, or laziness, or simply no reason to change the name. But if you still found time for this, and the question - how to change your Skype login - arose before you, then I can disappoint you: it is simply impossible.

    If we go to your profile, we will notice that all data except your login can be changed, but regarding your name on Skype - alas, such an action is excluded. If, nevertheless, you stubbornly refuse to exist on the Internet under your old login, you will have to resort to the process of registering in the Skype program again, and only then will the new login be able to please you.

    So, how to change your Skype login? We open the program itself, instead of entering the old login and password in the proposed windows, click the line “You don’t have a login?” or “Register a new user.” A registration window will open.

    In the “Full name” fields, indicate your full first and last name in any language, either in Russian or in Latin characters. Perhaps this field will be divided into two parts, separately for the first name and separately for the last name.

    Attention: the registration form may be slightly modified depending on the program version. Basically, they are similar, and some differences do not play a significant role.

    During registration, we will find out how to change your Skype login. Please follow our instructions carefully.

    We reach the stage of choosing a new login for Skype. In a special window, you can write any name that comes to your mind, but remember, it will be impossible to change it in the future, unless, of course, it is difficult for you to register again. on Skype - this is your exclusive and not repeated name anywhere in this system. Other users will no longer be able to assign themselves the name you choose.

    It turns out that it’s not so difficult to answer the question of how to change your name on Skype. Just register again and the problem is solved.

    Choosing a login is one thing, but getting the system to allow you to use it is another, more complicated matter. If suddenly the name you entered already has its owner, a message will appear: “This Skype login cannot be used” and options similar to the one you specified, which are not yet occupied in this system, will be offered. You can choose among them, but if you don’t like anything, come up with a new one. You see how difficult it turns out to be to change your name on Skype. Maybe it was not worth taking on and it was better to stay with the same?

    Finally, the name was chosen and the program was satisfied with it. We continue registration, during which we find out how to change the login on Skype.

    Next, we fill out the form, indicating the password for the new account. There are no limits to your imagination here. You can write a set of numbers and letters of different case, a word or even a whole phrase. For example, something like “otgadaite moi parol”. But, of course, this is decided purely individually. In the next field we repeat the new password.

    Next, you will be warmly greeted by a captcha - a drawn set of letters and numbers, which you should correctly examine and write in the field below. If the attempt was successful the first time, click on the final registration button with the inscription “I agree /to/ - Next”. Next, click the “create account” button.

    Skype takes some time to carefully check your details and complete the registration process. Now you can safely log into the program with a new username and password and communicate with your loved ones and colleagues.

    Once again, I advise you not to fool yourself with the question of how to change your Skype login, but to use your existing login and password. New registration (and a new login) is a forced, slow and difficult procedure.

    Need to change your Skype account? Don't know how to do this? Once you know the options available, you will quickly learn this simple procedure.

    Skype is a common program for making voice and video calls. Sometimes you may need to change your Skype account. In what ways can this be done?

    Changing your account requires you to do one of two things:

    • Do you want to change your login in the program?
    • Do you want to delete your account and change it to a new one;
    • Do you want to change the account that will be automatically loaded when you log into the application.

    Changing your Skype login

    It’s worth saying right away that you won’t be able to change the login in your account. Skype simply does not provide such a function. However, you can change the display name, as a result of which the login you do not like will be required only for login. And users will “see” you under the correct name.

    Setting up automatic login

    you can configure Skype in such a way that you will not be required to enter an unnecessary nickname even during authorization. To do this, open Skype and find the “Automatic” item at the bottom of the window. Sign in when you launch Skype." Place a bird there. Now authorization will be performed automatically, that is, you will not need to enter your login and password at all.

    If the window prompting you to automatically log in does not appear, it means that the checkbox is already there and the program will load on its own. However, you should not completely forget your login and password.

    Setting up a new login

    To set the desired nickname, you need to go into the program and find where your login is written there. It is located at the top, next to your status indicator. Further sequence of actions:

    • Click on the nickname, on the right you will see your personal information;
    • Click on the “Enter full name” item (in the program it is located slightly higher than the login itself);
    • In the window that opens, specify the desired name;
    • Click Enter.

    Now Skype will display the login you need.

    There is one caveat here. If you have previously combined Skype with a Microsoft account, the program will display the nickname specified in the Microsoft system. And you won't be able to change it.

    But before you start changing your nickname, think about whether you really need it? The fact is that the users who are in your contacts can call your account by any name convenient for THEMSELVES. For example, it is inconvenient for a person to remember you by the nickname you specified. He may well change it to another. The one with which he will associate you more. At the same time, it is clear that your nickname will not change in any way, you will not even know that the person called you something else. And if you change your nickname in the system (at least ten times), then that user will remain with the same name.

    Registration on Skype

    If you want to change your account, that is, you no longer want to use this profile, then you can register on Skype a second time. To do this:

    • First, log out of your profile: click the Skype icon, then “Logout”;
    • You will see a program login window. Click on the line “You don’t have a login?”;
    • A new account registration window will appear. Enter all required data;
    • Click "Create an account";
    • Then you can log into Skype using your new username and password.

    But the problem here is that important contacts may remain in the old account. To save them there are two ways:

    • Rewrite them and then ask for authorization from the new account;
    • Use the redirect method.

    This method is very convenient, although many people don’t know about it, and they agonize over how to change their account and save all their contacts. To perform an implicit redirect, do the following:

    • Log in to Skype using your old login;
    • Go to “Personal Data” by clicking on the login icon at the top of the window;
    • In the “Name” field, enter: this profile is blocked (or closed);
    • In the “Region” field: Use this nickname (and enter a new login).

    That's it. Users will now see that you now have a different active Skype profile.

    Changing the automatically downloaded profile

    If one account is activated by default, and you want another to start when you sign in, follow these steps:

    • Open Skype;
    • Click on the “Skype” icon (it is located at the top of the taskbar, on the left);
    • A new window will open, in which click “Exit”;
    • You will be logged out of your profile and a login form will appear. Enter the nickname (and password) under which the automatic launch should occur;
    • Click on the "Enter" key.

    Now the system will remember exactly this data. If you use Skype on another computer, for example, from work, check the box under the login form so that the system does not remember your login and password. And when you exit, don’t just close the Skype window (which simply minimizes it and does not close the program) - click the “Skype” icon and then “Exit”.

    Changing your Skype account is possible in any way, unless you need to completely change your login. The developer does not provide for such a procedure. Everything else can be done. By registering in the program in a couple of minutes, you will have virtual access to anywhere in the world. You'll quickly appreciate the full potential of Skype and be able to learn and develop from anywhere in the world.

    I am glad to welcome all fans of the global network, and especially those who are interested in communicating through social programs. In particular, I appeal to those who prefer the international communication program Skype.

    In this article we will talk about how to change the login on Skype, since this problem is very common, and therefore users. There is a need to change your Skype login, usually due to the reluctance to go through boring and tedious registration. As a result, during registration we enter completely ridiculous data about ourselves, without thinking that it is under this name that we will be visible to everyone around us on the world wide web. The consequence is a strong desire to change your login.

    How to change your login on Skype? Myth or reality?

    To find out how to change your login on Skype, you need to read and find out some points. To begin with, it is worth noting that such a function as changing the login in the Skype program is not provided by the developers.

    However, this applies exclusively to the login itself; it is still possible to change the name under which your contact will be displayed to the interlocutor. As a result, a not very pleasant login will be displayed only when entering the program, while users will see a different name when contacting you.

    In order not to remember the login typed at random during registration, you can configure the program for automatic authorization. To do this, in the authorization window when entering the program, check the box next to “Automatic authorization when launching Skype.”

    Now you will not have to regularly enter your login when logging in, but you should not forget it completely, because you will have to enter it again if you reinstall the program or log in from another medium. If a password entry window does not appear when you start the program, most likely the program is already configured for automatic authorization.

    Now we should touch directly on the problem of changing the name.

    Some features of changing login

    • The process of changing a name, as already noted, is easy and accessible, but it is worth noting some features.
    • For example, if your Microsoft account is combined with Skype, then the name will be the name of your Microsoft account.

    If you want to change your Skype login, you will have to create a new account and re-add all your contacts. However, this procedure will not be very convenient both for you and for your contacts, who, quite possibly, have already gotten used to your name and identify you in their own way.

    That's all for me! I think you learned how to change your login on Skype, and if you don’t understand something, ask me a question in the comments, and I will be happy to answer everyone. I wish everyone great health and prosperity!

    With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

    Hello everyone friends. Today, I want to tell you about how to change your Skype login and whether this procedure can be carried out at all. In fact, the need to change the login arises among users very often, this is mainly due to haste when registering a new Skype account (when a person enters any free login, and then he doesn’t like it), or because of the annoyingness of his already boring login . In any of the above cases, It is impossible to change your login on Skype!!! Unfortunately, this procedure is not provided by the developers of this service. But this does not mean that I will not help you at least partially solve this problem. Some techniques still exist today, I’ll tell you about them.

    How to change your Skype login on your computer

    First, let's look at the option of automatically authorizing your account in Skype when it starts. In this case, we will not need to constantly enter a boring login.

    That’s it, now when you start the program, you don’t need to constantly enter the annoying login and password.

    If when you launched Skype, such a window did not appear and authorization took place automatically, then you do not need to change anything.

    Changing your display name

    Very often there are situations when Skype users may have the same login as their display name.

    Because of this, they want to change their login, not knowing that you can simply change your display name, and other users will find you by it. I described in detail how to change the display name in this .

    Important! Users who are in your contacts can set any display name for your account, but only in their program (for example, my set name in Skype is Alexander Melnichuk, and for the user, I will be displayed as Sanya or Consultant Sape, this is at his request). This was done for the convenience of each user of the service.

    If these tips are not enough for you, and you intend to get a completely new login in the system, then you will have to go through the procedure. This will entail deleting all contacts, which you had previously, as well as the entire history of correspondence with them. Also, if you had previously paid bills on your old account, it will not be possible to transfer them to the new one. Therefore, think again about the feasibility of this action.

    If the decision to register a new account has been made, I advise you to transfer existing contacts to the new account (of course, if you need it), so as not to search for them, then manually add each of them.

    To carry out this procedure, launch Skype and select Contacts - Advanced - Back up your contact list in the top horizontal menu.

    5 (1 average voice: 5 out of 5)

    Over a long period of time, some circumstances may change, which will lead to the need to change your account, name, login in various computer programs. Let's find out what you need to do in order to change your account and some other registration data in the Skype application.

    It must be said right away that you cannot change your account, that is, the address at which they will contact you via Skype. This is the basic data for contacting you and cannot be changed. In addition, the account name is also the login for logging into the account. Therefore, before creating an account, think carefully about its name, since it will no longer be possible to change it. But if you do not want to use your account under any pretext, then you can create a new account, that is, register with Skype again. It is also possible to change your name displayed on Skype.

    Change account

    If you use Skype 8, then to change your account you need to do the following:

    1. First of all, you need to log out of your current account. To do this, click on the element "More", which is represented as an ellipsis. Select the option from the drop-down list "Exit".
    2. An exit form will open. We select the option .
    3. After the exit is completed, click on the button "Login or create".
    4. Then do not enter your login in the field that appears, but click on the link “Create it!”.
    5. Next there is a choice:
      • create an account by linking it to a phone number;
      • do this through an email link.

      The first option is available by default. In case of binding to a phone, we will have to select the name of the country from the drop-down list, and enter our phone number in the lower field. After entering the specified data, press the button "Next".

    6. A window opens where in the appropriate fields we need to enter the last name and first name of the person on whose behalf the account is being created. Then click "Next".
    7. Now a code will be sent to the phone number we specified via SMS, which to continue registration will need to be entered into the field that opens and press "Next".
    8. Then we enter a password that will be used in the future to log into your account. For security purposes, this code expression must be made as complex as possible. After entering the password, click "Next".

    If you decide to use email for registration, then the procedure is slightly different.

    1. In the registration type selection window, click “Use existing address...”.
    2. Then enter your real email address in the field that opens and click "Next".
    3. Now enter the desired password and press "Next".
    4. In the next window, enter your last name and first name in the same way as was done when considering registration using a phone number, and click "Next".
    5. After this, we check our email address in the browser, which was specified at one of the previous stages of registration. We find a letter on it called "Email Address Verification" from Microsoft and open it. This email must contain an activation code.
    6. Then we return to the Skype window and enter this code in the field, and then click "Next".
    7. In the next window, enter the suggested captcha and click "Next". If you can’t see the current captcha, you can change it or listen to the audio recording instead of the visual display by clicking the appropriate buttons in the window.
    8. If everything is done correctly, the procedure for logging into a new account will begin.
    9. Next, you can choose an avatar and set up a camera, or skip these steps and immediately go to a new account.

    Name change

    In order to change the name in Skype 8, we perform the following manipulations:

    Changing your account in Skype 7 and below

    If you use Skype 7 or earlier versions of this program, then in general the algorithm for changing your name and account will be very similar, but there are slight differences in the nuances.

    Change account

    There is also an option to register using an email instead of a phone number.

    Name change

    But changing your name on Skype is much easier.

    Mobile version of Skype

    As you know, Skype is available not only on personal computers, but also on mobile devices running and. You can change your account, or rather, add another one, on both smartphones and tablets running any of the two leading OSes. In addition, after adding a new account, you will be able to quickly switch between it and the one that was previously used as the main one, which creates additional ease of use. We will tell and show how this is done using the example of a smartphone with 8.1, but you will not need to perform exactly the same steps.

    1. By launching the Skype application and finding yourself in the tab "Chats", which opens by default, tap on your profile image.
    2. Once on the account details page, scroll down to the red text "Exit", which you need to click on. In the pop-up window with a question, select one of two options:
      • "Yes"— allows you to log out, but save in the application memory the login data for the current account (login from it). If you want to switch between Skype accounts in the future, you should select this item.
      • “Yes, and don’t save your login details.”- obviously, in this way you will log out of your account completely, without saving the login from it in the application’s memory and eliminating the possibility of switching between accounts.
    3. If in the previous step you preferred the first option, then after restarting Skype and loading its start window, select "Other Account", located under the login of the account you just signed out of. If you exited without saving the data, tap on the button "Log in and create".
    4. Enter your login, email or phone number associated with the account you want to log in to and go "Next" by clicking the corresponding button. Enter your account password and tap "Entrance".

      Note: If you don't have a new account yet, on the login page, click on the link "Create her" and go through the registration procedure. We will not consider this option further, but if you have any questions about performing this procedure, we recommend using the instructions from the article at the link below or what is described in this article, in part « » starting from point number 4.