• High resolution photographs of the moon. Photos of the moon High resolution photos of the moon nasa

    There are 8,400 photos of NASA's lunar missions on Flickr. For the first time, these images can be viewed in high resolution - more than 4000 pixels on each side.

    NASA sent astronauts to the Moon not only with scientific equipment, but also with good cameras - medium format Hasselblad 500EL. Films from them were saved and later digitized.

    However, progress does not stand still. We already have smartphones with Full HD, and television is ready to step into.

    This prompted enthusiasts to undertake a large-scale project to re-digitize images to modern resolution. Kipp Teague, head of the Apollo Archive project, said that they have been digitizing since 2004 - it is a very labor-intensive process.

    After scanning the original frames, they received uncompressed high-resolution images in TIFF format, then they processed them (color and brightness correction) and made them publicly available.

    Medium format Hasselblads made it possible to take pictures with very high detail. After digitization, you can clearly see the lunar craters and even the pores on the skin of astronauts. We have selected only a few photographs from the collection, the rest can be viewed.

    The series includes not only photographs from the lunar surface, but also footage taken during the flights of the modules. The archive is still incomplete: photographs of several missions are missing or not posted in full, but this omission will be corrected in the near future.

    The operating procedure of the ExoMars-2016 mission for the first months of the scientific phase has been determined

    Space news:
    The TGO spacecraft is coming to the end of the atmospheric braking phase (often also called “aerobraking”), which began in March 2017, when on each orbit it slightly touched the Martian atmosphere at an altitude of about 110 km. Due to this, without wasting fuel, the device reduced the orbital period and the altitude of the orbital apocenter.

    Starting with a duration of 24 hours, today the orbital period is less than three hours. The final orbit should be circular with an altitude of about 400 km above the surface of Mars and a period of two hours. The final maneuvers will be carried out in mid-March, after which the device will be ready for normal operation.

    Science news: Scientists predict the discovery of a new boson that interacts with both ordinary and dark matter.

    A team of High Energy Physicists (HEP) scientists at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg predict the existence of a new boson that could help understand dark matter in the Universe.

    Using data from a series of experiments that led to the discovery of the Higgs boson in CERN In 2012, the group created what they call the Madala hypothesis, describing a new boson called the Madala boson.

    Study reveals the nature of the protoplanetary disk of star HD 169142

    Space news:

    A new study based on observations made with the Zurich Imaging Polarimeter (ZIMPOL) reveals information about the nature of the protoplanetary disk (proplyd) surrounding the star HD 169142. The research, presented in a paper published November 24 on arXiv.org, reveals substructures and displacements in the distribution of dust on the inside of the disk.

    HD 169142 is about six million years old. Herbig's Star (Ae/Be) is about twice the size of our Sun. The star is known to orbit at least one massive gas giant and has a protoplanetary disk.

    Admire the first photo of the moon's surface in high resolution, obtained from space, Earth and the Lunokhod, with Soviet and color footage of the reverse side.

    Our closest neighbor to Earth is our only satellite, the Moon. It is not surprising that humanity has managed to complete successful missions and receive excellent High resolution photographs of the moon. After all, if we want to explore space, then we must understand what is happening literally around the corner. In the photo of the Moon you can see that it is a small object with a crater surface. Gravity is lower than Earth's, so pictures of the moon demonstrate how astronauts move with high jumps. You have the opportunity to look at amazing geology and get to know this world better. Photo of the Moon high resolution will allow you to admire the reverse side, study craters and landing sites, and also see the Earth from space.

    Photos of the Moon in high resolution

    Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

    Bean walks on the moon

    Astronaut Alan Bean stopped near the instrument carrier during the Apollo 12 mission on the lunar surface. A black and white photograph of the Moon was taken by Charles Conrad. His reflection can be seen on the spacesuit.

    Two ships on the moon

    Earth, Moon, Hubble

    During a mission in December 1999, the Discovery crew managed to obtain photos of the bright Moon, our planet and part of the Hubble Space Telescope. On the left is the earth's horizon. The Moon appears bright because it has entered the Full Moon phase and is closest to the Earth.

    Earth Moon

    Moon in a frame

    This image was taken in 1998 from the rear windows of the Discovery. The Earth is visible on the left, and the Moon in the center. The STS-95 mission flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Also on this flyby, Senator and Project Mercury member John Glenn returned to space.

    moon walk

    James Irwin works near the lunar vehicle during the Apollo 15 mission in the Hadley Apennines. In the foreground is the shadow of the Falcon lunar module. The photo of the Moon was taken by Commander David Scott. Apollo 15 launched on July 26, 1971 from Kennedy Space Center. The pilot was Alfred Worden.

    To the Moon

    View of the Moon from the ISS

    On November 12, 2013, a photo of the Earth's satellite of the Moon was taken from the ISS. Typically, crew members during missions have time to view hundreds of different views of the Moon. But our neighbor continues to attract attention. The photo from space was taken at 00:00:00 GMT.

    First look at Earth from the Moon

    Ride on the Moon

    Apollo 16 landing

    Apollo 12 landing

    Passage of the Moon in front of the Sun

    During the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, the Earth's satellite passed in front of the Sun. The photo of the Sun and Moon was taken from Ross Lake in Northern Canada National Park. A total solar eclipse covered a narrow part of the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. A partial event could be observed from South America, Africa and Europe.

    Good night Luna

    Astronaut Scott Kelly posted this high-quality photo of the Moon taken from the ISS on social networks and captioned it: “Day 97. Good night, Luna."

    Surveyor 1's shadow on the Moon

    Scientist on the Moon

    In 2007, Japan launched an artificial moon satellite, which was named “ Kaguya” in honor moon princess from an old Japanese fairy tale. The more official name of the mission is SELENE (from SELenological and ENgineering Explorer, i.e. “selenological and technological research apparatus”). Together with Kaguya, two subsatellites were launched - Okina and Oyuna (named after the fairy-tale old man and woman who sheltered the lunar princess) - their task was, flying in independent orbits, to relay radio signals between the Earth and the main satellite and help in parts of measurements.

    "Kaguya" and its subsatellites flew around the surface along various trajectories for almost two years. During this time they were transferred thousands of high resolution photos . A topographic map of the Moon was compiled with a resolution of 15 km. Hundreds of different parameters of our only natural satellite have been measured.

    Since the pictures were taken from space, i.e. the Earth's atmosphere did not create interference, then the photo surface of the moon turned out super clear. In addition, the photographs also show view of the Earth from the Moon from different angles and at different positions relative to each other...

    Based on the submitted photographs, many fascinating HDTV video. Here are some of the most colorful examples of lunar videos (all videos are available watch online in high definition in full screen):

    1. Video of the lunar surface in the area of ​​the Copernicus crater (its diameter is 93 km)

    2. Earth rising over the Moon on April 5, 2008 (closer view of the Earth)

    3. Video of the Kaguya flyby of the Tycho crater. The crater is located in the southern part of the Moon and is surrounded by a system of “rays” up to one and a half thousand kilometers long.

    4. Video flight over the south pole of the Moon

    5. Video of the far side of the Moon (in the Moscow Sea area)

    6. Short promo video for the Kaguya project

    7. And finally, a short documentary about the history of lunar exploration and the Kaguya mission (in English)

    Space is getting closer and closer to us. Man has already left his mark on the moon. The next step is the construction of a permanent base on it. Japan, China, India, the European Union, the USA - all of them, one way or another, are developing their own lunar programs. Flights of probes to the Moon, exploration of its surface and interior, search for water and mineral deposits are the first stage in the implementation of these plans. The Second Moon Race is in full swing. We can only hope that Russia will also find its place in this grandiose space enterprise...

    However, the Moon, for all its fascinating “cosmic” nature, is perceived rather functionally. Romance seems to live on now on Mars... You can compare them by looking at: “Planet Mars: video flights above the surface” - based on high-resolution photo images transmitted by the Mars reconnaissance orbiter

    On the official website of the Kaguya project (KAGUYA/ SELENE): http://www.selene.jaxa.jp/en/index.htm - you can watch and download video and photo images of the Moon in high resolution.

    (The Japanese server is sometimes unavailable. Below in the comments laid out the most, in our opinion, beautiful High resolution photographs of the Moon, taken from Kaguya's apparatus.)