• We create a web page and host it on a local web server. Creating an HTML page in Notepad: explanations for dummies

    Hello everyone, dear friends and guests of my blog! Oh. I just noticed that Yandex awarded me a TIC of 20, although just yesterday it was 0. I understand that the TIC doesn’t really mean anything anymore, but it’s still very nice and joyful. Well, in general, I wanted to continue the recently started series of articles on website building. And the first thing I would like to start with is the basics of the hypertext markup language (not programming!) HTML.

    HTML is still the basis of everything, and even if you are not a cool web developer, but will make your sites on engines, then knowledge of the HTML language will be a huge and bold plus. Therefore, in my article today I want to tell you how to create an html website using notepad.

    Of course, what we will do today will hardly be called a website, so I’ll say right away that today we will not create a cool website, but I will tell you the structure of how everything happens with this method of creating your own web resource. I think you shouldn't have any difficulties. We'll end up creating a very basic web page to start with. And if you're ready, let's go!

    To get started, create a plain text document or open Notepad. To open notepad, you can call the “Run” line and enter notepad there. Have you opened it? Well done!

    Any HTML document or website is marked up using special tags. A tag is a special sign that tells the site how to correctly display a particular piece of content contained within it. Now I won’t dwell on this in detail, since I’m going to tell you about tags in my .

    Let me just say that most tags are paired, that is, the opening tag is placed first, and after we have written the information, we need to close the tag. It closes in the same way as it opens, only before closing you need to put a “/” sign.

    In general, for it to function, we need to put in several required tags. Let's see what they are.

    • - this is the main tag, thanks to which we tell the site that now we will write here in HTML, so don’t worry. The site should start with it and close with it.
    • — official information is entered here, such as the title of the document, description and many others. Placed immediately after the open tag.
    • — Between these values ​​we write the page title, that is, this title will not be displayed in the site content itself, but in the browser tab. This type is placed between and .
    • — this tag is responsible for displaying content on the site. That is, everything you write between these tags will be displayed on the web page.

    I feel that not everyone understood everything, and some were left with a mess in their heads, so I will show you everything with a living example.

    Living example

    So, create a text document and write the following content there:

    Have you written? Well done! Here I specifically gave you the information in the form of a picture, and not in the form of text, so that you will not copy it. I'm a scoundrel, right?)) Did you notice that the tags are nested inside each other like nesting dolls? That's how it should be.

    Advice! Try not to copy the content, but to rewrite it yourself. This way you will learn all the material much better and faster.

    After this, save your document in html format. To do this, when saving, after you have named your document, put a dot and write html. That is, you should get index.html. Then your document will automatically be saved not as a text document, but as a web page. And when saving the document, change the encoding to UTF-8. You can open this file using any browser. Let's do this and see what we got.

    Look how much we wrote, but only our welcome text remained in the final document. Why? Yes, because the tags themselves are not displayed in the final version, and the displayed information is displayed only between the body tags. That's why it all turned out that way. But look, what we wrote in the head, or rather in the title, is now displayed in the browser tab.

    If you want to edit something here again, then you just need to open this already saved document again in Notepad. In general, look, we made our first website using a notepad. Yes...it’s hard to call it a site, but essentially it is. We have made the basis (framework) and if we upload it to the hosting, it will already be displayed on the Internet.

    But try adding a few spaces and writing more text, or just write a few lines of text and save it in the same document.

    Now access this document using your browser. What do we see? And the fact is that your spaces and line breaks did not affect the document and everything goes on one line. Ugly, right? And all because html itself does not understand your spaces (except for one) or hyphens. In order to break lines, everything needs to be marked with other tags, which we will talk about in other articles.

    Many will probably think something like: “And this is your website? Yes, you fell out of your mind." Yes, my dears. This primitive web page can also be called a website. And I will repeat once again that the point of this article was not to create a mega-cool website, but to show you the basis of any website, what it looks like, how everything happens.

    But don't worry. These are all introductory lessons. Next, we will dive deeper and deeper into the html markup, and we will be able to format and arrange everything correctly. In general, everything will be cool and we will create a full-fledged web resource. It’s just that all this won’t fit into one article, and I won’t crumple and shorten it either, otherwise it will turn out to be garbage.

    A special notebook for web developers

    But still, we will no longer use this prehistoric tool, since there is a more convenient and sophisticated notepad for developers, and it is absolutely free. Download it from here and install it in the most usual way.

    In the future, I will work specifically through the Notepad++ editor. Install it and you will understand why it is convenient. There are no advanced settings there, but if you suddenly installed the English version, then go to the “Preference” menu and select Russian in the “Localization” column.

    Yes, and also go to the “Encoding” menu and select “UTF-8”. Well, immediately save this file in html format. To do this, select the “File” - “Save As” menu and name the document index, selecting the “html” format from the drop-down list. This is done so that the program understands what we are doing and highlights the necessary tags and commands for us.

    Why do I even call the page index? The fact is that when you go to any website, by default it looks for the index.html or index.php page. These files are generally accepted as the main ones, but in general this can be changed on the server.

    Of course, if you want to learn everything quickly, I recommend that you watch the recently released course on HTML5 and CSS3. Everything is explained there in detail and shown with a live example, in addition, you will learn how to make several types of websites. Overall, very interesting and informative lessons.

    Well, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates so as not to miss the next lessons, as well as other interesting things. Also, be sure to check out my other blog articles. I'm sure you will find many of them useful. In general, I wish you good luck. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    As you know, everything great always starts small. If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to create a website using a notepad, then you have probably heard about this possibility somewhere. This is indeed possible. But it’s worth mentioning right away that most likely no one will currently create a modern dynamic interactive website using a notepad, since there are special programs for this that greatly speed up and simplify the development process. But creating a full-fledged web page is quite possible.

    How to create a website in notepad
    To begin with, you need a little familiarity with the theory and general terms. The vast majority of website pages are ordinary text documents that are designed in a special way - hypertext markup language, abbreviated as HTML. Some people classify HTML markup as a programming language, but this is not true.

    HTML is simply a way of standardizing document markup that is uniquely interpreted by browsers to be displayed on computer screens in a user-friendly form. The main tool of the HTML language are special structural elements with the help of which the document is drawn up. These are called descriptors or tags.

    In general, a tag is a construction of the form

    So the tag starts with< после которого следует название тега table и вся конструкция завершается знаком >. Tags can be paired, such as bold text, and unpaired, such as line breaks.
    . When using paired tags, it is mandatory to use both an opening tag and a closing tag. The closing tag is a tag with a slash /.

    Let's look at the main types of tags and their purpose.

    There are about a hundred tags in total, but the ten considered are already enough to design the simplest website page in a notepad. The main tags of the document, , , are distributed in strict order. Within a tag, other descriptors can be in different orders within the HTML language standards. The easiest way to understand this is by creating a simple web page.
  • Launch Notepad and in its very first line, set the element to tell the browser how to interpret your document.

  • Make a line break and add a paired tag. Move the closing tag down two lines.

  • Add a matching tag on the line between the tags and move the closing tag down two lines.

  • On the line between the tags and write the paired tag on one line.

  • Enter the title of your web page between the and tags. For example, this one.

    My first page of the site

  • Place the cursor on the line after the closing tag and perform a line feed. Enter the paired tag in the empty line that appears.

    My first page of the site

  • Make a double translation between inside tags and . In the line that appears, enter a paired title tag. Type the page subtitle inside the tag.

    My first page of the site

    About me

  • After the closing title tag, make a line break and set paired paragraph tags on the new line. Write text between them. For example, like this.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

  • Place your first and last name in a paired tag to make them bold.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

  • After the closing paragraph tag

    perform a line feed and enter a paired tag in the new line. Enter some text between the tags.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

    My successes

  • After the closing subtitle tag, make a line break again, enter paired paragraph tags and write arbitrary text between these tags.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

    My successes

  • Of the tags listed in the article, two remained unexplored - line feed
    and the most important tag for creating links
    . Let's apply them. Before the last closing tag, enter a descriptor
    , and between

    type design. You should get the following.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

    My successes

    Basic HTML syntax has been mastered and the first page of the future site has been created.
    In the learning process, materials from the website were used

  • Between quotes in a tag enter the address of the page to which you will link. Before the tag you can enter the word Link, and between the tags And enter the text that will be displayed on the page.

    My first page of the site

    About me

    My name is Ivanov Ivan. I'm creating my own website.

    My successes

    Basic HTML syntax has been mastered and the first page of the future site has been created.
    In the learning process, materials from the website were used

    Link: website

  • At this point, the creation of a simple page for the site can be completed. In principle, it could also be completed in step 9, but if you are serious about learning the HTML language, then additional practice will not be superfluous. Save the page with the *.html extension and you can open it in any browser to view the results of your work. If everything is done correctly, you should see something like the following.
  • If after reading the article you are still determined to create a website, then be sure to familiarize yourself with the full syntax of the HTML language, and also learn the use of cascading CSS styles to design pages.

    Or, or better yet, all four, because many HTML elements display differently in different browsers, and it's best to keep that difference under control.

    In addition to the browser, we will need at least some kind of text editor, for example, Notepad from Windows or Notepad, but ideally Dreamweaver. The program is needed to prepare HTML files, and the browser is needed to view and control what has been produced. Using these tools, we will create a WEB site on our own local computer, after which we will place it on one of the WWW servers on the Internet, thus making your WEB pages accessible to the whole world.

    Preparing to create a WEB site

    As an example, let's prepare WEB pages for a company. Let's call it "SD Company", let's say that it works in the field of automatic control systems. The purpose of the WEB site is to tell the world about the company, its scope of activity, and to find partners and customers.

    Our WEB site files require a separate folder.

    Make a folder named WEB on any hard drive of your computer. Now let’s launch the Notepad program and get to work.

    Open a program, for example Notepad, by clicking the Start button on the Taskbar and selecting Programs - Accessories - Notepad from the menu that appears.

    You can use any other text editor. But in this case, you should save the file as plain text to avoid including third-party formatting marks in the WEB document.

    First, let's introduce the main tags that determine the structure of any HTML document. Let us remind you that in HTML code you can use any case of characters - upper or lower.

    1st tags

    Type subsequent main tags using the keyboard, placing any of them, not counting the closing tag, on the newest line.

    To enter paired tags, you will be able to use copy and paste operations through the Windows clipboard with the following addition of a slash /.

    Let us recall that the 1st and last tags mean the beginning and end of the document, respectively, the element ... defines the title of the WEB page, the element ... - the body of the document, and in the element we currently indicate the title of the WEB page.

    Between the opening and closing tags, insert the title of the document - SD Company. This element should look like this:

    SD Company

    Let us remind you that the title of a WEB page should be small and show its content to the greatest extent.

    Our next task is to insert into the body of the document between the tags... a small text greeting to the guests of the WEB page.

    Insert a blank line between the tags and and enter the following text in it:

    Welcome to the SD company page! Here you will learn about our activities, about the software products of our company and about the equipment that we produce.

    For each WEB page you can find the background color and text color. This is done using the bgcolor and text attributes of the opening tag. There are two options for defining a color as an attribute value:

    • verbal indication of the color name, for example, white. HTML provides sixteen such names;
    • a numerical designation in hexadecimal notation, for example, "#ffffff" - snow-white, which shows how the color is formed from the main colors - reddish, greenish and blue.
    Coloring the first WEB page

    Naturally, verbal indication of color is more comfortable and understandable. On the other hand, numerical designations provide more ability because they allow you to actually indicate any of the 16,777,215 colors, while verbal designations are limited to only sixteen colors.

    Let's list some color names: black (dark), gray (grayish), red (reddish), green (greenish), aqua (blue).

    As an example, we use a blue color for the background of our WEB page, and a yellowish color for the text.

    Insert the attributes bgcolor="blue" and text="yellow" into the opening tag. This tag should look like:

    In addition to specifying the color, you can also use a sketch prepared in advance for the background of the WEB page. But we will talk about this in the future.

    In the Notepad program window, select the menu command File - Save. The Save As dialog appears on the display.

    Open the WEB folder you created earlier, in which all WEB site files must be saved.

    In the File name input field, enter other.html - that’s what we’ll call this file.

    Please note: you must specify the extension of the HTML file name so that the browser can open it. You can also write htm, but this is an outdated format and is strictly not recommended.

    Let's see the result of the work

    Now you can view the results of our work.

    Without closing it, minimize the Notepad window.

    Using Explorer (Windows Explorer), open the WEB folder in which you saved the other.html file, and double-click on its icon. The default browser will be launched and the other.html document will open in its window.

    You see, the title of the browser window indicates the title of the document that we entered in the element, and the background and text colors of the page are the same as those indicated in the tag. The text appears in one paragraph and is aligned to the left.

    The text font size may be larger or smaller in your browser than in the picture. In this case, select the menu command View - Font Size - Medium (View - Text Size - Medium) in the Internet Explorer browser to set the font size to medium.

    It should be understood that different browsers may display the contents of the same HTML file differently. Therefore, when developing WEB pages, it is better to always view the results in all the more popular browsers - Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla. In this case, you will be convinced that the guest of your WEB site will see exactly what you want to show him.

    View the created file in another browser. At this stage of work, the differences will not be noticeable.

    Without closing, minimize browser windows.

    Because we entered text in the element without breaking it into paragraphs, it is displayed in the browser as the 1st paragraph and aligned to the left. Now we need to give the text a nicer look.

    9 votes

    Welcome to the pages of the Start-Luck blog. Today I would like to show you how to use the code. Writing websites is an interesting activity that may seem impossibly difficult to many. In fact, a simple page can be created in just 5 minutes.

    In this article I will talk about creating an html page. We'll complete this task in less than 10 minutes, and then we'll look at the main tags in more detail. It would be wrong to call such a publication a lesson. It’s more of a seed that’s designed to show you the simplicity of the work and give you the desire to move on, learn more, and do better.

    How to create a page

    I suggest you make the first page in a notepad. The simplest one, which is located in the Start menu, is the “Accessories” folder. There is no need to download anything yet. Try to use what you have.

    Open the document.

    Paste this code into it.

    My first page
    "https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2016/10/14/18/03/workplace-1740807_960_720.jpg" >

    We've reached the very bottom
    Now you know a little more about tags and can use them. Let's try to insert a link to link several pages together.
    For example, here is a link to my blog - Start-Luck - it simply talks about “difficult things”.

    My first page Creating a page is easier than you think Many may think that creating websites is difficult, even impossible. To do this you need to study, learn, and do a lot. In fact, there are about 100 tags that you don't even need to learn. It is only important to understand what is used and where. You can look up information in various cheat sheets, and over time you will begin to remember the tags automatically.

    Simple code to make text red

    It's not much harder to write in bold

    We've reached the very bottom

    Now you know a little more about tags and can use them. Let's try to insert a link to link several pages together..

    Well, that's all. Your first page is ready

    The file should be called index.html. End ".html" indicates the file extension. If you simply enter the index name, the document will be saved as a text file and will not be opened by the browser.

    I saved the document to my desktop. Now you need to find it, right-click and open it using any browser. I'll choose Google Chrome.

    This is what the page I just created looks like. Yours will be no different. Everything is exactly the same: with pictures and color font.

    Now I’ll talk about tags in more detail, but for now let’s just remove “ from the title center" and insert a line containing the word "Color". By the way, I already wrote. It's very simple, I recommend reading it.

    Save the document again, this time you can simply use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S, and then refresh the page in the browser using the F5 button

    Remember, almost any tag must open and close. That is, the code with a slash must be located somewhere. In this case it looks like this: .

    You see the title has turned red. In the same way, you can give the desired shade to any part of the text.

    Well, that's it, the example is ready, and you should be proud of yourself. Of course, it is not yet online; for this, the web page must be posted on, which is provided by the hosting. You also need to connect your domain so that other people can see your creation.

    For now, only you can see the page. But you must admit, such a site can only surprise a person from the Iron Age. But this is the first attempt, let's make it even more successful by understanding the tags that we used. This will help you learn how to create your own projects without anyone's help.


    With your permission, I will switch to the NotePad++ program. It has a number of advantages compared to a regular notepad. Now I will really need the highlighting of tags to show you the elements that I will talk about. In general, if you are going to learn html, then I highly recommend installing this free program.

    She is not the only one and I can offer you a few more if someone is interested in alternatives. We will move on to the theoretical part.


    The page begins and ends with tags . They show the browser that this is a web document created using html.

    Next comes or title. It contains the most important information about the page, in our case - . If you have not yet found the phrase “My first page”, which is present in the code, pay attention to the tab itself, above the search line.

    It's the tags are responsible for the beginning and end of the main information about the page.

    Tag indicates that the phrase is a heading. By default, it is slightly larger than the main text and is highlighted in bold. If you and I now wrote not only in html, but also created a CSS file with which our file overlapped, we could control the size, font and even color of all the headings on the page without writing font style, as we did in the example. Although it’s too early to talk about this too.

    By the way, Title and H1 have their influence when assigning your site a place in search results. You need to treat them with great attention and not write anything inside just for the sake of it. They are related to. In addition to h1, there are also h2, h3, h4.

    In the same line there is an opening and closing . Thanks to this element, you can align text in the middle. If this tag is removed, the text will be aligned to the right.

    - one of the few single tags. That is, it works on its own. Thanks to this, you jump elements from one line to another. Simply put, you indent. We wrote it once, which means we moved down once, twice, like I did, and the indentation turned out to be a little larger.


    Next comes the tag img, that is, image, picture. The square bracket opens, all the basic information about the image is entered into it, and only after that it closes. It should be noted that img is a tag, and all other code elements that fit inside are its attributes.

    The first thing is alt, that is, a description. This is also necessary for optimization. Sometimes it is also added title. When you hover over the image with the mouse, a tooltip appears next to the cursor when the page is already open in the browser.

    It was possible to upload the drawing to the site folder and write the path to it, but I took the simple route. I found a picture among Pixabay, opened it in a new window and pasted the link.

    In the tag src the path to the image is specified. It is he who tells the browser what to move next to find the desired image, and in which direction to look - you write it yourself.

    Formatting text

    is responsible for giving part of the text some special style, for example, as in our case, a different color. style=”color:red” indicates that the color will be red. If you want yellow, write yellow, green - green. You can use color codes from Photoshop.

    helps make text bold.

    draws a horizontal line. It is single and is used only when closed. If you write several times, you will get exactly the same number of horizontal stripes when you open the page in the browser.


    tells the browser that there will be a link next. You want to redirect the reader to a different address. This tag comes with a required attribute href=”address”. The quotes contain the path where the browser should take the page visitor. After this tag is written, a description, a word or several, is inserted, which, when clicked, will take the reader further. Once these conditions are met, you can insert a second, closing tag .

    After the main part of the page is written, you close the tag body, since the body is finished. And indicate that you stop using it for today html .

    If you want to learn more about html tags and learn how to insert not only pictures, but also videos, create buttons, various forms, lists, paragraphs, then I can offer you a free course by Evgeniy Popov “ HTML Basics" Only 33 lessons will help you reach the next level.

    I would also like to recommend you a video course that tells you how websites are designed. The whole process is shown with real examples, which is especially good. The course is intended both for beginners who don’t even know HTML yet, and for those who already know both HTML and CSS well, but don’t know how to layout websites well. You can get more complete information by following the link: www.srs.myrusakov.ru/makeup

    In addition, take away Free book on website creation! This book is intended for beginners, and this is where the website is created FROM and TO. That is, a design is prepared, then the pages are laid out, the software part is written, and then the site is posted on the Internet. The author carefully comments on everything, and the book contains a lot of screenshots and illustrations. Moreover, the peculiarity of the book is that it is not creating some abstract site, but a completely real one that exists on the Internet.

    Today you have done a lot, because the first step is the most difficult.

    Subscribe to the newsletter and VKontakte group, and learn also: how and why you need a website engine, what block layout and modular grid are, how to write websites correctly, and much more.

    See you again and good luck!

    Building Websites Wrong wow it's difficultThat's not the case, as it seems. Learn how to code a simple page withusing HTML languageand markup for the Web.

    Designing and creating a simple website is very easy. Even beginners can learn web design without putting in too much effort and time.

    HTML is the primary markup language for web pages. Let's learn the basics and try to create a simple page.

    Introduction to HTML

    HTML is a hypertext markup language.

    Hypertext is text that acts as a link.

    HTML defines the structure of a web page and ensures that it displays properly in a browser. An HTML document can be very simple or complex, depending on the purpose at hand.

    Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server and display them as web pages. Each browser understands HTML, and reproduces images, text, videos, as it is written in the code.

    HTML is the primary markup language for the Web. However, it is used to create static web pages, without interactivity or animation. HTML5, the latest version of HTML, is a little better in this regard, especially when it comes to video or audio.

    HTML today is HTML5, the newest version that adds more features than previous ones and can now determine the way videos, images and text are displayed on the browser screen.

    HTML5 is one of the powerful tools for developing web pages. With HTML5, media streaming is possible without the use of third-party plugins such as Flash. HTML5 also supports client-side data storage. This can be used to support web applications when the client is offline.

    Web and HTML

    The network is made up of interconnected web pages and applications, as well as images, videos, animations and interactive content. Markup languages ​​form the basis of the Web. These languages ​​have been used since the days when websites were very simple, and will continue to be a part of the web, its development and future.

    HTML remains a fundamental skill for all web developers and designers.

    According to a W3Techs survey, HTML is the language used on 74.3% of all websites.

    How to Create a Simple HTML Page

    HTML development is easy and therefore one can easily learn how to code a simple HTML page. But first you need to learn the basics of the language.

    Encoding HTML using a text editor

    An HTML document is basically a text document. There are many text editors available that you can use to write HTML. The two most popular are Dreamweaver and Sublime Text. Free editors are Notepad++ for Windows and Text Wrangler for Mac. In fact, you can make a web page in Microsoft Word, but you shouldn't do it because it adds additional and unnecessary code to HTML documents.

    For example, we will use Notepad++ as the editor. You can choose any editor of your choice.

    HTML Creation and Editing

    Creating a new HTML document is the same as for any other document type. Select File - New to open a new document in Notepad++. Make changes to the document and click Save.

    Saving HTML

    An HTML document is a file with the extension .htm or .html. Some editors may also provide a "Save as HTML" option. It is better to name the file in Latin letters, with a small letter, and replace spaces with dashes or dots.

    If you wrote the code in Notepad and saved it as a text document, then you can translate it into an html page using the Total Commander program. Select the “Rename” command and change the file extension from .txt to .html.

    HTML Page Format

    HTML as a language consists of elements, tags and attributes that define the content of a website. HTML elements allow us to add tables, images, videos, audio, etc. to a web page.

    HTML elements

    Elements define the structure and content of a web page. Indicated by angle brackets around the element name. Content that is not between "" will be displayed on the website. The element looks something like this:


    An element with angle brackets around it forms a () tag. Tags are not displayed on the screen, but they help the browser understand what it should display. The opening tag marks the beginning of the element, and the closing tag marks the end of the element.

    For example:

    Opening tag:

    Closing tag:

    The content between the opening and closing tags is the content of the element.

    Tags can be used in two ways:

    Using tags in pairs

    Paired tags contain an opening and closing tag. Here's what they look like:

    There's some text here

    There is an opening tag () and a closing tag () to indicate the end of the paragraph. This means that everything between these two tags is a paragraph.

    Single tags

    Single tags are used to define self-closing elements, and to insert elements such as images. You don't need to define the start and end of these elements.

    These elements are written like this:

    The closing / (slash) is also optional. This is the same as when recording. However, to avoid confusion with the opening tag, it is recommended to add a / (slash) at the end.


    Attributes are elements that extend tags with additional information. The attribute is placed in the opening tag, and includes a name and value.

    The attribute tag will look like this:

    The "HTML" tag above has a "lang" attribute with the value "en-US".

    HTML Document Structure

    Every HTML document has a basic structure defined by the following elements:

    DOCTYPE or DTD: The document type declaration specifies the version of HTML used. This tag is placed at the beginning of the document.

    HTML: A pair of HTML tags defines the beginning and end of an HTML document.

    HEADER section< head>: This section defines general information for the page, and is usually short. The content of this element is not displayed on the page. The title contains a TITLE tag, which specifies the title of the document that appears in the browser's title bar. HEADER can also contain metadata, or links to external files.

    BODY Section: This section contains the body of the page. Its contents are displayed in the browser. Most of the code in an HTML page is inside the body element.

    Encoding: This tag specifies the encoding used in the HTML document. The encoding specifies how the file is saved and how special characters will be displayed. The generally accepted value for this tag is UTF-8, which allows almost all language characters to be displayed.

    Simple HTML page

    Now that we understand the basic elements of HTML, let's try to create a basic HTML page. Let's start by creating a blank text document in a word processor.

    Step 1: The first line of HTML code to add specifies the DOCTYPE element as "html". This means the latest version of HTML is being used.

    Step 3: Then we add a title tag with Title tag and character set details.

    Hello World

    Step 4: After this the BODY tag is written.

    Hello World

    Step 5: Now the blank HTML document is ready. Let's start adding text to display. We add a title tag and a tag

    They define the first level heading and the paragraph below it.

    Hello World

    Hello World

    Simple HTML page

    The basic HTML page is ready and we can save it in a folder of our choice.

    View HTML Page

    To view an HTML page, we need to open it in a browser. Navigate to the folder where you saved the HTML document and double-click on it.

    It will open in the browser and we will see a very simple page. You can check what it shows:

    Title like "Hello World"

    First level title as "Hello World"

    Paragraph with the text "Simple HTML Page"

    Now that we've created a simple HTML page, let's see how we can add more functionality. HTML provides much more functionality than what we've added to the basic HTML page. You can add background color, fonts, specify font colors, images, links, lists, etc. to create a beautiful HTML page. Let's take a look at some of these additional features.

    Advanced text formatting

    HTML provides special elements for special formatting of text.

    Heading levels can be set using - tags. There are a total of 6 levels available for headings. Moreover, this is the largest of them in size, and the smallest.


    are used to indicate the beginning of a new paragraph. The browser usually adds one blank line between two paragraphs.

    Formatting elements are used to display special types of text. The text can be formatted with the following tags:

    Bold –

    Italic –

    Underlined –

    Font -

    A complete list of these tags is available here.

    Adding links

    This is the link text

    Adding Images

    Tag is a single tag, without a closing tag. You can specify image attributes.

    The src attribute specifies the location of the image.

    The style attribute has many parameters, including the width and height of the image in pixels.

    The alt attribute gives a short description of the image. Used if for some reason the image does not load.

    Adding a title

    The tag is new to HTML5 and indicates the topmost element of a web page. Headings typically contain a company logo, contact information, navigation links, etc. There can be multiple elements in a single document.

    Advanced Concepts in HTML

    HTML is an easy technology to learn, so many designers just work with basic concepts. If you want to make full use of HTML, you will need to become familiar with advanced concepts. This will help you create an attractive website with less effort.

    We will mention a few concepts that will help you further. You can continue to learn more and use advanced HTML and its features.

    HTML Code Validation

    HTML Validation is used to check for errors in HTML code. If your web page is not loading, you can use a check to find the cause of the problem.

    Validation also provides guidance on code that does not comply with the latest HTML standard. Invalid HTML will make the site unusable. This may cause loading problems or inconsistent output across different browsers. Many verification services are free, such as validator.w3.org

    Adding additional tags

    There are many more HTML tags and attributes than we have discussed here. Two good resources for learning are w3schools and HTML Dog, which have more tutorials and a comprehensive list of tags.

    You can also use View Source Page in your browser to examine the code of well-designed websites and see new techniques.

    With a web hosting service, you can add multiple HTML pages to your web domain. You may need FTP upload software to transfer your HTML files to the web server. There are many web hosting services that provide FTP functionality.

    Adding CSS and JavaScript

    CSS can be used to quickly improve the appearance of your website. You can use CSS to add color, fonts, and change the placement of elements. With a CSS stylesheet linked to an HTML page, you can change the style of all text.

    JavaScript is a programming language and can be used to add additional functionality to HTML pages. JavaScript commands are inserted between . They can be used to add interactive buttons, perform mathematical calculations, etc.

    The wonderful world of web development opens up before you. Go for it! It’s easy to conquer this peak, you just need to start.