• Creation and configuration of turbo pages in Yandex Webmaster. VAZ turbo: where to start, instructions for turbocharging How to create an RSS channel for turbo pages

    Yandex.Direct turbo pages were launched in beta mode after closed testing ended. You can now create an easy mobile landing page in a few clicks.

    This innovation will especially please those whose website is not adapted for mobile devices or takes a long time to load when viewed from smartphones and tablets. Creating a turbo page for mobile traffic will allow you to create a lightweight landing page and improve conversion rates, while providing maximum convenience for the client.

    What are turbo pages in Yandex.Direct

    Direct turbo pages are landing pages created in the designer with instant loading. You can direct mobile traffic to them in Yandex.Direct. You can create a turbo page from several standard blocks: your offer, a picture, a short description and an order form. It is also possible to create more informational pages with more blocks. In order to activate the function of ordering a call back, do not forget to provide a link to the policy for storing and processing personal data.

    The Direct turbo page can also be used outside the advertising network using a link that can be copied in the interface.

    Creating a turbo page in Yandex.Direct is possible directly from the ad editing page.

    Step 1. Under the fields of the ad itself and the link, opposite the “Turbo page” field, click the “Select” button.

    Step 2. In the window that opens, point to the “Create” button and select “Turbo page”. Here you can create a folder for all turbo pages ( in case you have a lot of accelerated pages).

    Step 3. Turbo page name. Use mobile pages to conduct tests, testing various hypotheses. Write the version number of the page in the title so you can then analyze the effectiveness of each of them.

    Step 4. Template selection:

    • Blank page - for individual page creation;
    • Short - presentation of one offer or product;
    • Informational - extended description of the product.

    Direct turbo page template editor

    Step 5. Let's look at an example of creating a turbo page and select the “Short” template (informational and individual templates differ only in the number of blocks) as the most optimal.

    In the turbo page editor, the finished page is shown on the left side of the screen, and the sections it consists of (the navigation section) are shown on the right side. When you click on any item in the navigation column, a section will open where you can edit its content.

    By the way, the editor is very similar to and.

    Step 6. Page header. Here you can upload a company logo or provide a link to it;

    Step 7

    • Select a title - here you can write the name of the product or service, or your own.
    • Add a short description - indicate the main advantages and benefits (there is an internal text editor to make a bulleted list, bold or italic).
    • Media content - one image, gallery or slider.
    • A button - for example, go to the site for detailed information (but it is better not to add it, because in this case the meaning of the turbo page is lost).

    Step 8 In this block you should describe the offer in more detail, and also leave or offer something free for those who leave a request. May consist of 3 main components:

    • Title;
    • Subtitle;

    Step 9. Application form. There are 4 main field types to create an application form:

    • Text field;
    • Text block;
    • Phone number;
    • Email.

    Remember that the fewer fields you need to fill out, the higher the likelihood of it being completed. You can enter Name and Phone, or just E-mail (then in the previous paragraph it is better to write: “Receive an estimate by E-mail”).

    Also, if you add a feedback form, you must provide a link to the personal data processing policy on your website.

    Step 10. Legal information. If necessary, provide references to relevant documents or special provisions.

    Step 11. Arbitrary block. If you think that the listed blocks on the page are not enough, you can click on the “Add” button in the upper left corner and select one of the standard blocks. For example, a call button from a page or a cover.

    After publishing, you will be returned to the turbo page creation screen and can copy the link to your page. You can edit the created turbo page at any time, the link will remain the same.

    For each ad group in Direct, you can create a separate turbo page or select from already created ones.


    Statistics for all ads will be displayed in the “Report Wizard” if you set the display to “Device type - Mobile”. More detailed information will be located in Metrica in a separate counter, the name of which will begin “Turbo Pages...”.

    The developers promise to soon add more templates and various sections to the Direct turbo page builder.

    Let us remind you that it will start working soon, as well.

    We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

    Turbo pages are a technology from the Yandex company, which is an analogue of the Google Accelerated Mobile Pages product, that is, accelerated mobile pages. The purpose of their use is to speed up the process of loading web resource content on users’ mobile devices.

    For example, on regular pages you need to wait from 5 to 10 seconds (depending on Internet speed) until the material is available for viewing. This function significantly speeds up the process, thanks to the preliminary placement of data on specially designated servers for quick access to them later.

    The principle of operation of this technology is that Yandex copies the necessary content, places it on its own servers and, if necessary, shows it to a wide range of users searching for information from a mobile phone. At the same time, the speed of loading material increases significantly. You cannot add unnecessary elements here - only text, images and videos. Despite the fact that implementing the function on the site is not a prerequisite, there is a widespread opinion among webmasters that the lack of settings for turbo pages has a negative impact on the position of the resource in the Yandex search engine.

    When ranking, web pages rank low. Whether this is true or not is unknown. However, to be on the safe side, it is better to use this technology, especially since it has clear advantages for both users and the administration of the web resource.

    Whatever the decision is made, the positive aspects of the application are quite obvious: if the content loads faster on visitors' mobile devices, the number of bounces will decrease, which in turn will have a positive impact on promotion.

    How to create and configure Yandex turbo pages

    Creating and setting up a turbo page for a mobile browser has many advantages, the main one being fast loading of content. Previously, when a user landed on a web page and did not wait for it to open, he would return back to the search results to find another way to view the information he was interested in.

    Problems could be caused by various reasons: from problems on the page to a slow Internet connection. This spoiled and spoils the statistics, increasing the number of failures and preventing the resource from ranking in the top positions. To fix the problem, you need to know how to make turbo pages.

    You can create turbo pages in Yandex using two methods. Firstly, through an RSS feed, accessible by the administrator of the web resource through the service interface for webmasters, as well as through the Yandex.Turbo pages API. Secondly, using autoparsing. But this function is available only in beta mode, and not all platforms located in Yandex.Webmaster can use it.

    If the site publishes too much text material that contains rich visual design, it will be more convenient to divide the feed into several parts. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section, select the category in which the RSS feed is located, and activate the function in the corresponding tab by checking the box. In the “Post Types” section, select what exactly will be displayed in the feed: individual posts or entire pages.

    How to connect Yandex turbo pages

    Just a few years ago, statistics on visiting web resources, be it social networks or websites, showed that more than 70% of people use a personal computer to log in. The remaining 30% came from smartphones and tablets. Since then, everything has changed dramatically: mobile phones now dominate.

    The entire market is adapting specifically to them, creating new products and adaptation tools. This is how turbo pages were created. In general terms, they are the most simplified cached sections, designed to facilitate access from a mobile browser.

    To connect Yandex turbo pages, you need to log in Yandex.Webmaster, add a site and select the appropriate section - “Turbo pages”. Next, you should go to the settings section, where you can change design parameters, connect statistics, configure display rules for mobile devices, connect a counter and advertising systems. Data collection and analysis is carried out using six services, depending on the preferences of the webmaster.

    The next step is to create an RSS feed for the turbo pages. To do this, you need to enter a link to it.

    You can choose one of ten available options for one web resource. If an administrator manages several projects connected by a common domain, sixty channels are available for him (that is, ten for each project). The advantage of using two or three channels is that each can be configured separately according to different parameters from the others.

    Material published on high-speed pages gets there not from a web resource, but from a specially created channel. The operating principle of this scheme is similar to other Yandex functions. For example, this is how product data is read through an XML/YML file.

    This technology is ideal for online news publications, stores, information resources, and commercial projects. Particular attention should be paid to various media, since with the help of this tool you can provide unhindered access for users to view news blocks. They usually take a very long time to load. You can correct the situation as follows:

    • Place an RSS news feed on the website and configure it taking into account the requirements of Yandex.
    • Using Yandex.Webmaster, connect turbo pages.

    If a person searches for any news on the Internet, the web resource will be highlighted with a special icon in the search results. This way the user will understand that the pages will be accessed in the shortest possible time. Of course, he will choose a quick way to read the news or view content that interests him.

    Benefits of using turbo pages

    The general rule is that websites load much slower on smartphones and tablets than on PC browsers. This largely depends on the speed of your Internet connection: the lower it is, the longer you will have to wait. That is why Yandex, following Google, introduced a new technology.

    The point is that when opening web pages, the download is carried out not from the servers on which the web resource is hosted, but from personal Yandex network storage. However, this does not have any negative impact on the overall statistics: the webmaster can still track the total number of visitors from various sources over a set time period, as well as take into account advertising revenue.

    According to official search engine statistics, turbo pages work much more efficiently than standard options. This fact guarantees that the percentage of abandonment, that is, users closing their mobile browser before performing the target action, will decrease. The visitor is more likely to stay and find the information they are interested in. Other reasons for using technology include:

    1. The web resource server will be relieved of a significant part of the load. This is achieved by caching content and placing it on specially dedicated cloud storage. And when a person opens a page, all data is loaded from the Yandex intermediate buffer. Thanks to this, the number of calls to the server is reduced, freeing up its resources for more important operations.
    2. Web pages do not need to be redesigned - the technology allows them to be adapted without making significant changes to the program code, which determines how individual elements will be located: images, text, audio or video recordings. A webmaster can edit pages using the same tools he uses to create them: through an RSS feed, the Yandex.Turbo Pages API, and autoparsing.
    3. The online store administrator will still be able to use web analytics tools to collect and analyze detailed performance statistics. In particular, you can integrate all popular services: Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, LiveInternet, etc.

    To start using the function, you need to mark up the pages and send the necessary material to the service via an RSS feed. The system will perform further work independently.

    Negative Impact of Technology

    As noted above, this tool solves many user problems: from fast loading of content on low Internet connection speeds to the absence of unnecessary advertising blocks and pop-up notifications.

    The disadvantages of turbo pages do not affect the technical side of operation, but relate to secondary issues. Sometimes this can make work significantly more difficult.

    Turbo pages are a technology for creating lightweight website pages. Even with a slow Internet, they load about 15 times faster compared to the original. Speed ​​is ensured by a layout optimized for mobile devices and data stored on the company’s servers.

    How they work

    Turbo pages are created based on the content of your site and Yandex technologies using the following template:

    • site logo;
    • pictures;
    • text;
    • advertising block;
    • additional materials;
    • API for publishing content “Call” button;
    • chats and feedback forms;
    • support for embed codes for content from Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki;
    • design customization via CSS;
    • support for animation in GIF format;
    • and video player editor for debugging.

    In the search they are marked with an icon in the form of a rocket.

    How to create and configure Turbo pages in Ya.Webmaster

    To connect turbo pages, the site must be added to Yandex Webmaster.

    Plugins for Turbo pages Bitrix, Drupal, Joomla, Opencart, WordPress

    System Name

    The module allows you to perform RSS 2.0 uploading of information blocks and static pages.

    The Yandex Turbo RSS pages module allows you to quickly select and upload any types to the RSS channel.

    Extension Joomla! for Turbo pages and Ya.Zen. Supports third-party components: K2, online stores, catalogs and others. RSS is suitable for Joomla! 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5+

    Yandex Turbo pages module for products in an online store.

    The Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa plugin allows you to convert materials from your site.

    This plugin will automatically create a new RSS feed (or several feeds) on your site.

    The module allows you to flexibly configure RSS 2.0. upload for Turbo page

    Plugin that generates a feed for Turbo pages.

    Installing an RSS plugin for WordPress

    I installed the Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa module and will tell you how to set it up. After installation, activate the module. Go to the plugin settings - Settings - Yandex.News.

    Make settings:

    • Stream URL. Specify a custom feed URL if you want to change the default option.
    • Maximum age of tape entries. Set the maximum value to display the oldest posts on the site in turbo format.
    • Enable support for turbo pages.

    All. The settings are done. Save.

    Connecting an RSS feed to Yandex Webmaster

    The plugin is configured. Now you need to add an RSS feed to Yandex Webmaster. Open the “Turbo Pages - Sources” section. Enter the feed URL in the Add RSS Feed field. Submit your feed for review and wait for the results. The verification takes a few minutes. If there are no errors, the corresponding status will be displayed in “Webmaster”.

    Setting up in Yandex Webmaster

    Yandex Webmaster has the opportunity to tinker a little with the look of Turbo pages. You can add:

    • short name of the site;
    • display;
      • without a logo with the site name;
      • square logo and site name;
      • rectangular logo.
    • add menu items;
    • add css;
    • add counters;
    • add advertising.

    Video of setting up and connecting Turbo pages

    Example of a Turbo page:

    Let's figure out what the highlight of such pages is.

    Pros and cons of Turbo pages

    Probably, any technology has its pros and cons, and Turbo pages are no exception. Despite the obvious advantages, including faster loading, the pages are not without their disadvantages, for example, they are templates. Let's go in order.

    Pros of Turbo pages

    1. Fast download speed

    Yandex claims that Turbo pages load 15 times faster on 3G networks than regular mobile pages.

    The increase in page loading speed occurs due to the fact that:

    • Turbo pages are located on Yandex servers, which allows them to load faster.
    • The layout of these pages is optimized for mobile devices, it is templated, due to which their weight is reduced tens of times, which also has a positive effect on loading speed.

    It follows from this that increasing the speed of loading pages on mobile devices with weak Internet allows you to expand the mobile audience of the site.

    1. Yandex servers:
    • They improve not only loading speed, but also make your pages available 24/7 (even if your site is not responding for some reason, Turbo pages will be available).
    • the entire load from Turbo pages falls on Yandex servers.
    1. Rocket icon

    Another advantage of such pages is that in mobile search they are marked with a rocket icon.

    The mobile audience is constantly growing, many already know what this icon means. Users may prefer the page with the rocket icon as it will load very quickly.

    As great as all this may sound, this technology still has its downsides.

    Cons of Turbo Pages

    1. Uniformity. Turbo pages are created according to a template, due to which they are very similar in search. Many website owners want their website to be memorable and try to create a unique design for it, but this will not work with Turbo pages.
    2. There is no way to place an order. This makes them of little use for commercial projects.

    From these messages it follows that an online store can create Turbo pages from product or service cards, but you cannot buy a product or order a service without going to the site.

    From the above, we can conclude that Turbo pages are more suitable for information article resources that want to increase the reach of a mobile audience from Yandex.

    How to connect Turbo pages

    Over the course of six months, a large number of instructions were written, and Yandex also released a detailed video:

    In short, to connect Turbo pages you need:

    1. Configure the display of Turbo pages. To do this, in Yandex.Webmaster, go to the “Turbo pages” → “Settings” section:

    Here you can:

    • indicate the name of the site;
    • choose a logo;
    • add menu items – an icon will appear on the Turbo page , when clicked, the page menu will be displayed.

    • select the meter you are interested in and add its identifier;
    • specify an ad unit.
    1. Create an RSS feed. After setting up the display, you will need an RSS feed in the Turbo page format. Yandex uses RSS 2.0 version for them. You can read how to create a channel on the Yandex website: “Description of RSS 2.0 elements”.
    2. Connect a channel via Yandex.Webmaster. You can do this using the link: . Here you select a site and add or use a ready-made RSS feed.

    After completing these steps, you will connect a simple Turbo page.

    Also be sure to check out the video above for details on how to set up Turbo Pages.

    If you want the page to be at least a little different from the pages of competitors, use “Turbo Page Debugging”.

    What is “Turbo Page Debugging”

    On April 28, 2018, Yandex announced “Debugging Turbo pages.” Using the service, you can create your own template for Turbo pages.

    The tool is new and is currently in beta mode. You can leave your wishes for it on the news page: “Introducing the Turbo Page Debugger.”

    Plugins for Turbo pages

    At first glance, it may seem that creating Turbo pages is difficult. Now there are many plugins for various CMSs that make this easier. Let's look at them.

    Plugins forCMS"1C-Bitrix":

    • Yandex Turbo Pages – the module allows you to make RSS 2.0 upload of information blocks and static pages for the Yandex Turbo Pages service. It's free.
    • Yandex Turbo Pages PRO is a paid version of this plugin with extended functionality. Price: 1000 rubles, there is a free trial period for 5 days.

    Plugins forCMS Drupal:

    • Turbo – the Yandex Turbo RSS pages module allows you to quickly select and upload any types to the RSS feed for Yandex Turbo pages. Please note that the plugin was last updated in December 2017.

    Plugins forCMS Joomla:

    • Yandex Turbo for Joomla and Yandex Zen - extension for Turbo pages and Yandex.Zen. Supports third-party components: K2, online stores, catalogs and others. RSS is suitable for Joomla! 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5+ and above. The extension is paid - 990 rubles, there is a demo version.

    Plugins forCMS OpenCart:

    • Yandex.Turbo for goods 0.1 – Yandex.Turbo module for goods ocStore As with Drupal, the plugin has not been updated for a long time (version dated November 28, 2017), but the reviews are positive.

    Plugins forCMS WordPress:

    • NewsFeedbyTeplitsa - allows you to organize the broadcast of site materials for the Yandex.News service with support for Turbo pages. Also, it has not been updated for a long time (4 months ago), but there are many positive reviews.
    • Yandex.Turbo - the plugin will automatically create a new RSS feed (or several feeds) for the Yandex.Turbo service on your website in full compliance with the technical requirements of Yandex. Updated recently (4 weeks ago), positive reviews.
    • YaTurbo – the module allows you to flexibly configure RSS 2.0. uploading for Turbo pages. Last updated 5 months ago, one positive review.
    • Yandex TurboFeed is a plugin that generates a feed for Turbo pages from Yandex. Updated 3 months ago, several positive reviews.

    As you can see, there are a lot of plugins, the leader in their number is WordPress, which is not surprising.

    Now that we know how to create Turbo pages, let’s figure out what “low-quality Turbo pages” are and what not to do.

    What are “low-quality Turbo pages”

    With the advent of Turbo pages, Yandex began to receive complaints that their content differed from the content of the original version of the page. Then Yandex decided to fight such pages, because their main idea is that Turbo pages should be as close as possible to the original page.

    For this purpose, a warning was added to Webmaster: “The content of the Turbo page does not correspond to the original version.” Such pages were called “low-quality” in Yandex.

    In addition, on February 20, the article “Turbo pages: experience of the first three months” appeared in the Yandex for Webmasters blog. It said that from March 5, 2018, low-quality Turbo pages will not appear in Search, Zen and News. Instead, there will be original site pages.

    To prevent your Turbo pages from being labeled as “low-quality Turbo pages,” Yandex recommends avoiding the following:

    • absence of a significant part of the text from the main page (or even different text on the Turbo page);
    • lack of visual highlighting of headings and parts of the text within the article (bold, italics);
    • duplication of the main headings of the article;
    • duplication of pictures;
    • absence of pictures (or parts/broken pictures) and videos, if they are on the original page;
    • lack of paragraphs;
    • absence of some text content (mainly subheadings);
    • lack of links in the text of the article, if they are in the original;
    • attempts to transfer broken widgets (maps, etc.).

    Advertising and pages for Yandex.Direct

    Ad units on Turbo pages

    Since Turbo pages are now more suitable for content resources, many webmasters are concerned about the question: how to place advertising on such pages?

    When launching Turbo pages in November 2017, Yandex introduced a limit of one advertising unit per page. This outraged many webmasters and led to a “fervent” discussion in the comments to the news about the launch of Turbo pages. Many were outraged that Yandex regulates the amount of advertising that a webmaster can place on his Turbo page.

    Yandex did not “fight” for long: already in December 2017, the PS “made concessions” - restrictions on the number of advertising blocks were lifted.

    However, in order not to annoy users with advertising, Yandex recommends placing no more than one advertising block per screen - this is approximately 250 words, 4 pictures or 4 videos. The way Yandex itself does it 😉

    Turbo pages for advertising in Yandex.Direct

    I’ll say right away that Turbo pages in Yandex.Direct are in beta testing and access to their creation is limited. To take part in beta testing, contact Yandex managers for help or use the services of an advertising agency: https://yandex.ru/adv/contact/agency.

    Regular Turbo pages and Turbo pages for Yandex.Direct are very similar, but the functionality of the latter is a little greater.

    Unlike a regular Turbo page, in Yandex.Direct you can “Leave a request” - the visitor leaves his data, after which the site manager contacts him. Yes, this is not yet a “buy” or “place an order” button (for these actions you still need to go to the site), but still more than nothing. They plan to expand the functionality.

    It will be interesting to look at the finished version of Turbo pages for Yandex.Direct and compare it with the functionality of regular Turbo pages.

    Turbo page updates

    Yandex decided not to delay updates and all summer pleased with news on Turbo pages, and last week - September 19, it released one of the most anticipated updates: “Online stores in Turbo (β).”

    Auto placement of advertisements

    About the update
    Yandex tried to control the placement of advertising even when launching Turbo pages. Advertisements could only be added through an RSS feed or Webmaster. It was recommended to use no more than one ad unit per screen - that's about 250 words, 4 pictures or 4 videos.

    To simplify advertising placement and control its quantity, Yandex has added the ability to place blocks automatically. It works based on an algorithm that will add advertising in the most profitable way for both the site and users. Thus, the algorithm will control how advertised the page is.

    To use the automatic method of advertising placement, you need to enter the ID of the ad units in the Turbo page settings in Webmaster for feeds. Thus, the first ID will show ads for the first ad unit, the second - for the second, etc.

    When adding advertising through ADFOX, it will be automatically placed if two conditions are met:

    • there is no advertising for this item (page) in the RSS feed;
    • you enabled auto-arrangement yourself by specifying the ID in the Webmaster interface.

    To compare ad unit statistics across different positions, use a unique ID for each position.

    Update summary
    Despite the fact that Yandex is again trying to control the amount of advertising on the site, the update is convenient and simplifies the placement of advertising blocks. When adding ads manually via an RSS feed, a programmer's help might be required to change the ad unit ID. It was also possible to add too many or too few advertisements to the page. It’s easier to add ads through Yandex Webmaster, it has simpler functionality. Automatic placement simplifies the process, you can control the effectiveness of ad units, and you don’t need to constantly make changes.

    API for Turbo pages

    About the update
    On the first day of summer, Yandex pleased the Turbo pages API appeared. With its help, you can increase the number of pages sent for re-crawling, as well as report on pages where some changes have occurred and they urgently need to be updated.

    The API has the following limits for sending data:

    In addition, Yandex has prepared a Python script that can be used as a template for loading Turbo pages:

    Def get_rss_upload_path(user_id, host_id): path = "/user/(user_id)/hosts/(host_id)/turbo/uploadAddress/?mode=(mode)".format(user_id=user_id, host_id=host_id, mode="PRODUCTION ") r = SESSION.get(API_URL + path) c = validate_api_response(r, "upload_address") parsed_url = c["upload_address"] return parsed_url

    In it you need to replace the fields responsible for the token, site address and RSS content.

    Update summary
    A good update that allows you to quickly add Turbo pages to crawl.

    CSS support for Turbo pages

    About the update
    Another update was released a few days after the API.
    Many complained about the template nature of Turbo pages, but Yandex listened to their wishes. Now their appearance can be customized via CSS. To do this, you need to add styles to the settings of Turbo pages in Yandex.Webmaster.

    There are 4 limitations in how CSS works for Turbo pages:

    1. Do not use third party fonts.
    2. Don't add low-performance animations.
    3. Do not work with selectors based on HTML element names. For example:
      .a ( color: #307896; ));
    4. Do not add data loading from resources external to Yandex. For example, you don’t need to use images loading like this:
      .page ( background-image: url("https://example.com/image.png") ).

    These restrictions are needed to ensure that Turbo pages load quickly. Other CSS features can be used.

    About the update
    The technology loads the next relevant page from the site when scrolling to the end of the Tube page.

    Yandex conducted a closed test with partners using infinite scrolling on the site. They were able to increase browsing depth by up to 30%, and the average time spent on the page almost doubled.

    You can see how the automatic recommendation feed works using the example of the Turbo version of the website drive2.ru.

    Transferring Turbo Page Contents

    In addition to major updates, there have been many targeted changes that allow you to customize the display of Turbo pages. Let's look at the main elements.

    Buttons with custom content
    By clicking on the button, the user can call the specified number or go to the ordering page.

    It is also possible to add buttons for call back, social networks, and instant messengers.

    Feedback form Pipe-pages
    A feedback form has appeared. You can add phone number, name and question to it. It is located in a special feedback block, text or in the form of a button.

    In the screenshot: on the left is an example of a button for calling a feedback form, on the right is a view of the feedback form.

    GIF pictures
    The ability to add GIF images to Turbo pages has been implemented. They are automatically played if the image size is less than 128 pixels. If more, it is played by clicking.

    It is now possible to add ratings to Turbo pages. It is implemented using the schema.org protocol.

    Images with slider
    Turbo pages can now be decorated with images with a slider.

    The slider can contain videos, pictures, links, and a YAN advertising block.

    Block of links to additional materials

    There are no restrictions on the number of blocks on Turbo pages. They can be placed anywhere on the page.

    Enlarge image by clicking
    The ability to enlarge images by clicking has been added to Turbo pages.

    Yandex has implemented a site search form. The result opens in a separate window.

    It's now possible to post Yandex.Maps. The size of maps is scaled to fit the screen of a mobile device.

    Before making changes to Turbo pages, check how the new element will be displayed. This can be done through the Turbo pages debugging tool in Yandex.Webmaster.

    I also recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions from Yandex on debugging Turbo pages:

    Turbo pages for online stores (β)

    About the update
    Yandex presented a beta version of Turbo page product cards for online stores.

    On the product's Turbo page there is:

    1. Product image.
    2. Model.
    3. Current price.
    4. Discount.
    5. Delivery terms.
    6. Button to add item to cart.
    7. Information sections in the form of drop-down blocks.
    8. Description of the offer (product).
    9. Characteristics.

    To generate Turbo pages, the YML format developed by Yandex.Market is used.

    The YML (Yandex Market Language) standard was developed by Yandex and is based on the XML standard. The YML format provides more features and advantages than the XLS, CSV, TSV formats.

    To connect an online store to Turbo pages you need:

    • Go to the download section of Turbo pages in Yandex.Webmaster.
    • Set the switch to YML in the source link block.
    • Provide a link to the YML file and click “Add”. You can add up to 10 files.

    • Indicate the address of the store basket in which the purchased product will be placed in Webmaster.
    • Save changes.

    To learn in detail how to connect an online store to Turbo pages, we recommend reading: “”.

    Update summary
    Yandex presented a useful update that I want to test. I was interested in the possibility of automatically generating offers for similar products from the assortment using neural networks. But time will tell whether Turbo pages will take root with online store owners.

    In general, Yandex has done a lot of work to develop Turbo pages. I am glad that the number of elements for their design has increased significantly. Now the page can be selected from the total.

    I was pleased with the update for online stores, I was waiting for it. However, I will be able to make a more detailed analysis after personal testing. I assume that soon we will again have an announcement and plans for the development of Turbo pages for the fall-winter


    Despite the skepticism of webmasters in November 2017, the Turbo Pages technology has taken root and found its audience. Yandex is constantly developing it and releasing updates.

    It is worth connecting Turbo pages if:

    • you have a content resource and want to increase the reach of your mobile audience from Yandex;
    • want to increase the loading speed of mobile pages in Yandex;
    • you need to reduce the load on the server;
    • Do you want to highlight your website in Yandex mobile search results with the Turbo page rocket icon?

    You should not connect Turbo pages if:

    • you have an optimized mobile version of the site with a unique design - Turbo pages are mostly templates and it may not be possible to unique them like the mobile version;
    • you have an online store - in this case, you should wait until the summer; around this period, Yandex promised an update related to Turbo pages for online stores:

    This question was asked in the topic “Turbo pages for an online store” - everyone was worried about when the functionality for online stores would be available.

    The timing is approximate, but it seems to me that new details await us in the summer, especially since the Call Back functionality is already being tested on Turbo pages in Yandex.Direct. As they say, we'll wait and see.

    Also, do not forget that Turbo pages must be as similar as possible to the original version of the page, otherwise they may be considered “low-quality.”

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    Yandex turbo pages - how to connect on your website? From the article you will learn the description and purpose of the new technology from Yandex. Get step-by-step instructions and a video on settings. And also the answer to the question: “What happens if you DO NOT set up Turbo pages on your website?”

    Turbo pages - what are they and why are they needed?

    Yandex Turbo Pages is a new technology from Yandex, an analogue of Google AMP technology. The new development of “Turbo Pages” from Yandex is designed speed up loading of your website content on mobile devices visitors to your site. Turbo page technology allows you to speed up site loading by pre-caching site data on Yandex servers.

    You may ask, is it necessary to set up Turbo pages for your website? Here is the answer: there is an assumption among webmasters that sites that do not enable Yandex Turbo Pages technology will drop in ranking. So it's up to you to decide.

    In any case, the advantage of setting up this technology is obvious: if the pages of your site load faster on your visitors’ mobile devices, there will be fewer bounces. Accordingly, the site will move faster. Plus, more visitors will click on advertising or order goods from you.

    So, Yandex promises that the loading speed of site content on mobile devices using the Turbo Pages technology will be approximately 15 TIMES (!) higher than the loading speed without using the technology.

    Let's proceed directly to connecting Turbo pages to your website. To do this you only need to follow a few steps.

    How to connect Yandex Turbo pages on your website? STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS

    So, Yandex Turbo pages are designed to speed up the loading of your site on users’ mobile devices. What simple steps do you need to take to set up Turbo pages on your website?

    STEP 1. Log in to Yandex Webmaster in menu Site information -> Turbo pages

    STEP 2. Fill out the section General information about the site

    • Short site name: you can choose one of three options:
      • No logo. Only the name of the site
      • Square logo + site name,
      • Rectangular logo.
    • Counters: indicate the counter ID of your site in Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, LiveInternet or other counters.
    • Advertising: Block ID Yandex Advertising Network for Turbo pages (how to add an ad block specifically for display on Turbo pages is shown in the video below).

    STEP 3. Create an RSS feed for Turbo pages

    Everything is simple here: you need to upload it in the site admin plugin Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa and check a couple of checkboxes in the plugin settings. You will learn how to do this in the video below.

    Training video from Yandex. How to connect Turbo pages on your website

    Andrey Khaliullin from the Yandex Turbo Pages development team demonstrates step by step how to set up and connect the new Turbo Pages technology for your website.

    That's basically all. Now you know how to set up Yandex Turbo pages on your website. Congratulations, now the content of your site will load many times faster on the mobile devices of your visitors. Accordingly, the number of visitors to your site will increase.

    I wish you success in the development and promotion of your projects!