• Creating a VKontakte group menu online. How to make an open menu for a VKontakte group

    To create a menu in a VKontakte group, you need to have some kind of graphic editor. The most common is Adobe Photoshop. With its help it is possible to create a menu for a VKontakte group.

    There are many templates and blanks on the Internet, you can use them if you cannot create them yourself.

    Creating a menu in a graphic editor

    First, you need to create a menu template, and only then add it to VKontakte. The menu background width should be no more than 370 pixels. If it is larger, it will still shrink to this size. You can now set the height in proportion to the width so that everything fits in, and at the same time it is not very long. Before creating a menu, think about the background and text that should be on the menu buttons.

    Launch Photoshop, create a new document (file - create or ctrl+N). We set the parameters of the created file. Maximum width 370 px, I made it 200 px, height 250 px. You can make it much smaller and more compact. Add an image to the created file that will serve as the background. Now let's create the text. My example is the simplest, you can make it much more beautiful and compact.

    I created such a menu. I selected the Cutting tool and used it to cut out three parts in the picture, indicated by the numbers 1,2,3 - they will be buttons. After you have cut, save the created menu. Click File - save for web and devices.

    In the window that appears, do not change anything, click save. Select a save location and click save.

    That's it, the work in Photoshop is finished.

    Adding a menu to a contact

    Now the created images, after saving, will be in the images folder. We upload them to contact using a standard photo uploader. You can upload these files to the group photo album. In simple words, it is added as a regular photo that you uploaded to a contact. Now make sure that the following is enabled in your group settings. Go to your group, click on community management (located under the main photo of the group, on the right side). Then at the bottom we find the materials item, it should be connected there. Once you have selected connected, click save. If you do not click save, the changes will not take effect.

    After that, go to the main page of your group, and where the information about the group is located (description, location), there is a line for the latest news. We point the latest news at the inscription and click edit on the left side.

    In the window that appears, you need to specify the code []. You can copy and paste it directly from the article. Now all you have to do is change it to your data.

    photo-40781312_285935465 – photo code. It can be viewed in the address bar. This code is visible when you visit the photo. The address itself is much larger, but you need to copy that part of the code that begins with the word photo and ends with numbers. Usually after the numbers there may be, for example, a percent sign.

    Nopadding – this command removes spaces between images.

    100px – menu width (if this is a separate button, then this will be the width of the button).

    club40781312 - a link to the section where a person will go by clicking on this button (picture). It is also located in the address bar of the browser, at the moment when you are in the section where a person will have to go when they click on the button. You only need the last part of the code, which comes after the last slash / (also called a slash). In this case, when I click a button (picture) in my group, it will go to the main page of the group. You put your code, which will be in your section.

    You can also change the title. For example, instead of the latest news, I wrote the group menu. You write what you want. After you have finished editing your code, click save. We do this with each button that you created for the menu in contact. If you place the code below the code, the buttons will occupy the same location. If you place the following code to the right of the code, then the menu buttons will also be located exactly as you inserted the code

    If you have not received an answer to the question of how to make a group menu

    It was not possible to get an answer to the question of how to make a menu in a VKontakte group according to the instructions that you read, write to us by clicking ask a question. Write down your problem and the steps you took. We will answer personally.

    • Video on creating a group menu

    Step 1
    First, go to your group and in the “Latest News” block (in this case, I renamed it to “Menu”) click the “Edit” link, which appears when you hover over it. Important! Firstly, you must have an Open Group, not a Page. Because there is simply no such item on the Page. And second, in the Community Management > Information > Materials menu, the “Open” item should be selected.

    Step 2
    In the “Editing” tab, write the phrase [[Web design theory]], enclosed in double square brackets. Then click on the “Save Page” button.

    Step 3
    After that, a “Preview” link will appear next to the button, click on it. A preview of our menu will open below, where we see the link “Web design theory” appearing below.

    Step 4
    Click on this link and go to the created page called “Web Design Theory”. Then click on the “Fill with content” link. Next, we edit the text as in a regular text editor - insert pictures, texts, videos and other objects. In this case, our created page will have a URL like https://vk.com/page-15865937_43819846.

    Alternative way to create an internal page
    There is an alternative way to create a page. It is mainly suitable for public pages (public pages), since the method described above is not suitable for them. To do this we will use the following code
    where instead of XXX we will substitute the id of our group, and instead of the text “Page Name” we will write Menu. Now we need to find out the group id. How to do this? We go to the main page of the group and look at our posts on the wall - right under the “Add post” block it will say “All posts” - click on this link.

    We go to the page and see a URL like this https://vk.com/wall-78320145?own=1, where the numbers 78320145 in this example are the group id. We substitute our data into the source code and get a record like this: http://vk.com/pages?oid=-78320145&p=Menu(with your numbers!). Paste this line into the address bar of the browser and press Enter. So we created a new VKontakte page.

    To make the overall appearance of the community more aesthetically pleasing and make working with it more comfortable, the best solution would be to create a group menu. This way you can put all the important elements into one neat list, set each link with its own icon or image, and notify visitors about any changes quickly and clearly. The menu may include the following elements: various links to external sites, discussion bubbles, albums, music and other sections within the VKontakte site, images and simply the structure of your group. Following the instructions below, try to create your own menu for the VKontakte community.

    How to create a simple menu in a VKontakte group

    If you want each menu line to lead to a particular discussion topic, first of all, you need to create these same discussions and give them names. Leaving them closed or open for comments is a purely personal matter, since this option does not affect the display of the page in the menu.

    Try to make a simple menu that will represent the structure of your group and contain all the most important sections.

    • Keep in mind that menus will appear slightly differently in groups and communities. Therefore, if you want to transfer a group to a community, click on the three dots icon next to the group name and select the line “Transfer to page”. Please note that you will not be able to turn the community back into a group.
    • Now go to the “Community Management” link in the same menu.
      You will see a block with all the settings for your group, here you can change the name, contact information, privacy, and manage participants. Go to the “Sections” category.

    • In the “Materials” line, set the value to “Disabled” or “Restricted” so that group members cannot accidentally damage your files that are needed for registration. Don't forget to save your selection.

    • Go to the group and go to the “Latest News” window, this is where you will create the menu.

    • Click “Edit”.

    • First of all, you need to change the name “Latest News” to “Menu” or something else that will make it clear to participants that here they can quickly follow the necessary links.
      Switch the post editing mode to “Wiki markup editing” using the small arrow in the right corner.

    Now create the structure:

    • It is important that you have discussions, materials or albums in the group whose name you will use in the menu.
    • Write all the names of the main sections on a line, framing them twice in square brackets.
    • To make the text appear as a list, put asterisks in front of the items.

    From this screenshot, we can assume that the group has a material called “Section 1”, a discussion “Section 2” and an album “Section 3”. Click “Preview” or “Save Changes”.

    • Your section will change to “Menu”, and it will contain active links to the main categories of the group, neatly arranged in a list.

    How to insert links into the VKontakte group menu

    To speed up access to your official website, or sections directly within the group, it is better to insert active links.

    • Go back to editing the menu section. Copy the desired link and simply paste it into the window in Wiki markup mode. After saving it will become active.

    • This is what all the links that you can insert into your group menu look like.

    How to create a VKontakte menu with images

    If you want the menu to consist of beautiful icons that lead to a particular section, simply follow the instructions below.

    • To begin, create a special album in which only technical pictures for group design will be stored.

    • Upload images in jpeg format no larger than 500 pixels by 500.

    • Copy the URL of the uploaded image.

    • Now copy the link to the discussion, material, or other external site.

    • [[Link to image in your album | size in pixels; nopadding | Link to discussion or website]]

    An example is shown in the screenshot.
    Click “Save Page”.

    • Now a neat link will appear in your menu. You can set the pixel value as you see fit.
      To add multiple images, simply enter new links on a new line.

    A beautiful design of a VKontakte group is one of the keys to its successful promotion. But besides beauty, user convenience is also very important. Unfortunately, there are not many options for designing a group, in contrast to the possibilities for designing a created website. However, one interesting option is to make a menu. In this article you will learn how to make a menu in a VKontakte group.

    What is the size of the VKontakte group menu?

    Before you create something, you need to decide on its size. This is very important, as the wrong image size can become horribly distorted. So, what is the size of the VKontakte group menu need to choose?

    In the previous article about designing VKontakte groups, we looked in detail at the size of different elements (avatars, etc.), I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. But, as they say, “repetition is the mother of learning,” and therefore in the picture below you can see the correct sizes of all elements of the VKontakte group.

    As a rule, the VKontakte group menu consists of two elements: a picture, when clicked on, a menu appears, and the menu itself. The pinned picture in the group description, with or without a menu, must be at least 510 pixels in width, and the height must be equal to the width or less - this is taking into account the new design.

    The size of the VKontakte group menu is 607 pixels wide. It can be very different in height. So there is enough space for any design solution.

    How to insert a picture into the description of a VKontakte group?

    Elementary. All you have to do is take a suitable image of the right size and add it to the group wall on behalf of the community.

    For many, it will be much more difficult to create a picture. Fortunately, the new design of VKontakte is less capricious in terms of image sizes, and if the image you choose corresponds to the dimensions described above in the article, then it will be displayed well. So you can download a ready-made image, trim it to width or height, and you’re done.

    But if you want to create a unique and beautiful image to describe a VKontakte group, you need to use Photoshop. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. But you will have to spend your time studying it. I can recommend you a wonderful video course - “Photoshop from scratch in video format 3.0”. With it you will quickly master this program.

    How to make a menu in a VKontakte group? Instructions

    Now let's move on to creating the menu. Let's create a process of action in the form of instructions. To make a menu in the VKontakte group, you will need to follow a few simple steps:

    1. The first thing we need to do is go to the group settings and activate the “Materials” section. The value should be set to “restricted” or “open”.

    2. Next, we prepare a picture for the VKontakte group menu. If you don't want to bother, you can make the menu in text form, but this will be less attractive. As an example, let's take the following picture, which can be seen below.

    3. By the way, this picture was created in Photoshop in less than half an hour. This would be more difficult to do in another editor. So I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the course I wrote about above. After the picture is selected, it needs to be cut into parts and saved on the computer.

    4. The picture was cut using the Cutting Tool in Photoshop and then saved. Each of the carved parts became a separate image.

    5. Then you need to create a photo album on your personal VKontakte page. This album can even be completely closed. After creating the album, fill it with all parts of our image.

    6. Next, go to your group and in the latest news section, click on the “Edit” button.

    7. After this, a page will open, which you can give an arbitrary name and write the following text in square brackets. Next, click on the “Save Page” button.

    8. Then go back to your group page or refresh it (if it's already open). Click on the "Open Menu" link. After this, an additional link to the page we created will appear. Click on it.

    9. This page will then open. Since it was just created, there is nothing in it and we need to fill it. Click on the “Fill with content” link.
    10. Next we write the following code, as in the picture below. In it you need to indicate the photo number (to do this, you can open the photo uploaded to your album and copy its address like this “photo15535684_427525646”), the size of the photo (you can find it in the photo properties), and also indicate the link to which this photo leads.

    11. To make sure we did everything correctly, click on the “Preview” button. Below the code the created VKontakte group menu will appear. If everything is displayed correctly, then click on the “Save” button, and if not, then we look for and correct errors.

    12. Now we need a picture that will become the screensaver of our menu and will be in the description of our group. We wrote above the dimensions of the picture to describe the VKontakte group, but if anyone has forgotten – the width is 510 pixels, and the height is equal to or less than the width. You can use larger sizes, but in the same proportions.

    13. Then we open our created page with the created VKontakte group menu and copy the link to it. To copy the link correctly, you need to click “Edit Page”. After this, the previously written code will appear and you can copy the address from the browser line, which should look like this: “https://vk.com/page-119301077_51764020”.
    14. Next, go to our group and paste the copied menu address into the message sending form. And then a photo that will serve as a screensaver. After that, click on the “Submit” button.
    15. Now all that remains is to secure this entry. Do it the same way I did in the picture below.

    16. This is what our created menu for the VKontakte group will look like. If you want to see it in person, here it is

    Today, more and more public pages on VK are adding a menu to their interface, which not only serves as a navigation assistant, but also adds aesthetic appeal to the community and helps increase conversions. Today we’ll talk about how to make a menu in a VKontakte group.

    For what purposes is it used?

    The menu in the VK group can serve the following purposes:

    • Navigation. The presence of navigation in the VKontakte community allows your potential clients to quickly find the necessary information and sections of the group, which shortens the path to converting a visitor into a buyer. Such a menu may contain not only links to internal VK pages, but also to third-party sites. For example, to the official website of your company.
    • Aesthetic appeal. Another, no less significant goal is to give the public a beautiful appearance. By combining this element with other design elements (avatar, cover, banner, pinned post), you can give an individual, unique and memorable style to your community.
    Well, isn't it a beauty?
    • Motivation for performing a target action. You yourself can push the user to read or view certain information, click on a certain button, etc. High-quality and thoughtful design can create a clickable menu that will attract the attention of users, interest them, and call to action.

    How to create a text menu?

    The creation of a navigation menu in a VK group is carried out using wiki markup. This is a technology that provides advanced text formatting capabilities. For the VKontakte social network, this markup has become an indispensable tool for creating and designing attractive educational, selling, and entertainment pages, including navigation menus.

    So, how to make a menu in a VKontakte group:

    Important! Make them limited so that only you have access to editing. With open access, any community member can edit the menu.

    When you hover over a button<>, the inscription “Visual editing mode” should appear. If "Wiki Markup Mode" appears, it means it is not enabled.

    The “Preview” button allows you to see the result in advance.

    1. If everything is done correctly, click the “Save Page” button.

    Voila! Now we have a menu in our public page. By clicking on each item, we will be taken to the corresponding page.

    By default, it will be available in the tab with the name you specified (instead of “Latest News”). But not all users will see it. To make it more clickable and visible, create a post with a link to the menu, style the post accordingly, and pin it. Thus, by clicking on the link in the pinned post, the group menu will open in front of the user.

    Below is an example of such an entry:

    A text menu is rarely used, as it will not give your community any attractive appearance. And they will be reluctant to click on it. But I showed you how to create it so that users will pay attention to it.

    How to make a graphical menu?

    Another thing is a graphical menu, where images are taken as a basis. Here, the buttons will not be text with hyperlinks, but PNG images. Therefore, to make a graphical version of a wiki menu for your community, you will need at least some skills in Photoshop or another graphic editor.

    It will be necessary to create images of buttons. To prevent the menu from looking like a collection of random images, the buttons created in Photoshop should be combined with each other so that together they look like one whole. For example, like in the screenshot below:

    How to create a graphic menu in a group:

    Thus, we received a menu consisting only of images. If you have the desire and sufficient skills, you can create a unique style and new design for your community.

    If you do not have Photoshop skills, but want to get a high-quality and attractive design for your menu, contact the professionals. Or use the method I will describe below.

    Using Templates

    If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate budget for the development of a wiki menu, but still want to get a professional design, use ready-made templates.

    Today on the Internet, there are a large number of online services and sites where you can download ready-made templates for free (or for a fee). It is enough to enter the appropriate request in the search bar of your browser. Well, after downloading them, use the instructions I described above.

    How does having a menu contribute to the success of a community?

    A high-quality, beautifully designed, interactive menu is both a smart design solution and a useful tool. Moreover, it brings benefits to both community visitors and marketers, whose task is to force these visitors to take targeted actions.

    When entering a regular public page, the user has a large choice of actions. He can click anywhere and view anything, but typically 80% of the items are left unattended. The menu, in turn, is able to focus the user’s attention on certain things, on certain information that it contains.

    This is exactly how the menu works in VK groups. It guides people and tells them what to do, what to see, etc. And if you compose it competently and skillfully, then it will guide you along the path you have planned, the conversion path. This is psychology that plays an important role in marketing.

    Bottom line

    Today I told you about how to make a menu in VKontakte groups, about its types and benefits. This is a multifunctional and very useful tool. Use it in your work. I hope the article was useful to you.