• Creating a mailbox in Outlook. Help

    Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular email applications. She can be called a real information manager. Its popularity is explained not least by the fact that it is the recommended email application for Windows from Microsoft. But, at the same time, this program is not preinstalled on this operating system. You need to buy it and carry out the installation procedure in the OS. Let's find out how to install Microsoft Outlook on a computer.

    Microsoft Outlook is included in the Microsoft Office application package and does not have its own installer. Therefore, this application is purchased along with other programs included in a specific edition of the office suite. You can choose to buy a disk, or download the installation file from the official Microsoft website, having previously paid the specified amount of money using an electronic payment form.

    Start installation

    The installation procedure begins by launching the installation file, or disk with the Microsoft Office package. But, before this, you must close all other applications, especially if they are also included in the Microsoft Office package, but were installed previously, otherwise there is a high probability of conflicts or installation errors.

    After launching the Microsoft Office installation file, a window opens in which you need to select Microsoft Outlook from the list of programs presented. We make a choice and click on the “Continue” button.

    After this, a window opens with a license agreement, which you should read and accept. To accept, check the box next to “I accept the terms of this agreement.” Then, click on the “Continue” button.

    Next, a window opens asking you to install Microsoft Outlook. If the user is satisfied with the standard settings, or has a superficial knowledge of changing the configuration of this application, then he should click on the “Install” button.

    Installation setup

    If the user is not satisfied with the standard configuration, then he should click on the “Settings” button.

    In the first settings tab, called “Installation Options”, it is possible to select various components that will be installed with the program: forms, add-ons, development tools, languages, etc. If the user does not understand these settings, then it is best to leave all parameters default.

    In the “File Location” tab, the user specifies in which folder Microsoft Outlook will be located after installation. This parameter should not be changed unless absolutely necessary.

    In the “User Information” tab, the user name and some other data are indicated. Here, the user can make his own adjustments. The name he or she enters will be displayed when viewing information about who created or edited a particular document. By default, the data in this form is pulled from the user account of the operating system in which the user is currently logged in. But, this data for the Microsoft Outlook program can, if desired, be changed.

    Continue installation

    After all the settings are completed, click on the “Install” button.

    The Microsoft Outlook installation process begins, which, depending on the power of the computer and operating system, may take a long time.

    After the installation process is completed, a corresponding message will appear in the installation window. Click on the “Close” button.

    The installer closes. The user can now launch Microsoft Outlook and use its capabilities.

    As you can see, the Microsoft Outlook installation process is, in general, intuitive, and is accessible even to a complete beginner, if the user does not start changing the default settings. In this case, you must already have some knowledge and experience in handling computer programs.

    Many users may confuse this mail with the Outlook Express application, which used to be built into Windows and was an email client. Microsoft then had its own Hotmail.com mail, and it was this that became the basis for the new Outlook tool. However, now it is not only regular mail, it also includes several interesting functions. In fact, now this service can be called online organizer After all, it includes a calendar, a notebook, as well as a task scheduler and a manager for managing contacts. The ability to integrate with online office services has been added, which allows you to plan your activities even better. There is also the possibility of using it as a regular postal service.

    Registration in outlook mail

    The service itself can be found at outlook.live.com. Once the user comes here, he will be able to see advertisements about the latest updates and achievements, also he will be asked Immediately log into your account and continue working. If it is not there, all you have to do is click on the create an account button in the upper right corner.

    You should run it, after which you will need enter your credentials from your Microsoft account, if you don’t have one, you can click on the line below and create one.

    If there is no entry, you will have to enter more data.

    To begin with, you will need to enter your first and last name; in the second line, you can immediately begin to come up with a username for your future mailbox, or you can enter an already created one. First, you should enter an existing mailbox on any of the services, then you can click on get an email address, after which you will be prompted several options email, all you have to do is choose one of them or write your own.

    What follows is not particularly difficult. You just need to come up with a password, enter your date of birth and gender, and for additional protection you can also enter your phone number. Once all fields are filled in, you can complete creating your Outlook account. Now, if for some reason automatic login did not happen, all you have to do is log into your account on the same page.

    How to sign in to Microsoft Outlook mail

    If no other settings have been made, the computer will always remember The account you last logged in with. So, next time. In order to enter, it will be enough just to enter the same page and that’s it, authorization will happen automatically. If the data is not saved, then you will have to go to the main page of the mail service, and then click on the button Login. After this you will need to enter your username and password. In the case where the user indicated a phone number, you don’t have to remember the login, but just enter the number; this can be much faster.

    Interface overview

    After logging in, the user will immediately be taken to the home screen.

    Everything that the user can see here is quite familiar to those who have encountered email services before. On the left side of the window there will be sections will be displayed mail, in them you can find recent incoming letters, view sent messages, spam or deleted ones. The list of shipments itself will be displayed on the right side of the screen, at the beginning it will be written who the letter came from, and then the name of the topic.

    In order to see all the actions that can be performed with a letter, just select it and check the box in front of it. Next, the main actions will become available at the top. Basically, there will be items that are responsible for moving the letter to one category or another.

    How to format and write a letter

    There is always a create button on the top line. It allows you to write a new letter; immediately after clicking it, the user will go to the creation window.

    First, you need to choose who the shipment is intended for, then you should set a topic. Icons in the letter itself will allow you to issue him in the best possible way. The first three are responsible for choosing the font; then you can set its size, choose a color, and also specify what kind of alignment is required. The penultimate item is responsible for inserting pictures or other attachments, and the last one will help to best display emotions.

    Service settings

    The service has a large number of different settings.

    Reading area will allow you to display information from a letter without opening it, just hover your cursor. The colors above will help you choose the most pleasant range. Rules- these are the sections that appear when writing a letter, and the categories are responsible for sorting, where the user can add his own options.

    Most interesting parameters section. There are several sections: account management, composing messages, reading messages, anti-spam, and settings. The first section will help you change the data in your account, it will also help you set up an alias for sending mail and manage it, and here you can also enable an autoresponder.

    Message management involves setting up emails in such a way that it is most convenient. You can immediately set desired font, size, formatting, come up with a signature for the letter, configure settings for checking attachments.

    When reading email messages, you can customize your preference viewing mode, set the grouping of messages, display attachments, it is possible to configure it so that the answer can be written right there in a small window.

    Junk mail displays the filters by which mail is sorted.

    In the settings, you can set privacy settings, interface language, you can also create and rename categories, and set up a shortcut key combination to access the most used settings. There is a quick actions section, these are the options that are shown next to the items.

    To configure the program Microsoft Office Outlook To work with your mailbox, you need to add a new account.

    To set up your account you will need the following information:

    • your name, which will be displayed in the "From" field for the recipients of your correspondence.
    • Mailbox address: your mailbox address in full with domain (for example, [email protected]).
    • Login: the name of your mailbox without the domain (for example, user).
    • Password: password for your mailbox.
    • : for example, smtp.km.ru / Port: 25 (STARTTLS encryption can be used) or port: 465 (SSL encryption can be used). An SMTP server for sending mail requires authorization, it must be enabled in the outgoing mail server settings.
    • Incoming mail server (POP3): for example, pop.km.ru / Port: 110 (STARTTLS encryption can be used).
    • Incoming mail server (IMAP): for example, imap.km.ru / Port: 993 (SSL encryption can be used).

    The process of adding a new account is similar for different versions of Microsoft Office Outlook. There may be differences in the organization of the main menu and some of the names of the settings fields. Below is an example of setting up a mailbox in the interface Microsoft Office Outlook 2013.

    If you are using a different version of the program, it will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the example. To proceed to creating a new account in other versions of MS Outlook, carefully look through the main menu and find the item. For example, for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, in the main menu, select "Service", then "Setting up accounts...". In the window that appears, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2), subsequent settings will be similar to the example described below.

    You can also go to setting up MS Outlook accounts via Windows control panel. To do this, click on the menu button "Start", select item "Control Panel". In the list that opens, find "Mail"- a window will appear "Mail settings - Outlook"(see Fig. 1). Click the button "Accounts"- a list of current accounts will be loaded. To add a new account, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2).

    Rice. 1. Setting up mail - Outlook.

    Rice. 2. Setting up accounts.

    Setting up Microsoft Office Outlook 2013

      Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2013. There are two options: You are running the program for the first time after installation, or You have already used the program before.

    1. You will go directly to setting up a new account, enter the data (see Fig. 6):

      • In the field" your name"Indicate your first and last name - this is the name that the recipients of your correspondence will see.
      • In the field" Email address" - the full address of your mailbox indicating the domain.
      • In the field" Password" - the password for your mailbox, then confirm it in the " field Password verification".

      Rice. 6. Setting up a new account.

      You can use automatic account setup, in this case press the button successively "Next" until setup is successful. The program itself will determine the necessary parameters for working with your mailbox; this process will take some time. At the end, a window will appear with a message about successful setup and a button "Ready", click it to start working with the mailbox (see Fig. 7).

      Rice. 7. Automatic account setup.

      Or you can use manual configuration, to do this, set the switch to the "Manual configuration or additional server types" position and press the button "Next"(see Fig. 8).

      Rice. 8. Manual account setup.

      When manually setting up an account, in the next step you need to specify the service - set the switch to "POP or IMAP protocol"(see Fig.9) and press the button "Next".

      Rice. 9. Manual account setup - Selecting a service.

    2. At the next manual configuration step, you need to specify the connection parameters (see Fig. 10). Some fields will be filled in in accordance with the data specified in the first step of setting up a new account.

      • In the dropdown list "Account Type" select "POP3" or "IMAP".
      • In the field" Incoming mail server"enter the server name in accordance with the template pop.[domain].ru (for example pop.megabox.ru), if you selected the "POP3" protocol and in accordance with the template imap.[domain].ru (for example pop.megabox.ru ), if you chose the "IMAP" protocol. The domain can be km.ru, bossmail.ru, boymail.ru, girlmail.ru, freemail.ru, megabox.ru, safebox.ru - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In the field" Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"enter the server name in accordance with the template smtp.[domain].ru (for example, smtp.megabox.ru). The domain can be km.ru, bossmail.ru, boymail.ru, girlmail.ru, freemail.ru, megabox.ru, safebox.ru - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In the field" User" - the name of your mailbox without specifying the domain.
    3. In the field" Password" - password for your mailbox. Check the box "Remember password", if you do not want to enter a password every time you start the program. If you do not check the box, you will be asked for a password when you start the program and account.
    4. Tick ​​" Secure Password Verification (SPA)" does not need to be set. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive correspondence.

    5. Rice. 10. Manual account setup - Account settings.

      Then click the button "Other settings...". In the window that appears, select the tab "Outgoing mail server" and check the box "SMTP server requires authentication", leave the switch in position "Similar to incoming mail server"(see Fig. 11).

      Rice. 11. Manual account setup - Other settings 1.

      Go to the tab in the same window "Additionally" and check the port numbers:

    6. If in the 4th point you chose to configure using the “POP3” protocol, then set the POP3 server to port 110, SMTP server to port 25 (see Fig. 12).
    7. If in the 4th step you chose to configure using the “IMAP” protocol, then set the IMAP server to port 993 and select the SSL encryption type, SMTP server to port 465 and the SSL encryption type.

    8. Rice. 12. Manual account setup - Other settings 2.

      Click the button "OK"- the additional settings window will close.

      You can run account verification by clicking the button "Account verification...", or immediately press the button "Next". When checked "Automatically check your account settings when you click Next" the scan will start automatically.

      If you have configured your account using the "IMAP" protocol and use a domain other than km.ru, then when checking your account settings, a warning window "The server with which the connection is established uses a security certificate that cannot be verified" will appear in the field "Should I continue using this server?" answer "Yes".

      Wait until the scan is completed. If setup is successful, you will see a message "Congratulations! All checks completed successfully, click the "Close" button.". Click the button "Close"(see Fig. 13).

      Rice. 13. Manual account setup - Account verification.

      If errors are found during the check (Fig. 14), close the check window and carefully check all the settings; perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

      Rice. 14. Manual account setup - Account verification error.

    9. In the next window you will see a message about successful account creation (see Fig. 15). Click the button "Ready" and you will proceed to working with your mailbox.

    10. Rice. 15. Adding a new account.

      If you have problems setting up your mail program, please contact

    Microsoft Outlook is a very convenient and functional email program. One of its characteristics is that in this application you can operate several mailboxes on various mail services at once. But, for this, they need to be added to the program. Let's find out how to add a mailbox to the Microsoft Outlook application.

    There are two ways to add a mailbox: using automatic settings, and by manually entering server parameters. The first method is much easier, but, unfortunately, not all email services support it. Let's find out how to add a mailbox using automatic configuration.

    Go to the Microsoft Outlook main horizontal menu item “File”.

    In the window that opens, click on the “Add account” button.

    The add account window opens. In the top field, enter your name or nickname. Just below you enter the full email address that the user is going to add. In the next two fields, enter the password for the account on the added mail service. After completing all data entry, click on the “Next” button.

    After this, the procedure for connecting to the mail server starts. If the server allows automatic configuration, then after this process is completed, a new mailbox will be added to Microsoft Outlook.

    Manually adding a mailbox

    If the mail server does not support automatic mailbox configuration, you will have to add it manually. In the window for adding an account, set the switch to the “Manually configure server settings” position. Then, click on the “Next” button.

    In the next window, leave the switch on the “Internet Email” position and click on the “Next” button.

    A window opens for email settings that must be entered manually. In the “User Information” group of parameters, enter your name or nickname and the address of the mailbox that you are going to add to the program in the appropriate fields.

    In the “Service Information” settings block, you enter parameters that are provided by your email service provider. You can find them out by looking at the instructions for a specific email service, or by contacting its technical support. In the “Account Type” column, select the POP3 or IMAP protocol. Most modern email services support both of these protocols, but there are exceptions, so this information needs to be clarified. In addition, server addresses for different account types and other settings may vary. In the following columns we indicate the incoming and outgoing mail server addresses that the service provider must provide.

    In the “System Login” settings block, enter the login and password for your mailbox in the appropriate fields.

    In addition, in some cases it is necessary to enter additional settings. To go to them, click on the “Other settings” button.

    A window opens in front of us with additional settings, which are located in four tabs:

    • General;
    • Outgoing mail server;
    • Connection;
    • Additionally.

    These settings are subject to those adjustments that are additionally specified by the postal service provider.

    It is especially common to manually configure the port numbers of the POP server and SMTP server in the “Advanced” tab.

    After all the settings have been made, click the “Next” button.

    Communication with the mail server is in progress. In some cases, you need to allow Microsoft Outlook to connect to your mail account by going to it through the browser interface. If the user has done everything correctly, according to these recommendations and the instructions of the postal service administration, a window will appear indicating that a new mailbox has been created. All that remains is to click on the “Done” button.

    As you can see, there are two ways to create a mailbox in Microsoft Outlook: automatic and manual. The first one is much simpler, but, unfortunately, not all email services support it. In addition, manual configuration uses one of two protocols: POP3 or IMAP.