• Ways to get steam game keys. What is a key? Its significance for programs and games. Typical arguments of EC supporters

    On Steam, there are two ways to get a game for free from another player or company. This is a gift and cd-key. In this article, we’ll look at how they differ and how to get a Steam CD-Key for free.

    What is the difference between a Gift and a Steam key?

    First, let's figure out the difference between a Steam CD-Key and a gift. Both allow you to get a full game, but in the case of a gift there is one significant difference. By receiving a CD-Key you can activate the game only for yourself. Immediately after entering the key, it will be added to your library. Of course, you can give the key to a friend, for example by sending it by email, but only if you have not activated it in your account.

    In the case of a gift, you receive a link, following which you enter your username and password and you have the opportunity to activate the game or put it in your inventory. In the second case, you can activate it from your inventory later or transfer it to a friend via Steam. You cannot transfer a game that you have already activated.

    How to activate Steam CD-Key

    When you have received the Steam game key, launch the client and go to the game library. Next, click the add game button at the bottom, then select “Activate on Steam.”

    Then, in the window that opens, click next, accept the agreement and finally enter the game key. You must enter exactly as you received it - character to character!

    After entering, check again that the key is correct and click the “Next” button. Congratulations! Game activated!

    How to get free steam keys

    Just recently I told you about the method, but in this article we’ll talk about something else. There are a lot of ways to get a free key! The key can be obtained by participating in competitions on various gaming sites, or VKontakte or Facebook groups. But I will tell you about one site where this matter is essentially put on stream. The site is called GAMEKIT. The creators of the site are partners of many games and have organized a kind of community. After registering on the site, you need to complete simple tasks for which you will receive points.

    For points in the future you can receive many different rewards, for example:

    • PremiumSteam CD-key free;
    • Steam gift card for 5 or 10 EUR;
    • 10 random Steam keys;
    • Weapons for the game

    Sanctuary extremely useful in terms of finding rare guns, it will tell you where and how to get them.

    kind man

    Let's start with a character like Michael Mamaril. His story deserves special mention: Michael's character is based on a real person who was an ardent fan of the original, but recently died of cancer. So Gearbox decided to salute him, because he didn’t wait for the sequel.

    But dry your tears, let's focus on the gaming guns.
    If you talk to this character, you will receive the "Tribute To A Vault Hunter" achievement, as well as a rare colored item with a different chance of obtaining:

  • Blue - 95% chance
  • Purple - 4.5% chance
  • Orange - 0.5% chance

    Michael will give you a gun every time you talk to him, but he appears in different places every time.
    The first time he will most likely be standing next to Dr. Zed. He has glasses on his face and a gun behind his back.
    Here is a map of the locations of all his appearances:

    However, some people report a bug that it does not appear at all. Probably depends on your level or progress.

    Golden chests and keys to them

    Also found in the Sanctuary. The developers made a separate statement about them: it contains extremely valuable loot, but it’s a shame that players are given only 1 key. Also, the developers forced them to buy a Season Pass in order to be given another one. Thus, we are forced to carefully plan the opening of the chest and endure until the last, because it is much more logical to open it at high levels so that the contents are extremely valuable.

    About the essence of the problem

    Each record in a table included in an RDBMS must have a primary key (PC) - a set of attributes that uniquely identifies it in the table. The case when a table does not have a primary key has a right to exist, but is not considered in this article.

    The primary key can be used -
    Natural Key (NK) - a set of attributes of the entity described by the record, uniquely identifying it (for example, a passport number for a person);
    Surrogate Key (SK) is an automatically generated field that is in no way related to the information content of the record. Typically, an auto-incrementing field of type INTEGER plays the role of the CS.

    There are two opinions:

    1. CS should only be used if EC does not exist. If a NK exists, then the identification of a record within the database is carried out using the existing NK;
    2. CS must be added to any table to which there are references (REFERENCES) from other tables, and connections between them must be organized only with the help of CS. Of course, searching for a record and presenting it to the user is still carried out on the basis of the EK.

    Naturally, one can imagine some kind of intermediate opinion, but now the discussion is being conducted within the framework of the two above.

    When do SCs appear?

    To understand the place and significance of SCs, let’s consider the design stage at which they are introduced into the database structure, and the methodology for their introduction.

    For clarity, let's consider a database of 2 relations - City and People. We assume that a city is characterized by a Name, all cities have different names, a person is characterized by a Last Name, Passport number and city of residence (City). We also assume that each person has a unique passport number. At the stage of drawing up the informationological model of the database, its structure is the same for both the EC and the IC.


    Everything is ready for the EC. For the SC, we do one more step and transform the tables as follows:

    CREATE TABLE City(/* In different SQL dialects, an autoincrement field will be expressed in different ways - for example, through IDENTITY, SEQUENCE or GENERATOR. Here we use the convention AUTOINCREMENT. */ Id INT NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY Name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE); CREATE TABLE People(Id INT NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Passport CHAR(9) NOT NULL UNIQUE, Family VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, CityId INT NOT NULL REFERENCES City(Id));

    Please note that:

    • All conditions dictated by the subject area (the uniqueness of the city name and passport number) continue to be present in the database, only they are provided not by the PRIMARY KEY condition, but by the UNIQUE condition;
    • There is no AUTOINCREMENT keyword in any of the servers that I know of. This simply means that the field is generated automatically.

    In general, the algorithm for adding an SC is as follows:

    1. The INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT field is added to the table;
    2. It is declared PRIMARY KEY;
    3. The old PRIMARY KEY (EK) is replaced with UNIQUE CONSTRAINT;
    4. If the table has REFERENCES to other tables, then the fields included in the REFERENCES are replaced by one field of type INTEGER, which constitutes the primary key (as People.City is replaced by People.CityId).

    This is a mechanical operation that does not in any way violate the information model and data integrity. From the point of view of the information model, these two databases are equivalent.

    Why is all this necessary?

    A reasonable question arises - why? Indeed, why introduce some fields into tables, replace something? So, what do we get by performing this “mechanical” operation.

    Simplification of maintenance

    This is the area where SCs show the greatest benefits. Since communication operations between tables are separated from the logic “within tables”, both can be changed independently and without affecting the rest.

    For example, it turned out that cities have duplicate names. It was decided to introduce another field into City - Region (Region) and make a PC (City, Region). In the case of EC - the City table is changed, the People table is changed - the Region field is added (yes, yes, for all records, I’m silent about the sizes), all queries are rewritten, including on clients in which City participates, the AND XXX line is added to them .Region = City.Region.

    Yes, I almost forgot, most servers strongly dislike ALTER TABLE for fields included in PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY.

    In the case of the UK, a field is added to City and UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is changed. All.

    Another example - in the case of an IC, changing the list of fields in SELECT never forces you to rewrite JOIN. In the case of EC, a field has been added that is not included in the PC of the associated table - rewrite it.

    Another example: the data type of a field included in the EC has changed. And again, reworking a bunch of tables, re-optimizing indexes...

    In the context of changing legislation, this advantage of insurance companies in itself is sufficient for their use.

    Reducing the database size

    Let's assume in our example that the average length of a city name is 10 bytes. Then, on average, each person will have 10 bytes to store a link to the city (in reality, a little more due to service information on VARCHAR and much more due to the People.City index, which will have to be built for REFERENCES to work effectively). In the case of SK - 4 bytes. Savings - at least 6 bytes per person, approximately 10 MB for Novosibirsk. Obviously, in most cases, reducing the size of the database is not an end in itself, but this will obviously lead to an increase in performance.

    There have been arguments that the database itself can optimize the storage of the SK by substituting a hash function in People instead (in fact, creating the SK itself). But none of the actually existing commercial database servers do this, and there is reason to believe that they will not do this. The simplest justification for this opinion is that with such a substitution, the banal operators ADD CONSTRAINT ... FOREIGN KEY or DROP CONSTRAINT ... FOREIGN KEY will lead to a serious shake-up of the tables, with a noticeable change in the entire database (it will be necessary to physically add or remove (replaced with a hash function )) all fields included in CONSTRAINT.

    Increasing data sampling speed

    The question is quite controversial, however, based on the assumptions that:

    • The database is normalized;
    • There are many records in the tables (tens of thousands or more);
    • Queries predominantly return limited sets of data (maximum of a few percent of the table size).

    The performance of the system on the SC will be noticeably higher. And here's why:

    ECs can potentially provide higher performance when:

    • Only the information included in the primary keys of the related tables is required;
    • there are no WHERE conditions on the fields of related tables.

    That is, in our example this is a request like:

    SELECT Family, City FROM People;

    In the case of an IC, this request will look like

    SELECT P.Family, C.Name FROM People P INNER JOIN City C ON P.CityId = C.Id;

    It would seem that EK gives a simpler query with fewer tables, which will be executed faster. But even here, not everything is so simple: the table sizes for EK are larger (see above) and disk activity will easily eat up the advantage gained due to the absence of JOIN. This will have an even stronger effect if filtering is used when selecting data (and if there is any significant volume of tables, it must be used). The fact is that the search is usually carried out using informative fields such as CHAR, DATETIME, etc. Therefore, it is often faster to find a set of values ​​in the lookup table that limits the result returned by the query, and then use a JOIN on a fast INTEGER index to select suitable records from the large table. For example:

    will run many times slower than

    In the case of EC, there will be an INDEX SCAN of the large People table using the CHARACTER index. In the case of an insurance company - INDEX SCAN of a smaller CITY and JOIN by an effective INTEGER index.

    But if you replace = ‘Ivanovo’ with LIKE ‘%vanovo’, then we are talking about the inhibition of the EC relative to the IC by an order of magnitude or more.

    Similarly, as soon as in the case of the EC it is necessary to include in the query a field from City that is not included in its primary key, the JOIN will be carried out on a slow index and the performance will drop significantly below the level of the IC. Everyone can draw their own conclusions, but let him remember what percentage of the total number of his queries are SELECT * FROM SingleTable. Mine is negligible.

    Yes, EC supporters like to point out the “informativeness of tables” as a virtue, which is growing in the case of EC. I repeat once again that the table containing the entire database in the form of a flat-file has the maximum information content. Any “increase in the information content of tables” means an increase in the degree of duplication of information in them, which is not good.

    Increased data update speed

    At first glance, EK is faster - there is no need to generate an extra field during INSERT and check its uniqueness. In general, this is true, although this slowdown only appears at very high transaction rates. However, this is not obvious, because Some servers optimize record insertion if a monotonically increasing CLUSTERED index is built on the key field. In the case of the UK, this is elementary; in the case of the EC, alas, it is usually unattainable. In addition, INSERT into a table on the MANY side (which happens more often) will go faster, because REFERENCES will be checked against the faster index.

    When updating a field included in the EC, you will have to cascade update all related tables. Thus, renaming Leningrad to St. Petersburg will require, in our example, a transaction for several million records. Updating any attribute in a system with CS will update only one record. Obviously, in the case of a distributed system, the presence of archives, etc. the situation will only get worse. If fields that are not included in the EC are updated, the performance will be almost the same.

    More about CASCADE UPDATE

    Not all database servers support them at the declarative level. The arguments “this is your crooked server” are hardly correct in this case. This forces you to write separate logic for updating, which is not always easy (a good example was given - in the absence of CASCADE UPDATE, it is generally impossible to update a field that has references - you need to disable REFERENCES or create a copy of the record, which is not always acceptable (other fields may be UNIQUE )).

    In the case of the IC, it will be executed faster, for the simple reason that the REFERENCES check will go through the fast index.

    Are there any good ECs?

    Nothing lasts forever under the moon. The most seemingly reliable attribute is suddenly canceled and ceases to be unique (I won’t go far - the regular ruble and the denominated ruble, there are countless examples). Americans complain about the non-uniqueness of their social security number, Microsoft complains about Chinese gray network cards with duplicate MAC addresses that can lead to duplicate GUIDs, doctors perform sex change operations, and biologists clone animals. Under these conditions (and taking into account the law of non-decreasing entropy), introducing into the system the thesis about the immutability of the EC is laying a mine under oneself. They must be separated into a separate logical layer and, if possible, isolated from the rest of the information. This makes their change much easier to experience. And in general: to unambiguously associate an entity with some of the attributes of this entity is, well, strange, or something. A person is not yet a passport number. SK is a certain substance, which means essence. It is the essence, and not any of its attributes.

    Typical arguments of EC supporters

    In a system with an automated check system, there is no control over the correctness of information entry

    This is wrong. Control would not have been carried out if a uniqueness constraint had not been imposed on the fields included in the EC. Obviously, if the subject area dictates some restrictions on the attributes of the EC, then they will be reflected in the database in any case.

    In a system with EC there are fewer JOINs, therefore queries are simpler and development is more convenient

    Yes, less. But, in a system with an insurance system it is trivial to write:

    CREATE VIEW PeopleEK AS SELECT P.Family, P.Passport, C.Name FROM People P INNER JOIN City C ON P.CityId = C.Id

    And you can have all the same delights. With, however, higher performance. At the same time, it’s good to mention that in the case of EC, many will have to program cascade operations, and, God forbid, in a distributed environment, struggle with performance problems. Against this background, “short” queries no longer seem so attractive.

    Introduction of SC violates the third normal form

    Recall the definition: A table is in third normal form (3NF) if it satisfies the definition of 2NF and none of its non-key fields is functionally dependent on any other non-key field.

    That is, there is no talk about key fields there at all. Therefore, adding another key to the table cannot in any way violate 3NF. In general, for a table with several possible keys, it makes sense to talk not about 3 NF, but about Boyce-Codd Normal Form, which was specially introduced for such tables.

    Like most licensed software, the Windows 10 operating system is a paid product. But it also has a “shareware” version. Each user decides for himself whether to leave the trial version on the computer or go through the OS activation process. Those who have opted for the licensed version can obtain the coveted activation key in several ways.

    Why activate Windows 10

    The “shareware” (non-activated) version of Windows 10 almost does not limit the functionality of the OS. Externally, it differs from the activated version only in that at the bottom of the desktop, above the taskbar, a “watermark” always hangs - a reminder of Windows activation. In addition, the user of the non-activated version is deprived of the opportunity to personalize the system, that is, change the desktop wallpaper, icons, loading screens, color themes, and so on. There is nothing critical for work in this, but still, these seemingly insignificant restrictions can sooner or later begin to irritate. In this case, it makes sense to activate Windows using one of the methods described below.

    The “watermark” can be removed using third-party utilities, but restrictions on system personalization settings will still remain

    How to activate Windows 10 without a license key

    So, you have decided to activate your version of Windows 10. If you have an activation key, then there is nothing complicated about it. But what if there is no key? In this case, there are also ways to legally activate the OS. Microsoft offers two proven and secure methods to choose from:

    • Digital Entitlement method;
    • Activating Windows 10 by phone.

    Digital Entitlement Method

    In the Russian translation, the method of activating Digital Entitlement is called “Digital Resolution”. It was originally intended only for users participating in the Windows Insider program, created by Microsoft for preliminary testing and evaluation of Windows. Then the “digital resolution” became available to everyone during the free upgrade promotion period from versions 7 and 8.1 to Windows 10.

    You can get a “digital license” on a PC by linking a Microsoft account to the installed OS through the “Activation” setting in the “Update and Security” settings, after which you will forever no longer need to activate Windows 10. But you will still need to enter at least once on your PC Windows license key.

    After creating a Microsoft account, a corresponding entry will appear in the activation settings

    To become a Windows Insider user and receive the coveted “digital permit”, you must:

    1. Go to the “Start - Control Panel - Update and Security” menu. Go to the Windows Insider Program section and click Get Started.
      You can also open the settings window by finding the required parameter through the Windows search window
    2. In the window that appears, you need to log in to your Microsoft account (if you don’t have one, then you will be asked to create one).
      You can also create a Microsoft account on the official website of the corporation
    3. Then the user will be offered a choice of one of three Windows Insider build packages, which differ in the “rawness” of system components. These packages accordingly allow:
    4. After selecting the Windows Insider build package, you must restart your PC.
      You can restart your PC later
    5. The next time you boot your system, you need to go into the Update & Security setting, then open the Windows Update window and click the Check for Updates button to download the required Windows Insider package.
      Sometimes the required Windows Insider build is downloaded automatically immediately after the PC is restarted
    6. Done, you now own Windows "digital resolution".

    Video: How to become a Windows Insider

    The author of this article would like to warn users who are planning to resort to this method of obtaining “digital permission”. Firstly, the downloaded version of Windows 10 will be a test version and cannot guarantee stable operation of all components. Secondly, you will have to update the OS very often, since the number of Windows test components that are released is quite large. And thirdly, this type of system activation actually provides the user not with an official licensed version of Windows, but with a trial version of it, which is valid for 90 days, followed by automatic renewal for the same period. Sometimes a “watermark” that appears on the desktop may indicate that a trial version is being used.

    When you hover over the watermark, a message will appear with information about using the Windows Insider Program

    Activating Windows 10 by phone

    This is another official way to activate Windows 10 offered by Microsoft. You need to do the following:

    1. Press the WIN+R key combination to open the Windows command line, enter the slui 4 command and press Enter.
      You can also launch the Windows command line by right-clicking on the “Start” icon and selecting the appropriate menu
    2. In the “Windows Activation Wizard” window that appears, after selecting your region of residence, an information window will open with the phone number to call and the installation code.
      You need to click on the “Enter confirmation code” button only after the answering machine confirms that the installation code you entered is correct.
    3. Call the provided toll-free number, then follow the step-by-step instructions from the answering machine. At the end you will be asked to enter the installation code on your phone.
    4. After entering the installation code, the answering robot will dictate a Windows activation confirmation code to you. You will need to enter it in the confirmation window.

      If the confirmation code is entered correctly, then after clicking the “Windows Activation” button, a window will appear confirming the completion of the activation process
    5. After entering the appropriate code, hang up, click the “Windows Activation” button, and then “Done”.
      After completing the Windows 10 activation process by phone, a corresponding entry will appear in the “Activation” settings
    6. Restart your PC. Your version of Windows 10 is now activated.

    Video: Activating Windows 10 by phone

    Security level of Windows 10 activation by phone

    This method of activating Windows 10 is one of the safest, since the entire process is confidential, without the participation of any third parties (the activation is carried out by an answering robot). In addition, you do not transmit any personal data or information that threatens the security of your PC and operating system. There is only one rule to remember: call only the numbers specified in the “Windows Activation Wizard by Phone”.

    Problems activating Windows 10 by phone

    Sometimes the activation method by phone may not work. The most common problems that arise are:

    1. "Data not recognized." Or the Windows activation confirmation key was entered incorrectly - check and enter it again. Or the key is not suitable for the installed version of Windows - then you need to contact Microsoft technical support).
    2. "Call reset." The reason may be faults on the line or technical work of the Microsoft call center. It is best to call on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00 Moscow time.
    3. "Synchronization error." Occurs when Windows time and date settings fail. If the time and date are set correctly, try synchronizing via the Internet through the bottom “Date and Time” control panel.

    Delay activation of Windows 10

    As you know, the non-activated version of Windows 10 is available for use only for 30 calendar days. After this period expires, the system will simply stop booting, displaying only a window with a message about the need to activate the OS. However, in reality, Windows 10 can run for as long as 90 days without activation. To do this, you need to use the deferred activation feature provided by Microsoft.

    You need to do the following:

    Video: How to extend the trial period for Windows 10 through the command line console

    Activating Windows 10 after replacing PC components

    If you had a licensed version of Windows 10 installed and you decided to replace components on your computer, this may lead to the OS activation key being reset. In this case, it will be impossible to reuse the current license. Most often this problem occurs when replacing the motherboard.. To reactivate the OS, do the following:

    1. In Windows Settings, go to the Update & Security console and open the Activation window. Select the Troubleshoot menu.
      When you change a hardware component, an entry will appear in the activation section warning that your OS version is not activated
    2. The activation system will display a message like: “Windows could not be activated on this device.” Click on the line “Hardware changes have recently been made to this device.”
      You will also be prompted to go to the Windows Store to purchase the new version of the OS.
    3. You will then be asked to sign in using your personal Microsoft account.
      If you are already logged in, this step will be automatically skipped.
    4. A window will appear asking you to select the hardware component that was replaced on your PC. After checking the appropriate box, click the “Activate” button.
      If you changed several hardware components at once, then you must select them all from the list presented.
    5. Ready. Your version of Windows 10 is activated again.
      After troubleshooting, a message will appear in the settings indicating that Windows 10 activation was successful.

    Ways to purchase a Windows 10 license key

    There are several ways to purchase a license key to activate Windows 10. Let's look at the most popular ones.

    Microsoft Digital Store

    This is the fastest and safest way. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a digital key to activate your version of Windows 10. To purchase:

    1. Go to the official Microsoft website. In the Windows section, click on the “Buy Windows 10” button.

      To quickly navigate the site, you can use the search bar
    2. You will be offered a choice of purchasing two versions of the OS: “Home” and PRO (“Professional”). The difference between them is that the PRO version has expanded functionality and an improved data protection system. Click on the “Buy Windows 10” button.

      By clicking on the “Buy” button, you will be redirected to a page with a detailed description of the functions and capabilities of each OS version
    3. On the next page, where the advantages of the new OS will be described in detail, you must click on the “Add to cart” button, and then on “Checkout”.
      Only credit/debit cards are available as payment methods.
    4. Ready. The license key will be sent to your email, which is used in your Microsoft account. This key will need to be entered in the Activations settings of the Update and Security console.

    Other ways to purchase a key

    There are other, quite convenient, but differing in price and degree of reliability methods for purchasing a Windows 10 activation key.

    A reliable, but less cheap way to purchase a licensed version of the OS. When using it, the benefit can be about 1–2 thousand rubles. You cannot purchase the boxed version on the official Microsoft website; you need to buy it in digital stores.

    The kit includes:

    • Bootable USB device with Windows 10 OS;
    • digital activation code;
    • paper instructions for installing the system.

    Before purchasing the boxed version, check for license certificates of authenticity

    Purchasing equipment with Windows 10 installed

    The most expensive way to purchase an OS. In this case, Windows 10 will, in fact, be just an addition to the components. Most often, this method is used by users who decide to completely update their PC hardware. In this case, a system unit pre-assembled in a store with Windows 10 installed will cost less than purchasing kits and the OS separately.

    Usually in the characteristics of the system unit assembly there is a record of the presence of Windows installed

    Purchasing through third party marketplaces

    The least expensive way to purchase a Windows license, but the most unreliable. You can buy a Windows 10 digital key on any well-known trading platform, for example, on eBay.com. There are different risks with such a purchase. They may sell you a non-working key or an “OEM version” of it (a key that is already tied to specific equipment). The seller can replace the OS version (for example, sell a 32-bit version instead of a 64-bit one). D Even if the site (like, say, eBay) has a refund function within 30 days, this still does not guarantee the safety of the transaction.

    All prices on the eBay trading platform are immediately automatically converted into rubles at the current exchange rate

    The author of this article has repeatedly heard negative feedback from users who purchased Windows license digital keys on third-party trading platforms. Sometimes the keys turned out to simply not work. Sometimes, after a certain period, such keys were “revoked” (became unusable) due to the fact that the purchased digital license was an “OEM version”. Therefore, the author advises: if you decide to buy a key, for example, on eBay, then carefully read the description, check with the seller for information about the type and version of the key, and also check for the availability of a money-back function.

    There are quite a lot of legal ways to activate Windows 10 so as not to resort to illegal methods. Any user can register for Microsoft's Windows Insider program with an appropriate digital license, or activate the OS over the phone. In addition, there is always the opportunity to buy both a digital and physical (boxed) version of Windows 10 or purchase it complete with an already assembled system unit. And if you need to save as much as possible, you can buy a key on third-party trading platforms, however, only at your own peril and risk.

    What is a key? Its implications for programs and games

    The key is a combination of numbers and letters to activate a program or game.
    The concept of a key is now very relevant on the Internet, since most programs and games are activated by entering a specific key.
    Each program and game has its own unique code and, as a rule, it is designed for only one computer. There are, of course, exceptions ( / / etc.) in these programs one key can operate on several (thousands) computers, tablets, laptops. Of course, this is not the entire range of programs for which this works. But as a rule, one code works for several programs. If we take games, then one license code is equal to one activated game and nothing else.

    Why the key?

    1. It worked in all its glory, that is, without any bugs and as expected. As a rule, keys greatly improve performance, even with a hacked program.
    2. If you have a key, then you can use free technical support. Sometimes these actions are even better than looking for an answer on the Internet “why the antivirus is not updated”
    3. Brag to your friends that you have a license. These actions are usually relevant when using licensed games, which can be activated on Steam or other similar services for selling and downloading licensed games.
    4. You will always have the latest updates for the program. For the same antiviruses, this is a very necessary measure.

    Where can I get the key?

    There are 3 ways to obtain keys:

    1 – Buy. This can be done from the creators of the program or game, or from intermediaries. For example, you can purchase some keys in our online store, or rather in the store section

    2 – Get a Trial (temporary) key for a limited period (usually up to 3 months). Antivirus programs usually provide similar opportunities during the first installation, or similar keys can be found in thematic groups for certain types. For example, we have a group for Kaspersky keys