• Standard ava in contact. How to make an avatar for a VKontakte group? Three most common ways

    If you have created your own group, then when designing it it is important to create a beautiful image that will attract subscribers. To make it unique, some community owners order it from specialists who develop a special design for this group. Without skills and special programs, it will be difficult to complete such work. Therefore, ordering a community avatar will be associated with costs. If you decide to create it yourself, then it can be done easier.

    First, let's pay attention to choosing a wide-format image for your community. This update was released recently and most communities are choosing this group design.

    First, you need to find a beautiful picture that will match the theme of your group. An image search engine in Yandex or Google can help with this. For example, you are interested in travel topics. To do this, enter the keyword “travel” or “traveling” in English in a search engine. Then choose the most suitable wide-format image for you that will suit your theme. Try to choose high-resolution images, as a high-quality drawing will look more attractive.

    Once you find a suitable drawing, save it to your computer at maximum resolution. Then go to your group, to the “community management” section. In this section, select “group settings”. Here you will be able to download a “community cover”. Click on the "upload" tab and select the drawing that you downloaded for this.

    After saving, this cover will appear in the header of your group.

    Setting up an old-style avatar

    While many people are using the new widescreen cover feature, some group owners are more comfortable with the legacy design mode.

    To do this, you also need to first find a suitable drawing on the Internet and save it to your hard drive. Next, go to the group, and in the place where the community avatar should be located, click on the “upload photo” tab and select the picture you downloaded.

    After the picture is loaded, you can select the area in this picture that will be displayed in the Ava. Next, click on the “save and continue” tab.

    Even if you are going to use the updated widescreen cover image, you will still need to add a standard cover image first, since this is the image that will appear under all your community posts.

    In this article we will tell you how to make a wide horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group. Let us show with a clear example, how to make a wide VK avatar, and also give useful practical recommendations.

    First of all, I would immediately like to say about the importance of such a graphic element of the VK group as a wide horizontal avatar. Compared to a regular vertical VKontakte avatar, the horizontal one has a larger area and is displayed on mobile devices, which allows it to be used more efficiently.
    Before directly installing a wide avatar, I would like to draw your attention to the icon of your group, which is displayed on the left opposite each post. It is taken directly from the miniature of the standard vertical avatar. If possible, it should be in the same style as the future hat. If the header is planned in a different style, then first upload a regular avatar, and then move on to a wide horizontal one.

    So, let's move on directly to the process of installing a wide VKontakte avatar.

    Instructions on how to create a horizontal avatar in a VK group.

    1) We prepare a wide avatar with a size of 1590×400 pixels in a graphics editor.
    A wide horizontal avatar is the face of your group, which forms the first impression and attitude of visitors. It is necessary to approach the creation of an avatar with special care; this will determine the further success of your community.
    For example, consider the avatar that we prepared for demonstration:

    The main elements that are usually used in a header are:

    • Logo– Sets the primary graphic association with the group.
    • Heading– Briefly and clearly tells what the group is about and for whom.
    • Graphic elements with descriptions provide more complete information about what the group offers, what advantages and features the group has.

    The main elements should be placed closer to the center and to the bottom, retreating from the top border at least 100 pixels and from the side borders at least 220. This way, you will ensure normal display of a wide avatar on mobile devices.

    2) Let's move on to community management.

    3) Click Upload next to the community cover field.

    4) Load a pre-created horizontal avatar.

    5) We check whether the avatar is displayed correctly in the group from the computer and mobile device.

    As you can see, making a wide horizontal avatar is not difficult at all. It is important to know only a few features.
    Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the avatar is not the only graphic element that determines the style of the group. The overall picture is also formed by the design of posts, albums, products and other sections of your group. This should also be taken into account.

    If you need help with writing posts for the group, creating product cards, and writing similar content, you can contact us within .

    We can also help with group design. For help in creating a wide horizontal avatar-header, a standard vertical group logo, wiki menu, branded graphics and other design elements, you can contact us.
    To order services and for any questions, write.

    As you know, not long ago the social network VK introduced a new design to the site. With the advent of the new Vkontakte design, the sizes of avatars and . All these innovations force community administrators to change the design of their groups. Today it is possible, without having any special skills, make an avatar for a VKontakte group online. The social network itself will correctly process the uploaded images and bring them to the desired form. First, let's remember how to upload an avatar for a VK group.

    Hover your mouse over your group's image. Further at the bottom of the image, click on the link with the name: “Change thumbnail”, as shown in picture 1 above. After that, on the page that opens, select the thumbnail area, as shown in the screenshot number 2 above. On the right you can see what the final avatars of the VK group will look like. As we can see, the system itself cuts out round images of VKontakte avatars from uploaded photos. That's true. But what if you need your own, unique and beautiful image? You have three options:

    One of the popular resources where you can create your own memorable and unique avatar is avacreate.ru(see screenshot below).

    You just need to find the image you need and upload it to the server. Then you can edit it: select the size, background, round corners or add any important text. Of course, many will say that the editing options are not enough. In this case, you need to contact a professional or be able to work in specialized programs yourself.

    Another great service to help you make a large avatar in the VKontakte group- This avalala.com(picture below).

    The essence of its work is similar to the previous resource, but there are some differences. On this site you can rotate or crop your image as you like, add any of the available effects. It is also noteworthy that you have the opportunity to significantly expand the functionality of the resource if you install the appropriate extension for your browser. And finally, one cannot help but recall such a resource as vkprofi.ru(see screenshot below).

    With its help, you can not only make an avatar for a group online, but also completely design the appearance of your community. Under no circumstances should you underestimate the fact that the beautiful appearance of the VK group is one of the secrets, knowing which you will, as we wrote about in a previous publication on the site socprka.ru. As was already said at the very beginning of this post, a lot has changed in the new design of VKontakte. This applies, first of all, to the size of pictures on a social network. Let's find out what image sizes are now relevant for their correct display on the VK page. Look at the picture below.

    Now let's move on to the last question of this post. to please your subscribers? If you still have few participants in the VK group, recruit real people into your community. If you don’t have the time, skills or desire to study, seek help from a professional designer. But not all novice VKontakte group administrators will be able to afford this, because the services of a really cool specialist will not be cheap. In this case, there is only one option - learn the intricacies of Photoshop.

    Let’s say right away that selecting a round area for an avatar is not the most difficult action in Photoshop. To do this, simply open the program. Next, open the selected image for your group. After that, select the circle in the toolbar (screenshot above). Using the mouse, stretch the circle to the desired size (200 x 200 px). Now save the selected layer to a new document. By analogy with the avatar thumbnail, select the avatar itself from the selected image (200 x 300 px). Only in the case of an avatar, use the rectangle tool. If you have difficulties with Photoshop, try simpler graphic editors (Paint, etc.).

    What is the maximum and minimum size of an avatar for a VKontakte group in pixels? In order to make a cool picture in the community or in your personal VKontakte account, you need to know this.
    If you are interested in the size of the horizontal ava (cover), you
    Greetings, friends!
    Why did I decide to write a post on the topic of VKontakte group design?
    It is very important that your group should not only be informative, but also aesthetically pleasing.
    What will this give?
    I have one VK community, beautifully designed, the feeling that people subscribe to it not only because of the information, but also because they like the community from the point of view of design.
    Do you agree that a large, rectangular ava looks much more attractive than a small square one?
    By the way, the information below is suitable not only for VKontakte groups. The information is also suitable for creating your personal VKontakte account.

    Avatar size for VKontakte group new design

    The ideal avatar, as well as the optimal one, is standard; the size of the avatar can be considered 200x500 in pixels, where 200 is the width, 500 is the height.
    If we talk about the maximum height and width, it simply doesn’t exist.
    It measures in proportions of 2 to 5.
    Where 2 is its width, and 5 is the height for a picture or photo of a group or personal page in contact.

    Do you agree that this ava looks much more attractive than a regular square one?

    Those. Look, let’s say you have a square size in pixels, 100×100, multiply the first digit by 2, the second by 5.
    As a result, we get the same 200 by 500 pixels.
    If you are not going to make it to order, but search in Yandex or Google images, look for the size 200 x 500, there are the most such pictures there.
    The other width and height will simply be cut off by the contact.
    If you still decide to look for pictures or photographs of other proportions, below I will leave you the optimal sizes for VKontakte groups.
    200 x 500, 300 x 750, 400 x 1000, 500 x 1250, 600 x 1500, 700 x 1750.

    Larger pictures will be difficult to find).
    For example, 200 by 500 pixels, there are tons of pictures on the Internet.
    700 to 1750 I found only 1).

    That's all, bye everyone!

    VKontakte Secrets is a new series of blog posts in which I will reveal the intricacies of creating communities and groups on the VKontakte social network. I will show you both technical and organizational aspects. Together we will learn how to create beautiful and popular communities on the largest social network on the RuNet. By the way, if you don’t have a VKontakte community yet, watch this video.

    Today I will show you how to create a beautiful single block “Avatar + Menu”. You've probably seen such beautifully designed groups, where the menu and avatar are one picture.

    It looks quite beautiful, doesn't it? Despite the apparent difficulty, anyone can make such a block in their group. At the same time you no need to know Photoshop secrets. I'll show you how to do this in a regular graphics editor. Paint, which is on every computer.

    So, we will need:

    • a picture from which we will make a group avatar and menu;
    • graphic editor Paint;
    • Rect program for measuring the width and height of the menu.

    Open the Paint editor and our prepared image. The image must be no more than 799 px in height and no less than 600 px in width. With arrow No. 1 in the screenshot I indicated the place where you can see the current dimensions of the picture. And arrow No. 2 is a tool that can be used to change these dimensions.

    Having received the size of the picture that suits us, we cut out an avatar from it. To do this, use the “Select” tool (arrow No. 3). Select an area 200 px wide (arrow No. 4 shows where you can monitor the width of the selected area). Cut out this part of the picture (arrow No. 5).

    Without closing the current Paint, launch another one. We insert our cut out part of the picture into it. This will be the avatar of our VKontakte group. We make attractive inscriptions on it and save it as an image in PNG format.

    After this, the avatar can already be uploaded to our VKontakte group.

    Now we need to find out the exact size of the menu block. To do this, we will use a useful and simple program for webmasters Rect. The program does not require installation and does not create or modify any files. >>>Download Rect software<<<

    We go to our group’s page and measure the distance in pixels from the edge of the field with the title “Discussions” or “Polls” (depending on what comes first after the link to the group menu) to the bottom edge of the avatar. The Rect program will show us the width and height in the middle of the window. By the way, the width of the menu block should be exclusively 388 pixels.

    So, the height needed in this case is 295 pixels. By the way, I advise you to prepare a description of your group in advance, because the height of the menu block will depend on its volume.

    We return to Paint with the remaining image and cut out a menu block measuring 388*295 pixels from the lower right corner.

    We paste the cut out picture into a previously opened new Paint and enter the text of the menu links into it. See for yourself how to format the text. The editor allows you to insert various shapes and markers. I am of the opinion that the secret of good design is minimalism, be it VKontakte or a regular website. For this reason I use regular underlined text. This is exactly how we are used to seeing links.

    Now, using the already familiar “Select” and “Cut” tools, we select and cut out each menu item. We paste a picture of each item into a new Paint and save it as an image in PNG format.

    In total, we should have 5 pictures that make up one whole. Why five if there are 4 links? I cut out the bottom part as a separate picture without a link. We upload these pictures to a separate album of our VKontakte group. We will need them very soon.

    Go to the main page of the group and click on the “Edit” link in the menu bar. It should appear there when you hover your mouse over it.

    In the menu editor, enable wiki markup mode. And enter the following lines there.

    UPD: Attention! Now, in order for everything to be displayed correctly, you need to swap the tag nopadding and picture sizes. Place a semicolon after the size of the picture accordingly.

    Each line corresponds to one of the component images of the menu block.

    In the code I highlighted:

    • pink – picture id. Where can I get it? In the address bar of your browser when viewing a picture.
    • green – image dimensions and the “nopadding” command, which shows the image without padding.
    • yellow – link to the desired group page.

    The presence of such a menu, of course, is not the reason for the popularity of the community. But, in my opinion, they make the group page much more pleasant for participants and guests. By the way, if you are just starting your journey as a VKontakte administrator, the publication Social Network Administrator will be useful to you.

    This guide is not relevant for public VKontakte pages. I recommend using this manual for publics -