• VoLTE technology - what is it in a phone and what is its advantage. Volte - what is it? Which devices support volte

    VoLTE voice amplification technology is supported by smartphones of popular brands: Apple, Samsung, LG, ZTE and others. This technology allows a normal telephone call to transmit voice information via the LTE channel (hence the full name - Voice over LTE), which is also known as 4G. In this case, the interlocutor’s phone may not support this type of communication.

    What does VoLTE provide? Is this technology a breakthrough that improves the communication experience, or is its main purpose to involve the operator in the process of extracting value from calls made over the network?

    Why it's useful

    VoLTE has been appreciated by large smartphone manufacturers, and especially by cellular operators, including Russian ones. Using this technology can significantly reduce the load on the network. But what does this setting give to the average subscriber?

    • During a regular phone call, it is not possible to use 4G Internet, since the device switches to the GSM or 3G network when making a call. Sometimes the mobile Internet turns off altogether. VoLTE makes it possible to simultaneously talk on the phone and use the Internet at high speeds.
    • Switching regular phones from the mobile Internet to the GSM network takes about two seconds - that's how long you have to wait before making a call before the connection occurs. VoLTE eliminates this delay.
    • Subscribers using VoLTE note better audibility than during a call via GSM/3G, even if the interlocutor’s device does not support this technology. Delays and interruptions during a conversation are eliminated, as happens with voice calls via WhatsApp and other mobile applications.
    • When calling via VoLTE, gigabytes from the Internet package are not consumed - only minutes. Despite the fact that the call is over 4G, operators count it as a regular telephone conversation, and not a call via the Internet. This is especially valuable when traveling abroad - high-quality voice communication that does not consume gigabytes.
    • Save battery power. A VoLTE call consumes slightly less energy than a GSM call due to the DRX mode. DRX means that the phone will receive a signal at intervals during a voice call. Interruptions do not affect the quality of communication, but save power, since the antenna is turned off at this moment.


    • It is still common to find smartphones that do not support VoLTE. Most popular manufacturers have added it to new smartphone models, but not all.
    • You won’t be able to use the technology if your current device doesn’t support it, and there are no plans to change your phone in the near future.
    • VoLTE only works on 4G networks. In Russia, 4G coverage is not available everywhere, and if it is not available, the call will go through the regular network.
    • At the same time, the mobile operator must also support VoLTE in the region where the subscriber is located, otherwise this function on the phone is useless.
    • Although the sound quality is significantly improved when using VoLTE even for one of the interlocutors, ideal communication can only be achieved if both subscribers use it.

    VoLTE Geography

    The “Big Four” Russian mobile operators: MegaFon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2 have already begun supporting VoLTE, but not in all regions of Russia and not for all smartphones, even with technology support. Basically, VoLTE now works only in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - in the 4G coverage area. For a complete list of devices and regions that work with VoLTE for a specific operator, please visit its official website or contact support.

    VoLTE enabled devices

    Apple iPhone from iPhone 6 and above.

    LG has introduced VoLTE in the Optimus LTE 2 F160LV and LTE III F260S, as well as several others.

    Almost all Xiaomi brand models support VoLTE.

    The function is also supported in some models of the brands ZTE, Huawei, Sony, HTC, Google, Meizu, Nokia, Alcatel and Motorola.

    Problems enabling VoLTE

    Even if the smartphone supports VoLTE, the function may not work for some reason. If the call does not go through 4G (you cannot use the Internet during calls), then you need to try the following:

    1. Find out from the operator whether the SIM card supports 4G. Each operator has a special USSD command for this. Sometimes it may be necessary to change the SIM card at a communication store.

    2. Check if the 4G network is available - this icon should appear in the top panel.

    3. For some operators, VoLTE does not work if the caller ID and dial tone options are enabled.

    4. In a device with two SIM cards, VoLTE will only work for the main one. To improve communication quality, some models have the function of transferring mobile Internet through a second SIM during calls via VoLTE. But you need to be prepared that traffic from the second SIM card will be consumed.

    How to check availability

    To check for VoLTE on iPhone, you need to select “Settings” - “Cellular” - “Data Options” - “Enable LTE”. A checkmark next to the “Voice and Data” item means that VoLTE is enabled. This setting is available in iPhone models starting with iPhone 6.

    In smartphones with Android OS you need to select “Settings” - “SIM cards and mobile networks”, then you need to select the appropriate SIM card and check if the switch is turned on - “Enable VoLTE”.

    VoLTE technology is the organization of voice transmission over LTE networks, as a result of which it becomes possible to make telephone calls on these networks without switching communication technology.

    How to enable VoLTE on Xiaomi

    In Xiaomi smartphones, there are two options to enable this option:

    • By entering the symbol-numeric combination *#*#86583#*#*;
    • Through the settings of the mobile device. To do this, you need to go to the “SIM cards and mobile networks” subsection, where in the corresponding item, switch the “slider” to the active state.

    In order to disable VoLTE on Xiaomi, just do the reverse operations.

    Advantages of VoLTE:

    Disadvantages of VoLTE

    The technology is not widely used for the following main reasons:

    • Putting increased load on the mobile device. To reduce it, it is necessary to implement a new operating algorithm at the chipset level;
    • The need to switch to "Volte" mobile operators.

    Causes of problems

    Due to poor technology adoption, the VoLTE function on Xiaomi may not be supported, which may be explained by:

    • Lack of technology certification in the country of use of the Xiaomi smartphone;
    • The phone does not support this function.

    Digital technologies are developing very quickly, and one of the striking examples of such progress is VoLTE, however, few people know what it is in a phone.

    In fact, this is a very useful communication standard in our time that works in cellular networks. Notably, it is fully compatible with 3G and .

    But this is all theory and dry facts. To understand what we are talking about and why such a standard is needed at all, it is necessary to understand all its features. This is what we'll do!


    VoLTE fully stands for "Voice over Long Term Evolution", which translates to “voice through long-term development.” It consists of two parts - “Vo” and “LTE”.

    Nowadays, more and more cities around the world are actively using 3G. We connect the Internet through this standard.

    So, there is 4G or 4G LTE. The Internet is also connected through this standard. In more formal terms, it is a method of transmitting data.

    It's very simple.

    Now let's talk about How did this technology come about and what is its purpose?

    A little bit of history

    The first full-fledged release of VolTE is dated May 2014. Then SingTel, which is based in Singapore, introduced the service in question.

    At that time, it only worked in Singapore and did not extend to other countries. Moreover, at first he worked on a single phone - .

    SingTel is very popular all over the world. There are 37 offices of this company in Asia, Europe and the USA. It is a sponsor of the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix.

    SingTel's main areas of activity are cellular communications, Internet technologies and the so-called Fixed Network.

    In addition to the technology under consideration, . This is a little information for your reference.

    Let's return to the development of VoLTE.

    Already in June 2014, a mobile operator in South Korea began to provide CT using this standard.

    After the merger with China Mobile, CT continued to provide the highest quality roaming in the world at that time. Over time, KPN and iBasis began to offer the same service.

    November of the same year marked another major event in the history of VoLTE.

    Then Verizon and AT&T announced that they would jointly introduce a connection using Voice over LTE between subscribers who are ready to connect to such a service.

    And this event really happened in 2015.

    After this, more and more countries are introducing the use of the standard in question.

    Today, very few countries have full support for voice transmission over LTE networks - as of November 2017, there are only 9 of them.

    At the same time, in such technically “advanced” countries as Germany, Canada and France, the implementation of the standard is only being planned.

    It is absolutely unclear why other countries and mobile operators are in no hurry to use VoLTE.

    Perhaps this has something to do with the cost of equipment or a simple lack of specialists who could do this.

    Why is VoLTE needed?

    There are at least three reasons why specialists from Singapore decided to create a new data transfer standard:

    • Faster call making. The fact is that any device will be able to make a call much faster if it has 4G connected. It does not waste time switching to 3G, which is usually about 2-3 seconds. Previously, it was impossible to make calls with 4G and smartphones and tablets required time to switch to 3G when the user wanted to make a call. But with the advent of the ability to transmit voice using 4G, all operations began to be performed much faster.
    • Higher quality of communication. The point is that the sound quality has also become much higher with the advent of the technology in question. Users began to hear each other many times better. This is really important in this day and age.
    • Saving data transfer while making a call. Surely, 4G users have repeatedly encountered the problem when they receive a call and the Internet turns off. Now this won't happen.

    In general, there was definitely a point in new developments and the emergence of new technology, by and large, was a matter of time.

    It is worth saying that VoLTE has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Let's talk about them.


    In addition to higher communication quality and , 4G has the following positive aspects:

    1 Increasing network capacity. In simple terms, this means that the number of subscribers for one station is increasing. For those who are “not in the know”, let’s say that all subscribers of cellular operators are served by base stations. So, when 3G is used, the number of subscribers at each base station is less than when using VoLTE, and by as much as 3 times. Usually, due to the overload of such stations, there were interruptions in communication and other problems of the same type.

    2 Now you can make calls completely free of charge. This is a unique advantage that is achieved by using this type of network. The fact is that 4G does not provide for a switching connection at all, which means that you do not need to pay for the corresponding communications. Voice is transmitted through the same system through which other types of data are transmitted, roughly speaking, over the Internet. Therefore, if a subscriber uses unlimited Internet, he will not pay a penny for calls.

    Speaking of the latter, it is worth noting that calls will be free even to those subscribers who use 2G and 3G.

    In any case, if the Internet is unlimited, you will not pay anything.

    It seems impossible, but it's true!

    At the same time, in earlier AMR-NB services. Even without understanding these terms, you can easily understand that in 4G everything is much better and the voice is “purer”.

    In this world, unfortunately, everything is imperfect, so Voice over LTE also has shortcomings, and for some they will be very significant. Let's move on to the negative.


    Experts highlight three negative points, namely:

    Accordingly, more energy is needed to operate the device, that is, a more capacious battery will be required. Or you will need to charge it more often or. However, today all such gadgets are “famous” for their terrible battery capacity. At best, after six months of using the device, you will have to charge it every day. But if the user also uses VoLTE, over time a full battery charge will last for half a day or even less. You will have to change batteries quite often or use all sorts of ways to achieve lower power consumption (disabling applications and services, cleaning, and so on).

    2 The need for a general transition to the new standard by all mobile operators. To ensure normal operation, it is necessary that each operator decides to use 4G and this standard becomes the main one. The problem is that connecting 4G subscribers with 3G and 2G subscribers is a complex procedure that requires the fulfillment of a large number of conditions. For example, it is necessary that the area has appropriate equipment. A third drawback is related to this.

    3 In areas where there are no LTE stations, there will be no connection at all unless you manually switch to 3G. Actually, today there are very few such towers, so, unfortunately, people who decide to use new technologies will have to often switch from one standard to another.

    In truth, the moment when the necessary base stations will be installed everywhere is still very far away.

    As we said above, very few operators in a small number of countries have decided to switch to the new standard.

    Let's summarize everything that has been said.


    So, VoLTE is a new communication standard, a technology for voice transmission using LTE networks.

    In the networks that were used previously, this was not possible.

    Among other things, the use of such a standard makes it possible to achieve higher voice quality during transmission, as well as a complete abolition of charges for calls.

    The reason for the latter is that there is no switching involved.

    The technology also has disadvantages. For example, the load on the device () becomes greater. Accordingly, it will need to be charged more often.

    In addition, for the normal application of the standard, it is necessary that all mobile operators begin to switch to it. Today, unfortunately, this is unlikely.

    And yet Voice over LTE has excellent development prospects!

    High quality of data exchange, including voice, in wireless networks implies, first of all, stability and high speed of information transfer. Work to improve the quality of mobile networks is ongoing and it should be noted that over the past few years a lot of success has been achieved in this area. Newer and more advanced communication standards are becoming available, for example, Long Term Evolution or LTE for short. This standard is also known as 4G.

    According to the specification, the maximum speed that 3G networks can provide is 42 Mb/s, but in reality it rarely exceeds 2-3 Mb/s, while the fourth generation network already allows data transfer at speeds of about 20 Mb/s, a clear example what is the Moscow LTE network Megafon. LTE/4G is also good because it is fully compatible with 3G based on UMTS/HSPA and CDMA, which allows its implementation without significant infrastructure reconstruction. But LTE also has its drawbacks, of which perhaps the main one is the lack of support for telephone voice communications.

    VoLTE – what is it and how does it work?

    To make calls, the user can switch to 3G, but this is not an option. Instead of returning to outdated standards, it is better to use a new technology called VoLTE. But what is VoLTE? The closest analogy to this new standard is Skype. In VoLTE, as in Skype, voice is transmitted not over switch channels, but over the Internet. In short, VoLTE is a voice transmission technology over an LTE network that allows you to make calls at high speeds while taking advantage of all the benefits that a fourth generation network provides.

    But that's not all. Previously, when making a voice call, the operator transferred the subscriber from LTE mode to 2G or 3G using the widely used Circuit-Switched Fallback (CSFB) technology.

    When the user ended the call, their phone automatically switched to LTE. This time-tested method, however, has a number of disadvantages. In particular, the use of CSFB created unnecessary load on the mobile network, and also increased the connection time between the user and the subscriber, although neither the caller nor the recipient of the call, as a rule, noticed this. With LTE everything is much faster and simpler, because now calls are made within the network itself.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the standard

    Although VoLTE technology is still in its development stage at the moment, its advantages are quite obvious. These include:

    • Higher connection speeds achieved by eliminating the need to switch your mobile device to GSM or 3G when making a call.
    • Higher voice quality. The data transmission speed in 2G and 3G networks is limited, which does not allow the full transmission of voice modulation components. The throughput of LTE is much higher, more voice data is transmitted through such a network, and the use of HD Voice codecs gives volume to the sound and reduces the amount of noise.
    • With VoLTE, simultaneous transmission of voice and other data is possible. In 2G and 3G networks, when making calls, the transmission of Internet traffic was usually temporarily suspended. This is due to the fact that with the simultaneous transmission of voice and other data, the quality of communication sharply decreased, while the load on the network, on the contrary, increased. VoLTE does not have these restrictions.
    • Increasing the capacity of cellular networks. The use of VoLTE technology allows you to increase the number of simultaneously using communications subscribers up to three times compared to 3G without significantly increasing the load on the network.
    • Free calls. Since voice is transmitted in packet mode when using VoLTE, only Internet traffic is consumed. If the user is connected to an unlimited tariff, all calls he makes can be considered practically free.
    • Save battery power. The VoLTE standard provides a special DRX mode, which ensures reception of a base station signal with short interruptions. During such breaks, the device's radio is turned off, therefore, battery consumption is reduced.

    These were the main advantages of VoLTE. On the other hand, it has its own number of disadvantages, due to which users often abandon the new technology. At the moment, the main disadvantages include:

    • Increased demands on the hardware resources of a mobile phone. The VoLTE operating algorithm must be implemented at the processor level; if the requirements do not meet, the load on the mobile device may increase.
    • Limited number of phone models supporting VoLTE. The new technology is supported only by the latest models of mobile devices.
    • To ensure the stated sound quality, VoLTE must be used by both the caller and the recipient of the call.
    • Difficulties in transition to a new standard by mobile operators. It will be possible to take advantage of VoLTE only after all operators decide to make the standard the main one.
    • VoLTE is not supported by all operators or in all regions due to the lack of appropriate equipment on the towers.
    • Vulnerabilities in VoLTE technology.
    • The standard may not be available in intranet and international roaming.

    How to enable VoLTE on your phone

    The use of the new standard is possible subject to two main conditions. Firstly, your operator must support it, and secondly, the standard must be supported by the mobile device itself. Everything is more or less clear with the operator; to find out whether it supports the new standard or not, just call the support service. Now let's see what VoLTE is in a phone. This is an option that can be enabled manually or automatically in the mobile settings. If your phone does not have this option, VoLTE is not supported either by the firmware or the device.

    Currently, VoLTE is supported by more than thirty smartphone models from leading manufacturers. Among them are iPhone, LG, Vertex Saturn, Samsung Galaxy, Sony Xperia and ZTE. How to enable/disable VoLTE? It all depends on the device model. On the iPhone, for example, the VoLTE standard is enabled in the settings Cellular – Data Options – Enable LTE – Voice and Data.

    To enable the option in Samsung Galaxy, you need to follow the chain Settings – Connections – Mobile networks – VoLTE calls. In LG smartphones you need to go to Settings, and then follow the path Networks – Advanced – Mobile networks – VoLTE. VoLTE is disabled in the same place where it was enabled.

    Development prospects

    Despite the many challenges and obstacles faced in the implementation of VoLTE, the future of the new technology seems very promising, especially considering that the advent of 5G networks is just around the corner. The main obstacle to the development of the standard - the lack of an appropriate legal framework in Russian legislation - has already been successfully eliminated, and now the matter is up to the leading mobile operators, as well as the users themselves.

    However, one should not expect rapid spread of VoLTE, especially in the regions. There are still too few devices in the hands of cellular network subscribers that can work with this technology, and secondly, there is still no complete and final agreement between operators regarding the transition to a single standard. The victory of VoLTE can only be expected if uniform principles are created and adopted by all operators, and also provided that the standard manages to withstand competition with services providing OTT voice services.

    Despite the fact that cellular communication technologies are constantly evolving, providers are modernizing equipment and expanding its capacity, the quality of voice transmission when talking on a mobile phone still leaves much to be desired. Often users encounter tearing, “gurgling” and “hiccupping”, and other distortions. The use of VoLTE technology fundamentally changes the situation, which can significantly improve the quality of communication. However, surveys show that most users do not know at all what is VoLTE in a smartphone and what benefits this feature provides. In this material we will try to eliminate the omission and talk about the main advantages and disadvantages of the system.

    What is VoLTE and what does it come with?

    The abbreviation VoLTE stands for “Voice over LTE”, that is, “Voice over LTE”. The technology allows you to make voice calls through fourth generation networks, for which a type of IP telephony is used - the so-called. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). When using VoLTE, voice is transmitted as a data stream, which is, of course, very important, since fourth-generation networks are famous for their high speed of information transfer.

    Many mobile phones from other brands from the Middle Kingdom - Oppo, Vivo, etc. - are also equipped with support for voice transmission over 4G.

    The connectivity of the future, available today

    As you can see, VoLTE technology has a lot of advantages, but it is impossible to find any significant disadvantages. If your smartphone has the ability to use it, and the cellular operator in the region is ready to provide coverage, there is not a single compelling reason why it is worth making calls through second and third generation networks.
    Tell us about what is VoLTE in a smartphone, to your relatives and friends, check whether they support this useful technology and if not, contact the Qweetmarket store consultants. They will tell you about all the gadgets that will allow you to make calls with high quality sound almost free of charge.