• Topics for a fashion mom's blog. So, “What would I like to read about on Mom Blogs?” Victoria – Mom Story

    Nowadays, perhaps the lazy person hasn’t started a blog on Instagram, but it quickly becomes popular with some girls, while others have been gaining several thousand subscribers for years. Let's figure out what their secret to success is and how to promote your account quickly and efficiently.

    First, let's look at the main types of blogs that a mother can write:

    Lifestyle blog. If you have an eventful life, you are constantly traveling and looking for experiences, this can be shared with your subscribers. Beautiful lifestyle blogs with an active audience showcase clothing and cosmetics brands, hotels and restaurants, so there is something to strive for.

    Hobby blog. If you knit, draw or bake cakes, it’s high time you sold your services through Instagram. Such a blog has several advantages: you can collaborate with other bloggers on related topics and exchange audiences, as well as receive as a gift the devices you need for your work.

    Blog about the life and development of a baby. This topic overlaps with lifestyle, but this blog is completely focused on your child. Accordingly, all brands of children's clothing, toys and educational games will cooperate with you on a barter or paid basis.

    Professional blog. Suitable if your work is far from children's topics: psychologist, marketer, manicurist. Instagram is a great platform for attracting new clients and partners, be sure to use it.

    What does it take to start a blogging career?

    Blogging is daily work and the pursuit of the attention of subscribers. Usually we only see a beautiful picture, and behind each frame there can be several hours of work hidden.

    In this photo we see a carefree morning, it seems that the model just woke up and is about to order coffee in bed.

    In fact, the model put on makeup, changed several poses, the photographer played with settings and angles, until the perfect shot was taken, 1.5 hours passed.

    If difficulties don’t frighten you, go get the necessary equipment and accessories. You will need:

    – Phone or camera. I recommend iPhone 6 and newer models, or Samsung Galaxy. Choosing a camera is more difficult; first, choose a compact one with a wifi function, for example, Olympus PEN.

    – Accessories for your camera. You can start with a tripod to shoot selfies, conversational videos, and beautiful layouts with your hands in the frame.

    – Colored and textured backgrounds to create a unified style in the account. Sheets of colored cardboard, wrapping paper and fabric will do.

    Also check out the sites that help you automatically promote your account:

    – Deferred service. Now you don’t have to upload photos manually; you can automate this process.

    – Service for , promo code instat16.

    – A service that helps  in other accounts. Indispensable if you are looking for bloggers for cooperation or advertising.

    How to create content that gets likes

    For your account to be of interest to advertisers, it must be active. First of all, they look at the ratio of likes and comments to the total number of subscribers.

    Ideally, if 5-8% of your followers are active. The higher this indicator, the more expensive you can sell posts.

    To achieve this, follow 5 simple rules:

    1. Shoot in daylight, then all photos will be in the same style. Daylight is easy to process and smoothes out minor imperfections.

    Focus on minimalism. A white wall, marble surface or wooden background is a win-win option for a spectacular shot. Insta photo trends can always be found in.

    3. Use processing apps. Instagram filters alone are not enough; pay attention to popular applications in your App or Google store. In the same Pinterest there is mainly for the VSCO application.

    4. Tell stories. Subscribers love it when your account turns into a living magazine. Don't be afraid of long texts, people like to read on Instagram. To write well, read

    5. Ask questions. To provoke activity, leave a call to action at the end of each post. Be interested in the opinion of your subscribers, ask them to rate what they read, and in the end, let them thank you with a like for your efforts.

    Checklist for starting a new account on Instagram

    If you just registered an account, check whether you have done everything to successfully launch your blog.

    1. Your nickname is simple and easy to enter into a search.

    2. The account title contains your first name, last name or keywords, which depend on the topic of the blog. This line is included in Instagram organic search, check that it works for you.

    3. The account description contains information about your activities, a contact phone number or email so that clients and advertisers can contact you. If you have a website or blog, leave an active link and write a call to action: new post, promotion, read about the project, etc.

    4. You have a content plan for at least a week in advance. Without this, it is difficult to post every day and be interesting to subscribers.

    5. The last 6 photos reflect the theme of your account. If the topic of your blog is not clear at first glance, it’s time to think about it.

    6. You respond to all comments from your subscribers. Even if it's an emoticon or a one-word compliment. This is important for several reasons:

    • to increase the activity of your account, as new comments raise your post in the feed;
    • people always

    Don't know what to write about? Here are 50 topics for Instagram posts ❤ write and don’t disappear from your feed ☝
    1.Instructions for use (how to draw arrows, select
    sofa, etc.)
    2 List (favorite films, worst books, etc.)
    3 Inspiration and motivation
    4 Hot news (New series of Sherlock (Oh!), US elections and
    5 DIY - Do it yourself - recipes on how to make bath bombs and
    6 Predictions - tell us about the release of new products, trends
    this year, new movies
    7 Funny story about yourself - from the past or current
    8 “Life Lessons” - share your experience in the field of relationships,
    career, personal development
    9 Educational post - prove your expertise, write about
    what you are good at
    1️0 Statistics - share a statistical fact and make
    conclusions based on it. 78% of women read me, what is this about?
    can he speak?
    1️1 Reviews - write a review of a restaurant, new cosmetics,
    hotel, etc.
    1️2 Guide for beginners - write a post that explains
    for beginners, what first steps should they take (for example, with
    where to start 💪🏻 training)
    1️3 Share useful apps you use
    1️4 Tell us what inspires you
    1️5 Invite another blogger to act as an expert in
    your post
    1️6 Create a checklist (for example, what to take with you on the road
    first aid kit)
    1️7 Tell us about the bloggers you read
    1️8 Take an interview (you can even interview yourself)
    1️9 Tell us about a typical problem and how it can be solved
    2️0 Challenge yourself and write about your progress
    challenge. For example, run 5 km every morning.
    2️1 Post a guest post
    2️2 Show your workplace and tell us how it is
    2️3 Write/show what usually remains behind the scenes - view
    sleepy, burnt omelette, etc.;)
    2️4 Make a parody or write a sarcastic post
    2️5 Show the results of your work (successful shot, ready
    topi, knitted sweater, etc.
    2️6 Make a FAQ post and answer questions from your readers
    2️7 Ask an interesting question to the audience. For example, how would you
    spent a million?
    2️8 Share your own life hack
    2️9 Tell us about your goals for the year or five years.

    3️0 Challenge your readers, such as spending a week

    • no sweets or coffee.
      3️1 Hold a competition for the most creative answer to
      question/cool slogan, etc.
      3️2 Write your personal TOP (countries, TV series, sexy actors
      3️3 Share a childhood memory
      3️4 Tell us how you met your Love
      3️5 Write an announcement (blog anniversary, new product release, etc.)
      3️6 Share personal achievements and successes
      3️7 Write 10 facts about yourself, several of which will be
      false and invite the subscriber to guess which
      3️8 Share your favorite recipe
      3️9 Tell us about your best friend and how you met
      4️0 Write about the delights and disappointments of the month (in cosmetics,
      food, clothes)
      4️1 Tell us about the most embarrassing moment in your life.
      4️2 Describe your ideal Sunday
      4️3 Tell us about your hometown or place where you would like
      visit. I have this Pripyat.
      4️4 Come up with a new ending for your favorite fairy tale or movie.
      4️5 Write about your pet
      4️6 Tell us about your hobby
      4️7 Describe a typical day in your life
      4️8 Share your secret or something personal with the audience
      4️9 Tell us about where you spent or are going to spend
      5️0 Write a letter to your childhood self or your future self

    In answers to questions - in everything! 🙂

    And - we are very grateful to everyone for the congratulations!

    By the way, the letter contained the following question:

    “Has anything good happened to you because of meeting BM?”

    Since in this question the seeds of our and your motivation sprout, and the clearer the motive sounds, the more joyful and effective the work, we will give several answers:

    Olga, blog “Live happily ever after” : I’ve only recently started working with “Mom Blogs”, about a week, but I’ve already found a lot of ideas and information that inspire activities, and I’ve discovered several blogs from which I want to do absolutely everything.

    Evgenia Artemyeva, blogs “My Child” and “Arte Creative Studio” : I’ve been with “Mom Blogs” from the very beginning, for three years now. Thanks to BM I met many amazing mothers. I learned a lot, learned a lot, thanks to the experience and advice of my mothers. If it weren’t for BM, I would never have known how mothers of our planet of different social status live and develop, it’s both surprising and inspiring!

    Lyudmila Potsepun, blog “Flowers of Life” : From the first days of creating the blog, I was lucky enough to get on the pages of “Mom Blogs,” which I am very happy about! My blog has existed for a year and a half, and that’s how long I’ve known you. Did anything good happen? Undoubtedly! After all, BM is a huge collection of useful things, a rich exchange of experience and a source of inspiration. This includes participation in great competitions, small and big victories, meeting wonderful mothers from all over the world, the opportunity to show yourself and look at others! It was very pleasant and useful for me for the development of my blog to get on the “Live Blog Broadcast”, place the banner of my blog on BM and even become “Mom of the Week”! And of course, the award from BM was a great honor for me! Thank you for all the good and bright things that you so selflessly share!

    Maria Kostyuchenko, author of the blog “Learning by Playing” and the school “Learning by Playing” : Good things happen every day!!!
    Thanks to “Mom Blogs,” I met so many talented people that I could never have dreamed of. Some of the mothers have become my friends, with whom not a single day goes by.

    Evgeniya, blog "Kaleidoskop" : I’ve only recently been with you, not even a couple of weeks. And my blog is very young and green, so I’m basically learning everything a little now. Therefore, probably, nothing special has happened to me yet thanks to my acquaintance with BM. Although the fact that I and BM can now even order an article on a topic that interests me is very good!

    Ilziya, blog “Children's Clothing Design Studio” : I’ve been on “Mom Blogs” quite recently, literally for about a month. But in this short time I have already learned a lot of interesting things and got acquainted with interesting mom blogs.

    Natasha Ioffe, blogs “Worldly Wisdom” and “Diary of a Young Woman” : I’ve been with you for almost a year (will be in July 🙂). Thanks to my acquaintance with BM:
    — met wonderful people with whom I maintain relationships on a personal level;
    — I gained the opportunity to introduce my blog to the world 🙂 ;
    — every week I discover something new in the world of motherhood;
    - I’m inspired, I’m inspired, I think, I’m happy, I’m sad.

    Julia, “Yulchatka’s Blog”, “Color Blog”, “Web Diet for a Week” blog : I have been with “Mom Blogs” since 2010, almost from the moment of its formation. Here I made friends, read interesting posts and kept up to date with events. It's a pity that I didn't have to comment often.

    Anastasia Borisova, blog “English4.me” : I haven’t been with you very long, just a couple of months, but, based on the results of Monday’s self-promotion, the jump in attendance is obvious. We participate in competitions, get to know each other, I see that people are interested in what I do, and this inspires me.

    Elena Belousova, blog “Single Moms Club” : I’ve been with you for six months (even a little more), and I’m very happy about it. During this time, thanks to you, I met many creative mothers and their blogs. This helps me a lot: it gives me confidence (if others can blog, then I can too), supports me (others, it turns out, have the same difficulties and mistakes in life as I do), pushes me to new ideas.

    Yana, blog “Dekret-start.ru” : I’ve been with BM for about a month now. Thanks to you, I met other mothers who run their own blogs and gained new readers. Moms really need you!

    Olga, blog “Umkina Berlozhka” : I’ve been reading “Mom Blogs” for a little less than a year. Although my blog is mainly about handicrafts and not about children, I am also a mother, so I enjoy reading most of the articles and reviews and find a lot of interesting information. Thank you!

    Olga Gre, blog "DecoMIR" : I’ve been with “Mom Blogs” for about a year and a half. Once upon a time, in the comments on BM, I asked for advice on how to publish a book dedicated to children's crafts. At that time, I was actively looking for the possibility of publication: I wrote to publishing houses, searched for authors of similar books on social networks and asked for advice. But there was no answer. I put the search aside and moved on to other things. After some time, I received a letter from a Moscow publishing house with an offer of cooperation. The letter included a quote from my comment on “Mom Blogs.” We have started to finalize the book contract. This small victory inspired me to write to all Russian-speaking magazines that I could find on the Internet. One magazine responded and offered to become its regular contributor. Then another one. Then another one. Today I am the author of more than 30 publications in magazines. The book has been submitted to the publishing house and is being prepared for printing. I received an order for a new book. Thank you to “Mom Blogs” for paved the path in my direction and for inspiring me to win!

    And we say again: “Thank you!” 🙂

    And now - about the topics, i.e.

    Important: starting this month, our newsletter will change its format (we will talk about this separately), so so that you and I don’t get lost, be sure to subscribe to our news (this can be done using the “Get updates by email!” block). in the upper right corner of the site).

    If you want to join the topic right now: just to speak out or add to the list of topics “What I would like to read about” - you can do this in the comments.

    We are glad that we are together!

    Photo source:

    Online motherhood is a new successful trend in the world of bloggers. This happened because young creative mothers begin to find themselves on maternity leave. Alternatively, they start writing their own personal blogs. They have something to say. In the age of the Internet, each of us is a writer. Texts are available immediately from the moment of publication. The reaction to good texts is lightning fast. Becoming a successful mom online is not that hard if she has talent and people like her writing. Social networks, together with a personal blog, make online motherhood a very popular trend.

    I'm not married yet, I don't have children, but I like reading blogs of young mothers. No, not because I’m already getting married and really want kids. These blogs are just about universal bright feelings. Such as love, sincerity and kindness. Some notes about maternal everyday life leave a smile on your face after reading them. Of course, there is another side to the coin. It is very difficult for a woman who has become a mother. After all, there are more responsibilities, and much less time to complete them.

    Mother of a charming girl Bogdana. Famous and successful Ukrainian writer. Author of the Ukrainian bestsellers “Warm stories before kava” and “Warm stories before chocolate.” Nadiyka used to blog on the livejournal platform. Now she has her own website. Since the birth of her daughter, she has been actively writing children's books. But he doesn’t forget about his adult readers.

    Nadiyka's blog is dedicated to various topics. Her studies (now in the Polish city of Lodz). Her travels. Including my daughter (Italy). Her aspirations. And, of course, her motherhood. Nadiyka honestly admits that being an ideal mother is hard. An ideal wife too. In his latest book " Roads, radio and roads" she writes about the days when there was no time to simply wash a cup. The main thing for Nadiya is not to lose optimism and not to despair. The cup can always be washed.

    She tries to be an inspiration to her husband and an example to her daughter. She tries to be a happy wife and a smiling mother. I highly recommend reading her latest post on the author’s blog entitled “50 winter home activities for joy.” It contains up-to-date advice on how to have an interesting and active time with the whole family while waiting for Christmas.

    A very bright mother of two beautiful twins. Olya writes about her husband as a Prince. Her blog, like the previous one, is about many things and different things. If you visit her, you can read about travel, what it's like to be a mother of two twins, about waiting for snow or about her love for Paris. Every Friday Olya writes about blogs, films and music that inspire her. The latest entry on her blog is photos from her boys birthday. The young family took a lot of photographs, walked around the city and bought sweets. These photographs make my soul brighter.

    Olya’s little sketches on Facebook are a different story. Sometimes they are very funny. About her sons. The fact that the unreality of being able to keep track of two twins at once should be taken with humor. Sometimes about something special, for example, about the inscription “I dream of the sea” on the fogged glass of a Kyiv minibus.

    I started reading Angela quite recently. She had a Facebook page called “One Mom’s Story.” Now Angela is the editor-in-chief of a large platform about mothers and for mothers. She also conducts workshops on how to make your blog successful. The badmama portal says that motherhood is actually a very difficult period in a woman’s life. About how motherhood differs from the rosy ideal of some media. The editors of the portal raise those that are not talked about. Including the topic of fatherhood.

    The key to success in motherhood online

    Don't be afraid to start your mothering blog. Perhaps I will become your reader.

    1. Sincerity

    Every mom blogger sets her own boundaries for when she stops talking. But at the same time, the text remains very sincere. This is precisely the feeling that is missing in the modern media space. Light maternal blogs become a pure source of sincerity. They become daily inspiration and incentive to look at life from a different perspective.

    2. Mood

    The reader will always want to return to a light, humorous text. To the text, that being a mother is not easy, but it is not the end of the world. This could be fun. Olya Shilenko often writes that she no longer remembers her life without the twins and it seems to her that before them it was boring. On the other hand, a regular reader won't be put off by your moment of weakness.

    3. Thematic

    It's better to write about different things. Not only about motherhood, but also about what interests a young mother as a person. Thus, the circle of readers will become wider. Such a blog will be an example of how combining motherhood and personal development is difficult, but possible. Young mothers really need such an example. For others, it will be a story about how to get more done.

    Her blog about motherhood brings city dwellers back to simple values. Her blog reminds us of simple, sincere emotions. Her blog raises topics that society doesn't really want to talk about publicly.

    During maternity leave, women often rethink their lives. They realize that they no longer want to go back to the office for a monotonous nine to six job. That is why at this time many women start.

    However, household chores do not leave much time for promoting your own business. What should a young mother do and how to earn money while on maternity leave at home? How to combine work and childcare? Here are some examples of simple business ideas for mothers on maternity leave.

    1. Blog of a young mother

    Knitting a hat, scarf or snood is quite simple - even a beginner can handle many patterns and models. And mothers on maternity leave often enjoy knitting, so why not combine business with pleasure?

    You can contact your acquaintances and friends, and over time, accumulate a gallery of works and create a page on social networks or on special sites for handicrafts. If you decide to go into wide sales, you will need:

    • a certain level of skill - the buyer gives preference to high-quality, neat and durable products;
    • find your unique style and target audience - they will buy an original and interesting hat more readily than a replicated style that you can make yourself.


    • Many mothers engage in knitting with great pleasure, which means this is a good start for a business that will bring not only profit, but also joy. In addition, your business is always with you - you can knit not only at home, but also while you are sitting in line at the clinic or waiting for your grown-up child at some development center.
    • Knitting is a great way to earn money while on maternity leave, as well as self-realization. There are several well-known brands that started with beanies and grew to million-dollar turnover within a year.


    • You need initial investment to buy threads, knitting needles, and hooks.
    • Knitting is a rather long and labor-intensive process.
    • To develop your own style, you will have to work on it, get acquainted with fashion news and the work of other craftswomen.

    4. Creative earnings on microstocks

    Microstocks are online databases where drawings, photos, video and audio products are posted for sale. Moreover, there are no high demands placed on the works, and they can be sold an infinite number of times. Therefore, if you have skills in working with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, this method of how to make money while on maternity leave is quite suitable.


    • Relatively passive income - by uploading a picture or cartoon once, you can sell it to thousands of people. With each sale the percentage of profit increases. The more you sell, the more you earn.
    • This method is suitable for beginners (you can work from scratch) and does not require start-up investments.


    • Microstocks are highly competitive. To get noticed, you need to create interesting products.
    • Profits grow very slowly - it may take months before you start making significant money. For successful sales, you need to know well the rules of working with each microstock.

    5. Organizing classes or events for children

    Developmental schools and clubs are now very relevant and in demand. - you don’t even need to rent a room if you conduct classes in your own apartment.

    For such events, pedagogical education is not necessary. If children feel comfortable and interesting with you, that will be enough. And other mothers will be glad to have the opportunity to relax while their child develops. If you are far from teaching, look after someone else’s child or even several children - set up a kind of kindergarten at home.


    • Quick earnings - you immediately receive money from everyone who attends classes.
    • If you teach well, you will quickly gain a large number of clients. And in-demand tutors and teachers have incomes of several hundred thousand rubles a month.


    • Before each lesson, preparation is required.
    • Start-up investments will be required - for pencils, paper, educational toys.
    • During classes, you will not always be able to be distracted by your child and devote enough time to him, which means you need to resolve the issue with the nanny/grandmother in advance.

    6. Photography

    Starting with a photo of their child, mothers often delve deeper into the process and begin to take up photography professionally. This can be a good source of income - children's and family photo sessions are always in demand by everyone. It’s best to promote such a service on social networks after you’ve built up a portfolio.


    • Photography is a creative, creative, interesting and quite profitable hobby.
    • Work allows you to communicate a lot and make new acquaintances, which is sometimes lacking for a mother on maternity leave.


    • Professional photography requires good equipment, which means a serious initial investment.
    • Processing and retouching photographs takes a lot of time.
    • There may be conflicts with dissatisfied clients who did not like the photos.

    7. Copywriting

    Copywriting, or writing custom articles, is one of the favorite activities of mothers on maternity leave. If you write well, feel free to try. You can look for customers on exchanges, forums or through friends.


    • Your potential clients are everyone who creates or wants to create their own website/social network page/online store. There are a lot of them.
    • You can write at any convenient time.
    • If you choose familiar and understandable topics, the work will not take much time. The more complex the area in which you write, the more money you can charge for the text.


    • A beginning copywriter works for very modest fees.
    • Content exchanges take a percentage of earnings for their services.
    • Finding good customers can take several months.

    8. Reviews

    Many resources pay money for reviews of household appliances, cosmetics, etc. Why don’t you, in your free moment, for example, while the child is sleeping, write what you think about the stroller you bought, the new powder or diapers? By the way, there are also paid surveys that you can sometimes take online.


    • You write about what you know, so the work will be easy.
    • There are a lot of similar sites, which means you don’t have to look for clients and fight with competitors.


    • Venues often require reviews to be accompanied by photographs and detailed descriptions. This may take additional time.
    • The pay for the work is very modest, so you shouldn’t expect significant profits.

    9. Cooking

    Do you love to cook, enjoy baking and know how to create not only delicious, but also beautiful cakes? Try making it to order. You can look for clients through social networks or friends.


    • At the first stages, the business does not require large investments - money will be needed to purchase products and a minimum of necessary equipment.
    • You can start even without special education - there are many videos on the Internet that teach you how to decorate cakes and cupcakes.
    • People are willing to pay for beautiful and tasty baked goods. If you do this seriously, you can earn a lot.


    • If your child is very young, you are unlikely to have time to spend hours working on a complex cake.
    • Professional equipment for confectioners is quite expensive.

    10. Makeup, haircuts, manicure

    To provide such services, you will need special education and tools. But if you already have all this, then it’s quite possible to receive clients at home.


    • If you have at least 10 regular clients, you can have a decent, stable income. In this case, you can plan your working day yourself.


    • During the process, you will not be able to be distracted by the child.
    • Starting to work as a hairdresser or manicurist “from scratch” is difficult and expensive: you need money for courses, tools and materials, as well as time to gain experience.

    11. Outsourcing

    If an entrepreneur needs an accountant, he does not have to hire an employee - he can order the necessary services from his mother on maternity leave.


    • There is no need for start-up investments - if you are a good specialist, then you simply do the work that you know well.
    • This type of work pays well.


    • Not all specialties allow outsourcing.
    • It is difficult to control the volume and time of work.

    And a few more unusual options

    12. Online consultations

    Suitable for lawyers, HR specialists, economists, doctors, designers, real estate agents.

    13. Product manager

    You can also call clients remotely.

    14. Managers (administrators) of social networks

    All you need is to support the social media pages of a fitness club, beauty salon, or children's toy store.

    15. Tutor

    If you know a foreign language well or can help a schoolchild (student) improve in any discipline (mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology), Skype can help!

    16. Online course

    Essentially, the previous block, but only make small video lessons and sell them in courses on specialized websites and social networks.

    17. Conducting webinars and master classes via Skype

    In recent years, the popularity of fitness and yoga trainers who provide consultations remotely has increased.

    How to combine everything? You can work remotely during your child's nap, or while your child is busy playing. Sometimes (in the evenings or on weekends) you can delegate some of the responsibilities to your dad or call your grandmother for help.

    18. Writing abstracts, coursework and diploma works (in the humanities or technical specialties)

    Register on the student work exchange. A coursework costs from 900 rubles, an essay - from 350 rubles. You will give only 5% to the resource for mediation.

    19. Translations

    Also now in great demand is a transcriber - a person who can quickly decipher an audio recording. Both journalists, training authors, and wealthy students pay for these services. Transcribing an hour of recording costs about 450 rubles.

    20. Content management

    Purely mechanical work: you will be required to describe the products on the site (characteristics, features).

    21. Sewing fashionable clothes

    You can start by selling products online. It is better to choose well-promoted sites, for example, the “Masters Fair”.

    22. Making handicrafts

    Soap making, making unusual holiday cards, panels, photo frames, decorative candles, wedding paraphernalia, making soft toys - all this may be of interest to a narrow audience. And also, for example, writing poems for anniversaries and holidays.

    23. Online trading

    Surely among your friends there are those who want to get rid of unnecessary things, but do not have the opportunity to tinker with it.

    Offer your services and for a small percentage help solve this problem using the online flea markets Avito or Yula. Another way is to help those who are not good with computers buy things cheaply on the Internet sites Taobao or eBay. The bravest ones can be advised to organize their own online store.

    24. Mystery shopper

    Companies, especially those involved in the sale of children's products, often hire mothers on maternity leave for this job, considering them the most meticulous clients.

    25. Dog walking

    In Moscow, a pet sitter receives from 200 rubles for a regular walk. per hour, for walking with training - from 550 rubles. per hour

    Modern life provides mothers on maternity leave with unlimited opportunities to realize themselves in new areas and at the same time earn good money. The main thing is not to be afraid to try new things, not to give in to difficulties and choose the activity that brings the most pleasure. Live an interesting life and let your hobbies work for you!

    business expert, marketer, MBA from the University of Hamburg and head of the Business School, @svetlanakurako