• The glass on your smartphone is cracked - what to do (the sensor is working)? What to do if your laptop screen is broken

    March 07, 2017.

    What to do if the touchscreen or display on your smartphone or tablet is cracked?

    To begin with, I will explain some details, each device has, in common parlance, a screen, this is the part on which you see visual images and can control the device by physically pressing your fingers or using a stylus on the screen.

    Let's take a brief look at what a screen is and what it consists of.

    To be more precise, it is not called a screen at all, as the common people like to call it, but a display module. Why - a module? You ask, because the word itself - module - implies a part consisting of several separate parts glued or pressed together to form a display module.

    You need to understand and distinguish between what a touchscreen is and what a display is, they are not the same thing.

    As we have already discussed above, the touchscreen and display are combined into one spare part called a display module. The full name is display module; the module itself is assembled at the manufacturer’s factory using special machines and combines:

    1) The display is precisely the part that displays the image to your gaze and does not respond to pressing; the purpose of the display is solely to display the image.

    2) The touchscreen is the part that is located above the display, responds to touches and is solely responsible for entering information into the device.

    Together, the display and touchscreen combine a kind of sandwich, i.e. display module.

    How to determine what exactly is faulty in the touchscreen or display module?

    The touchscreen is broken after a fall or any other mechanical impact.

    First, inspect the entire display module. If there are cracks on the touchscreen (glass), but at the same time the image is transmitted clearly, there are no stains, stripes, lines, artifacts, smudges or broken pixels, then the display is intact. You will only have to change the touchscreen without the display, which is much cheaper than replacing the display module as a whole, but we do not recommend this method as it is a makeshift method, we will describe below why.

    The display is broken after a fall or any other mechanical impact.

    First, inspect the entire display module. As a rule, damage to the display responsible for displaying images without damaging the touchscreen (glass) is impossible. Since we have already said that the display module forms a kind of sandwich where the touchscreen stands above the display, it is likely that after a strong mechanical impact, the force of impact or squeezing caused damage not only to the touchscreen, but also to the display.
    If you find that the image is not displayed as it should, has stains, stripes, lines, artifacts, smudges or broken pixels, then this is a clear sign of damage to the display and you will have to replace the entire display module, which we, in principle, advise even though the display intact, but the touchscreen is broken.

    A homemade method of replacing the touchscreen on the display module yourself in the absence of professional equipment.

    There are devices where it is impossible to replace the touchscreen separately from the display because At the manufacturing plant they are strongly glued together under vacuum on a machine and form a single spare part called a module. Of course, on the Internet there are countless video tutorials on how to independently separate the touchscreen from the display by heating it with a hairdryer. Craftsmen heat the display module around the entire perimeter with a stream of hot air, thereby melting the hermetic glue on which the already broken touchscreen is placed.

    But I hasten to note that this is a makeshift method and it has many disadvantages. Most often, after heating, a broken touchscreen does not come off immediately; you have to literally tear off those very fragments, pieces of the broken touchscreen (glass) with tweezers or a stationery knife, like puzzles. When separating fragments of a wheelbarrow from the display, there is a high risk that the display itself will be damaged, broken pixels and micro-scratches appear, and after re-gluing a new wheelbarrow, corner flares and halos remain from pinching and uneven gluing.

    Sometimes, after re-gluing, clearly visible fingerprints are found under the touchscreen, hairs that have fallen from the head during repairs, and dust that inevitably collects. The seal is no longer 100% tight. In the future, you will definitely expect the touchscreen to peel off at the corners of the module due to manual work and the lack of a uniform press with a table of the required pressure along the entire perimeter, the lack of necessary equipment such as a drying chamber for drying the glue, and most likely you will feel complete disappointment.

    Of course, if you have level hands and do everything as it should, at the initial stage the work may look flawless, everything is clean and as if it came straight from the store.
    But all the above-described disadvantages and problems are inevitable and will begin to appear after two or three days due to a simple temperature difference from room to street.

    If, after all, you decide to replace the touchscreen yourself using a makeshift method, here are a couple of tips on how to do it correctly.

    Buying a new touchscreen for plywood.

    Before purchasing a new touchscreen, you need to accurately determine the part number of the spare part. The part number is a unique part number assigned by the manufacturer.
    The touchscreen or display, and indeed any spare part in your device, in principle, has its own unique number, which is determined by a set of some letters and numbers and looks something like this: HY01160I
    In appearance, the spare part sold may look identical, but there may be significant differences; you will not notice it with the naked eye, but if the cable going from the touchscreen to the board is located at least 2/5 of a millimeter to the right or left, or is bent slightly incorrectly then such a spare part simply will not fit on your device.

    How to determine the part number of a spare part?

    Basically, P/N is located on the back of the touchscreen itself in the form of an engraving or sticker, and in order to determine it, the device must be disassembled and the touchscreen or what is left of it removed. Unprofessional disassembly of the device can lead to irreversible actions; you can tear the cable, having no idea which side to start bending the case from, etc. Of course, if you have a disassembly manual and steady hands, but it’s better to trust the specialists. If you did everything correctly, then this is not all you need to prepare.

    You need to prepare:

    1) Touchscreen for your model - be sure to take into account the part number of the spare part (P/N)
    2) Glue or double-sided tape (superglue, PVA, instant glue will not work)
    3) A set of screwdrivers for mobile devices, a spatula for separating touchscreen fragments.
    4) Acetone
    5) Clean cloth

    Step - 1

    First you need to disassemble your smartphone. Disassembly for each brand of smartphone is slightly different, so I will not describe the disassembly process itself. When your phone is disassembled, take the screen and heat it with a hair dryer. This is necessary to soften the glue with which the touchscreen is attached to the screen.

    Step - 2

    After the glue has softened, take a regular thread and, stretching it between the touchscreen and the screen, remove the touchscreen. After this, you need to wet the napkin with acetone and remove the remaining glue from the screen. Remove the adhesive carefully so as not to damage the fragile screen.

    Step - 3

    Prepare double-sided tape. To do this, cut it into small strips of small width (3-5 mm). Then wipe the screen dry, remove dust from it and cover its rim with strips of double-sided tape. Trim off any excess tape.

    Next, take a new touchscreen, wipe it from dust and carefully stick it to the screen with double-sided tape. If everything went smoothly, you can assemble the phone in reverse order, after connecting the touchscreen connector to the main board of the smartphone.

    Disadvantages of replacing the touchscreen or display yourself using a makeshift method.

    1) Lack of knowledge on how to properly disassemble the device
    2) Lack of mobile engineering expertise
    3) Lack of professional equipment
    4) Time spent on determining the part number and searching for spare parts
    5) Purchasing a spare part without a guarantee of its continued performance
    6) Non-return of spare parts if you made a mistake in the part number or if it is defective
    7) Lack of spare parts in the Russian Federation and ordering them from abroad, waiting, risk of parcel loss and defects
    8) Complete absence of guarantees
    9) Cash costs for searching for spare parts, glue and consumables
    10) Complete disappointment from the artisanal, quick, but not high-quality method of self-replacement.

    Do you need it?

    Here's my advice: change the entire display module right away, even if you just have a broken touchscreen. There is no need to strain yourself and waste your precious time, nerves and money on useless, low-quality, artisanal methods of re-gluing. Of course, I understand that the Russian people will find a cheap and simple way out of the situation even in hunger and cold, but does it always bring the expected result?
    If you want high-quality repair of any of your devices, bring it to me, that is, to a specialist with level hands of the company

    Unfortunately, absolutely any technology does not last forever. Something breaks quickly, and something later, but everything breaks smoothly. Nowadays you can easily find hundreds of photos of a broken laptop screen on the Internet. But what's the matter, why does this happen so often? There are many nuances, so it’s worth talking about everything in more detail. In this article we will find out what to do if your laptop screen is broken. In addition, we will tell you how to prevent this trouble.

    How to avoid monitor damage

    In 100 percent of cases, when a user purchases a new laptop, he is completely confident that nothing will happen to it. After all, it is he who will take care of him like no one has taken care of him. He is not like everyone else, and only careless people break laptops. However, no matter how much you would like, the risk of breaking a monitor is very high, and most importantly, most often this happens due to negligence.

    Before figuring out what to do when your laptop screen is broken, it’s worth paying attention to the reasons for this. After all, if you follow the simple rules that will be given below, you will be able to increase the service life of your device. Now simple rules will be discussed, following which you can significantly reduce the risk of breakdown.

    • Avoid eating while working on a laptop. This will not only reduce the chance of breaking the monitor, but also prevent food particles from getting under the keys.
    • Be careful not to leave a pen or pencil on the keyboard after using the laptop. If they are there, then when you close the cover there is a high probability that the monitor will crack.
    • Keep your desk tidy. If the laptop disappears behind mountains of papers or something else, you can inadvertently push it off the table.
    • Try to avoid crowds of people. Someone may inadvertently touch or push you, and the laptop will fall out of your hands.

    This, of course, is not a complete list of rules, but the main one. By adhering to them, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of your monitor breaking.

    What to do when the screen is already broken

    If you notice that your laptop screen is broken and you don’t know what to do, then this is normal. Everyone here will be confused. However, something needs to be done. Many will immediately think about replacing. Take your laptop to a service center and they will install a new display for you. But don’t rush to do it, because replacing a laptop screen is a serious matter, and it costs a lot of money.

    First, check whether the warranty on the equipment has expired. If not, then immediately contact the service center and have the device repaired under warranty. You can also contact the manufacturer directly and ask for payment for your repair. But if the warranty has expired, then there is only one thing left to do - go to the service center and take the laptop in for repair.

    How much does the repair cost?

    Now let's talk about what is interesting to every person whose laptop screen is broken. How much will the repair cost? It’s worth saying right away that in this article you will not find the exact amount, but you will find out an approximate figure. The final price directly depends on what brand your laptop was. For example, if you crack the screen of a MacBook, you'll pay at least $500 for repairs, and that's under the most optimal circumstances. By the way, based on this, many resort to selling a broken computer for parts and buying a new one. To some extent, they are right, because most often the cost of replacing a screen borders on the cost of the laptop itself.

    In general, to find out how much it will cost to replace a broken screen on a laptop, go to a service center and have your device analyzed. They will tell you exactly how much the repair costs. But there are alternatives, which we will talk about now.


    Many people, when they see that their laptop screen is broken, do not immediately run to the service, but go to various online auctions, blogs and forums. There they look for a monitor that matches the parameters of their equipment. As you might guess, such monitors will cost much less than replacement services. At the same time, you can repair it yourself, thereby saving money.

    After your mobile phone falls, does it have a gorgeous crack on its screen? Or have you personally become convinced of the dangers of alcohol by accidentally flooding your phone with champagne? Or maybe the touch screen has stopped responding to touches for no apparent reason?

    Don't panic, even if your gadget costs a lot of money. Replacing a touchscreen or a regular LCD screen is today one of the most common mobile repair services that does not take much time.

    The most common reasons why the phone screen does not work

    It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a mobile phone. He accompanies his owner everywhere, getting worn out and exposed to all sorts of dangers. The display, a rather fragile part used to display graphic information, breaks down especially often. It consists of glass with a layer of cells filled with liquid crystal, the body of the display itself and backlight diodes.

    The most common reason that the screen does not work is mechanical damage. What they don’t do with phones! People sit on them, step on them, place heavy bags on them, drop them from heights, throw them against the wall in a fit of anger... The list goes on for a long time. And if the owner of the phone likes to stuff it into the back pocket of his jeans, this increases the likelihood that the screen will be crushed. In all these cases, replacing the display is the only way to bring your mobile friend back to life.

    Another common problem: the phone fell into water or was filled with another liquid. If this happens, the phone needs to be shown to specialists as quickly as possible, since the liquid starts the oxidation process, and it can completely ruin your mobile phone. Only after drying, cleaning and diagnosing it will the verdict be established: whether the screen needs to be replaced or whether it can be repaired.

    But the phone does not always suffer at the hands of a careless owner. Here are some more common problems with mobile phone screens:

    • The phone works, but only a white screen is visible. In this case, the following problems are possible: the controller on the phone board is faulty, the program has crashed, the cable is damaged, or the phone display needs to be repaired or replaced;
    • The screen glows dark blue: problems with the controller or the display itself;
    • Ripples on the screen: you need to change the screen or troubleshoot the controller;
    • The image disappears and appears again, or the image is distorted. This is a common problem with flip phones and is caused by a malfunction of the cable (the flexible part that connects the two halves of the mobile phone);
    • The screen works, but the picture is hard to see. In this case, the screen backlight has failed. Most likely the backlight circuit is faulty.

    If you notice that your phone screen is not working correctly, you should not delay going to the service center. After all, the sooner the mobile phone is in the hands of specialists, the greater the likelihood that it will be possible to restore its operation.

    Replacing the touch screen

    A touch screen phone is a very convenient and functional device. But the more complex the gadget, the greater the likelihood of damage. The touchscreen (touch screen) is the “Achilles heel” of modern mobile phones, because this part is constantly subject to mechanical stress. Fragile glass can be easily crushed, broken, or flooded. Fortunately, replacing a touchscreen is a simple and time-consuming procedure for Mobilamaster service technicians.

    Remember: touch screens that don't work or are broken cannot be repaired! Replacement of the sensor or touch glass is required if:

    • it has one or more cracks;
    • the touchscreen has stopped responding to touches or reacts to them as it pleases;
    • The mobile phone freezes during touchscreen calibration.

    The sensor has several active layers, and if at least one of them is damaged, the touchscreen stops working. Often, if the touch screen does not respond to touch, it is the glass that needs to be replaced, not the screen itself. You can get by with such “little loss” when the image remains clear, no darkening or spots are visible on the screen - the touchscreen simply does not respond to touches (this is possible on Nokia phones, iPhone, where in most cases everything is changed separately, and therefore much cheaper than change the screen module assembly).

    If the image becomes blurry, unclear, is not fully displayed, blackouts are visible, or there is no image at all, the screen will need to be replaced. The price of this service, accordingly, will be more expensive (how much a screen replacement costs depends on the phone model).

    If the touchscreen does not work, do not try to fix the phone yourself, so that you do not have to buy a new mobile phone later. Replacing the glass or screen of a phone must be done in a workshop, using original parts, since Chinese fakes quickly fail, after which it is impossible to repair them. After replacing the sensor at the service center, you should be given a guarantee for the work performed and for the installed part.

    When does a phone screen need to be replaced?

    You will have to change the glass or screen of your mobile phone if:

    • As a result of careless handling of the phone, the screen is broken. The result is cracks, cobwebs on the screen, or leakage of the liquid crystal (this substance is usually black, but in some models it is red). It doesn’t matter how many cracks appear on the display, one or several. Screen replacement is inevitable;
    • The display is “decorated” with stripes or the so-called “sun”;
    • Smudges have formed on the screen - this usually happens after moisture gets into the phone.

    Remember: a mechanically damaged screen cannot be repaired! If not everything is so “lethal”, then in some cases you can get by with repairs, for example, if there is a malfunction of the cable, the backlight circuit, or problems with the image controller.

    Other problems may occur that do not require replacement of the display. For example, the screen does not show anything, but the screen itself is not damaged. In this case, the picture disappeared because the display connector came off the board. Another “misfortune” is software failures. This can result in the image disappearing, but this problem is corrected by firmware.

    Is it possible to replace a mobile phone screen yourself?

    If you always got only A's in labor classes and have no doubt that your hands are growing from the right place, you can try changing the phone screen yourself. In addition to the new display, you will need a set of special screwdrivers. Special screwdrivers are needed to avoid damaging the slots on the screws. Most likely, you won’t need a soldering iron - modern mobile phone displays are not soldered, but attached to a cable.

    Before replacing the display, turn off your mobile phone, remove the SIM card and battery. Choose from a set of screwdrivers the one that matches the slots on your phone's screws. When working, it is best to use a step-by-step guide on how to replace the screen - tips can be found on the Internet.

    Use recommendations specific to your mobile phone model, since there are significant differences in the methods of attaching parts of different phones and other nuances. For example, replacing a Nokia screen will be significantly different from replacing a Samsung screen.

    When replacing the phone screen, be extremely careful, put screws and other parts in a place where they cannot be accidentally removed with a careless movement, write down which holes in the phone correspond to screws of one length or another.

    Despite the fact that there are a large number of sites on the Internet that post step-by-step videos, photographs and recommendations that help you replace your phone display, you will not have a guarantee that after such amateur activity your mobile friend will not break completely.

    Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent confident in your abilities, it is best to turn to specialists. Replacing the touch glass or screen will require certain investments, but you can be sure that everything will be fine with your gadget! This is especially true when replacing the sensor in NTS smartphones - this should be done by a qualified professional.

    How long does it take to replace a phone screen?

    Replacing the glass or screen of a mobile phone is a common service that is performed promptly in the workshop, often in the presence of the owners themselves. 30-50 minutes, and your phone will serve you like new again. Replacing the sensor on smartphones takes about 1-1.30 minutes.

    This efficiency serves as another argument in favor of the fact that specially trained people should repair the phone. Even if you can replace the display yourself, most likely it will take a lot of time, because you will have to study recommendations and materials, select spare parts, etc. And time, as they say, is money.

    When repairing, use original spare parts, and after that, be more careful with your mobile friend, and then it will serve you for many years!

    According to statistics, cracks that appear on the screen as a result of not too careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most common reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles heel for any, even the most expensive and famous mobile phone. What to do if the screen on your touch phone is cracked, let's figure it out together.

    What to do if your phone screen is cracked?

    So, there is a problem - after a fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they for both the phone itself and its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of the mobile gadget, it is quite possible to do with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for a long time, and dust and moisture will not be able to get into it through the cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure of tiny cracks, then a visit to a repair shop is indispensable. The functionality of the touch screen can be fully restored only if it is replaced using special equipment. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

    Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

    Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but immediately became overgrown with many myths and speculations regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, you can often hear the opinion that a cracked screen turns the phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm it could hypothetically cause is scratching the owner’s skin during a conversation.

    Let's find out! We'll try to figure out what went wrong.

    Let's start with the reasons. Let's divide them into groups, like everything related to technology. You have heard more than once in your life that the warranty does not cover mechanical damage and liquid spills. Let's start from this.

    We can talk for a long time about flooded devices and the reasons for sensor failure after liquid ingress. There can be a lot of them! Liquid and current, this mixture is unpredictable! And it is unpredictable because it can damage almost any element of the system. Or maybe even after liquid gets into the device everything will be fine; after it dries completely, it will work as before. But let me make a reservation right away: you shouldn’t flatter yourself with hopes that everything will pass and the gadget will “come to life”!!!

    It can “come to life” only if it has been turned off, sometimes it “comes to life” if it is immediately turned off, but the main thing is that after everything it has dried thoroughly. So that with a guarantee that a short circuit will not occur when turned on. And here there is one important condition, the liquid in which the equipment was “bathed” or filled was WATER. Yes, if it was water, there are chances. If it's sweet tea, beer, wine, juice. Everything that contains sugar, gases, dyes, any impurities. This is detrimental to electronics. Be prepared that after this, expensive repairs may be required, and if water gets in, don’t relax, the repairs can affect everyone. It’s better not to risk it, but to take it to the nearest service center, let them clean it, and restore the damaged parts if necessary. To make a device unrepairable, you need either a complete lack of spare parts, which is extremely rare, or something fantastic, for example, splitting the device with an ax. Then the opportunity to repair will disappear. But we are talking about liquid ingress; repairs will depend only on the feasibility of restoration. The result is filled in - we go to the service.

    Now let's move on to the axe. Just kidding, although an ax is a useful thing, we won’t consider it. Still, if a hatchet actually went through your device, send us a photo, it’s interesting to see. Save the leftovers as keepsakes. (We will post the best photos in this article).

    Speaking about mechanical damage, you need to clearly understand that they are all consequences of an impact! There is no such thing as a sensor cracking like ice on its own. Well, since we decided to find out what to change, we need to understand the force of the impact and the scale of the damage. IN any device with a sensor, d The display module consists, roughly speaking, of two parts - a touchscreen and a display. The display is responsible for the picture, the touchscreen for interaction with the device. And if your device shows “signs of life,” then it will need to be repaired.

    If the device does not show “signs of life,” then take it to a service center and, after diagnostics, make a decision about the advisability of repair. “Signs of life” when the display and sensor are not working, this is any confirmation of the operation of the device, indication, vibration, sound... This means that the “victim” is still “conscious”, and not all is lost. And if there are no “signs of life”, then only diagnostics can reveal the breakdown; now all devices are repairable, it’s a matter of price. We know of cases where, for the sake of information, the same device - a donor - was purchased and the memory was resoldered. After all, in most cases, personal gadgets become storekeepers of information that are of particular value to the user. Let's move a little away from the topic, let's return to display modules and their mechanical damage...

    For modern devices, as a rule, there are 3 replacement options:

    • touchscreen

    • display

    • module (this is a touchscreen and display assembly)

    touchscreen- an information input device, which is a surface that responds to touches.

    display- an electronic device designed for visual display of text and graphic information.

    module- a device designed for visual display of information with a touch-sensitive surface.

    What does the display module consist of?

    Without going into details, the module consists of: touch glass (touchscreen) and display, glued together. The glue provides better color rendition, without an air gap, the picture looks “juicier”. And this method prevents dust from getting between the layers.

    Recently, an active race has begun in display production technologies: LED, AMOLED, IPS, AHVA, PLS. Everyone wants to make their screen brighter, more accurate, and juicier. We will not touch on manufacturing technologies and their differences. But any modern display consists of: a polarizing layer, it is needed for more accurate color reproduction, the display itself, and backlighting.

    As a rule, a module is a part completely ready for replacement. Exceptions include some variations where a frame may be required to install the module. The frame serves for tight gluing of the housing and the module. Often, if you repair it yourself, it’s easier to install the module...

    So let’s move on to the “symptoms” and consider the options.

    • The touch glass is intact, the display is broken.

      Such situations are not fantastic; if the touchscreen is not glued to the display, then it may turn out to be more flexible than the display. And then, at the moment of impact, the sensor will bend and the display will be damaged. After all, touch glass does not imply the presence of glass as such. Now sensors are made from scratch-resistant polymers. While the displays mostly have a fragile glass coating. In such a situation, the display needs to be replaced.
    • There is a “cobweb” on the glass of the device, the sensor works, there is an image.

      In such a situation, it’s up to you to decide aesthetically, if it suits you, then use it to your health. Paste the film so as not to get hurt.
    • There is a “cobweb” on the device’s display, the sensor does not work, but there is an image.

      If we are talking about a phone or tablet, then it is impossible to use such a device. Definitely replacing the touchscreen or module assembly. If you have a laptop and it does not interfere with your work, then use it to your health.
    • There is a “cobweb” on the device’s display, the sensor does not work, the display is broken.

      Definitely replacing the module, or the touchscreen and display together, in such a situation it is also impossible to use the device.

    A simple table for self-diagnosis; it is visually easier to perceive the information.

    "cobweb" on glass sensor works display is OK recommendations
    No Yes No replacing display or module
    There is Yes Yes replacing the touchscreen or module
    There is No Yes replacing the touchscreen or module
    There is No No module replacement


    • "Cobwebs" on the glass - the presence of chips and/or cracks.
    • the sensor works - the device responds correctly to touch.
    • The display is in good working order - the display is in full working order, does not ripple, shows “like new”.

    Do not be biased by the table, recommendations for replacing the module, everywhere. Yes, the module is more expensive, but the cost of replacing a module is often lower, and it is also faster and more reliable. As a rule, if the display was originally glued to the touchscreen, replacing the module In the end it won't be much more expensive than replacing the touchscreen. After all, not all services will undertake to unstick the module; there is a high risk of damaging the display with a piece of touch glass, and sometimes this is simply technically impossible to do. And simply because most equipment does not have separate touchscreens for sale. Therefore, whenever it is necessary to repair equipment with a sensor, we are talking about laptops, tablets and phones. First of all, find out about the possibility and cost of a separate replacement of the display or touchscreen, and compare it with the cost of the module.

    We hope that this information was useful to you, Site Team.​