• Delete the contents of the temp folder. Temp folder: where is it located and how to clear it

    Temporary files inevitably accumulate in the operating system, which generally do not affect its stability and performance. The vast majority of them are located in two Temp folders, which over time can begin to weigh several gigabytes. Therefore, users who want to clean up their hard drive have a question: is it possible to delete these folders?

    Various applications and the operating system itself create temporary files for the correct operation of software and internal processes. Most of them are stored in Temp folders, which are located at specific addresses. Such folders are not cleaned on their own, so almost all files that end up there remain, despite the fact that they may never be useful again.

    Over time, quite a lot of them can accumulate, and the size on the hard drive will decrease, as it will be occupied by these files as well. When faced with the need to free up space on an HDD or SSD, users begin to wonder whether it is possible to delete a folder with temporary files.

    You cannot delete Temp folders that are system folders! This may interfere with the performance of programs and Windows. However, you can clear them to free up hard drive space.

    Method 1: CCleaner

    You can simplify the Windows cleaning process by using third-party software. Applications themselves find and clean both temporary folders at once. A program known to many allows you to free up space on your hard drive without much effort, including by clearing Temp folders.

    Instead of CCleaner, you can use similar software installed on your PC and equipped with the function of deleting temporary files. If you don't trust third-party software or simply don't want to install uninstall apps, you can use the other methods.

    Method 2: Disk Cleanup

    Windows has a built-in disk cleanup utility. Among the components and places that it cleans are temporary files.

    Method 3: Manual removal

    You can always clear the contents of temporary folders manually. To do this, just go to their location, select all the files and delete them as usual.

    In one of our articles, we already talked about where the 2 Temp folders are located in modern versions of Windows. From 7 and above the path is the same for them.

    Once again we want to draw your attention - do not delete entire folders! Go into them and clear the contents, leaving the folders themselves empty.

    We looked at the main ways to clean up Temp folders in Windows. For users who optimize their PC with software, it will be more convenient to use Methods 1 and 2. For all those who do not use such utilities, but simply want to free up space on the drive, Method 3 will be suitable. There is no point in deleting these files constantly, since most often they weigh little and do not take up PC resources. It is enough to do this only when the space on the system disk is running out due to Temp.

    Is it possible to delete the Temp folder in Windows 7 or simply clean it?

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    We all, sooner or later, encounter problems when working on a computer. It seems to us that our faithful assistant, for no apparent reason, begins to “be capricious.” It slows down for no apparent reason, turns off and freezes.

    I have already devoted quite a few articles to the problem when, and described in detail what actions need to be taken to fix the problem. One of the main actions in case of any problems with Windows OS is cleaning the computer.

    Moreover, it is not only the system unit that needs to be cleaned, I mean physically. It is also important to remove garbage from the operating system. The concept of garbage also includes temporary files saved in the system Temp folder.

    In this connection, many people have a question: is it possible to delete the Temp folder completely? Perhaps, considering that after this temporary files will not accumulate and clog the system.

    I’ll tell you right away - this is a mistaken opinion. Temporary files must be saved. Therefore, if you suddenly delete the Temp folder, the operating system will try to restore it.

    Otherwise, there will be malfunctions in the operation of the entire system. Therefore, it is best not to delete the Temp folder. But you need to clean it regularly. And today I will tell you how to do this.

    Clearing the Temp folder

    The folder for storing temporary files can be located in different directories, and moreover, there is more than one temp folder on your computer. For example, the temp folder can be located in any of the following locations:

    How can you find them, you ask? It's very simple. At the bottom of the screen, on the taskbar, there is a magnifying glass. Click on it and enter %Temp% into the search window. Naturally, without a dot at the end. Explorer will find the folder and display it in the search. Click on the folder and at the top you will see where it is located.

    Click inside the folder and select all the contents with the keys Ctrl + A, and use the Delete button to clear the contents. I would like to warn you that not all files will be deleted. What the system requires cannot be deleted.

    A window will pop up indicating that this file is used by the operating system. Don't be alarmed by this, just click skip and the system will move on to the next file.

    As practice has shown, there can be from 3 to 5 non-deletable files in the Temp folder.

    Temp folder in Windows

    Using the method above, we cleared the temp folder for the user. In addition, there is a folder for storing temporary files for Windows OS. Finding it is easy, follow the path: Computer - Local disk - Windows - Temp.

    Clean in the same way as I described above, that is, select and delete. Skip undeletable files. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. I described the simplest way to clean the Windows folder - Temp.


    As you can see, it is not necessary to delete the temp folder, but it is advisable to clean it more often. However, if clearing the folder did not resolve your problem and the computer still slows down, then I advise you to look for a utility to fix system failures.

    There are quite a lot of such programs on the Internet that help you find a problem and fix it. I advise you to first read about the program and its capabilities. Find out reviews from those who have already used the utility. Only after that download it to your computer.

    One of these utilities is Microsoft Windows Fix or MWFix. Personally, I once used it to identify errors on my computer.

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    In the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems there are folders for storing temporary files of games and programs - Temp. When you correctly turn off the program, the temporary files are deleted, but if the work is stopped incorrectly (the lights are turned off, etc.), then the files remain on the computer and will have to be deleted manually.

    Is it possible to delete the Temp folder? No, you can't! You can delete all the files located in it, but not the folder itself, otherwise the programs will not be able to install.

    Temp folder

    In order to clean the Temp folder in Windows 7 and Windows 8, you need to find it. To do this, open “Computer”, then “Local Disk C” - “Windows” - “Temp”. In this folder, select all the files and delete them.

    If a message appears stating that a file cannot be deleted, skip it. This means that it was launched by the program and if you shut down correctly, it will delete itself.

    This is how we clean the Temp folder in Windows 7, 8.

    The second folder for storing temporary files is AppData Local Temp. Since it is hidden, you first need to enable the display of hidden files. To do this, go to Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Folder Options - go to the "View" tab. Check the box at the very bottom “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. Click OK.

    Only now we can find the AppData folder. You need to follow the following path: “Computer” - “Local Disk C” - Users - Username (Admin, Petya, Vasya, etc.) - AppData - Local - Temp.

    Select all the files in the Temp folder and delete them. If something cannot be deleted, then we simply skip these files.

    When the hard drive on which Windows is installed is almost completely full, and the system begins to run out of free disk space, the user wonders what can be deleted in order to free up space on the system disk? The Temp folder is usually the number one candidate for deletion.

    Is it possible to delete this folder? In order to answer this question, you need to at least have a general idea of ​​what the Temp folder is for.

    You should always remember the golden rule of the user, it goes something like this: “don’t touch settings you don’t understand, and never delete an object if you don’t know its purpose.” If every user always acted according to this “golden rule”, he would have much fewer problems with his computer :)!

    Temp folder needed to store temporary files that are created by the operating system itself, as well as by various programs. Over time, many of these files lose their relevance and are no longer needed. But it also stores files that may be useful to you in the future.

    In general, the Temp folder needs to be cleaned, but not manually. Also, you should not install various third-party programs for this purpose. It is best to use the built-in Windows tool.

    How to clear the Temp folder

    The Windows operating system has such a wonderful thing called “Disk Cleanup”, and we will use it to clean it.

    To do this, do the following:

    1) Go to: Start\My Computer (in Windows 7 it is simply called “Computer”).

    2) Right-click on the system drive (usually C:\) and select “Properties”.

    3) In the “General” tab, click on the “Disk Cleanup” button.

    4) In the “Disk Cleanup” tab, find the “Temporary files” item, check the box next to it, and then click Ok. A small window will pop up asking if you really want to delete the selected files, that is, you will need to confirm your actions again.

    Where is the Temp folder?

    If for some reason you are not satisfied with this method, and you still want to delete these temporary files manually, then you need to know where to look for them.

    First of all, you should know that there is not just one Temp folder on your computer, there are several of them. You need to know the two most important locations:

    C:\Users\Your Account Name\AppData\Local\Temp

    The programs that we regularly install on our computer, during their operation, create temporary files in it designed to extract data or archive it, simple distribution kits of programs, and even step-by-step saves of the work of text editors. To prevent them from hanging around in confusion all over the computer, the programs that create them designate the location of such files in the Temp folder.

    Theoretically, after work on programs is completed, such files should be deleted on their own, but this does not always happen. Remember how often, in an attempt to resurrect a frozen system, you pulled the plug from the socket or incorrectly disabled a running program?

    Such actions in relation to our computer cannot take place without a trace: temporary files are “collected” in it constantly and overload the Temp folder, which is already filled to the top.

    And since we all know that free space is one of the keys to the success of efficient PC operation, the Temp folder overloaded with “garbage”, accordingly, constantly slows down operating processes. Therefore, we will consider the question - how to clean the Temp folder?

    Step One: Search for Temp Folders

    There may be several similar file storages on a PC, but most often we have only two Temp folders. One is located in the Windows folder, namely in the system partition of the PC, while the second can be easily found in the user profile by enabling hidden folder displays. So, in Windows 7, you need to follow the path: Drive C: Users Folder - Username - AppData - Local

    If for some reason you do not find the Temp folder here, seek help from your trusty friend “Search” and the “Run” command. In the window that appears, simply enter the command %TEMP%, and it will automatically open before your eyes.

    Stage two: making it more convenient

    If there is a need to make working with folders more convenient, then both Temps with the temporary files stored in them can be combined into one or a completely new one can be created in another place convenient for you. Go to the Start menu, click on Computer and open system settings.

    In the window that opens, change the path to the entered TEMP and TMP addresses to the created or selected folder. This is easy to do: left-click on each variable, then use the “Change” function and enter a new folder path.

    Confirm your selection with the "OK" key. As a result, you will get one folder storing temporary files in a place convenient for you.

    Stage three: cleaning the Temp folder without harming the system

    If you still have a question: “Is it possible to delete the Temp folder?”, We hasten to warn you that this is absolutely forbidden. But it must be cleaned regularly to free up disk space for work.

    The easiest way to do this is to select the entire contents of the folder and delete it manually. However, if some of the files in it are involved in work (the system will warn you about this using pop-up windows), you will not be able to delete such files.

    You can get rid of the “indigenous residents” only by calling for help from special utilities, such as: Ccleaner. However, if there are few such files in the folder, then the easiest way would be to leave them alone and not touch them for the time being. Keep in mind: such robotic assistants can also delete files from your computer that should not be removed under any circumstances. This is why developers include in cleaning programs the ability to create a backup copy of files.

    Now let's look at the second method of cleaning the Temp folder, which is not inferior to the first in either efficiency or simplicity. So, in Windows 7 you will find a special service called “Disk Cleanup”: it is located in the Start utilities and allows you to delete those temporary files that have not been used by the system for more than a week.

    To do this you need to follow a few simple steps.

    First, go: From the Start menu to Computer.

    Right-click the system drive (usually the C:\ drive) and check “Properties”.

    Place a checkmark next to the “Temporary files” item. After clicking Ok, a small window will appear that will “ask” you if you really want to do this. Just confirm your intentions.

    If you want to try manually deleting temporary files, you will first need to find them yourself.

    We remind you that if you have not previously combined the Temp folders into one, then they are located either here:

    And here: drive C:\Users\Account Name\AppData\Local\Temp

    There is another way to find Temp folders. Press the hot keys “Win ​​+ R”, open the “Run” window, enter the command “%TEMP%” and click Ok. The folder C:\Users\Account Name\AppData\Local\Temp will open

    There is another option that allows you to clear the Temp folder.

    Go to notepad and write the following command there: rmdir /s /q %temp% Save the document under some name. For example clean.bat

    When you run this shortcut, the Temp folder will be cleaned up on its own. You can even set it up to automatically clean it, which will start immediately when you turn on the computer. To do this, simply add the file to startup.

    Now temporary files will not clog the system drive “C” and interfere with its operation. And this is, in fact, what we achieved, and you don’t have to manually clean out the Temp folders