• Amplifier electron 103 strong background. Wait for the search to complete in all databases. Upon completion, a link will appear to access the found materials

    Stereo amplifier "Electro n-103". Muromsky

    The Radon Measuring Instruments Plant is preparing for serial production a class 1 stereo amplifier “Electron-103*. The new amplifier is a modernized version of the mass-produced Electron-20 model. The modernization affected the appearance, final stage of the amplifier, speaker systems, as well as the operational capabilities of the device.

    The new model introduces timbre control for higher and lower sound frequencies, making it possible to simultaneously operate the amplifier with several program sources. The maximum output power of the new device has increased to 30 W, and its final stage is protected against short circuits. The acoustic system "Electrona -103*" is open type. Each sound column contains two low-frequency loudspeakers: 4GD-35-2, 4GD-8E and one high-frequency ZGD-31.

    Operating frequency band for electrical voltage is 30-30000 Hz, for sound pressure 80-13000 Hz.

    THD 1%.

    Amplifier dimensions 425X295X148 mm, speaker dimensions 375X162X517 mm. Amplifier weight 12 kg, speaker systems 7 kg. Approximate price 260 rub.

    Top class stereo radio "Vega -003- stereo". The Berdsk Radio Plant began producing the highest class stereo radio "B era -003-stereo". The radio is designed to receive monophonic broadcasts with amplitude modulation in the DV and SV ranges. KV-I, KV-N, KB-III, KV-IV and with frequency modulation in the VHF range, as well as for receiving stereo transmissions in the VHF range and playing monophonic and stereophonic records.

    Sensitivity when operating a radio receiver with an internal magnetic antenna in the DV range is 1.5 mV/m, and in the CB range 1 mV/m, when operating with an external antenna

    Noah sensitivity in the ranges of LW, SW and HF - 50 μV, in VHF - 5 μV.

    The high-frequency path of the new radio is made using lamps based on the high-frequency path of the Estonia-006-stereo radio. Unlike “Estonia*”, electronic automatic frequency control in the AM/FM bands of the “Vega-stereo” radio is made using varicaps, and to weaken the influence of the subcarrier frequency of 31.25 kHz and its second harmonic, penetrating the input of the low-frequency amplifier. Attenuation filters are used in the stereo decoder circuit. The low-frequency path of the radio is made entirely of transistors. The nominal output power of each channel is 6 W. The operating frequency band of the AM path is 40-7000 Hz, FM - 40-16000 Hz.

    The new radio uses a Polish four-speed electric player with disc rotation speed controlled by a stroboscopic device. The electronic control unit uses a tonearm equipped with a micro-lift, a counterweight for adjusting the balance and reduced weight, and an electromagnetic head. The operating frequency range for playing back records is 40-12500 Hz.

    The radio's acoustic system consists of two closed remote speakers 10 MAC-IM.

    The dimensions of the radio radio receiver are 650X X215X 340 mm. ECU with bass amplifier 485 X 341X115 mm. The approximate price of the device is 480 rubles.

    Portable TV

    "Yunost-6 0 3". The Moscow Radio Engineering Plant has begun production of the portable TV set “Yunost-603” (UPT-23-VI). which is a further modernization of the Yunost-2 TV.

    “Yunost-603” is designed to receive programs from television centers operating in the meter wavelength range, and when a UHF channel selector is installed, in the decimeter wavelength range. The sensitivity of the television receiver is 30-80 µV, the resolution is 350 lines. The output power of the audio channel is 0.3 W. In aku¬

    The static system of the TV uses a 0.5GD-30 loudspeaker, instead of the 0.5 GD-17 that worked in Yunost-2. TV dimensions 320 X 250 X 240 mm, weight 6.5 kg. Approximate price 250 rub.

    Set-top box "Quantum" for the TV. The Lvov CRT Plant has developed an attachment for additional reproduction of images and sound when receiving a television signal on the main unified television receiver of class II. It can be installed in any room of the apartment (in the next room, kitchen, etc.) at a distance of up to 15 m from the TV. The set-top box uses a 16LK1B kinescope with a diagonal screen size of 16 cm.

    From the TV to the set-top box, a video signal, an audio signal and reverse pulses of horizontal and vertical scans are received. The electrical circuit of the set-top box is made entirely of transistors and semiconductor diodes. It is powered from the power transformer of the main TV through a built-in rectifier. The acoustic system of the set-top box consists of two 0.5GD-30 loudspeakers.

    Dimensions of "Kvant* 156X146X212 mm, weight - 1.85 kg. Approximate price 60 rub.

    Radio receiver "Ocean 210". The Minsk production and technical association "Gorizont" began production of a class II portable radio receiver "Ocean-210". The new radio receiver has a number of advantages over the previously produced Ocean-205 radio receiver. Its NE range is divided into two subranges. SV-1 585-1300 kHz and SV-P 1300-1600 kHz. Mechanical switching of the AM-FM paths of the IF amplifier has been replaced by electronic switching; instead of a concentrated selection filter, a piezoceramic filter FP1P-023 is used in the AM path of the IF amplifier. The sound quality has been improved through the use of a more advanced loudspeaker 1 GD-37. The dimensions of the new receiver are 255 X 363 X 1Y mm. weight 4.8 kg. Approximate price 142 rubles.

    1973, No. 11, p. 62) and the load resistance is $ Ohm, then the primary winding should contain 1680 turns (4X420) of PEL 0.41 wire, and the winding in the shielding mesh circuit should contain 114 turns (2X57) of PEL 0.41 wire. Output winding

    The installation will be carried out in four parallel-connected sections of 60 turns of PEL 0.64 wire in each.

    Since the total cross-section of the copper windings will increase, it is necessary to use a core with a window with an area of ​​at least 12-13 cm2.

    A standard core USH32X63, having a window area of ​​12.8 cm2, would be suitable for this purpose.

    In order for the windings to fit in its window, it is necessary to use a wire of a smaller diameter. The primary winding and the winding in the shielding mesh circuit are wound with PEL 0.35 wire, and the output winding with PEL 0.59 wire.

    Editorial board: I. T. Akulinichev, A. I. Berg, E. P. Bornovolokov, V. A. Govyadnov, A. V. Gorokhovsky (deputy chief editor), A. Ya. Grif, I. A Demyanov, V. N. Dogadin, A. S. Zhuravlev, K. V. Ivanov, N. V. Kazansky, G. A. Krapivka, D. N. Kuznetsov, M. S. Likhachev, A. L. Mstislavsky (executive secretary), G. I. Nikonov, E. P. Ovcharenko, I. T. Peresypkin, K. N. Trofimov, V. I. Shamshur.

    Editorial address: 103051. Moscow, Petrovka, 26. Telephones: propaganda department

    radio engineering knowledge and radio sports 294-91-22, department of science and radio engineering - 2210-92, executive secretary 228-33-62, letters department - 221-01-39.

    Price 40 kopecks. G-55612. Put into production on 8/II 1974. Signed for printing on 20/11 1974.

    Proofreader I. Gerasimova Manuscripts are not returned

    Publishing house DOSAAF. Paper size 84X108716. 2 boom. l. 6.72 el. - oven l.+

    tab. Order No. 92 Circulation 800,000 copies.

    Chekhov Printing Plant Soyuzpoligrafproma under the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade, Chekhov, Moscow Region

    The stereo amplifier "Electron-103 stereo" has been produced by the Murom Radio Measuring Instruments Plant since 1974. The "Electron-103-stereo" amplifier is a modernization of the "Electron-20" model. The modernization affected the external design of the amplifier, final stage, speaker systems, as well as operational capabilities. The amplifier has been equipped with HF and LF tone control and the ability to simultaneously work with several program sources. The maximum output power has increased to 30 W. The final stage is short-circuit protected. Each of the open-type speakers contains two low-frequency loudspeakers of type 4GD-35-2, 4GD-8E and high-frequency loudspeakers of type 3GD-31. The operating frequency band of the amplifier in terms of electrical voltage is 30...30000 Hz, in terms of sound pressure with complete speakers - 80...13000 Hz. THD 1%. The external dimensions of the amplifier are 425x295x148 mm, one speaker is 375x162x517 mm. The weight of the amplifier is 12 kg, each speaker is 7 kg. The price of a set of an amplifier and two speaker systems is 260 rubles.

    Amplifier operating instructions. Description in the directory of Belov, Dryzgo, Sukhanov. Photos of the amplifier Raimonds Raimondovich Austers, Riga and from auctions.


    Most audio lovers are quite categorical and are not ready to compromise when choosing equipment, rightly believing that the perceived sound must be clear, strong and impressive. How to achieve this?

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    Perhaps the main role in resolving this issue will be played by the choice of amplifier.
    The amplifier is responsible for the quality and power of sound reproduction. At the same time, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the following designations, which mark the introduction of high technologies in the production of audio equipment:

    • Hi-fi. Provides maximum purity and accuracy of sound, freeing it from extraneous noise and distortion.
    • Hi-end. The choice of a perfectionist who is willing to pay a lot for the pleasure of discerning the smallest nuances of his favorite musical compositions. Hand-assembled equipment is often included in this category.

    Specifications you should pay attention to:

    • Input and output power. The rated output power is of decisive importance, because edge values ​​are often unreliable.
    • Frequency range. Varies from 20 to 20000 Hz.
    • Nonlinear distortion factor. Everything is simple here - the less the better. The ideal value, according to experts, is 0.1%.
    • Signal to noise ratio. Modern technology assumes a value of this indicator over 100 dB, which minimizes extraneous noise when listening.
    • Dumping factor. Reflects the output impedance of the amplifier in its relation to the nominal load impedance. In other words, a sufficient damping factor (more than 100) reduces the occurrence of unnecessary vibrations of equipment, etc.

    It should be remembered: the manufacture of high-quality amplifiers is a labor-intensive and high-tech process; accordingly, too low a price with decent characteristics should alert you.


    To understand the variety of market offers, it is necessary to distinguish the product according to various criteria. Amplifiers can be classified:

    • By power. Preliminary is a kind of intermediate link between the sound source and the final power amplifier. The power amplifier, in turn, is responsible for the strength and volume of the output signal. Together they form a complete amplifier.

    Important: the primary signal conversion and processing takes place in the preamplifiers.

    • Based on the element base, there are tube, transistor and integrated minds. The latter arose with the goal of combining the advantages and minimizing the disadvantages of the first two, for example, the sound quality of tube amplifiers and the compactness of transistor amplifiers.
    • Based on their operating mode, amplifiers are divided into classes. The main classes are A, B, AB. If Class A amplifiers use a lot of power, but produce high-quality sound, Class B amplifiers are exactly the opposite, Class AB seems to be the optimal choice, representing a compromise between signal quality and fairly high efficiency. There are also classes C, D, H and G, which arose with the use of digital technologies. There are also single-cycle and push-pull operating modes of the output stage.
    • Depending on the number of channels, amplifiers can be single-, double- and multi-channel. The latter are actively used in home theaters to create surround and realistic sound. Most often there are two-channel ones for right and left audio systems, respectively.

    Attention: studying the technical components of the purchase is, of course, necessary, but often the decisive factor is simply listening to the equipment according to the principle of whether it sounds or not.


    The choice of an amplifier is largely justified by the purposes for which it is purchased. We list the main areas of use of audio amplifiers:

    1. As part of a home audio system. Obviously, the best choice is a tube two-channel single-cycle in class A, and the optimal choice can be a three-channel class AB, where one channel is designated for a subwoofer, with a Hi-fi function.
    2. For car audio system. The most popular are four-channel AB or D class amplifiers, depending on the financial capabilities of the buyer. Cars also require a crossover function for smooth frequency control, allowing frequencies in the high or low range to be cut as needed.
    3. In concert equipment. The quality and capabilities of professional equipment are reasonably subject to higher demands due to the large propagation space of sound signals, as well as the high need for intensity and duration of use. Thus, it is recommended to purchase an amplifier of at least class D, capable of operating almost at the limit of its power (70-80% of the declared one), preferably in a housing made of high-tech materials that protects from negative weather conditions and mechanical influences.
    4. In studio equipment. All of the above is also true for studio equipment. We can add about the largest frequency reproduction range - from 10 Hz to 100 kHz in comparison with that from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in a household amplifier. Also noteworthy is the ability to separately adjust the volume on different channels.

    Thus, in order to enjoy clear and high-quality sound for a long time, it is advisable to study in advance all the variety of offers and select the audio equipment option that best suits your needs.

    The Murom Radio Measuring Instruments Plant is preparing for serial production a class 1 stereo amplifier Elektron-103. The new amplifier is a modernized version of the serially produced Elektron-20 model. The modernization affected the appearance, final stage of the amplifier, speaker systems, as well as the operational capabilities of the device.

    The new model introduces timbre control for higher and lower sound frequencies, making it possible to simultaneously operate the amplifier with several program sources. The maximum output power of the new device has increased to 30 W, and its final stage is protected against short circuits. The acoustic system of Electrona-103 is open type. Each sound column contains two low-frequency loudspeakers: 4GD-35-2, 4GD-8E and one high-frequency ZGD-31.

    Operating frequency band for electrical voltage is 30-30000 Hz, for sound pressure 80-13000 Hz.

    THD 1%.

    Amplifier dimensions 425X295X148 mm, speaker dimensions 375X162X517 mm. Amplifier weight 12 kg, speaker systems 7 kg. Approximate price 260 rub.

    Top class stereo radio Vega -003- stereo.

    The Berdsk Radio Plant began producing the highest class stereo radio Vega-003-stereo. The radio is designed to receive monophonic transmissions with amplitude modulation in the ranges DV, SV, KB-I, HF-II, HF-III. KB-IV and with frequency modulation in the VHF range, as well as for receiving stereo transmissions in the VHF range and playing monophonic and stereophonic records.

    The sensitivity when operating a radio receiver with an internal magnetic antenna is in the DV range 1.5 mV/m, and in the MF range 1 mV/m; when operating with an external antenna, the sensitivity in the DV, MV and KB ranges is 50 µV, in VHF - 5 µV.

    The high-frequency path of the new radio is made using lamps based on the high-frequency path of the Estonnya-006-stereo radio. Unlike Estonia, the electronic automatic frequency control in the AM/FM bands of the Bera-stereo radio is made using varicaps, and to weaken the influence of the subcarrier frequency of 31.25 kHz and its second harmonic, which penetrates the input of the low-frequency amplifier, attenuating filters are used in the stereo decoder circuit. The low-frequency path of the radio is made entirely of transistors. The nominal output power of each channel is 6 W. The operating frequency band of the AM path is 40-7000 Hz, FM - 40-16000 Hz.

    The new radio uses a Polish four-speed electric player with disc rotation speed controlled by a stroboscopic device. The EPU uses a tonearm equipped with a micro-lift, a counterweight for adjusting the balance and reduced weight, and an electromagnetic head. Operating frequency range when playing recordings is 40-12500 Hz.

    The radio's acoustic system consists of two closed remote speakers 10 MAC-IM.

    The dimensions of the radio receiver are 650X X 215 X 340 mm. ECU with bass amplifier 485X341X115 mm. The approximate price of the device is 480 rubles.

    Portable TV Yunost-603.

    The Moscow Radio Engineering Plant has begun production of the portable TV Yunost-603 (UPT-23-VI). which is a further modernization of the Yunost-2 TV.

    Yunost-603 is designed to receive programs from television centers operating in the meter wavelength range, and when a UHF channel selector is installed, in the decimeter wavelength range. The sensitivity of the television receiver is 30-80 µV, the resolution is 350 lines. The output power of the audio channel is 0.3 W. The TV's acoustic system uses a 0.5GD-30 loudspeaker, instead of the 0.5 GD-17 that worked in Yunost-2. TV dimensions 320X250X240 mm, weight 6.5 kg. Approximate price 250 rub.

    Quantum set-top box for TV.

    The Lvov CRT Plant has developed an attachment for additional reproduction of images and sound when receiving a television signal on the main unified television receiver of class II. It can be installed in any room of the apartment (in the next room, kitchen, etc.) at a distance of up to 15 m from the TV. The set-top box uses a 16LK1B kinescope with a diagonal screen size of 16 cm.

    From the TV to the set-top box, a video signal, an audio signal and reverse pulses of horizontal and vertical scans are received. The electrical circuit of the set-top box is made entirely of transistors and semiconductor diodes. It is powered from the power transformer of the main TV through a built-in rectifier. The acoustic system of the set-top box consists of two 0.5GD-30 loudspeakers.

    Quantum dimensions 156X146X212 mm, weight -1.85 kg. Approximate price 60 rub.

    Ocean radio - 210.

    The Minsk production and technical association Horizon has begun production of a Class II portable radio receiver Ocean-210. The new radio receiver has a number of advantages over the previously produced Ocean-205 radio receiver. Its CB range is divided into two subranges: CB-I 585-1300 kHz and SV-P 1300-1600 kHz, mechanical switching of the AM-FM IF amplifier paths is replaced by electronic switching, instead of a concentrated selection filter, the FPSh-023 piezoceramic filter is used in the AM path of the IF amplifier . The sound quality has been improved through the use of a more advanced loudspeaker 1GD-37. The dimensions of the new receiver are 255X363X125 mm, weight 4.8 kg. Approximate price 142 rubles.