• Installing a motherboard without reinstalling Windows 7. Replacing a motherboard without reinstalling Windows. Board replacement process

    Which users encounter most often. But, this time a specific situation will be considered, namely, what to do if, after replacing the motherboard, a blue screen with error 0x0000007B appears when the system boots.

    That is, for example, if you decided to upgrade your computer with a new motherboard or, if necessary, you had to replace it because the old one simply failed, then after connecting the hard drive and trying to boot from it, you will most likely you will encounter a blue screen displaying error 0x0000007B.

    Even if you are going to completely update your computer, including the hard drive, and you decide to clone the operating system from the old HDD onto it, then again, after the system starts booting, error 0x0000007B will immediately appear on the screen. In some cases, of course, you get lucky and everything starts normally, but unfortunately this happens quite rarely.

    Error 0x0000007B after replacing the motherboard, usually appears due to changing the bus controller ATA/SATA. That is, Windows after replacing the mat. The board cannot automatically select the necessary driver for the new controller, as a result of which, when loading, the system identifies the absence of a driver as file system corruption, indicating this problem with error 0x0000007B.

    In general, this instruction details how you can replace the motherboard without reinstalling the system, and at the same time bypassing error 0x0000007B. Below we will provide two methods in the form of an automatic and manual way to correct this problem.

    Fixing error 0x0000007B after replacing the motherboard

    I want to immediately disappoint you that using the operating system’s own means, it will not be possible to restore its functionality. Even the installation disk with its recovery environment will be useless here. Also, another important point that I forgot to mention earlier is that this method of fixing error 0x0000007B is not suitable for Windows XP.

    The essence of this fix method is that we will need to edit some parameters in the system registry, and I think you yourself understand that this can only be done with a non-working operating system using a LiveCD disk.

    For this task, you can use a rather convenient tool called “ ERD-Commander" Of course, first, we will need to download it to our computer using one of the links provided below.

    Now, using the image and a USB drive, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with “ERD-Commander”. You can find the procedure that needs to be performed to burn a liveCD to a flash drive, and you will find several more options by clicking on. Also, if you wish, you can burn this LiveCD to a regular one.

    So, I hope you were able to write ERD-Commander without any problems and your USB drive is ready to fix error 0x0000007B that appears after replacing the motherboard.

    So, having connected the drive to the computer, we try to boot from it using the boot menu (F8...F11) or by setting the BIOS to boot from a flash drive in advance.

    When a question appears about connecting to the network, click “ No».

    We answer the next question about disk reassignment in the affirmative by clicking on “ Yes».

    In the window for selecting a layout language, leave “US” and proceed to the next step.

    The detection of the installed system will immediately start, if you have only one, and this is probably the case, then just click on the “ Next" If there are several of them, select the one from which the download will occur and only then proceed to the next step.

    There is a possibility that the process of fixing problems that interfere with the normal startup of the system may begin if the computer was not turned off correctly the last time. In this case, you can carefreely click on “ Cancel» and go directly to the menu that interests us. If you are asked to confirm completion of the recovery process, you can click on “ Yes».

    In the list of available system recovery tools, select the very last line:

    So, the Registry Editor window should appear. First, I recommend trying the method of automatically changing all registry settings by simply importing the reg file. Well, then, if nothing works out, start manually correcting all the shortcomings.

    Download the reg file with the already corrected keys and move it to a flash drive with ERD-Commander, leaving it right in the root of the usb drive.

    Now, let's return to the running registry editor, where we select " File» – « Import».

    A file explorer will appear, in which we click on the computer icon and open the flash drive.

    Immediately in the root you will find the reg file you saved. By clicking on it, click on the button “ Open».

    After which a message should appear indicating that the file was successfully imported. Now, let's try to reboot and see if you managed to cope with the error 0x0000007B that appeared after replacing the mat. fees.

    Manual option for fixing error 0x0000007B

    So, if you were unable to import a reg file with already corrected keys, then let's try to do it manually.

    Error 0x0000007B still appears

    If, after performing manipulations with the registry, after restarting the computer you still get a blue screen with 0x0000007B, then the required driver has not loaded, in which case you can check a few more keys in the registry by enabling the loading of other available drivers.

    The scheme is the same, find the section, open the “Start” parameter and set the value to “0”.

    Sections to check the value of the "Start" parameter.

    We assign the “Start” parameter the value “0×00000000 (0)”
    adp94xx HpSAMD MegaSR vhdmp
    adpahci iaStorV nfrd960 vsmraid
    adpu320 iirsp nvraid alide
    aic78xx LSI_FC nvstor cmdide
    amdsbs LSI_SAS ql2300 nvraid
    arc LSI_SAS2 ql40xx viaide
    arcsas LSI_SCSI SiSRaid2
    elxstor megasas SiSRaid4

    After making the changes and rebooting the computer, the operating system should boot in normal mode, and error 0x0000007B with a blue screen should disappear and not bother you anymore.

    How to fix error 0x0000007B after replacing the motherboard

    Reasons for Windows not working after replacing the motherboard. Often, after replacing the motherboard or changing the operating mode of the hard drive controller in the BIOS settings (Raid, Compatible, AHCI, Native SATA), the system starts booting as usual, the initial splash screen appears, then a reset, information about passing the POST BIOS, and again, the boot begins with the same continuation. This usually occurs because the system was unable to load the boot device driver and encountered a critical STOP error: 0x0000007B Inaccessible Boot Device

    In order to get accurate information about a critical error instead of rebooting, you need to disable the automatic reboot mode when it occurs. For Windows XP and older, this can be done through the Windows boot loader menu, if at the very beginning of boot you press F8 and select the boot option - Disable automatic reboot when system failure

    When loading in this mode, if a critical error occurs, the Windows “blue screen of death” or BSOD - Blue ScreenOf Death will be displayed on the monitor screen.

    Critical error Stop 7B when replacing the motherboard, or changing the operating mode of the hard drive controller, occurs because the new controller is not recognized by the system as, specifically, a hard drive controller.

    At the very beginning of the operating system boot loader, special BIOS routines (INT 13H interrupt functions) are used to perform operations on the hard disk, and that is why the system starts loading and proceeds normally for some time. However, at a certain stage of booting and initializing the kernel, since Windows does not use the BIOS interrupt functions, it becomes necessary to load drivers through which the Boot Device will be accessed. First of all, the system must determine which hard drive controller will be used and load the appropriate driver for it. If the controller is not found, the driver is not found or its launch is prohibited, the system will complete the boot process with a critical error of the boot device being unavailable (stop 7B).

    When replacing the motherboard with a board of a different type, the hard drive controller, from the point of view of the operating system, will become a different, new device. During the initial boot process, Plug-n-Play (PnP) devices are identified by the system using a special code (PnP-ID), depending on the chipset on which the device or chipset is assembled, and the new HDD controller assembled on a different chipset will have a different ID. If the system “knows” the new PnP-ID of the HDD controller, and there is a driver to service it, then replacing the motherboard will take place without any problems. Otherwise, the HDD controller identifier, unknown to the installed system, will not allow it to load the driver necessary for operation.

    And here there are 2 options for solving the problem:

    Make the system work with the new hard drive controller using standard Microsoft drivers.
    - add a new hard disk controller driver from the equipment manufacturer to a non-working system.

    The first option is much simpler, safer and can be easily done using the usual import of several keys into the registry of a non-working system, for example, using ERD Commander. The second is a little more complicated, you not only need to add an identification entry for the HDD controller, but also associate the necessary driver with it, and also ensure its loading and initialization.

    One way to resolve stop error 7B is to sequentially perform the following steps:

    Switching the controller, if necessary, in the motherboard BIOS settings to Compatible Mode with a standard IDE controller
    Typically, this is done in the hard drive controller configuration section and can have different settings,
    Controller Mode: Compatible
    Configure SATA as: IDE
    SATA Operation as ATA
    AHCI Mode: Disabled
    SATA Native Mode: Disable

    Using standard drivers from the Windows distribution to boot the system.
    This usually doesn't require any special effort other than checking a few registry values.

    Windows XP has an unpleasant feature - if you replace the motherboard, there is a high probability that the operating system will no longer start. This usually looks like a blue screen on boot with STOP 0x0000007b error followed by a reboot. Booting into Safe Mode gives the same result.

    But there is a solution to the problem. To do this, you need to boot from the Winternals ERD Commander disk (link to download the iso image at the bottom of the page), make changes to the registry using the file - mergeide.reg and add drivers to the Windows\system32\drivers folder. After this, restart the computer and enjoy normal booting. All that remains is to install the drivers for the new motherboard.

    Quick Guide

    1. Boot from the Winternals ERD Commander disk with support for your system
    2. Write files from the idedrivers folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers
    3. Run mergeide.reg to register standard IDE drivers

    When switching from an Intel chipset to any other, you must also delete the branch in the registry

    otherwise the following error may appear

    STOP 0×0000007E

    If all this still does not help, you need to reinstall XP in recovery mode. For example, we take Zver CD and start the installation not automatically, but in manual mode, and after the license agreement (where the product code is written instead of the agreement), a search for installed systems occurs. Select the one you need and press R. (This should not be confused with pressing R to enter the recovery console immediately after loading the disk. There we press Enter) Then everything is as usual, only after the installation is complete we see our long-awaited desktop with all the programs. :-)

    Quite often, a situation occurs when a user who has upgraded a PC and replaced its motherboard, then has to reinstall the system on the hard drive, and, accordingly, reinstall all previously installed programs. This is due to the fact that the PC simply does not want to start and displays a “blue screen” or other error when trying to activate. Let's find out how you can avoid such inconveniences and replace the motherboard without reinstalling Windows 7.

    The reason that in the described situation a reinstallation of Windows is required is the inability of the previous version of the OS to find the required drivers for the SATA controller of the new motherboard. This problem is solved by editing the registry or pre-installing drivers. Then you won't have to reinstall the system software.

    The algorithm for setting up Windows 7 depends on whether you do it before replacing the motherboard or after the fact, that is, when the reinstallation is completed and an error is displayed when starting the computer. Naturally, the first option is more preferable and a little easier than the second, but even if you have already changed the motherboard and cannot start the OS, you should not fall into despair. The problem can also be solved without reinstalling Windows, although this will require more effort.

    Method 1: Setting up the OS before replacing the board

    Let's immediately look at the procedure when setting up the system before the motherboard has been replaced.

    Attention! Before you begin to apply the steps described below, be sure to make a backup copy of your current OS and system registry.

    1. First of all, you need to see if the drivers of the old motherboard are suitable for replacing it. After all, if they are compatible, then no additional manipulations need to be performed, since after installing the new board, Windows will start in normal mode. So click "Start" and open "Control Panel".
    2. Next, go to the section "System and Security".
    3. Click on an element "Device Manager" in the block "System".

      You can also type on your keyboard instead of these actions Win+R and enter the expression there:

      After this you should press "OK".

    4. In the opened "Dispatcher" click on the section name "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers".
    5. A list of connected controllers will open. If their name contains only the name of the controller type (IDE, ATA or ATAPI) without the name of a specific brand, this means that standard Windows drivers are installed on the computer and they are suitable for almost any model of motherboard. But if in "Device Manager" the specific name of the controller brand is displayed, in this case you must check it with the name of the controller of the new “motherboard”. If they are different, then in order for the OS to start without problems after changing the board, you need to perform a number of manipulations.
    6. First of all, you need to transfer the drivers of the new motherboard to your computer. The easiest way to do this is to use the software disk that came with the motherboard. Just insert it into the drive and download the drivers to the hard drive, but do not install them yet. Even if for some reason you don’t have the media with the specified software at hand, you can download the necessary drivers from the official website of the motherboard manufacturer.
    7. Then you should remove the hard drive controller driver. IN "Dispatcher" double-click on the controller name with the left mouse button.
    8. In the controller properties shell, navigate to the section "Driver".
    9. Next click on the button "Delete".
    10. Then, in the dialog box, confirm your actions by clicking "OK".
    11. After removal, restart the computer and install the controller driver for the new motherboard using the standard method.

    12. Next in "Dispatcher" click on the section name "System devices".
    13. In the list that appears, find the element "PCI bus" and double click on it.
    14. In the PCI bus properties shell, navigate to the section "Driver".
    15. Click on an element "Delete".
    16. As when uninstalling the previous driver, click on the button in the dialog box "OK".
    17. After removing the driver, which may take a long time, turn off the computer and perform the procedure of replacing the motherboard. After turning on the PC for the first time, install the previously prepared motherboard drivers.

    You can configure Windows 7 to change the motherboard using a simpler method by editing the registry.

    1. Type on the keyboard Win+R and type the following command into the window that opens:

      Then click on the button "OK".

    2. In the left area of ​​the displayed interface "Registry Editor" sequentially go to the following folders: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" And "SYSTEM". Then open "CurrentControlSet" And "services".
    3. Next, in the last specified folder, find the directory "msahci" and select it.
    4. Move to the right area of ​​the interface "Editor". Click on the element name "Start".
    5. In the field "Meaning" set the number «0» without quotes and click "OK".
    6. Further in the section "services" find the folder "pciide" and after selecting it in the right area of ​​the shell, click on the name of the element "Start". In the window that opens, also change the value to «0» and click "OK".
    7. If you use RAID mode, then in this case you need to perform one more additional step. Move to section "iaStorV" all the same directory "services". Here also go to the element properties "Start" and change the value in the field to «0» , remembering to click after that "OK".
    8. After completing these steps, turn off the computer and replace the motherboard. After making the replacement, go to the BIOS and activate one of the three ATA modes, or simply leave the value at the default settings. Start Windows and install the controller driver and other motherboard drivers.

    Method 2: Setting up the OS after replacing the board

    If you have already reinstalled the motherboard and received a “blue screen” error when activating the system, you should not be upset. To perform the necessary manipulations, you need to have an installation flash drive or Windows 7 CD on hand.

    1. Start your computer from the installation flash drive or CD. In the installer start window, click on the element "System Restore".
    2. Select an item from the list of funds displayed "Command line".
    3. In the opened shell "Command line" enter the command:
    4. The interface familiar to us will be displayed "Registry Editor". Mark the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
    5. Then click on the menu "File" and select an option "Load bush".
    6. In the address bar of the window that opens "Conductor" enter the following path:


      Then click ENTER or click on the arrow icon to the right of the address.

    7. In the directory that appears, find a file without an extension under the name "SYSTEM", mark it and click "Open".
    8. Next, a window will open in which you need to randomly specify any name for the new section. For example, you can name "new". Then click on the button "OK".
    9. Now click on the folder name "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and go to the recently downloaded section.
    10. Then go through the directories one by one "ControlSet001" And "services".
    11. Find the section "msahci" and after selecting it, change the value of the parameter "Start" on «0» the same way as was done when considering Method 1.
    12. Then go to the folder in exactly the same way "pciide" section "services" and change the parameter value "Start" on «0» .
    13. If you use RAID mode, you will need to complete one more step, otherwise just skip it. Go to the catalog "iaStorV" section "services" and change the parameter value in it "Start" from the current version to «0» . As always, don’t forget to click the button after making changes "OK" in the parameter properties window.
    14. Then go back to the root of the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and select the generated section in which the editing was done. In our example it is called "new", but you can have it by any other name.
    15. Next, click on the menu item called "File" and select the option there "Unload bush".
    16. A dialog box will open where you need to click on the button to confirm the unloading of the current section and all its subsections "Yes".
    17. Next close the window "Registry Editor", shell "Command line" and restart your PC. After the standard computer startup, install the hard drive controller drivers for the new motherboard. The system should now activate without a hitch.

    To avoid having to reinstall Windows 7 after replacing the motherboard, you need to make the appropriate OS settings. Moreover, this is done both before replacing the motherboard and after this procedure. In the second case, manipulations are performed in the system registry. And in the first situation, in addition to this option, you can also use the mechanism of preliminary reinstallation of hard disk controller drivers.

    If the system motherboard has been replaced, your operating system may not boot normally. You will see a critical error in the form of a “blue screen of death” (BSoD) on your monitor screen. The usual practice for solving this problem is to reinstall Windows. Many may be surprised, but replacing the motherboard without reinstalling Windows- the problem is solvable and we will provide detailed instructions later in this article.

    The appearance of such a screen means incompatibility of the equipment (controller driver), because the old equipment had a different kind of controller. In this case, you can solve the problem as follows: change the controller driver to the built-in one in Windows. After such a replacement, the system will boot and you can install the driver that comes with the new board.

    Instructions for replacing the board for Windows XP

    First way

    If the board being replaced is intact and it is possible to boot from Windows XP, then in this case it is necessary to install standard drivers for motherboard controllers. Select the required controller, in the properties go to the tab “ Driver"and click on the Update button….

    We refuse to search for a driver on the Internet, click Next >, select “Install from a specified location”, check the radio button next to “Do not search. I’ll choose the right driver myself” and click Next >. According to the list of drivers, you must select “ Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller» and click Next > .

    After the installation of the standard driver is complete, you need to turn off the computer and make a replacement outdated equipment to new. After Windows is fully loaded, install the necessary driver from the included disk drive for the new equipment.

    Second way

    If your motherboard for some reason has stopped functioning and there is no way to log into the system from it, then you need to perform more complex operations. For this method you need installation disk Windows XP.

    In order for Windows XP to boot after installing a new motherboard, you need to do some steps:

    • install new hardware (motherboard);
    • boot from the Windows XP installation disk drive, press Enter to begin the XP installation process.

    To restore an installed OS, you need to select it and press R. The recovery process is very similar to the Windows XP installation process.

    After the recovery process it is necessary install the required drivers for the new board, the rest of the software and personal data of the user will be intact.

    How to change the motherboard for Windows 7

    There are several factors that influence a smooth change of the main board in a Windows 7 computer. Important factors are:

    • motherboard model (differences between motherboards);
    • the need to change the platform (Intel to AMD).

    Preparation stage

    Before starting any manipulations with the computer, it is advisable to do old OS image. This operation is simple and can save a lot of time and nerves in the future. The image is created by the following programs:

    • Paragon Backup & Recovery Free;
    • Norton Ghost;
    • DriveImage XML;
    • Acronis True Image.

    Why does changing the board entail reinstalling the operating system? The most common reason is that the motherboard drivers are not suitable. The most capricious ATA/SATA controller drivers, they do not work with new equipment. To avoid these problems, you simply need to get rid of old drivers that may cause a conflict by removing them from the system.

    Removing old drivers

    Using the program sysprep, we remove information from Windows along with drivers. It is for this reason that it was necessary to make an image of the system. This utility will not affect user settings and other programs. The program runs before connecting the hard drive with the system to the new motherboard.

    To run the program, press the Win + R key combination to open the Run window and enter: C:\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe. Then click OK.

    A utility window will appear on the screen, as shown in the picture, which also shows the necessary settings.

    Then click OK and system cleaning will begin. After the program finishes, the computer will shut down.

    Board replacement process

    After the computer is completely turned off, you need to completely disconnect it from the power supply and change the motherboard or connect a hard drive with Windows 7 OS processed by the utility sysprep.

    The first time you boot the system, you will need to install drivers, so prepare a disk with the software in advance. You will also need to reconfigure regional settings, as they are deleted by the utility.

    When Windows starts, it will ask for a username. It is better to enter a new name and then delete it - this will prevent unnecessary entries in the profile. After the first launch, you will be able to log in with the same settings.

    The system will also ask you to make some more settings, which are usually done after reinstalling the OS. After entering them, the new user’s desktop will load, after which you can delete it and log in under the old name the next time you boot.

    Program sysprep helps replace the motherboard without reinstalling Windows. The only inconvenience is that the activation of the seven will need to be done again. The reason is that the OS binds to the hardware.

    Using the registry (video)