• Installing Yandex Webmaster. Quick start. Yandex Webmaster: pages in search

    Sometimes you need to move a website to a new domain, from a domain with the www prefix to a domain without it, or change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS. The Yandex robot perceives all these cases as different sites. Therefore, the move comes down to combining the old and new site addresses into a group of mirrors.

    In order for a new address to be included in the search results, the robot must identify it as the main mirror of the old domain. This will also allow you to transfer some accumulated indicators from the old site to the new one, for example:

      A link that is located on another site."))"> External links of the old site will be counted as external links of the new one. In this case, in Yandex.Webmaster, on the External links page, the addresses that are listed on the third-party site will be displayed.

      Texts that were added to Yandex.Webmaster on the page Site informationOriginal texts."}}">Original texts of the old site will be counted as texts of the new site.

    Attention. When changing the main mirror, Yandex does not guarantee that the number of site pages in search results, its positions or traffic will be maintained.

    To point the robot to the primary mirror, do the following:

    Step 1. Add the old and new sites to Yandex.Webmaster

    Add the old and new sites to Yandex.Webmaster and confirm rights to manage them. For more information, see the Quick Start section.

    Step 2. Check that the content of the sites matches and they are accessible to the robot

    Make sure that:

      The main content of the sites is the same (text and graphic content, contact information, etc.).

      The old and new addresses are available to the robot:

      • The server response does not exceed 10 seconds and contains an HTTP status code of 200 OK for the new address, and 200 OK or 301 Moved Permanently for the old address.

    Step 3. Set up redirection from the old address to the new one


    Step 4. Use the Site Move tool

    The robot learns about the directions to the main mirror the next time it visits the site. To speed up the accounting of changes, use the Site Move tool:

      Go to Yandex.Webmaster and select the site you want to move from.

      On the page Indexing → Site relocation Submit your application in one of the following ways depending on the type of move:

      • to a new domain or another domain zone - enter a new address in the field or select from the list;

        from HTTP to HTTPS - enable the Add HTTPS option;

        to a domain with the www prefix - enable the Add WWW option;

        to a domain without a prefix - disable the Add WWW option.

    ","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","direction":["top","left"],"alt":"Site address, to which you need to move","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"rect","direction":["top","right "],"alt":"Old site address","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false)]))">

    The main mirror is replaced within a few weeks. To receive notifications about the main mirror change, subscribe to notifications.

    After changing the main mirror, the new site address will begin to participate in the search.

    Questions and answers

    I followed the instructions and indicated the main mirror in Webmaster, but the non-main mirror is still present in the search. Why?

    This happens until similar pages of the main mirror are indexed, even if a redirect was installed on them. After this, the pages will be excluded from search results for several updates of the search databases.

    The pages of the non-main mirror can continue to be stored in the robot's database and displayed in Yandex.Webmaster, but they will not be displayed in search.

    To keep track of search database updates, subscribe to notifications.

    When changing a domain, the number of pages or position decreased

    If the new domain is already recognized as the main mirror, then a noticeable change in the number of site pages in search results, its positions or traffic is allowed. These changes may be observed over the course of several search database updates.

    Why is my relocation application not accepted?

      The site is unavailable or responds with a long delay.

      The content of the sites does not match. Check the correspondence between the addresses of internal pages and their titles.

      The site moves to another domain zone without a redirect.

      Site indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file.

      The application has been sent from the site to which you need to move.

      Internal service error. Try sending your request later.

    Application sent incorrectly

    Select the case in which the application was sent in error:


    Wrong site selected for relocation

    You have changed your mind about moving the site, but the application has already been sent

    If in Yandex.Webmaster on the page Indexing → Site relocation If you chose the wrong site in the list and sent an application, then after a while it will be rejected and the move will not be completed.

    In this case, the application can be processed and the sites will be merged into a group of mirrors - then the application cannot be canceled. Wait until the changes are applied to the search results, and then move to the desired domain.

    Why does the application take so long to process?

    The request to move the site will be completed when the new site address becomes the main mirror and begins to participate in search results. This may take from several weeks to months, depending on the type of move, the speed of crawling sites by the robot, and updating data on mirrors in search results.

    Check the following conditions:

      Both sites are accessible to the robot.

      The old site address redirects with HTTP code 301 to the new one - which will be considered the main mirror.

      The application to move the site to Yandex.Webmaster has been processed.

    If all conditions are met, the data will be updated automatically over time.

    Write to support service

    As a rule, it takes about a month for the changes to appear in search results when changing the website address or the main mirror. If you followed the instructions when moving or posting sites, but the changes were not displayed in the search results, write to support.

    To ensure your question gets to the right specialist faster, specify the topic:


    The site is presented in the search at the wrong address

    The site's domain name has changed

    The HTTP/HTTPS protocol has changed

    The www prefix has been added or removed

    Application for relocation will not be accepted

    Websites don't stay up for a long time

    To work with Webmaster, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have one, register.

    Step 2. Add the site to Webmaster

    Note. You can only add a site with its own domain to Webmaster.

      Click the Add site button.

      In the field, indicate the address of the site where it will participate in the search:

      • via HTTP or HTTPS protocol;

        with or without the www prefix.

      For example, https://www.example.com. The Cyrillic address will be automatically recoded to Punycode. In this case, the encoding of the page URL must match the encoding of the page itself.

    Step 3. Confirm rights to the site

    In the Permissions section, select one of the confirmation methods. To confirm your rights, make changes to the site.

    Note. Adding a site to Webmaster does not guarantee that the site will appear in search results. For information about what is required for a site to appear in search results, see How to add a site to search.

    Write to support service

    To ensure your question gets to the right specialist faster, specify the topic:


    The site is not added due to server settings

    Another question about adding a site

    An error occurred while confirming rights

    My rights have been reset

    How to view information without confirming rights

    Requests for adding a site and confirming rights

    To add a site to Yandex.Webmaster, the server must respond to the main Yandex robot and the Yandex.Webmaster service robot with the HTTP code 200 OK (or redirect to a page that responds with the HTTP code 200 OK).

    as follows .

    DNS record not found

    This error occurred because the required record was not found in your site's DNS. This could happen for the following reasons:

      The DNS information has not yet been updated (this may take some time). Try to confirm your rights the next day.

      A non-txt record was created in DNS;

      A DNS entry was created for another site. The domains http://www.site.ru and site.ru are different from a search engine point of view, so a txt record for each of them is created separately.

    If you do not know how to make a txt record in DNS, contact the support service of the service to which your site is delegated to DNS. For example, this could be a domain name registrar.

    The content of the resulting HTML file is different from the required one

    To confirm rights to manage a site using an HTML file, you must take into account that the contents of the file must be strictly the same as indicated on the service. If the file code contains page design elements, meta tags, or any other additional code, then rights will not be verified.

    If for some reason you cannot create an HTML file with strictly defined content, then you need to check the server settings. Perhaps it automatically adds code when the page is created. In this case, use another method to confirm rights.

    Failed to load home page

    The Yandex.Webmaster service robot was unable to view the main page of your site. This could happen for the following reasons:

      The home page of your site redirects to another page (for example, the /index.html page). In this case, we recommend changing the server settings so that the server responds to the robot with the name Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexWebmaster/2.0; +http://yandex.com/bots) with the HTTP code 200 OK.

      The home page of your site is unavailable. Check if it opens in the browser.

    If there are no redirects from the main page and it opens freely in the browser, but you cannot confirm your rights to manage the site, write to us about it.

    Meta tag not found

    The meta tag, which is necessary to confirm rights to manage the site, must be located in the HTML code of the site's main page, in the head element.

    ... ...

    If you add a meta tag elsewhere on the home page, you won't be able to verify your permissions.

    The WHOIS record does not contain the user's email addresses

    If your website is located in the domain zone.рф or.ru, then the method of verifying rights through WHOIS will not suit you. You can also see such a message if the WHOIS record is not standard (E-mail is located outside the “E-mail” or “Contact” fields).

    When checking rights, the robot received a response other than 200 OK

    When the main Yandex robot or the Yandex.Webmaster service robot accesses documents on your website, the server responds with a code other than 200 OK. Therefore rights cannot be verified.

    Check your server settings. In the logs, Yandex robots are presented as follows.

    It is necessary to configure the server in such a way that when a file is requested, it responds to robots with the HTTP code 200 OK - in this case, the rights to the site in Yandex.Webmaster should be confirmed successfully.

    Errors when delegating rights

    When you delegate rights, the site will not be automatically added to the account of the user to whom rights are delegated. You need to do this manually. After the site is added, delegated rights will be confirmed automatically.

    You also need to take into account that from the point of view of the search engine, the sites https://www.example.com, https://example.com, http://www.example.com and http://example.com are different. Therefore, the site address must be added exactly as it was added by the user who delegates rights.

    By any means. At the same time, the already collected statistics on the site will be saved.

    The information provided on the service is confidential and is intended for site owners or other authorized persons, therefore confirmation is required to manage the site in Yandex.Webmaster. If you do not want to confirm your rights, then you will not be able to use this service.

    Let's look at adding Yandex Webmaster step by step

    Step 1. Add a site to the panel (you must have a login)

    Step 2. Confirm rights to the site.

    Four methods are available:

    • upload the txt file to the root of the site;
    • add a meta tag to the main page;
    • drop the html file to the root of the site;
    • register dns.

    Each site has its own file or meta tag with a unique name.

    Note: the main thing is not to forget that the Yandex panel periodically checks confirmation of rights to the site, so there is no need to delete the file or meta tag.

    Step 3. Configure the Yandex Webmaster panel

    What should you pay attention to first?

    1. Add a site region

    We set the correct region of the site, it is very important for the regional ranking of your site.

    Through the Webmaster panel, you can set only one region, but if your site is accepted for registration in the Yandex.Catalog, then it is possible to specify up to 7 regions that will be displayed.

    2. Add site organization

    Add the address and phone number of the company. If there are representative offices in different regions, then we add all organizations in all regions.

    It is necessary to fill out the organization card correctly and as completely as possible, since it will be used when searching on Yandex. Maps (you can read it here)

    3. Check the robots.txt file for the site

    What interesting things can you find out in the Webmaster panel?

    1. Statistics on search queries from the “reverse side”

    You need to look at the section - “search queries - query history” - this is the history of changes in the ratio of the number of transitions to the site for selected search queries to the total number of transitions.

    From it you can see for each request: For each page of the site you can find out what its status was at the time of building the search database, for example

    • already known to the robot, but not in the index;
    • in the index and ranked;
    • excluded from the index due to...

    Useful when pages fall out of the index for an unknown reason. We recommend writing to support to clarify the reasons with specific examples.

    3. Additional site content.

    For sites of the following types:

    • Original texts;
    • Auto ads;

    Every user of the OpenMall system can add your site to Yandex Webmaster; adding to the webmaster is necessary in order to see how Yandex indexes your site, to see when a search robot last visited your site, which pages were loaded into the webmaster, what place your site occupies in search queries for key phrases and much more.

    In order to add your site to Yandex Webmaster, you need to follow this link https://webmaster.yandex.ru, click the “Login” button and log in using your Yandex mail details. If you don’t yet have a Yandex mail account, create one first.

    Attention! Do not press the “Check” button immediately, but after you add the meta tag in the site settings. How to do this is described below:

    If you have a Standard OpenMall template, then follow the instructions:

    Go to admin.openmall.info to the My Stores - Stores section and click on the “Pencil” next to your site:

    Now, we get into the store settings. We go down below and look for the Settings section and the “Custom code in the header” field - in this field we paste the code that Yandex gave us.

    If you get an error, it means you did something wrong and you need to repeat the procedure.

    If you have a Progress store template- then, after we have copied the code from Yandex, we go to the new Openmall admin panel - http://openmall.biz/admin - and go to the My Sites menu and click on the “Pink Gear” icon:

    We get into the site settings. Find the “Codes” tab - the Custom code field in the header - insert the code from Yandex there and click “Save”.

    Everything should work out.

    Please note that we have shown one of several options for adding a site to the webmaster. You can use another method, instructions for which are on the Yandex Webmaster website.

    Adding a site to Google Webmaster

    Greetings, my dear friend! Today we will tell and show how you can
    Add your site to Yandex Webmaster yourself. Why is this being done? This is done so that Yandex quickly indexes your site and all its new pages, to protect unique content from theft, check the site for errors, and also to further evaluate its effectiveness. SEO promotion .

    So let's get started. We hope you already have a website and you want to see it on the first lines of search engines as soon as possible. Well, then, boldly hit the road!

    We independently add a site to Yandex Webmaster

    To get started, you will need a Yandex account. If not, then just get a work email, it will definitely not be superfluous to you. Go to your mail and select “More”, then in the menu that opens “All services”.

    On the page that opens, scroll down a little and under the letter “B” select the “Webmaster” item.

    After we go to the Webmaster’s page, a wonderful-looking panel opens up in front of us. Click the plus sign at the top right to add a site.

    In the field that opens, enter the address of the site you want to add and click “Add”.

    After this, Yandex will ask you to confirm your rights to the site. We recommend using the first method and placing a meta tag on the site in the code between And .

    When the rights to the site are confirmed, you will be able to study the Yandex Webmaster tools in more detail.

    Basic tools of the Yandex Webmaster panel

    So, let's look at the main Yandex Webmaster tools that will be useful to you at the initial stage of working with the site.


    Site diagnostics.

    Here you will find information about errors on your site, as well as Yandex recommendations for correcting them. By following them, you can significantly increase your position in search results.

    Examples of errors:

    • missing meta tags;
    • no site map;
    • no robots.txt file;
    • long server response;
    • The site region is not specified, and so on.

    If problems are detected, they will be displayed in this tab, below there will be a link to a page with ways to fix it.

    Security and violations.

    Information in this section may indicate:

    • about threats emanating from the site;
    • about violations by the site of the rules of the Yandex search engine.

    Threats. For example, the presence of malicious code on a website that triggers multiple redirects, displays advertising, contains a virus, etc.

    Violations. You can see the entire list of violations in the Webmaster documentation. The most common violations include: doorways (redirect to other sites), low-quality and non-original content, hidden text, cloaking.

    Search queries

    Here you can find information on:

    • request history;
    • latest requests;
    • and recommended queries.

    Let's look at each of the points.

    Request history.

    The section contains information about the number of impressions of the site in search results when users request it, the number of clicks from search results, average display position, average click position and even CTR! By the way, the presence of the site on the search results page that the user opened is considered an impression.

    For example, if your site for the request “website creation” is on the 3rd page of search results, and the user only looked at the 1st and 2nd pages, the site will not be counted as an impression.

    Requests for which you are progressing can be separated into a separate group (favorites) or you can view statistics for each of them separately by simply clicking on it. There are also popular queries (for which your site is most often shown in searches) and trends (the dynamics of site traffic growth relative to competitors).

    Latest requests.

    The section shows queries for which the resource is in the first 50 lines of Yandex search results. Opposite each request, data for the last 7 days is presented: impressions, clicks, position, CTR. If you don't see statistics for the queries you need, you can add them manually. The most important requests for monitoring can be selected as Favorites or a new group can be created by position or topic.

    Click "Create a group" and enter a name.

    Then add queries to it based on filtering conditions (“Add filter”) or upload your queries manually (“Load queries” button).

    Going to the section, click on the “Get recommended queries” button and within a few days you will receive a list of queries that we recommend using Yandex itself to increase search traffic.


    At this setting point, you need to add a Sitemap, as well as specify a region or several (maximum 5) in which the site will be promoted.

    Bypass statistics.

    The tab contains information about the status of site pages obtained as a result of crawling by the Yandex search robot. Viewing crawl statistics allows you to identify problems with loading certain pages or sections of the site ( All pages), and also find out which pages the robot has recently crawled ( Latest changes).

    Statuses that can be obtained as a result of bypass are displayed as a code in the format: 2xx, 3xx and 4xx. Codes starting with the number 2 indicate Success, with the number 3 - a redirect, and with the number 4 - an error.

    Main, which is worth paying attention to so that there are not many pages that respond with an error or redirect. If such a situation does arise, check that your server is operating correctly and that there are no errors on the site pages (for example, a ban on indexing or malicious code).

    Pages in search.

    Logically, the next pages are those that are in Yandex search, that is, those that the robot has bypassed, indexed and shows in search results based on user requests.

    In the section you can find information about the latest changes (deleted and added pages), all pages and excluded pages.

    Here important to keep track so that the most important pages of the site do not disappear from the search - this may happen as an error on the part of Yandex ( this happens extremely rarely), and from website developers (such incidents happen much more often). For example, the url of a page could have been changed, but redirection was not configured; as a result, the site loses traffic and the pages are excluded from the search.

    Site structure.

    Do you want to know how a search engine sees the hierarchy of resource pages? Check out this tab.

    Here you can add your own section. But, if you don’t know why to do this and have never done this before, it’s better not to experiment and leave everything as it is.

    Check URL status.

    To check how any of the site pages respond and whether it is currently in search, go to the “Check URL Status” section. Paste the address of the page you are checking into the text field and click “Check”.

    To get more detailed information, click “Details” on the right.

    Important pages.

    I already wrote above that it is extremely important to track the pages that bring the most visits or are important from a commercial point of view. But logging into Yandex Webmaster every day and checking whether their status has changed is a rather necessary and useless exercise. It is enough to mark the necessary pages as “Important” ( pages can be entered manually or selected from Yandex recommendations) and configure notifications (button at the top right).

    Place a bell next to those items about which changes you would like to immediately receive notification by email.

    Re-crawling pages.

    This is one of the most useful panel tools for webmasters in Yandex. It allows you to speed up the indexing of new or updated website pages. This is what I usually do: as soon as I published an article on the site, I immediately put it on re-crawl. If the topic of the article or news is new, and there are no publications on this topic on the Internet ( yes, this happens too), it may appear in search results within a few hours. In other cases, the indexing process takes several days.

    The limit on re-crawling pages is no more than 20 per day. Copy the URL of the page, paste it into the text field and click “Submit”. Everything is extremely simple.


    From the title it immediately becomes clear why this section is needed. That's right, in order to indicate to the search engine where our sitemap is located. Go in, write a link to your site map and click “Add”.

    Moving the site.

    This section may be useful in the following cases:

    • the site moves to a new url.
    • you connect the https security certificate.
    • It is important to indicate or change the main mirror of the site.

    Each of the above points is a topic for a separate article, which you will also soon be able to find on our blog.


    Internal links.

    External links.

    Here you can also find the TIC of referring sites and data on domain zones. The section is useful in that it displays the links that it sees, and accordingly takes into account Yandex.

    Site information

    Turbo pages.

    If you want Yandex to show users not regular pages when searching from a mobile device, but accelerated ones, the content on which is loaded instantly, then you need to configure this tool.


    Indicating the region is especially relevant for local companies that promote their business within one or several cities or regions.