• What is the difference between legal and illegal smartphones. How to determine if a phone is certified

    According to VTsIOM, the most popular purchase in Russia in 2015 was a smartphone. Most often, mobile devices are replaced due to breakdowns or due to the release of new models (press release No. 3024). Soon you will also go shopping for a new smartphone and will inevitably face the question: buy an expensive certified device or find it cheaper on the gray market.

    Margarita Shilo


    We figured out whether it is possible to distinguish official phone from gray to the eye, whether it is worth overpaying for certification and whether it provides a guarantee of quality. And what does this mean - “Telephone Rostest”?

    What is "Rostest"

    All products that hit the shelves Russian stores must undergo certification. Checks almost everything - from products and children's toys to complex household appliances and car repair services - the Rostest testing center. It is also associated with checking phones.

    In reality, phones tested by Rostest no longer exist. This center has not been certifying mobile devices since the beginning of 2015. And despite the fact that manufacturers continue to paint the Rostest badge on packages, in 2016 this action makes no sense. There are no more growth smartphones.

    Mobile phone certification

    Mandatory certification of mobile devices in Russia was canceled three years ago. But this does not mean that phones are not checked in any way before import.

    Before importing a batch of phones into Russia, the supplier must notify the FSB that the devices contain encryption elements. In parallel, they must pay customs duty - a tax for importing goods. Only after this do mobile phones get across the border.

    All phones imported into Russia must receive a certificate of compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union. It is needed to make sure: the device entered the country legally, it is safe for use and meets the stated characteristics. This means that the software is Russified, there are instructions in Russian, and the device is ready to be repaired at service centers throughout the country.

    Receive such a certificate for each new model and for every update software. If the supplier received a certificate for an iPhone 6 with iOS 8, and then plans to import the same iPhone 6, but with iOS 9, the certification will have to be completed again.

    To obtain such a certificate, the manufacturer or supplier must submit an application and samples of phones and chargers to one of the certification centers. Formally, they should be tested in a special laboratory, but in fact they are simply compared technical specifications on the packaging with those stated by the manufacturer. If they are the same and everything is in order with the documents, a certificate is issued.

    What is a gray phone

    Gray phones are phones that are imported into the country illegally. This means that they did not go through customs, the distributors did not report to the FSB and did not submit the devices for examination. Essentially, this is smuggling.

    A gray phone is not necessarily fake or of poor quality. Physically, it may be no different from the certified one. At least they were made in the same factory by the same people.

    A gray phone is not necessarily fake or of poor quality

    The following scheme often works: the seller buys iPhones at the official Apple store in New York, puts them in a suitcase and imports them into Russia under the guise of personal belongings. He does not pay customs duty and due to this he can sell the phone cheaper.

    On average, in Russia such phones cost 10-20% cheaper than official ones. For example, an iPhone 7 with 32 GB in the official Apple store costs 50,990 rubles, and in online stores the same phone can be found for 10 thousand cheaper.

    If iPhones are imported from Europe, they can even apply for tax free and return VAT. This makes the phone even cheaper.

    What's wrong with the gray phone

    No guarantee. Buying gray phone, the consumer assumes the risks. Manufacturer's warranty in in this case no, which means official service centers may refuse to repair the device. The buyer receives only the store's guarantee. It is unknown whether the store will exist in a month.

    If a store specializes in selling gray devices, it can enter into an agreement with some basement service center, who will repair phones for six months and only if he is constantly reminded of himself. Formally there is a seller's guarantee, but in fact it is a farce.

    Focused on another country. There is a high risk of running into a device linked to a foreign operator cellular communication. To make it suitable for domestic operators, sellers are forced to hack phones - install programs that remove the block on working with “non-native” cellular operators.

    Because of this, errors often occur: the phone may unexpectedly refuse to work with a Russian SIM card or connect to the Internet. Gray iPhones tied to an American operator cannot simply update to new version IOS - you have to wait for hackers to build an “unlock” for it. Moreover, the “unlock” itself could theoretically contain Trojans or viruses.

    The certificate of conformity also does not guarantee that the device will work perfectly. This is due to the verification scheme: a certificate is issued for the entire batch at once; out of a thousand devices, only two will be checked. If some other device has a radio module mixed up at the factory or the antenna is not soldered, it will not work, despite the certification. But at least a certified phone can be repaired or replaced under warranty, but a gray one is not a fact.

    Fake. The gray phone may turn out to be a Chinese clone or even a dummy. There are a lot of such cases, and not only in Russia. For example, in 2014, a UK resident complained that Chinese copy her iPhone exploded next to her child. And on one of the buses in China, a surveillance camera filmed how mobile phone pulled in a woman’s hands when she tried to replace the battery.

    However, not everything is clear here either. Last year, a now-legal iPhone exploded in the pocket of a 12-year-old boy in Saudi Arabia, leaving him with serious burns.

    Possibility of fraud. Gray iPhones can be sold in gray. There are dozens of dubious schemes. For example, selling a smartphone with the Find My iPhone function enabled. A trusting buyer buys a phone, and after some time receives a message: “This phone has been stolen. I know where you are. Give me back the phone or I'll go to the police." After this, the smartphone is blocked. As a rule, the device is quickly returned to the owner, and the deceptive algorithm is launched again.

    They cheat and large online stores. One of the most high-profile cases occurred in 2014. On the eve of the release of the iPhone 6, the Russian online store “S-a-s” offered to buy it in advance for 19,999 rubles, with the official price being 31,990 rubles. The adventure attracted many, some customers even received the device, but at some point the store’s website stopped opening.

    How to distinguish

    Visually identify gray smartphone almost impossible. About 10 years ago, when everyone used push-button phones, the main sign of a fake was the absence of a keyboard in Russian. Now the Russian language is in the phone settings, and both gray and official devices look the same.

    But this can be checked: a phone officially imported into Russia must have instructions in Russian.

    Another alarming sign is the logos of foreign operators on the packaging. If they are, you have a gray phone in front of you.

    If, when you turn on the phone for the first time, it loads Korean or Chinese It's most likely illegal. If the phone is made for international sale, it will first ask you about the language.

    It is believed that you can check whether a phone is original using IMEI - international identifier mobile equipment. However, Samsung experts warn that IMEI check cannot determine whether the device is counterfeit because unique code can be copied from original device. This means that you may again be faced with a fake. Read about it from Samsung.

    You can check the authenticity of a smartphone using the Benchmark and Antutu applications: they will indicate the pedigree of the phone.

    Finally, a gray phone can be determined by its price. If an official supplier sells a 32 GB Samsung Galaxy ES-7 for 50 thousand rubles, and an unknown online store offers it for 38, this is a reason to be wary. On the other hand, nothing prevents an unknown online store from selling a gray phone for 50 thousand.

    What to choose: gray or official

    A gray phone is worth buying only for those who like to tinker with firmware, unlocks and alternative operating systems. These people know what they are doing. When you understand your phone at a hacker level, you can achieve greater performance, customize it however you like, and also save money. Such people will trick anyone you want warranty repair. Buy “gray” if you have such a specialist as a friend.

    For work, buy only the official one. Remember that an unlocked gray phone may be loaded with spyware.


    Gray smartphone

    They will not accept warranty at official service centers.

    If you're unlucky, you'll have to reflash

    If you're really unlucky, you'll get a fake.

    Official smartphone

    Will be accepted at all official service centers

    Always works in Russian cellular networks

    When purchasing a mobile device, it is important to find out whether it meets the established requirements, i.e. Gosstandart. In this regard, mobile phone buyers are interested in how to determine whether a phone is certified or not?

    Every consumer should be aware that a service sticker must be attached to each such product so that the buyer can distinguish a counterfeit phone.

    What is mobile phone certification

    First, let's tell you why you need it. All mobile phones imported into the Russian Federation must comply with an international standard. They must be certified; This also applies to the commercial activities of manufacturing companies.

    For products that have been certified according to GOST, you can obtain customs documentation without any difficulties. Those trading companies that ignore certification risk losing profitable positions in the market. Russian market mobile devices.

    How to determine certification: brief instructions

    Certification information can be obtained by knowing the IMEI code. For example, GSM and UMTS based mobile phones must have this code. It is almost impossible to change it. And upon purchase telephone set you need to check the code on the sticker in the battery compartment with the numbers on the warranty card (the code consists of 15 digits). Information about certification can be obtained via the Internet: the 15-digit code is compared with the combination that appears upon request *#06#.

    If the values ​​match, we determine that the phone is certified and proceed to the next step: on the online resource for checking numbers, enter our code in the line provided. In the Number analysis tools menu option, we analyze IMEI. If the displayed information matches the already known data, this means that you are the owner of the original phone.

    Cell phone certification: legal aspect

    According to the law, it is necessary to register a declaration in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union “Compatibility technical means on electromagnetic parameters" (TCTP 020/2011). This is indicated in paragraph 1 of Art. 3 and in paragraphs 1-2 of Art. 7. All products are assigned a specific code - TS VED TN 8517-12-000-0, which means “Telephones mobile communications For cellular networks or other wireless networks" Only devices with wireless principle communications and are subject to certification within the framework of the following two regulations of the Customs Union:

    • “Electromagnetic compatibility of devices according to the CU TR 020/2011 standard”
    • “Regulations on the safety of low-voltage devices in accordance with the CU TR 004/2011 standard.

    Necessary for chargers to mobile phones. This provision is enshrined in the nomenclatures that were approved by the decision of the Economic Commission of the Eurasian Board No. 91 dated April 24, 2013 for all devices that create electromagnetic interference.

    Quite a profitable option for the joint supply of mobile phones, replacing declaration with certification with cell phones and receive one certificate, which also replaces the declaration. It contains data on compliance with all security requirements for mobile devices and their charging blocks. Replacement is made at will on the basis of the above paragraph 2 of Art. 7 TS TR 020/2011. The headset and covers already fall under other clauses of the law.

    A mobile or cell phone is a portable, compact device used for communication voice communication. This means of communication is practical and affordable, and, therefore, is popular among the Russian population. To control quality and safety during implementation, for of this product a strict algorithm for monitoring and checking for compliance is provided. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 dated December 1, 2009 contains a list of goods subject to mandatory certification. This document establishes that obtaining a certificate for this mobile device is required in mandatory. That is, legal production and sale of goods in this category can only be carried out after passing the conformity confirmation procedure. Therefore, we can conclude that the phone is subject to mandatory certification, and a certificate of conformity is required for it. A certificate is a document that officially confirms the product’s compliance with the requirements and standards applied in the Russian Federation. If you are a seller of mobile devices and you are interested in certification of phones in Russia, contact the Astels Standardization and Expertise Center for advice, our specialists will provide assistance and help you obtain a quality certificate.

    How is mandatory certification of phones carried out in Russia?

    is a complex process consisting of a number of research procedures and tests. It is carried out in specialized accredited centers, such as Astels LLC. For cell phone certification to be successful, the manufacturer or seller submits an application to the certification center, provides documentation upon request and product samples. Then, the center’s experts analyze the documents and conduct all necessary tests in special laboratories. Based on the results of the research, it is determined whether the presented samples comply with the norms and standards in force in Russia. If the product is manufactured in accordance with the requirements, a certificate is issued. If there are shortcomings, they will be stated in the conclusion (protocol) and after they are eliminated, a permit will be issued. When studying mobile devices, properties such as the presence of high quality signal, product safety, electromagnetic compatibility and other indicators (these are the main parameters that are also used when analyzing devices by the European Telephone Certification).

    Nowadays, almost every person has a personal mobile phone or smartphone. But few people have any idea about the principle of their operation, as well as how to choose a reliable and high-quality gadget.

    The principle of operation of mobile phones.

    Each mobile phone has its own serial number. To register on the network, a subscriber number is assigned using a microchip (located in the SIM card).

    The mobile device can operate at a distance of 1.5 kilometers from the nearest tower (station). Transmitter locations
    forms hexagons or as they are called honeycombs (for the similarity of their location map with honey compartments). At the center of the hexagon is base station which is connected to the wired telephone network. It is equipped with equipment that can change the signal frequency in order to establish a connection between subscribers using landline devices and owners of mobile phones.

    The station occupies a relatively small area, up to 3 square meters. In large cities they are usually located on the roofs of houses; in suburban areas they are most often located near the highway for ease of installation and maintenance.

    If a subscriber moves from one coverage area to another, the signal is transmitted from one transmitter to the neighboring one. The transmitter areas are adjacent to each other. IN present moment Everywhere the signal is transmitted in the GSM format, which is a digital encrypted code.

    A way to find a stolen phone.

    Due to the small size and weight of the device, as well as its often high cost (it depends on the quantity and quality of the provided additional functions) he becomes the target of thefts.

    There is a way that will help identify your device even if all personal data is deleted from it and the panel is changed.

    Depending on the type of device, enter the commands: *#06# or *#6#. Most often to modern phones The first code works. After entering, the IMEI will be displayed on the display, which is best written down and stored for emergencies when you need to find your gadget.

    mobile phones.

    On the territory of Russia, trading in mobile devices is impossible without obtaining the appropriate documents. Certification of mobile phones takes place in accordance with the CU regulations on low-voltage compatibility. Due to the operating principle, the devices only need to be tested for compliance with the provisions of this regulation. The fact is that chargers are checked according to the provisions of the regulations on low-voltage equipment, since they directly work with the power supply network. But, since they also interact with the phone, charger adapters are also checked for electromagnetic compatibility.

    Headsets and headphones also receive a declaration of compliance with TR CU 020/2011 standards, and covers for devices are certified in accordance with the regulations “On the safety of light industry products.” This rule also applies to wireless headset or headphones.

    The rules for import and sale on the territory of the Russian Federation are supported by nomenclatures approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission. In April 2013, this commission approved standards for low-voltage equipment, and in January 2014, rules were established for devices that can create electromagnetic interference.

    Since devices are supplied simultaneously, only one certificate is usually issued for them. It confirms compliance with safety standards for both the device and the charger.

    Without receiving all the necessary documents, trading mobile devices on the territory of the Russian Federation is impossible. When purchasing certified equipment, consumers can be confident in its safety.

    Mobile communications are increasingly expanding the range of their application, simultaneously increasing the already considerable dependence of modern man. And with the advent of stable and high-speed mobile Internet the absence of a smartphone is perceived as bad manners. And the once alarming voices about the harm to health from constant wearing mobile gadget now they are not heard at all. However, there is a completely rational explanation for this: certification of smartphones is a serious obstacle on the way to consumers for low-quality products. We will now discuss what documents are needed and how to obtain them.

    Certification of mobile phones is carried out on two legal levels at once. Firstly, this is a declaration to the Ministry of Communications. And, secondly, these are the technical regulations of the Customs Union. The phone itself is subject to regulations establishing standards electromagnetic compatibility(TR. TS 020/2011). According to this regulation, cell phones and smartphones are required to receive . Certification of smartphones and mobile phones according to the requirements of the regulations on the safety of low-voltage equipment (TR TS 004/2011) is not required, since they operate at a voltage of less than 50V. However, the device comes with a device for charging the battery. And now it is already required according to the requirements of TR CU 004/2011, which is issued separately. You can read more about the procedure for confirming the safety of mobile phone chargers.

    Passing the certification proceduremobile phones and smartphones

    Receive a document confirming safety mobile device communication is possible via one of three (1C, 4C and 3C). The first scheme is intended for mass-produced phones; the certificate of conformity is issued to the manufacturer or its representative. 3C and 4C are used to certify a batch of smartphones, and the supplier can obtain the document. A specialist can select a suitable scheme, where the applicant can turn for advice or help. It is important to decide on the scheme in light of the fact that the composition of the package of documents that will need to be collected to submit an application to the certification body depends on it.

    In any case, there is a certain standard set of papers that you definitely need to have on hand. It includes the following documents:

    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
    • operating instructions;
    • copy of the Technical Specifications (if available);
    • contract for the supply of telephones (for imported products);
    • a list of regulations that the device must comply with;
    • act of selecting samples for testing.

    The collected package of documents, along with samples and an application, must be handed over to the specialist of the certification body, in return receiving a receipt. After this, the countdown of the time allotted for certification begins - the mobile phone is at the disposal of experts who will carry out all the necessary tests. In addition to the actual examination of samples, an audit of production facilities is carried out according to the 1C scheme, for which an expert commission travels to the address specified in the application.

    The results of a set of tests are recorded in a protocol, which will become the starting document for making a decision on issuing a certificate of conformity. If, after the certification procedure, a smartphone or mobile phone is considered completely safe, the applicant is issued a document certifying this fact. The validity period of the certificate for serially supplied phones is up to 5 years, and for a one-time batch it is issued indefinitely.