• My interlocutor can’t hear me on Skype - Solving the problem. I can’t hear myself on Skype, what should I do? My interlocutor can’t hear me on Skype: I need help

    This article will touch upon the topic of difficulties in communicating on the Internet. Situations often occur when it is difficult to hear the interlocutor on Skype. There may be several reasons for this. All of them will be discussed below. And our tips can help you when you can’t hear your interlocutor on Skype. First of all, in order to communicate in this program, all necessary equipment must be configured correctly. After all, without it, virtual communication is meaningless.

    I can’t hear my interlocutor on Skype: why?

    You called your friend or acquaintance on Skype, but you can’t make out what he’s saying. This is quite inconvenient and needs to be fixed. First of all, you need to figure out what the problem is, which is why you can’t hear your interlocutor on Skype.

    There may be several reasons. The first is a problem with the device that produces sound (speakers or headphones). The second reason may be a malfunction of the microphone of your interlocutor. And, of course, you won’t get quality communication without a stable connection.

    Speaker problems

    You called your interlocutor: he hears you, and instead of his voice you observe absolute silence. Most likely the problem is with your playback device. Check if the device is connected to a port on the computer.

    If everything is fine with this, remember whether you have drivers installed on your computer. If not, your PC will not play any sounds or music - including the voice of your interlocutor. You can check this by turning on any music on your computer. If you can’t hear it either, try installing drivers for the sound card.

    The reason may also be that the sound is turned off in Skype or on the computer. Go to settings and check. The same thing needs to be done in Skype: select “Tools” in the top panel, click “Settings”. Next, select the “Sound Settings” section. Check that the mixer is not at minimum level and that the correct playback device is selected.

    Problems with the other party's microphone

    If everything is fine with your speakers, the reason why you can’t hear your interlocutor on Skype may well be a problem on his part. It may be that the microphone is not connected correctly. Your interlocutor should check that the microphone is connected correctly and that it is detected by the computer.

    If everything is in order with this, you need to check whether the correct audio transmission device is selected and whether the microphone volume is at the minimum level.

    Your interlocutor will be able to check the operation of his microphone by saying something into it. If the mixer line changes, the device is working. If nothing happens, then most likely the other person's microphone is faulty. This is one of the reasons why you can’t hear your interlocutor on Skype.

    Communication problems

    A common problem with communication on Skype is the quality of communication. If one of the interlocutors has a weak transmission speed, the other will only partially hear him. There may be an intermittent signal or occasional loss of sound. If all these “symptoms” are present, the problem is a communication problem.

    Often the Skype program itself reports that you have insufficient Internet connection speed. In such a situation, the call is terminated. This problem, unfortunately, is the most difficult. Maybe the provider (yours or your interlocutor’s) is carrying out technical work. Or there are temporary problems. And when everything is normal, you will be able to communicate. But if it doesn't stop for a long time, most likely your Internet connection is simply not fast enough. In such a situation, you need to change your provider to get a faster connection.

    In order to properly configure Skype, you need to check the equipment, settings in Windows and in the program itself on both computers - on yours and on the interlocutor’s PC.

    Setting up your computer

    On your part, you need to check whether the built-in speakers, speakers or headphones are working. You need to make sure that the device is properly connected to the computer and that it is turned on. And first you need to find out - does sound work outside of Skype? Just play music or a movie on your PC and if you can hear the sound, then the problem lies somewhere else. If there is no sound, then you need to update the sound drivers. You can install them using the disk that comes with your computer/laptop or download it from the manufacturer’s official website.

    After this, you need to go to the sound settings in Skype (“Tools” - “Settings”) and select the desired device in the “Speakers” line. If there are several of them, experiment. Nearby there is a sound test button, with which you can make sure that the sound is working. After saving the settings, you need to select the Echo / SoundTestService contact and make a test call. The robot will help make sure that the sound really works.

    If everything is fine with your speakers (headphones), then the problem exists in the system of your interlocutor.

    Setting up your interlocutor's computer

    If in your case the problem could be with the speakers, then your interlocutor most likely has a problem with the microphone. He needs to check whether the microphone is securely connected to the computer. It is possible that the device was connected to the wrong connector (the microphone connector is usually located on the rear panel of the system unit and is pink).

    After this, you need to make sure that the microphone is turned on. During a conversation in Skype, there is a button in the conversation window with a picture of a microphone that you can use to turn the device on and off. If this icon is a red crossed out square, it means the person you're talking to has accidentally muted their microphone. To turn it on, you need to press this button again.

    You can check whether the microphone is working in the settings of the program itself (“Tools” - “Settings” - “Sound Settings”). You can also test the device through a test call to the robot.

    If you experience problems such as distorted or interrupted audio during a call, follow these steps: First, you need to exit Skype, then select the “Run” command from the “Start” menu. In the window that appears, enter “%appdata%\Skype” and press Enter. The Skype folder will open, where you need to delete the shared.xml file. After restarting the program, the sound problems should disappear.

    During a conversation on Skype, especially if you have just installed it, sometimes various types of problems arise, both with sound and image.

    It often happens that you hear your interlocutor, but he does not hear you. The causes of such sound problems can be different, and below we will analyze each of them and find out troubleshooting methods.

    Causes and solutions

    There are many reasons why your sound may not work, and now we will look at the main ones in order:

    • The main source of all sorts of problems and malfunctions during a Skype call are problems with the Internet connection. Silence can be one of the factors indicating insufficient quality of the Internet signal. Check the correct Internet connection, whether via a LAN cable or using Wi-Fi on your device, and ask your interlocutor to check, because calls on Skype require two-way or more communication, so both you and your opponent may have problems with the connection . The solution to this problem is to establish an Internet connection;
    • If, after you have made sure that both you and your connection have a good Internet connection, and your opponent continues to not hear you, then most likely you have problems with the microphone through which you are talking. To solve this problem, if you are using a separate external microphone, first check its connection to the device. If this does not help, then later in the article we will discuss methods for solving the problem of a non-working microphone.

    Video: Reasons why sound does not work for incoming calls and messages on Skype

    Skype mutes sounds

    If during the programSkype, it drowns out all other programs open on the computer, this problem can be solved:

    1. in the sound section, which you can access by clicking on the “start” button in the bottom menu of your computer and selecting “control panel”. There, in the “hardware and sound” section, find “sound”;
    2. in the dialog box that opens, you need to find the “Communication” button. After clicking it, you will see a message stating that the Windows operating system may reduce the volume of various sounds when using the computer to talk on the phone;
    3. Next you see a list in which the computer advises how to behave in such cases with the following options:

    If your computer partially or completely drowns out all other sounds during Skype calls, then most likely one of the first three options is active. To prevent Skype from drowning out sounds, simply select the fourth option and activate the circle to the left of the line.

    Quiet sound

    There is also a problem that your Skype interlocutor can hear you perfectly, but you can barely hear him because of the quiet sound.

    There may be several reasons for this problem:

    Can't hear the call

    If you receive a call but cannot hear the ringing sound, there may be several reasons for this:


    If during a conversation in Skype your sound is interrupted and you only hear fragments of the other person’s speech, then first check your Internet connection. Perhaps you or your interlocutor simply have too weak or no Internet signal at all.

    In this case, the first thing you should do is check the source of the Internet distribution:

    • correct connection of the LAN cable to the computer or laptop;
    • the functionality of the router and the connection of the device to it.

    If the Internet connection is working properly, then your interlocutor should check the functionality of his microphone; perhaps he just has problems with the microphone.

    Video: Setting up sound and video in Skype

    Computer sounds are heard

    A problem that often occurs is that when you have some additional sounds turned on on your computer during a conversation on Skype, for example, you are listening to music, and your interlocutor hears all these sounds on his computer or other device. There is a solution to this problem.

    In the sound section, which you can access by clicking on the “start” button in the bottom menu of your computer and selecting “control panel”. There, in the “hardware and sound” section, find “sound”.

    There you will see an active circle opposite one of four points:

    • turn off all other sounds;
    • reduce the volume of other sounds by 80%;
    • reduce the volume of other sounds by 50%;
    • no action required.

    Just make active the first item “turn off all other sounds” and the problem will be solved.

    Photo: remove audible computer sounds

    The interlocutor hears nothing

    If during a conversation in Skype your interlocutor hears absolutely nothing, then here are a few steps that are designed to solve this problem:

    If, nevertheless, the last point is more suitable for your situation, then do not despair, this problem can be solved. In this case, go through the “Start” menu to the “Control Panel” and select the “Audio” tab there, there you will find the “sound recording” item and check the microphone volume level, which should not be lowered to the lower level. Using a Skype test call, check what is causing you to hear an echo, perhaps you have a low-quality microphone that is creating noise.

    Skype microphone not working after update

    If, after updating the version of Skype, your microphone stops working, then most likely your Skype settings have simply gone wrong.

    To return them you need to perform a few simple steps:

    Problems with sound in Skype are always associated either with the settings of the Skype program itself, which is much easier to solve, or the problems lie in the malfunction of your headset or the reluctance of your operating system to work with them. In any case, all these problems are resolved.

    If you can't be heard during a Skype call, then you've come to the right place. With this article, following the steps, you will do something like diagnose your microphone and its settings in order to discover and fix the problem.

    1. Does your voice reach Skype?

    First, let's check whether there really is a problem with the voice, i.e. does it reach Skype through the microphone? For this purpose, log into Skype using your username and password and open the menu Tools -> Options -> Audio Settings. I'll meet you Microphone you will see a drop-down menu with devices, and opposite Volume– microphone strength indicator and slider.

    Leave that window open, grab the microphone and blow on it (or say something). Look at the indicator - it should turn green to some extent. The louder you speak, the more the indicator colors towards the right.

    If the indicator lights up, then everything is in order and most likely the problem is on the other side, i.e. from another user. To be sure, conduct a test conversation and if everything is fine there, write to a person who cannot hear you to read. If, however, the indicator does not color, then there is a problem.

    2. Settings in Skype

    In step two we will change some settings in Skype. While you're still here in the open step 1 window, check to see if the checkbox is checked. Automatically adjust microphone settings. Either install it or move the engine all the way to the right. Now try again while talking on the microphone and see if the indicator lights up. If yes, then save the settings and you are all set, if not, then continue.

    Click on the drop-down menu opposite Microphone and if you have more than one choice, test each device on the list. For each device, check whether it works while you speak, and if you find one that works, save it and the settings. If it doesn’t work with any of the devices, then exit the Skype settings page without saving the changes.

    3. Connecting a microphone

    In step 3, check if the microphone is connected correctly. Look at the back of the computer (or the front, if the connection is coming from there) and see if the pink connector (usually for a microphone it is colored pink) is fully connected. Press it firmly until you hear a click. Also, check if it is connected in the correct place (for the microphone). Usually it is colored pink. If you have both a front and rear microphone slot, try both places.

    If everything is connected correctly, then see if your microphone has a button to connect/turn off/lower the volume and turn it on/increase. The button may be located on a wire somewhere or on the body of the microphone/headphones. After each change, carry out a test in the method already described in step 1.

    4. Windows settings

    4.1. For Windows 7

    If you have Windows 7, click on the start button, then on , then on Hardware and Sound and at the end on Manage Audio Devices. A window opens. Click on it Recording.

    You will see a list of devices. Is there a picture among them for a microphone called Microphone? If not, then right-click on any device and check the boxes (if they are not checked) Show Disabled Devices and on Show Disconnected Devices. You should now see a microphone.

    If the microphone is gray and says Disabled, then right-click on it and select from the menu Enable. This action activates it.

    If it is still allowed, then right-click on it and select Properties. Then in the new window click on Levels. There you will see a small button on the right, through which you can completely turn off the microphone sound. If you have already clicked on it, you will see a red icon in the corner. This is the problem. Click on it to remove it and save the settings.

    Another likely problem is the levels. Microphone or Microphone Boost(underneath) if they are too low. You can increase them if you move the sliders to the right.

    4.2. For Windows XP

    If you have Windows XP, click on the start button and then: or if you have an old menu view - Settings -> Control Panel. After: Sounds, speech and audio devices -> or if you have an old look - right on Sounds and Audio Devices. Follow: Speech-> the button that is under Voice recording under the name Volume... (Volume).

    There are engines for configuring various things. One of them or Mic Volume or Microphone. Maybe there's a checkmark underneath it Mute for a placeholder, but maybe there is another checkbox under the name Select. If clicked on Mute– eliminate it, and if you press Select- put it in. And if the engine itself is low, then increase it, i.e. move up.

    Then click on the bud Setup (Advanced), which is located under the engine. If you don't have one, find it in the top left of the menu under the name Options -> Advanced controls. By clicking on this bud, another window opens, in which there should be a checkmark at the bottom Microphone Boost. It is recommended to install.

    5. Skype version

    The problem may also be caused by incompatibility between different versions of Skype. If all else fails, you and the callers who can't hear you should upgrade to the latest version of Skype.

    6. Others

    If the problem is still not resolved, your microphone may be damaged or your computer may have some more complex hardware or software problem that is not covered in this article. Contact a specialist.

    If you cannot hear the interlocutor when making calls on Skype, you need to look for the reason for such silence. The problem may be with your speaker settings or your friend's microphone may be faulty. The accessory must be adjusted for it to work properly.

    What should I do to properly configure the messenger? To begin with, it is still recommended to check the functionality of the equipment used. Then compare the installations of the Windows operating system and applications on the computers of both subscribers. There are several ways to make sure your interlocutors hear you, and you hear them.

    Sound settings on a personal computer

    If the user cannot hear the interlocutor, or the sound is played very quietly, First, you should check your PC settings. You need to start by figuring out whether this is an application problem or a computer problem.

    To do this, you need to check the functionality of the speakers or headphones used for conversation. It is because of their incorrect application that users often wonder why they can’t hear me. So, the order is as follows:

    1. Make sure your device is connected to your computer and that it is turned on. To do this, you can start playing any audio or video recording. If everything works and sounds are played normally, you need to continue looking for the problem.
    2. If there is no sound, then the installed drivers may be outdated and require updating. You can install them using the disk that comes with your computer/laptop, or download it from the manufacturer’s official website.
    3. Then you need to go to the sound settings directly in the application itself (Tools/Options). In the “Speakers” section, select the headset that will be used.

    Another way to solve the problem of having trouble hearing on Skype is to make a test call. Next to the call button there is a sound test button, with which you can verify the normal functioning of sound reproduction.

    After saving the new settings, the user needs to check them through a test call. To do this you need to call Echo/SoundTestService. The robot will help you make sure that the sound in Skype really works.

    If everything works, the headset is in order, the drivers are updated, but there is still no sound, you need to check the devices of your interlocutor.

    Setting up a friend's computer

    If the problem “I can’t be heard on Skype” occurs not to you, but to a friend, then the problem is most likely related to the operation of his microphone.

    It is necessary that he check the reliability of the microphone connection to the computer. Often, users connect the headset to the wrong terminal (the microphone jack is usually located on the back of the case and is pink).

    Then you need to make sure that the device is turned on. During a conversation, in the center at the bottom of the messenger window there is a button with a picture of a microphone, which can be used to turn the device on or off. If the icon is a red strikethrough square, your partner accidentally disconnected their microphone. To turn it on, you need to press this button again. This is a fairly common reason why you can't hear on Skype.

    Another point is to check that the microphone settings are correct (Tools - Settings - Sound Settings). You can also test the device by calling a robot.

    Other ways

    When any problems occur during a call, such as the sound disappears or my sounds are distorted, follow a few simple steps:

    • sign out of Skype;
    • From the “Start” menu, select “Run”;
    • in the next window you need to enter “%AppData%\Skype” and press Enter. This will take you to Skype where you need to delete the shared.xml file;
    • After restarting Skype there should be no more problems.

    Sometimes it’s enough just to exit the program and log into your profile again. Everything starts working fine after a reboot.

    Below are some more methods to maximize your audio quality:
    1.Use headphones and microphones to eliminate voice echo. Make sure your devices are connected to the correct socket. Try changing the order.

    2.Installing device drivers. After installing device drivers, connect your USB headset before launching the program.

    3.If your voice sounds very quiet, first try moving your microphone a little closer. If moving doesn't help, try the following combination: Tools → Options → Audio Settings, and uncheck Automatically configure microphone settings. The app will no longer automatically set the volume.

    4.Compare your Windows Sound settings with your Skype Audio settings. To find Skype Audio settings, select Tools → Options → Audio Settings. To find Windows Sound settings, select Start → Control Panel → Sound or Sounds and Audio Devices.

    5.Use the latest version of Skype. A problem in the “can’t hear me” category can also be caused by incompatibility between different versions of the program. If all else fails, then you and the subscriber who cannot hear you should switch to the newest version of the messenger.

    6.Check your Internet connection.

    7.If you are using a mobile device, use the app's speed test to check your mobile connection's performance and compliance with Skype's requirements.

    8.Close any applications that may interfere with the call or cause audio loss.

    If none of the methods listed above helps, there may be a problem with the technical component of one of the devices used.

    Skype is an extremely useful service. It allows you to easily and naturally communicate with people located many thousands of kilometers away from each other, send files, organize video conferences and chats. But sometimes the program doesn't work at all the way it's supposed to. For example, you enthusiastically tell your interlocutor something very important, and then, after 20 minutes, you realize that he doesn’t hear anything. The sudden “deafness” of Skype is one of the most common complaints from users, causing them a lot of inconvenience. But it is not at all necessary to contact technical support or call friends who understand the topic: you can try to solve the problem yourself. Believe me, it's much easier than it seems. So, why are we sometimes forced to communicate with an intelligent person, that is, with ourselves?

    Skype is a modern way to communicate with people who are even many thousands of kilometers away from you

    System failure

    It has no logical explanation, is in no way related to user actions, and often disappears after a reboot. Finding the causes of an error is not a pleasant task, so you shouldn’t bother correcting programmers’ mistakes.

    • What to do? Reboot your computer.

    Wrong connector

    The favorite mistake of many users who are confident that Windows itself will figure out where the microphone is and where the speakers are. This is possible on some motherboards, but more often than not, neglecting the rule “speakers - green plug, microphone - pink” will cost you suddenly deafened Skype.

    Correct connection of plugs

    • What to do? Make sure everything is connected correctly.

    A flimsy connector or its contact with the PC sound card is not tight enough

    A dust-covered collection of wires on the back wall of the system unit is a painfully familiar picture. If everything works as it should, they rarely think about it, limiting themselves to occasional vacuuming. Therefore, there is always a risk that the pursuit of purity will cost you an offended contact. And if the microphone is “lucky”, then the interlocutor will not hear you.

    • What to do? Check the contacts from your microphone, headset or webcam.

    Incorrectly set recording device in the system mixer

    The likelihood that Windows will change sound settings without the user's knowledge is quite small, but sometimes it happens. Such “independence” is often characteristic of pirated OS builds, crudely hacked games or viruses.

    • What to do? Go to the Sound control panel applet and in the Recording tab, check which microphone is assigned as the default device. Also make sure that the gain level is set to maximum. To do this, click the “Properties” button, select the “Levels” tab and move the “Microphone” slider all the way to the right.

    Setting the maximum gain level. Checking microphone settings.

    There is an error with the sound of your interlocutor

    • What to do? Call someone else. If you are heard, then you should send a link to this material to the “hero of the occasion”: he will definitely need it.

    Audio interception by a heavy application

    Sometimes programs may require exclusive access to the PC audio subsystem. And if the likelihood that the user will launch a professional audio processing system like Steinberg Cubase 7 is quite small, then it is realistic to find an audio converter utility, a “gluttonous” game, or the same Foobar on an ordinary home PC. As a result, OS resources become busy.

    • What to do? Try unloading all dubious applications, or even better, reboot your computer and start Skype again.

    Incorrect Skype settings

    If you agreed to automatically update Skype, then you cannot completely exclude the possibility of settings being lost after the next update. Also, faulty system patches or particularly sophisticated viruses can delve into the sound settings.

    • What to do? Sequentially select the “Tools” menu, “Settings...” section, “Sound settings...” section. Make sure that the “Microphone” line is the device you are using. It’s also worth looking into “Advanced settings” (the corresponding button is located just below the center of the window) and moving the desired microphone to the very top of the list.

    Checking sound settings

    Select the desired microphone and move it to the very top of the list

    Driver failure

    Theoretically, a microphone does not require a control program, which cannot be said about a sound card. The included drivers will help Windows recognize the standard on-board Realtek, but will fail when installing something more serious. The problem may also be caused by a failure of one of the DirectX libraries.

    • What to do? Update your sound card drivers and DirectX files.

    Serious problem with Windows

    If the registry is filled with all kinds of garbage, and the OS itself has not been reinstalled for several years, then the lack of sound in Skype may be due to a critical system error.

    • What to do? You can, of course, reinstall Windows, but it is better to refrain from such radical steps. But you can boot from one of the many Live-CDs. And if Skype works in the virtual OS, prepare for the worst.

    Physical damage to the microphone

    Such trouble sometimes happens even with products from reputable companies, especially after power surges or during a thunderstorm. But the quality of cheap computer headsets “Made in China” (namely, they are often used for communicating on Skype) is initially quite mediocre. The same goes for standalone desktop microphones and all-in-one webcams.

    • What to do? Try connecting a device that is known to work. If the problem disappears, you will have to go to a computer store or service center. It is also worth connecting the problematic microphone to another computer or laptop.

    A fairly common situation is when, during a conversation on a mobile phone, one of the interlocutors cannot hear the other, which makes both parties nervous, especially if important information needs to be communicated.

    When faced with a similar problem, many people write off their gadget and think about buying a new one, but this is a mistaken action. Basically, when you can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone, it’s not difficult to fix the problem; it all depends on the source of the problem. What methods to use will be discussed in this article.

    When you use a touchscreen mobile phone and cannot hear the other person, the problem may be that your ear unintentionally mutes the microphone. In modern smartphones, especially in the entry-level price category, the proximity sensor may sometimes not work, causing a lot of inconvenience.

    Turn up the volume

    The simplest method is to try to increase the sound level using hardware keys located on the body of the gadget. Only then move on to other options.

    The network is overloaded

    This often happens due to network outages, for example, due to bad weather conditions or other radio interference. Call technical service. support from your operator to ask why cellular service is so poor in your location. If the consultant says that this problem does not come from them, then try removing the SIM card, and then reinserting it and repeat the call.

    Ask to call back

    If you still can’t hear the caller, there is another way to restore sound - it is necessary for your interlocutor to call himself, and for you to pick up the phone. This may work if the reason lies not in mechanical, but in software damage.

    Sometimes you can simply not see and turn off the microphone during a call. This is especially true for modern Android and iOS devices. We turn the microphone back on and in 90% of cases this will correct the situation. If this does not help, then you need to reboot the device and make the call again.

    Technical problems

    All the above tips do not always help, since the reason for the lack of volume may be mechanical in nature. We list the damage that causes the microphone to stop working:

    • Inside the speaker there is a magnetic coil, the turns of which are connected to contacts on the board. One of these turns may break, leading to failure of the part.
    • There are phone models where the speaker is connected to the board via a cable. Such a wire can simply break or come off the connector.
    • It is possible that the track on the microcircuit, which is responsible for supplying power to the microphone and speaker, may be erased.
    • To convert and transmit sounds, a special microcircuit is provided in the design of the device; it can also burn out or be mechanically damaged after a strong impact.
    • The volume button also does not last forever and often breaks when the sound is turned off.

    It is possible to carry out independent repairs of such elements, but only if you have the appropriate knowledge. In other situations, it is better to take mobile phones to a service center to restore the functionality of the microphone.

    Factory reset

    If you have done the manipulations that were noted earlier, but you are still unable to hear your interlocutor on the phone, you can return the cell phone to the factory settings, since the software can sometimes fail. This procedure is performed using the “Settings” menu in the “Backup and Reset” tab. Depending on the modification and brand of the telephone, this item may be called differently. After going to the “Restore and reset” item, click “Reset to factory settings”.

    We would like to warn you that if your smartphone contains any significant information, photographs, audio recordings or video material, first transfer everything you need to an external drive. Thus, after resetting the settings, you can easily return all content to the device and continue to use it.

    The bad news is that if this does not help, then you will need Android firmware for the device, which is described below.

    Important! Don’t forget your accounts (Google, Viber, Skype, mail, etc.), after resetting they will also be deleted, so remember and write down all logins and passwords for them in advance.

    Serious reasons

    An even more radical method of restoring the audibility of the speakers is to flash the gadget, because problems can begin due to a software failure of the OS. To perform such an operation, there are many sites where you yourself can find instructions and the necessary utilities for your smartphone model.

    True, it is important to understand the intricacies of computer wisdom at least at an intermediate level. Otherwise, almost any cell phone repair service specialist will be able to fix this problem. Bring your gadget and say: “During a conversation, I can hear perfectly well, but I can’t.” Then the technician will know where to start diagnosing.

    Ask a question to a virtual expert

    If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

    Type your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


    First of all, you need to correctly and as accurately as possible determine the cause of the malfunction, using all the methods from this article. Since in most cases you can return your phone to full functionality without much effort. If the device is under warranty, then don’t bother, but immediately take it to the service center.


    “The other person can’t hear me on Skype” is a problem that makes voice communication on the Internet both impossible and meaningless. Let's figure out what the problem might be and restore the functionality of the application.

    Why can't I be heard on Skype?

    The main reasons for this failure are as follows:

    1. Something happened to the program settings (probably after an update);
    2. Faulty headset;
    3. Skype is incompatible with your operating system and microphone.

    They can’t hear me on Skype: what should I do?

    To fix the problem you need to check:

    1. Update the messenger version on your device and ask your interlocutor to do the same. Also make sure that the drivers are also updated.
    2. Internet signal quality.
    3. Is the microphone connected properly, is the input working - what if someone accidentally touched something?
    4. Disable programs that may interfere with data transfer. Browsers, games, file hosting services, etc. often conflict with Skype.

    If you have, look at the details about all the ways to diagnose it in our article.

    They can’t hear me when talking on Skype: what else should I check?

    Find Echo/Sound Test Service in your contact list and call the virtual assistant, who will give all the necessary instructions during the conversation. This service is free. You record the message, and the service will play it back. If you hear everything very well, then let your interlocutor now look at his settings. Probably a problem on his part.

    The sound in Skype has disappeared - they can’t hear me: we’ll deal with the microphone

    Both you and your opponent must perform the following actions:

    Another problem often occurs, which we talk about in our other material.

    Problems with sound: go to settings

    It remains to clarify a couple of points:

    In theory, we have now diagnosed everything that is possible. But if the situation has not changed for the better, then it seems:

    Some additional driver is required for the audio headset;

    There is a critical conflict between the OS and an external device, and this problem can only be resolved by a service center.

    Good afternoon, blog readers. Yesterday I was asked a question, what should I do if... Skype can't hear me well, and how to set up a microphone for skype. Today I will answer these questions in this note and help people who asked them. In general, in Skype there is such a jamb with the sound of the microphone and I will tell you why this happens, I will immediately note that if you have some kind of soft IP telephony, then there may be competition for devices, I advise you to use them separately.

    It's hard to hear on Skype

    It often happens that you are hard to hear through Skype, the point is that Skype seems to have a good setting, auto-regulation, which is designed to help the user not bother with microphone settings, and put it all on their shoulders. Microsoft, as always, wanted to do better, but it didn’t work out without a bug. It happens that you have a laptop or a microphone built into the camera, this is where the chaos begins, Skype, with automatic adjustment, tries to minimize the external background, due to which it begins to lower the volume level of the microphone and, as a result, they can’t hear you

    as a result, you start talking louder, again they can’t hear you well, and then you start to get irritated and yell, and if you’re in the office, you also strain your colleagues, preventing them from working. Let's fix this urgently.

    And so you must have Skype installed for your desktop, I told you where to get it and how to install it earlier, check out the link on the left. Open the menu Tools > Settings

    To set up a microphone for Skype, go to the menu item > Sound settings and see the disgusting checkbox, Allow automatic microphone setup, urgently uncheck it.

    As a result, you should have the Allow automatic microphone setup checkbox unchecked and the volume slider set to the maximum position. Because of this daw, there may also be a problem with IP telephony, which can be launched while Skype is running.

    Also, let's make sure that your microphone is at its maximum volume position; to do this, go to > Control Panel.

    Sound icon.

    The settings window will open, go to the recording tab, and double-click on the active microphone on your computer, it is marked with a green checkmark.

    Let's try to figure out why the microphone is quiet on Skype. People encounter this problem quite often; it creates a lot of inconvenience for both the speaker and the person who is simply trying to hear everything. If there are several options for solving a similar problem, I’ll try to sort them all out. However, first of all, you and I must understand what the problem itself is. Initially, you need to find it, and then start correcting it.

    I would like to note that the problem may not only come from a person who is hard of hearing. It is likely that there may be a problem on that side as well. This is very inconvenient, because you will be adjusting your microphone with all your might, while at the same time it will work perfectly. And so, first of all, we’ll tell you how to check whether your microphone is working properly.

    These simple steps will help you understand how other subscribers hear you. If you hear your voice clearly and loudly, everything is fine with you. In this case, the problem is only on the part of the receiving subscriber.
    If everything works well, there is no need to change anything. But there are also more serious problems, for example: why doesn’t Skype see the microphone? In this case, finding a solution is much more difficult, but we will try to do it with you.

    Initially, we check whether Skype sees our microphone.

    1. In Skype, open “Tools” at the top of the screen;
    2. Next, simply click “Settings”;
    3. Here on the left is the “Sound Settings” button, here we go
    4. The first line we can find is the “Microphone” category. It is in it that Skype shows which devices it sees. There are times when a non-existent microphone is selected, you need to select ours and click the save button. If you look here and realize that your microphone is simply not displayed here, let’s solve the problem further.

    Skype itself always displays only working devices. If he simply doesn’t see yours, then the problem is only in the microphone itself, its software, or something happened with the connector.

    Let's check if our microphone works at all.

    If you came here, but your microphone did not appear here, you will need to install special drivers. You can download them without any effort on the Internet. We find a driver that is designed specifically for your microphone and install it. For everything to work perfectly, we perform all the steps written above.
    If installing the driver did not work for you, the problem is only in the hardware. Only a repairman can help you. But don’t worry about carrying it there, because there are usually two connectors, it’s worth checking them all.

    What should I do if my microphone doesn't work on Skype?

    If you have checked, the microphone on the computer works fine, and you can see it on Skype, but it just doesn’t want to work, you need to do the following:

    So we have discussed with you all the possible solutions to this problem. If something doesn’t work out for you or doesn’t work as it should, do all the steps listed in this article again.

    New versions of the famous Skype program appear with enviable regularity. The developers are implementing additional functions that significantly expand the standard capabilities, eliminate detected errors (bugs), and improve the auto-tuning algorithm.

    It may seem that with this order of things, it is enough to download the program, install it on your computer, register in the system, and after launching you can immediately start communicating. Sometimes this actually happens. But most often, users have various questions. One of them is “why can’t they hear me on Skype.” If this happened, then it is quite possible that errors were made during the settings or, which also happens, the user hoped that the program would work “out of the box” and ignored the need to make adjustments. So, today we’ll talk about what to do if you can’t hear on Skype, and also look at the reasons for this.

    The invisible culprit

    Skype cannot work without access to the Internet. When making a call and subsequent communication (audio or video), a stream of digital data is formed. Obviously, its width should not be less than that provided by the equipment. So, you should not try to organize high-quality video communications when connecting to the network via mobile GPRS. It follows that if a user complains that they can’t hear me on Skype, then they need to check the Internet speed. This can be done, for example, on the speedtest website (net). For a simple audio conversation with one interlocutor, 30 kilobits is acceptable with minimal delays (ping). You can also use the built-in tool. To do this, when you are actively connected to your interlocutor, you need to select “Connection quality data” in the lower right corner of the program screen and make sure that the connection meets the minimum requirements.

    Wealth of choice

    Of course, Internet speed is not the only reason why I can’t be heard on Skype. As we already mentioned, sometimes a small adjustment of the parameters can solve the problem. A situation often occurs when the owner of a computer communicated on Skype in audio mode for a long time, without a video camera, and then purchased a modern USB camera. Having discovered that the purchased device had a built-in microphone, he turned off the old one with a toggle switch, without removing the plug from the sound card connector. And after turning it on, the person asks the question “why can’t they hear me on Skype if everything was working yesterday.” The reason is that the system “sees” two microphones, and which of them will be determined by Skype as the main one is unknown. To solve the problem, you need to select “Calls” in the program menu and go to “Sound Settings”. In the window that opens, in the “Microphone” line, you need to select the one that will be used. So, if active is specified, then in the “Volume” line located just below, a slider will be displayed for any sound.


    The volume indicator allows you to visually determine the sensitivity of the microphone. Budget models are characterized by the fact that you can communicate with their help if such a device is located in close proximity to the user (hanging it on the monitor is not an option). However, the problem can be partially solved by using the software amplification function. Often after this the question “why can’t they hear me on Skype” is forgotten. You need to uncheck the automatic microphone setup checkbox and drag the slider towards increase. However, you should not get too carried away, as this can lead to excessive noise in the audio stream. Finally, you should check the relevant driver settings