• What other browser has a translator. How to set up automatic translation in mobile browsers. If the translation doesn't work

    While on various websites, we often come across foreign words and sentences. Sometimes there is a need to visit some foreign resource. And if you do not have proper linguistic training behind you, then certain problems may arise with the perception of the text. The easiest way to translate words and sentences in the browser is to use a built-in or third-party translator.

    In order to translate words, phrases or entire pages, Yandex.Browser users do not need to turn to third-party applications and extensions. The browser already has its own translator built in, which supports a very large number of languages, including not the most popular ones.

    The following translation methods are available in Yandex Browser:

    • Interface translation: main and context menus, buttons, settings and other text elements can be translated into the user-selected language;
    • Selected text translator: the built-in proprietary translator from Yandex translates user-selected words, phrases or entire paragraphs into the language used in the operating system and browser, respectively;
    • Translation of pages: when going to foreign sites or Russian-language sites where there are many unfamiliar words in a foreign language, you can automatically or manually translate the entire page.

    Interface translation

    There are several ways to translate foreign text that appears on various Internet resources. However, if you need to translate Yandex.Browser itself into Russian, that is, buttons, interface and other elements of the web browser, then a translator is not needed here. To change the language of the browser itself, there are two options:

    1. Change the language of your operating system.
    2. By default, Yandex Browser uses the language installed in the OS, and by changing it, you can also change the browser language.

    3. Go to your browser settings and change the language.
    4. If, due to viruses or for other reasons, the language in the browser has changed, or, on the contrary, you want to change it from your native one to another, then do the following:

    Using the built-in translator

    Yandex Browser has two options for translating text: translating individual words and sentences, as well as translating entire web pages.

    Translation of words

    A separate proprietary application built into the browser is responsible for translating individual words and sentences.

    Translation of pages

    Foreign websites can be translated entirely. Typically, the browser will automatically detect the language of the page, and if it is different from the one the web browser is running on, a translation will be offered:

    If the browser does not offer to translate the page, for example, because it is not entirely in a foreign language, then you can always do it yourself.

    If the translation doesn't work

    Usually a translator does not work in two cases.

    You have disabled word translation in settings

    Your browser is running in the same language

    It often happens that the user turns on, for example, the English browser interface, which is why the browser does not offer to translate pages. In this case, you need to change the interface language. How to do this is written at the beginning of this article.

    Using the translator built into Yandex.Browser is very convenient, since it helps not only to learn new words, but also to understand entire articles written in a foreign language and without a professional translation. But you should be prepared for the fact that the quality of the translation will not always be satisfactory. Unfortunately, this is a problem for any existing machine translator, because its role is to help understand the general meaning of the text.

    Tell me, how often do you need to translate a word or even an entire page? This task becomes especially relevant if you are looking for information in a foreign segment of the Internet.

    In this case, it may be necessary to translate not only individual words, but even entire pages.

    If you use the Google Chrome browser, there is a wonderful extension for you that will allow you to master all the languages ​​of the world in an instant. Simply put, you will be able to freely translate from language to language both individual words and entire pages.

    Try downloading the translator for the Google Chrome browser from our website and see for yourself how it works.

    How to translate a single word - translator for Google Chrome browser

    After you install the extension, it will appear in your panel to the right of the address bar. At the same time, a new line “Google Translate” is added to the context menu. When you need to translate one or more words, simply select them with the mouse, right-click and, calling up the context menu, activate the “Google Translator” item.

    This will take you to a page where your text in Russian will be inserted in the text fields on the right and left. To translate, simply select the desired language on the right to which you want to translate the text, and the translation will be performed automatically.

    Download this browser translator and try it yourself. See how easily words and individual sentences are translated.

    Keep in mind that not all words can be translated, but only those that are in the dictionary. If the translated text contains neologisms, words that have a complex structure or are spelled incorrectly, they will not be translated, but transliterated.

    Page translation

    If the entire web page is in a foreign language, translating individual words will be inconvenient. It is much easier to use the whole page translation function.

    To do this, click on the extension button on the Google browser toolbar and select the “Page Translation” link. Once you are at the URL you need to translate, click on this link. You will not leave the address, but a small panel will appear where you can select the language for translation. Select a language and click on the "Translate" button.

    Just? Of course! You need to download this unique browser translator yourself to see for yourself how easy it is to translate entire pages of text.

    Google has implemented a useful feature in its Chrome browser that allows you to translate any text on a website in real time. The program will automatically find all foreign words, translate them into Russian and replace them on the spot. In this case, the font, color and position of the text will be preserved. This feature will be very useful for users who often work with English-language resources. The article provides a guide on how to translate an Internet page using the service in Google Chrome.

    First of all, you will need to specify your native language, if it was not installed automatically, and enable this feature:

    Real time translation

    Now you can try using the service:

    Extension for Google Chrome

    If the standard interface is not to your liking, you can connect a special extension for translation. The connection process is standard for all plugins. Go to Google Store and enter the name “LinguaLeo” in the search field. Click on the “Install” button and wait a while.

    This extension is capable of translating unknown English words. Double-click on the desired word - and the application will provide you with a list of all possible translation options.

    It's no secret that the Internet is constantly globalizing. Users in search of new knowledge, information, and communication are increasingly forced to switch to foreign sites. But not every one of them speaks foreign languages ​​sufficiently to feel free on foreign resources of the World Wide Web. Fortunately, there are solutions to overcome the language problem. Let's find out how to translate a page of a foreign website into Russian in .

    Unfortunately, modern versions of Opera browsers do not have their own built-in translation tools, but there are a huge number of translator extensions that can be installed on Opera. Let's talk about them in more detail.

    In order to install the required extension, go to the browser menu, select the “Extensions” item, and then click on the “Download extensions” inscription.

    After that, we are transferred to the official website of Opera extensions. Here we see a list with the themes of these additions. To enter the section we need, click on the “More” inscription, and in the list that appears, select the “Translation” item.

    We find ourselves in a section where a large number of extensions for Opera are presented, specializing in translation. You can use any of them to your taste.

    Let's look at how to translate a page with text in a foreign language using the popular Translator add-on as an example. To do this, go to the corresponding page in the “Translation” section.

    Click on the green “Add to Opera” button.

    The installation process of the add-on begins.

    After the installation is successfully completed, the “Installed” message appears on the button located on the site, and the Translator extension icon appears on the browser toolbar.

    In the same way, you can install any other add-on to Opera that performs the functions of a translator.

    Now let's look at the nuances of working with the Translator extension. In order to set up a translator in Opera, click on its icon on the toolbar, and in the window that opens, go to “Settings”.

    After this, we go to the page where you can make more precise settings for the add-on. Here you can specify which language the text will be translated from and into. By default, auto detection is set. It is best to leave this setting unchanged. In the settings, you can change the location of the “Translate” button in the add-on window, specify the maximum number of language pairs used, and make some other configuration changes.

    In order to translate a page in a foreign language, click on the Translator icon on the toolbar, and then click on the inscription “Translate active page”.

    We are redirected to a new window, where the page will already be completely translated.

    There is another way to translate web pages. You can use it even without being specifically on the page you want to translate. To do this, open the add-on in the same way as the previous time, by clicking on its icon. Then, in the upper part of the form of the window that opens, insert the address of the Internet page that needs to be translated. After that, click on the “Translate” button.

    We are again redirected to a new tab with an already translated page.

    In the translator window you can also select the service with which the translation will be carried out. This could be Google, Bing, Promt, Babylon, Pragma or Urban.

    Previously, it was also possible to organize automatic translation of web pages using the Translate extension. But at the moment, unfortunately, it is not supported by the developer and is now unavailable on the official Opera add-ons website.

    Good afternoon everyone. When searching for some information on the Internet, we mainly use search engines. They respond to our requests and display the results. Most of the sites offered will be in Russian. It is very rare to see a portal in a foreign language listed in search results.

    But sometimes there are cases when you followed a link in some article or your friends recommended some interesting resource to you, you go and end up, for example, on an English-language site. In this case, how to translate the site into Russian? If you speak English, then everything is fine. You can familiarize yourself and read the information located on the site. And if your knowledge is not enough to understand what the site page is about, then you can use online translation. Both Yandex and Google have similar functions. Let's start with Google.

    Translation of website and text using Google.

    To quickly translate a website, I recommend using the Google Chrome browser, since the browser itself already has a website translation function. Initially, it is enabled. But to check, go to your browser settings at chrome://settings/ and see if the checkbox is checked Offer page translations»

    Now we open, for example, the channel website NationalGeographic(//www.nationalgeographic.com). As you can see, everything is in English. When you open such sites, the browser itself automatically suggests translating the site. This notification appears as usual in the upper right corner of the browser. If there is no such notification, we may ask the browser to translate the site. To do this, click on the translation icon on the right in the address bar

    A notification appears: Translate page? You can agree or refuse. If you click on the small arrow to the right of “No”, you can set additional translation options for this site. Basic parameters can be configured by clicking on the link " Options»

    Here you can specify which language the page should be translated into and check the “Always translate” checkbox. In this case, the browser will translate all pages in English automatically.

    To translate the page just click " Translate" The page will be translated into Russian.

    It is worth noting that the translation will be incomplete and fluent. And even if he is unprofessional, the meaning can be understood. When you hover over a word, sentence, paragraph of text, the original text will be shown. When you go to other pages, everything will be automatically translated after they are fully loaded. To return to the original state of the site, click in the top notification “ Show original».

    Online Google translator

    If you just need to translate text or a paragraph from a website, then you can use the Google translator online service - https://translate.google.ru/

    Go to this page and enter a piece of text in the left field, for example, from the National Geographic website

    And immediately simultaneous translation will appear in the right field. Thanks to the top bar above the right margin, you can set a different translation language. If you hover over any translated word, the original word will be highlighted on the left. This word can be replaced with another translation option. To do this, click on it and select another word from the list.

    Yandex translator of texts and websites.

    The Yandex service has something similar. Thanks to it, you can also translate text and websites. To do this, go to the service page - https://translate.yandex.ru

    There are translation links at the top of the screen TEXT a (default) (1) and site. The translation of the text has many similarities from the Google service. There are also 2 fields - one contains the original, the translation on the right. To change the translation language, click on the word RUSSIAN (2) and select another language. The panel (3) for saving, copying, and speaking text is very similar. Also, when you select a translation word, the original word is highlighted.

    Now let's translate the site. To do this, click on WEBSITE and indicate the site address.

    And press the button "

    Now we can read and view the resource. And even if the translation is not always perfect, it is still possible to understand. When you go to the next pages of the site, they will be automatically translated. Also, when you hover your mouse over the text, the original text is shown.

    Use the browser extension to translate the site into Russian - ImTranslator.

    This is how you can easily and quickly view a foreign website without knowing the language thanks to the above services.

    That's all. See you soon and have a great time!

    The desire for power is as inherent in man as the admiration of power over oneself. The first property makes us tyrants, the second - slaves.