• An error occurred in the android update server application. Why does an authentication error occur when connecting to wifi on Android? What to do and how to deal with it? Incorrect password

    New updates to Windows constantly create some problems. Thus, remote desktop users are more likely to encounter RDP authentication errors. Update number KB4103718 and subsequent versions are not stable on many computers. The RDP address is blocked without the ability to work with its settings and the error message “RDP authentication failed” appears and the remote desktop connection failed.

    Uninstalling updates

    The temporary and obvious solution is to roll back to a previous version of Windows. It is necessary to completely uninstall all software that comes with the update. The only drawback is the temporary fix to the problem with RDP, because there are no guarantees that subsequent announced improvements to Windows will work more correctly. Although if this situation suits you, working without updates, then you can stop at this point.

    Cumulative Updates

    If this definition is new to you, then a minor history lesson is in order. Relatively recently, Microsoft abandoned fragment patches for their Windows operating systems. There are no longer weekly downloads. Instead, they offer a system of updates in accumulation mode. Cumulative updates will contain software developed over a whole month, which also means downloading only 12 times a year.

    This is kind of a huge patch. If you have an “RDP authentication error” after a minor update of only one module, then roll back and install a large-scale version of it. Globally update your OS from official Microsoft sources.

    Disable NLA

    You will need to disable Network Level Authentication. This is done through the “Remote Access” menu, which you will find in the system properties. You must check the box or dot next to the following category: “Allow connections only from computers...”. Depending on the Windows version, the content may vary slightly. Focus on the bottom of your window. The required command is located at the very bottom and has a sub-item.

    An alternative option is to disable authentication at the NLA level.

    1. We begin our journey into the depths of the PC with computer configurations.
    2. Next, go to “Administrative Templates”.
    3. “Windows Components” will allow you to find such an important path as “Remote Desktop Services”.
    4. Let's continue moving and now we will find the “Remote Desktop Session Host”. The last stage of the search is “Security”.
    5. When the destination directory is found, in the middle window we disable the following service “Require user authentication...”. Again, you need to navigate according to the latest insert - on many OSes the required service is the latest.

    Immediately rising a little higher, we notice an item called “Require the use of special...”. He is very important. It is necessary to set the correct security level. We transfer the value to the desired RDP server.

    Be sure to restart the system - without this step, the changes made will not take effect.


    Perhaps not all the methods described in the article will help you fix the “RDP authentication error”. If you find a method that helped you, use the comment form below and provide a link to the source or describe a solution to the problem and we will add it to our article.
    Rather, this is a temporary bug that will go away on its own after updating the Windows version with the next update.

    Owners of mobile gadgets, when trying to connect to Wi-Fi-based wireless networks, sometimes encounter the problem that for unknown reasons the device writes: “An authentication error has occurred.” Also, sometimes messages may appear about the message “Obtaining an IP address” constantly “hanging” on the screen, etc. How to fix such problems will be shown below. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that mobile devices are not always directly related to the occurrence of such troubles, and the root cause lies in incorrectly set router parameters. Next, we'll look at troubleshooting for home users, rather than for open networks that might be available in, say, cafes, restaurants or airports.

    An authentication error occurred: what do you mean?

    In general, the appearance of such a message indicates that when connecting to a wireless network, it was impossible to control (compare) the access key entered by the user with the one set for the network on the router. But this is far from the main reason.

    Samsung devices or some other devices may also issue a message that an authentication error has occurred due to the fact that the information encoding (encryption) systems may not match in the same way. As is known, this technique is used to prevent attackers from gaining access to transmitted and received information in order to use it for their own interests.

    Finally, the most common situation of a failure notifying the user that an authentication error occurred during connection may be associated with a weak signal (the capabilities of routers are limited mainly by a range of about 100-300 meters in line of sight).

    Based on the above, we will take appropriate measures, but only in relation to home conditions.

    What should I do if there is a WiFi authentication error in the first place?

    So, the very first thing that is usually recommended to do in such situations is to completely reboot all used devices that are somehow connected to the network (routers, phones and tablets). If there is a weak signal, simply move closer to the router and check the connection.

    Correctly entering the password and changing it on the router

    Quite often, a message indicating that a WiFi authentication error has occurred, Samsung devices or any other devices can also appear due to the usual carelessness of a user who entered an incorrect password to access the network.

    In this case, it is recommended to check the combination installed on the router and, if necessary, change it. To do this, log into the router interface using any web browser installed on a Windows system and go to the security password or encryption key line. After viewing, enter the correct combination on your mobile device.

    If you need to change your password, first do so on your router and save the changes, then enter the changed password on your phone or tablet to connect to the network.

    Note: you can find out the router address on the plate on the back of the device.

    To view the password on a mobile device, use the connection settings, long press on the Wi-Fi line to go to the settings, select change network and check the box to show the password.

    Changing the encryption standard

    If the mobile device again reports that an authentication error occurred, compare the encryption types installed on the router and the mobile device.

    In the router settings, refer to the corresponding line and set the authentication type to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (Personal), and use the AES option for encryption. After this, on your mobile device, long press on the connection name, and then select delete network in the settings. After identifying available networks, find your connection and try to connect again.

    Wi-Fi channel selection

    If after this a notification appears indicating that an authentication error has occurred, you will have to move on to more drastic settings, which are made exclusively on the router.

    Log in to the router's web interface, as shown above, and go to the wireless network settings section (if the interface is not Russified, this is usually the Wireless menu). First, make sure that the region is set correctly, then from the drop-down list in the channel line (Chanel), alternately select one of the eleven present. Perhaps the connection will return to normal on one of them.

    Changing Wi-Fi mode

    Finally, if this doesn't help and the Authentication Error message appears again, take note of the Wi-Fi mode you've set.

    To solve the problem, in the Mode selection line, set the mixed type to 11b/g or 11b/g/n with the maximum data transfer rate, for example, 300 Mbit/s.

    What to do if nothing helps?

    Now let's see what can be done if none of the proposed solutions have a positive effect. In most cases, it all comes down to performing a full reset.

    First, perform the following actions on the router, using the appropriate section for this. After the reset, use the information you received from your ISP and set up your wireless connection again.

    Then, in the wireless connection settings on your mobile device, delete the connection you are using and confirm the “Forget this network” option. Reboot your device and connect again. If this does not work, reset the settings to factory settings on this device as well. But in most cases, such actions are not required on a mobile device. If this is still the problem, remember that personal data will be destroyed along with other information, so take care of creating a backup copy in advance by saving it on a removable memory card or on your computer (for a PC you can use even the simplest utilities like MyPhoneExplorer ).

    Instead of a total

    These are the main causes and methods for eliminating failures of this kind. If a similar situation occurs when trying to access open networks away from home, there is nothing left to do but contact the network administrator. At least they will definitely give you the correct password to log in. Sometimes, however, it happens that when visiting the same establishment, these network accesses on the mobile gadget are saved automatically. If things don't work, the same security key may have been changed. Delete the existing connection, connect again and enter a new password (or use the change password for an existing connection, as shown in the material above).

    It remains to add that most often the router settings do not need to be changed (only in the most extreme cases), since in most cases the root cause of such a problem is the banal inattention of the owner of the phone or tablet, who is trying to enter incorrect data. But with Samsung equipment, the problem can actually be observed, since some devices by default use a different type of encryption than the standard one, which is why there is a discrepancy.

    Many users of Chinese-made Android often experience various types of errors. One of the most common is “An error occurred in the Settings application.” This failure is not entirely standard, as in some cases it can block access to the device settings menu. Let's figure out how to fix this problem.

    Reasons for failure

    Most often, the problem appears on smartphones and tablets that still have outdated OSs frozen somewhere in versions 4.2.2, 4.4.2, 4.4.4. Versions 5.1 (and higher) and 6.0 (and higher) are more stable in this regard. As such, there can be many reasons for the bug. The application is installed crookedly, contains broken files and crashes. A global bug in the firmware, due to which you will not be able to launch system processes and programs (camera, battery, calendar, phone book, etc.). We should also talk about virus activity on Android and the presence of garbage (residual files) in it.

    Error in the Settings application on Android

    Depending on the device model and operating system version, the message may differ. For example, on Samsung and Sony it displays the message “Settings application has stopped”, and Chinese models may display “Unfortunately, Settings has stopped”.

    Fixing Settings glitch in Android

    In any case, to solve the bug, you need to perform a series of cleanups and reset some services on the system. Select from the list of tips the situation that best suits you. To begin with, you need to take simple steps, sort of half measures.

    Before all actions, I recommend checking your device for viruses, use the latest versions of antiviruses (Dr.Web, AVG, Kaspersky, ESET, etc.). Also use the system cleaning tool – cache and junk files. In new versions of the OS, there is a built-in option for cleaning, or you can download special software - Master Cleaner, for example.


    These steps should help resolve the error with the Settings app. As a last resort, if it is not possible to fix the bug at all, then you will need flash the device. Perhaps you are faced with broken firmware that will constantly crash and need to be replaced. If there are nuances in your case, write about them in the comments, we will try to help.

    After installing update KB4103718 on my Windows 7 computer, I cannot remotely connect to a server running Windows Server 2012 R2 via RDP. After I specify the RDP server address in the mstsc.exe client window and click “Connect”, the error appears:

    Remote Desktop Connection

    An authentication error occurred.

    The specified function is not supported.
    Remote computer: computername

    After I uninstalled the KB4103718 update and rebooted the computer, the RDP connection began to work fine. If I understand correctly, this is only a temporary workaround, next month a new cumulative update package will arrive and the error will return? Can you recommend anything?


    You are absolutely right that it is pointless to solve the problem, because you thereby expose your computer to the risk of exploitation of various vulnerabilities that are covered by patches in this update.

    You are not alone in your problem. This error can appear on any Windows or Windows Server operating system (not just Windows 7). For users of the English version of Windows 10, when trying to connect to an RDP/RDS server, a similar error looks like this:

    An authentication error has occurred.

    The function requested is not supported.

    Remote computer: computername

    The RDP error “An authentication error has occurred” may also appear when trying to launch RemoteApp applications.

    Why is this happening? The fact is that your computer has the latest security updates (released after May 2018), which correct a serious vulnerability in the CredSSP (Credential Security Support Provider) protocol used for authentication on RDP servers (CVE-2018-0886) (I recommend read the article). However, on the side of the RDP / RDS server to which you connect from your computer, these updates are not installed, and the NLA (Network Level Authentication) protocol is enabled for RDP access. The NLA protocol uses CredSSP mechanisms to pre-authenticate users via TLS/SSL or Kerberos. Your computer, due to the new security settings introduced by the update you installed, simply blocks connection to a remote computer that uses a vulnerable version of CredSSP.

    What can you do to fix this error and connect to your RDP server?

    1. Most correct The way to solve the problem is to install the latest Windows security updates on the computer/server to which you connect via RDP;
    2. Temporary method 1 . You can disable Network Level Authentication (NLA) on the RDP server side (described below);
    3. Temporary method 2 . You can, on the client side, allow connections to RDP servers with an insecure version of CredSSP, as described in the article linked above. To do this you need to change the registry key AllowEncryptionOracle(REG ADD command
      HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\CredSSP\Parameters /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2) or change local policy settings Encryption Oracle Remediation/ Fix encryption oracle vulnerability), setting its value = Vulnerable / Leave vulnerability).

      This is the only way to access a remote server via RDP if you do not have the ability to log into the server locally (via the ILO console, virtual machine, cloud interface, etc.). In this mode, you will be able to connect to a remote server and install security updates, thus moving to the recommended method 1. After updating the server, do not forget to disable the policy or return the key value AllowEncryptionOracle = 0: REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\CredSSP\Parameters /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 0

    Disabling NLA for RDP on Windows

    If NLA is enabled on the side of the RDP server you are connecting to, this means that CredSPP is used to pre-authenticate the RDP user. You can disable Network Level Authentication in the system properties on the tab Remote access(Remote) , unchecking the “Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)” checkbox (Windows 10 / Windows 8).

    In Windows 7 this option is called differently. On the tab Remote access you need to select the option " Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (dangerous)/ Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)".

    You can also disable Network Level Authentication (NLA) using the Local Group Policy Editor - gpedit.msc(in Windows 10 Home, the gpedit.msc policy editor can be launched) or using the domain policy management console - GPMC.msc. To do this, go to the section Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> ComponentsWindows–> Remote Desktop Services – Remote Desktop Session Host –> Security(Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Remote Desktop Services – Remote Desktop Session Host –> Security), turn off policy (Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication).

    Also needed in politics " Require a special level of security for remote RDP connections» (Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections) select Security Layer - RDP.

    To apply the new RDP settings, you need to update the policies (gpupdate /force) or restart the computer. After this, you should successfully connect to the remote desktop server.

    If an error occurs in the Google Play Services application, you can fix it by resetting the cache, adding your Google profile again, or reinstalling updates. These are general troubleshooting methods, but depending on the error number, other methods may be needed.

    Bug fix

    So, an error occurred in the “Google Play Services” application, let’s see how to fix it and return Android to a normal, working state.

    1. Reboot your device. This simple recommendation helps eliminate some system failures without unnecessary hassle.
    2. Make sure that your mobile traffic has not run out, your Wi-Fi connection is stable, and there are no connection problems.
    3. Launch Play Market, find the Google Services application, open its page and click Update. The firmware will be updated to the latest version.

    If these measures did not help resolve the problem, you will have to do a little digging in the phone’s settings and work with the cache and application updates, as well as your Google profile.

    Reset cache

    The cache stores data to quickly launch the application. Sometimes, along with the “correct” data, there may be incorrect information that will interfere with the launch, causing an error. Let's fix this flaw:

    1. Go to settings, open the “Applications” section
    2. Go to the “All” tab, find Google Services.
    3. Open the program page, click “Stop”, then “Clear cache”.
    4. Repeat the operation for the Google Services Framework application.

    After clearing the cache of these two programs, reboot and make sure that you were able to fix the problem that was preventing you from using your mobile device normally.

    Re-adding a profile

    If nothing has changed after clearing the cache, try adding your Google account again.

    1. Open settings and find the “Account” field (or the “Accounts” section).
    2. Find the Google profile you are using and open its synchronization settings.
    3. Call up the additional menu and select “Delete”.

    After deleting your account, restart your device, open settings and in the “Accounts” field, click “Add”. Select your Google account and enter your email and password for your existing profile or create a new account.

    Reinstalling updates

    Another way to fix the error is to uninstall the Services updates and then install them again. The "Uninstall updates" button is disabled by default, but this is easy to fix:

    1. Open the "Security" section.
    2. Go to the “Device Administrators” submenu.
    3. Uncheck the box next to “Remote control”.
    4. Confirm deactivation of the function by clicking “Disable”.

    After disabling the “Administrator”, you can go to the “Applications” section, open additional Services settings and uninstall updates. Be sure to reboot to save your changes.

    To reinstall updates, launch any built-in application. It will not open immediately, but will prompt you to install Google Services updates first. Agree with the installation and wait until the procedure is completed.

    Reset settings

    If the above methods do not solve the problem, use extreme measures - reset the settings.

    1. Open the "Backup and Reset" section.
    2. Select Reset Settings. Not network, but all Android settings.

    Please note that on Android, resetting the settings also means deleting user data from the internal memory of the device. Therefore, to avoid losing important information, make a backup copy before resetting your settings.

    Correcting errors by numbers

    Almost all Android errors have a serial number, with which you can find out why the problem occurred and what to do to fix it. As a rule, to fix errors in the Google Play Service, it is enough to use one of the methods listed above, but sometimes you have to look for other ways to solve the problem.

    Error 24

    A failure with this number occurs when the application is reinstalled, when its data overlaps with information about the previously installed application. To fix this problem, you need Root rights and the Root Explorer program, through which you can get to the sdcard/android/data directory and delete unnecessary application files.

    Error 101

    Message number 101 appears due to lack of space on the device. To fix the problem, clear your memory, delete the Play Store and Google Play Services program cache. Clearing the cache in Services also corrects errors with numbers 413, 491, 492, 495, 504, 911, 919, 920, 921, 923, 941-942.

    In some cases, in addition to clearing the cache, you need to add reinstalling your Google account, turning Wi-Fi off and on, uninstalling Google Service and Play Market updates, and resetting your settings.