• VKontakte verification - how to pass it (instructions). Verification in VK. Put a tick on VKontakte forever

    A check mark next to your user name on the VKontakte social network will help you stand out among others. But this function is not available to everyone. This simple designation is called verification and is a check by the administration of the social network of the account for authenticity and compliance with the person to whom it belongs. To receive it, you need to meet the requirements of the administration.

    We get a VKontakte checkmark - if you are an ordinary user

    Don’t be upset if you are not a famous person; even an ordinary user can get a tick from the administration of the social network. But to successfully pass verification you must meet the following requirements:

    • blank account page. Your page should not contain rude statements, obscene language or any kind of spam. Moderate the page and you won't miss spam. It’s best to close comments on your posts;
    • constantly updating the page. If you log into a social network once a year, you won’t get a tick. Be active;
    • interesting information on the page. Add interesting news from your life, photos, videos and attract many subscribers;
    • all items on the page have been completed by you in good faith;
    • There are fewer friends on the page than subscribers. Twenty thousand friends and 10 subscribers will arouse suspicion among the administration.

    If everything on your page complies with the above rules, contact the administration of the social network. Submit a request for verification of your desire to receive the coveted tick from the support service. Your application will be reviewed and it is quite possible that the desired designation will appear on the page.

    We get a VKontakte checkmark - if you are a famous person

    It is very easy for famous people to obtain this designation. Look at the pages of various celebrities and politicians - you will see checkmarks next to their names. Hover your mouse over the icon and information appears that this is a verified page of a real person. VKontakte administrators provided criteria that determine user fame:

    • Wikipedia has an article about a specific person;
    • the celebrity is written about in the media;
    • the presence of a famous personality is felt in popular places on the Internet - entertainment portals, video hosting sites and much more.

    But even if you are a famous politician or singer, and you don’t keep your page clean, the administration won’t check the box.

    Check the box on VKontakte - verification rules for communities

    If you want to check a box on the page of your official group to increase the level of popularity of the brand, then the administration of the social network gives preference to well-known communities. Promotion of a verified VKontakte group occurs faster. To receive the coveted tick on the community page, the following requirements exist:

    • in your group everything is as open as possible. Any user must become a member of the community without any obstacles;
    • the name of the group and your brand are the same;
    • unique content is regularly updated;
    • you clearly control the community wall and monitor the comments written by group members;
    • your company is known and mentioned in federal publications and on the Internet;
    • There are at least ten fake groups for your brand on social networks with at least five thousand members. Of course, this requirement is strange. But if you want to differentiate your real community from the scammers, a checkmark is essential.

    Please note that after receiving a checkmark, you will not be able to transfer the community to another company without approval from the administration of the social network. It is also prohibited to change the theme.

    A checkmark will not bring you any privileges on the social network. This is a simple sign of confirmation of the reality of the individual. The designation became necessary because many scammers have appeared on the Internet, posing as famous people and companies acting on behalf of real companies.

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    About a year ago, the page and group verification (confirmation) service became available to users. This service allows you to distinguish real stars from fakes.

    At one time, many fake pages were created on social networks. It was not so easy to distinguish the page of a real star from a fake one. Fans found dozens of Kirkorovs, Galkins, and Pugachevs. Moreover, on all profiles there were photographs of stars. How to distinguish where the real star is and where its copies are?

    You won’t be able to confirm your identity by calling the phone, but how can you officially confirm your VKontakte page? First you need to collect all the documents confirming your identity, popularity, and activity.

    Then submit an official application to the VKontakte administration for consideration, along with a package of documents - a scan of your passport, screenshots, links to your website, profiles on other social networks, video interviews, Wikipedia, and a link to your profile and group (community).

    After reviewing your application, it will either be rejected or approved and a check mark will be placed to the right of your avatar. It is possible that you will be asked to come to the office with documents in person if there is any doubt that the documents provided belong to you.

    Today I will tell you in detail how to confirm a page on VK, that is, get the coveted checkmark on the right, confirming that you are a mega popular and public person, real, living, active.

    Verification of personal VKontakte page

    Checking a page for authenticity and compliance with a person is called verification.

    You can distinguish pages that have successfully passed verification by the presence of a checkmark on the right next to the user name (or next to the community name).

    VKontakte verification was created so that users could easily find their idol among all available copies.

    Please note that only famous personalities and successful organizations, that is, brands, can confirm their page.

    Very often, ordinary users want to check the box next to their last name. But they don’t understand why they need it. A checkmark does not provide any additional benefits.

    Quicker. on the contrary, new obligations appear. Users who have passed verification need to efficiently administer and maintain their page. Delete spam and obscene comments, and also be active regularly.
    Parameters required to pass verification:

    • User fame;

    Only famous people are verified. You can understand which category you and your communities belong to using the following criteria: activity in other groups, citations in the media, article on Wikipedia.

    • Cleanliness of the page;

    VKontakte tries to protect its users from spam and fraud. The service filters cannot cope on their own and all comments must be checked manually.

    If you cannot hire a moderator or control the posts yourself, close commenting on posts on your page.

    • Owner activity.

    In order to successfully pass verification, the user must be active and have more subscribers than friends.

    Fill out your profile in as much detail as possible, post photos, and update your posts regularly.

    People who have gained a huge number of friends can transfer them to subscriber status.

    Please note that meeting all parameters does not guarantee successful verification. The VKontakte administration has the ability to reject requests to change status.

    To confirm a page on VK, you need to prepare identification documents and proof that you are popular. After this, submit a request to the support service.

    Let's look separately at the case of community confirmation.

    How to confirm a community on VK

    Main criteria for passing verification:

    • The community builder must be actively involved in the activities of the entire department.
    • The site must contain a link to the community. This will once again confirm that the community is unique and exclusive.
    • Brand popularity. Organizations that are mentioned at least once in the media are considered well-known.

    Groups that have passed verification are much easier and more effective to promote, because users trust them more than regular ones.

    Now you know how to officially confirm a VKontakte page.

    Thus, in order to have a checkmark in your profile or next to the name of your community, you need to try hard, at a minimum, to become a star, and at maximum, a millionaire star, to have crowds of fans, imitators, envious people and other evil spirits.

    Of course, our people are smart and will always find a loophole. So in this case, users of the social network VKontakte figured out how to make a false “verification.” It is, of course, different from the real one, but an uninitiated person may mistake it for the real one.

    If you are interested in how to easily and very quickly make an imitation of a verified page, then write about it in the comments, and I will give you detailed instructions in one of the following articles. And you will need information on how to officially confirm your VKontakte page when you reach the level of “popular personality.”

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    Hello, dear friends! Now we will figure out how to make a verified VKontakte page. What is it and who might need it?

    In principle, most of you probably already know what it is, since you went to this article, but still... As usual, I have a term for you that I invented.

    A page on which there is a bird next to the first and last name of its owner is called verified. If I briefly explain why this is needed, I’ll say it briefly. Popular people need this in order to separate their account from hundreds of fake accounts created by fans or ill-wishers. After all, a situation may arise when a famous person posts something on his page and journalists immediately pick it up. Just imagine, if clones start posting all sorts of nonsense on their pages, confusion may arise in the media and false information will flow to the masses.

    So, briefly, in the previous paragraph I expressed my personal opinion about why page verification is needed.

    What does a verified page look like? To see it, just search for the name of a famous person (). As an example, I will give the account of Pavel Durov, the creator of our favorite social network.

    As you can see from the screenshot I provided above, opposite Pavel’s name there is a blue circle with a white bird inside. This is what verified pages look like.

    How can I confirm my page and make myself the same account as Pavel? One could, in principle, answer this question in a few sentences. Achieve what Durov achieved and you will have the same page.

    Well, let’s be serious, I can say that verified pages are not a luxury for everyone.

    In what cases will your page be confirmed:

    1. You are a famous person;
    2. You have dozens of clones, or even hundreds, on the VKontakte social network;
    3. An article has been published about you on Wikipedia;
    4. In addition to VKontakte and Wikipedia, other sources, some popular Internet publications, also publish about you;
    5. Your page is not spammed;
    6. You don’t post all sorts of stupid public nonsense on your page;
    7. Posts on your page are informational in nature and relate to your life or your activities.

    If all of the above points apply to you, then, naturally, you definitely need to confirm your page. How to do this? Yes, just send a request to VK support service. You can read it by following the link.

    And I’m finishing my article today and consider it a mini motivation. If you want a verified page, get results.

    VKontakte verification is a check of a page or group for authenticity and compliance with the person or organization behind it. Verified groups and pages are ranked higher in VKontakte search than non-verified ones, and the presence of a checkmark located to the right of the community name or person’s name is confirmation that this is not a clone.

    How to pass verification on VKontakte?

    First of all, it is worth saying that not everyone has the right to assign a “blue daw”. In the official group Official VKontakte pages it is written in detail who can receive official status and who cannot. In short, to obtain official status and successfully pass verification, you must be a famous person (singer, musician, blogger with a huge audience, TV presenter, etc.), or be an official representative of a company with a registered trademark and have the appropriate documents with you giving you have the right to represent the company in the media, etc.

    VKontakte verification step by step

    1. Go to page https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=sg and fill in the fields as follows. Or first go to the page https://vk.com/page-22079806_49614259, and then click on “ apply for verification"(see screenshot below)

    2. In the title of the message, indicate “Application for VKontakte Verification.”

    3. In the description, briefly describe the situation. Be sure to include a link to the group or personal page for which you are receiving official status. Be sure to attach scans of documents confirming your identity, and also (if you represent a brand), attach relevant documents confirming the registration of the trademark, as well as that you have the ability to represent this organization. More information can be found here, as well as in the official VKontakte group dedicated to this issue.

    After filling everything out, click “Submit”. Within 5 days, the application will be reviewed and either given official status or informed of the reason for refusal.

    Many people want to get a check mark next to their VKontakte name, why do they need this? A checkmark will be able to distinguish you from the gray mass of pages of the same type, because most often the pages of celebrities and politicians have a checkmark. You probably thought that famous actors, musicians or politicians could have a tick, but this is not so.

    An ordinary VKontakte user can also get it, you just have to prove to the VKontakte administration that your page is worthy of it and the checkbox is necessary for you. Let me tell you in more detail about how the page should look and be filled so that you can get the coveted tick in VK.

    How to get a VKontakte checkmark if you are a regular user?

    I want to say right away that this will not be easy and it will not happen right away, you will have to try. Since to get a tick, the VKontakte social network requires that:

    If your page doesn’t look like this, then first you need to make it look like this. You can gain subscribers, you can do it for a fee or for free, remove unnecessary posts from the wall and start publishing posts about your life, work with pictures and unique descriptions.

    Here’s an example of a restaurateur’s page, most people don’t even know who he is, he’s famous in narrow circles, but he has a tick. His page fully meets the criteria described above.

    If you have already done everything above, all that remains is to ask for official confirmation of the VKontakte page, but first let’s cheat. Create a couple of fake pages and fill them with your photos. Now, when you contact technical support, you can complain that your photos are being stolen, fakes are being created, or your photos are being used for their own purposes. That's why you need a checkmark to distinguish the main page from the fake ones. And if you have done everything that I indicated above, you will be given a check mark.

    Installing the plugin in Google Chrome

    There is a very simple way to tick yourself, install this extension in Google Chrome or Yandex Browser. You will immediately receive a check mark on your page, but only you will be able to see it. Nothing will change for your friends; they will see your regular page. You can use it to prank your friends; if you show it from your computer, they won’t notice the difference. The link to the extension is below.

    This is what it looks like on my page:

    Checkbox for your group or public

    Getting a checkmark for a public page is very similar to getting a checkmark for personal pages. There is also a list of similar requirements:

    • Fame of your brand, mentions in the media or on other platforms.
    • Fake groups that copy your content and pretend to be you.
    • High-quality content and comment moderation.
    • They may even ask you for trademark registration documents.

    Therefore, we conclude that only the most popular public pages or companies that promote their brand and will be able to provide documents will be able to get a tick. By the way, a confirmed group is useful; a checkmark will help you always be at the top when searching on the site. You can check it yourself, here is an example for the request “cinema”, first there are 20 groups with check marks, and then all the rest.

    If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below!

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