• WWII veterans search by last name find archive. Databases for searching information about WWII participants on the Internet

    Several years ago, a project began, the goal of which was to make available for review a list of Soviet soldiers awarded military orders and medals during the Great Patriotic War. For this purpose, an electronic bank of documents was created, which digitally contains orders for awards and other documents about soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle. All information in the form of a database is available on the website "Feat of the People" a search by the name of the awardee will give a fairly complete result.

    Information can be searched both by the name of the awardee and by the number or date of the order. If you want to receive detailed information about what feat or military distinction your relative who participated in the Great Patriotic War was awarded for, then on the main page select the “People and Awards” item and in the form that opens, enter his last name - first name - patronymic (see figure below)

    Next, a list of all records that are related to the entered data will open. Of course, namesakes of the gentleman about whom you want to receive information may also be present. If the database contains information on several awards, then there will be a separate line for each award. As can be seen in the example given (see image below), the list of awards of three times Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Pokryshkin, interspersed with four distinctions received by his namesake Alexander Ivanovich, a junior sergeant born in 1911.

    By clicking the cursor on the selected line, you can read the description of the feat for which the award was made in the document that opens.

    Also, there is access to very detailed accompanying documents, such as award certificates.

    In addition to searching by name, it is possible to get acquainted with a large number of orders, which are grouped by dates, as well as orders and medals that were awarded. To do this, you need to select the name of the specific award and the period you are interested in.

    As a result, a complete list of orders will become available containing information about the awarding of this award at the specified time.

    Help desk address - http://podvignaroda.mil.ru but the “Feat of the People” portal, created in 2010, is only one of the projects that allows you to find out the fates of loved ones who participated in the Great Patriotic War, trace their military path, and read descriptions of the feats for which they were awarded. Thus, feel the connection of times and generations, realize the history of your family as part of the greater History of your Motherland. Even earlier, in 2007, on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the “Memorial” website was created, containing an electronic data bank about soldiers killed during the war. It was created with the goal of enabling descendants living today to learn about the final resting place of their ancestors - the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, to establish the fate of missing relatives and friends, and, most importantly, to help preserve their memory.

    OBD "Memorial" search for those killed in the Great Patriotic War

    http://www.obd-memorial.ru- “Memorial is a website of the Ministry of Defense for searching by last name, first name and patronymic of the burial place of a deceased soldier, on which information is searched. The search is also available for a large number of other input data - date and place of birth, date and place of conscription into the army, last place of service, military rank, date of death, country, region and place of burial. The information in the generalized data bank (GDB) contains digital copies of documents from a large number of sources - reports from combat units about irretrievable losses, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, trophy cards of Soviet prisoners of war, burial passports of military personnel, orders for exclusion from lists, exhumation protocols, and other archival documents .

    A query to the database provides information about the places of primary burials of soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions. Records of documents for filling the generalized data bank are taken from a large number of state archives, including from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The total number of documents to which access is provided on the site is almost 17 million digital copies. These documents contain information about more than 45 thousand passports of military graves, about 20 million personal records about the losses of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War, and indicate the primary burial places of more than 5 million Soviet soldiers and officers. The response to a database query, in many cases, may contain several documents from different sources, this will allow identification with greater accuracy. Many documents contain information about personalities, in particular, the names and addresses of relatives to whom the funerals were sent.

    The portal also has access to data that has been classified for decades, namely about Soviet soldiers and officers who were captured by Germans. Documents are presented indicating the name and number of the prisoner of war camp, which were compiled after the release from captivity. In some cases, documents issued upon request make it possible to establish the place and circumstances of the soldier’s death.

    It is possible to search according to the data of military commissariats and military transit points, such as the name of the runway, date of arrival and departure, where you arrived from and place of departure, last place of service, team number and others. Thanks to such a tool, you can learn in more detail about the fate of your warrior ancestor and trace his military path. The site database is constantly updated with new information.

    “Memory of the People” is the third project of the Ministry of Defense

    https://pamyat-naroda.ru- Launched in May 2015, on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is the largest portal on the Internet containing databases of digital copies of archival documents from the war years. A truly colossal amount of work has been done in creating this site. Without exaggeration, we can say that the site contains almost the entire history of the Great Patriotic War, embodied in documents about personalities and battles.

    The portal is based on generalized data banks of the first two projects of the RF Ministry of Defense “Memorial” and “Feat of the People”, which were significantly expanded and new data were added to them. The site's database contains more than 425 thousand copies of documents from armies and fronts. In addition, the site contains copies of original documents on the conduct of 216 military operations.

    It is possible to search by many types of input data - the soldier’s last name, first name and patronymic, award certificate number, burial place and others.

    A special feature of the project is its visibility, when document data is linked to geographic maps and the chronological scale of military events. On interactive maps you can track the combat routes of Red Army units using more than 6 million document reference points. Also, modern maps show more than 12 million places where Soviet soldiers performed their feats, with detailed descriptions and awards. More than 100 thousand original maps of military operations were superimposed on modern geographical maps. Thanks to this, any user, even those new to history and geography, can clearly see the progress of the war on a global scale. And taking into account the georeferencing of personal data from archival documents to maps, he has the opportunity to trace in detail in space and time the combat path of his warrior ancestor from the place of conscription to the place of the last battle and final refuge or until returning home, for those who remained alive.

    Combining all the data in one portal made it possible for people to search for the necessary information themselves and greatly facilitated access to archival documents of the war years. Everything that was previously consigned to oblivion for decades in archival corridors and for some reason classified folders has now become available for everyone to see. This portal is also regularly updated with new data from the archives.

    Each of the projects mentioned above has its own focus and objectives. Therefore, when searching for information about relatives and friends who participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, it is better to review all three projects to complete the data collection. Then individual fragments of invaluable archival information will form a complete picture of the military path of the ancestor-soldier.

    Emotional entries in award lists, recorded in the first days, or even hours after the battle, are a living view of the commander and colleagues on the hero’s feat. The general picture of the circumstances of the feat is supplemented by records of combat logs and operational management documents. These lines are the most eloquent evidence of the fate of soldiers and officers, whose descendants are obliged to remember their feat. Descriptions of battles compiled not by armchair historians, but by direct participants in the events in meager lines of reports allow us to look at the war from a different angle than through the prism of interpretations in history textbooks.

    On this page we have collected resources that will help you find a soldier (deceased relative or friend), search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

    Volunteer project "Archive Battalion"

    The volunteer project “Archive Battalion” to restore information about participants in the wars of the 20th century accepts and processes applications to study the combat path of participants in the Great Patriotic War.

    Memory of the people

    The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

    Feat of the people

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique open access information resource, filled with all documents available in military archives about the progress and results of major combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. As of August 8, 2012, the data bank contains information on 12,670,837 awards.

    Generalized database "Memorial"

    The generalized data bank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The work was done on a large scale: tens of thousands of documents were collected and converted into electronic form, with a total volume of more than 10 million sheets. The personal information contained in them amounted to more than 20 million records.

    Immortal Regiment of Russia

    The all-Russian public civil-patriotic movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia” collects stories about participants in the Great Patriotic War. The database is updated daily. Here you can not only add your veteran soldier to the all-Russian “piggy bank”, but also search through existing ones.

    Electronic book of memory “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”

    “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” together with the “My Documents” State Service Centers are collecting information about residents of the capital who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Now there are already more than 193 thousand names in the archive.

    “Soldat.ru” - database of those killed in the Second World War

    Soldat.ru is the oldest portal on the Russian Internet for establishing the fate of dead and missing military personnel and searching for their loved ones.

    "The Winners" - Soldiers of the Great War

    With our project we want to thank by name the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War living next to us and talk about their feat. The “Winners” project was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Then we managed to collect lists of more than a million veterans living near us.

    The site also contains a stunning interactive and animated map of the fighting of the Great Patriotic War.

    Electronic memorial “Remember About”

    On the social website “PomniPro”, each registered user can create a memory page, a photo gallery of a deceased loved one, talk about his biography, honor the memory of the deceased, leave words of memory and gratitude. You can also find a deceased relative and friend, search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

    Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

    The site is conceived as a people's encyclopedia, a virtual Memorial to the fallen participants of the Great War, where everyone can leave their comments on any entry, supplement information about the War Participant with photographs and memories, and turn to other project participants for help. There are about 60,000 project participants. More than 400,000 cards have been registered.

    MIPOD "Immortal Regiment"

    The site has a large database of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The chronicle is maintained by community members. Now there are more than 400 thousand names in the archive.

    Find a soldier. Memo for those who are looking for their heroes

    1. Check the data on the OBD Memorial website

    When checking information about a person, open the “advanced search” tab and make attempts by typing only the last name, then the last name and first name, then the full data. Also try to check the information by setting the last name parameters, and the first and patronymic parameters only with initials.

    2. Send a request to the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    The request must be sent to the address: 142100 Moscow region, Podolsk, Kirova St., 74. "Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

    Enclose the letter in the envelope, clearly stating the information you have and stating the purpose of the request. Enclose one blank envelope with your home address as the recipient's address.

    3. Check the data on the “Feat of the People” website

    If you do not have information on awards, you can go to the “Feat of the People” website. In the “People and Awards” tab, enter the information requested.

    4. Check parameter information

    There are additional ways that can also help you find and identify information about your veteran. The website “Soldat.ru” presents a list of search technologies, we draw your attention to some of them:

    • Database of Internet links to school museums of the Russian Federation, which have exhibitions about the combat routes of units and formations of the Soviet Army
    • How to establish the fate of a serviceman who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War
    • Information on materials held by the International Red Cross Tracing Service
    • Request forms for search, evacuation and search of graves through the Tracing and Information Center of the Russian Red Cross (

    How to find your relative - a participant in the Great Patriotic War by last name, how to find out information about his awards, military ranks, military path and place of death? This memo will help you collect the most detailed information about your ancestor, a participant in the Second World War.

    1 Sort out family archives

    Ask your family and friends, sort through family archives and write down all the information which you will recognize. Pay special attention to letters and official documents from the front - The postal stamp contains the number of the military unit.

    The transcript can be found on the website www.soldat.ru

    2 Consult Databases

    First of all, check the electronic archives:

    Enter the veteran's information into the search fields.

    If you don't find anything - try different spellings of your first name, last name and place of birth.

    If the surname is common, use the advanced search and enter additional information.

    Check your databases regularly— they are constantly updated and new information about your soldier may appear.

    Look beyond the search results that appear at the top! Please read the entire document for more information. If the document is multi-page, open the title page - there may be a part number there. Knowing the unit number, you can determine the unit's combat path.

    Check out Memory Books— they are stored in military registration and enlistment offices, archives, and local history museums. Information about soldiers was entered into the books according to three criteria: place of birth, place of conscription and place of burial. If there is no information, contact the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War (Moscow, Pobeda Square, 3, index 121096) - all books published before 1996 are stored there.

    3 Send a request to the official archives

    • in the metric book (stored in regional archives)
    • in civil registration records (stored in regional archives or in civil registry offices)
    • in household books (stored in the archives of district administrations)
    • in personal files (kept at companies)

    4 Make a request to the military registration and enlistment office

    Do written request to the military registration and enlistment office— indicate in it all the information you have about the veteran (full name, year and place of birth, place of conscription, rank, etc.).

    If possible, visit the military registration and enlistment office in person. Before visiting, be sure to:

    1. Copy the sheets of the draft books containing information about soldiers drafted on the same day as your relative.
    2. Check all names through the Memorial OBD website (www.obd-memorial.ru)

    There is a possibility that they were sent to the same place as your relative.

    5 Find out where your relative served

    Knowing the unit number (division, battalion, etc.), you can understand exactly where and when your ancestor fought. The battle path can be traced on the “Memory of the People” website

    ABDRAKHIMOV Batyrgarey Akhmetovich,

    Born in 1911, sergeant, discharged in 1944.

    Born 1907, born. D. Novousman, sergeant, demobilized in 1945.

    ABDRASHITOVA Kamila Sultangaleevna,

    Born 1922, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, sergeant, dismissed in 1945.

    ABDULLIN Gaifulla Khamitovich,

    Born 1923, born. With. Makar of Ishimbay district, sergeant, dismissed in 1945.

    ABDULLIN Minnulla Abubakirovich,

    Born 1925, born. With. Mrakovo, Kugarchinsky district, private, demobilized in 1949.

    ABDULLIN Mukhametzarif Yusupovich,

    Born 1913, born. Kugarchinskogorna, lieutenant, discharged in 1946.

    Born 1914, born. Baygazy village, st. Sergeant, discharged in 1945

    year of birth __.__.1904, Guards. Red Army soldier,

    ABDULLIN Khusnutdin Sharafutdinovich,

    Born 1909, born. village of Syrtlanovo, Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1945.

    ABDULMANOV Khusnetdin Sharafutdinovich,

    Born in 1909, private, demobilized in 1947.

    ABZELILOV Ibragim Ishbulatovich,

    Born 1911, born. Orenburg region, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1945

    year of birth __.__.1908, Guards. ml. lieutenant, in the Red Army from 03/06/1942,

    place of service (unit name): 33rd Guards. SP 11th Guards sd.

    ABUBAKIROV Badretdin Khairetdinovich,

    Born 1913, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

    ABUBAKIROV Mingazh Gallyamovich,

    private, discharged in 1946

    ABUBAKIROV Khazhimukhamet Garifovich,

    Born 1896, harvest. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1945

    AVKHADEEV Shagali Avkhadeevich,

    Born 1911, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1945.

    AGAMULIEV Ashraf Hasan-ogly,

    Born 1911, born. Baku, private, discharged in 1943

    Born 1918, harvest. village of Kulgana, private, discharged in 1943

    Born 1925, born. d, Atik, private, demobilized in 1948.

    Born 1925, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1946

    AETBAEV Ishbuldy Mutallapovich,

    Born 1921, born. village Novosubkhangul, dismissed in 1944

    Born 1925, born. village of Novosubkhangul, private, demobilized in 1949

    AETBAEV Mukhamet Murtazovich,

    Born 1922, born. D. Muradym, private, discharged in 1943

    AETBAEV Nuriakhmet Murtazovich,

    Born 1925, born. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

    AETBAEV Sultangali Khalilovitch,

    Born in 1905, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

    AETBAEV Ulmasbay Khalilovitch,

    Born 1896, private, demobilized in 1945.

    AETBAEV Yumaguzha Sadrievich,

    Born 1901, born. village Muradym.

    AETKULOV Gafur Shirgaleevich,

    Born 1903, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1946

    AZANGULOV Mukharryam Davletovich,

    Born 1921, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1945

    AZANOV Sharif Gataulovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. Sverdlovsk region, private, demobilized in 1946.

    AITKULOV Salman Khabirovich,

    Born 1902, born. village of Baynazar.

    AIDARBEKOV Gafuryan,

    Born 1896, harvest. village of Irgizla.

    year of birth __.__.1923, Red Army soldier, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

    AKNAZAROV Gaizulla Sagitovich,

    Born 1907, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1945

    AKARTIBAEV Sadykbas,

    born 1901, p. Starosubkhangulovo.

    ALEXANDROV Dmitry Prokhorovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1950

    ALIMGULOV Gabit Khaibullovich,

    Born 1911, born. d. Suyush, private, discharged in 1944

    Born 1903, born. village Suyush, private, demobilized in 1945

    ALLABERDIN Abdulhak Mukhamedyanovich,

    Born 1916, born. Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1946,

    year of birth __.__.1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from May 10, 1943,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

    ALLABERDIN Mutagar Nazhmetdinovich,

    Born 1924, born. d. Timir, sergeant, demobilized in 1947

    harvest D. Timir, lieutenant, discharged in 1950

    ALLABIRDIN Ibrahim Galyautdinovich,

    Born 1899, harvest. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

    ALLABIRDIN Khazhmetdin,

    Born 1904, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

    ALLABIRDIN Murtaza Galliamovich,

    Born 1924, born. village Timir, private, demobilized in 1941

    ALLAGULOV Rajap Dautovich,

    Born 1921, born. Akbulat village, private, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1916, born. D. Timir, captain, dismissed in 1945

    ALTYNBAEV Nigamat Galievich,

    Born 1901, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized due to injury in 1944.

    ALTYNBAEV Fashetdin Gadelevich,

    Born 1901, born. D. Timir, private.

    ALTYNBAEV Fatkhulla Yagafarovich,

    Born 1919, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1942

    ALTYNBAEV Afzal Faskhetdinovich,

    Born 1927, harvest. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1951

    ALTYNBAEV Faskhetdin Gadelovich,

    Born 1892, harvest. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1942

    ALTYNSHIN Muzhavir Gibatovich,

    Born 1895, harvest. Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1926, born. Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

    1918 r., harvest Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1927, harvest. d. Kiekbay, private, discharged in 1951

    ALTYNCHURIN Timirgali Munasipovich,

    Born 1905, born. village of Kulgana.

    AMINEV Nazhmetdin Fazletdinovich,

    Born 1908, born. d. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1948

    AMINEV Nurmukhamet Sultanovich,

    Born 1906, harvest. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

    AMINEV Wildan Gilmanovich,

    1917 r., harvest d. Galiakber, sergeant, dismissed in 1942

    AMINEV Shakir Iskanyarovich,

    Born 1924, born. Atik village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1947

    AMINEV Sharifulla Iskanyarovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1950

    AMINEV Eganur Gilfanovich,

    Born 1927, native. village of Galiakberovo, private, discharged in 1951

    AMINEV Akhmatulla Salakhitdinovich,

    Born 1905, harvest, village of Galiakberovo.

    AMIROV Zinnur Yulmukhametovich,

    Born 1920, vintage. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1941

    AMIRKHANOV Mukhametdin Kirametdinovich,

    Born 1901, born. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1944

    Born 1925, born. d. Aralbay, sergeant, demobilized in 1948

    year of birth __.__.1912, art. technical lieutenant, in the Red Army from __.06.1941,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

    AMIRKHANOV Khakimyan Mukhametdinovich,

    harvest village Staromunasip, private.

    ANANEV Mikhail Ivanovich,

    Born 1922, born. Kuyurgazinsky district, corporal, demobilized in 1946,

    ANDREEV Pavel Frolovich,

    Born 1916, born. Voronezh region, private, demobilized in 1945.

    ANTONOV Grigory Ivanovich,

    Born 1915, born. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1945

    ANTONOV Mikhail Ivanovich,

    Born 1922, born. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1945

    ANTONOV Fedor Ivanovich,

    Born 1925, born. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1945

    year of birth __.__.1920, Guards. Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from 01/01/1941,

    place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district

    duty station (unit name): 43 oiptad 222 SD 49 A 1 BelF.

    ARALBAEV Nuriman Kasimovich,

    Born 1899, harvest. village Kildigul, private, demobilized in 1945

    ARSLANBAEV Gaizulla,

    1906 r., harvest village Yakshigul, private, discharged in 1943

    Born 1912, born. village of Kulgana, private, demobilized in 1947

    Born 1925, born. d. Kutan, private, discharged in 1944

    ASKAROV Muzhavir Askarovich,

    Born 1908, born. village of Kulgana, private, demobilized in 1946

    ASYLBAYEV Garif Sharafetdinovich,

    Born 1897, harvest. village of Yaumbay, private, demobilized in 1945

    ASYLBAYEV Ilyas Shayakhmetovich,

    Born 1921, born. village Yaumbay, private, discharged in 1945

    ASYLBAYEV Shagimardan Shayakhmetovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. D. Sargaya, corporal, called up on March 15, 1945, discharged on November 10, 1950.

    Born 1925, born. village Kutan, private, demobilized in 1946

    Born 1908, born. village of Yaumbay, private, demobilized in 1946

    ASYLGUZHIN Akhmadulla Gubaidulovich,

    Born 1911, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, demobilized in 1946.

    ASYLGUZHIN Kunakbay Gubaidulovich,

    Born 1927, harvest. Verkhniy Nugush village, sergeant, demobilized in 1951.

    ASYLGUZHIN Mukhamadulla Gubaidulovich,

    Born 1906, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, demobilized in 1945.

    ASYLGUZHIN Khabibrakhman Gubaidulovich,

    Born 1924, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, discharged in 1944.

    AKHMETOV Khaibulla Gaifullovich,

    Born 1924, born. d. Galiakber, private, discharged in 1942

    harvest d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

    AKHMETOV Khalil Ataullovich,

    Born 1905, born. d. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1945

    AKHMETOV Nabiulla Akhmetovich,

    AKHMETOV Gaizulla Khayrullovich,

    Born 1899, harvest. village of Galiakber.

    year of birth __.__.1924, Guards. ml. sergeant,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

    place of service (name of unit): 136 Guards. SP 42 Guards sd.

    year of birth __.__.1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from __.01.1943,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

    Born 1908, born. village of Gadelgarey, private, demobilized in 1945

    AKHTYAMOV Saifulla Gubaidulovich,

    Born 1925, born. Mindigul village, st. Sergeant, demobilized in 1950

    Born 1921, born. D. Mindigul, private, discharged in 1944

    AYUPOV Khusnetdin Khusainovich,

    Born 1923, born. village of Novomunasip, private, discharged in 1944.

    AYUPOV Nuritdin Nurgaleevich,

    Born 1927, harvest. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1951

    BADAMSHIN Vahit Zaripovich,

    Born 1900, harvest. village Timir.

    BAYGAZIN Minnigani Hammatovich,

    Born 1925, born. Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1948.

    Born 1902, born. Meleuzovsky district, private, discharged in 1945.

    BAYGUZIN Aglyam Nizamovich,

    Born 1927, harvest. Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1951.

    BAYGUZIN Shakir Nizamovich,

    Born 1916, born. Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

    BAIGUZHIN Zakir Fatkhetdinovich,

    Born 1900, harvest. D. Nabi, private, demobilized in 1945

    Born 1923, born. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1947

    BAYGUSKAROV Gimalitdin Bagautdinovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1950

    BAYGUSKAROV Sayfetdin Zainetdinovich,

    Born 1914, born. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1945

    year of birth __.__.1918, art. lieutenant, in the Red Army from October 16, 1938,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

    duty station (unit name): headquarters 15 A 2 Far Eastern Fleet.

    BAIMURATOV Salimgarey Khaibrakhmanovich,

    Born 1924, born. Burzyansky district, private, discharged in 1945.

    BAYMURZIN Afzal Abubakirovich,

    Born 1910, born. village of Staromunasip, lieutenant, demobilized in 1945.

    Born in 1897, born in the village of Timir, private, demobilized in 1945.

    BAYMURZIN Zainulla Gizzatovich,

    Born 1904, born. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1914, born. village of Staromunasip, corporal, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1911, born. village Staromunasip, ml. Sergeant, demobilized in 1945

    BAYMURZIN Shagigali Kinyagulovich,

    harvest village of Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1945

    BAIMUKHAMETOV Gali Abdulgalimovich,

    Born 1918, harvest. D. Kulgana, lieutenant, discharged in 1946

    Born 1902, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

    BAIMUKHAMETOV Giniyat Khidiyatovich,

    Born 1904, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

    BAIMUKHAMETOV Saifulla Gibatullovich,

    Born 1925, born. d. Atik, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

    BAYMUKHAMETOV Sibagat Khidiyatovich,

    Born 1926, harvest. D. Atik, foreman, dismissed in 1950

    BAIMUKHAMETOV Gadiyat Gazizovich,

    Born 1907, born. village Atik.

    BAYMUKHAMETOV Yusup Zinnatullovich,

    Born 1900, harvest. village Atik.

    BAINAZAROV Aetbay Giniyatovich,

    Born 1925, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1950

    Born 1903, born. d. Abdulmambet, foreman, demobilized in 1945.

    Born 1906, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1944

    BAINAZAROV Saitgali Zulfarovich,

    Born 1922, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1945

    BAINAZAROV Abdrazak Giniyatovich,

    Born 1923, born. D. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1946

    Born 1921, born. D. Baynazar, senior lieutenant, discharged in 1946

    BAYRAMGULOV Yusup Abdulkhakovich,

    Born 1914, born. d. Abdulmambet, private, discharged in 1944

    Born 1924, born. D. Abdulmambet, junior sergeant, dismissed in 1949

    BAISHEGUROVA Zulhiza Galeevna,

    Born 1924, born. d. Kutan, corporal, demobilized in 1945

    BAKANOV Vasily Sidorovich,

    Born 1927, harvest. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1951

    Born 1925, born. village Novosubkhangul, private, discharged in 1945

    BALDYBAEV Salyakhetdin Gilazhetdinovich,

    Born 1925, born. d. Novosubkhangul, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

    BALDYBAEV Valit Gallyamovich,

    Born 1893, harvest. Novosubkhangulovo, private, discharged in 1945

    Born 1900, harvest. village of Novosubkhangulovo.

    Born 1922, born. D. Atik, captain, dismissed in 1944

    year of birth __.__.1907, Guards. Major, in the Red Army from __.08.1941,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

    place of service (unit name): 47 Guards. ap 21 gv. SD 3 Ud. A.

    BASHAROV Adigam Gazizovich,

    Born 1910, born. village Yaumbay, foreman, demobilized in 1945

    Born 1924, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1943

    Born 1918, harvest. village of Baygazy, sergeant, demobilized in 1945.

    BAYAZITOV Ishdavlet Zainullovich,

    1901, born, born. village of Novomunasip, private, discharged in 1943

    BAYAZITOV Migran Fazulovich,

    Born 1921, born. village of Baygazy, foreman, demobilized in 1946.

    BAYAZITOV Mukhametzakir Halfetdinovich,

    Born 1914, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1945

    BAYAZITOV Mukhametsalikh Halfetdinovich,

    Born 1919, born. Timir village, conscripted by the Burzyansky RVC in 1940, Kuban Cossack Regiment , Private, demobilized in 1946.

    BAYAZITOV Sitdik Fazulovich,

    Born 1909, born. village of Baygazy, private, discharged in 1943

    BAYAZITOV Yarulla Fazulovich,

    Born 1911, born. village of Baygazy, private, discharged in 1943

    Born 1918, harvest. Tuymazinsky district, ml. lieutenant, discharged in 1946

    Born in 1925, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (unit name): 361st joint venture 156th rifle division.

    BERDIKAEV Badretdin Shaikhutdinovich,

    Born 1909, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1946.

    BERDIKAEV Minnigali Birgaleevich,

    Born 1909, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, discharged in 1945.

    year of birth __.__.1909, Art. sergeant, in the Red Army from __.__.1941,

    place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

    BIEMBETOV Ahmadi Atangulovich,

    Born 1923, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1947

    Born 1921, born. Atik village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1946

    BIEMBETOV Zaki Atangulovich,

    Born 1898, harvest. village Atik.

    BIKBAEV Hakim Yusupovich,

    Born 1925, born. Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1947.

    BIKBULATOV Bagautdin Abdrakhmanovich,

    Born 1908, born. Akbulat village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1945

    BIKBULATOV Galimyan Abdullovich,

    Born 1924, born. d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1949

    BIKBULATOV Magafur Gatich,

    Born 1913, born. Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

    BIKBULATOV Wildan Gilmanovich,

    Born 1924, born. d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

    BIKBULATOV Harras Gatich,

    Born 1901, born. Makarovsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

    BIKBULATOV Garif Gatich,

    Born 1903, born. Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

    BIKISHEV Bulyakbai Nabiullovich,

    Born 1918, harvest. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, discharged in 1945.

    BIKKININ Gilman Suleymanovich,

    Born in 1908, sergeant, discharged in 1943.

    BIKMUKHAMETOV Zagretdin Khairulovich,

    Born 1914, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1943

    BILALOV Fazylgumar Sharafetdinovich,

    Born 1906, born. village of Gadelgarey, dismissed in 1945

    BIRGANOV Ibragim Shagiyanovich,

    harvest village of Staromunasipovo, private.

    BIRDEKAEV Khusain Halfetdinovich,

    Born 1927, harvest. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1951.

    Born in 1918, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (unit name): 1032 joint venture 293 infantry division

    BOTIN Petr Lavrentievich,

    Born 1909, born. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1945

    BULYAKBAEV Mukhametkhan Davletkildinovich,

    Born 1906, born. village of Novomusyat, private, demobilized in 1945.

    BULYAKOV Nurulla Nigamatovich,

    Born 1916, born. Aurgazinsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

    BURANBAEV Sultangarey Lutfullovich,

    Born 1920, born. d. Novomunasip, private, demobilized.

    BURANOV Abdulla Ataullovich,

    Born 1929, born. village of Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1946

    Born 1920, born. D. Staromunasip, senior sergeant, dismissed in 1946

    BURANOV Sufiyan Mingazhetdinovich,

    Born 1900, harvest. village Staromunasip, dismissed in 1945

    BURANOV Mutallap M.,

    Born 1893, harvest. village Staromunasip.

    BYKOV Afanasy Evdokimovich,

    Born 1900, harvest. Beloretsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1945

    With the help of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an electronic bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” was created. which is located at podvignaroda.mil.ru, where you can find information about the exploits and awards of your fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers by first and last name. The search takes place using military archival documents that have been digitized and entered into the site database.

    How and where to look?

    The “Feat of the People” website is the most complete and up-to-date database on participants in the Great Patriotic War - there is information about almost all soldiers. At the first stage of digitization from 2010 to 2015, 30 million records were made on the awarding of orders and medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”, as well as information on 22 million Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees for the 40th anniversary of the Victory, and also 200 thousand archival files with a total volume of 100 million sheets!

    Such a huge amount of work was done for the main goal of the project:

    The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all heroes of the Victory, regardless of rank, scale of feat, award status, military-patriotic education of youth using the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as creating a factual basis to counter attempts to falsify the history of the War.

    There are 3 main search options:

    1. Search for people and their awards
    2. Search for decrees and awards orders
    3. Search data by place and time

    To find a person, use the first search option, to do this, open the website http://podvignaroda.mil.ru/ and go to the “People and Awards” tab and enter the last name and first name of the person whose awards you want to find.

    To search for decrees and data on the location of military operations, we recommend using another site - “Memory of the People”, which will be discussed below.

    If you want to search by award number, you will not be able to do this, because... Award numbers are not indicated in the award documents.

    If information about a person’s fate is not known, then the “Feat of the People” website will not suit you, because... it does not contain data on the dead or missing. Such information should be searched on the website www.obd-memorial.ru, trying different spellings of surnames and names because wartime documents may have contained errors in the name or date of birth.

    Let us remind you that the initiator of this project is the Department for the Development of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and technical support is provided by the ELAR company. Thanks to them for this site!

    The information is taken from two funds: the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CA MO) and the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CVMA).

    Memory of the people

    Later, a more modern website was opened https://pamyat-naroda.ru/ “Memory of the People” with documents of the Second World War, which has a more pleasant design and, most importantly, more information, maps and historical data.

    With the help of the “Memory of the People” portal, it has become even easier to reconstruct the military path of your grandfather, find documents about injuries and awards.

    The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

    On the page https://pamyat-naroda.ru/ops/ you can familiarize yourself with the plans of 226 operations with detailed diagrams on the map. Each page about the operation contains the names of commanders and numbers of military units, as well as a description of the result of the operation.

    Figure 1 - Modern map of combat operations during the Second World War.

    On the page https://pamyat-naroda.ru/memorial/ you can find military graves in your city. Just enter the name of the city and click the “Find” button. In total, it contains information about 30,588 burials around the world, except the United States.

    Figure 2 - Military graves with names and surnames.

    The page about the burial contains information about its condition (good, bad, excellent), type of burial, number of graves, number of known and unknown buried. Also available on the page is a list of those buried with names and dates of birth and death.