• Virtualbox when starting the machine the computer reboots

    Question: Virtualbox causes a blue screen when booting a virtual machine

    Hi all. Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1. The situation is this: blue screen of death when starting a virtual machine on Virtualbox.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS version: 6.1.7601.
    Language code: 1049

    More information about this issue:
    BCCode: 3b
    BCP1: 00000000C0000005
    BCP2: FFFFF8000305622B
    BCP3: FFFFF8800AC0CB90
    BCP4: 0000000000000000
    OS Version: 6_1_7601
    Service Pack: 1_0
    Product: 256_1

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    At first there was Virtualbox 4.1.4. All virtual machines worked stably. But they didn’t want to install guest additions for the Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine. There was an error in the headers when installing the add-on in Ubuntu. Dancing with a tambourine didn't help. I read somewhere that you need to install a new version of Virtualbox. Downloaded the latest version 5.0.16. After installing the new version, when starting any virtual machines, even newly created ones, a blue screen began to appear.

    After googling for a couple of hours, I found that this might be due to the fact that I haven’t installed updates on Windows for 2 years. I installed UpdatePack7R2-16.4.15 in a couple of hours. The situation has remained the same.

    I tried deleting all the drivers for Virtualbox, cleaning the registry, updating the drivers for the video card - nothing helps. I tried different parameters for the virtual machine: different number of processors, RAM, etc.

    I installed Virtualbox 4.1.4 back. Even it has a blue screen.

    I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m ready to break the monitor. Please help.


    Message from Bobinho

    Why then did everything work with CryptoPro before?

    I can't know.
    The installed version of CryptoPro or Virtualbox has most likely changed.

    Message from Bobinho

    Where exactly was it possible to see in the logs that it was CryptoPro

    The very fact of its existence. Just a relatively known problem with these two programs working together

    Question: VirtualBox and blue screen of death

    Good day!

    Initially I used Windows 7, the virtual machine was 4-something and all the functions worked. After upgrading to Windows 10 and upgrading the virtual machine to 5-odd, 64-bit systems stopped working. Well... what do I need, right?) Then, the "Anniversary update" came and... now it was no longer possible to select several cores. And again, what about me?)) A week has passed, I had enough for testing, I’m having fun, fooling around, downloading viruses on virtual machines, watching what’s happening, however, as always, after, new security updates for “Anniversary” arrived... ". Predicting my fate, I decided to install a new version of "VirtualBox-5.1.2-108956-Win" just in case. After rebooting, starting the virtual machine, I saw a nice blue screen with a sad smile, which reported that there was a problem with my computer, saying “System Service Exception”!!! While creating new virtual machines and running into this screen again and again, I even caught “Windows started incorrectly.” After following the instructions and performing a system restore, I downloaded the version of "VirtualBox-5.1.2-108956-Win" again and again began to "catch these screens"

    Good people, help me with this virtual machine. I’ll show you all the logs, most importantly, tell me what’s needed

    Answer: The blue screen may be due to the fact that the processor from the video card has become unsoldered, overheated, I have this on my laptop, I had to fix it

    Question: Blue screen on the host machine when starting the machine from Virtualbox

    When I try to start any machine (Xp, W7, 32 or 64), I get a blue screen on the host machine. code 3b. The address is stable ntoskrnl.exe+74469. The parameters are also the same
    6.1.7601.18717 (win7sp1_gdr.150113-1808)
    VirtualBox 4.3.22 r98236, the same on VirtualBox 4.3.18 96516.
    License, sfc /scannow and memtest passed.

    Added after 4 hours 25 minutes
    Found conflicting Crypto Pro software, after uninstalling the problem disappeared. In my memory, removing crypto pro already solves the 4th problem.

    Answer: From the Crypto-Pro forums
    Create a reg file and run:

    1 2 3 4 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\CProExclude\VirtualBox] "FileName"= "VirtualBox.exe"


    Question: Local network of virtual machines

    Good day everyone. I have VirtualBox 5.1.2 installed on my Lenovo B50-30 laptop running Windows 10 Pro and two virtual machines. On one OS Debian 8.5.0, on the other Windows XP x64. How to make a local network from these two machines? Help please.


    Or in google: network setup in virtual box

    Question: Various blue screens

    Hello. I have the following situation: I decided to change the processor from Phenom II X4 965 to FX-8350. Motherboard - ASUS m5a97 r2.0.
    At first I installed a box cooler, but it caused blue screens, apparently due to overheating. Therefore, I returned my old Cooler Master V6 cooler. At first everything was fine with it, but after a while BSOD 0x00000124 began to pop up. They popped up more and more often, until they began to appear immediately when I turned on Windows 7. After some unsuccessful repair attempts, I reinstalled the system.
    Everything was fine for a couple of days, but today a new blue screen 0x0000001e popped up. After rebooting, the computer, after working for a short time, rebooted again, and then again and again, but without the blue screen. When trying to enter safe mode with or without a network, blue screens 0x00000124 popped up.

    Answer: dimalinklok, but overclocking is gone (look in AIDA64)?
    If you're missing, good luck to you!
    There will be new BSODs, please send new dumps.

    Question: The blue screen of death torments me non-stop

    Guys, I need help, day 2 the blue screens are crashing non-stop, here’s the dump in all the dumps they show the culprits. I need help, I googled it and nothing helps

    Answer: It all started suddenly turned on the computer, launched chrome, blue screen, rebooted for 1-2 minutes, blue screen and now after every boot of the desktop there is a blue screen, removed the drivers for the video card, the blue screen does not crash, but I don’t really want to sit without firewood(

    Question: There was a blue screen, now it's gone! The computer just restarts!

    Hello everyone! I have such a problem! The blue screen started to appear. Before the screen crashes, an incomprehensible sound occurs in the system unit for a couple of seconds, everything freezes and gradually begins to close the games of the program one by one. After 15-30 seconds the computer reboots

    What I did:

    1) Opened the system unit and wiped the contacts of the cable that connect the mother to the screw. (Didn't help)
    2) I ran the screw through Victoria to check for broken sectors of the screw, I’ll attach a screenshot below.

    For unknown reasons, the computer now reboots in the same way only without the blue screen.
    Tell me what to do? I'm tired of these reboots.

    Answer: Yes, and Avastom too when loading Windows. Maybe I didn’t express myself correctly about closing programs. It turns out they start cutting off little by little in the browser, the music goes out, the windows panel at the bottom disappears, error windows for torrent files that are being distributed pop up, if lineage is loaded, it crashes and an error window appears. All these glitches occur within 15-20 seconds, then a blue screen. Right now I was just lying on the couch, music was playing quietly, when I heard this sound again from the system unit and again a blue screen with error 0x00000007a, what can I do to solve this problem? (((
    This is what the drweb shows: 5 hours ago I scanned it, clicked neutralize, the problem was not solved

    Question: How can a bat file determine that it is running on a virtual machine?

    This is what you need, so that when you launch a bat file in a virtual machine, the message is displayed: “Launched on a virtual machine,” and if launched on a regular system, then: “Launched on a regular system.” I understand how to display a message:
    Bash code
    1 echo message

    But how to check what is running on a virtual machine or not - I don’t know, I thought there was some kind of special process, but I checked the list of processes on Virtual Box - I didn’t find anything special, I googled it - I only found this: , but it’s supposed to be in C


    How can a bat file determine that it is running on a virtual machine?

    Out of curiosity, I’m wondering why this is necessary?

    Added after 1 minute

    Stage 1. Passing testing (interaction with the GIS GMP test circuit) #GIS GMP test service address:
    This address is registered in the SP settings. Additionally, you need to register it in the logging settings file, specifying the value TRACE. After entering the specified values, you need to start the SP and the ACC client (restart if it has already been launched). Next, from the ROR or the Accounting Office/AU Application for the payment of funds, you need to perform the action “Create Payment Information”, if the system controls are passed, then the Information will be created about payment. Which will later need to be unloaded.
    After uploading, you need to check the status using the “Request processing status” action. After which the ED Payment Information switches to the status “Accepted by GIS GMP” -…

    Given: MSG (messages) table with many entries.
    It is necessary to clear the table of data/
    Solution: There are several ways to solve this problem. Below is a description and example of each of them.
    The easiest way ( first option) - execution of the record deletion operator. When you execute it, you will see the result (how many records were deleted). A handy thing when you need to know for sure and understand whether the correct data has been deleted. BUT has disadvantages compared to other options for solving the problem.

    DELETE FROMmsg;--Deletes all rows in the table --Deletes all rows with creation date "2019.02.01" DELETE FROMmsg WHEREdate_create="2019.02.01";

    Second option. Using the DML statement to clear all rows in a table.
    There are several features of using this operator:
    It’s not in Firebird, so we use the first and third options. After…

    Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 N 157n Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 18, 2018 N 02-06-10/2715 For the purpose of organizing and maintaining accounting records and approving the Working Chart of Accounts, the following codes of the type of financial support (activity) are used:
    for state (municipal) institutions, organizations exercising the powers of the recipient of budget funds, financial bodies of the corresponding budgets and bodies providing their cash services: 1 - activities carried out at the expense of the corresponding budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation (budgetary activities); 2 - income-generating activities (the institution's own income);3 - funds at temporary disposal;4 - subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks;5 - subsidies for other purposes;6 - subsidies for capital investments;7 - funds for compulsory health insurance; for reflection by the Federal Treasury authorities, financial authorities of the...

    Day one

    On Windows 7 x64, Virtual Box (versions 4 and 5) with the Extension Pack and CryptoPro CSP (CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R4 for Windows) were installed together.

    When starting a virtual machine through Virtual Box, the system crashed into a blue screen. The reason is the inability of CryptoPro CSP and Virtual Box to work together.

    To avoid a blue screen when starting the VirtualBox virtual machine, I removed CryptoPro CSP and rebooted the computer. The solution is temporary, I couldn’t figure out how to make friends between the two products, and VirtualBox was more needed than CryptoPro.

    Helped me get in touch with VirtualBox + CryptoPro == BSOD message on the forum:
    There is also a discussion on the Crypto Pro forum:
    Reports from blueScreenView:

    Bug Check Code 0x0000003b
    Parameter 1 00000000`c0000005
    Parameter 2 fffff800`032735af
    Parameter 3 fffff880`0412eb90
    Parameter 4 00000000`00000000
    Caused By Driver ntoskrnl.exe
    Caused By Address ntoskrnl.exe+73c40
    File Description NT Kernel & System
    File Version
    Major Version 15
    Minor Version 7601
    A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file: ntoskrnl.exe SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff800032735af, 0xfffff8800412eb90, 0x000000000000000 0) *** ntoskrnl.exe - Address 0xfffff80003292c40 base at 0xfffff8000321f000 DateStamp 0x5625815c Output - Virtual Box (versions 4 and 5) and CryptoPro CSP (CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R4 for Windows) are not yet compatible on Windows 7 x64 SP1.


    Day two

    I connected the second monitor to the first monitor using a USB 3.0 VGA Adapter. Device model - Fresco Logic FL200 USB Display Adapter. If you connect the adapter before turning on the virtual machine, then everything is fine. And if you connect the adapter while the Virtual Box virtual machine is running, the blue screen will appear again.

    Bug Check StringIRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
    Bug Check Code0x0000000a
    Parameter 100000000`00000088
    Parameter 200000000`00000002
    Parameter 300000000`00000001
    Parameter 4fffff800`032579e6
    Caused By Driverntoskrnl.exe
    Caused By Addressntoskrnl.exe+73c00
    File DescriptionNT Kernel & System
    File Version6.1.7601.19110 (win7sp1_gdr.151230-0600)
    Major Version15
    Minor Version7601

    A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file: ntoskrnl.exe IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x0000000a (0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 032579e6) *** ntoskrnl.exe - Address 0xfffff80003276c00 base at 0xfffff80003203000 DateStamp 0x5684191c
    From what is visible before the error - the device manager (HAL) reports that a new USB 2.0 device is connected, and then the system crashes. The device manager is incorrect because the USB 3.0 device is connected to a USB 3.0 port.

    Perhaps it's just a coincidence, two BSODs in a row. And the reason for the BSOD is in the implementation of drivers for Fresco Logic FL200 USB Display Adapter.

    But there is an assumption that the reason for the errors is in the implementation of USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 support in VirtualBox. And special USB support capabilities appear when installing the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack.

    I would not like to remove VirtualBox, but sometimes it is necessary. And I can easily remove the Extension Pack. I hope that after removing the VirtualBox Extension Pack there will be no more blue screens. And you can reinstall CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R4 for Windows and use two monitors.