• VK I can’t send a message to a friend. Messages in contact are not sent. Deleting individual messages

    "VKontakte" is a very popular social network and a means of communication between people (see review "). However, every person has had to face problems while sending messages. What is the reason for these failures, how can I resume normal operation of the site? There are many problems due to which VKontakte does not work correctly.

    Problems within the social network

    • The interlocutor changed the privacy settings. Unfortunately, nothing will help if the person you want to write to has changed their profile settings. Try to find other ways to contact him, for example, post on his wall, comment on published materials. But if a user has added you to the “black list,” then access to his page will be completely blocked. Contact him through mutual friends or other social networks.
    • Servers crash. If there is a problem with VKontakte equipment, all you can do is wait. Sometimes the problems are short-term; in this case, try refreshing the page or re-opening the site. If the problem persists, you will have to wait for the social network to resume operation.

    Technical problems

    1. Browser problems

    Often, VKontakte messages are not sent due to malfunctions in the Internet browser. To fix the problem, try the following methods:

    • Close, then relaunch the application. Sometimes, when the browser is running for a long time, problems and delays may occur that affect the display of sites and their functions.
    • Clear cache, cookies, browsing history, then restart the program. Website data stored on your computer can slow down all installed applications.
    • JavaScript stopped working. This programming language allows you to use all the functions of sites. If it is disabled, some pages may not display correctly and errors may occur. Open your browser settings and check the box next to “enable JavaScript.”
    • Please update your browser to the latest version if the dialogs are still not working. Make sure your software is always up to date. Outdated browser versions may not support updated VKontakte functions, so messages are not sent, pictures are not loaded, and notifications are delayed.
    • Check out all extensions and add-ons. It is possible that plugins were installed by mistake, preventing the sites from working correctly.
    • Please use a different browser or mobile version of the site. Most often, users of Opera and Microsoft Internet Explorer encounter similar problems. To communicate on VKontakte without failures, it is advisable to install Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

    2. Computer problems

    • Check your computer for viruses. Problems with messages may be due to your computer being infected with malware. Install an antivirus and keep up to date with updates.
    • Reinstall your operating system. Sometimes computer software can become so outdated that some programs cannot function correctly. Also, some past versions of operating systems may be vulnerable to viruses and Trojans.

    3. Connection failure

    Make sure the Internet is working properly. Check other sites to see if they are accessible, functioning and displayed correctly. Restart the connection. Often messages cannot be sent due to low connection speed.

    One of these tips will definitely help fix problems that prevent VKontakte messages from being sent.

    Quite often lately, users have been writing posts on the topic: “On VKontakte - I can’t send a message. What to do?". This issue requires special attention. After all, the reasons for this “behavior” of a social network may be different. Some of them are dangerous for your virtual profile. But most of them are still completely harmless. Let's find out as soon as possible why we can't send a message to VKontakte, and also think about what to do in such a situation.


    The first reason for problems with social networks is technical work. At this moment there is a huge load on the main server. During this process, various failures and malfunctions begin to occur. This is especially true for sending messages, as well as for users posting their personal data.

    “I can’t send a message on VKontakte. What to do in this case? This issue cannot be resolved during technical work. Everything will work fine for some, but not for others. Who's lucky? The only thing required from users in this case is patience. You must wait until the work is completed. Only then will you be able to send messages and post information to your profile again.

    In principle, you can try clicking the “Submit” button 100 times. Sometimes it helps. But such cases are extremely rare. It's better to be patient and wait a while.


    Users often complain: “I can’t send a message to anyone on VKontakte.” What is this? The reason for this behavior of the social network may be the most common hacking, both of your profile and of the entire network as a whole. This is often what happens: attempts to hack the main server are unsuccessful, but they still entail certain consequences. And often these are failures in sending messages.

    What can be done in this case? Nothing either. Unless you find something more interesting to do to pass the time. Wait until the site administration fixes all problems, and then resume trying to send messages. As a rule, they try to fix everything within 2-3 hours after the hack. Typically, such information is published in news feeds on the World Wide Web. So if you can’t send a message to VKontakte, try to break away from the social network for a couple of hours and do something. This will definitely help you in any case, if it doesn’t fix the problem, then just pass the time and not think about the problems that have arisen in your profile. True, unless there are other reasons.


    For example, quite often people complain: “I can’t send messages to users on VKontakte from time to time” due to the fact that they simply experience glitches and problems on the Network. That is, the whole problem lies in a poor-quality connection. And sometimes it’s not so easy to check. It’s one thing when your modem turns off or reboots for some reason, and quite another thing when the problem arises directly from the provider.

    Do you often suffer from a problem called “I can’t send a message to VKontakte”? Then it’s time to call your provider at such moments and find out if everything is fine with the connection, if there are any problems, failures or accidents at the station and line. If the answer is no, then ask about the settings of your modem. Is everything okay? If not, then you should replace the modem with a new one. Maybe yours is already outdated and therefore does not work well.

    After all the problems are resolved, you will again be able to fully work with the Internet and social networks. True, there are exceptions here too. And it is precisely they that do not particularly please users. After all, if the Internet, provider, technical work and even account hacking can be quite easily fixed (or just waited out), then the next problem is already more significant. And you will have to suffer a lot with her.


    We are talking about real computer viruses. If you are suffering from a problem called “I can’t send a message on VKontakte,” but still can’t get rid of it, then it’s time to check your computer for viruses.

    They are the ones that can cause harm to both your computer and your account. In order to cure the operating system, you will have to scan all files with an antivirus, and then click on the appropriate interface button. Sometimes a complete reinstallation of the system or the help of a computer technician may be required. Only after a complete cure will you no longer be able to say: “I can’t send messages to users on VKontakte.”


    But before you start fighting viruses, it’s worth trying one more little trick. Try reinstalling or updating your browser. Sometimes the slightest glitches, unnoticeable to the user, become the “culprits” of some problems with social networks.

    Sometimes it is recommended to log in to another similar program in order to check the functionality of the social network on it. Did everything work out? Then don't worry about viruses. Still can't send messages? It's time to disinfect your computer or reinstall the operating system. This will definitely help you.

    I can’t send a message in a personal message, an SMS on VK, or I can’t write to anyone at all. What to do? This page will help you. Here are various ways to fix the problem, one of them will be suitable for your case. This manual must be read to the very end!

    Error "The message could not be sent"

    Why can’t I write to anyone and an error appears? VKontakte has a limitation: You can only send 20 messages per day people who are not your friends and with whom you have not corresponded before. When you exceed this limit, an error appears “The message could not be sent because you have sent too many messages recently.”

    If you send messages from your phone (via the app), there may be more stringent restrictions, including on the number of messages sent to friends. If it doesn’t work, try through the full version of the VK website.

    This error can also appear if you send a message to a new person immediately after communicating with another person (or people) not from your friends list. Then wait and try again.

    Finally, the error also occurs if you have written too many comments in groups.

    Why is this done? Only to protect VKontakte users from annoying advertising. If messages were unlimited, spammers would have tired of everyone long ago. Try to understand this.

    This restriction is temporary, you just need to wait a day, and messages can be sent again. If you plan to communicate with one of the people on a regular basis, add him as a friend! Then the messages sent to this person will be unlimited.

    This instruction is most often read on holidays: New Year, February 23 and March 8. People want to congratulate their friends and acquaintances, they send out congratulations en masse and are faced with restrictions.

    If you want to tell all your friends about something or wish them a happy holiday, you don’t need to send private messages to everyone. After all, if these are identical copied messages, they do not really become personal- people understand this well.

    Just go to your page and write on your wall what you want to say. Your friends will see this in their VK news feed. You can even mention each one by name. If friends want, they will answer you with a comment, like or private message. You can also post a “story” with congratulations.

    Error: “Not sent. This user has blocked messages from being sent to himself in his privacy settings."

    "Not sent" on the phone

    If you see such an error on your phone, check it from your computer or laptop - is it the same there? If there is an error "You have sent too many messages lately" This means that you sent too many messages, and VKontakte’s protection was triggered. Your options are:

    1. Just rest. Tomorrow the restriction will be lifted and you will be able to send messages again. In the meantime, contact the person in another way - for example, by calling him.
    2. Add this person as a friend. If he adds you too, you will be able to communicate unlimitedly.
    3. If you send out advertisements, invitations, or just the same type of messages, this is a hint that it’s time to stop, otherwise your page will be blocked.

    Here's an example: you send spam, the VKontakte website blocks the mailing, but shows you that the recipient allegedly forbade you to write to him in a personal message:

    Error "You cannot send a message to this user"

    This can happen if this person has specifically limited who has the right to write to him. Perhaps he did not intend to prevent you from sending him messages, but simply did not understand well what exactly he was doing. We explain in more detail here:

    See also about the closed PM:

    I can’t write to a person, there’s no button "Send message"

    If you go to a person’s page and there is no button "Send message" This means that he does not accept messages from everyone, and you cannot write to him. It may even be that you are not on the emergency list (black list) and you are friends with this person, but you still cannot send him a message. So that’s how he set it up for himself! Maybe by accident, without understanding what he was doing. More about this here:

    The message is not sent, a red circle appears

    In addition to the case when a person forbade sending him messages (see above), this means problems with communication. A red circle with an exclamation mark appears next to the message. The message has not been sent anywhere yet. Click on it - a menu will appear - then "Resend." And if you change your mind about sending - "Delete message."

    VKontakte has nothing to do with it. You need to solve your problem with communication, that is, connecting to the Internet. If the connection is poor, the sending will have to be repeated, possibly more than once. If the 3G signal is bad, disconnect from the mobile Internet and connect to Wi-Fi. If, on the contrary, the Wi-Fi signal is weak, disconnect from it and switch to the mobile Internet. Or go to a place where there is normal communication.

    Only when the red icon disappears will the message be sent. The fact that the message is on a blue or gray background (or a blue circle next to it) means that the interlocutor has not yet read it.

    Messages are not sent, an error appears in the corner

    If you use VKontakte via a browser (in full or mobile version), use these tips:

    Reload the page completely

    Usually a key combination Ctrl-F5(on a computer, laptop) completely reloads the page with all elements, which helps solve such problems. Try. On your tablet or phone, reload the page with the button. It would be even more effective to clear your browser cache:

    Clear cache and cookies (temporary files)

    How to do this, read the instructions Not included in Contact? Solution (opens in a new window).

    Extra programs and extensions? Delete them

    If your browser is Google Chrome, open the list of extensions using the link: chrome://extensions(copy and paste in a new window). If the list contains "KIS Security Shield" the problem may lie there. Remove this extension (the button in the form of a trash can to the right of it), or simply disable it (uncheck it by clicking on it). At the same time, you can disable other extensions if you don’t need them.

    If you have Kaspersky antivirus, try another option: update it to the latest version.

    Another reason: maybe you have one of the programs for downloading music from VK (such as VKSaver), posting pictures on the wall, and the like? Or a browser extension? Or an ad blocker (like AdBlock)? If something is broken in it, it can interfere. Delete it all, restart your computer and try again.

    Try another browser

    Maybe this is a good time to try a different browser? Download and install something new - for example, Chrome or Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Launch and dial website— address of the start page. Log into VK through it and check if messages are now being sent. If everything is fine, then the problem was in the browser.

    If you have Windows, clean the hosts file

    How to clean the hosts file is well explained here: Not logged into Contact? Solution (opens in a new window). Don't forget to check your antivirus as well.

    This may be a technical problem

    Sometimes there are technical problems on the VKontakte website that are completely out of your control. Nothing can be done about it: it’s rare, but it happens. It may look different. For example, messages are not sent, but everything else works. In this case, all that remains is to wait.

    Message not sent, "Unknown error"- most likely, these are problems on the VKontakte website. The message is not sent to the person (even if he is a friend and has not added you to the blacklist). This means that you just have to wait and the problem will solve itself. If you can’t wait, try to contact this person in another way (for example, call or write in some messenger where he is available).

    The person does not receive messages from me, he does not see them

    Error "The message cannot be sent because the user has not yet activated the page"

    The person you want to write to has not confirmed their mobile phone number. Until he does this, you won't be able to send him a message. This problem is not yours, but at his place. Nothing depends on you here. But if you have other ways to contact this person, you can tell him this (for example, call him) - perhaps he himself does not understand why no one can write to him.

    "Recipient blocked" error

    Other instructions on the topic

    Start page website is your assistant

    If you make the site the start page in your browser, then when you launch it, you will immediately see if you have new messages! It also shows other notifications - who liked you, tagged you in the photo, and the like. You can connect other sites, not only VKontakte. Very convenient! Login to any site with one click.

    What does a young man, student or schoolchild spend most of his free time on today? The average user with a smartphone in hand will not miss a minute of his time just to be in the virtual world. Of course, regular browsing of website pages does not bring much pleasure, but correspondence with friends on one of the social networks can drag on for several hours. Yes, virtual communication is also a dialogue, but, unlike a live conversation, there are glitches, lack of reaction from the opponent and complete “ignoring”.

    Social network is part of our life

    The problem lies on the surface. Such problems arise with virtual communication, or rather, with its sudden cessation, solely due to technical equipment and equipment. Thus, the most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte, is in demand every day by more than tens of millions of people, and one of the common difficulties here is the question of why messages are not sent to VKontakte. Indeed, very often you can observe such a failure on a mobile device, tablet or computer. But what is the reason for this technical problem? and restore normal operation on the social network?

    Why aren’t messages sent to VKontakte?

    1. Text message.
    2. Document.
    3. Image.
    4. Video and audio files.

    These are the types of messages that can be sent on a social network, and when sending any of them, various types of errors may pop up. Which ones exactly?

    If a message is sent from the mobile version of a social network, then during this action a red circle may appear next to the text and if you hover the cursor over this cell, information will pop up that the message was not sent. If you log in to the social network through the full (computer) version, then when sending a message, a red circle with an exclamation mark and information without an icon may still appear that the message was not sent (network error, etc.). There can be many reasons for this situation, and it is worth considering each of the possible options.

    The network has disappeared

    When understanding the question of why messages are not sent to VKontakte, the first thing you should pay attention to is your Internet connection. If logging into a social network happened normally, without any glitches, but then some images stopped loading in the news feed, the reason lies precisely in the Internet connection. If the data transfer speed is low or non-existent, then VKontakte will display an error or information about the absence of a connected network when sending any type of message. In this case, fixing the situation is very simple: just find the network and reconnect. social network - a necessary action to restart an application or site.

    The file is too heavy

    There are other reasons why sending messages on VKontakte is not possible, and this depends on the size of the file being transferred on the network. Text messages typed directly in the dialog box can be absolutely anything - they will definitely be sent, since the system will independently divide them into acceptable sizes and send them to the recipient in parts. As for photographs or video files, file documents, here things are completely different. Why don’t VKontakte send messages with photos or videos? The answer is very simple. The social network server has set a limit on the size of the transferred file. In principle, if the message is a text message and the user wants to attach a photo with a capacity of more than 12 MB, it will not be sent. The situation is the same with video: it is impossible to send a file that exceeds the established limit in size. Finding out its limitation is the easiest way. When you start uploading a photo, document or video file, you will see a pop-up window with full information about the limits and restrictions. To transfer a heavy file, you can use archiving programs and transfer it as a batch.

    Browser crash

    Many users are well aware of all the features of the social network, but if the Internet connection is normal, and still files are not downloaded, then the question of why messages are not sent to VKontakte comes up again. Does it say "error" when sending a message? Does the “server unavailable” window pop up or require you to enter a captcha? If all this happens, then the problem lies in the browser. Experts recommend clearing your history or updating your browser version. Most often, such errors appear in (IE), Opera, Mozilla Firefox. You should also clear the cache: if the user has not done this for a long time, most likely the problem is there.

    Situations are different. Even if a person uses a different browser, but also cleaned and updated it, the problem may remain. We will have to find out again why messages are not sent to VKontakte. What to do if the browser is different, or an application is installed on the tablet, but an “error” still pops up?

    Viruses are a common problem for users

    Many users download trial versions of antivirus programs from official websites and do not update the antivirus after their expiration date, thereby exposing their computer or mobile device to hacking by hackers and viruses. Very often, it is a Trojan that gets into a computer that causes failures of all programs, including social networks. “VKontakte” is no exception, and if suddenly a “Trojan horse” appears on the computer, then the captcha will pop up endlessly. You can avoid this by scanning your computer with a powerful utility or antivirus program that finds and quarantines such viruses. AVZ is considered an excellent utility - a fast, powerful and compact thing that will quickly clean your computer without damaging any important files.

    If viruses are found by such programs, then it will be clear why messages are not sent to VKontakte. How to correct the error in such a situation was also discussed, but there are still reasons why the social network refuses to transmit the message.

    Server crash

    Even if all of the above error resolution options do not work, and it is still impossible to send messages, you need to continue to look for the answer to the question of why VKontakte messages are not sent in Chrome.

    As mentioned at the very beginning, the social network VKontakte is extremely popular, with millions of users logging into it every day. Not as common, but still not very uncommon, the cause of this problem is a server failure. The creators of the social network try to regularly improve their “brainchild”, but hackers, spammers and simply technical problems often cause a complete “strike” of the site or its partial non-functionality. In this case, there is nothing left to do but wait for recovery. Yes, failures can occur at different times of the day, causing discomfort to millions of users, but, alas, we cannot cope with this.

    Other reasons

    Many users ask a different, but similar question: “Why isn’t the VKontakte message sent to Enter?” Here we will talk about the full version of the site, and not about the mobile application. So, when it comes to the speed of correspondence, the functions of “hot” keys play an important role. Among them, “Enter” occupies a special place, because it can appear on a social network while typing a message in two functions:

    1. Paragraph.
    2. Sending a message.

    Not everyone wants to write their own long speech structures and divide them according to all the rules of the language. For many, it is the speed of sending a message that is important, and in order to configure the operation of such a hot key as the send message button, you need to go to the profile settings in the VKontakte social network itself and change the position of the key function to the desired one. After this, you should try again to type the message and send it by pressing the Enter key.

    VKontakte on a tablet or phone is convenient

    Most often, site visitors are users of mobile applications, especially during the daytime, when most students, schoolchildren and working users are away from their computers. These people may also have a problem, and we need to again understand the question of why messages are not sent to VKontakte. On a phone, unlike a computer, there may be slightly fewer reasons, but one of the most popular is considered to be an outdated version of the mobile application. Today, most users download a social network app to their phone or tablet rather than access the social network through a browser, because this way they can appear online much faster.

    The reason is simple: the mobile application is outdated, or the cache is full and there is not enough memory on the phone. Now, having figured out the question of why VKontakte messages are not sent from a tablet, phone or computer, you can quickly fix this problem yourself, without resorting to the services of IT companies.

    Sometimes the following situation arises. When you try to send a message, you receive an error. What could this be connected with?

    In this manual I will try to explain to you Why aren’t VKontakte messages sent?.

    The most common option

    You send multiple messages and some of them are marked as unsent.

    This happens when your Internet connection is lost. All you have to do is refresh the page, highlight the message and send it again.

    The message is not sent due to viruses

    If you start seeing errors that weren’t there before, you probably have viruses on your computer (see).

    Don't worry. You need to download an antivirus utility and conduct a full system scan. If threats are found, they must be removed.

    You will find more detailed information about cleaning your PC in the article -.

    Outdated browser cache

    Some of our readers claimed that they solved the problem with sending messages to VK by clearing the browser cache.

    Let's do this in Mozilla Firefox. Open the menu and click “Settings”.

    Now go to the “Privacy” tab and click "Delete your recent history".

    Select a time period and press "Delete now".

    Problems on the contact side

    As with any other site, VK may experience temporary problems. As practice shows, they are resolved very quickly (see.