• Everything for X7 users. Mouse error, double click instead of one? Quick solution to the problem

    Controlling a computer with a mouse is based on an event mechanism. And the simplest technique is pointing. Often it allows you to open a submenu or, for example, get a tooltip with additional information.

    Another close technique is the rollover. It consists in the fact that when the mouse pointer is held (moved) over a control, it changes shape. For example, buttons are recessed and then pop up again; The counters rotate one revolution, the drawings are animated (“come to life”). This technique is not used in the Windows operating system itself, but it is used on Internet Web pages and in some programs. Sometimes it is useful to move the mouse over graphic illustrations to see something new that is hidden from the surface.

    For example, double-click the My Computer window and the Trash window. In the My Computer window, see how many disks are included in the computer, and in the Recycle Bin window, look at what documents and programs were previously deleted. If the Trash is empty, it means someone has already emptied it :). Don't close the open windows yet - they will be useful to us, but in the next article ;).

    P.S. I would like to remind you about the folder - My Documents - how do you approach it? Consumer or professional? Link to article: .

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I don't know if you have encountered such a problem as double or triple mouse button activation in one click, but it’s clear that such a problem exists and it often occurs among users, as evidenced by numerous posts on the forums. What can I say, I myself have repeatedly witnessed a situation where with one click of the left button 2-4 windows opened at once, instead of one, this was terribly annoying and interfered with work. And then I wondered how to fix a mouse without special tools.

    And here’s what I managed to find out: on different sites they write that you need to resolder the microphone (switch - a button on the board that makes a click) from some non-working mouse, or put paper/insulating tape under the key and then, they say, the problem will go away. However, there is a way in which there is no need for a soldering iron or placing anything underneath, and repairing the mouse will take you no more than 10 minutes. The difficulty is that to implement this method you will have to disassemble the mouse, but the same thing will need to be done with other methods.

    The body of any computer mouse is held together with screws, some of them may be in such places that a quick inspection may simply not find them. As a rule, the screws are on the bottom, they hold the bottom of the mouse and its other parts together. Carefully remove all screws visible to the eye, then tug on the body - if the bottom is still holding something, then you need to find hidden screws, I suggest looking for them, for example, under stickers or overlays. Be sure, before you begin to disassemble the mouse, disconnect it from the port to avoid any troubles.

    There are different types of computer mice - gaming, office (regular), wireless, and so on, but their internal structure is very similar. Regardless of how many buttons a mouse has, each of them will have its own microphone. What is noteworthy is that these mics are identical, which allows them to be replaced in the event of a breakdown. Even the scroll wheel has its own switch.

    The switch itself consists of two parts, the lower part (base) is attached to the printed circuit board with contact pins using soldering, the upper part is the switch housing, which covers the internal part. Inside the switch there is a thin copper plate of a peculiar shape, when it bends under the influence of force - you can hear a click, the same “click” that all mouse buttons usually make. The problem lies precisely in the plate, but to get to it you will need to remove the switch housing.

    It is best to do this with a thin screwdriver or something else that is convenient for you to work with. Carefully pry the microphone housing from the end, then do this along the entire perimeter of the switch. Be careful, as a result of opening the small plastic button (it is red in the image) may fall out; this is the part through which the force from your finger pressing is transmitted to the copper plate. The plate is supported on supports, which do not allow her to “walk” within the confines of the building. However, one of the ends of the plate is not firmly fixed, so in order to release the plate, you will have to move it a little to the side.

    Great, now. The fact is that over time the metal sags (“gets tired”), and in a certain position the plate drops so close to the bottom contact that in a split second it makes several short circuits, as a result of which we can observe multiple openings of windows in Windows with one click, For example. It is necessary to turn the plate over, use a screwdriver or other object to slightly bend the “tail” upward, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can break the plate (copper is very thin).

    Now you need to put the plate on the mounts, It is better to start installation with the moving side of the plate. I don’t argue that this is not so easy to do, because the part is very small, but with some skill everything should work out. But putting the plate back in place is only half the battle; you also need to install the microphone body back, fortunately it is secured with latches. Before installing the switch housing in place, insert a white (or any other color) button into it from the inside so that its narrow part faces up, after which you can snap the housing back.

    Well, that's all, now all that remains is to put the mouse back together by tightening the screws at the joints. If you did everything correctly, then you don’t have to take your mouse for repair or run to the store for a new one. And if suddenly problems with the mouse recur, now you know what to do. In such a simple way, even You can adjust the hardness of the click, simply bending the plate to the desired distance. Personally, I like my mouse button clicks to be crisp, firm, and accompanied by a loud click.

    This procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary until the lower part of the micrik falls apart; nevertheless, plastic cannot be called a material resistant to mechanical damage. Another option is to completely solder the microphone, for example from an old but working mouse. But firstly, it will take more time, and secondly, not everyone may have a soldering iron and solder at hand. In addition, you can try to order such switches from the Internet, and if something happens, rearrange the copper plates from there, it will be much cheaper than buying even the simplest mouse. Thank you.

    A computer mouse is a device with which we control the graphical interface in the operating system. It has its own control elements: physical buttons and a cursor on the monitor screen. A regular mouse has 2 buttons: left (main) and right (auxiliary).

    The cursor plays the role of a school pointer; we move the mouse across the table so that the cursor is on the screen stopped at the desired object and touched it. In this case, a brief description of it appears next to the object or the path to its location is indicated, or the menu button or window is activated (highlighted) when you hover the cursor over it.
    To perform some action, we need to tell the computer what specific object or group of objects we are going to work with and what exactly to do. This is why we need mouse buttons.

    Let's start with the left mouse button. This is the main, control button, with its help we launch programs and often exit them, open and close folders and files, issue commands to perform various operations, work in windows, etc.

    Left mouse button(LMB) several procedures are performed:
    -selection (single, regular click);
    -double click;
    -moving (dragging).

    A single click or click is a single click on the LMB. Single-click means you press the mouse button and then release it almost immediately.

    By pressing the LMB once we can:
    — select an object (disk, folder, file);
    - perform a specific action-command by clicking on a button or line in the Start menu, in an open folder or program window, on the taskbar, follow a hyperlink, close a window or program.

    A double-click (click) is a quick, almost without pause, double-pressing the LMB. If there is a long delay between clicks, a double click can be regarded as two single clicks. At first, most users find this action difficult.

    To learn how to double-click correctly, it is important to follow simple rules: move the mouse cursor over an icon, button, line and, without lifting your hand with the mouse from the table, without moving the cursor from the object, click using only one finger. In this case, the hand should lie on the surface freely, without tension, the fingers freely cover the mouse and gently clasp it, as if slightly “sticking” to the body. The finger should press and press the key smoothly (do not hit, do not push) and, without breaking away, move with the key.
    You can practice double-clicking directly on the Internet by following the link http://2click.capslock.su/. If the action is correct, the icon disappears and is replaced by the next one. There are enough icons and until they all disappear, I think you will already master double-clicking just fine.

    Dragging (moving) is based on the “drag-and-drop” technology, which means “drag and throw”. Used when working in Explorer, on the Desktop, in windows, etc. This action allows you to “take” an object (folder, file, window) and move it to another location. To perform a move:
    — place (move) the mouse cursor over the object itself (icon, icon);
    — press the LMB and, holding it down, move the mouse, moving the cursor along with the object to a new location.

    If everything is done correctly, you will see 2 images of the icon: one in its old place and its translucent copy, which “attaches” to the cursor and moves with it. Once you are in the right place, release the button. All! You can admire your work; the object has moved to a new location. Now, using the drag-and-drop technique, you can clean up your Desktop and arrange everything you have there more conveniently. This method of working with a mouse is very popular and we will get to know it more closely in various versions on the blog pages as we continue to learn how to work on a computer.
    It's time to talk about right mouse button(RMB). Right-clicking is no different from left-clicking. Except for one thing. For RMB there is only a single click. Remember, this button does not control, it is informational. By clicking on it, we call up a special context menu— a list of commands and actions that can be performed with the object we clicked on. It will appear to the right of the cursor. Moreover, from different objects, these commands (menus) will be different. Look at the picture to make sure of this.
    It is the fact that the menu depends on the selected object that is reflected in the name - context menu. After calling the menu, you can select the required command by simply moving the cursor up/down in the list, stopping at the desired line, click on it once with the left mouse button, i.e. you will tell the computer that this action needs to be performed with this particular object (file, folder, picture, text, etc.).
    If you can't double-click, you can use this way of working.

    And finally scroll wheel. It's located between the right and left mouse buttons and does some very useful things. When the contents of a document, web page or window are larger than the screen size and cannot be fully displayed, rotating the mouse wheel towards you moves us up, away from you - down. This is called scrolling. In multimedia programs, you can use the wheel to adjust the sound volume. And also, if you press and hold (hold) the key Ctrl and at the same time moving the wheel, you can change, for example, the display scale of a document in Word, an image in an image and fax viewer, or web pages in a browser window.

    How can we visually determine that we are dealing with an object larger than the screen size? By horizontal and vertical stripes appearing on the right and bottom of the window. This is an elevator or scroll bar. This is where the scroll wheel comes in handy.
    Although you can use other ways to view the contents of the window:
    — click on buttons 1 (3) to move up/down line by line or, by pressing and holding them, scroll more smoothly and quickly;
    — press the slider (slider) 2 and, holding it, move it up/down;
    — you can click with the mouse on the strip itself (where the cherry arrows are in the picture) between the buttons and the slider, but you will move more sharply, jerkily and to an indefinite distance.

    As you can see, there are many options, and not only when working with a mouse. On a computer, almost any action can be performed in 2-3-4 ways. I will talk about different ones, and you try and choose the most convenient and suitable for yourself.

    We got to know how and why to press mouse buttons. However, these are not all the ways and techniques of working with a mouse. But more on that in future articles.

    Hi, I have a Logitech mouse on my laptop, and it started involuntarily double-clicking the left button when clicking once. This is an abnormal phenomenon, nothing more than a problem that we will solve today.

    There are two ways to resolve the situation, your solution may differ from mine, since our mice and systems are different, let’s do a diagnostic! There are two solutions here, mechanical and software, now you will understand everything.


    In this article we solve the problem of involuntary double clicks, which should not exist in principle. That is, we fix glitches and software violations, and perhaps mechanically configure the rodent...

    If you just want to change a double click to a single click, so as not to disturb your parents’ sleep, By the way, if you don’t yet know how to install Android applications, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, games and applications, read this post.


    I came to the conclusion that my problem lies in the mouse itself, Windows itself told me this, just recently, I switched from 7 to 8.1 and the double-click problem remained.

    As a conclusion, we can assume that the problem is in the mouse itself.

    How to fix it mechanically, just below. Now, you need to think, do a little analysis.

    You may have changed the OS recently, but... is there a click left?

    This can also be confirmed by removing the device drivers or reinstalling them.

    If you have a cool gaming device, then 100% it comes with a disk with firewood.

    Remove old drivers and install them again, or better yet, visit the manufacturer’s website and download the latest driver for your operating system. How to determine the real office. site and to distinguish it from its double, read (important!).

    Here's how to reinstall the standard mouse driver in Windows:
    Start => Control Panel => Device Manager =>

    Choose your mouse. Right-click to open the context menu, “Properties”.

    “Driver” tab, and uninstalling the driver “Delete”.

    We don’t argue with all the Windows warnings, we agree.

    If everything goes smoothly, the driver will be completely removed, after which the mouse will stop working.

    Now remove the connector and restart the computer, this is not necessary, but it definitely won’t hurt.

    Since the mouse is disabled, we use the keyboard to restart the computer.

    Click Start, use the arrows and the Tab key to select “Shutdown,” and press Enter.

    After the reboot, plug the mouse back into the connector, the system will automatically detect the device and reinstall the driver.

    If the double click didn’t disappear anywhere, but just went to have some tea and came back, we conclude that the solution lies not in the software, but in the device itself. And it needs to be edited for this:

    And so, we take a chisel, a hammer and a file and act like this guy on one of the forums:

    But seriously, let's look at how this is done.

    Mechanical method

    We disassemble the mouse by unscrewing several bolts from the bottom, my problem was that the deflection of the plate increased, changed to an indecent state in the micro switch of the left mouse button, the figure shows how to disassemble and fix this nuance:

    Using caution and consistency:

    1. Unscrew the screw
    2. Take out the chip
    3. Disconnect power from the chip
    4. Hold the chip up to the light

    5. Straighten the record.
    5.1. Use a knife to disconnect this box.
    5.2. We remove the plate with our hands and bend it almost flat.
    5.3. Let's install it back.
    5.4. We hold the nutcracker with scissors to clamp it and place it in the box.
    5.5. Using the same scissors, we take the entire structure by the nutcracker and insert the box back.
    5.6. We click it with our fingers, it clicks and that’s it.

    6. Connect the power cord back to the chip.
    7. Insert the microcircuit.
    8. Tighten the screw(s).

    The log of your actions may differ slightly from mine, since the designs are different, but the essence does not change.


    As always, everything depends on the quality of workmanship, as a consequence of the cheapness of our choice.

    And from the manufacturer, of course, for example, when buying his problematic Logitech mouse, the sales consultant simply lied** that the company is simply a leader in the niche and you simply cannot find such quality at a price of 250 rubles.

    So, guys, I wish you fewer problems and a good choice!

    Did my advice help you? Still have questions?

    Be sure to write in the comments, the topic is topical and perhaps my recommendations are not enough!

    And also, don’t forget to repost the article on your social networks, I will be pleased

    Many PC users notice some oddities in the operation of their computer mouse. For example, the mouse strives to double-click instead of single-click. There is little pleasant in this, so willy-nilly you wonder: how to remove the double click of a computer mouse?

    Generally speaking, there can be two main reasons for double-clicking the mouse, namely:

    1. Purely mechanical wear of the buttons that occurs over time.
    2. Problems with drivers or settings of the Windows operating system.

    So, let's see what can be done in this case, how to fix and repair a mouse that has begun to behave in an undesirable manner.

    What is the reason for the double click? How to fix it?

    Let's try to repair the computer mouse ourselves. In the most difficult advanced cases, only “surgical” intervention can help. To do this you will need to disassemble the mouse.

    One of the screws may be located under the sticker, another may be visible, and in addition, several may be under the legs.

    Don't be surprised if you see a decent layer of dust, debris and dirt inside the mouse. This is quite natural and should not scare you. To clean the inside of the mouse, take a piece of lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol or vodka. It is better to remove the mouse wheel so that it does not interfere with the workflow.

    How to fix button play

    In most cases, the double click problem is associated with button play or, in other words, with a gap due to poor connection of parts. In order to remove the double click, you need to take electrical tape and, using pieces cut to the size of the buttons, carefully stick it on the upper inner side of the mouse, covering all the gaps, as shown in the figure. It is very effective to use unnecessary protective film from a PDA or smartphone in good condition, as it is strong and durable.

    When the glue is completely dry, the mouse can be assembled. Then just check if its parts are functioning normally. If the button is pressed extremely tightly, or does not want to give in at all, remove the excess layer of electrical tape.

    The reason for the double click may be in the button sensors

    If the device still makes a double click after these manipulations, then most likely the problem is in the button sensors. First of all, find the sensors for the right and left buttons on the board. This is easy to do, since the sensors are small rectangles with a button on top. This is the button you need to press. If everything goes well, we will hear the usual click of a computer mouse. If after all these manipulations it was not possible to remove the double click of the computer mouse, you have two options:

    1. Most computer mice have 3 sensors: left, middle (under the wheel) and right. They are all exactly the same. However, the middle mouse button is often not needed by users. Therefore, its sensor can be re-soldered instead of the damaged one. If you have an old unnecessary mouse, then a working sensor for resoldering can be taken from there.
    2. But if you don’t have another computer mouse or don’t want to tinker with the middle button, or don’t have the skills to work with a soldering iron, or simply don’t have the time and desire to repair a faulty mouse, there is an easier way out of this situation - go and buy a new computer mouse.